Eurovisie April 2017

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‘I wanna be a Great Dictator!’

Turkey campaigning The politics of perspective by Mats Licht An intersectional approach to migration by Hanna Blom EU, You're not untouchable by Gilles de Valk The Necessity of Borders by Daan Leseman De politie is politiek geworden by Levente Vervoort





| Open border migration, force or freedom? | War and memory in the Balkans | | Russia and its influence over Europe | Extremism and populism in Europe |

With Nicolai Sprekels - Eva Cukier - Sonja Biserko - André Gerrits. more t.b.a

| When: April 7 th 11-17 | Where: Congrescentrum, Weesperstraat 113, Amsterdam | | Costs: 7,50€ SES members/ 10€ non members | | Sign up via:|



mats licht

This issue, as every April issue we have published in the last years, is a special one. For once, we are also being read by people outside of the European Studies bubble. Or at least we like to believe so. Naturally, what else is there to do than to print the first openly offensive cover picture in years? But then again, is it really offensive to compare a screaming, continually offended cultural nationalist to the greatest comedian of the early 20th century? If anything, it is high praise to even put Comrade Recep and Charlie Chaplin into the same picture, let alone let Tayyip take the centre stage from him. So, really, we are expecting a Turkish national medal any time soon. I was advised to fill this editorial with disclaimers, to express clearly that nothing in this magazine is intended to offend the Turkish people. It was even suggested that we add an extra text box to the cover, clarifying that it constitutes satire and should not be taken seriously. Here is my actual opinion: take seriously whatever you want. I honestly do not care. If the realisation that your soon-to-be state president is a bumbling, islamistic fool that is poisoning EU-Turkey relations for decades to come offends you, you are welcome to burn this magazine in protest. The bulk of the articles is not even about Erdogan. That is how little we care. Now I have but a few words left for my actual message. Thanks, Turkey! SO, to you European idealists attending the Conference, I salute you. Please save Europe for us. We would so cherish it being around for a little longer, just until we all retire. Have fun at the event! Güle güle, amina koyim! 

IMPRINT volume

4 8 12 16 19 23 Editorial office: Kloveniersburgwal 48, room E2.04/2.05, 1012 CX Amsterdam Editor-in-chief: Mats Licht

EUROPE'S HEADACHE Michelle writes about the upcoming referendum in Turkey and the possible consequences for Europe.

THE POLITICS OF PERSPECTIVE Instead of tackling every challenge individually, Mats thinks a newold mindset might prove to be the solution.

AN INTERSECTIONAL APPROACH TO MIGRATION Rather than focusing on a permanent solution to the migration crisis, Hanna focusses on the wellbeing of a marginalized group.

EU, YOU’RE NOT UNTOUCHABLE Gilles explains why the EU should rethink its defence framework.

THE NECESSITY OF BORDERS Daan gives his opinion on why a strong border control is necessary for the continuation of the EU.

DE POLITIE IS POLITIEK GEWORDEN Op internet is geweld van alledag. Levente betoogt dat de Nationale Politie geweldsverheerlijking normaliseert.

Editors: Hanna Blom, Michelle Kooiman, Daan Leseman, Gilles de Valk, Levente Vervoort Design: Daan Leseman

13, issue 4 - apr. 2017 3



On the 16th of April Turkey holds a referendum. The Turkish people have to decide if they prefer a presidential system over a parliamentary system. Prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan openly cheers for a presidential system to increase his power. European Turks might be the key to his personal success. 4


hat the Turkish government is being very

The two ministers who were not welcomed by the

serious and determined about convincing

Dutch already dragged the Dutch government to

European Turks to vote for the presidential

the European Court for Human right for violating

system became evidently clear this March in the

human rights. The once so friendly and quite solid

city of Rotterdam. The Dutch government decided

relationship between the EU member states and

to prohibit the Turkish minister of Foreign Affairs

Turkey seems to have changed for the worst in a

to land on Dutch soil. In response, the Turkish


minister of Home Affairs drove from Cologne to Rotterdam by car. She was hoping to host a

Since 1999 Turkey, is listed as a candidate

speech for Dutch Turks in the Turkish consulate.

of membership to the EU. In reality, joining the

At arrival, she was ordered to leave the country so

EU becomes less realistic by the day. The Turkish

the public order would be preserved. After that, the

government wants to plead a case that is very unlike what the EU advocates: democratic systems in

Erdogan could stay in his seat up till 2029

which human rights are basic principles. Therefore, it is odd that Turkey wants to raise support for a nonEuropean political system in European countries. Why does the Turkish government distance itself from the EU?

situation escalated quickly. The Turkish minister







waited hours in her car, surrounded by hundreds

successfully combine Western values with Islamic

of protesters waving Turkish flags, in front of the

traditions. This is a big reason why Turkey could

consulate. Eventually she was escorted out of the

be an important member state for the EU. Turkey

country. Special forces of the police had to intervene

is, still, a large, democratic Muslim country at the

to keep the protesters in check.

southern border of the European continent and if it were to become a EU member, the EU would become

This incident was not without consequence.

even more multicultural. Turkey can also function

Every day since, Erdogan has held press conferences

as a diplomatic and economic bridge between the

in which he strongly condemned the actions of the

EU and the Middle East and Asia. Turkey can also

Dutch government. He called the actions of the Dutch government Nazi practices. On top of that, the Dutch were called fascist, racist people who were responsible for killing over 8000 Muslims in Srebrenica during the Yugoslav war. These are all harsh accusations to say the least.

The Austrian and German government were

Many European Turks are Muslims and admire the president for being a strong believer

also accused of being Nazi-like. Vienna was called ‘the embodiment of radical racism’. Later, Erdogan added that Germany’s decision to not let Turkish

profit greatly if they become an EU member state.

politicians campaign on German soil contradicts

They could definitely use the assistance of the EU in

the freedom of speech, a liberty the Germans hold

many ways. Turkey also depends on funds from EU

dearly. Whether Erdogan has a point is a different

member states. Furthermore, the fight against ISIS

discussion, but it is remarkable that Erdogan refers

in Iraq and Syria is a cooperation between Turkey

to the freedom of speech when he has already proven

and a European coalition. Since the threat is close

that that liberty is at risk during his office. Turkey

to the Turkish border, Turkey depends on means

also announced that it will impose sanctions on

and assistance from European allies. On top of that,

countries that are not welcoming Turkish officials.

millions of Turks already live in EU countries. It 


When writing this article the news anchor on Dutch TV states that the relation between Turkey and the Netherlands has hit an alltime low

have enjoyed in Western democracies. The support for the

seems that Turkey shoots itself in the foot if they let

Europe. People with a non-Western background do

the relationship with the EU deteriorate.

not always have the same chances when applying

Turkish leader, that has not directly ruled over many of the European Turks, is remarkable.

