Business Studies Tours For Colleges

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Business Studies Tours For Colleges

0330 838 4120


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Business Studies Tours For Colleges For students of Business Studies, our itineraries have proven popular for their variety of specialist visits. They cover all aspects of business, from management and marketing to human resources and international trade. We offer your students an unrivalled opportunity to understand the nature and purpose of business whilst bringing the subject to life.

y r a r e n i t I n o d n o L

of the the heart to in h c a or co ort at a vel by rail ess of sp Day 1: Tra rn about the busin s Presentation. es ea Show. capital. L otball Club Busin est End W o F a a d n e a Chels e meal re-theatr the Enjoy a p rips with d get to g n a y it C e nd ad into th a Bank of Engla Day 2: He at ha s it e c w n a is n fi ollow th F r. country’s u dral for a to e d h l’s Cat tion an u ta a n P e s t S re t p pa worksho business ve. ti c e p rs e p a different Park for Thorpe to to y it d c re e th tailo ad out of orkshop Day 3: He on and w nts can unwind ti ta n e s pre de business n your stu . Stage the pular theme park y e K r u o o y p is th t es a sights on the rid on’s main me. d n o L f o mpse for ho t a last gli before you leave Day 4: Ge e is u r C mes on a Tha

Brussels It inerar y

ication, Great commun e, personal servic on between good connecti e us as the colleg ider. v ro p and EST as the eg ll e South Essex Co

Day 1: Cro ss the cha nn Brussels. Learn abo el, travelling by co ach to ut the mo National netary sy Bank of stem at th Belgium e . Day 2: He ad to Antw e business visits. Vis rp for a day of imm ersive it Coca Co productio la’s Europ n and distr ean ibution ce the Port ntre and th of Antw erp en on to imports a nd export , the gateway into Europe fo s. Relax w restauran r ith a mea t. l at a loca l Day 3: Se e how Be lgium’s m produced ost famou . Start at se In Bev B famous S rewery h xports are tella beer ome to th brand befo Chocolat e re visiting e where s Concept tudents g productio et to tour n facility the as well as treat. sample th is famous Day 4: Fre e time ex ploring th boarding e Atomiu your coac m before h home w Europe o ith time a utside Ca t Cite lais for sh opping on the way.

y r a r e n i It e u g a r P

Ber lin It inerar y

t ked in head ou e. Once chec gu in ra g P n in di e en iv Day 1: Arr ur of the city Walking To on a Guided . nt cal restaura a meal in a lo the e city to visit rney out of th u this jo e a se ke to t Ta Day 2: u will ge ha nt where yo it la w P is r a th C a st d ra Sko on. Cont ti ac in t l an ck pl u modern car san factory R aditional arti visit to the tr e day at an Round off th Glassworks. game. ice-hockey itute e CERGE Inst lecture at th a er to ow en p st a g Li n Day 3: fore visiti be p ou gr r u an h tailored to yo ind down wit afternoon. W iver R on e is u plant in the cr wed by a llo fo l ea m g evenin Vltava. the e’s history at about Pragu e or m e n m ar ti Le Day 4: with free Communism e later Museum of u return hom yo re fo be g n pi op souvenir sh in the day.

Day 1: Fly into Berlin and arriv e at your accommodatio n. Take a Guid ed Walking To before your ev ur ening meal th en head to th Reichstag D e ome to get so me great view the city. s of Day 2: Take a guided tour of Silicon Allee Berlin’s new an , d dynamic star t-up district th enjoy a works en hop at Ritter Sport Chocol picking up so ate me souvenirs to take home. Day 3: Contra st two produc tion facilities starting with the hi-tech B MW Motorbi factory to see kes these dream machines roll production lin off the e. Follow this with a visit to Welt which ha KPM s been makin g Berlin’s roya porcelain for l generations. Day 4: Explor e and shop th e Sony Centre Potsdamer Pl at atz, before yo u transfer to th airport for yo e ur return fligh t.

New Yor k It inerary

bags Apple! Drop off your Day 1: Arrive in the Big ws vie 0º 36 for of the Rock and head up the Top of Manhattan. cial ng tour of the Finan Day 2: A guided walki the of r tou a e for arings be District gets your be y da e th off d un Ro . nk Federal Reserve Ba at the iconic Madison tch ma s ort sp a g ein se Square Gardens. scenes at Macy’s Day 3: Go behind the fore a Circle Line be re department sto e all gives you chance to se sightseeing cruise . the city’s iconic sites at e business of tourism Day 4: Learn about th te inu t-m las en , th Madame Tussauds port. fore heading to the air be g pin op sh ir en uv so and arrival in the UK, tired Day 5: Early morning inspired!

