Sweden - Bulletin stamps news

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Bulletin Stamps News from Sweden Post 1/2013 DAY OF ISSUE: JANUARY 10, 2013

nt Curretion s­ elecges 13–17 a See p

es g a l l i V s ’ en SOS Childr ty stamps ri a h c w e n on Four ­insects in environment Page 8

Heart shapes in nature Page 6

News from the Customer Club! The Customer Club inspires both stamp ­collectors and letter writers. Over the last few months, several customers have shared their stories with us about how they have been inspired. We think this is great. A personal letter carrying a stamp that the recipient will appreciate is an excellent way to show that you care. In this issue of Bulletin we are introducing two stamp issues that focus on caring, C ­ harity Stamp 2013 and Heart of Nature. Read about these stamps and an interview with Bronze Member, Kerstin Östlund. She truly pays tribute to letter-writing and thoughtfulness for the recipient. Customer Club is entering its second year and in conjunction with the next issue of ­Bulletin you will receive information about how many points you earned during 2012 and to which member group you belong. Look for the next issue! Anders Kind, Club Host PS. Don’t forget that a subscription gives you double points in the ­Customer Club!

Hello there ... … Kerstin Östlund, subscriber and Bronze Member of the Customer Club. What do you think about the club? “I am really pleased. It is fun to be a member and I am inspired to take myself higher up the ladder. Silver and Gold here I come …” How can the Customer Club be better? “I think it is good as it is. But definitely ­continue to give letter-writing club members an incentive to keep writing letters.” Why do you write letters? “For the simple reason that it is more fun to write a letter than to make a phone call. I write about what I do during the day and about the events in my life. My letters are often long – some are 14–15 pages. I write a little bit at a time and it can take up to a week to finish a letter. Handwritten is best!” Which subscription do you have? “Issue Set. It is truly a delight every time it arrives – all of the stamps are so wonderful. I use a lot of them for my letters to friends here at home and my pen pals around the world.” Read on page 20–21 of this Bulletin how the ­Issue Set is created.

NB! You must be 18 years old to participate. Sweden Post Stamps is part of Posten Meddelande AB, which is responsible for the Customer Club's data register. Please contact our Customer ­Service Department if you have any ­questions regarding how your personal data is handled, tel. +46 10 436 58 19 ­(Sweden only), e-mail: stampservice@posten.se. Your personal data will be used for administration purposes related to your order. It may also be used for marketing and customer analyses and offers directed to you by Sweden Post and Sweden Post's partners. Your personal data will be stored for 1 year follow­ing your last order. You may request at any time that this data be deleted and it will be duly removed following the completion of your orders. If you would like to be informed about the p ­ ersonal data we have in our register about you, please send a written request to Posten AB, Personuppgifts­ ombudet, SE-105 00 Stockholm, Sweden. Personal data may be transferred to a personal data representative, i.e. a third party solely responsible for the ­management of the Customer Club's register. photo: thorsten sandberg

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Make a purchase for SEK 300 or more from this Bulletin and receive a metal case for business cards with a print of a stamp collage. This offer is also available to all of our ­subscribers! This offer applies to all private individuals while supplies last or until February 1, 2013. Only one gift per customer. Article number: 242414 (value SEK 69). To receive the gift, the value of your purchase from this Bulletin and/or the value of your sub­scriptions at the time of this issue either together or individually must total SEK 300 or more.

ial Spec ! offer

If you make a purchase for SEK 300 or more and would like to receive the gift, please check the box on the order form. The gift is either sent separately or together with your Bulletin order, but not with the delivery of your subscription.

Charity Stamp 2013 – SOS Children’s Villages Why Sweden Post issues the Charity Stamp Within the Posten Norden organization, Post Danmark has issued annual charity stamps since 1959 and, over the years, has made contributions to many important organizations both inside and outside Denmark. As part of Posten Norden’s efforts to expand the reach of its corporate responsibility, the Swedish organization within the Group also began to offer charity stamps in 2010. The charity stamps give Sweden Post the opportunity to work closely with organizations that in different ways are contributing to the improvement of people’s lives. Many people are dedicated to actively support­ing humani­ tarian projects. The charity stamps are for domestic letters and are sold in a booklet of 10 stamps. For each booklet sold, SEK 10 goes directly to a chari­table purpose. Save the Children Sweden was the first beneficiary in 2011, the Swedish Cancer Society was chosen in 2012 and this year the beneficiary is SOS Children’s Villages.

