Euro Weekly News - Costa Blanca South 26 February - 4 March 2015 Issue 1547

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ISSUE NO. 1547


Street birth A WOMAN gave birth in an Elche street after waiting for an ambulance to arrive. It was the 33-year-old’s third child. Both arrived at Hospital Vinalopo safe and well.

Good start JANUARY saw a total of 35,259 foreign visitors to the Murcia Region; 7.9 per cent more than the same month last year, a positive start for this year’s tourism hopes.


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26 FEBRUARY - 4 MARCH 2015



Passport theft alert By Gemma Quinn BRITONS arriving at Alicante airport are being warned to be extra vigilant at car hire collection points. The British Consulate has issued the alert due to the fact that one out of every five British passports stolen in Alicante Province is taken at the airport, and most of them from vehicles. A further one out of every five stolen British passports is taken from vehicles on the road or in car parks.

The high level of passport thefts from vehicles is now the focus of a new drive by the Consulate and police. The British Consulate met car hire companies and the National Police (pictured) to discuss ways to reduce the number of British nationals who fall victim to passport theft when they collect their hire cars. The Consulate has asked car hire companies to remove stickers from cars as this makes them an obvious target for thieves. Hire companies said they will also warn customers to be extra wary when loading and unloading cars, to make sure personal belongings are not visible and to ignore any attempts to distract

them whilst driving. The police urged car hire companies to publicise the

902 102 112 number for tourists to report a crime in English if they do fall victim.


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


INDEX News 1 - 36 Finance 37 - 42 Leapy Lee 55 Daily TV 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70 Time Out 72 - 73 Letters 74 Health & Beauty 75 - 78 Food 79 - 81 Homes & Gardens 84 - 85 Services 86 - 90 Classifieds 91 - 93 Motoring 94 - 95 Sport 96

PUPPY LOVE: National Police officers are caring for a small dog whose owner has been arrested for alleged abuse of the animal.

Officers rescue dog from alleged abuse

NATIONAL POLICE have arrested a 29-yearold accused of mistreating his dog in Alicante. The man is alleged to have kicked the animal, breaking several bones and causing its lungs to become water logged. The vet said the injuries were consistent with being kicked. Police were called to the home of the pet owner by neighbours concerned about its welfare after hearing howls from the animal.

Police responded and found the man picking up bits of glass from a broken window. Seeing the dog shaking in the corner, the owner said the dog had accidentally crashed into the window and broken the glass. Officers removed the animal and took it to a vet where they proceeded to cover veterinary costs themselves, with one officer now caring for the pet at home. Animal charity Asoka has stepped in to help raise more money.

Firefighters protest against privatisation AROUND 300 firefighters in Murcia Region have taken to the streets to protest against privatisation. Belonging to the Consortium for Firefighting in the Region of Murcia

(CEIS), the Fire Department of Murcia and Cartagena, the group marched from Murcia’s Plaza de la Fuensanta to the Plaza Cardenal Belluga with a banner reading ‘public

safety at risk’ as they warned against privatisation of the industry. They are also calling for the introduction of an emergency law that helps regulate the various

services provided within the community, including training and qualifications. The law is in place in other regions, but not in Murcia.

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Harmony hospital CHILDREN at Alicante’s General Hospital received a visit from Grammy winning conductor Jose de Eusebio, who offered various music workshops as part of the project ‘A Hospital With Harmony.’ Library strike A GROUP of auxiliary library assistants are striking tomorrow (Friday) in Alicante to demand the reclassification of workers to a higher category.

Bank turns to students for ideas TALENTED youngsters have been working on an ‘app’ that can fight against computer hacking and create new technology for banks. Over 100 students from the University of Alicante (UA), mostly students with IT or telecommunications qualifications, came together at a conference titled ‘Instant Banking Hack Day.’ Organised by the UA and Banco

Sabadell, the event aimed to stimulate the creativity of the students to develop projects which could eventually materialise in the launch of new services to facilitate communication between banking and its users. The participants were divided into 22 teams to compete with each other for the most innovative idea to make banking systems

more technologically advanced, yet secure, for users. Director of Technology and Operations at Banco Sabadell Group, Carles Abarca, said banking is “one of the industries most threatened by the digital revolution” adding that younger generations “are already digital natives,” meaning banks must be more digital.


Easter getaway MORE trains have been added for Easter week with Renfe now offering 4,300 direct AVE high speed trains between Alicante and Sevilla and Cordoba. The extra trains will run from March 27.

WE DO!26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

Sand request ORIHUELA COSTA has asked the provincial coastal department if it can have more sand transported to the beaches and spread on some of the areas where nature has eroded it away. Bus protest WORKERS at Elche’s bus station have protested about the dismissal of a man with over 30 years of experience. They say he was sacked almost without warning and his job has been replaced by a machine.



ews watch

Winning milk

A DAIRY farm in Villena has been named by Danone as the best of its 700 milk suppliers last year. The Hermanos Plaza farm won the same prize for the quality of its milk in 2010.

Equality funding COLLECTIVES that do not respect the country’s equality legislation will have their funding stopped, according to the Valencia Diputacion.

Easter tickets TICKETS are now on sale for Lorca’s Semana Santa events for seats in the stands at the processions during Easter. Tickets are €3 from the Museo de Bordados del Paso Azul or call 968 472 077.

Road death A YOUNG man, aged 20, died in a road traffic accident when a car and motorcycle collided in Sant Joan d’Alacant. Social housing STOP EVICTIONS members gathered behind Alicante City Hall to protest against the situation in which 50 families evicted before the demolition of a building in 2013 have yet to be relocated.


Masonry repairs JUZCAR: Andalucia’s famous ‘smurf’ village.

Smurf village turning local volunteers blue


F you haven’t heard of Juzcar, a typical white Andalucian village 22 kilometres from Ronda, you’re obviously not a smurf fan. The village was chosen in 2011 by Sony to launch the premiere of the Smurfs Movie, and 4,000 litres of paint turned the village buildings a shockingly bright shade of blue. Overnight, the sleepy village went from receiving 300 tourists a year to an estimated 80,000 in just six months. Although Sony offered to repaint the village white in December 2011, the villagers voted to keep it blue and watched in awe as thousands of fans and curious tourists continued to appear to have a look. Now the ‘pueblo pitufo’ (smurf village) has decided it needs to do a little more work to encourage the visitors to keep on coming, and has created a project to turn locals into smurfs.

Quote of the Week We kiss against discrimination, racism and homophobia, to condemn these acts that are seen too often within companies, society and public life,’ said Jose Lebaniegos, a Madrid Metro ticket inspector who attended a protest kissing session against homophobia in Madrid.

A €15,000 budget has been put in place to take on an artistic director to train volunteers up as actors and provide costumes and props for ‘pitufo’ (smurf) shows, which have proved a popular attraction at the weekends. Lessons and rehearsals are about to begin for local volunteers of all ages, and the council hopes the street shows and other new activities will be ready by May 30. Juzcar Mayor David Fernandez announced that the local smurfs, who are to receive diplomas after completing their lessons, will also be going on tour with shows planned in Ubrique, Marbella, Malaga City and other towns. Along with face painting, a smurf themed market, blue manicures, personalised smurf baseball cap painting and smurf-meals, the new improved shows are bound to give the young and young-at-heart an unforgettable visit.

Number of the week


is the estimated number of packets of illegal cigarettes that were being smuggled into Spain each week from Gibraltar by a well-organised smuggling gang that has now been busted by police.

LOOSE masonry on an apartment building in Benidorm had to be removed by firefighters following recent high winds. Residents are warned to repair masonry to avoid accidents.

Port fight A YOUNG man was kicked in the head during a fight with another man in the port area of Alicante. The man was unconscious until doctors arrived at the scene. The fight was recorded on a mobile phone by an eye witness.

Plaza makeover TORREVIEJA has requested that the grant from the Ninth Mediterranean Employment Workshop be used for ‘improvement’ to the Plaza de Oriente, with the construction of a mini sports court and renovation of public space.

And finally... TWO brothers from Girona tried to swindle an Arab sheik by selling him a forged Goya painting for 1.7 million Swiss Francs (€1.58 million), only to discover they had been paid in photocopied bills. The brothers, who were conned when they bought the fake painting, thought they could recoup their losses by swindling the sheik.


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Dutch couple murder trial delay DELAYS could occur in the trial of the men accused of the murder of Dutch volleyball player Ingrid Visser and her partner Lodewijk Severein in Molina de Segura. The proceedings have been completed in record time of 18 months, but now, Judge Augusto Morales, from the Provincial Court of

Murcia, said a series of blunders exist which could force the delay of the judgement and result in a number of testimonies being retaken. Morales has also criticised the Judge of

Molina de Segura and the Court Clerk for not having the sufficient knowledge or experience in what is “a very complex and highly sensitive” trial. Ingrid Visser and Lodewijk Severein were killed in May 2013. The

former manager of a volleyball club, Juan Cuenca, is accused of hiring Constantin Stan and Valentin Ion to kill, dismember and bury the couple. Serafin de Alba is accused of being an alleged accessory.

Body found in car A MAN, reported missing from Alcantarilla, has been found dismembered in the boot of his car. Originally from San Pedro del Pinatar, the 47-year-old was reported missing by his family on February 11. He had left home headed for Orihuela Costa and had a significant amount of money on him, as he worked in real estate in the Torrevieja area.

Police found his Audi A6 car parked in the overflow car park of the Hospital Los Arcos de San Javier in an area set away from the hospital grounds. Investigations are ongoing into the man’s death with the government delegate in Murcia, Joaquin Bascuñana, saying the body had been found in “strange and tragic conditions.”

Our View

Facing up to evil


T’S extremely worrying and distressing to see young people from all around the globe deciding to make their way to Syria to join the ranks of IS. Just this week, four people were arrested in Spain suspected of recruiting for the terrorist group, and many of us are praying that the three teenage girls from Britain, who are believed to have travelled to Syria, are safe and well. When you’re 15 years old, you do not have the sufficient level of maturity and life experience to make a decision as life-changing as running off to a war zone, and it remains to be seen just why they chose to do so. IS recruiters are using social media sites to help indoctrinate impressionable young people to their cause, and the situation once again highlights one of the dangers

that the internet can create. The majority of people in the world would like to see every religion, race and creed living life in peace, as John Lennon put it, but unfortunately - in reality - life is not that simple. While we, in the relative safety of our democratic comfort in the West, baulk at the barbarity of life in places like Syria and Iraq at present, others are drawn to the cause because of misguided beliefs and values. No regime, be it democratic or otherwise, can be viewed with any degree of respect or integrity when they freely behead people on film for not agreeing with their religion or values. IS and other groups such as Al Qaeda and Boko Haram have shown the world that intolerance is one of the greatest evils this planet faces.

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26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South WE DO!

Airport workers refuse a move to Corvera SAN JAVIER AIRPORT workers say they are not moving to Corvera Airport, “now or ever.” The acting chairman of the Works Council of Aena - the airport authority Peter Blaya, told the president of Murcia Region, Alberto Garre, that workers

in San Javier were “not going to go to your private airport, now or ever.” The move comes following last week’s protest against plans to close San Javier and Garre’s announcement that he was working to safeguard all jobs.

Sudden death of footballer in Elche A YOUNG man died whilst playing football in Elche. The 21-year-old was playing football after renting the sports pitch at the University Miguel Hernandez for private use with a group of friends. He reported feeling sick before collapsing. Emergency ambulance crews could not save him as his parents and brother arrived at the scene. The university said the young man was not a student or worker there and expressed their regret at what had happened, sending condolences to the family.

Heliport needed THE lack of a helipad at Alicante’s General Hospital adds up to 20 minutes to journeys for emergency patients. A heliport behind the hospital was closed a few years ago for failing to meet safety regulations as it was surrounded by tall buildings which complicated landing and take-off. Helicopters now land at the Consortium of Fire Brigades’ landing ground in San Vicente where a waiting ambulance transfers patients, meaning valuable time is lost.

Blaya also announced the filing of a complaint with the European Commission for embezzlement relating to suspicions of fraud affecting public funding of the European Union (EU). A letter was produced from the EU Competition Commissioner, which warned that if Spain granted further state aid to the completion and opening of the airport at

Corvera, such public funding would have to comply with state aid rules.




E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


12 arrested in labour gang bust TWELVE people have been arrested for labour exploitation following a complaint lodged in Benidorm. National Police dismantled a criminal organisation dedicated to trafficking humans for labour exploitation in the province of Cordoba, which resulted in the arrest of 12 suspected members of the gang. Investigations were initiated following a complaint made by two Lithuanian women at Benidorm Local Police station,

who claimed to have been brought from their home country “to be exploited.” They told police they had been promised agricultural work with payment of €50 a day but the reality was very different with the women forced to work 10 hours a day without a break, for €30 a week. They were also under strict control as to what they could do in their free time. Benidorm’s local task force for foreigners also participated in the investigation.

Factory fire A FIRE has destroyed a factory in Crevillente. The blaze completely burned out the rubber factory in the town’s industrial estate but no one was hurt as the plant was closed to workers at the time. The fire was confined to the perimeter of the premises and did not affect neighbouring units, with around 20 firefighters called to the incident. Police are investigating.

Homeless man dies A HOMELESS man, aged 46, has died on the streets of Valencia. The man was found motionless on a park bench in the city and died from hypothermia on his way to hospital. He is the third victim to die on the streets of Valencia this month.


Schools on parade THE Special Operations Command based at the headquarters in Rabasa hosted the second open day for schools, with 130 children visiting the elite unit of the Spanish Army.

Closing time ALICANTE’S El Corte Ingles department store has complied with the request of Mayor Miguel Valor, to close the store during the Santa Faz and San Juan fiestas.

Palms out PALM trees infested with the palm weevil on the CV-91 roundabout in Almoradi have been removed.

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26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South WE DO!

An environmental clean-up MORE than 60 volunteers participated in an environmental clean-up day at the natural park of La Mata and Torrevieja. The initiative, ‘Clean up nature. Our park without waste’, was held in collaboration with AKI DIY store in Torrevieja and the ‘Walking by Walking’ association. The clean-up targeted the area in the south of the salt lake by El Chaparral, which was repopulated in the 1950s with pines and is considered of great importance for many

CLEAN-UP: More than 60 volunteers helped to restore the ecosystem of the park. species that inhabit the natural park. The clean-up aimed to promote and maintain the ecosystem in the best possible condition, improving and preserving

the biodiversity of the area. Mayor Eduardo Dolon thanked all the volunteers for their commitment to improving this important natural area and

congratulated the park management for carrying out such initiatives allowing voluntary participation by both young and old.

Farewell to mythical Camelot AFTER 25 years, the Camelot nightclub in Santa Pola has closed for good. The owners have handed over the keys after a quarter of a century of history at the club, which was famed and frequented by thousands of youngsters each year.

Throughout the week cranes and removal vans have been at the venue, which can be seen from the N-332 at Santa Pola, dismantling the legacy of the disco and removing all decorative elements, including the sword of King Arthur which presided at the entrance.

To mark Camelot’s history, the owners have been in talks with the town hall to host a party once a year in memory of the club. This year the party is planned to be held on August 8 in the Palmeral, with DJs and live music.



Flu cases clog up hospital A&Es THE flu virus in Murcia has reached its peak and is now beginning to slow, according to the authorities. There were 5,271 cases reported in the first week of February, twice as many as during the same period in 2014, which has resulted in extra strain being put on health centres and the region’s hospitals. The influx of patients has led to overcrowding in hospitals with reports that female patients at the Virgen de la Arrixaca hospital were being admitted to the new maternity wing to ease the volume in A&E. Of those admitted, there have only been two serious cases of flu reported.


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

Locals rolls up their sleeves and dig in COMMUNITY spirit is alive and well in the Camposol urbanisation in Mazarron. After six years, a new committee has been elected to push through improvements and recruit volunteers to restore the urbanisation, left blighted by a series of failures by the original builder and floods last September, to its former glory. New vice-chairman on the D Sector and Gardening Group, Paul Reid, said: “A lot of damage was done by the floods. Whilst we had a lot of support from the new Mazarron mayor with police, the water board and Red Cross all down here within a few hours of the floods and the town hall clearing up, a lot more still needed to be done. It is a big job, there has been a lot of mud left from the floods but we are finally


Club death A MAN has died after his 20th birthday party at a club in Orihuela. Following a fight with another man, he was killed in a road accident in San Isidro.

Gang bust

GETTING STUCK IN: Camposol residents at work. coming to an end.” Volunteers are now completing the weeding, removing the old pipework and tidying the dual carriageway that runs through D community. Work has been started on the D23 community gardens project and the concrete team has just laid curbstones by the roundabout on D11. Their next project is to move on to D7.

By believing that improving their surroundings can only improve their own lives and those of holidaymakers, and thus increase property values, Paul said there was a real sense of community spirit: “These are good neighbours and the volunteers are great but we need more. We want to create a good Camposol and dismiss the bad image it has been given over the years.”

AN organised gang, responsible for a series of burglaries across Murcia, has been disbanded after officers in Orihuela arrested a man with a large amount of objects of dubious origin in his vehicle.

Breast is best ELCHE General Hospital is running a number of initiatives and workshops to encourage mothers to breastfeed their babies.