Many European Turks are Muslims admire

the Turkish president for being a strong believer and for implementing more Islamic values and traditions in Turkish daily life. Muslims in Europe are often not accepted the way they would be in Turkey. Thereby, discrimination is still an issue in

for a job. European Turks therefore often feel more

However, in the last decade, the relationship

related to native Turks than to Europeans, even

between Turkey and the EU did deteriorate. Big

though they were born and raised in Europe. It is

political issues like the refugee crisis, the fight

too bad that European Turks would want to give up

against terrorism in the Middle East and the internal

liberties, or at least the liberties of their brothers

political situation of Turkey, especially after the

and sisters who live in Turkey, because they cannot

military coup of last July, created a divide that seems

enjoy the freedom Europe provides.

difficult to overcome. Thereby, the democratic status of Turkey is already showing cracks. After the

coup, Erdogan reacted to the opposition with a firm

between Turkey and EU member states has hit an

hand. Journalists, judges and state officials that

all-time low. There is no doubt that the incipient

expressed their doubts about the Turkish president


were arrested and silenced. It looks like political

diplomatic relations between Turkey and the EU, no

opponents are not being tolerated by the Turkish

matter what the outcome will be. ď Ž

president. If the majority of the Turkish people vote in favour of a presidential system, Erdogan seizes more power. He could stay in his chair up until 2029 and decide solitarily to turn his back on Europe.

One reason Turkey changed its position is because of

the hesitant attitude of the EU. Since the last decade, Turkey is struggling with economic difficulties, the conflict with the Kurds, the refugee reception and the fight against terrorism in the Middle East and needs help from Europe. Several EU member states cannot come to an agreement concerning the question on how to assist Turkey with these dilemmas. These dilemmas also concern the EU.

These struggles caused cracks in the relationship

between Turkey and the EU. Even though Turkey is still on the list of potential EU members, Erdogan seems to thinks Turkey should take a different, non-Western course by expressing the will to change the parliamentary system. Although European Turks have experienced living in Western democracies, many seem willing to support Erdogan’s wish, which is to implement a political system that compromises certain freedoms they


It seems that the diplomatic relation






Recreational Hysteria When Princess Diana died, there was an outpouring of grief on the streets of London. People assembled in front of Kensington Palace or wherever, tearfully clutching teddybears or copies of Hello! magazine, and sharing the moment. Tony Blair, with a catch in his voice, spoke feelingly of the deceased as “the People’s Princess”. With tear-streaked faces they lined the streets, tragically clutching handkerchiefs, sobbing on each other’s shoulders. It was enough to make you vomit. And that was *before* the funeral service, and Elton John singing Candle in the Wind. Personally, I was reminded, as I so often am, of James Joyce, who defined sentimentality as “unearned emotion”. But the bombastic pathos of the moment was perhaps better caught by an unfeeling, cynical journalist who called it “recreational mourning”. People had nothing better to do, and they decided to join in a collective orgy of heartbreak the way we might tune into a televised football match, or go for a stroll. And now, as I write this, there are the scenes of the angry Turks in front of the Rotterdam consulate. A lot of flags being waved around, all of them apparently from the same shop (Moustafa’s Turkish Flag Discount Emporium, I guess, they must be doing great business. Were there long lines at the checkout? Do all these people have one on standby, next to the umbrellas near the front door, just in case?) And in the foreground, a woman who could be my mother shouting into midair with a Jimi Hendrix expression on her face (“excuse me while I kiss the sky”), and a sort of red kamikaze headband around her head saying something intense about Erdogan. Recreational anger. How did she get there, at that late hour? Was it her own idea, or did her husband or children make her do it? I imagine two scenarios. One: "Enis, I do not want to put on that stupid Erdogan headband again!" "Please, Yasemin, come on, you know it is important. We have to show strength to the media, and women are underrepresented


and not visible enough. And it suits you, honestly!" Two: "Come on, Enis, we’ll be late for the angry flag-waving! Hurry" "Coming, Yasemin, but are you *quite* sure you want to wear that headband? The kids gave you such a lovely dark green scarf for your birthday..." This is what gets me. Not the delusional rants and the offensive raised finger of Recep Tayyip Cartman, but the crowds. And, to channel Joyce once again, their unearned anger. Much as the grief for Princess Di wasn’t really real – I mean, come on, get off it, you only knew her as a distant celebrity, not as a person – so too the anger of all those shouting flag-wavers is manufactured, created by someone pushing a button. Much as celebrity means "being famous for being famous", and the recreational mourning for Princess Di was acting out sadness because you want to be part of a sad crowd, this is a case of "being angry because you want to be part of an angry crowd”. Football hooliganism is not dissimilar. It is all part of the generalized political hysteria that mistakes the strength of our feelings for the importance of the issue. In my hippy pacifist days we sang a song about the Universal Soldier. The true war criminals were not the warlords, the generals, the tyrants, but the individual soldiers who pulled the trigger, who did their master’s bidding. “It’s the universal soldier and he really is to blame, his orders come from far away no more / they come from him and you and me, and brothers can't you see/ this is not the way to put an end to war”. And so I have a third scenario in mind for the Universal Flag-Waver. "Yasemin, come on, time to head to the consulate! This is an outrage!" "Not now, Enis, I’ve got a headache". 


THE POLITICS OF PERSPECTIVE A plethora of challenges is threatening Europe head-on. To tackle them individually is futile, Eurovisie’s Mats Licht thinks. But being clear about motives and intentions, about perspectives and the future, may weaken all opposing factors


he years between 1989 and 1991 were

is unable to provide it, is perspective. A solid

epochal, there can be no doubt about it.

quarter of a century later, the optimism of the

Exalted by enthusiastic dialectic Francis

early 90s has waned, the spirit of cooperation it

Fukuyama, the peoples’ revolutions soon gave way

inspired has lost energy. The great supranational

to grey Realpolitik. Liberal democracy certainly

organisations that were set to kick off a bright, new

took its sweet time to break the chains of oligarchy,

future are struggling to prevail against populism,

and the projected ‘End of History’ of course did not

isolationism and a plethora of other -isms we had

occur. Fukuyama ended up as the biggest poser

thought overcome. In response to the ghosts of

of the humanities, his theories a footnote at best,

the past that are threatening them, progressive

derided at worst. Recent events have shown more

forces ought to learn from their enemies. To walk

than ever the fragility and unpredictability of the

moderately tall into a reasonably bright future, we

times we live in. If history has a goal, an endpoint at

must reclaim the conviction of old that drove us to

which we reach happiness and stability, we can be

where we stand today.