Charity Stamp 2013 – SOS Children’s Villages Booklet/10 stamps, self-adhesive 2 motifs Art. No.: 242641

SEK 70

Read more about our Charity Stamp 2013 on pages 4–5! cover photo: berno hjälmrud

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4 bulletin 1/2013 The beneficiary of Sweden Post’s Charity Stamps 2013 is SOS Child­ ren’s Villages. SEK 10 from every booklet that is purchased is d ­ onated in full to SOS Children’s Villages’ work supporting vulner­able children in Cambodia and Ukraine, two of the organization’s primary countries. The children on the stamps come from children’s ­villages in these countries.

SOS Children’s Villages help vulnerable children throughout the world “When you buy Sweden Post’s charity stamps, you will be making a donation to help vulnerable children in Cambodia and Ukraine have a better life. In Cambodia, hundreds of thousands of children have lost their parents and their need for help is enormous. Families throughout Ukraine are under considerable stress and many parents are not able to take care of their own children,” says Anna Ryott, Secretary General of the Swedish branch of SOS Children’s Villages. The organization was founded in Austria to help children who lost their parents during World War II. SOS Children’s Villages came to Sweden in 1972 and today it runs around 500 children’s villages and is present in 133 countries across the world. An important foundation of its work is the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Funds for SOS Children’s Villages’ activities primarily come from the sponsorship program. SOS Children’s Villages in Sweden has around 60,000 sponsors who together donate a significant sum of money. Many sponsor multiple children. “From SOS Children’s Villages’ viewpoint, we believe the stamps are a great opportunity to increase awareness about the children’s situation in general and channel contributions directly to those who need help in Cambodia and

Ukraine. The cooperation with Sweden Post is very valuable in this respect. Given the context, it is interesting to point out that contact between sponsors and the children they are sponsoring has always taken place via letters, both from the children’s villages to the sponsors and from the sponsors to the children. An excellent way to strengthen the relationships!” It was via letters with his Swedish sponsors that the current area manager for SOS Children’s Villages in Ghana, Alex, was inspired to go to school. A major in economics eventually led to several management positions in USA. “When Alex came to our children’s village, he was eight years old and lived on the street. His peers were being recruited to be child soldiers and one by one they disappeared without a trace in the armed conflicts. Alex has told me that the children’s villages and the letters from his sponsor were the first time in his life he met people who treated him with respect and love,” says Anna Ryott. This story shows that it is possible to change the future for vulnerable and exploited children. By offering food, security, an education and medi­ cal care, children can grow up to become strong adults, which in turn contributes to changing the future for other children. Like Alex in Ghana.

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First Day Cover Art. No.: 242671

SEK 19

SOS Children’s Villages in Sweden

Collector’s Sheet Art. No.: 242672

SEK 35

2013 Charity Stamp Booklet/10 sstamps, self-adhesive 2 motifs Art. No.: 242641

SEK 70

“One of the countries we are investing the most in is Cambodia since hundreds of thousands of children have been orphaned. Our goal is to give some of these children a new home, but also to help vulnerable families stay together,” says Secretary General of SOS Children’s Villages, Anna Ryott. She is pictured here visiting a Cambodian family. photo: berno hjälmrud

