Euroteens Club

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Winter sports and activities I love skiing. I have my skiis and I go to the mountains every weekend in winter. Maciek Kniaź

I like watching ski-jumping on TV, especially our champion Adam Małysz, who won The World Cup four times.Dawid Frączyński I enjoy sleighing with my friends. It’s great fun to play on the snow. (Jakub Łyko) Hockey is my favourite sport. You have to be fit and strong to practice it. I like it very much. ( Szymon Coner) My favourite sport is figure skating. I often skate in a skating rink. I’m good at it. (Anna Chmura)

I like snowboarding very much. It’s very exciting. ( Bartek Tyźlik)

A poscard from Zakopane Hi Mark! How are you? I’m In Zakopane with my family. The weather is great. It’s sunny and a bit cold. Every day we go skiing in the morning and in the afternoon. In the evenings we play cards, watch films or go to the disco. Yesterday we walked to “Morskie Oko”. The trip was tiring but we were very happy to see a beautiful view of the lake surrounded by the mountains. I’ll tell you more when I come back. See you soon, Klaudia

Zimowe Lubię jeździć na nartach. Mam narty i jeżdżę w góry każdej zimy. Maciek Kniaź

Lubię oglądać skoki narciarskie w telewizji, zwłaszcza naszego mistrz Adama Małysza, który czterokrotnie wygrał Puchar Świata. ( Dawid Frączyński ) Bardzo lubię jeździć na sankach z moimi przyjaciółmi. To wielka frajda bawić się na śniegu. (Jakub Łyko) Hokej jest moim ulubionym sportem. Musisz być wysportowany i silny by go uprawiać. ( Szymon Coner)

Moim ulubionym sportem jest jazda na łyżwach. Lubię jeździć na lodowisku, jestem w tym dobra. ( Ania Chmura ) Lubię jazdę na desce snowbordowej, to świetna zabawa. ( Bartek Tyźlik )

Pocztówka z Zakopanego Cześć Mark! Jak sie masz? Jestem w Zakopanem z moją rodziną.Pogoda jest świetna.Jest słonecznei ale mroźnie. Każdego dnia rano i po południu chodzimy zjeżdżać na nartach.Wieczorami gramy w karty, oglądamy filmy i chodzimy na dyskoteki. Wczoraj wchodziliśmy na “Morskie Oko”. Wycieczka była męcząca ale byliśmy szczęsliwi, gdzy zobaczyliśmy to piękne jezioro otoczone górami. Więcej opowiem ci jak wrócę. Do zobaczenia, Klaudia

Moje ferie zimowe Ostatnie ferie zimowe spędziłam z rodzicami w Zakopanem. Spotkałam tam mnóstwo fajnych ludzi, z niektórymi zaprzyjaźniłyśmy się. Rano chodziliśmy na basen pływać, popołudniami jeździliśmy na łyżwach. Niektórzy z Nas zjeżdżali na nartach po raz pierwszy więc było przy tym dużo śmiechu i żartów. Wieczorami kolację jadaliśmy w restauracjach. Potem czas spędzaliśmy grając w ping-ponga czy śpiewając karaoke. Czas płynął szybko, nikt się nie nudził. Chodziliśmy na spacery po okolicy i jeździliśmy również na nartach. Nauczyłam się jeździć na snowbordzie. Wspominam te ferie bardzo miło, żałuję, że skończyły się tak szybko. Nicol

Iarna în satul meu

Iarna aceasta nu a fost prea generoasă cu noi. Nu prea am avut zăpadă, iarba a fost verde tot timpul, iar ghioceii au înflorit în ianuarie.Aşa că sporturile de iarna au fost fotbalul şi şahul! Acum vremea bună a venit deja, deşi sunt mai mereu nori pe cer. Am avut chiar câteva zile cu peste 15º C în ianuarie! Reporter:Pop Andreea

My last winter holidays Last year I went on winter holidays to Zakopane with my parents. I met there new friends. In the morning I went swimming to the pool but in the afternoon I went skating. There was a lot of laughing because some of us were skating for the first time. The greatest fun had a girl who could skate really well. In the evenings we were going out, especially for a pizza. We were also going to the club where we were playing ping-pong games and having karaoke singing. The time was wonderful, nobody was bored. We also went climbing and skiing. I learnt snowboarding. During my spare time, I was going to the cinema with my parents, listening to music and playing computer games. Time went by very fast. I memorize those winter holidays very nicely, I regret that they finished so fast. (Nicol)