sure that we are just as far from it as any previous generation. Sadly, the end of obvious systemic

conflict has not given way to liberal democracy, but

relationship between vision and pragmatism has

to aimlessness, the disappearance of clear ‘good’

always been poignant. Born from a grand idea of

and ‘evil’ leaving space instead for the resurgence

a united Europe, a bold answer to the horrors of a

of authoritarianism and the regression of social

continent of the fatherland, the fledgling union has

liberties. Not all is bad, of course. Triumphant

been struggling with individual, national interests

capitalism has brought prosperity to millions since

for the whole of its existence. Philosophically, the

1990, has created the highest standard of living in

ever-closer Union may well be the result of the dia

human history. Yet what it has failed to replace,

ectics of federalists on the one hand, committed to

for which the market cannot be blamed because it

the eventual unification of Europe for good, and


In the case of the European Union, the

the agents of national self-interest on the other.

odds, the visionaries prevailed, clasping every

Eurovisie has previously commented on the

opportunity and every shred of power for the

crucial role of committed European bureaucrats in

sake of the ideal The Union prospered because

this struggle. At the time, the benefits of the Union

of the perspective it could offer to members,

where obvious, at least they appear so in hindsight,

both prospective and present, and the ability

and the vision clearly stated: to prevail in a world

to immediately showcase them in the already

of impending doom, the peoples of Europe must

existing community of states. This motive of a

unite, if not for the benefits of cooperation,

union of prosperity has been the sole biggest, some

then for the drawbacks of remaining small on

would even say only, factor in the attractiveness

the ever-larger scale of world politics. Having

of the EU. How else could ten wildly different,

lost their supremacy in the world in a matter of

occasionally harshly disagreeing states with

years, even such menacing imperial powers as

varying levels of post-Soviet animosity be so united

France and Britain eventually committed to the

in their will to join the Union in 2004? In Eastern

European vision. An abstract, almost risible pie

Europe, then and now, the EU remains highly

in the sky eventually took shape, while the bulk of

popular, more so than in many Western countries,

the body politic was still busy clearing the rubble

because of the prosperity it provides. After Brexit,

the Germans had left. Arguably, the relative

EU-approval in Poland has surged to over 77 per

complacency of national governments towards

cent, the highest rate overall, despite the country’s

further integration at the time was caused by their

Christian conservative government’s rhetoric. Its

own doubts in the project’s success. How could a

true attraction is more obvious to the people of

coal and steel cooperation aimed at keeping zee

Poland, Estonia and Slovakia, because they felt the

Germans in check even dream of forming the

undeniable effects of Europe themselves.

United States of Europe, when the real issue was impending nuclear annihilation? But against all

In the immediate past, mass conviction 


If history has a goal, an endpoint at which we reach happiness and stability, we can be sure that we are just as far from it as any previous generation

politics that chisels away at its foundations. The

of the European cause has been seemingly waning,

the people and their governments. It is this rather

however. By now, every country has their own anti-

abstract notion, for security seems impossibly hard

European party busying the comment sections

to measure – after all crime rates are plummeting

and opinion pages. The financial crisis, migration

in most Western countries, yet objective concerns

and world terror, neither of which is the EU’s fault,

for security are rising all the same – that presents

one might add, have supplanted the effects of

the greatest challenge to our Union. Security is

European unification in people’s minds. Prosperity

tightly linked with the more idealistic issue of

as a raison d’etre has become self-evident to

perspective. During the Cold War, security was a

many, the youngest generation even grew up in it,

straight-cut field: bloc alignment was everything,

lacking the deterrent experience of their parents.

foreign intervention, meaning the outbreak of full-

Add to that a wildly differing notion of collective

on hostilities, the ultimate threat. Emerging global

memory between the Eastern and Western parts

terrorism was largely still linked to global power

of the Union and its fate seems all but sealed. It is

politics – whatever its individual motivation, it

this slowing of enthusiasm that anti-Europeans

was an expression of the supreme conflict of the

of all colours, recently overwhelmingly from the

systems in some way. With the disappearance

right wing of the spectrum, have been able to latch

of one bloc and the pointlessness of keeping the

onto for their own gain. Instrumentalising the

other without an antagonist, the superstructural

apparent weakness of the Union, the Farages of all

conflict has disappeared. With it went the clear

countries have set out to dismantle it from within.

roles European states had to play, their alignment

But against their convicted speeches, the Union

along the faults of greater conflict, their belonging

is not weak. It retains its economic strength and

and outlook for the immediate and even somewhat

trade significanceas ever before, intra-European

distant future. Because of this, countries went into

trade is growing and the Union is the major trade

the exciting chaos of the 90s with some optimism.

partner for every member state except Cyprus.

It was the high time of international cooperation,

The continued economic benefits and prosperity

with the UN first becoming a significant force,

effect of the EU wildly contradicts the pessimistic

even militarily. Conversely, the spirit of change

rhetoric spouted by the likes of Le Pen, Wilders

also sped up European integration, forming the

and Johnson. The possible future collapse of the

tight EU of today from a loose cooperation within

British economy may serve as a direct illustration

a decade. The dream of world governance was

of continued European success in the economic

very much alive and thriving. Srebrenica, Dayton


and the War on Terror have seen to the demise

Union has reached a position of such economic strength, that a spillover into other policy fields is inevitable. Yet the ability of our economicallyminded community to deal with newly arising issues is worryingly limited. A second great front has opened in international politics recently, where for decades prosperity ruled supreme as the crucial issue of every election and policy. On numerous fronts, it is showing around the globe that security may be of equally great concern to

of this optimism. During the Cold War, European

But what is it, then, that fosters popular

integration was path-dependent, an, while slow

anti-European sentiment? In the domestic arena,

and sometimes severely hindered by national self-

the EU continues its strong performance, despite

interest, it made no secret of its eventual goal of

the eternal question of Greece. It is the EU’s role in

full, federal integration. While it was not listened

in the wider scope of international and world

to as intently as today, its messages were clear.


In the light of recent challenges, they

arm’s length by a reluctant European Union for

have become much less so. Despite the EU now

far too long have resorted to shaping their own

commanding unprecedented power over our daily


lives, knowledge of its workings and institutions is limited. Talks of enlargement have been stagnant

Russia has a clear goal, and its actions

since Croatia joined in 2013. The eventual goal of

allow no doubts about it, to recover the old

European federalism is no longer self-evident,

empire. Whether it will be content with a sphere

being talked about only in the course of warning of

of influence or seeks to make all former provinces

the power-clasping European superstate anymore.

share Crimea’s fate, only time can tell. But we

Yet states are looking for perspective on a grander

must assume that the European Union is merely

scale more than ever. These two developments

an inconvenience destined to be overcome to old-

could not come together at a worse time, for other

new, imperial Russia. To oppose it, the EU must

powers with global ambitions are willing to provide

reconsider its own position within the framework

it readily.

of global power. The world of today requires action on large scales for success to be a possibility. At

Instrumentalising the apparent weakness of the Union, the Farages of all countries have set out to dismantle it from within

the same time, Europe should question its absolute reliance on an increasingly erratic United States, and in turn its traditional guarantor of security in Europe, NATO. If this great project is to survive, clear statements and perspectives have to be given, even if they may outrage some folk. Are we still committed to federalism, or will we revert to nations struggling to stay relevant in a globalised world? Is Europe going to own up and take the responsibility it has to, for border security and