SOS Children’s Villages began accepting donations in Sweden in 1972 driven by a conviction that every child has the right to a safe childhood surrounded by caring adults. For more than 60 years, SOS Children’s Villages has given abandoned or orphaned children a future at one of the 500 children’s villages located throughout the world. Our efforts focus on the children in the world who are the most disadvantaged – vulnerable children whose lives hang in the balance. These children receive help not only to get through each day but they also are given a family, an education and a future. This can mean that they are given an opportunity to stay with their current family or, for children who are on their own, they are given an opportunity to join a family. We call it a long-term solution to an immediate problem. A large part of our activities are focused on prevention, what we call Family-strengthening programs. Due to poverty, disease, war and conflicts, many children risk losing their families forever. Familystrengthening programs are tailored to the families’ specific situation and needs. They may receive, for example, financial or legal support to start a business, for relevant education or for medicine. The goal is to support the family so that it one day can make it on its own. So children can grow up in a loving family unit. We take care of hundreds of thousands of children on a daily basis and every day we start long-term help for 50 new children. Why not more than 50? The answer is simple – there are so many children that there is not enough money to help them all. If more people become involved, more children will be given a chance at life.

6 bulletin 1/2013

The Heart of Nature issue contains stamps that show you care about the recipient of your letter or greeting. The motifs are taken from nature’s rich selection of shapes. When surrounded by nature, people experience completeness and peace. Gunnar Kaj shares his thoughts on this theme for Bulletin’s readers.   Gunnar Kaj is one of Sweden’s prominent flower arrangers and he has created many fantastic arrangements for the Nobel Dinners at Stockholm City Hall. Four years ago he designed the Christmas Doors stamps, which featured flower wreaths.

“Look there, a leaf that is shaped exactly like a heart!” “It seems rather obvious. We need nature because we are a part of it. When our everyday activities at times weigh us down and our worlds feel small, or when sadness enters our lives and everything seems arduous or impossible, there are roads that will lead us through. Maybe not directly, but eventually. In times of spiritual hardship, I recommend stepping out of the house, the neighborhood and the predictability and daily patterns of our lives to find solace in nature. A visit to the forest is the best remedy. Step out onto the moss and stand softly among the trees, listening to the silence. Or, rather, a bird in the distance, one tree trunk creaking

against another, the wind sighing through a myriad of leaves and needles. The air carries the scent of moisture from deeper hollows, of growth but also of death and decomposition. Nature is everywhere, not just in the distant reserve. Visiting virgin forest with rare plants or hiking above the tree line can be fantastic, but you do not need to look so far. A rugged tree trunk is never far away if you need to lean against a stable, living creature. Nature can be found in every ditch. It forces its way up from the slopes behind industrial areas as grass and brushwood and wild weeds. New life that is waiting for man’s

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Collector’s Sheet Art. No.: 242675

SEK 51

Heart of Nature Booklet/10 stamps, self-adhesive 4 motifs Art. No.: 242639

SEK 60

SEK 35

exertions to subside. In cracks and corners green shoots soon peek through. Here you will find comfort. Look at an eyeshaped leaf. Go closer and study the details. Observe the many wonders in miniature scale, the modest features put together so ingeniously and so beautifully. The tiniest ­details so carefully arranged. Without need­ ing to understand how all this ingenuity is constructed I am reminded that I am also just a small part of a greater purpose. And find comfort in that. It is not exactly simple. There is a risk of ­losing your balance, of becoming over­ whelmed by the immensity. Therefore I pre­

Horizon Coil stamp Art. No.: 242640

SEK 6 scribe to myself and everyone who needs to be seen, to reflect, to return to the details. See the colors, be amazed by the shapes, enjoy the beauty. Notice the perfect spiral of the mollusk’s shell. Remember that the entire sky can be reflected in a single drop of water. Look there, a leaf that is shaped exactly like a heart!” photo: charlotte gawell

