If you are a Mercedes owner, then you already know it is the perfect blend of luxury & performance.
If you notice performance lagging, acceleration is not good, problems in gear change then it signifies issues.
All these problems could be a sign of your car’s TCM is running into trouble.
The TCM, or Transmission Control Module of your Mercedes is the electronic mechanism regulating the transmission.
The transmission control module, in very basic terms, is how your car transfers the power of the engine to the wheels.
The TCM is busy collecting data from your car, relaying messages & making the necessary calculations to help the transmission.
The TCM receives & interprets signals from throttle and brake position, the transmission fluid, turbine speed and other elements.
It has the ability to send codes to alert the driver of any potential issues in your car’s automatic transmission system.
If your TCM becomes faulty, your car will ultimately not be able to change gears when required.
This could cause further serious problems for the transmission & lead to irregular gear shifting.
If your Mercedes suddenly shifts into a different gear or into neutral, then it is a sign of TCM trouble.
Your transmission could potentially shift into neutral without warning even at high speeds.
You might observe that your engine continues to roar with an increase in the rpm without any noticeable change in speed.
This is a sign that the transmission is struggling to shift into a higher gear.
If your Mercedes is struggling to drop down in gear, this can cause your engine to over-rev.
You will need to have your car towed into a service center if it will not downshift.
In this scenario, your gears can become fixed in one gear position or in neutral.
If you are stuck in park, or reverse, this can also become problematic & require a tow.
A faulty TCM can often manifest in a reduced fuel efficiency in your Mercedes.
This can be one of the indicators that it is time to get your TCM checked out.
The TCM can diagnose potential problems in the transmission & send up a code to alert you of these.
If your check engine light is illuminated in conjunction with above symptoms, the TCM could be encountering problems.
Euro Plus Automotive, the trusted auto repair shop in Canoga Park since 1984, has skilled ASE-certified technicians.
Call or visit Euro Plus Automotive in Canoga Park, Woodland Hills, San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles County, CA.
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