Russia’s recent return to imperial doctrine

world peace? It suffices to say that resting on

has created a conflict that the EU is unwilling to take

the laurels of constituting the world’s biggest

up, for example. Refused by the Europeans time

economic and trade bloc will not steer us safely

and again, Putin’s new empire has instead decided

through the troubles ahead. We need a strong

on taking the EU head-on. But not only does Russia

commitment to perspective, to the future. In short,

attempt to influence national politics against

we need to be clear about our idealism. 

a supranational Europe in the member states themselves, it also seeks to drain the traditionally strong support the Union enjoys from prospective members. As part of the old Russian sphere of influence, even part of the empire itself at various points, the Balkans are a prime target of Russian interest. Amongst the area’s Serbian population, Russia has factually already taken over as a giver of perspective from Europe. While Serbia receives over 1,4 billion Euros in EU funds, significantly more than any Russian contribution, public opinion judges Russia as the greatest supporter of the nation. Turkey, as well, has turned its back on the hesitant Union it sought to join since 1957, and is pursuing improved relations with Putin’s empire. In Syria, their ill-fated coalition is showing its colours. Two countries that have been held at


AN INTERSECTIONAL APPROACH TO MIGRATION Rather than focusing on a permanent solution to the migration crisis, Hanna Blom focuses on the wellbeing of a marginalized group.


he migration crisis is one favoured to be

this country reside the enchanting people

temporarily forgotten. It is incredibly

who hang pig-corpses on trees and stone city

difficult to weigh the concerns of the

councillors to articulate their hostility towards

current inhabitants of a country against those


who risk everything to build their new home

personal attitude towards how the crisis should

there, to calculate a number of people your

be handled, one can undoubtedly agree that

country would be willing to offer a chance at life.

the situation is bleak. People are dying at sea

While we find ourselves in a very progressive

trying to flee their current situations; they are

city, where the door for refugees, war-fled or

drowning, getting infected with a wide variety

other, seems to be wide open, in other parts of

of diseases or starving. This has been going on







deal with the reality and its more depressing

mains in the closet in his refugee camp. All the

parts. Because while being a refugee is awful,

people that came along with him from the same

being a female refugee means your story is

country or culture, still share that homophobic

probably one of continuous harassment and

state of mind and he still faces threat.

rape and being non-straight, trans or non-binary means that disguising yourself is survival.

Transsexuality is even more complicated.

In minority groups, there are always smaller

Very few countries recognize transgender

minorities who deal with very real, pressing

rights and as a consequence trans-identities are

issues that usually get lost in the debate.

criminalized. Transgender refugees or asylum seekers have issues accessing healthcare and

Like with a lot fields of research, the

face discrimination from residents in their

debate around migration is heteronormative.

asylum facility or even from the staffers. They are

The needs of the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,

essentially exposed to violence and abuse because

Transgender and Queer) community within

of their (visible) gender identity in their countries



of origin, during their flight, as well as in asylum

inadequacy of a cookie-cutter approach to the

facilities across EU member states. We see cases

asylum process. Queer migration should not

of transgender people being attacked in Western

be treated as an experience apart, because

countries for merely existing and their liberties


being challenged in public spaces over and over.








they are and the fact that sexuality shapes all





Homosexuality is illegal under Syrian,

Afghan, Iranian, Iraqi, Ukrainian and Nigerian law, the countries from which most refugees are coming. Being attracted to the same sex can mean a couple of years in prison, life imprisonment or even the death penalty. As the result of the

In minority groups, there are always smaller minorities who deal with issues that usually get lost in the debate

violence and rejection they experienced in their home country, LGBTQ refugees carry the burden



of stigma, persecution, abuse, discrimination




and fear with them into the overcrowded refugee




camps. They need a different kind of guidance


than straight refugees, to be able to at some point

example being denied access to medication,

contribute to a society. On top of that, harassment



common in shared bathrooms in camps. The

Seeking asylum means having to deal

Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany (LSVD)

with a lot of paperwork and trying to figure out as

reported that between August and December

what kind of asylum seeker you are recognized.

2015 there were 95 cases of violence against

The legal consequences of the various different

LGBTQ people, mainly in accommodations for

recognition forms are very different. For example,

refugees and asylum seekers. What is important

it was decided in the Dublin Regulation III (2013)

to understand is that aside from all the unique

that refugees from civil war countries will

trauma LGBTQ refugees have to deal with

receive the subsidiary protection status. These

because of who they are, within their community

refugees will then receive a residence permit for

of refugees, they are still rejected. When a gay

one year, but the subsidiary protection status

refugee risks his life to flee because he would

will be revoked as soon as the civil war has ended.

face three years in prison if he stayed, he re-

The refugees have to return to their home ď ľ


















and especially sexual harassment are quite


LGBTQ refugees and asylum seekers need legal

Within their community of refugees, the LGBTQ minority is still rejected

guidance to figure out how to properly defend

help that is needed for LGBTQ refugees, which

their case, to understand which category they

regular asylum institutions are not providing.

country in this case. This means that the people that have fled a country like Syria, where they would face at least three years for being gay, have to return when the country is deemed ‘safe’.

fall into and to find out what their future entails. Luckily, a number of LGBTQ organisations have

Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees

started to offer legal advice for these specific

(IRQR) is an advocacy group seeking safe havens


both within and outside of Iran. IRQR follows up with Iranian queer refugee cases from when and

leave until they arrive in a safe country and are

immigrant rights have captured attention in the

supportive during the entire refugee process.

Western public sphere throughout the last years

They document and report cases of torture,

and, while they have been understood as two

persecution, execution and other human rights

separate movements, they both advocate a politics

violations that occur in Iran on a regular basis, to

of inclusion into and assimilation to mainstream

call international attention to the state of being of

national values. For instance, in Germany, a

Iranian LGBTQ people. Aside from all of this, they

number of LGBTQ organisations have started

also strive to educate Iranians on homosexuality

to provide all sorts of aid to LGBTQ refugees.



















information end


and cycle.

centre which offers shelter, psychological and specialized counselling, legal advice on asylum

and a safe-space for fellow refugees to meet up.

courses, countries like Norway, Belgium and the

This is just an example. The LGBT community

Netherlands are now providing extra courses

has started to pick up the slack of specialized

for refugees to better integrate. In Norway and


On top of the traditional citizenship

Belgium, men are schooled on how they ought to

that special housing for LGBTQ people is not

treat women like a European and how women in

necessary, her program will do enough.

the West sometimes wear short skirts, but that this does not mean that you can touch them.