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St Paul’s was an ex cellent visit. We looked at the business of runnin g St Paul’s and this gave our st udents a different perspectiv e on businesses in the UK . Bishop Burton Colle ge

B udapest It inerar y

Day 1: Fly to Budapest, known as th the Danub e”. Get you e “Pearl of r bearings city on a W in this beau alking Sig tiful htseeing Tour. Day 2: Bud apest has a flourishing due to its ce car ntral positi on, see cars industry production roll off the line at Aud i Hungari Enjoy a tra a and Suzu ditional fo ki. lklore sho in the even w with din ing. ner Day 3: Learn about the re to Intersp tail busine ss at a visit ar, Hungary ’s biggest h chain. Rou ypermarket nd off with an Econom a business ics Lecture school. at Day 4: Enjo y a Danub e Cruise o the city’s fa r head to o mous spas ne of before you airport and return to th fly home. e

Go online for more itineraries and to start your journey at

We Make Trip Planning Easy Your Online Tour Quote As well as the day to day support and advice of our team of travel experts, you can take your trip to the next level with our online tour quote. This gives you an easy-to-view web page with tailored information, making it easier than ever to get your trip off the ground.

My Tour Manager Our market-leading portal is a masterclass in tour organisation. My Tour Manager is a tour organiser designed to save you time and enable you to keep on track with your trip admin.

You'll have important information on risk and safety management at your fingertips as well as a popular itinerary, and an easy way to get in touch with us to:

Trip paperwork online and in one place

Perfect your quotation

Download free resources and templates

Let us know you’re ready to progress to booking

Email reminders to keep on track

Ask us a question

Store passenger information

Easily share the quotation with colleagues

was It was user friendly. I was it t bu t firs at d concerne one me so easy that even so ld cou me as as technophobic sily ea it ge na ma ity Cyst Vale Commun College

Personalised tour checklist detailing what you need to do and by when

New and improved passenger list upload


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Usability of My Tour Manager



Information & documents available

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Your personalised tour timetable

% that rated good or excellent

Travel Smart With The EST Travel App The EST Travel App is the secure on tour app for groups travelling with European Study Tours – it’s free and is personalised to your tour. Gone are the days of carrying bundles of paper. Download the app to your mobile device and you’ll have instant access to everything you’ll need whilst you’re away. Worried you’ll have no signal or concerned about data usage? It’s available offline.

We’re With You All The Way With Locate My Trip Locate My Trip is the easy, convenient way to trace your group’s location, and has been specifically designed to provide reassurance to both parents and teachers Your college can log in and locate your group’s whereabouts - where you’ve been and your current location Your college and European Study Tours can react quickly to travel issues and other events which may affect your tour plans

The app was excellen t, all members of staff downloaded the app and it made organising where we needed to be and when very easy. I would definitely recommend the app to anyone travelling wi th EST Ormiston Horizon Ac ademy

t - all Perfection throughou te, ura acc s information wa e Th ar. cle d an up to date, app is cool! South Essex College

Easily provide parents with relevant information should travel plans be affected I have been travelling with EST since 1996 and have never been disappointed by the service or the experience of the trip Bury College

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We Take Responsibility

By working with us as your tour organiser rather than booking independently, we take the responsibility for the provision of all your travel services, giving you peace of mind that you are covered legally and financially under new Package Travel Regulations. Risk Assessments Choosing us as your travel partner will save a considerable amount of work, show due diligence and demonstrate good practice. With our experienced auditors and regular safety training, we are able to make accurate and informed decisions on the suitability of your tour components. Group Leader Inspection Visits We understand the importance of being as well prepared as possible which is why we provide the perfect opportunity to explore your destination before taking your group away. We provide two nights’ accommodation for two staff for you to familiarise yourself with the hotel and perfect your itinerary. “The management team at EST are very proactive in their approach to health and safety”

We Share Our Knowledge and Experience With You to Develop Career Ready Students Our team have travelled the world seeking out the essentials for your next trip and are keen to pass on other group leaders’ recommendations on the best options for your group, and help create the next generation of internationally-minded students. As part of our personal service for each group leader, we give you a dedicated Tour Consultant and Tour Planner ensuring an effortless booking process. Make Your Trip Rewarding For over 35 years our trips have inspired hundreds of thousands of students into university and their chosen career paths as well as helping students improve their attainment and reach their potential.

% that rated 99.6% good or excellent Ease of contact


helpfulness Safety Management 98.8% & Risk Assessment advice


Knowledge of the subject programme/ destination


General Attitude



Itinerary Planning

98.3% 97%

“The first-hand experiences of learning outside the classrooom can help to make subjects more vivid and interesting for pupils and enhance their understanding. It can also contribute significantly to pupils’ personal, social and emotional development.” Ofsted

Talk to our experts 0330 838 4120

Spring Travel Offer Up to £30 off per person if you travel by the end of March 2019!

Boarding Pass

Discover the world beyond your classroom


0330 838 4120

Start Your Journey Today

You will receive a booking discount of £10 per person for tours to the UK, £20 per person for tours to Europe, and £30 per person for worldwide tours. Offer does not apply to Live! Events or 4 Designers bookings. Offer applies to new enquiries received after 1st September 2018. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer.

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