to those in the North of Europe. This can probably be explained due to the different weather conditions and the historical background, both of which have played a huge role in shaping culture up to this day.”
“I think they are all quite globalized / multicultural at this point but hold very authentic to each nation’s values. I also believe that EU member states share a more open attitude towards cross-country cooperation.”
“Personally, for me the difference between the East and West is the most visible, most likely due to my background. I think the East is more family oriented and more religious than the West. The East is also far more conservative than the West. More day-to-day differences would be humour and approach to life and friends. Other than that, the division with North and South and North being far more reserved is also visible.”
What is something you believe all European Countries and Cultures diverge in? - Politics - Religion - Values - Finances - Linguistics - Fashion - Habits - Accents - Table manners - Architecture - Style of Cooking & Ingredients - Alcoholic Preferences - Daily Schedules
“Yes, coming from Western European cultures and having met many Northern Europeans at university I can safely say the culture is different. I think it’s about one’s relationship to nature/ one’s environment.” What is something you believe all European Countries and Cultures have in common? “High westernization relative to the world, shared histories” “A sense of community, being open-minded, inclusive (most of them), not ignorant.”
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What do you think is a misconception of a “European Culture”? “That because we are all from the same continent, we are the same. Of course when you talk about culture you are generalising, because you cannot include every single person’s preferences into a general map of the traditions and festivities of a nation, but I believe that something beautiful about European countries is how
different they are from one another and how much there is to learn from other cultures.” “That EU values = European Culture” “It’s all the same...” “That it’s extremely Westernized (ideals, values, democratic, liberal) and uniform, while it’s actually quite diverse.” “I think that especially with the rise of the EU, people think that with the term ‘European Culture’ comes from a perceived unification of all cultures present in Europe. Personally, in my opinion European Culture is the term encompassing all of those differences between smaller parts of Europe.” “That it exists as a whole.”