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

Murcia looks to the East MURCIA’S Chinese population celebrated the Chinese New Year and welcomed in the Year of the Goat as the city council announced plans to attract more of their compatriots to visit the city and region. Murcia has joined the ‘Chinese Friendly City’ scheme in an effort to attract more of the country’s overseas tourists,

as it pledges to translate more tourism information into Chinese with posters, street signs and hotel literature. Around €2,500 has been spent on the initiative. There are currently just under 4,000 Chinese nationals registered on the padron in Murcia Region, with half of them based in the city.

Organisation of half marathon criticised THE Union of Local Police has denounced what it calls the poor organisation of Torrevieja’s half marathon which took place at the weekend. The union complained about the lack of signage prohibiting parking on the streets of La Purisima and Ruiz Canovas and said officers could not guarantee safety during the race due to lack of staff with just 14 Local Police on duty.

NEWS Lorries and vans fined A TOTAL of 1,336 lorry and van drivers in the Valencian Region were fined over a seven-day period. Of the 2,635 lorries checked on the community’s roads during a nationwide campaign, 642 were fined. The majority, 266, were fined for tachograph inconsistencies or exceeding the permitted number of hours at the wheel. Other fines were issued for irregularities relating to vehicles’ or drivers’ papers as well as speeding, overloading cargo and badlystacked freight. The Guardia Civil traffic officers also fined 694 van drivers for offences such as speeding, driving without a seatbelt and for the vehicle having no ITV (MOT).


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TRAFICO: New website and newsletter will explain traffic issues and laws in English.

Guardia Civil news

By Gemma Quinn DUE to the immense growth of the Facebook page, ‘N332’ which now has around 6,000 followers, Torrevieja’s Guardia Civil Trafico officers who set it up, are launching a newsletter and website. As reported in the Euro Weekly News two weeks ago, officer Francisco Morales set up the site with help and support from his colleagues, to explain changes in the law and driving issues in English for the expat community. Our article received many emails from readers which have been passed on, but many said they are not on Facebook and

cannot access it, so now a new website and newsletter is being launched. Having found that many of the questions asked by new followers were duplicates of information already published, the website will catalogue articles which will then allow you to search and read past information. A free newsletter will also address questions and topics and will be emailed to recipients monthly. Sign up by emailing with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line or visit Francisco said: “We still have a lot of work to do on the website and newsletter, so please be patient with us.”

26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South WE DO!




E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Education needed on Asperger’s THE Asperger’s Association of Alicante (Aspali) has warned that many schools in the province deny the existence of the syndrome and say mothers who express concern about their child’s ability are often branded as ‘hysterical’.

President of Aspali, Ezkarne Carazo, said: “The most important thing for these families is education, in schools and at all levels.” Carazo made the comments during International Asperger’s Day, saying that despite spending almost a century identifying the characteristics, the condition is still considered the ‘invisible disability’. Asperger’s syndrome is AN electronic prescription service is now operational an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The across the whole of the Murcia Region. Corvera’s health centre became the last of 80 in Murcia condition is characterised to incorporate the system, which is aimed at saving time by significant difficulties in and eliminating the need for patients with chronic social interaction and nonconditions to keep visiting the doctor for repeat verbal communication, alongside restricted and prescriptions. The system began to be phased in last September and repetitive patterns of by February 15, more than one million e-prescriptions behaviour and interests. Children with Asperger’s had been issued out of about nine million. Murcia’s College of Physicians raised concerns about syndrome often lack the system saying the implementation process may have interaction skills and show been carried out too quickly and the computer system on little empathy with their which the new service relies is prone to crashing. However, peers as well as being physically clumsy. chemists said these were just teething troubles.

Prescriptions go digital in Murcia


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


A reminder of the Civil War AN air-raid shelter from the Civil War is to open to the public. There are records of more than 90 shelters throughout the city but just four of them can be accessed and only two can be visited. The Balmis shelter will be temporarily open to the public tomorrow (Friday February 27) and Saturday from 10am until 2pm, with tickets available from the tourist office within the town hall. Conducted tours will then be

organised from mid-March, which will also be extended to the shelter beneath Plaza Seneca. Above ground, a Civil War museum is due to be inaugurated on March 15. The Balmis air-raid shelter was built in 1938. Alicante Mayor Miguel Valor praised the recovery of the shelters for present and future generations, to “ensure that the horrors of the Civil War would never be forgotten.”

Bike lane work starts soon WORK on a bicycle lane in the south of Alicante City is scheduled to begin next month. The five-kilometre route will link Casa Mediterraneo and the EU Trademarks Office (OAMI). President of

OAMI, Antonio Campinos, is a keen cyclist and has long campaigned for a cycle route for workers as reported previously in Euro Weekly News. Residents’ associations believe that the cycle lane should follow the former

Alicante-Murcia railway line; the disused Benalua terminus now houses Casa Mediterraneo. The lane would run parallel to the sea, to the El Palmeral park, before crossing under Avenida de Elche and on to OAMI.


Naval models on display A NEW exhibition of model Spanish submarines has opened in the Naval Museum in Cartagena. Enthusiast Rafael Aracil from Torrevieja participated in the exhibition, presenting three models of Spanish submarines. He was accompanied at the opening by the president of the Torrevieja Association of Military Modelling, Rafael Garcia Rodriguez, who used the event to invite those in Cartagena and at the Naval Museum to visit an upcoming military modelling exhibition in Torrevieja from April 19. Cartagena’s exhibition will be open to the public until March 22.

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26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South WE DO!

Pilar targeted in ‘zombie invasion’ THE ‘zombie invasion’ will arrive in Pilar de la Horadada on April 18. The most realistic ‘zombie attack’ in the country will arrive in the town as part of the 18th national Zombie Race where zombies will chase people through the streets. Around 1,500 people are expected to take part during the eight-hour game.

The game’s plot will be revealed on the night of the event, but the organiser Diego de la Concepción claimed that the scenario will spread across the town: “It is not a competitive game, but we seek fun for the young and old to enjoy a traditional game like hide and seek with the cinematic contribution of zombie survival,” he explained.

Participation is open to those aged over 14 (10-14-year-olds must be accompanied by an adult). Registration is now open at the Youth Information Centre with a special price of €20 for these first few weeks. You can also register via www. For more information visit www.survival



Industrial estate ‘needs upgrade’ THE industrial area of Los Montesinos is in “poor condition” with “poor infrastructure,” according to the town’s conservative Partido Popular (PP). The party is complaining about poor access to the roundabout to allow safe entry and exit to the estate for lorry drivers and workers. It said the mayor should give “more importance to the industry to keep work there and prevent companies from leaving” with many already going to neighbouring villages “because they find better conditions.” The PP claims it has proposed the construction of a roundabout on numerous occasions to prevent accidents.


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Skate park safety concerns rejected SANTA POLA has hit back at accusations that the new skate park is lacking safety measures. Councillor for Town Planning, Lola Gadea, has rejected the accusations levelled by the Socialist Party. She said: “Safety measures are stipulated.” Signs have been installed listing the rules for use of the facilities and new

signs are now being added relating to the compulsory use of helmets and accompaniment of minors by adults. Existing damage to the wall or fence, used by skaters to gain momentum “are to be repaired,” said Gadea who added: “We are studying the possible solutions that must meet the necessary safety requirements.”

Apologies for the ‘collapse’ of A&E APOLOGIES have been made to patients who have had to endure long waits in the A&E department at Vega Baja Hospital. Regional Minister of Health Manuel Llombart apologised for the situation, and explained that the emergency department had been overwhelmed during the last few months due to a sharp rise in the number of flu cases. He said March should see the department “return to normal activity.”

Waste tip is filmed A FILM crew from the Comando Actualidad programme of National Television Channel ONE have visited the burning waste tip on the border of Orihuela Costa/Pilar de la Horadada. The crew are reporting on illegal waste dumps, and also visited La Murada. Las Ramblas residents who have denounced the health and environmental risks resulting from the burning waste tip made their feelings known to the crew.


26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South



La gente THE home of Fredy E. Wubben, nestled in a peaceful hilltop urbanisation in L’Alfas del Pi is a delightful homage to the artist’s work over the decades. Born in The Hague, Fredy has always been interested in art and sculpture, even as a little girl. As a teenager she was looking for an education to do with design or gardens and found the Academy of Art where she became a student in painting and art before finding her real passion was sculpture. “I liked painting and people liked them with many selling immediately so I think a lot of people were shocked when I went into sculpting, but I wanted to make an actual thing in a space and in an environment. I liked that visual aspect.” Following her

AS part of our series Euro Weekly News reporter Gemma Quinn has been out and about to see what skills, talent and inspirational people can be found on the Costa Blanca. This week she met up with a talented artist.... FREDY: Some of her sculptures can now be viewed in her garden.

graduation Fredy went on to teach at the Academy whilst continuing her sculpting and carried out a lot of commission work

in Holland: “It was a very good time to be in the industry as there were grants available with a lot of work being put out to

tender for artists. A lot of international artists would come to Holland for these opportunities. When a new town hall was built money would be set aside for art so there was a lot of work to bid on and opportunities and I got selected on numerous occasions to carry out projects.” Whilst loving the grandeur of her big sculptures and using materials such as bronze and stainless steel, Fredy can also work on intricate glass pieces, having won awards in 2006 for her design for Maxima Glass. She created a winning pair of glasses in a

competition to mark the royal coronation that year in the Netherlands and created a limited edition range. Now, from her home in Spain, along with her husband, fellow artist Chris, she works on smaller, private commissions but continues to exhibit in galleries across Spain and she is keen to work with local councils

to create some pieces to liven up the area’s roundabouts. Their home, Casa Sjengarden, is open to visitors to few the sculpture garden and her studio workshop and gallery where Fredy and Chris offer a warm welcome to all visitors. They also hold benefit concerts there for local charities. For more information on opening times or events, call Fredy on 966 860 522 or email


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Congratulations, Heidi and Jamie EVERYONE at Euro Weekly News would like to send their heartfelt congratulations to the new Mr and Mrs Price. Our former reporter Heidi wed her beau Jamie at La Siesta church on Saturday, with Pastor Keith Brown presiding, surrounded by friends and family before an evening reception at El Cortijo de Nacho in Torreta II. The couple, who have been together nearly three years, met at Shannon’s Tavern in Torrevieja where Heidi was working at the time. They had never laid eyes on each other before but realised they lived close to each other and knew the same group of friends. Heidi met Jamie three days before she was leaving Spain to start a new life back in the UK. She had a job, car and house lined up and lasted two weeks before realising Jamie was The One and returned to Spain. The pair have since been inseparable. They got engaged on their second anniversary in Calpe and are now awaiting the birth of their first child, due in May. The wedding was a true love affair

TRUE LOVE: Heidi and Jamie. with the couple thanking their friends and family for all their gifts and support. Heidi and Jamie are now heading down to the Costa del Sol this weekend for their honeymoon, a gift from Heidi’s parents.


New rugby club to host family fun day COSTA COBRAS RFC, the area’s newest rugby club, is hosting a family fun day at the Daya Vieja sportsground on March 7. The event runs from 10.30am-3pm, and the

club has arranged a variety of stalls, live music, a bouncy castle and BBQ, plus plenty of fun rugby games. The club is looking for prizes for the raffle and

English cinema for children THE cinema club in Pilar de la Horadada is considering putting on films for children once a month. The club, run by Diego Garcia Fructoso and his family and team of volunteers, is dedicated to offering English-language films for the expat community and is now gathering interest for children’s films. Those interested should email Tish Hirst at The film this week is Gone Girl, being shown tonight (Thursday) at 7pm and Saturday at 5pm. Tickets cost €5 or sign up for a loyalty card to receive discounts.

tombola as all funds raised will go on training equipment for the youngsters. Costa Cobras welcomes players of ages, gender and nationality, from beginners to more experienced players with the club based on the true traditional ethics of the sport. The juniors train on Mondays from 6.30-8pm and Tuesdays from 6-7.30pm while the seniors will be training on Monday and Wednesday from 8.3010.30pm. This year is a big one for rugby with the Six Nations now on and come September the Rugby World Cup in England and Wales, so now is a great time to join the sport. For more information about the club contact Dutch on 692 767 242 or Robert on 697 286 416.

26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South




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Cucaracha Club on tour in the UK SAN LUIS actor and writer Billie Anthony Gaddess, who is know for treading the boards on stage with the ADHOC players over the last few years, found himself invited to radio stations for a series of interviews during his trip back to his home town of Newcastle last week. The Asian network station Spice FM transmitting via internet and on terrestrial air waves all over India, Pakistan and the Asian Sub Continent, gave 30 minutes air time to The Cucaracha Club film, written by Billie and filmed in and around Torrevieja. The station also intends a two hour special with cast and crew on completion of the story about ex-spies being reactivated by their former spy masters. The feedback to the music from the film’s musical score played on air also received very positive reactions. Radio Northumberland was the next venue for a one hour special Dessert Island Disks with presenter Paul Green, before a drive past Saint James Park to the BBC Centre for an interview by Simon Logan for his afternoon show. Billie then found himself visiting the

ON AIR: Billie with Simon Logan. Evening Chronicle offices in Newcastle centre for an interview with other cast members who had travelled to Spain just to be involved in the production. Billie was overwhelmed by the amount of interest from people in the UK wanting to join in and support the community project. For info visit

26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South




E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


World Day of the Sword Swallower SATURDAY (February 28) marks the rather unusual, and lesser well known, World Day of the Sword Swallower. There are only two wellknown sword swallowers in Spain, one in Madrid and the other, Murray Molloy, in Murcia. Molloy, an internationally recognised sword swallower began his

journey when he was just 18. Now after years of touring and constant travelling, he has expanded his repertoire to include contortion and escapology and has performed everywhere from Australia to Laos, Portugal to Fiji, on the street, in bars and halls, at festivals, in front of tribal chiefs and at the legendary Jim Rose Circus.

Norwegians get on swimmingly NORWEGIAN swimming clubs have been in Torrevieja over the last few weeks training at the Palacio de los Deporte’s Olympic-sized pool. Around 90 swimmers have been using the facilities at Sports City, including youth and senior teams, preparing for their national and international competitions.

If you want to know more about this World Day of the Sword Swallower, visit

Coast gets connected THE latest stretch of handrails to steps and coastal walkways along the Orihuela Costa has been installed and completed. The team of workers on a short-term employment scheme are also in the process of creating the first network of connected bicycle lanes along the coast, which would link from the main route that runs along the N-332.


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WE DO!26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

Paying to get to their own homes RESIDENTS in the hamlet of Bacarot, Alicante, are calling on the council to find a solution for access to their homes. Twenty families in the

Viejo Camino de Elche have to pay €10 a month for access to their homes which passes through a private road owned by a neighbour. Previously the

Earthquake rocks region THE emergency 112 number in the Valencia Region received around 120 calls following an earthquake on Monday afternoon. The quake registered a magnitude of 5.4 with the epicentre in the town of Ossa de Montiel, Albacete, but was felt across the region and in Alicante Province particularly in Elche and Villajoyosa One resident of Villajoyosa said he felt his chair vibrate for around 20 seconds, thinking at first it was the building’s lift until he heard about the earthquake on the radio. The quake was also felt in Madrid. The Spanish Seismic Network said there are about 2,500 earthquakes a year, although most are so weak that people only detect an average of two per month.

amount was €15 before the landowner reduced it. However now, residents say they are “tired” of paying to get to their homes and gathered to address the situation. The issue arose when the landowner initially agreed to give access to the area for vehicles but then revoked the permit. Five years ago an agreement was made for the residents to pay for access. They are now calling on the town hall to mediate a meeting between themselves and the landowner to find a better solution to suit everyone. Mayor of the village Ivan Martinez said: “Our will is to find a solution to the problem, but it’s complicated.”




E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Petition to safeguard EU referendum vote BRITONS living in Spain are being urged to sign an online petition to safeguard their right to vote in any referendum on staying in or out of the EU. Alan Thomas, a Briton living in France, decided it was unfair that any referendum in Britain may

exclude some of those who would be most affected by it – those people who have been living in the EU for more than 15 years. At the moment people who have lived outside the UK for that period of time lose their right to vote in the UK. This is an issue that

has been becoming a hot topic as the British General Election approaches. There has been legislation proposed that would remove the time restriction, but crucially that legislation may not be passed, if ever brought forward, until after an in-

or-out referendum on EU membership. So Alan has set up the e-petition on the UK Government website calling for all British passport holders to be given the right to vote in any such referendum, regardless of how long they have lived

ONLINE PETITION: Expats are urged to sign up. abroad and is urging British residents in Spain to go online to sign it. The full text of his

NEARLY two-thirds of British couples planning to go on holiday during 2015 will travel to Spain, more than three times as many people than will go to the next most popular destination, Greece. A whopping 58 per cent of UK holidaymakers will take a sunshine break in Spain, out of season, and stay in a hotel that affords them a healthy spending budget. This is the average British holiday in 2015, according to Monarch Airlines, who surveyed more than 2,000 UK adults about their plans

for a holiday. Spain dominated the top 10 choices, with second-placed Greece only being chosen by 17.2 per cent. “Spain’s popularity amongst those looking for sun, sea and sangria is as strong as ever,” said Ian Chambers, head of retail and online at Monarch Airlines. “It’s also great to see savvy travellers making the most of the exceptional bargains that are to be had outside of the traditional peak season - June is a month that offers the excellent weather conditions of high


Spain strong as ever STILL APPEALING: Sun, sea and sangria. summer without Chambers.




petition reads: ‘It has been proposed that legislation will be introduced to remove the 15-year limitation on non-residents being able to register to vote in UK elections and referenda. Should a motion be tabled in Parliament to hold a referendum on EU membership, before such legislation is passed, this petition requests that all British passport holders meeting the qualifying criteria who are resident in the EU outside the UK be able to register to partake in any such referendum.’ To sign the petition visit


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Hope for owners of illegal homes

ILLEGAL HOMES: The solution is simple, first compensate and then demolish. group in Almeria and its sister association SOHA in

Malaga - who have long campaigned for this change

- are calling on all political parties to support it.

