Eurovisie December 2023

Page 15

How European Countries Welcomed a Trojan Horse Vincent Lubach refrained from supporting the Eu- tion for trade between China and ce on China and advance the EU’s ropean Union External Actions Ser- Europe. Furthermore, the Greek objective of “de-risking” itself from vice’s (EEAS) critique on China’s ac- economy has been very vulnerable China. This strategy aligns with tions in the South China Sea, after since the euro crisis and this could the EU’s broader goal, initiated in the international arbitration court potentially be exploited by Chi- June 2023, to safeguard itself from in The Hague dismissed Beijing’s na. In fact, some even argue that potential risks linked to China. This legal justifications for the asser- Greece sold Piraeus to China, as is especially important considering ted territory. The argument made the Chinese COSCO shipping se- the EU’s dependence on China’s is that this is because Greece and cured a majority stake in the port. supply chains which became appaHungary have been receiving Chi- In other countries, the reconstruc- rent during the COVID-19 pandenese investments. This division tion of maritime infrastructure has mic in 2020. The de-risking stratebetween the EU Member States also sparked criticism and renewed gy is employed as a disguise for an demonstrates how the BRI has a doubt. For example, the country of unofficial “decoupling” approach, polarizing influence. Furthermore, Sri Lanka struggled to make repay- wherein the EU aims for a more the Chinese claims in the South ments on Chinese loans and was independent stance from China China Sea have been particularly forced to lease its Hambantota concerning its long-term interests. contentious due to the construc- port to Chinese multinationals for In essence, these measures signify tion of Chinese military outposts the next 99 years. a deliberate distancing from China on numerous manmade islands. If and a reduction of Chinese influenEuropean allies close to the US do “This example shows ce in Europe. Therefore, the decisinot take China’s military expansions of countries to step out of the on seriously, one could wonder to how China can use its BRI align with the EU’s overarching what extent China’s economic do- projects to gain influence objectives in reshaping its relatiminance through the BRI is not also over countries that take onship with China. political. part in the BRI. In addi- The examples of the investment Besides the critique on the invest- tion, it could strengthen and loans through the BRI have led ments through the BRI, there are China’s military power.” to doubts concerning the true naalso concerns related to extensive ture of the Belt and Road Initiative. loaning programs for participating There are other cases where nati- While it offers economic developcountries’ infrastructure develop- ons were at the point of being ex- ment opportunities, it could potenments. The terms of these loans ploited through the BRI and in one tially expose countries to exploiinclude significant interest rates case it has even led to the con- tation or unnecessary influences. and repayment conditions. These struction of China’s first overseas Currently, criticism has emerged conditions have given rise to what naval post. from participating nations, notably some describe as “debt traps”, in Europe where countries like Italy which is a scenario in which debtor More recently, the uncertainties are seeking to withdraw to safenations, having accepted Chinese surrounding the BRI have prompted guard their national interests. The loans but facing challenges in re- numerous countries to reassess analogy of the Trojan Horse could payment, become susceptible to their participation in the project. serve as a warning, suggesting exploitation. This vulnerability ena- Notably, Italy is contemplating an that beneath the outward appeables Beijing to wield influence over exit from the BRI, aligning itself rance of economic assistance and both their domestic and foreign po- with new policies of both the EU connectivity, the BRI may involve licies. For example, the Greek port and the US concerning China. The strategic and political motivations of Piraeus has been vitalised under EU strongly supports Italy’s with- capable of reshaping the geopolitithe BRI project, as Greece serves drawal from the initiative, viewing cal landscape in ways that are not as an important geographical loca- it as a means to decrease relian- fully comprehended. december | eurovisie | page 15

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