While experts in the field of integration and

assumptions that often underpin traditional

migration have declared that this is unnecessary

migration debate, means inclusive solutions

and stigmatizing, the Belgian state secretary

for people who desperately need them. It should

for Asylum and Migration feels that simple

be obvious that there is no cheaper or easier

rules should be introduced to refugees, on

way to protect the LGBTQ minority from their

the general and sexual treatment of women.

fellow refugees than to remove them and give

Minister for Education in the Netherlands, Jet

them their own safe space. Every refugee has

Bussemaker, agrees. She has expressed how the

deserted their country of origin to be safe, but

Dutch have to show that discrimination is not

safety means something different to everyone.

tolerated in our country. By applying high school

Both through their fellow refugees and the

methods to full grown adults, she seeks to end

people who are supposed to provide help,

discrimination once and for all. Bussemaker

they see the discrimination they have been

feels that this education system will drastically

trying to escape. Member states need to ensure

change the culture in temporary asylums. She

trans refugees’ safety and rights are upheld

talks about her experience of speaking with ‘a

during the asylum process and in refugee

transgender who wanted to be a woman, but

facilities. If we feel that LGBTQ rights are such

while fleeing Turkey he got so scared that he

a vital part of our Western culture, this feeling

grew out his beard’. Even though Bussemaker

should be extended to the LGBTQ refugees. 


obviously has a vast understanding of what it means to be transgender, intentionally using the wrong pronouns for a refugee who she merely names to sound like an expert, and what it means to be a refugee, she still feels


EU, YOU ARE NOT UNTOUCHABLE Why the EU should urgently rethink its defence framework

The EU has become more and more vulnerable over the last couple of years, but does not seem to be completely aware of this. Gilles de Valk explains which threats the EU faces and which measures it should take in order to prevent a dark future.


n the summer of 2016, I visited Karelia, a

research pointed out that 48 per cent (!) of the

region which is currently located on both sides

Dutch people below the age of 25 fears that there

of the border between Russia and Finland,

will be a war in the Netherlands during their

but which has been fought over a lot in the last

lifetime. The idea of a war in the EU, let alone in

centuries. I find myself talking to two locals in

the Netherlands, might sound ridiculous and

front of the historical museum in Finnish Karelia

unimaginable. Nevertheless, it should be taken

after my visit. Inside, World War II battle maps and

seriously, because there are several indications

stories are displayed. We discuss Finland’s current

that Europe and the EU have lost some of their

geopolitical issues and I ask them how they feel

alleged untouchable position. Hence, we should

about their neighbour, Russia. They respond: ‘Two

think of the measures that should be taken in order

years ago we were not afraid, but now we have the

to prevent anything like this from happening.

feeling that anything is possible.’ We keep talking and start walking along the war remnants outside.

For a long time, Europe did not have to deal

with geopolitical quarrels. And in case there were

Remarkably, such fear is not only present

at the borders of the European Union. In January


any, the United States used to take the lead and protect Europe. At the end of the Cold War,

Europe’s eastern threat seemed to have perished,

clear during the outbreak of the war in Ukraine.

and direction from the other side of the ocean

Without any European counteractions, Crimea

loosened. Nevertheless, the North Atlantic Treaty

was annexed by Russia and a war broke out in

Organisation (NATO) kept providing a sense of

eastern Ukraine. At the Minsk negotiations in

safety, with the US as its biggest sponsor.

2015, which were meant to temper the violence in Ukraine, no EU delegate was present, though

There are several indications that Europe and the EU have lost some of their alleged untouchable position

you could argue that Angela Merkel and François Hollande were quasi representing the EU and its interests. Is it not worrisome that the EU is not able to sit at the negotiating table, while that war that was triggered by an EU Association Agreement and is therefore all about the EU and its foreign affairs? Of course, the Union did respond by means of economic sanctions, but the EU’s praiseworthy

However, many European NATO members

soft approach is not complemented by a backup of

still fail to live up to the required financial

harder measures. The Union misses the ability to

contribution to NATO, which does not only uncover


a lack of coherence and dedication, but also a lack of awareness of Europe’s vulnerability. With

Still, one could argue that it is not weird

president Trump and a changing world order,

that the EU acts in this way, because this is not

the US’ contribution to NATO is unpredictable.

taking place on its territory. And of course, we

Furthermore, the interests of the European

should be happy that it does anything to prevent

members and the US might grow apart. At this

itself from fostering escalation or getting involved

moment, Europe cannot completely rely on

in a war. But Russia is also trying to destabilise

NATO. Besides, some EU members, like Finland,

EU members, though in less noticeable ways. The

are not even a member of NATO. Moreover, this

Baltic states – Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania – all

incongruence between NATO and the EU makes it

have large Russian minorities. In Latvia, where

hard to determine what Europe’s position is with respect to NATO. Europe’s inability to respond to the odd behaviour of Turkey, a NATO member, in Europe, reveals the downside of this incongruence.

Conversely, some might say that the EU is

able to protect itself, as it has as its disposal several agencies and policies that deal with security, military, and defence. However, these cooperative

The EU can only be a solid political entity when it has a common defence policy, a common foreign policy, and when intelligence is shared

structures are still loose entities. It is very doubtful whether they are powerful enough to act and it seems unlikely that they could act quick, firm and thoughtful when necessary. Just as the political

25 per cent of the population are ethnic Russians,

unity of Europe is necessary for a well-working

many Russians are not able or unwilling to get

internal market, a common defence policy is

the Latvian citizenship. Hence, many Russians

required for political power. In short: the EU’s

feel excluded and are considered second-class

economic, political, and defence policy should be

citizens. Russia responds to this feeling. It reaches

brought to the same level in order for it to be an

the minorities with Russian television and it has

effective body. But right now, the EU is not able to

even offered Russian citizenship to Russians living

set clear boundaries and stick to them, as there is

in Latvia. They do not interfere, but they do have

no unified foreign and defence policy. This became

influence. Does this not make anyone else think 


of Crimea? Anyway, the EU should realise that

operate across borders. That is why they need an

such underlying tensions can escalate rapidly and

international approach. No single intelligence







intelligence provides complementary knowledge

A common defence policy could cover

and hence more insight into threats.

such risks, as the EU Member States are unlikely to prevent escalation on their own. At the same

Given these points, it is not weird that

time, a common foreign


policy could make it

afraid. Europe cannot






people rely

are on


NATO anymore, Russia

dialogue with countries

is teasing the EU at its



borders, and it faces



instead other




countries to profit from



Meanwhile, it seems that





the Union does not have an effective framework


at its disposal that could


deal with these issues


and with new forms of

wars with battlefields

warfare. That is why

are being replaced by

the EU should urgently

wars without a direct


clash and cyber wars.