Their call comes following the demolition of several illegal homes in Spain bought by foreign buyers who were unaware of any problems at the time of purchase. AUAN estimates there are around 300,000 illegal homes in southern Spain alone. “The normal practice is that the promoter is given a small fine for building an illegal house, whilst the person who spent their life savings on the house sees it demolished with a theoretical order of compensation that never

actually happens,” said Gerardo Vazquez, lawyer for the associations. “In reality, the victim receives the greatest punishment and this cannot be right. Certainly, the environment must be protected, but the end does not justify the means if you violate a person’s fundamental right to inviolability of the home, their human right to property and their constitutional right to decent housing. “The solution is simple, first compensate and then demolish.”

Spandau soulboys to sing in Spain WIKIMEDIA COMMONS - ANDREW HURLEY

HOMEOWNERS’ groups in Spain have hailed a proposed change to the Criminal Code that would help protect people who purchase illegal properties in good faith, as “a golden opportunity” to take a step forward. A proposal by the PSOE political party in the Senate on February 18 for an amendment to the Criminal Code seeks to ensure that third parties who purchase an illegal property in good faith receive compensation before the property is demolished. The AUAN

Spandau Ballet in concert.

EIGHTIES pop superstars Spandau Ballet have announced concerts in Spain as part of their Soulboys of the Western World Live tour. On June 18 in Madrid and June 19 in Bilbao, Spandau Ballet will be visiting Spain with a third concert

also pencilled in for Barcelona, but details have yet to be confirmed. Tickets on sale from tomorrow, Friday February 27 from www.elcorteingles/entradas or


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


MOTORISTS in Spain will soon know the location of all speed cameras and traps thanks to the Spanish traffic authority (DGT). What’s more, drivers will get early

warnings of the presence of an upcoming speed control in order to make Spanish roads safer. Director general of the DGT, Maria Segui, said that all speed controls,

New online service for reporting offences THE Guardia Civil has this week launched an online ‘denuncia’ system to make it easier for people to report an array of offences. The new ‘e-Denuncias’ service is now operational and will save people time and paperwork when reporting certain offences. The incidents that can be reported online include lost and found documents or property, vehicle theft, theft from a vehicle, robbery without violence and damage where the identity of the perpetrator is not known. In

incidents where physical violence occurs, it is still necessary to report it in person. Once the offence is reported online, it will still be necessary to visit a Guardia Civil office within three days to confirm the initial report. However, incidents reported through the new online service will be given priority over incidents reported in person. The online ‘denuncia’ service can be https://efound at x.faces.

both mobile and fixed, would be clearly visible on the roads for motorists. “This initiative is being adopted so that drivers will respect established speed limits, particularly on stretches of road that have been identified as especially dangerous,” said Ms Segui. “Violation reports are not our final goal. Speed in and of itself is neither good nor bad, but the challenge lies in managing it.” The DGT are to publish on their website the location of all checkpoints in Spain in order to raise awareness about the need for safe driving. In January of this year, there was a 44 per cent rise in road deaths over the same month in 2014. Despite the bad month, in 2014 there were fewer road fatalities than the year before.

“Our 2014 figures consolidate us as one of the safest countries in terms of moving around,” said Ms Segui. “France and England have reported annual rises of 2 to 6 per cent in road deaths, and Germany is anticipating a 2 per cent increase.”

Tom Wang/Shutterstock.

Spain publishes speed trap locations in a bid for safety


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South COSTA DE ALMERÍA

Dead dolphin EQUINAC has removed the body of a dead dolphin from Genoveses beach in Cabo de Gata. The 1.4 metre male dolphin was in an advanced state of decomposition according to Equinac.

News from our editions With six editions and read by more than half a million people, EWN is Spain’s largest free local English-language newspaper

Woman injured

WORK has begun on the restoration of Vera’s Ermita de San Anton. The restoration, at a budget of €150,000, includes repairs to walls, wiring, reconstruction of the choir area and woodwork.

Circus denounced EQUINAC animal protection society has filed a complaint with the Guardia Civil against German circus Berlin Zirkus, currently in El Ejido. The complaint specifies the restricted storage of several wild animals.


Flames kill pet TWENTY people were evacuated from a building in Ronda after a fire broke out in a fourth floor flat. Although nobody was injured during the incident, a dog was later found dead inside the flat.

Beauties on show THE 12 finalists of Top Model of Spain beauty contest can be spotted in Malaga City this week as the final is at the Plaza del Castillo hotel on Saturday, February 28.

New places MORE than 300 new dependant patients will be able to receive treatment in Palma, a number that translates to a 15.1 per cent increase compared with 2011. In total, there will be 2,322 places by the end of 2015.

LOCAL POLICE roped off Avenida Gabriel Alomar in Palma after an aerial located on the town hall’s building was knocked over by strong winds and left hanging over the edge of the roof, causing concern amongst bystanders who called 112.

Porsche winner

Hermitage works


Aerial incident

A 67-YEAR-OLD woman has been injured following a collision with a four-wheel-drive vehicle on Paseo Pedro Ponce in El Ejido. She was transferred to Torrecardenas hospital in Almeria City for treatment.

ALMERIA driver and current champion, Jose Antonio Aznar Jose Crisanto, stamped his winning status by coming first in the Almanzora-Filabres rally. He won in his Porsche 911 GT3.


Imprudent death BALCON BOLLYWOOD: Filming at Balcon de Europa in 2012.

Bollywood films shoot in Nerja NERJA’S scenery regularly attracts the attention of international movie creators, and this time it is a Bollywood production rolling up to shoot in the town. The setting on this occasion is the Balcon de Europa (Europe’s Balcony) for a movie titled ‘Jili.’ Several music scenes are to be recorded at the location and surrounding areas, said the head of the town’s Development department, Bernardo Pozuelo. to deal with a propane gas leak when a gas-bottle lorry driver lost control and crashed on the A381 motorway in Los Barrios. No injuries were reported.

Musuems near launch MALAGA City Council has announced that the Pompidou Centre will open to the public on March 28, while the Russian State Museum at the old Tabacalera building will open on March 25.


Park reopens

Raising awareness

SELWO Aventura safari park on the Costa del Sol has reopened after its traditional winter break and is looking to beat last year’s 142,000 visits during the 2015 season.

A CONFERENCE on Hyperactivity Disorder in children was carried out in Almuñecar to raise awareness about the condition, as it is estimated that 5 per cent of children in Spain suffer from it.

Crash causes leaks

Sports success

CADIZ fire brigade teams were called out

ALMUÑECAR table tennis player, Lucia

The filming took place last Tuesday (February 24), and was organised by production company UV Creations, which has already shot several other scenes in different corners of Andalucia. Actor Gopichand and actress Rashi Khanna play the leads in the film and the choreography is conducted by wellknown Indian dancer, Raju Sundaram. In 2012 musical scenes were also recorded at the Balcon de Europa. Lopez, won for the second year in a row the bronze medal at the National Tournament of 2015, held in Valladolid.

Learning English TWENTY tourism workers and taxi drivers of Motril will receive free English courses, as well as manuals with practical English phrases they will be able to use in everyday situations thanks to the town council.

Fire near gas station A VEHICLE burst into flames on February 19 near the gas station of La Paloma, Almuñecar. The fire caused a cloud of smoke that created great alarm amongst drivers who were passing by.

Safety training VELEZ-MALAGA Council has trained more than 2,803 people on safety in the workplace since the service was launched in March of 2012. It provides training to an average of 600 workers per year.

A SCUBA DIVER in Palma has been charged with homicide for automatically inflating the vest of his diving partner. She died from damages resulting from the lack of readjustment to the pressure changes as she ascended.

New urban plan A NEW Urban Development Plan in Manacor will inspect buildings constructed more than 25 years ago. It also foresees a more environment-friendly and sustainable urban works.

Missing girl found THE mother of the 14-year-old girl who went missing last Sunday (February 22) in Palma found her in good condition a day later in a local shopping centre located in Calle Reina Maria Cristina.


June date LESWORKING is collaborating with the Olagirls three-day gathering in Calpe next June. The international network is present in 15 countries and promotes job placement and integration for gay women in the workplace.

Smart lights ELEVEN Marina Alta inland and coastal town halls will spend €3.3 million on installing efficient energy systems for street lights. The Alicante Diputacion will contribute €2.4 million of the cost.

Hearing off THE trial of former Campello Mayor Juan Ramon Varo was postponed after he produced medical certificates confirming his heart condition. He is accused of irregularities arising from municipal contracts.

For more local news from our regions see … EWN top for all the news from Spain.


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South



Stories making headlines in Europe



DENMARK: The Government will spend nearly one billion kroner (€134m) over the next four years to help defend the country against terrorism.

Ferry return DENMARK: The old ferry route between Hundested and Grena could reopen thanks to a campaign by a low-cost bus company.

Bird names SWEDEN: Sweden’s Ornithological Society has banned several names for birds following concerns that they sound racist in Swedish.

Shop attack SWEDEN: A sex shop in Stockholm has been attacked by antipornography protestors for selling Fifty Shades of Grey-style sadomasochism merchandise.

Prison imam NORWAY: A prison near Oslo is to bring in a local imam to hold seminars and groups to help prevent the radicalisation of Muslim prisoners.

Oil drop NORWAY: Norway’s oil exports have dropped by more than 50 per cent since early 2014 as crude prices dragged down the country’s trade surplus.

Same smoke NORWAY: The Government has proposed all tobacco products sold in the country should have standardised packaging to help prevent tobacco use among young people.

Deadly mosquitoes A DEADLY mosquito capable of carrying the West Nile virus has been discovered in the Thames Estuary. Colonies of culex modestus have been thriving in marshland in North Kent. There is no vaccine for the West Nile virus.

Japan visit

Veggie quick fix AN AA mechanic in Hertfordshire temporarily fixed a man’s Land Rover by wiring it to a potato, enabling him to drive it 12 miles to the nearest garage where the ignition system was properly repaired.

January sales down BRITISH retail sales fell by 0.3 per cent in January despite motorists filling up on cheaper petrol. Volumes were down in supermarkets and fashion shops, outweighing the rise in fuel and department stores.

Stamp inventions BRITISH inventions such as fibre optics, DNA sequencing and the Colossus computer are

Photo: Jonan Basterra/flickr

Terror spending

RESEARCHERS in Munich plan to publish an annotated version of Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ in 2016 after its copyright runs out this year.

MADNESS: To perform at F1 British Grand Prix. featured on eight new stamps released by Royal Mail in February. The stamps are already on sale and will be displayed on Royal Mail vans.

Silverstone madness MUSIC legends Madness are set to perform at Silverstone racing circuit on the eve of the Formula 1 British Grand Prix in July. The British band will take to an open-air stage overlooking the race track as part of their Grandslam Madness Tour.

ANGELA MERKEL is to visit Japan for the first time in seven years early next month for a summit with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

High poverty POVERTY levels in Germany have reached an all-time high, with 12.5 million people affected, according to a report from a welfare association.

Roman riches THE Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cologne has revealed that it is sitting on a €3.35 billion fortune through stocks, funds and property.

Deadly brooms EQUIPMENT shortages resulted in a German battalion assigned to NATO’s rapid response force using broom handles instead of guns during an exercise.

RUSSIAN PRESS War worries MORE than two-thirds of Russians believe other countries pose a military threat to their nation’s security and there is a higher likelihood of war than at any other time this century, according to a research group.

Tourist dies A 51-YEAR-OLD German tourist has died from stab wounds in Brazil after resisting assailants who tried to rob him during the Rio carnival.

Spy gadget fine A VLADIVOSTOK man has been fined €700 for buying a ‘spy’ cigarette lighter on a US online store. The lighter, equipped with a hidden camera, violates the right to privacy guaranteed by the Constitution, prosecutors said.

Baby blue goat A ZOO in Yekaterinburg celebrated Chinese New Year last week by dying a baby goat blue using food dye. 2015 is the Chinese Year of the Goat, or more specifically, the year of the blue, wooden goat.

Drunken fall A 23-YEAR-OLD man in the Kemerovo region who fell eight storeys from an apartment building while drunk was saved by falling into a

Rolls SUV PUSSY RIOT: First song in English. snow drift. He picked himself up and walked back upstairs to his apartment, unhurt.

Pussy Riot single FEMALE punk group Pussy Riot, who were imprisoned in 2012 on hooliganism charges, have released their first song in English. The song, called ‘I Can’t Breathe’, is based on the last words of an American man allegedly choked to death by a police officer.

GERMAN-OWNED luxury car maker Rolls-Royce has announced plans to launch its own Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV), the company’s first ever 4x4 car.

Vehicle risk MERCEDES-BENZ is to recall more than 127,000 vehicles in China due to a potential fire risk and steering issues, according to Beijing’s quality watchdog.


26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

inance F



business & legal Ministerial tug-of-war over Bankia ECONOMY minister Luis de Guindos and Finance minister Cristobal Montoro do not always see eye to eye. They disagreed over raising the value-added tax IVA, for instance, with De Guindos for and Montoro against. They now differ over future compensation for small investors who launched lawsuits after losing their savings through Bankia’s flawed 2011

flotation. The bank is now partly nationalised, with De Guindos in favour of limiting Bankia’s compensation liability to 38 per cent. The remainder would come from the bank’s parent company BFA, which is 100 per cent government-owned. Montoro, whose ministry controls Spain’s Hacienda or Treasury, is determined that taxpayers should not

Telefonica bites the bolivar bullet THE falling value of Venezuela’s bolivar has hit Telefonica once more. The oil producer’s devalued currency has cost the company €7.45 billion over the last five years and the Spanish multinational has now decided to reduce the value of its Venezuelan assets. Telefonica announced that henceforth both these and income will be valued at 50 bolivars to the dollar instead of the previous 12. Even this could be considered overpriced as a black market dollar fetched 118 bolivars at the beginning of February, insiders said. US companies like Kimberly Clark have

already adopted the same exchange rate or, like Ford and Pepsi Cola, intend to do so. BBVA and Mapfre have been less courageous and are still valuing assets at 12 bolivars to the dollar. The move will write down its Venezuelan assets by €2.84 billion, Telefonica said, an amount that includes retained profits now estimated at €1.23 billion that it has been barred from repatriating to Spain. Its Venezuela results for last year will be adjusted to the new exchange rate, reducing its gross profit by €915 million and net profit by €399 million.


usiness extra

Portuguese bid CAIXABANK, which owns 44 per cent of Portuguese bank BPI, launched a takeover bid. Threequarters of BPI shareholders must first agree to reverse rules that restrict Caixabank’s voting rights to 20 per cent.

Orange alert ORANGE ESPAÑA’s 2014 earnings of €3.87 billion were 4.4 per cent less than in 2013 although mobile contracts increased by 455,000. Pre-tax profits of €958 million were 7.8 per cent down.

Hedge funds fly to AENA TWO hedge funds have invested in Spain’s airports operator AENA. London-based TCI acquired a 6.67 per cent stake for €580 million and the US fund, Fidelity, bought 1.3 per cent for €120 million. Morgan Stanley, one of the banks that managed the flotation, controls 3.62 per cent. Some institutional Spanish

investors like Ferrovial and Grupo Alba dropped out when AENA was partly-privatised earlier this month when the €58 initial public offering price (IPO) exceeded the price they were committed to paying. Shares rose by 20 per cent on the first day of trading, however, making an €800 million profit for the big investors.



STAT OF WEEK HACIENDA received €12.32 billion in taxes last year, making 2014 a record year. Thanks to Hacienda’s onslaught against fiscal fraud and despite staff cuts, each employee collected an average of €479,000.

have to foot the Bankia bill. The Bank of Spain has yet to make a pronouncement, but Bankia itself is uneasy, sources revealed. If it has to compensate all losses arising from the flotation, this will drag down share prices, they said. PROTEST: Bankia shareholders demanding compensation.


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South




C O M PA N Y PRICE(P) 3i Group 487.70 Aberdeen Asset Mngmnt 471.50 Admiral Group 1,470.50 Aggreko 1,690.00 Anglo American 1,224.50 Antofagasta 744.50 ARM Holdings 1,120.50 Ashtead Group 1,142.00 Associated Brit Foods 3,046.50 AstraZeneca 4,472.50 Aviva 549.25 Babcock International 1,019.00 BAE Systems 532.75 Barclays 263.20 Barratt Developments 505.50 BG Group 972.55 BHP Billiton 1,555.75 BP 446.23

C H A N G E ( P ) % C H G. 5.50 1.14 4.10 0.88 7.50 0.51 3.00 0.18 -22.00 -1.76 -9.00 -1.19 4.50 0.40 12.00 1.06 10.50 0.35 59.00 1.34 2.75 0.50 7.00 0.69 2.75 0.52 1.70 0.65 5.00 1.00 1.15 0.12 -25.25 -1.60 -0.47 -0.11

NET VOLUME 4,651.17 6,130.75 4,073.05 4,300.23 17,081.29 7,379.14 15,419.31 5,685.27 24,217.31 56,004.79 16,242.23 5,010.67 16,603.15 43,037.72 4,930.53 32,510.78 33,239.79 81,323.00

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Units per €

US dollar..................................................................1.13360 Japan yen ...............................................................135.160 Switzerland franc................................................1.07165 Denmark kroner.................................................7.45754 Norway kroner ....................................................8.57913 • Tel: +34 965 994 830 C O M PA N Y


British Am Tobacco British Land Co BT Group Bunzl Burberry Group Capita Group (The) Carnival

3,676.75 826.00 444.50 1,962.00 1,921.00 1,176.00 2,880.00

C H A N G E ( P ) % C H G.