First Day Cover Art. No.: 242674

8 bulletin 1/2013

Beata Boucht seeks greatness in small details “Nature has been my steady companion since childhood. I remember my father bringing his camera on walks through the woods and taking close-ups of plants and animals. When I look through the photo albums, I see more flowers than people in the photos. Pappa often pointed out interesting details he thought I should look at more closely.” “The stamp assignment was exciting on many levels. As an illustrator, I usually try to find the greatness of small details, and the portraits of the insects, with all of their details, were a wonderful challenge. The insects have a specific structure and I tried to reproduce everything, from the network of the wings to the sheen of the shell, as carefully as possible using a pencil.” “I drew many versions of the insects, scanned

the sketches and tested both sizes and coloring in the computer. I also worked with my handdrawn typography for the insects’ names. For the denomination and the name of the country I chose the Crystal Palace font.” “The selection of insects reflects different appearances and living conditions. The insects and attributes should work in terms of motif both when the stamp is in its coil and on its own on letters and cards.” “Important sources of inspiration for me, in addition to my personal experiences in nature, were old school posters that depict plants and animals and scientific works from the 1700s, Linné’s era.” Beata Boucht Illustrator and graphic designer

The cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha) is found in ­southern Sweden and is the official insect of the province of Halland. The stamp depicts the cock­chafer in foliage.

The Harlequin bug (Lygaeus equestris) is the official insect of the province of Gotland. The drawing is reminiscent of a knight’s cross. Here the insect is sitting on a globe thistle.

The Baltic Hawker (Aeshna serrata) is the official insect of the province of Närke. It thrives in shallow lakes with abundant vegetation. The stamp depicts the dragonfly and reeds.

he pink-winged grass­hopper T (Bryodema tuberculata) is depicted on the stamp with lichen where it is found in Sweden, in the bare limestone soil on the island of Öland. This grasshopper is the official insect of the province of Öland.

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photo: beata boucht

First Day Cover Art. No.: 242677

SEK 53

Designer of the stamps

Collector’s Sheet Art. No.: 242678

SEK 69

Insects Coil stamps, self-adhesive 4 motifs Art. No.: 242642

SEK 12/each stamp

Ordering information for Insects The Insects stamps mark the first time Sweden Post is issuing four self-adhesive stamps with four different motifs in a coil. To guarantee that you will receive all four motifs, you will need to order four stamps (Article Number 242642). The order of the motifs in the coil varies. When ordering individual stamps, the same article number applies but it is not possible to select a specific motif. The Issue Set, Collector’s Sheet, FDC, Maximum Cards, Year Book and Year Set subscriptions include all four stamps/motifs.

Beata Boucht Artist Beata Boucht (born 1979), who has her stamp debut with this issue, grew up in Stockholm and graduated in 1998 from a high school that specialized in the arts. She has been drawing since she was a young child, a talent that runs in the family. Her grandmother’s sister was Idun Lovén, an artist who also ran an art school in Stockholm for several decades. After graduating from high school, Beata Boucht went on to study art history at Stockholm University. Just like many other young aspiring artists, she attended Nyckelviksskolan to gain the qualifications to attend the University College of Arts, Crafts and Design. She studied there for five years and graduated with a Master’s Degree in graphic design and illustration in 2007. After receiving her degree Beata Boucht returned to the University College of Arts, Crafts and Design as a guest lecturer. While she was studying, Beata Boucht worked as the illustration editor at Bang, a feminist cultural magazine, where she still works as an illustrator. The number of assignments she has received has grown over the years. Based on her thesis work from the University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, “Flora to Lisa”, which depicts the botanical research of Carl von Linné’s daughters, she created a line of printed children’s clothing for H&M in 2009. She has worked on advertising campaigns for Electrolux and Saab, and last summer drew a series of full-page illustrations for Dagens Nyheter Kultur. Other clients include Save the Children, the publication Tidningen Vi and the outdoors store Naturkompaniet. She has received many awards. Not only has she been awarded the Illustrators’ Centre’s Major Swedish Illustration Award, but she also won a large scholarship from The Swedish Order of Freemasons and first prize in the Kolla design competition arranged by The Swedish Association of Illustrators.

10 bulletin 1/2013

New maximum cards: Insects Beta Boucht designed the motifs on the maximum cards in the same way as she designed her Insects stamps. Buy a set of maximum cards for ­yourself and one for your greetings!