framework. It should



at least be equipped to

that could contribute

an extent that it could

to security in the EU

operate independently

can be found in the


area of intelligence. A



Besides, of





when together

broader and deeper collaboration among member

with a deeper and tighter cooperation within the

states, concerning the collection, analysis, and

Union concerning defence, external relations and

exploitation of information, would allow it to deal

sharing intelligence. This is an achievable and,

more effectively with threats that occur both inside

above all, a necessary step to keep Europe safe. The

and outside its borders. The Union faces terrorist

EU can only be a solid political entity when it has a

threats, but also disinformation campaigns by

common defence policy, a common foreign policy,


THE NECESSITY OF BORDERS WHY STRONG BORDER CONTROL ARE NECESSARY Frontex, the collaboration between European member states, has an ever more important role to fulfill, Daan Leseman argues in his opinion piece.



hree centuries ago, the Habsburg Empire signed a treaty with the Ottoman sultan in order to reinforce its border security. Sounds

familiar? We too made a deal with a sultan, called Erdogan, who takes back the deported refugees and immigrants in turn for financial support to shelter refugees in Turkey. What wealth, peace and success the Schengen treaty has brought us! Now it is time to pay our dues. With no internal border control, it is fairly easy for immigrants to travel

The U.S. Coast Guard alone has a budget of $10 billion and 70.000 employees to carry out the duty of protecting their borders

from member state to member state. As soon as they set foot on European ground, they are ‘safe’. And while Erdogan continues with his steady rise to a dictator-like position, the European Union

languages were spoken, there was a central

continues to collapse under its own success. It is

government in one city, and politics was based

time for a radical change, in my opinion, and that

on compromises. But there was hardly any border

change should be stronger border controls of the

control, until the eighteenth century. After several

Schengen area.

military expeditions, both the Habsburg and Ottoman empire wanted stability in the Balkan

Let us get back to the aforementioned

region. Not only because of the devastating effect

Habsburg Empire. This huge empire covered a

war had, but also of diseases roaming freely. In

huge part of Central Europe. And though there

a way it is very different from now, since these

are vast differences, there are some similarities

borders and their control posts were not created

between the Habsburg Empire and the European

as an outside deterrent, but rather served also as a

Union. Throughout the territory, multiple

way to protect what was inside those borders.


Today’s borders are as different as day

It is not exactly fair to compare these

and night. We use them to keep the 'villains' out.

numbers to each other, since they are both derived

But we also dissolve them. With the introduction

from very different contexts. The world already has

of the Schengen treaty, internal borders have

too many macho men in charge. But the point that

become almost symbolic. For our generation, they

wishes to be made is that the EU has a tendency

do not have the same meaning as they did to our

to lack on decisiveness on important issues. Issues

grandparents. And though the internal market

that need to be solved with vigour. Instead a meagre

and therefore the abolishment of borders has

plan consisting of compromises is presented most

brought us immense prosperity, there is growing

of the time. Frontex’ original plan for a fully-

unrest because of this globalisation process. Here

fledged border security institution was watered

in the Netherlands, for lack of a better example,

down immensely by leaders of the member states

more and more people feel the need to go back to

who felt they could not justify spending money.

supply and feed their angst.

These attitudes of not fully committing to solving problems, more often than not, lead to situations






in which the result is not as desirable compared to

showed us that the European Border and Coast

having not done anything at all. It is the perpetual

Guard Agency, also known as Frontex, is in no way

issue European leaders seem to have.

able to carry out the task that it was founded for. With member states like Greece and Italy, both

What is it that made the EU such a powerful

of whom have multiple islands close to countries

economic partner and what must be done in order

like Turkey, from where refugees can travel to

for that to stay? The solution could be quite simple,

European soil relatively easily, it is an immense

but it is a tricky one. History shows us that, out

border to manage. Greece has between 1200 and

of necessity, member states gave much power

6000 such islands that belong to its territory.

to Brussels. It was from there that the European

But with the 2008 economic crisis and the huge

Commission and Parliament could make decisions

economic debt that the Greek government still

for the good of the Union. Being on your own never

owe, patrolling the border and preventing illegal

helps. The current system that mandates that all

immigration is a task not easily carried out.

decisions must be approved by every member state parliament slows down the legislative process

But, wait a minute! Was there not an

a hundredfold. It is a tedious process that more

organisation that was tasked with protecting the

often than not leads to half-measures, convoluted

external borders of member states? Well, yes and

compromises which only tackle the symptoms and

no. Frontex is a collaboration of the member states.

not the cause of the problem. Therefore, giving

Its core objectives are to coordinate cooperation

more power to the EU, instead of taking it back,

between member states in their external – that

should be a priority for member states, to speed up

means: outside of the Schengen area – border

the decision-making process and come to 

management, assisting member states in the training of national border guards and so on. Only recently, the European Council and Parliament have extended Frontex’ mandate, allowing it to have its own border and coast guard. It consists of about 400 employees and has a budget of €281 million. One might think that that is a lot of money, and it is. But compared to one of Europe’s closest allies, the United States of America, it is a small droplet in the bucket. The Coast Guard alone has a budget of $10 billion and 70.000 employees to carry out the duty of protecting their borders.

The world already has too many macho men in charge. But the point that needs to be made is that the EU has a tendency to lack on decisiveness on important issues 21

measures that solve the problem.

member states do not have enough diplomatic power themselves to accomplish international

So, giving the European Union more agility

deals on their own. The European Union has shown

in their decision-making process is one thing.

that by cooperating on a supranational level, we

Secondly, we need to strengthen Frontex’ ability

have a far better position at the negotiation table

to carry out its mandate. As I said before, the U.S.

than each country on its own. Border protection

Coast guard alone has a budget 40 times Frontex’.

should precisely be that, a cooperation of countries.

A European military might be too much for now,

Being able to act in the interest of each member

but member states have to consider seriously how

state by being an independent agency is what

to prepare a coastal navy that is equipped for the

Frontex ought to be and eventually shall be, only

future, especially since the Schengen area has

if we Europeans allow them to act that way. That

a massive number of coastal borders to defend.

the Habsburg emperor wanted protected borders,

Coordinating those ships and aircraft adds a lot

knowing who was going in and who was going

of unnecessary bureaucratic interference. A few

out, was not out of a nationalistic, protectionist

weeks ago, the first steps were made to create a

thought, claiming the Habsburg empire was only

single headquarters for military missions, aiming

for those who lived there. It was a measure to

to limit the approval process necessary from every

protect everything within those borders. The same

participating country.

goes for present-day Europe. We can and should take in refugees, but only if we can assure them

In short, we can derive Europe’s success

from its single-minded goal of cooperation. Many

a safe haven, giving them all the resources they need to either build their lives here or help them go back to their homes. 