C O M PA N Y MMM 3M Co AXP American Express Co T AT&T Inc BA Boeing Co CAT Caterpillar Inc CVX Chevron Corp CSCO Cisco Systems Inc KO The Coca-Cola Co DIS Walt Disney Co DD E I du Pont de Nemours and Co XOM Exxon Mobil Corp GE General Electric Co GS Goldman Sachs Group Inc HD Home Depot Inc IBM International Business Machine... MMM 3M Co AXP American Express Co T AT&T Inc BA Boeing Co CAT Caterpillar Inc CVX Chevron Corp CSCO Cisco Systems Inc KO The Coca-Cola Co DIS Walt Disney Co DD E I du Pont de Nemours and Co XOM Exxon Mobil Corp GE General Electric Co GS Goldman Sachs Group Inc HD Home Depot Inc IBM International Business Machine...

PRICE CHANGE %CHANGE VOLUME 168.12 79.83 34.08 158.31 84.44 108.60 29.61 41.97 104.55 76.67 89.92 25.21 191.51 112.24 163.65 168.12 79.83 34.08 158.31 84.44 108.60 29.61 41.97 104.55 76.67 89.92 25.21 191.51 112.24 163.65

+1.03 +1.43 -0.01 +4.56 +1.14 +0.25 +0.30 -0.14 +0.66 +0.59 +0.48 +0.20 +2.40 +1.30 -0.24 +1.03 +1.43 -0.01 +4.56 +1.14 +0.25 +0.30 -0.14 +0.66 +0.59 +0.48 +0.20 +2.40 +1.30 -0.24

+0.62% +1.82% -0.03% +2.97% +1.37% +0.23% +1.02% -0.33% +0.64% +0.78% +0.54% +0.80% +1.27% +1.17% -0.15% +0.62% +1.82% -0.03% +2.97% +1.37% +0.23% +1.02% -0.33% +0.64% +0.78% +0.54% +0.80% +1.27% +1.17% -0.15%

2.4M 11.3M 21.3M 9.4M 6.0M 7.6M 26.0M 16.0M 5.2M 3.9M 16.0M 39.9M 2.3M 7.3M 3.4M 2.4M 11.3M 21.3M 9.4M 6.0M 7.6M 26.0M 16.0M 5.2M 3.9M 16.0M 39.9M 2.3M 7.3M 3.4M


20.75 8.50 3.30 34.00 13.00 5.00 5.00

0.57 1.04 0.75 1.76 0.68 0.43 0.17

NET VOLUME 68,319.70 8,402.88 35,545.37 6,406.34 8,448.17 7,687.51 6,350.89



$ 14.50 $ 7.87 $ 3.73 $ 8.06 $ 12.19 $ 100.75 $ 18.97 $ 26.89 $ 70.35 $ 2.58 $ 19.73

3.29 ▲ 29.35% 1.07 ▲ 15.74% 0.39 ▲ 11.68% 0.79 ▲ 10.87% 1.12 ▲ 10.12% 9.20 ▲ 10.05% 1.72 ▲ 9.97% 2.39 ▲ 9.76% 6.07 ▲ 9.44% 0.22 ▲ 9.32% 1.54 ▲ 8.47%

$ 18.90 $ 10.82 $ 33.68 $ 17.95 $ 9.51 $ 7.54 $ 57.51 $ 14.42 $ 28.53 $ 19.51 $ 6.07

8.84 ▼ 31.87% 3.95 ▼ 26.74% 5.30 ▼ 13.60% 2.82 ▼ 13.58% 1.24 ▼ 11.53% 0.87 ▼ 10.34% 6.41 ▼ 10.03% 1.58 ▼ 9.88% 2.57 ▼ 8.26% 1.68 ▼ 7.93% 0.51 ▼ 7.75%

Most Advanced Egalet Corporation Sizmek Inc. CafePress Inc. ARIAD Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Cross Country Healthcare, Inc. Hingham Institution for Savings ProQR Therapeutics N.V. Allied Motion Technologies, Inc. CyberArk Software Ltd. Hudson Global, Inc. MedAssets, Inc.

Most Declined Noodles & Company Rocket Fuel Inc. Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc. TrueCar, Inc. BioTelemetry, Inc. NMI Holdings Inc Universal Electronics Inc. VisionChina Media, Inc. Famous Dave's of America, Inc. Bel Fuse Inc. Planar Systems, Inc.


C O M PA N Y PRICE(P) CHANGE Centrica 250.25 -1.85 Coca-Cola HBC 1,125.00 -7.00 Compass Group 1,142.50 8.50 CRH 1,844.00 9.00 Diageo 1,895.25 9.25 Direct Line Insurance 329.40 1.90 Dixons Carphone 443.50 2.50 easyJet 1,759.50 7.50 Experian 1,195.50 5.50 Fresnillo 808.75 -18.25 Friends Life Group 418.55 1.45 G4S 285.75 1.85 GKN 386.85 3.85 GlaxoSmithKline 1,530.50 0.50 Glencore 291.48 -0.62 Hammerson 670.50 5.50 Hargreaves Lansdown 1,070.50 4.50 HSBC Holdings 586.30 -18.90 Imperial Tobacco Group 3,117.00 17.00 InterContinental Hotels 2,548.50 15.50 International Consldtd Air 555.00 4.00 Intertek Group 2,520.00 -27.00 Intu Properties 364.80 2.40 ITV 233.85 0.75 Johnson Matthey 3,478.50 -2.50 Kingfisher 341.35 0.05 Land Securities Group 1,241.00 11.00 Legal & General Group 275.70 2.40 Lloyds Banking Group 78.97 0.99 London Stock Exchange 2,490.50 29.50 Marks & Spencer Group 500.25 2.55 Meggitt 569.75 -3.25 Mondi 1,274.50 3.50 Morrison (Wm) Sprmrkts 188.55 -0.95 National Grid 892.10 -6.90 Next 7,355.00 30.00 Old Mutual 218.30 0.00 Pearson 1,411.00 20.00 Persimmon 1,704.50 10.50 Prudential 1,617.50 13.50 Randgold Resources 4,943.50 -71.50 Reckitt Benckiser Group 5,712.50 27.50 Reed Elsevier 1,194.50 12.50 Rio Tinto 3,190.00 -47.50 Rolls-Royce Group 952.00 -4.00 Royal Bank of Scotland 399.00 1.50 Royal Dutch Shell 2,123.00 -4.00 Royal Dutch Shell 2,205.50 -0.50 Royal Mail 425.15 1.25 RSA Insurance Group 454.85 2.85 SABMiller 3,588.25 -11.25 Sage Group (The) 475.25 3.65 Sainsbury (J) 271.70 0.10 Schroders 3,056.00 35.00 Severn Trent 2,053.00 4.00 Shire 5,112.50 47.50 Sky 964.50 7.00 Smith & Nephew 1,180.50 5.50 Smiths Group 1,191.50 -0.50 Sports Direct Internatnl 702.00 3.00 SSE 1,531.50 4.50 St James's Place 900.00 3.00 Standard Chartered 959.15 -14.35 Standard Life 424.50 4.90 Taylor Wimpey 146.15 0.85 Tesco 242.13 1.53 Travis Perkins 2,024.00 8.00 TUI AG 1,191.00 1.00 Tullow Oil 398.65 -8.65 Unilever 2,820.50 20.50 United Utilities Group 947.00 1.00 Vodafone Group 234.15 1.75 Weir Group 1,890.00 -21.00 Whitbread 5,042.50 32.50 Wolseley 4,011.00 12.00 WPP Group 1,528.00 10.00

% C H G. -0.73 -0.62 0.75 0.49 0.49 0.58 0.57 0.43 0.46 -2.21 0.35 0.65 1.01 0.03 -0.21 0.83 0.42 -3.12 0.55 0.61 0.73 -1.06 0.66 0.32 -0.07 0.01 0.89 0.88 1.27 1.20 0.51 -0.57 0.28 -0.50 -0.77 0.41 0.00 1.44 0.62 0.84 -1.43 0.48 1.06 -1.47 -0.42 0.38 -0.19 -0.02 0.29 0.63 -0.31 0.77 0.04 1.16 0.20 0.94 0.73 0.47 -0.04 0.43 0.29 0.33 -1.47 1.17 0.58 0.64 0.40 0.08 -2.12 0.73 0.11 0.75 -1.10 0.65 0.30 0.66

VOLUME 12,789.95 4,099.21 18,794.41 14,939.58 47,422.80 4,860.00 5,086.70 7,068.32 11,824.13 6,167.80 5,897.59 4,391.01 6,317.49 74,269.94 37,189.32 5,270.46 4,987.46 115,759.04 29,593.25 6,028.07 11,494.29 4,076.81 4,811.07 9,420.56 7,045.07 8,188.94 9,735.40 16,224.82 55,250.41 8,507.37 8,134.57 4,539.68 4,658.45 4,368.94 33,483.08 11,255.32 10,733.12 11,486.56 5,237.41 41,315.58 4,646.99 40,978.07 13,359.08 45,596.32 18,054.65 25,215.31 82,226.45 53,586.54 4,285.50 4,591.52 57,859.16 5,086.20 5,144.45 6,780.67 4,874.13 30,342.69 16,455.29 10,602.42 4,689.68 4,139.88 15,140.27 4,703.60 23,912.16 9,776.23 4,701.25 19,489.49 5,011.37 N/A 3,630.81 36,026.70 6,413.16 60,653.78 3,975.29 9,119.19 10,322.65 19,825.21


26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South



How to write a product review PRODUCT reviews are one of the most effective forms of local newspaper advertising. Basically, these are couched like editorial, and, in small print, you will see that it is flagged up as an advertising feature or similar. The content will be a synopsis of your company’s product or service. Product reviews are a balance between a news story, that you cannot purchase, and a conventional advertisement that you can and do buy. Advertising features are perfectly legitimate and part of newspaper life as long as newspapers have been

Talking shop Mike Walsh Mike Walsh was for 20 years Regional Assessment Manager for the Guild of Master Craftsmen, Britain’s biggest quality assurance body for businesses. • 966 786 932

published. The trick is to get your company’s message over so that readers are tempted to take an interest in your business or its products. The larger companies engage

professional copywriters to write, submit and manage their advertising. Copywriting agencies’ fees are notoriously high. But, if what they do is recoverable through extra sales they are, of course, worth the investment. If you are in touch with a newspaper writer you might be lucky enough to get them to do one for you. The going fee is usually about €60 for a small advertising feature. Don’t quote me; as with all else in life, advertising copywriters are perfectly entitled to charge as they wish. If you wish to do your own copy then remember to stick to the five W

principles of editorial writing. Your content must cover what (product), why (the benefits of using it), who (who it benefits), where (your contact details) and when (now as it is a special offer etc.). There is another expression common to selling: KISS. (Keep it Simple, Simon). A trick often used is to pour out your thoughts and then take the blue pencil to it; bring it down to size. The most common mistake is to write far more than is necessary. To give you an idea of size, this column is roughly 350 words in length. Aim for 200 words.


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Get on your bike and save a bomb Loose change

Riding a bike is fun and it’s also great exercise

CARS - they most certainly are luxury items and for some, even an extension of their personality. Typically… driving a Volvo insinuates you’re a responsible and somewhat boring person. A big 4x4 driven on city streets screams “I am the centre of the world, now move out of my way,” while a dainty little vintage car lets the world know you’re hip and trendy and most likely own a lot of Apple products. So what does it mean to ride a cycle then? What does it say about a person? Well I’ll tell you what - it implies that

does all add up! Then in comparison there is the humble bicycle, which will set you back a microscopic fraction of the cost of a car. I used to drive a car, but for the last five years I have been using a bicycle as my mode of transport. And I love it. My bike cost me €295 and since then I have probably spent an extra €50 on punctures or other bits of minor maintenance. I don’t need to buy petrol, pay for a parking space or fork out for expensive insurance. It really

A look at finance for females

Jane Plunkett

MONEY SAVER: Ditch four wheels for two. they’re a smart cookie, because by choosing a bicycle over a car it’s possible to save a heck of a lot of money. Add up the average costs of owning a car. First there is

the purchase price, which can be well into the thousands or tens of thousands, depending on the car. Then there’s petrol, insurance, parking and maintenance. It certainly

Can they embargo rental income? Q. I read your article regarding community debtors who cannot be denied use of the swimming pool. We are a community on the Costa Blanca with the same problem of non-paying debtors. In our case we have debtors who let their properties and therefore receive rents. However these owners do not pay the community fees. We have taken court action and obtained judgements against them but still they do not pay and it seems they have no

You and the Law in Spain By David Searl

A. Yes, you can obtain a court order against any assets or income that the debtor has in Spain. In fact, I am surprised that your lawyer has not already advised the community to take this step. If you have a court ruling that the debtors must pay, the next logical step is to locate any assets they have in Spain and proceed to seize them for the debt. This would include bank accounts, property, and rental income, whichever is the most convenient and effective.

intention of paying. I was advised that, if an owner does not pay the fees, then the mortgage provider must be advised and action may be taken by them. A further issue is that the downturn in property values has put these apartments into ‘negative equity.’ One owner has suggested that we may be able to insist that any rents paid by the tenants should be paid to us, the Community, and not to the non-paying owners. Can you advise? K.G. (Costa Blanca) If the debtor is not a resident of Spain, with other property here, his only asset in the country is the apartment he owns. In the first place, the court can order the tenants to pay the rental on the flat directly to the court, for final payment to the community. If seizing the apartment to sell at auction is the last resort, this is more complicated. The court may inform the mortgage provider that legal action is being taken against the mortgage holder, especially if the flat itself is being seized. After all, the bank has a financial interest in the property. The fact that the property is in ‘negative equity’ does not influence any of these proceedings.

Send your questions for David Searl through lawyers Ubeda-Retana & Associates in Fuengirola at, or call 952 667 090.

has saved me a fortune. To go shopping, simply attach a basket onto the back of your bike to carry the groceries. To transport a small child, it’s the same thing, but rather than a basket, attach a child’s seat. While older kids can have their own bike and cycle alongside you! In the south of Spain the weather is fantastic most of the year and riding a bike is really fun and it’s also great exercise. It can be faster getting around the city on a bicycle too, with bikes being able to cut through places where cars just can’t go. For anyone struggling to pay bills or save money, I highly recommend ditching four wheels for two. It’ll save you a fortune and you’ll be surprised by just how much nicer it is to cycle rather than pollute your way around the town.


Debt-ridden SPAIN finished 2014 with a public debt of €1,034 billion, 7 per cent more than in 2013 when this stood at €966.18 billion. The debt is the equivalent of 97 per cent of last year’s GDP of €1,064 billion and is the highest it has been in more than a century.

New markets FAGOR CNA, new owners of the longestablished Mondragon cooperative, will take on hundreds of workers before the summer. CNA, which has opened new markets in Russia, Eastern Europe, Argentina and Brazil, acquired all Fagor household appliance manufacturing lines in San Sebastian after the firm filed for bankruptcy in 2013.

High fliers RYANAIR flew 1.53 million passengers in Spain last month, 24 per cent more than in 2014. Having made peace with the unions, budget airline Iberia Express experienced its first-ever January without labour conflict and with a 26 per cent increase in business climbed two places in the rankings to 262,953 passengers.



26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Look no further for a home. 12-page supplement starts here...



our a







BRITISH property buyers attracted by the warm, sunny climate and bargain deals are returning in numbers to purchase Spanish properties. In 2014, Spain witnessed a 19.3 per cent increase in the number of residential properties sold to foreign buyers - accounting for almost one out of every five houses sold - and British interest in the Spanish market is once again on the rise. Thanks to a favourable exchange rate and familiarity with the country, Brits purchased 5,014 homes in Spain in 2014, 1,053 more than they bought the previous year. According to the National Statistics Institute in Spain (INE), home sales rose by 2.2 per cent in 2014, indicating that 2015 could be another good year for the once-beleaguered Spanish property sector following the

Photo: Bill Shaner/flickr

Brits are buying again

SPANISH PROPERTY: British interest is once again on the rise. crash in 2008. Domestic demand is also on the up thanks in part to easier

access to financing from the banks for Spanish buyers.


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

PROPERTY SUPPLEMENT Photo: Surreykraut/flickr


OFFICE BLOCKS: Were a popular investment in Spain in 2014.