Maximum Cards Insects 4 maximum cards Art. No.: 242679

SEK 72

subscribe to maximum cards! Maxi­mum cards are produced for some i­ssues to comple­ment the stamp motifs. They have the stamp on the front cancelled with a special postmark. Maximum cards are issued 5 times a year. Make sure you don’t miss out on any maximum cards by starting a subscription!

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12 bulletin 1/2013

Issue Set, January 10 2013 Cancelled Issue Set, January 10 2013 Art. N0.: 242682

SEK 92 Issue Set, January 10 2013 Art. N0.: 242681

SEK 92

Collector’s Set, January 10, 2013

Collector’s Set, January 10, 2013 3 sheets Art. No.: 242680

SEK 140 Purchase the Collector's Sheet Set and save SEK 5 per sheet compared to ­buying the sheets individually!

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Current selection Janury 10 – March 13, 2013 Modified sales period for stamps and stamp products • Christmas Stamps and Charity Stamps issued in a given year can be purchased until December 31 of that year.

• Souvenir Sheets, Minisheets and Dual Motif Coils can be purchased for 12 months from the day of issue.

• First Day Covers, Collector's Sheets, Maximum Cards, Issue Sets and Can­ celled Stamps can be pur­chased for 6 months from the day of issue.

• Year Sets, Booklet Year Sets and Year Books are available for purchase for 3 years from the day of issue.

Octahedrons Coil stamp Art. No.: 242351

SEK 5.50

Stadium Centennial Coil stamp Art. No.: 242362

SEK 12

Summer Flowers Coil stamp Art. No.: 242360


Swedish Trees – Juniper Coil stamp Art. No.: 241614

SEK 1/each

Still Life Coil stamp Art. No.: 242353

Swedish Trees – Birch Coil stamps Art. No.: 241613


SEK 2/each

14 bulletin 1/2013

Current selection Janury 10 – March 13, 2013 Karlberg Castle Coil stamp Art. No.: 922920

Fishing Reel Coil stamp, self-adhesive Art. No.: 242354


SEK 20

Salmon Fly Coil stamp, self-adhesive Art. No.: 242355

Övedskloster Castle Coil stamp Art. No.: 240227

SEK 10

SEK 40

Hooks Coil stamp, self-adhesive Art. No.: 242356

King Carl XVI Gustaf 2010 Coil stamp Art. No.: 241982


Eagle Owl Coil stamp Art. No.: 894620

SEK 20

SEK 30 Log Cabin Coil stamp Art. No.: 241033

Queen Silvia 2010 Coil stamp Art. No.: 241983

SEK 0.50

SEK 12

Poultry Stocks Booklet/10 stamps, self-adhesive Art. No.: 242352

Geometric Figures Booklet/20 stamps, self-adhesive Art. No.: 242350

SEK 60

SEK 110 Meadow Flowers Booklet/10 stamps, self-adhesive Art. No.: 242359

SEK 60

Fine Art Photography Booklet/5 stamps, self-adhesive Art. No.: 242358

SEK 60

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Current selection Janury 10 – March 13, 2013 Textile Design Booklet/10 stamps Art. No.: 242365