Winter in my village

This winter in my village wasn’t too generous in snow.It was a little cold, but the grass was green all the time and the snowdrops bloomed in January! So our winter sports were football and chess. Now the good weather is already here, although there are some clouds in the sky. We even had a few days with more then 15º C in January! Reporter:Pop Andreea Smile, please! * A dog returns from the training school. On his way back he meets a friend who asks: “How was school?” The trained dog answers: “I learned a foreign language” “ Which one? Tell me!” “Miaow!” *Advertisment in the newspaper: “We hire a clown. Seriousness is needed!” Preda Andreea Florentina


Winter holidays in Poland During winter holidays in Poland children and their parents usually go skiing to the mountains. Other children stay at home, they go outside to make a snowman or throw snowballs at each other. They go skating, sleighing and snowboarding. On cold days people put on heavy clothes: woollen caps, gloves, scarfs jackets and coats. People also watch winter sports on TV: ski jumping, skating, figure skating, hockey, snowboarding, biathlon and skiing. (Weronika Dudek)

The weather forecast

The weather forecast for tomorrow! In Poland the weather will be better tomorrow. The sunny day will be in the north but still with very low temperature about 10 degrees below 0. In the east the temperature will be higher - 5 degrees below 0, while in the west it will be only minus 2 degrees. The lowest temperature will be in the south, 15 degrees below 0 with constant snowfall till the afternoon. In the evening the roads will be very icy. Drivers please drive carefully! ( Nicol Nocuń, Klaudia Rzepka)


Ferie zimowe w

Podczas ferii zimowych dzieci w Polsce wraz z rodzicami zwykle wyjeżdżają w góry na narty. Inne dzieci zostają w domu, chodzą na świeże powietrze, lepią bałwana, rzucają się śnieżkami. Jeżdżą na łyżwach, sankach i snowbordzie. W zimne dni zakładają ciepłe ubrania: wełniane czapki, rękawiczki, szaliki, kurtki i płaszcze. Ludzie równiż oglądają sporty zimowe w telewizji: skoki narciarskie, jazdę figurową na łyżwach, hokej, snowbord, biatlon i narciarstwo. ( Weronika Dudek)

Prognoza pogody na dziś Na północy Polski jest słonecznie. Na zachodzie jest pochmurno. Na wschodzie jest deszczowo. Na południu zimno i burzowo. Pogoda na jutro W Polsce pogoda jutro będzie lepsza. Słoneczny dzień będzie na północy kraju, z bardzo niską temperaturą -10 stopni. Na wschodzie temperatura będzie wyższa – 5 stopni poniżej 0, podczas gdzy na zachodzie tylko -2. Najniższa temperatura będzie na południ -15 stopni Celicjusza; ciągłe opady śniegu aż do popołudnia. Wieczorem drogi będą bardzo śliskie. Kierowcy, jeździcie ostrożnie! ( Klaudia Rzepka, Nicol Nocuń)

Szkolne wiadomości

To jest nasza szkoła. Szkoła Podstawowa nr 24 im. Jana Marina Szancera. To jest nasza dzielnica. Nazywa się Wyczerpy.

To jest nasze miasto – Częstochowa.

To jest nasz kraj – Polska.

School news This is our school. It’s Primary school number 2 named Jan Marcin Szancer.

It’s our district. It’s called Wyczerpy.

This is our town – Częstochowa.

This is our country, Poland.

On 27th January , we celebrate “The memory day” on that day the allies opened the concentration camp of Auschwitz , where millions of Jewish people in the gases rooms. This recurrence has been recognized as the “Memory day”, while for the Jewish is called “Shoah”. At school, we usually, remember this important day and this year we watched a film entitled “The boy with striped pyjamas” . The film is about a friendship between a Jewish and a German boy that had a father soldier and for helping his Jewish friend he was sent to the gas room .The film has been very interesting even if the end has been sad.

Il 27 Gennaio si ricorda il giorno della memoria. In quel giorno gli alleati hanno abbattuto campo di Auschwitz , dove furono sterminati milioni di ebrei sotto nelle camere a gas. Noi oggi,per ricordare questo giorno molto importante, abbiamo visto un film intitolato”Il bambino con il pigiama a righe”. Un film che riguarda un’ amicizia tra un ebreo e un tedesco che aveva un padre soldato, che per aiutare il suo amico ebreo è morto nelle camere a gas. Il film all’inizio era molto interessante, invece, alla fine è stato molto triste.