Commercial property enjoys a good 2014 COMMERCIAL real estate investment in Spain saw its second-best year ever in 2014, with a total of €6.95 billion invested last year. Only 2007 - during the height of the property boom - registered a higher figure, according to

financial services group BNP Paribas. “Acquisitions in the sector have reacted in parallel with the capital markets as a consequence of improved sentiment on the part of investors regarding our country,”

More business travellers invest in permanent base HIGH-FLYING corporate travellers form a potentially lucrative base of customers, with interest in buying a ‘business home’ abroad increasing. The Global Business Travel Association Foundation forecasts that corporate travel will increase across Spain, the UK, France, Germany and Italy by 6.6 per cent this year, based on last year’s increase of 4.9 per cent. A Spanish property developer based in the UK plans to jump on that trend, marketing second homes in Spain for business people who

often travel to the same area for work, and who aren’t keen on living out of hotel rooms. They see new international trade with Spain’s recovering economy, combined with the strength of sterling against the euro, low Spanish property prices and corporate travellers’ yearning for home comforts, as the ideal opportunity to suggest investing in a home rather than spending on temporary accommodation. A ‘business home’ could also prove a sensible, long-term investment.

said Francisco Manchon, national investment director for BNP Paribas Real Estate in Spain. “The dynamics of the financial markets, expectations for the recovery of public finances and the anticipated growth in occupancy and rents lie behind investors’ strategies.” American and British funds and a number of private individuals have been steadily investing in Spanish commercial property since early 2014, including such household names as Goldman Sachs and George Soros. As the Spanish economy began to pick up, investors moved towards assets and portfolios in key areas in the belief that Spain was emerging from crisis. Shopping centres and office space were the leading type of commercial property sales during 2014, and industry experts at Spanish Property Insight believe the enthusiasm for commercial property is “good news for the residential sector also.”


26 February - 4 March 2014 / Costa Blanca South




E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South



26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South




E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South



26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South




E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South



Fast and strong price recovery is forecast ONE firm of financial experts has thrown out the caution with which most analysts are couching talk of a property recovery in Spain and predicted a fast and dramatic revival. Presenting his report on Spanish economic perspectives, Ignacio de la Torre of financial advisory company Arcano, said: “The recovery of the Spanish property market will take place sooner than many forecast, and with higher and quicker price rises than the market expects.” De la Torre’s report, which is generating a lot of heat in the Spanish press, says there are two errors driving the consensus that any

recovery will be tentative. The crisis has left a glut of around 600,000 unsold properties, which many insist will continue to hold down prices. But De la Torre says the most important factor when considering housing stock surplus is location. “When you look at the distribution of this excess housing supply, huge discrepancies can be seen with an important concentration in regions that contribute less than a third of the GDP, while in autonomous regions such as Madrid, Catalonia and the Basque Country, which account for 43 per cent of GDP, supply is below

its historic average,” he insists. He adds that different rates of supply within regions are also relevant, with surplus in one town unlikely to impede escalating demand in another. The other tenet dismissed by De la Torre is the belief that low household incomes stand in the way of the property market’s recuperation. He instead points to historically low interest rates, the injection of liquidity from the European Central Bank, and the fact that “a quarter of the market is in hands of foreign buyers with considerably higher incomes” as more significant factors likely to push prices up.

26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South




E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Advertising feature

UK expat debt problems can be solved with solutions from RE10 Finance


E10 FINANCE is a leading UK-based debt solution provider, offering a range of debt solutions to suit every need and level of debt. RE10’s main insolvency practitioner is Andrew Bowers, who is also an authorised member of the Insolvency Practitioners Association or IPA. Andrew is primarily UK based but understands that many expats with debt problems are considering returning to the UK, as they are no longer able to afford their lifestyle in Spain. Andrew can help those worried about: • Being unable to sell a property at a price that will repay the existing mortgage • Banks selling repossessed properties at a fraction of the original prices and the forecast

EXPERT ADVICE: RE10 Finance is a leading UK-based debt solution provider, offering a range of debt solutions to suit every need and level of debt.

that prices are to drop a lot further • Having to deal with a shortfall that will crystallise when the property is eventually sold • The fact that the bank may pursue them for recovery of the shortfall plus legal costs,

etc, possibly against other assets they may own. Andrew and the team at RE10 Finance are able to offer free, impartial advice on a range of debt solutions, including: • A DMP – or debt management plan – which is an

informal arrangement with creditors to repay debts in full from disposable income over a period of time. It is not legally binding • An IVA is a formal legal agreement with creditors to pay either a lump sum and/or a monthly amount from

disposable income over a fiveyear period. An IVA provides legal protection from creditors • Bankruptcy, often considered as a last resort, however, it may be an appropriate solution for some people in these situations. Initial advice about which debt solution might be appropriate for you, or advice on a defaulted mortgage, is completely free. If an IVA is appropriate RE10 Finance will assist with all the necessary arrangements. The fee is agreed with creditors and paid out of the monthly contributions paid into the arrangement.

Call RE10 Finance today for advice on options available for dealing with expat debt: Spain (34) 951 244 138 UK (44) 113 237 9510


26 February - 4 March 2014 / Costa Blanca South




E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


THE financial crisis has brought about new ways of making ends meet, some of which had before seemed unthinkable or been seen as strange foreign customs. One such idea is that of capsule-accommodation, which many in Spain had seen on documentaries about Japan and found rather a strange and claustrophobic idea. Yet three such establishments in the northern city of Barcelona are proving they are not quite as bad as they may seem, with not only tourists and short-term visitors pouring in the doors but also people who set up home. Sergi, a 22-year-old from the city, has been living in one of the 2.5 by 0.9 by 1.4 metre capsules for the last two months. He explained that he initially went to a capsule-hostel because he was unemployed and unable to afford larger accommodation but later decided to stay on.

Vincent St. Thomas /

Living in a capsule in Barcelona is not quite as bad as it seems

OSAKA: Japanese capsule hotels provided the inspiration. “Now I have found a job but I like it here, the atmosphere is great and the staff members feel like family” Sergi explained. While other sharedaccommodation may provide more space, Sergi found there was far more privacy in the

capsules, and as opposed to traditional bunk-beds they provided a bed-side shelf, lamp and sockets. Breakfast was included in the price and residents had access to kitchen facilities. Hostel Box manager Javier

Velat explained that compared to the €350 per month a room in a flat or €650 per month a whole flat can cost, capsules are available on long-term offers for €240. “At the moment we have people from Barcelona or Italy

that work here and also foreign students that have been here for four or five months. When the academic year starts we tend to have Erasmus students staying here while they look for a flat. Some end up staying all year and become part of the family,” Velat explained. Those that spend shorter periods of time at the hostels include families, who can rent entire rooms with between four and 14 individual capsules inside, and travelling salesmen. Velat opened the first capsule hostel in the city two years ago, and explained that although the original idea was copied from capsules in Japan, these are slightly different as access is through a curtain on one side. Now the 32-year-old entrepreneur is thinking of taking capsule hostels to Madrid and other European cities as they gain popularity day-by-day.


26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South



Give radicals a ticket out LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT


T the time of writing, the news is full of three more young girls, all Muslims, who have allegedly become ‘radicalised’ and left Britain to join up with the IS movement in Syria. Disturbing? Possibly. Worrying? Not at all. If these young people, or anyone else for that matter, thinks they would be happier living in a culture that suits their beliefs and outlook more than the environment they are living in, I suggest they should be given every encouragement possible, even to the extent of paying their air fares. Rather they all left for good, than to stay and turn their frustrations against the people

TAKING-OFF: Those who want to leave UK and join IS should be given every encouragement. they presumably consider enemies of their beliefs. I would go even further. I would set up a Governmentrun helpline, well-funded and equipped with people who used a little common sense (as opposed to the do-gooders’ PC brigade). This department could act rather like Esther Rantzen’s ChildLine. Anyone who feels they would like to

leave and join one of these movements, could ring anonymously, state their case and be given advice and counselling. If they still truly wanted to leave, and weren’t underage, they could then be given every assistance to pursue their ambitions. We could probably get rid of scores of potential terrorist threats in this way.

The only stipulation that would have to be made, of course, is that once their decision had been made, they would have their passports franked to expire one week after their departure, making any change of heart and desire to return virtually impossible. What about the parents and family, you may ask? Well, unfortunately, as upsetting as

it may be, something has been missed in their upbringing. Something has occurred that has made them feel they would be happier away from their home environment. The fact that those close to them have either not spotted it, or done nothing about it is, I’m afraid, simply unfortunate. I’m sure there are many countries they could arrange to travel to and visit their absconded loved ones in the future, so it’s not exactly a permanent loss. Dream on, Leapy, dream on. I see the Greeks have been given another ‘stay’ to resolve their debt problems. If they cough up, or straighten out their position in the next four months, ya can come around and smash every piece of crockery in my kitchen! Keep the faith Love Leapy Website

E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


ESTERN Europeans are waking up to the fact that they have been betrayed by a Brussels elite whose allegiance is to Washington DC. Equally gut-wrenching; their sabotage of the European Union’s economy and security has played out to Russia’s advantage. Since 1945 US foreign policy has lurched from one débâcle to another. An independent think tank estimates that American imperialism has led to the deaths of an estimated 20 to 30 million peoples. A Greek government minister was recently quoted as saying, “The EU and US pose a far greater threat to Europe than the Soviet Union ever did.” Leading Serbian king-maker Vojislav Selelj: “Serbia will never join the EU as it is due for collapse anyway.” The mindset that claims US alliance adds to European security and prosperity doesn’t hold water. During the American inspired sanctions, which brings immense hardship to Europeans, trade between America and Russia has increased significantly. Washington DC did admit to


The enemy within Mike Walsh



Mike, based in Mediterranean Spain, is an international journalist, author and professional writer.

investing $7 billion (€6.14 billion) in Europe; these were the costs incurred in their overthrow of Ukraine’s legitimate government. I have family and friends throughout Ukraine. I cannot begin to tell you how they suffer as a direct consequence of US policy. The US had no interest in Ukraine other than its own corporate and destabilising geopolitical anti-Russian ambitions. It is ruinous for Ukraine, but tomorrow we could all share the same fate if America gets its dollar-saving war with Russia. Thanks to US policy and Brussels collaboration, Ukraine, Europe’s largest country, has been completely destroyed economically and militarily. Abandoned by the EU and US,

UKRAINE: Has been destroyed economically and militarily. neither of which can afford to rescue it, all Ukraine’s essential trade ties with neighbouring Russian are severed. The fighting in East Ukraine, which German intelligence reveals has cost the lives of 50,000 Ukrainians, has worked to

Russia’s advantage. Russian President Vladimir Putin, a far smarter statesman than Obama could ever aspire to be, again betters his Western critics. Scratching around for evidence of Russian invasion, Western mainstream media repeatedly

make fools of themselves. They’ll get used to it. Mainstream media, the government's bullhorn, is forced to use fraudulent photographs to falsely allege a Russian presence in Ukraine. It was never in Russia’s interests to physically intervene in Ukraine. To leave the selfproclaimed independent republics to their own devices was actually to the advantage of Russia. Today, Kiev’s skinhead regime, backed by Washington DC and Brussels, has yet another big problem. Ukraine’s disputed Novorussia, whose five million population is largely UkrainianRussian, is de facto independent, a humiliation and thorn in the side of Kiev, and like Crimea, irrecoverable. Kiev cannot survive whilst at war with an antagonistic rebellious Novorussia that it has lost anyway. Neither can Kiev survive without this most productive and prosperous Ukrainian region. Game, set and match. Another success for Russia that, at Western Europe’s expense, now turns to far more productive eastern markets. Keep this article; I have just written tomorrow’s obituary on Western Europe.

Advertising feature

More and more people are cruising David Deverson

GLOBELINK INTERNATIONAL Insurance correspondent

GLOBELINK has found more and more of its customers are turning to cruise holidays. They need have no worries about insurance cover as Globelink ensures they are covered under the terms of its standard travel insurance policy. With 1.76 million people expected to take an ocean cruise holiday this year, according to the UK’s Passenger Shipping Association (PSA), more people than ever before are settling on the cruise option 2 per cent more than last year, and double the numbers of a decade ago. That is no surprise considering the exceptional value cruises offer, with accommodation, meals and entertainment all included in the package. And all of that with a minimum of packing and unpacking, as yet another exciting destination sails into view...

FLOAT YOUR BOAT: Globelink include cruises in their travel insurance policies Once seen as the preserve of mature travellers who liked to dress for dinner every night, the customer profile has changed significantly. These days the average passenger is under 55 and there are almost as many cruise types as there are kinds of passenger. Adult-only cruises offer the ultimate in sophisticated

getaways, while others cater for all the family, from Playstation-mad children with energy to burn, through to granddads who want to sharpen up their putting skills, or get expert tuition on how to work their iPads. Mainstream cruises now provide classes on everything from history,

antiques or painting to salsa dancing or the art of chocolate-making. Whatever your interest, you’re sure to find something that floats your boat. Even with the best planning, though, the unexpected can happen. A missed transfer, and the ship leaves without you. A cruise that has to be cut short when a close relative falls ill back home. Wise travellers take out travel insurance cover, but even they can be caught out. Unlike Globelink, some insurers exclude cruises from their standard travel insurance policies - which means you could end up paying a hefty premium for adequate coverage before you go. Remember, if you live in Spain your travel insurance might be invalid if it does not cover the entire duration of your return trip from the date you leave Spain until the date you arrive back in Spain.

For an instant quote and to arrange cover securely online, enabling you to print your policy documents immediately, visit or you can telephone Globelink on 00 44 1353 699082 or their Spanish links line on 966 265 000 or 951 242 434.


26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

Cassandra Nash

A weekly look

A new comfort zone

Surface tension TOMAS GOMEZ was until very recently the PSOE socialists’ leader in Madrid and candidate for the regional presidency. He is mixed up in a finance scandal dating back to his time as mayor of the Madrid suburb of Parla, enough in itself for his removal. Unforgivably he also led the PSOE to its worst-ever Madrid


defeat in 2011. Now the party’s national secretary general Pedro Sanchez has booted him out, succeeding where the former socialist president Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, and his successor Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba both failed. Whether this is enough to regain Madrid remains to be seen, as the party’s different currents produce stormy seas there. This is where the PP has the advantage because its surface is seldom ruffled: whatever happens in its Calle Genova headquarters stays in Calle Genova.

- and not entirely impartial reaction to the Spanish political scene

IF Spain’s monarchy is relatively austere, the same cannot be said of the CCOO union’s bank division, now called Comfia. The change of name clearly put Comfia in another comfort zone as it spent €14.06 million between 2008 and 2012 on ‘journeys and meetings.’ This included annual bills of ‘tens of thousands of euros’ on steaks and seafood, those staples of Spanish jollies, as well as expensive restaurants. Is that what those workers had in mind when they first organised CCOO in the 60s and were often imprisoned for it?


KING FELIPE: Recently cut his salary by 20 per cent.

Every little helps THE Spanish are not monarchist by vocation. Those who remember the transition to democracy after Franco’s death and the failed 1981 coup - which recently celebrated its 34th anniversary - will always be grateful to Juan Carlos I. His son Felipe benefits from that gratitude and, mindful of it, he recently cut his salary by 20 per cent to €234,204 a year. It’s still a fortune but modest compared with other European monarchs and not a bad gesture during times of need. There were some grumbles because the savings went to other Palace allocations but robbing Peter to pay Paul is a time-honoured way of balancing the books without raiding the moneybox.

Come hither THE PP national government headed by Mariano Rajoy is saving its heavy artillery for Podemos. The newly-formed party is its closest rival for the upcoming elections according to some surveys, which disquiets Rajoy, who believes in and is more comfortable with the two-party system. He want Podemos out of the way instead of splitting the vote, but the strategy is risky and could backfire. Discrediting Podemos is more likely to push voters towards the PSOE instead of luring them to the PP.


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

BBC ONE 7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Heir Hunters 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Countryside 999 12:45pm Real Lives Reunited 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:40pm BBC London News The latest news, sport and weather from London. 2:45pm Doctors Drama series set in a health centre.

BBC TWO 8:05am Countryside 999 8:50am Real Lives Reunited 9:20am Wanted Down Under 10:05am Pets: Wild at Heart 11:05am Great British Railway Journeys 11:35am HARDtalk 12:00pm BBC News 12:30pm BBC World News 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm A to Z of TV Gardening 2:05pm Cagney and Lacey 2:50pm The World at War

ITV 7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 11:55am ITV News The latest headlines from around the world. Followed by a local weather forecast. 12:00pm This Morning Presented by Phillip Schofield and Christine Bleakley. 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV News and Weather

CH4 7:00am Countdown 7:45am King of Queens 8:10am 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:35am 3rd Rock from the Sun 9:00am Frasier 10:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 11:35am Undercover Boss Canada 12:30pm Shipping Wars 1:15pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:20pm Couples Come Dine with Me 2:05pm A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

CH5 8:35am Thomas and Friends 8:50am Noddy in Toyland 9:00am Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 9:15am Peppa Pig 9:35am Toby's Travelling Circus 9:45am Bananas in Pajamas 10:00am Tickety Toc 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:10pm The Hotel Inspector 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm The Billion Dollar Wreck Hunt 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours

THURSDAY TV SKY 1 7:00am Dog the Bounty Hunter 7:30am Dog the Bounty Hunter 8:00am Greatest Little Britons 9:00am Ashley Banjo's Secret Street Crew 10:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 11:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00pm Hawaii Five-0 1:00pm Hawaii Five-0 Five-0 track a deranged bomber with a grudge against the legal system. 2:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles

3pm 3:15pm WPC 56 4:00pm The Link 4:45pm Escape to the Country 5:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

3:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 4:00pm David Attenborough Conquest of the Skies 5:00pm Futurama 5:30pm Futurama

3:45pm Africa 4:45pm Open All Hours 5:15pm Three Up, Two Down 5:45pm Hi-De-Hi!