DE POLITIE IS POLITIEK GEWORDEN Op internet is geweld van alledag. Levente Vervoort betoogt dat de Nationale Politie geweldsverheerlijking normaliseert.


et komt mij voor dat de politie in Nederland,

is daar verandering in gekomen. De politie heeft

maar ook in andere landen kampt men

lang volgehouden dat ze de opdrachten van de

met een imagocrisis. Wat we horen van de

wetgever uitvoeren en dat de rechterlijke macht

politie is al lang niet meer alleen ‘whoop-whoop’,

dan maar moet bepalen of ze dat ook goed hebben

maar vaker de echo’s van etnisch profileren en

gedaan. Dit bleek lange tijd ook een waterdicht

overmatig of onnodig geweld. Traditioneel heeft

verhaal. Elke fout die een agent maakte, werd

de sterke arm der wet zich neutraal opgesteld

eenvoudig afgedaan als een individuele misstap.

in het maatschappelijk debat, of het nu gaat om

Zo’n fout had zeker niet van doen met structurele

institutioneel racisme of excessief geweld – maar

problemen of de bedrijfscultuur – bij gebrek aan

sinds de oprichting van de Nationale Politie in 2012

een beter woord. Zodoende hielden de collega’s


elkaar de handen boven het hoofd (of ik schiet). De






korpschef bleef zo netjes intact in de overdaad van regiokorpsen. In de rechtszaal telde het woord van twee agenten zwaarder dan dat van één aanklager (lees: slachtoffer). De gewelddadige agent ging dan een maandje geschorst zonnen op kosten van het ministerie, terwijl zijn partner, die hem beschermde, zo hoopt om nog eens brigadier te worden, en op zijn veertigste fijn achter het bureau te gaan stempelen, in plaats van parkeerbonnen uit te schrijven in november.

Maar, de laatste jaren is de zwijgtactiek

van de dienders ingehaald door de digitale samenleving. Wanneer een panikerende agent nu een ongewapende verdachte tussen de ogen schiet, is er altijd wel een surveillancecamera in de buurt om het vast te leggen, als er al geen groepje attente burgers het geweldsincident staat te filmen met hun telefoon. Zo is het bij de rechter een stuk moeilijker geworden om misstappen in de doofpot te stoppen. wel zeggen dat de filmpjes over inbraakveiligheid

Het Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie






ging überhaupt niet echt lekker de afgelopen

beginners’ zijn. Toch zijn het niet deze filmpjes die



eruit springen, maar een verscheidenheid aan listig

regiokorpsen en het KLPT tot een Nationale Politie

geregisseerde promotie- en campagnefilmpjes, die

in 2012 is met een boel problemen gekomen, maar

het doen lijken alsof de politie op een paar zetels

wat mogelijk de meest ingrijpende verandering

in de Tweede Kamer mikt. Sommige zijn schattige

is geweest, is dat de politie zich is gaan bemoeien

taferelen uit het dagelijks leven van een agent. Agent

met haar eigen taken; weg neutraliteit. Natuurlijk

Harry uit Ede moest ’s nachts eens op een kerkhof

was het altijd al wenselijk dat de politie goed naar

patrouilleren omdat er een grafsteen was vernield.

zichzelf keek en openheid gaf over hun interpretatie

Hij hoorde iemand in een berkenhaag, bleek het

van, laten we zeggen, misdaadstatistieken. Het

een ezel te zijn. Hilarisch. Maar de meeste filmpjes

is echter één van de doelstelling van de Nationale

hebben daadwerkelijk een sinistere boodschap: het

Politie geworden om de publieke opinie jegens de

geweld tegen de politie neemt toe.




politie zelf actief te beïnvloeden. Zo werd samen met de NP ook de landelijke YouTubekanalen

‘Politie’, ‘vraaghetdepolitie’ en ‘Kom bij de politie’

geweest op het internet. Op Facebook en op

opgericht, evenals kanalen voor elk district, van

‘specialistische’ fora vind je nog wel pacifistische

Amsterdam Centrum tot Rotterdam Zuid, met als

of anarchistische kritiek op het geweldsmonopolie.

kers op de taart het kanaal van Almere Buitense

De overheersende tendens is echter van een

‘Politievlogger Jan-Willem’, die getuige de soundmix

andere aard. Op de populairste Nederlandse

denkt dat elke jongere van hardstylemuziek houdt.

filmpjessite ‘Dumpert’, maar ook op YouTube

De politiekanalen hebben best wat nuttige taken; ze

dragen de populairste reactie op politiefilmpjes

plaatsen beeldmateriaal van Opsporing Verzocht

of vechtpartijen steevast een boodschap van

en bieden hier en daar voorlichting, al moet ik wel

geweldsverheerlijking die grenst aan het


De politie is natuurlijk nooit onbesproken

Misschien is het wat gechargeerd, maar

het kleine stap om de vergelijking te maken tussen de politie, die gerevolutioneerd moest worden omdat ze te ver van de burger stond, en dergelijke ideeën over de burger en politiek; het democratisch tekort. En warempel, pal naast het filmpje over de reorganisatie is een korter filmpje te vinden, ‘Nederland en de politie’, waarin de politie de reorganisatie rechtvaardigt met het hipste autoriteitsargument van onze tijd: de volkswil. Eerst zien we een paar klassieke autoriteiten; een procureur-generaal en een burgemeester, maar daarna komen twee mannen aan het woord. De een draagt de titel ‘burger’, de ander de titel ‘marktkoopman’. De burger wil een duidelijk beleid dat ook nog eens duidelijk wordt uitgevoerd, terwijl de tweede man benadrukt dat ‘we niks hebben aan de papieren rompslomp’. Het lijkt me niet dat het allebei deskundigen zijn van de politiestructuur, maar dat de politie een narratief wil presenteren dat zegt: ‘de burger wil het anders zien, en daarom gaan wij zelf bepalen hoe wij ons veranderen’. Dat de politie een duidelijk beeld heeft van hoe die fascistische. Andere topcomments bij ‘Dumpert’

burger er dan uitziet wordt duidelijk in het volgende

(dat onderdeel is van de Telegraaf Media Groep)

stukje zelfreflectie, genaamd ‘Bedrijfsvoering bij de

laten overigens zien dat geweldsverheerlijking niet

politie’. In het filmpje wordt uitgelegd waarom de

alleen bij de politie hand in hand gaat met racisme,

politie aan ‘digitale dienstverlening’ doet, namelijk

islamofobie, homofobie en misogynie. Hoe kan

– natuurlijk – om dichter bij de burger te staan. Elke

het nu dat de politie vindt dat het geweld tegen

keer als de burger genoemd wordt krijgt de kijker

hén toeneemt, terwijl zoveel mensen luid virtueel

beelden te zien van een Nederlands mindscape,

applaudisseren voor elke slag met een wapenstok

bruggetjes, weilanden en sloten. Een agent op de

die de smerissen uitdelen? Laat ons eens kijken wat

fiets stapt af bij twee vrouwen. Ze staan voor een

onze makkers in uniform er zelf van vinden nu ze

bord met ‘tompouces, bloembollen te koop’. De ene

toch in de openbaarheid zijn getreden.

vrouw is wit en de andere vrouw bruin, maar jawel, ze dragen allebei oudhollandse klederdracht!