Possedere un cellulare ultra tecnologico è diventato ormai un must. Ognuno di noi desidererebbe acquistare telefonini ultra accessoriati con bluetooth, infrarossi, telecamera, collegamento internet. Da un’indagine condotta nella nostra classe è emerso che la dipendenza da messaggini è molto alta. Mediamente ognuno di noi invia da 10 a 200 messaggi al giorno e tredici persone su quindici lo usano regolarmente, anzi diremmo quotidianamente. G. MICHELE

Gli animali si sa sono carini,simpatici,divertenti e a tutti piacerebbe averne uno. Da una statistica svolta nella nostra classe è infatti emerso che quasi tutti abbiamo un animale .I piu’ apprezzati sono:i gatti,cani,pesci e tartarughe.






Pesce 6

Conigli 3

Tartarughe 6

Uccelli 3

Dall’indagine è emerso anche che alcuni di noi posseggono piu’ di un animale domestico e questo conferma l’amore che noi ragazzi nutriamo per gli animali. Ci piace prendercene cura, coccolarli,accarezzarli,giocherellare insieme a loro .Una ragione a tutto questo ci sarà!!!Forse perché gli animali sono gli unici esseri viventi che ti amano in maniera disinteressata perché pretendono in cambio solo il minimo indispensabile per sopravvivere,è questa è una qualità difficile da trovare negli esseri umani .

We had a survey in our class about pets. The most common are :cats, dogs, fish, tortoises, rabbits and birds. We like the pets, because they are an excellent company for children and adults. We like them, that’s why we all have one. We also like having many friends, going out, speaking and playing with them. Friendship is very important.





Fish Rabbit 6






Moje hobby

Klub, w którym trenuję kolarstwo-Kolejarz Jura Częstochowa .

Do jazdy na rowerze koniecznie zakładamy kask.

Zapisując się do klubu nie musisz mieć swojego roweru.

Jeżdżąc w klubie ubirasz specjalny strój kolarski.

Żeby utrzymać dobrą formę musisz lubic ćwiczyć. Bartek


Teenage hobbies

The club I train cycling -Kolejarz Jura Częstochowa .

You have to wear a helmet.

You don’t have to have a bike.

You have to wear special clothes.

You need to like exercises and train to keep fit .

Bartek Tyżlik

La musica per noi ragazzi è il nostro passatempo preferito. Ci piace ascoltare molto la musica punk e quella house. I nostri idoli musicali sono: Checco Zalone, che con la sua ironia ci strappa sempre un sorriso, i Green Day, i Blink 182, i Sud Sound System e Fabri Fibra. Oltre alla musica, ci piace anche trascorrere Football Teams il tempo a giocare a pallone e a pallavolo. Adoriamo e ammiriamo 12 come giocatori : 10 Lecce Gattuso, Kakà, Buffon, 8 Milan Del Piero, Cannavaro e 6 Juve C.Ronaldo. 4 Inter MILAN 7 2 LECCE 11 0 Supporters JUVE 6 INTER 2 Ci divertiamo a chattare e navigare sul computer. Grazie a questa tecnologia possiamo conoscere nuove persone. Un altro passatempo è fare biciclettate e insieme ai nostri amici giriamo nel paese.

We teenagers spend our free time listening to music (punk, house, reggae),playing football and playing volley. Our favourite players are Gattuso, Kakà, Buffon, Del Piero, Cannavaro and C.Ronaldo.Our favourite singers are Green Day, Blink182, Sud Sound System and Fabri Fibra. MILAN 7 Football Teams 12 10 Lecce









2 0



Another pastime is chatting on the computer with our INTER friends, surfing the internet, watching television. 2 a lot sending Another pastime is going out and we love many sms.

The cinema A noi piace vedere film. I favoriti del momento sono:”Madagascar 2”, “High school musical”, “Il cosmo sul comò” e ”Kunfu panda “. La nostra statistica di classe dice che: 1 su 3 va al cinema ogni due settimane; 1 su 3 va al cinema ogni mese; 1 su 3 va al cinema ognigeneri due mesi. I nostri preferiti sono quelli di avventura e comico. Tra gli attori preferiti ci sono: Will Smith, Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo, Christian de Sica, Leonardo Pieraccioni, Carlo Verdone e Leonardo di Caprio.

The cinema

We like to see movies. The favourite films of the moment are: ”Madagascar2”, ”High School Musical”, ”Il cosmo sul comò” and “Kunfu Panda “. Our survey in the classroom says: 1 out of 3 goes to the cinema every 2 weeks; 1 out of 3 goes to the cinema once a month; 1 out of 3 goes to the cinema every 2 months. Our favourite types of films are : adventure and humor films. Our favourite Actors are Will Smith, Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo, Christian de Sica, Leonardo Pieraccioni, Carlo Verdone and Leonardo di Caprio.