3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm 1000 Heartbeats

6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Two Tribes 7:30pm Eggheads 8:00pm Wanted in Paradise

6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:15pm ITV News and Weather 7:45pm Emmerdale 8:45pm UEFA Europa League Live

6:00pm Four in a Bed 6:30pm The Simpsons 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News

6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm The Classic Car Show

6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Futurama 7:00pm Futurama 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:00pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons

9:00pm The Great British Sewing Bee

11:10pm ITV News at Ten and Weather

9:00pm Location, Location, Location 10:00pm Cucumber

9:00pm Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole

9:00pm Arrow

3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me

3:15pm NCIS 4:10pm Cedar Cove 6:00pm 5 News at 5 National and international news presented by Emma Crosby.

6pm 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders

9pm 9:00pm DIY SOS The Big Build 10:00pm Death in Paradise 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:45pm Question Time

The Great British Sewing Bee returns for a six-part series presented by Claudia Winkleman.

10:00pm Reinventing the Royals 11:00pm Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe 11:30pm Newsnight

Mark Austin and Mary Nightingale with the latest headlines from around the world.

11:55pm The Great War: The People's Story Dramatised documentary series of One hundred years after the outbreak of the First World War

Sixteen years after Queer as Folk exploded on to the screen.

11:00pm Gogglebox

Documentary series about people who live on welfare.

Team Arrow contemplate an unlikely alliance in order to take down Brick.

10:00pm Britain's Biggest Primary School 11:00pm The Mentalist 11:55pm Castle

10:00pm Ross Kemp: Extreme World 11:00pm Quiz Nights Do you know what 'gymnophobia' is a fear of?

12am 12:45am This Week 1:30am Skiing Weatherview 1:35am BBC News

12:20am A Cook Abroad 1:20am Children of the Great Migration 1:50am This is BBC Two 5:00am Operation Cloud Lab: Secrets of the Skies

12:55am River Monsters 1:20am Jackpot247 4:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 4:40am ITV Nightscreen

12:05am The Romanians are Coming 1:05am Immigration Street 2:00am NHS: ÂŁ2 Billion a Week and Counting 2:55am Dispatches 3:25am Food Unwrapped 3:55am Double Your House for Half the Money

12:55am Access 1:00am Super Casino 4:10am The Billion Dollar Wreck Hunt 5:00am Wildlife SOS 5:25am HouseBusters 5:45am House Doctor

12:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 1:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 2:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 3:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 4:00am Hawaii Five-0 5:00am Airline USA 5:30am Airline USA







8:00pm Top Gear 9:00pm World's Toughest Jobs 10:00pm Bangkok Airport 11:00pm Russell Howard's Good News 11:30pm EastEnders 12:00am Family Guy 12:25am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad! 1:10am Family Guy 1:30am Russell Howard's Good News 2:00am Bangkok Airport 3:00am South Side Story 3:30am Revolution Presents: Democracy Dealers 4:00am World's Toughest Jobs 5:00am This is BBC Three

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm The Sky at Night 9:00pm Pain, Pus and Poison: The Search for Modern Medicines 10:00pm Saints and Sinners: Britain's Millennium of Monasteries 11:00pm Time Shift 12:00am Digging for Ireland 1:00am Pain, Pus and Poison: The Search for Modern Medicines 2:00am The Sky at Night 2:30am Wallander 4:00am Saints and Sinners: Britain's Millennium of Monasteries

9:40am Dinner Date 10:40am Catchphrase 11:25am Psych 12:20pm Royal Pains 1:10pm Emmerdale 1:40pm Coronation Street 2:15pm You've Been Framed! 2:40pm Dinner Date 3:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:00pm The Guide to You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Scorpion 11:00pm The Keith Lemon Sketch Show 11:30pm Reality Bites 12:15am Educating Joey Essex

8:25am Heartbeat 9:30am Where the Heart is 10:35am The Royal 11:35am Judge Judy 12:55pm Murder, She Wrote 2:00pm Heartbeat 3:00pm Where the Heart is 4:05pm The Royal 5:10pm Fresh Fields 5:45pm Rising Damp 6:15pm On the Buses 6:50pm Heartbeat 7:55pm Murder, She Wrote 8:55pm Foyle's War 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:05am Trial and Retribution

8:05am Magnum, P.I. 9:05am Minder 10:10am Ax Men 11:05am Hogan's Heroes 12:10pm Magnum, P.I. 1:10pm The Professionals 2:10pm Motorway Patrol 3:05pm Ax Men 4:05pm Storage Wars Texas 5:00pm Hogan's Heroes 6:00pm Motorway Patrol 6:30pm UEFA Europa League Live 9:00pm River Monsters 10:00pm The Chase: Celebrity Special 11:00pm ICC Cricket World Cup Highlights 12:05am Shootout

2:00pm How I Met Your Mother 3:00pm The Big Bang Theory 4:00pm Baby Daddy 4:30pm Melissa and Joey 5:00pm New Girl 5:30pm Suburgatory 6:00pm How I Met Your Mother 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm Melissa and Joey 9:00pm The Big Bang Theory 9:30pm 2 Broke Girls 10:00pm Brooklyn Nine-Nine 10:30pm Marry Me 11:00pm Banana 11:30pm The Inbetweeners




Time Shift revisits Britain's railways during the era of nationalisation.

SKY MOVIES Action 5:10am The Bridge on the River Kwai 7:55am Judge Dredd 9:50am The Peacemaker 12:10pm Thor: The Dark World Special The cast of Thor: The Dark World chat about the stunning sequel to superhero hit Thor.

12:40pm 300: Rise of an Empire Greek general Thermistocles leads the charge against an invading Persian army.

2:35pm The Top Ten Show 2015 2:50pm Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit 4:50pm Pacific Rim 7:10pm Poseidon 9:00pm 300: Rise of an Empire 10:50pm Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit 12:45am Pacific Rim 3:00am The Peacemaker 5:20am Born to Race: Fast Track

7:00am Foul Play 9:00am Uncle Buck 10:45am About a Boy 12:30pm Grown Ups 2 2:15pm The Hangover Part III When Doug is kidnapped, pals Alan, Phil and Stu become embroiled in a battle to save him.

4:00pm Bean 5:40pm Ali G Indahouse 7:15pm About a Boy 9:00pm Grown Ups 2 10:50pm The Hangover Part III When Doug is kidnapped, pals Alan, Phil and Stu become embroiled in a battle to save him.

12:40am Ali G Indahouse 2:15am Uncle Buck 4:05am American Pie: The Wedding

4:25am Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead 6:25am Loss of Faith 8:05am Sleeping with the Enemy 9:45am The Pelican Brief 12:15pm After the Sunset 1:55pm Spy Game Slick thriller full of surprises.

4:05pm John Q 6:05pm Black Rain Cop Nick transfers a Japanese hitman from New York to Tokyo, then loses him.

8:15pm After the Sunset 10:00pm Spy Game 12:10am Green Street After he's expelled from Harvard, journalism student Matt moves to London.

2:10am Outlaw 4:05am Murder at 1600

6:00am Rugrats in Paris: The Movie 7:20am Rugrats Go Wild 8:45am Ice Age: The Meltdown 10:40am Escape From Planet Earth 12:10pm The Smurfs 2 2:00pm Parental Guidance 3:50pm Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit Deloris Van Cartier is back in front of the big band, but not for long.

5:40pm Escape From Planet Earth 7:10pm The Smurfs 2 9:00pm Ice Age: The Meltdown Mammoth Manny, sabre-toothed Diego and Sid the sloth might have dodged the deep freeze, but there's something worse ahead: global warming.

11:00pm Bad News Bears 1:00am Parental Guidance 2:50am Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit 4:40am Bad News Bears



5:15am Journey to Dinosaur Island 7:00am The Perfect Summer 8:45am Journey to Dinosaur Island 10:30am Catch.44 12:15pm The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Special 12:45pm Plastic 2:45pm Mr. Peabody and Sherman 4:30pm My Man is a Loser 6:15pm Shaun the Sheep Special

6:00am The Buccaneer 8:05am Gunsmoke 9:10am Gunsmoke 10:15am China Doll 12:10pm Hostile Guns 1:50pm Gunsmoke 2:55pm Gunsmoke 4:00pm Sam Whiskey 5:50pm Waco

A look at the making of the latest animated adventure from Aardman.

6:30pm The Perfect Summer 8:15pm Mr. Peabody and Sherman 10:00pm Plastic 11:45pm Catch.44 1:25am My Man is a Loser 3:05am Catch.44 4:45am Elysium: Sky Movies Special

A town in Wyoming is outraged when the respected sheriff is shot dead.

7:30pm Cattle Town 8:50pm Navy Bound 10:00pm Tootsie 12:15am The Long Kiss Goodnight 2:35am Traitor 4:30am The Three Stooges in Orbit


26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South




Time for the ‘big four’ to BOGOF? Nora Johnson

Breaking Views A Costa del Sol resident for a number of years, Nora is the author of psychological suspense and crime thrillers. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to


HE top 10 packaging tricks employed by supermarkets to tempt customers are misleading and confusing according to a recent Which report. Tactics include tiny portion sizes making products seem healthier; own-label products copying the packaging of international brands; poor-value gift sets in which the cost of individual items is the same, and oversized packaging that looks as if you’re getting a lot until you open it to find one third empty space. Then you clock the catchall: ‘This product is sold by weight, not by volume.’ But the problem’s much bigger than a few packaging tricks. Supermarkets in the UK are

SUPERMARKET TIP: Best to have quality items at honest prices, which is what most people want. having a really tough time. Sainsbury’s reported its worst Christmas for a decade and is cutting 500 jobs. Morrisons announced 400 job-losses, the closure of 10 loss-making stores and sacked its CEO. Tesco, reeling from a series of profit warnings and that ‘black hole’ in its accounts, is cutting 10,000 jobs, closing 43 stores and

has shelved plans to open 49 superstores. Basically, the ‘Big Four’ are suffering from falling sales as everyone’s buying more cheaply elsewhere. People don’t want ‘Loyalty cards,’ ‘points’ on some vague scheme where 50,000 points equal 50p or BOGOF (buy one, get one free). Especially so on perishable goods - unfair to

singles or the elderly whose families have flown the nest and the ‘free’ item likely to go mouldy before it can be consumed. They want quality, but lower prices. Well, I have a few tips for supermarkets. Please stop constantly moving everything everywhere all the time to force the shopper to walk around more of the store. You know where

everything is, but your customers don’t. Can you also stop doing those annoying two for £5 (when each item costs £2.47 individually) type tricks? And generally can you please try to treat your customers with a modicum of respect rather than trying to wheedle a bit more money out of them? Aldi and Lidl aren’t to everyone’s taste but, now accounting for over 10 per cent of Britain’s grocery sales, they’re scaring the living daylights out of the Big Four. Maybe it’s because they don’t have Two for Ones or stuff endlessly moving aisles? Just quality items at honest prices which strangely may be what most people want when they’re shopping. To misquote Tesco, ‘Every Lidl’ helps.

Nora Johnson’s thrillers ‘Landscape of Lies,’ ‘Retribution,’ ‘Soul Stealer,’ ‘The De Clerambault Code’ ( available from Amazon in paperback/eBook (€0.89;£0.79) and iBookstore. Profits to Cudeca.


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

BBC ONE 7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Heir Hunters 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Countryside 999 12:45pm Real Lives Reunited 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:40pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors

BBC TWO 8:50am Real Lives Reunited 9:20am Wanted Down Under 10:05am The Big Allotment Challenge 11:05am Food and Drink 11:35am The Travel Show 12:00pm BBC News 12:30pm BBC World News 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm A to Z of TV Gardening 2:05pm Cagney and Lacey 2:50pm The World at War

ITV 7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 11:55am ITV News 12:00pm This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV News and Weather


CH4 9:00am Frasier 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 11:05am Everybody Loves Raymond 11:35am Undercover Boss Canada 12:30pm Shipping Wars 1:15pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:20pm Couples Come Dine with Me 2:05pm A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

CH5 9:00am Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 9:15am Peppa Pig 9:25am Peppa Pig 9:35am Toby's Travelling Circus 9:45am Bananas in Pajamas 10:00am Tickety Toc 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:10pm The Hotel Inspector 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Police Interceptors 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours

SKY 1 7:00am Dog the Bounty Hunter 7:30am Dog the Bounty Hunter 8:00am Chris and Wes: Let's Do This 8:30am Chris and Wes: Let's Do This 9:00am Ashley Banjo's Secret Street Crew 10:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 11:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00pm Hawaii Five-0 1:00pm Hawaii Five-0 2:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles

3pm 3:45pm Africa 4:45pm Open All Hours 5:15pm Three Up, Two Down 5:45pm Hi-De-Hi!

3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm 1000 Heartbeats

3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me

3:15pm NCIS: Los Angeles 4:15pm Do You Know Me

3:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 4:00pm David Attenborough Conquest of the Skies 5:00pm Futurama 5:30pm Futurama

6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Two Tribes 7:30pm Eggheads 8:00pm Wanted in Paradise

6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street

6:00pm Four in a Bed 6:30pm The Simpsons 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News

6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!

6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Futurama 7:00pm Futurama 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons

9:00pm Mastermind 9:30pm Britain's Supermarket Revolution: What's in it for Us? 10:00pm Italy Unpacked 11:00pm QI 11:30pm Newsnight

9:00pm Barging Round Britain with John Sergeant 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Bear Grylls: Mission Survive 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:40pm The 40 Year Old Virgin

9:00pm The Million Pound Drop 10:00pm Gogglebox 11:00pm The Last Leg

9:00pm Angry Brits: Caught on Camera 10:00pm NCIS: New Orleans 11:00pm NCIS 11:55pm Law and Order: Special Victims Unit

9:00pm Flintoff: Lord of the Fries 10:00pm Stella 11:00pm Quiz Nights

12:05am Doubt 1:40am Question Time David Dimbleby presents topical debate from Telford. 2:40am This is BBC Two Highlights of programmes on BBC Two.

1:50am Jackpot247 4:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA American version of the popular ITV daytime show. 4:40am ITV Nightscreen Text-based information service.

12:05am Catastrophe 12:40am Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1:05am Rude Tube 2:00am Wayne's World 3:40am Fargo 5:00am Double Your House for Half the Money

12:55am Access 1:00am Super Casino 4:10am GPs: Behind Closed Doors 5:00am Wildlife SOS 5:25am HouseBusters 5:45am House Doctor

12:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 1:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 2:00am Hawaii Five-0 3:00am Hawaii Five-0 4:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 5:00am Airline USA 5:30am Airline USA







8:00pm Doctor Who 8:15pm Doctor Who 9:00pm Tough Young Teachers 10:00pm Live at the Apollo 10:30pm Live at the Apollo 11:00pm Russell Howard's Good News 11:30pm EastEnders 12:00am Family Guy 12:25am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad! 1:05am Family Guy 1:30am Uncle 2:00am I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse 3:00am Russell Howard's Good News 3:30am South Side Story

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Sounds of the Sixties 9:00pm Symphony 10:00pm Joy Division 11:35pm Synth Britannia at the BBC 12:35am Guitar Heroes at the BBC

11:25am Psych 12:20pm Royal Pains 1:10pm Emmerdale 2:15pm You've Been Framed! 2:40pm Dinner Date 3:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00pm You've Been Framed! 7:30pm You've Been Framed! 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm White Chicks 12:20am Take Me Out

11:35am Judge Judy 12:00pm Judge Judy 12:30pm Judge Judy 12:55pm Murder, She Wrote 2:00pm Heartbeat 3:00pm Where the Heart is 4:05pm The Royal 5:10pm Fresh Fields 5:45pm Rising Damp 6:20pm On the Buses 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Agatha Christie's Marple 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:00am Trial and Retribution

3:00pm Ax Men 4:00pm Storage Wars 4:25pm Storage Wars 4:55pm Hogan's Heroes 5:30pm Hogan's Heroes 6:00pm The Professionals 7:00pm UEFA Europa League Highlights 8:00pm Pawn Stars 8:30pm Pawn Stars 9:00pm Counting Cars 9:30pm Counting Cars 10:00pm Storage Wars 10:25pm Storage Wars 11:00pm ICC Cricket World Cup Highlights 12:00am Chris Froome: Sports Life Stories

3:30pm The Big Bang Theory 4:00pm Baby Daddy 4:30pm Melissa and Joey 5:00pm New Girl 5:30pm Suburgatory 6:00pm How I Met Your Mother 6:30pm How I Met Your Mother 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm Melissa and Joey 9:00pm The Big Bang Theory 9:30pm The Big Bang Theory 10:00pm The Inbetweeners Movie 12:00am David Blaine



3:15pm WPC 56 4:00pm The Link 4:45pm Escape to the Country 5:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

6pm 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm A Question of Sport

9pm 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Room 101 10:00pm The Musketeers 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm The Graham Norton Show

12am 12:25am Would I Lie to You? 12:55am EastEnders Omnibus 2:50am Weather for the Week Ahead Detailed weather forecast. 2:55am BBC News

Series featuring legendary guitarists performing and trading licks at the BBC studios.

1:35am Joy Division 3:05am Synth Britannia at the BBC 4:05am Sounds of the Sixties 4:35am This is BBC Four BBC Four is the BBC channel for people who want more.