Onder de marketingfilmpjes op het kanaal

van de politie (het zijn er 136 sinds 2012) zijn

filmpjes geüpload, waarin de politie haar eigen

volksidee lijken misschien banaal. Je kan je afvragen

handelen legitimeert door haar daden in een

of er sprake is geweest van een bewust opgezette

grotere maatschappelijke context te plaatsen.


Het begint allemaal bij de reorganisatie zelf. De

idyllische Nederlandse beelden volgt plotseling een

Nationale Politie legt eerst in het filmpje ‘Nederland

boos betoog van korpschef Bouman. Hij pleit in drie

en de politie’, van bijna zeven minuten, uit waarom

minuten voor een aanpassing van het strafrecht.

zij toch wel écht nodig is: om de laagdrempeligheid

Zo een inmenging van de handhaver in politiek-

van de politie die ‘dicht bij de burger’ staat te

juridische kwesties was voorheen ongekend.

Zulke impliciete verwijzingen naar een





redden, is een verregaande centralisatie nodig. In hun woorden: ‘gebiedsgebonden politiewerk ís en

blijft het fundament van de politieorganisatie’.

kunnen worden als ze onnodig of overmatig 

Bouman wil dat agenten niet meer vervolgd


geweld hebben gebruikt. Het plaats de agent in een slachtofferrol; volgens Bouman is het niet de schuld van de agent dat deze, bijvoorbeeld, zijn vuurwapen gebruikte toen dat niet hoefde. Het is zelfs niet de schuld van de aanklager die zijn gelijk of genoegdoening kan afdwingen bij een

In de wereld van de politie is Nederland een land vol verwarde, gevaarlijke burgers

onafhankelijk rechter, maar Bouman zegt dat de fout zit in de juridische raamwerken die de politie wettelijk omgeven. Deze wetten, die er zijn om de burger te beschermen tegen politiegeweld, zijn volgens de korpschef  absurd, omdat ‘elke agent dit niet wil, en zich bedreigd voelt’. Bij de daaropvolgende filmpjes over de presentatie van het nieuwe uniform, de ME-busjes nieuwe stijl en een antidrone roofvogel wordt deze boodschap telkens herhaald: de politie moet zich wapenen tegen een alsmaar agressievere burger. De uniforms en de busjes moeten gezag uitstralen en angst inboezemen, maar de politie wil wel dicht bij de burger staan? – het lijkt met elkaar in tegenspraak. Het culmineert uiteindelijk in de introductie van de taser, een stroomstootwapen, dat na een fel politiek debat sinds februari toch in een aantal grote gemeenten wordt getest. Het filmpje ‘Politie begint proef met stroomstootwapen’ begint met de stem van een agent in het nieuwe uniform (zonder naam), die zegt: ‘je merkt dat de maatschappij verandert, ook het geweld tegen de politie neemt toe’. Tegelijkertijd is de tekst ‘Politie Gelderland schiet verwarde man neer na melding gijzeling.’

Deze burgers moeten koste wat kost

uitgeschakeld worden, dus als agenten vervolgd worden omdat ze iemand neerschieten met hun wapen is de wet verkeerd, en als ze dan echt hun dienstwapen niet zomaar willen gebruiken, dan eisen ze er een ander wapen voor dat ook dodelijk letsel kan veroorzaken. Het lijkt alsof het de politie er niet om gedaan is de zaak te de-escaleren, maar om geweld met harder geweld te beantwoorden en het tegenovergestelde te bereiken.

Ik kan concluderen dat deze zelfpresentatie

van de politie een zorgwekkende ontwikkeling is. De politie bedient zich van een populistische retoriek, die de agent representeert als een homogeen ‘volk’ met één mening. Het volk wordt door elitaire rechters en mensenrechtenactivisten onderdrukt in zijn wil. Zij, die de burger moet beschermen, moeten juist beschermd worden tegen het gevaar dat de burgers is: de ander, een verwarde buitenstaander, die alleen met geweld te stoppen is. De politie is nu dus politiek. De retorische tropen van slachtofferschap en anti-elitarisme kennen we in Nederland van de PVV. Maar, samen met het

Korpschef Bouman: ‘elke agent voelt zich bedreigd' NRC berichtte in februari eerst dat volgens cijfers van de politie het aantal incidenten met ‘verwarde personen’ met 14 procent was gestegen. Later in de maand bleek dat een schijnstatistiek te zijn; er waren niet meer verwarde personen, maar de politie handelde vaker volgens hun protocol ‘gevaarlijk





onschuldige) personen met geweld uit, in plaats van de crisisdienst van de lokale GGZ-instelling te laten helpen. land vol verwarde, gevaarlijke burgers.


verheelijken van geweld en de hiërarchische en de gecentraliseerde machtsstructuur heeft de politie als instituut de kenmerken van een fascistische organisatie. Als we zien hoe duizenden mensen geweld verheerlijken op sites zoals het anonieme ‘Dumpert’, maar ook steeds vaker openlijk op Facebook en op straat, moeten we inderdaad beschermd worden voor deze gevaarlijke burgers. Het gevaar komt van deze fascisten om ons heen, dus laten we hopen dat we op de politie kunnen rekenen om ze te stoppen. 

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The theme of this year’s conference is ‘In Europe we trust: how Europe will survive its modern day crises’. Topics such as extremism and populism, Russia’s influence over Europe, war and memory in the Balkans, and open border migration will be discussed extensively through plenary sessions and workshops given by various speakers who are specialised in these areas, such as Sonja Biserko, Eva Cukier, René Cuperus and André Gerrits. Location of the conference will be Concern Congrescentrum Amsterdam. Matthijs Lok is the moderator.



Block Friday the 21st of April in your agenda, as this will be the date of the annual SES-only party. Keep an eye on our Facebook-page for



This spring, SES will head to Poland and Ukraine for the annual Study Trip! The beautiful cities of Warsaw, Wroclaw, Krakow and Lviv will be visited. During these weeks, there will not be a borrel on Tuesday.


JUNE 17-19

In the weekend before the, for first year European Studies-students mandatory, UvA Brussels Day, SES organises a city trip to this vibrant European capital. Keep an eye on our Facebook for informaton about signing up.


JULY 1-3

For the third year in a row, we will conclude the SES year with the, already traditional, hitchhike competition. After visiting Antwerp and Ghent during the previous editions, the Hitchhike Committee chose a new, secret location for this year’s competition. The couple that arrives first on this location, that will only be announced on the day of the event itself, will be awarded with an amazing prize. The competition will take place on the 1st of July. After arriving on the secret location, we will stay there until the 3rd of July to end the year in style. Participants will be selected based on their anonymous motivations. Deadline for signing up is April 5th.

© studievereniging europese studies 2017

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