SEK 60

Write! Booklet/10 stamps, self-adhesive Art. No.: 242364

Patterned Booklet/5 stamps, self-adhesive Art. No.: 242196

SEK 60

SEK 60 Cuttlefish Fossil Stamp from sheet, self-adhesive Art. No.: 242128

SEK 40 Mollusk Fossil Stamp from sheet, self-adhesive Art. No.: 242127

SEK 30 Seed Capsules Booklet/10 stamps, self-adhesive Art. No.: 242190

SEK 60 Apollo Stamp from sheet, self-adhesive Art. No.: 241622

SEK 10

Swallowtail Stamp from sheet, self-adhesive Art. No.: 241547

Font 5 stamps from sheet, self-adhesive Art. No.: 242661

SEK 50

SEK 60

True Blue Stamp from sheet, self-adhesive Art. No.: 241469

SEK 20

Dark Green ­Fritillary Stamp from sheet, self-adhesive Art. No.: 241620

Write! stationery 10 pieces of paper, 10 envelopes Art. No.: 242526


SEK 99

Kuvert_skriv_BESLUTAT.indd 1

2012-05-09 16:03:50

2012-05-09 16:16:14

T.indd 1


Omslagskuvert_skriv_skiss.indd 1

2012-05-09 16:08:57

16 bulletin 1/2013

Current selection Janury 10 – March 13, 2013

Gustav III at the Royal Swedish Opera Mini sheet/2 stamps Art. No.: 242367

Raoul Wallenberg Centenary Mini sheet/1 stamp Art. No.: 242431

SEK 24

SEK 12

Fyndt ! pake

Souvenir sheet Cross-stitch painting Souvenir sheet/6 stamps Art. No.: 242455

SEK 41

Discovery Pack 2012 Art. No.: 242525

SEK 199

Souvenir sheet Stadium C ­ entennial Souvenir sheet/4 stamps Art. No.: 242452

SEK 53

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Current selection Janury 10 – March 13, 2013

Postcard album Contains 50 fixed pockets with room for 100 postcards or maximum cards up to 153 x 105 mm. Color: Blue Art. No.: 241049

SEK 130

Plastic pockets for Booklet Year Sets and Year Sets Art. No.: 301910

SEK 35/5 pk

Sheets for large stamps, 5 pockets Raised pocket 50 mm, black, 1-sided Art. No.: 300801

We are currently phasing out transparent album sheets from our selection of products. The sheets will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. The price of remaining album sheets and albums will be adjusted. The new prices will be presented in Bulletin 2/2013.

t Don' ! miss

SEK 35/5 pk

Regular album Art. No.: 301600

Exclusive album Art. No.: 301800

Regular album, black Art. No.: 241755

Small album, black Art. No.: 241756

SEK 129

SEK 199

SEK 139

SEK 129

Plastic pockets for large FDCs, 1 pocket Black, 2-sided Art. No.: 302005

Plastic pockets for large FDCs, 1 pocket Transparent, 1-sided Art. No.: 301905

SEK 35/5 pk

SEK 35/5 pk

Plastic pockets for collector’s sheets Art. No.: 240235

SEK 40/5 pk

Plastic pocket for large booklets and regular FDCs, 2 pockets Black, 2-sided Art. No.: 302000

Plastic pocket for large booklets and regular FDCs, 2 pockets Transparent, 1-sided Art. No.: 301900

SEK 55/10 pk

SEK 55/10 pk

Keep your sets in a handy album This album has been designed in line with our customers’ wishes. Simply insert the blue set sheets the issue sets are delivered in. Smart, convenient and wellarranged! Set Album Art. No.: 300700

SEK 119

Plastic pockets for booklets, 3 pockets Black, 2-sided Art. No.: 241402

Plastic pockets for booklets, 4 pockets Transparent, 1-sided Art. No.: 302100

Plastic pockets for booklets, 4 pockets Black, 2-sided Art. No.: 302200

SEK 35/5 pk

SEK 35/5 pk

SEK 35/5 pk

18 bulletin 1/2013

If you sign up for a Year Set and Booklet Year Set sub­ scription, you will never miss a Swedish stamp issue. The Year Set contains a mint version of every stamp

Specially designed folder with all of the booklets and minisheets from the year Booklet Year Set The booklets and minisheets are mint and mounted in a folder with information in Swedish and English. The Booklet Year Set is delivered once a year in November.

2012 Booklet Year Set Art. No.: 242597

SEK 595 • 100 stamps • 41 motifs

The stamps, selected ­images and specially ­written text together o ­ ffer an exciting look back on the 2012 stamp year. Read about and remember the stamps depicting Lill Babs, Swedish Gold Olympians, Raoul Wallenberg as well as many other exciting and interest­ing stamps.

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bulletin 1/2013 19

i­ssued during 2012, and the Booklet Year Set ­contains all of the booklets and minisheets from the past year.

All of this year’s stamps in a stylish folder

ribe! c s b Su

2012 Year Set Art. No.: 242596

SEK 543 • 67 stamps • 59 motifs

Year Set The stamps are mounted in a folder with information about each motif in Swedish and ­English. In the event of joint issues, the other country’s stamps, in this case the French stamp Le Bal Masque, are also included. The Year Set is delivered once a year in November.