SKY MOVIES Action 7:00am K-19: The Widowmaker 9:20am R.I.P.D. 11:00am The Amazing Spider-Man 2 1:25pm The Patriot 4:10pm Snakes on a Plane 6:00pm Zulu 8:20pm R.I.P.D. 10:00pm The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man battles an electrifying new foe, while being forced to confront someone from his past.

12:30am Snakes on a Plane 2:25am War 4:20am Zulu

Comedy 7:30am The Incredible Burt Wonderstone 9:20am The Heat 11:20am We're the Millers 1:15pm Ride Along 3:00pm The Best Man Holiday 5:10pm The Nutty Professor 6:55pm The Heat 9:00pm We're the Millers 11:00pm The Incredible Burt Wonderstone 12:45am Ride Along 2:30am The Nutty Professor 4:10am Scary Movie 5 5:40am Curse of the Pink Panther

7:45am The Truth About Emanuel 9:30am Derailed 11:30am The Chamber 1:30pm The Purge 3:00pm Bad Boys 5:00pm The Bone Collector A paralysed forensics expert teams up with a fresh-faced cop to hunt down a serial killer.

7:00pm Solo 8:30pm The Purge 10:00pm Bad Boys 12:00am Oldboy 1:55am Joy Ride 3 3:40am City of God 5:55am Point Last Seen

6:35am Rugrats Go Wild 8:00am Chimpanzee 9:30am Barnyard 11:05am Epic 12:50pm Journey to Dinosaur Island 2:25pm The Lego Movie 4:10pm The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 5:40pm Epic 7:25pm Journey to Dinosaur Island 9:00pm The Lego Movie 10:45pm Jumanji 12:30am The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 2:00am Chimpanzee



7:00am The Perfect Summer 8:45am The Knights of Badassdom 10:15am The Art of the Steal 12:00pm Mr. Peabody and Sherman 1:45pm The Perfect Summer 3:30pm Bad Neighbours 5:15pm The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Special 5:45pm Mr. Peabody and Sherman 7:30pm The Knights of Badassdom 9:00pm Bad Neighbours 10:45pm The Art of the Steal 12:30am The Big Bang 2:15am Catch.44

7:50am Gunsmoke 8:55am Sam Whiskey 10:45am Waco 12:25pm Cattle Town 1:50pm Gunsmoke 2:55pm Gunsmoke 4:00pm Seven Days in May 6:15pm The Bounty Hunter 7:45pm The Black Stallion 10:00pm Suspect 12:20am The Fog 2:15am Hell on Wheels 3:05am Suspect 5:05am Rock N' Roll Forever: Ed Sullivan's Greatest Hits

Three stripper friends take on a job for a drug lord that spirals out of control.


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

BBC ONE 7:00am Breakfast 11:00am Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30pm Mary Berry Cooks 1:00pm BBC News 1:05pm Weather 1:10pm Football Focus 1:50pm Saturday Sportsday 2:00pm Bargain Hunt

BBC TWO 7:00am Preview 7:15am School for Scoundrels 8:50am Whisky Galore! 10:10am Six Nations Rewind 11:10am The Fred Dibnah Story 11:40am The Fred Dibnah Story 12:10pm Nature of Britain 1:00pm A Taste of Britain 1:30pm Talking Pictures 2:00pm The Victors

ITV 7:00am CITV 10:25am ITV News 10:30am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 12:25pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:35pm Tipping Point

CH4 8:00am FIM Superbike World Championship 8:25am Mobil 1 The Grid 8:55am The Morning Line 10:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 11:30am Frasier 12:00pm Frasier 12:30pm The Big Bang Theory 1:00pm The Big Bang Theory 1:25pm Child Genius 2:30pm Channel 4 Racing

CH5 6:10am House Doctor 6:35am House Doctor 7:00am Milkshake! 11:00am Sponge Bob Square Pants 11:35am Ice Road Truckers 12:30pm Ice Road Truckers 1:30pm Ice Road Truckers 2:25pm Ice Road Truckers


SKY 1 7:00am Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old? 8:00am Glee 9:00am The Fantasy Football Club 10:00am Game Changers 11:00am Soccer A.M. 1:00pm What's Up 1:30pm Football's Funniest Moments 2:00pm Hawaii Five-0

3pm 3:00pm Six Nations Rugby Union 5:30pm Six Nations Rugby Union Action from the Six Nations Trophy.

3:35pm The Chase 4:35pm Doc Martin 5:35pm Big Star's Little Star

5:15pm Come Dine with Me 5:45pm Come Dine with Me

3:25pm Rio Bravo

6:30pm The Wonder of Animals 7:00pm The Great British Sewing Bee 8:00pm Flog It! 8:45pm How We Got to Now with Steve Johnson

6:35pm Local News and Weather 6:45pm ITV News and Weather 7:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:00pm Saturday Night Takeaway

6:15pm Come Dine with Me 6:45pm Come Dine with Me 7:15pm The Simpsons 7:40pm Channel 4 News 8:00pm Homes by the Sea

6:10pm 5 News

9:45pm Dad's Army 10:15pm Reginald D Hunter's Songs of the South 11:15pm James Brown

9:25pm Take Me Out 10:40pm The Jonathan Ross Show 11:35pm ITV News and Weather

9:00pm The World's Weirdest Weather 10:00pm Cuban Fury 11:55pm Runaway Jury

9:05pm NCIS 10:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00pm Law and Order: Special Victims Unit 11:55pm Law and Order

9:00pm Hawaii Five-0 10:00pm Batman Begins

4:30pm Natural World Wildlife documentary.

5:30pm Final Score

Classic Western about a sheriff who leads a gang of misfits trying to keep a notorious villain in jail until the US Marshall can take him to town.

3:00pm Inside RAF Brize Norton 4:00pm David Attenborough Conquest of the Skies 5:00pm The Simpsons 5:30pm Modern Family

6pm 7:55pm BBC News 8:05pm Regional News 8:10pm Weather 8:15pm The Voice UK

The latest news coverage.

6:15pm Columbo: By Dawn's Early Light 8:10pm NCIS

6:00pm Modern Family 6:30pm Modern Family 7:00pm Modern Family 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles

9pm 10:15pm Casualty 11:05pm The National Lottery Live 11:15pm BBC News 11:28pm Weather 11:30pm Match of the Day

Mr. Dynamite.

A round-up of the latest news headlines and a national weather forecast.

A billionaire playboy begins a one-man crusade to clean up Gotham City's streets.

11:50pm Boxing

12am 12:55am The Football League Show 2:15am Halloween Resurrection 3:40am Weather for the Week Ahead Detailed weather report. 3:45am BBC News

12:55am Brooklyn's Finest 3:00am Beauty and the Briefcase 4:20am This is BBC Two Highlights of programmes on BBC Two.

1:30am Jackpot 247 4:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 4:40am Nightscreen

2:25am The Last Leg 3:20am Hollyoaks Omnibus 5:30am The Supervet

12:50am True Crimes: The First 72 Hours 1:15am Super Casino 4:10am 10,000 BC 5:00am House Doctor Home improvement series that works its magic on neglected homes.

12:40am Hawaii Five-0 1:40am NCIS: Los Angeles 2:40am Road Wars 3:30am Night Cops 4:20am Brit Cops: Frontline Crime 5:10am UK Border Force







8:00pm Great Movie Mistakes 8:10pm Great TV Mistakes 9:10pm Top Gear 10:15pm Déjà Vu 12:10am Family Guy

8:00pm The Secret Life of Elephants 9:00pm A Very British Murder with Lucy Worsley 10:00pm Hostages 10:45pm Hostages 11:25pm Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe 11:55pm Spike Milligan: Love, Light and Peace 12:55am Brothers in Arms 1:55am Kinks at the BBC 2:55am The Secret Life of Elephants

1:40pm Evan Almighty 2:40pm FYI Daily 2:45pm Evan Almighty 3:35pm The Hot Desk 3:50pm The Brit Awards 2015 6:10pm Nanny McPhee 7:10pm FYI Daily 7:15pm Nanny McPhee 8:10pm Jurassic Park 9:10pm FYI Daily 9:15pm Jurassic Park 10:40pm Take Me Out: The Gossip 11:25pm The Keith Lemon Sketch Show 11:55pm Reality Bites 12:40am Ibiza Weekender

7:00am Judge Judy 7:20am Where the Heart is 8:20am Where the Heart is 9:30am Agatha Christie's Marple 11:35am The Darling Buds of May 12:40pm A Touch of Frost 2:55pm Wycliffe 4:05pm Carry on at Your Convenience 5:05pm FYI Daily 5:10pm Carry on at Your Convenience 5:55pm Agatha Christie's Marple 8:00pm Doc Martin 9:00pm Foyle's War 11:05pm Lewis 1:10am A Touch of Frost

12:40pm Field of Dreams 1:45pm Dragnet 2:45pm FYI Daily 2:50pm Dragnet 3:50pm Dunkirk 4:50pm FYI Daily 4:55pm Dunkirk 6:35pm Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach 7:35pm FYI Daily 7:40pm Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach 8:30pm Championship Boxing Live 11:45pm ICC Cricket World Cup Highlights 12:50am The Island

3:00pm Melissa and Joey 3:30pm Baby Daddy 4:00pm Baby Daddy 4:30pm The Big Bang Theory 5:00pm The Big Bang Theory 5:30pm How I Met Your Mother 6:00pm How I Met Your Mother 6:30pm Troy 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm The Big Bang Theory 8:30pm The Big Bang Theory 9:00pm The Big Bang Theory 9:30pm The Big Bang Theory 10:00pm He's Just Not That Into You 12:35am The Big Bang Theory



Subversive animated comedy about the trials and tribulations of American family life.

12:32am Family Guy 12:54am Family Guy 1:16am Family Guy Subversive animated comedy about American family life.

1:38am Family Guy 2:00am Uncle 2:30am South Side Story

Nature series revealing the emotional and dramatic lives of elephants in Kenya's Samburu reserve.

SKY MOVIES Action 7:00am Stop! or My Mom Will Shoot 8:30am Die Hard with a Vengeance 10:50am Die Hard 4.0 1:10pm A Good Day to Die Hard 3:00pm Bruce Willis: Die Hard Special 3:30pm Die Hard 5:45pm Die Hard 2 7:50pm Die Hard with a Vengeance 10:00pm Die Hard 4.0 12:10am A Good Day to Die Hard 1:50am The Top Ten Show 2015 Which movies are doing the best business at home and across the pond?

2:10am Die Hard 4:25am Die Hard 2

Comedy 7:35am Bruce Almighty 9:30am Who Framed Roger Rabbit? 11:25am Last Vegas 1:25pm The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Special 1:55pm Hot Shots! 3:30pm Hot Shots! Part Deux 5:10pm Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit Deloris Van Cartier is back in front of the big band, but not for long.

7:10pm Who Framed Roger Rabbit? 9:00pm Last Vegas 11:00pm Hot Shots! 12:30am Hot Shots! Part Deux 2:05am Bruce Almighty 3:55am In Security

7:30am Closed Circuit 9:10am Deadfall 10:50am Proof of Life Engineer Peter Bowden is snatched by professional terrorists in the South American jungle.

1:05pm Bad Boys II 3:35pm Dead Calm 5:15pm The Island 7:35pm Black Hawk Down 10:00pm Bad Boys II 12:30am The Counsellor 3:00am A Man Apart 5:05am Sam Churchill: Search for a Homeless Man

7:00am Garfield 2: A Tail of Two Kitties 8:35am Ella Enchanted 10:30am Ever After 12:40pm Stage to Screen 1:10pm Maleficent 3:00pm The Prince and Me 5:00pm Ella Enchanted 6:50pm Ever After 9:00pm Maleficent 10:40pm The Prince and Me 12:35am Garfield 2: A Tail of Two Kitties 2:05am The Neverending Story 3:45am Corpse Bride 5:05am The Reef 2: High Tide



7:00am The Perfect Summer 8:45am The Knights of Badassdom 10:15am The Art of the Steal 12:00pm Mr. Peabody and Sherman 1:45pm The Perfect Summer 3:30pm The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Special 4:00pm Bad Neighbours 5:45pm Mr. Peabody and Sherman 7:30pm The Knights of Badassdom 9:00pm Bad Neighbours 10:45pm The Art of the Steal 12:30am The Big Bang 2:15am Catch.44 4:00am The Big Bang

8:05am Gunsmoke 9:05am Gunsmoke 10:10am The Bounty Hunter 11:40am Seven Days in May 1:55pm Ziegfeld Follies 4:00pm Superman 6:45pm What's Up, Doc? 8:30pm Black Spurs 10:00pm No Way Out Critically acclaimed crime thriller based on the novel "The Big Clock".

12:10am Year of the Dragon 2:35am No Way Out 4:30am The Three Stooges Meet Hercules

OPINION & COMMENT YPICAL, now my iPod has gone wrong! Having written about the unreliability of modern day technology - or at least the fact that gadgets are simply not built to last these days - yet another piece of high priced gear is giving me a hard time. In fairness, I’m not sure whether it’s the iPod itself or the docking station where it sits and sings to me when I’m happy, and in the mood for a bit of José Feliciano or Cat Stevens. Conversely, when I’m feeling sluggish and I turn up the volume for the full blown Black Sabbath experience to blast out the cobwebs and ear wax. And if I’m really brassed off, some Leapy Lee is always guaranteed to lift my spirits. (Mine’s a large Havana Club on the rocks Leapy) But in any event, iPod or docking station, it was not reenergising as it should. I found that it would charge quite happily if I connected it to my computer overnight, so that’s what I started to do. But not for long, because the other morning I found that all 8,700


26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South



Oh for the long playing record! Colin Bird Each week, Colin brings his slightly off-the-wall view of the world to the pages of EWN in his own irreverent style.

tracks had disappeared. I thought my wife was marvellous. She is just not used to seeing me blubbing like a baby, balanced on our window sill in my underwear and threatening to jump. But she managed to talk me down by means of a mug of tea and a packet of Jaffa Cakes. Alright, it was the downstairs lounge window, but that’s not the point - you could inflict some nasty damage by dropping three feet into a pot of cacti. But I needn’t have worried, because on closer inspection, I found for some reason known only to the rebellious machine, it had uploaded all my music onto the computer. Phew! I love my iPod when it’s behaving - it is convenient and

MODERN TECHNOLOGY: Fine when it’s working well. compact, but I’m sorry, I still recall those far off days of vinyl

recordings with dewy eyed rapture.

There was something exciting and yes, romantic, about travelling into town on a Saturday to purchase the newly released 45, or the latest long player (they weren’t called albums then). And the best part was, you got to hear them before you bought. You simply made your selection from the packed record shelves, took it to the desk where it would be placed on a turntable, then you would be directed to booth four or whatever to sample your prospective purchase. Vinyl may have been fragile, scratched easily and prone to warping, but I miss the sheer adventure of buying records and those fab LP sleeves that were often works of art in their own right. And yes - I still favour flared trousers.


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

BBC ONE 7:00am Breakfast 8:40am Match of the Day 10:00am The Andrew Marr Show 11:00am The Big Questions 12:00pm Sunday Politics 1:15pm MOTD2 Extra 2:00pm BBC News 2:10pm Weather for the Week Ahead 2:15pm Bargain Hunt

BBC TWO 7:00am Preview 7:15am Great British Garden Revival 8:15am Glorious Gardens From Above 9:00am Countryfile 10:00am The Football League Show 11:20am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:50pm The Great Comic Relief Bake Off 1:50pm A Taste of Britain 2:20pm A Taste of Britain 2:50pm Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em

ITV 7:00am CITV 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 12:30pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 1:35pm ITV News and Weather A round-up of the latest news headlines and a national weather forecast. 1:45pm Neil Diamond: One Night Only 2:55pm Catchphrase

CH4 7:20am How I Met Your Mother 7:45am How I Met Your Mother 8:10am How I Met Your Mother 8:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Sunday Brunch 1:30pm Amazing Spaces: Shed of the Year 2:30pm The Big Bang Theory

CH5 7:00am Milkshake! 11:00am Sponge Bob Square Pants 11:35am Chinese Food in Minutes 11:50am The Dog Rescuers 12:20pm The Hotel Inspector 1:15pm The Hotel Inspector 2:15pm Thunderbirds


SKY 1 6:00am UK Border Force 7:00am The Hour of Power 8:00am The Fanatics 9:00am Glee 10:00am Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 10:30am Chris and Wes: Let's Do This 11:00am Chris and Wes: Let's Do This 11:30am Football's Funniest Moments 12:00pm WWE Raw 1:00pm Modern Family 1:30pm Modern Family 2:00pm Inside RAF Brize Norton

3pm 3:00pm My Chinese New Year 3:30pm Six Nations Rugby Union Action from the Six Nations Trophy.

3:15pm Three Up, Two Down 3:45pm Hi-De-Hi! 4:15pm Flog It! 5:00pm Speed Dreams: The Fastest Place on Earth

3:40pm Tipping Point 4:40pm A View to a Kill

6:00pm The Tuxedo 7:30pm Pompidou 8:00pm The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway

7:05pm Local News and Weather

Spy drama in which James Bond is assigned to foil a wealthy industrialist's plot to destroy California's Silicon Valley and corner the world's microchip market.

3:00pm The Big Bang Theory 3:30pm The Wizard of Oz 5:30pm Location, Location, Location Phil Spencer and Kirstie Allsopp head for Liverpool.