2 w eeks a m onth 2 m onths

Trupa mea preferata

Trupa Blaxy Girls s-a format in anul 2007, in luna octombrie. Producatorul lor este Costi Ionita. Acesta a descoperit-o intai pe Rucsy, fiind impresionat de vocea si talentul ei, apoi au fost cooptate si celelalte membre ale formatiei. Pentru chitara solo a fost un casting solo, si Amalia, fosta colega de clasa cu Rucsy, a trecut mai departe. Cristina si Gela se cunosteau cu Ruscy de la festivalurile din tara, iar Ana invata la acelasi liceu cu Rucsy. Fetele au 15-17 ani. Din decembrie 2007, trupa a fost contractata de casa de discuri Roton. In prezent, se lucreaza la definitivarea primului album al trupei, care va aparea pe piata in curand. Din luna iulie a acestui an, primul extras de pe album, "If you feel my love", se difuzeaza la toate posturile tv si radio, inregistrand un succes nemaipomenit. Pe 31 ianuarie au participat la Eurovision Romania cu melodia “Oh dear mama” si au luat doar locul 2. Ce pacat! Reporteri:Vlad Oana si Trifu Cristiana

Filmul meu preferat Filmul meu preferat este “O plimbare de neuitat” cu actriţa mea preferată, Mandy Moore.Mandy Moore joacă rolul fiicei preotului bisericii care se îndragosteşte de un băiat în timp ce repetau pentru o piesă de teatru a şcolii.Ei au început să se întâlnească în fiecare zi la ea acasă pentru a-şi exersa rolurile, şi atunci ei au devenit iubiţi. Ea avea trei dorinte importante pe care el i le-a îndeplinit. Dar după un timp, ea i-a spus adevarul, că are leucemie. Când băiatul a auzit, a mers la casa tatălui său, care era doctor, sperând că o poate ajuta pe prietena lui, dar din păcate nu a putut să o ajute. Ei au trait intens ultima perioadă de viaţă a fetii şi după aceea, fata a murit. Reporteri : - Barbu Anda-Ioana - Măceşanu Alexandra-Denisa

My favourite Band Blaxy Girls was formed in october 2007. The producer is Costi Ionita. He first discovered Rucsy, being impressed by her voice and talent, and then he brought in the other girls. There was a casting for solo guitar, which was won by Amalia, Rucsy's ex-coleague. Cristina and Gela knew Rucsy from festivals around the country, and Ana attends the same highschool as Rucsy.They are only 15-17 years old. The band signed Roton, a major label, in december 2007. The first album of the band is just about to come on the market, after the work will be finished. From July 2008, the first single, "If you feel my love", is on tv and radio, having a great success! On 31th January 2009 they were on the second place in Eurovision Romania Contest with the song “Dear mama” . Too bad! Reporters:Vlad Oana and Trifu Cristiana

My favourite film My favourite film is “A walk to remember” with my favourite actress, Mandy Moore. Mandy Moore plays the role of the church reverend’s daughter who falls in love with a boy when they were repeating for a school theatre.They started to meet every day at her house to exercise their parts, and then they became lovers. She had three important wishes which he made real. But after a while, she told him the truth, that she has leukemia. When he heard, he went to his father’s house, who was a doctor, and he hoped that he will help his girlfriend, but unfortunately he couldn’t help her.They lived intensly the girl’s last period of living and after, the girl died. Reporters: - Barbu Anda-Ioana and Măceşanu Alexandra-Denisa

Polish team: Bartosz Tyźlik Dawid Frączyński Nicol Nocuń Jakub Łyko Weronika Dudek Klaudia Rzepka Maciej Bieńkuński Maciej Kniaź

Italian team Alessio Erriquez Giuseppe Fino Paola Formica Michele Greco Luigi Lazzari Riccardo Lazzari Francesca Manis Giulia Nutricato Deborah Pezzuto Antonella Ruggeri Ismaele Ruggeri Elisa Ruggieri Davide Vergari Maria Immacolata Vergari Christian Zappatore

Romanian team: Barbu Anda Ioana Pop Andreea Preda Andreea Trifu Cristiana Vlad Oana Macesanu Alexandra

Coordinators: Beata Janus-Lewczyńska Ewa Domańska - Furamnek Fota Magdalena Nicolaita Cristina Silvia Scandura Assunta Ingletto

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