Swedish Stamps Narrate remembers the 2012 stamp year • All Swedish stamp motifs from 2011, mounted and grouped into chapters • Selected illustrations

Swedish Stamps Narrate 2012 Number issued: 4,000 Art. No.: 242598

SEK 489

• Informative texts bursting with facts written specifically for the book • Text in both Swedish and English • Primary author is the well-known ­journalist, Sten Feldreich

20 bulletin 1/2013

We are introducing a series in which we take a closer look at how some of our stamp products are created. First under the spotlight is the Issue Set, which we have sold for several decades and is one of our most popular subscriptions.

Issue Set – from sketch to finished stamp product When the issue set for the November issue of 2012 landed in the homes of thousands of subscribers at the end of November, it was the finale of a project for which the planning and production had started already in the fall of 2011. “That was when stamp project manager Barbro Sjöberg and I created templates for all of the issue sets for 2012. That was also when the décor print, an enlargement of the cancellation with a mailbox as the motif that was used for the cancelled issue set, was decided,” says Jeanette Malmström, product responsible at Sweden Post Stamps. Based on these templates, the sheets are printed and produced on a high-quality, light gray cardboard. The pasting and cutting of the clear pockets is an important moment. The

sheets for the November issue of 2012 were produced in June. Sweden Post Stamps has several customized machines that are used to make the stamp products. “The issue sets are finished on a machine with different compartments for sheets and the actual stamps. Before we push the start button, we carefully calibrate the machine to ensure that the feeder speed is correctly set at around one hundred sheets per minute,” says machine expert Amie Bah. She and Jeanette Malmström are currently working on the 2013 stamp year. The templates for the issue sets are done and the décor print is a post horn that is depicted on page 12 of this Bulletin. Join the thousands of people who subscribe to the Issue Set!

Subscribe to the Issue Set! By subscribing to the Issue Set, the stamps are delivered directly to your mailbox five times a year. The stamps are mint, mounted in plastic pockets and ready to be placed in the Set Album (SEK 119, Art. No. 300700). You can also subscribe to sets cancelled with the postmark of the day of issue. The stamps are cancelled at Sweden Post with the ­postmark of the day of issue. The Issue Set subscription – both mint and cancelled – ­currently costs SEK 543/year.

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The work begins with a template of the stamps’ placement. Pictured here is the November issue of 2012, which included the French Le Bal Masqué mini sheet.

The stamps in the issue set are slotted into the pockets on the sheets by this customized machine. The capacity is around 100 sheets per minute.

Jeanette Malmström, product ­manager, and Amie Bah, machine expert, with the finished issue set for November 2012. photo: thorsten sandberg

22 bulletin 1/2013

2013 Charity Stamp Page 4



2013 Charity Stamp Booklet

Heart of Nature Page 6


Insects Page 8





Gustav Mårtensson Maja Brand, Berno Hjälmrud

Children from children's villages in Cambodia and Ukraine


37.5 x 26.6 mm

2013 Charity Stamp First Day Cover

Norbert Tamas

SOS Archive

From the Igarassu Children's Village in Brazil


180 x 125 mm

2013 Charity Stamp First Day Cover Cancellation

Norbert Tamas

Norbert Tamas

Teddy bear


27 mm (diameter)

2013 Charity Stamp Collector’s Sheet

Norbert Tamas

SOS Archive/ Benno Neeleman

From the N’Djanema Children's Village in Chad



Heart of Nature Booklet

Jenny Burman

Mark Hamblin/Johnér, Bård Löken, Stephan Rech, Stockfood/Nordic Photos

Heart shapes in nature


31.25 x 26.6 mm

Horizon Coil

Jenny Burman

Millennium Images



25.0 x 32.5 mm

Heart of Nature First Day Cover

Jenny Burman


A vine with heart shaped leaves


180 x 125 mm

Heart of Nature First Day Cover Cancellation

Jenny Burman

Jenny Burman

A garland with heart-shaped leaves and plants


27 mm (diameter)

Heart of Nature Collector’s Sheet

Jenny Burman

Jamie Grill/ Matton

Heart-shaped leaf



Insects Coil

Beata Boucht

Biopix, NPL/ Colin Varndell

Cockchafer, Baltic Recess Hawker, pink winged grasshopper, Harlequin bug

Lars Sjööblom

30.7 x 26.15 mm

Insects First Day Cover

Beata Boucht

Beata Boucht

Pink-winged grasshopper on a plant


180 x 125 mm

Insects First Day Cover Cancellation

Beata Boucht

Beata Boucht

Baltic Hawker


27 mm (diameter)

Insects Collector’s Sheet

Beata Boucht

Beata Boucht

A garland of insects and different plants



Insects Maximum Cards

Beata Boucht

Beata Boucht

Insects in the ­environment



Insects Maximum Cards ­Cancellation

Beata Boucht

Beata Boucht



27 mm (diameter)

bulletin 1/2013 23

Purchasing Information Please contact our Customer Service if you have any queries about our products or your subscription, or if you want to order.

Telephone: + 46 10 436 68 19 E-mail: stampservice@posten.se www.posten.se/swedishstamps Open: Monday–Thursday 9 a.m.–4 p.m Friday 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Sweden Post Stamps, Customer Service, SE-164 88 Kista, Sweden



The Bulletin with information about new stamp ­issues is published five times a year. All customers that buy stamps or stamp products for a minimum of SEK 240 a year, or have at least one subscription, get it for free.

Orders from Bulletin: Your order will be delivered within two weeks of the issue date. General ­ deliveries: Goods are delivered 1 to 2 weeks after we receive your order.


Only deliveries of over SEK 2,000 are sent by registered mail.

Sweden Post Stamps requests advance payment ­unless otherwise stated. We only deliver if the amount of the order is covered by the account. You can pay through one of our giro accounts. Unfortu­nately we cannot accept cheques and cash money. We accept Master Card and Visa. Bank Accounts Sweden (Payment in SEK): Handelsbanken Sweden Account no: 251 855 848 IBAN: SE46 6000 0000 0002 5185 5848 BIC: HANDSESS Finland (Payment in EURO): Handelsbanken Finland Account no: 313110-40133 IBAN: FI29 3131 1000 0401 33 BIC: HANDFIHH EUR (Payment in EURO): Hand elsbanken Frankfurt, Deutschland/Germany Account no: 11389 032 BLZ: 514 206 00 IBAN: DE18 5142 0600 0011 3890 32 BIC: HANDDEFF

Registrered delivery

Customer number Please state your customer number when contacting us. You will find it on your delivery note. Full warranty Purchases may be returned within 2 weeks after receipt. You get your money back or we exchange the product. Please write a few lines to tell us why you are returning it. Free deliveries of subscriptions and purchases over SEK 240 We pay the postage and handling charges for sub­ scription deliveries and for individual purchases over SEK 240. For purchases under SEK 240, we have to charge a fee of SEK 29 (as well as for purchases outside subscriptions of less than SEK 240). Special services Please contact our Customer Service for special require­ments like cancellations or stamp arrange­ ments.

Please write clearly and use block letters when filling in the order form. The information will be scanned.

Exhibition Cards 





The “Nobel Prize – Marie Curie” mini­sheet won the Grand Prix award in a Belgian competition between ­engraved stamps issued by EU countries. The award was accepted in Brussels by (l to r) Stina Olofsdotter, head of design at Sweden Post Stamps, stamp engraver Piotr Naszarkowski and Britt-Inger Hahne, head of S ­ weden Post Stamp.


2 0 1 3

January 10 March 14 May 8 22 August r 14 be m Nove

2012 Exhibition Card Year Set Number of cards: 7 Art. No.: 242744

SEK 140

Next Bulletin will arrive at the end of February

Production and print: Ineko 2012 – 185443

Days of Issue

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