4:00pm Arthur and The Invisibles 5:45pm 3 Men and a Little Lady The three swinging bachelors are now sharing their luxurious digs with the adorable little girl and her mother Sylvia.

3:00pm Emergency Animal Rescue 3:30pm Emergency Animal Rescue 4:00pm Modern Family 4:30pm Modern Family 5:00pm Modern Family 5:30pm Modern Family

6pm 6:00pm Songs of Praise 6:35pm BBC News 6:50pm Regional News 6:55pm Weather 7:00pm The Big Painting Challenge 8:00pm Countryfile

All the very latest local news and weather.

6:35pm Channel 4 News Includes sport and weather.

7:45pm 5 News The latest news coverage.

7:15pm ITV News and Weather 7:30pm Celebrity Chase 8:30pm Off Their Rockers

7:05pm A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 8:00pm Four Rooms

7:50pm Ghost Rider

9:00pm All Star Family Fortunes 10:00pm Mr Selfridge 11:00pm ITV News and Weather

9:00pm The Auction House 10:00pm Indian Summers

10:00pm Total Recall

Comic-book adventure about a stunt motorcyclist tricked into making a pact with Mephistopheles.

6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm The Simpsons 7:00pm About a Boy 8:00pm Modern Family 8:30pm Modern Family

9pm 9:00pm Call the Midwife 10:00pm The Casual Vacancy 11:00pm BBC News 11:20pm Regional News 11:25pm Weather 11:30pm Match of the Day 2

9:00pm Top Gear 10:00pm Let's Play Darts for Comic Relief 10:50pm Cosmopolis

A round-up of the latest news headlines and a national weather forecast.

The 10-part drama continues.

11:00pm 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

11:15pm ICC Cricket World Cup Highlights

Classic but brutal sci-fi action thriller set in 2084, based on a Philip K. Dick short story. Douglas Quaid has an ordinary life, although he dreams nightly of Mars - a planet he has never visited.

9:00pm The Flash 10:00pm Hawaii Five-0 11:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles

12am 12:30am Genghis Khan 2:30am Countryfile News and stories concerning the heart of the British countryside. 3:30am Holby City 4:30am This is BBC Two Highlights of programmes on BBC Two.

12:15am Bear Grylls: Mission Survive 1:15am Aviva Highlights 2:15am The Store 3:30am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 4:15am Nightscreen

12:05am Twilight 2:25am Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 3:15am The Million Pound Drop 4:10am Come Dine with Me 4:35am Come Dine with Me

12:15am Twelve Monkeys 2:50am Super Casino Feeling lucky? Get the authentic, heart-thumping casino experience every night. 4:10am 10,000 BC 5:00am House Doctor

12:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 1:00am Hawaii Five-0 2:00am Brit Cops: Frontline Crime 3:00am Night Cops 4:00am Road Wars 5:00am UK Border Force







8:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 9:00pm The Voice UK 11:00pm I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse 12:00am Family Guy 12:22am Family Guy

5:05am This is BBC Four 8:00pm The Great War 8:40pm Britain's Wild Places 9:00pm Mark Lawson Talks to... 10:00pm Arts Question Time with Kirsty Wark 11:00pm Storyville 12:20am Newsnight Debate

12:50am Animals Through the Night: Sleepover at the Zoo 2:20am Sounds of the Eighties 2:50am Synth Britannia at the BBC 3:50am Guitar Heroes at the BBC

3:35pm Scorpion 4:30pm Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway 5:55pm The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement 6:55pm FYI Daily 7:00pm The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement 8:10pm Jurassic Park III 9:10pm FYI Daily 9:15pm Jurassic Park III 10:00pm Ibiza Weekender 11:00pm The Keith Lemon Sketch Show 11:30pm American Pie Presents Band Camp 12:30am FYI Daily

7:40am Stephen Tompkinson's Australian Balloon 8:40am Carry on at Your Convenience 9:40am FYI Daily 9:45am Carry on at Your Convenience 10:30am Heartbeat 11:35am Heartbeat 12:35pm Rosemary and Thyme 1:35pm A Touch of Frost 3:45pm Agatha Christie's Marple 5:50pm Inspector Morse 8:00pm Lewis 10:00pm Sunday Night at the Palladium 11:00pm Birds of a Feather 11:35pm City Lights

3:30pm Storage Wars 4:00pm Dragnet 5:00pm FYI Daily 5:05pm Dragnet 6:10pm Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach 7:10pm FYI Daily 7:15pm Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach 8:00pm The Big Fish Off 9:00pm Rugby Highlights 10:00pm Pale Rider 11:00pm FYI Daily 11:05pm Pale Rider 12:25am Buried

1:30pm Revenge 2:30pm Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3:30pm The 100 4:30pm The Big Bang Theory 5:00pm The Big Bang Theory 5:30pm The Big Bang Theory 6:00pm The Big Bang Theory 6:30pm The Big Bang Theory 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 11:00pm The Inbetweeners 11:30pm The Inbetweeners 12:05am Rude Tube




12:35am The League Cup Show 1:15am The Apprentice USA 2:40am Weather for the Week Ahead Detailed weather report. 2:45am BBC News

Subversive animated comedy about American family life.

12:45am Uncle An out-of work musician is forced to look after his 12-year-old nephew when his sister is busy.

1:15am American Dad! 1:35am I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse 2:35am Bangkok Airport 3:30am South Side Story

Political programme where a panel of guests debate the latest topics and headlines.

SKY MOVIES Action 6:30am Thor: The Dark World Special 7:00am S.W.A.T. 9:05am Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters 10:55am Kick-Ass 2 12:40pm The Bridge on the River Kwai 3:25pm The Last Samurai 6:00pm Kindergarten Cop A tough cop is forced to impersonate a kindergarten teacher in order to catch a criminal.

8:00pm Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters 10:00pm Kick-Ass 2 11:50pm Commando 1:30am S.W.A.T. 3:35am Three Kings 5:40am The Bridge on the River Kwai

7:25am Anger Management 9:20am School of Rock 11:20am Grudge Match 1:20pm Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby 3:25pm The Dukes of Hazzard 5:20pm The Harry Hill Movie 7:00pm School of Rock After guitarist Dewey is kicked out of his own band, he makes money posing as a supply teacher.

9:00pm Grudge Match 11:00pm Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby 1:05am Anger Management 2:55am The Dukes of Hazzard

7:25am Blood Work 9:20am Last Passenger 11:05am Reasonable Doubt 12:45pm The Transporter 2:25pm Spy Game Slick thriller full of surprises.

4:35pm Harsh Times 6:35pm An American Haunting In 1818, the daughter of a Tennessee landowner is haunted by an evil spirit.

8:20pm The Transporter 10:00pm Spy Game 12:10am Green Street 2:05am Shame the Devil 3:55am Single White Female 5:55am Deep Family Secrets

7:00am Monster House 8:40am Saving Mr. Banks Special 9:10am Stuart Little 10:45am Stuart Little 2 12:15pm Masters of the Universe Hero He-Man hunts for a powerful cosmic key with the evil Skeletor and his henchmen in hot pursuit.

2:10pm Bean 3:50pm Stuart Little 5:30pm Stuart Little 2 7:00pm Masters of the Universe 9:00pm Bean 10:35pm Secondhand Lions 12:25am March of the Penguins 1:50am Peter Pan



7:00am The Perfect Summer 8:45am The Knights of Badassdom 10:15am The Art of the Steal 12:00pm Mr. Peabody and Sherman 1:45pm The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Special 2:15pm The Perfect Summer 4:00pm Bad Neighbours 5:45pm Mr. Peabody and Sherman 7:30pm The Knights of Badassdom 9:00pm Bad Neighbours 10:45pm The Art of the Steal 12:30am The Big Bang

6:00am Ziegfeld Follies 8:00am What's Up, Doc? 9:50am Black Spurs 11:20am Mara Maru 1:15pm Superman 4:00pm Arrow in the Dust 5:35pm The Train Robbers 7:20pm Mark of the Gorilla

An LA private eye goes on the hunt for a missing girl and the diamonds she's disappeared with.

Jungle Jim must stop Nazis dressed as Apes from stealing a golden treasure.

8:35pm The Iron Sheriff 10:00pm Hell on Wheels 11:00pm Death Proof 1:05am Menace II Society 2:50am Death Proof 4:40am Buchanan Rides Alone


26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South



Advertising feature

Valencia Fallas - Something for everybody THE hundreds-year-old tradition of burning effigies is familiar to many towns and villages in Spain, but it is the city of Valencia which excels in this celebration. For a full week the citizens of this city attend banquets, set off fireworks, dress in the elegant Valencian costume, crown beauty queens and fill the streets with noise and colour. It is a tradition which started with carpenters storing their waste wood for a full year, which was then used for a bonfire to celebrate the Saints day of the most famous carpenter of all time - Joseph the father of Jesus. Gradually the idea of pulping the wood and creating paper mache figures of unpopular people, such as politicians, for burning developed. The effigies nowadays are large and impressively artistic and are made from polystyrene.

VALENCIA: Excels in this particular celebration. So how can you enjoy this rather special fiesta? If you want the time to soak up the atmosphere, seeing all the effigies before they are burnt, and mixing with the locals as they party their way towards the night known as the ‘crema’ - the night of the burning, then a short four-day break using a city hotel is just about right for you. Giving you plenty of time to be part of the party.

If you like the idea of watching processions of flower-carrying people in local costume wending their way towards the cathedral to present the flowers which are then used to dress the virgin in a blaze of colour, then the afternoon and evening of March 17 would see you behind the cathedral surrounded by more

flowers than you have ever seen in your life. On the other hand some people enjoy the excitement of the night of the actual burning. The crowds flow from one effigy to another as each one in turn is set ablaze until the festival culminates at 1am, when, with a loud cheer from the crowd the last and most important effigy, which is so large that it almost reaches the height of the town hall is set ablaze. This is

followed by a dazzling fireworks display which fills the night sky before bringing to an end another year at the Valencia Fallas. David’s Coachtrips offer an option to suit all tastes. If you want the more leisurely option of staying four days in the city, using a comfortable three star city hotel then the dates being offered including transport are four days from March 12 to 15 at only 158€. If it is the day of flowers to dress the Virgin that appeals to you, then this is on March 17 and the price is only 17€. For the full blown night of the burning, the date is March 19 and again you can do this for only 17€.

To reserve your place on any of these excursions, simply call David’s Coachtrips on (0034) 966 785 910 or visit our website


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

BBC ONE 7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Heir Hunters 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Operation Hospital Food with James Martin 12:45pm Watchdog Test House 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm Regional News 2:45pm Doctors

BBC TWO 9:20am Wanted Down Under 10:05am Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 11:05am Great British Railway Journeys 11:35am Click 12:00pm BBC News 12:30pm World News 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm A to Z of TV Gardening 2:05pm Cagney and Lacey 2:50pm The World at War

ITV 7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 11:55am ITV News 12:00pm This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV News and Weather

CH4 8:35am 3rd Rock from the Sun 9:00am Frasier 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00am Undercover Boss USA 12:00pm For the Love of Cars 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

CH5 7:00am Milkshake! 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:10pm The Hotel Inspector 1:10pm 5 News 1:15pm Costa Del Casualty 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours


SKY 1 7:00am Dog the Bounty Hunter 7:30am Dog the Bounty Hunter 8:00am Greggs: More Than Meats the Pie 9:00am Ashley Banjo's Secret Street Crew 10:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 11:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00pm Hawaii Five-0 1:00pm Hawaii Five0 2:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles

3pm 3:45pm Africa 4:45pm Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em 5:15pm Three Up, Two Down 5:45pm Hi-De-Hi!

3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm 1000 Heartbeats

3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me

3:15pm NCIS 4:15pm Out of Control

6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Two Tribes 7:30pm Eggheads 8:00pm Top Gear

6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street

6:00pm Four in a Bed 6:30pm Coach Trip 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News

6:00pm 5 News 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News 8:00pm The Gadget Show

9:00pm University Challenge 9:30pm Only Connect 10:00pm A Cook Abroad 11:00pm Let's Play Darts for Comic Relief 11:30pm Newsnight

9:00pm More Tales From Northumberland with Robson Green 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Arthur and George 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:40pm The Jonathan Ross Show

9:00pm Dispatches 9:30pm Food Unwrapped 10:00pm NHS: ÂŁ2 Billion a Week and Counting 11:00pm My Baggy Body

9:00pm Police Interceptors 10:00pm Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole

12:15am Weather 12:20am Suffragettes Forever! The Story of Women and Power 1:20am Inside the Commons 2:20am This is BBC Two

12:45am A Great Welsh Adventure with Griff Rhys Jones 1:15am Jackpot 247 4:00am UEFA Champions League Weekly 4:30am Nightscreen

12:00am 24 Hours in A and E 1:05am Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 1:55am Alois Nebel 3:25am Random Acts 3:30am Double Your House for Half the Money

12:00am Crimson Tide 2:10am Super Casino 4:10am Costa Del Casualty 5:00am Wildlife SOS 5:25am House Busters 5:45am House Doctor

12:30am Futurama 1:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 2:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 3:00am Hawaii Five-0 4:00am Hawaii Five-0 5:00am Airline USA 5:30am Airline USA







8:00pm Snog, Marry, Avoid? 8:30pm Don't Tell the Bride 9:30pm Waterloo Road 10:30pm Uncle 11:00pm Cuckoo 11:30pm EastEnders 12:00am Family Guy 12:22am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad! 1:10am Family Guy 1:30am South Side Story 2:00am I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse 3:00am Cuckoo 3:30am Uncle

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Great Continental Railway Journeys 9:00pm Nature's Great Events

1:30am Great Continental Railway Journeys 2:00am Wallander 3:25am Climate Change by Numbers 5:10am This is BBC Four

2:15pm Coronation Street 2:40pm Dinner Date 3:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00pm You've Been Framed! 7:30pm You've Been Framed! 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Mom 10:30pm Mom 11:00pm American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile 12:00am FYI Daily

12:05pm Judge Judy 12:35pm Judge Judy 1:00pm Murder, She Wrote 2:00pm Heartbeat 3:00pm Where the Heart is 4:05pm The Royal 5:10pm Fresh Fields 5:45pm Rising Damp 6:20pm On the Buses 6:55pm Heartbeat 7:55pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Rosemary and Thyme 10:00pm Long Lost Family 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:00am Wire in the Blood

3:05pm Ax Men 4:00pm Pawn Stars 4:30pm Pawn Stars 4:55pm Hogan's Heroes 5:30pm Hogan's Heroes 6:00pm The Professionals 7:00pm Minder 8:00pm Pawn Stars 8:30pm Pawn Stars 9:00pm Storage Wars 9:30pm Storage Wars 10:00pm Storage Wars Texas 10:30pm Storage Wars Texas 11:00pm Ax Men 12:00am Bundesliga

4:00pm Baby Daddy 4:30pm Melissa and Joey 5:00pm New Girl 5:30pm Suburgatory 6:00pm How I Met Your Mother 6:30pm How I Met Your Mother 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm Melissa and Joey 9:00pm The Big Bang Theory 9:30pm The Big Bang Theory 10:00pm Revenge 11:00pm Taking New York 12:00am The Big Bang Theory




3:15pm WPC 56 4:00pm The Link 4:45pm Escape to the Country 5:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Drama in which a young officer goes undercover when an informant is killed.

3:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 4:00pm The Real A&E 4:30pm The Real A&E 5:00pm Futurama 5:30pm Futurama

6pm 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm Inside Out

6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Futurama 7:00pm Futurama 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:00pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons

9pm 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Panorama 10:00pm Crimewatch 11:00pm BBC News 11:25pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm Crimewatch 11:55pm Waterloo Road

Comprehensive coverage of the day's important national and international news stories.

Documentary series lifting the lid on the reality of life on benefits in Britain.

11:00pm 10,000 BC

9:00pm The Holidaymakers 10:00pm Moone Boy 10:30pm Arrow 11:30pm Critical Sixty minutes to save a life.

Documentary in which 20 modern-day Brits try to survive two months in the wilderness.

12am 12:50am The Graham Norton Show 1:35am The Daisy Chain 3:00am Weather for the Week Ahead Detailed weather report. 3:05am BBC News

Series about the most dramatic wildlife spectacles on our planet.

10:00pm Climate Change by Numbers 11:15pm Storyville Series showcasing the best in international documentaries.

12:30am Saints and Sinners Britain's Millennium of Monasteries.

SKY MOVIES Action 8:25am Aeon Flux 10:05am Chain Reaction 11:55am Welcome to the Jungle 1:35pm Bloodsport 3:10pm Alexander 6:05pm King Arthur 8:15pm Fire with Fire After identifying a murderer, a firefighter is placed in a witness protection programme.

10:00pm Con Air 12:00am Welcome to the Jungle When a teambuilding exercise goes awry, a group of office workers are left stranded on an island.

1:45am Bloodsport 3:25am Con Air

7:55am Despicable Me 2 Special 8:25am Black Sheep 10:00am Click 11:55am Get Smart 1:55pm Stand Up Guys 3:40pm Liar Liar 5:20pm Wedding Daze 7:00pm Click 9:00pm Get Smart 11:00pm Stand Up Guys 12:40am Wedding Daze 2:15am Liar Liar Fletcher Reede didn't become a top lawyer by telling the truth.

3:50am Powder Room 5:20am Home Alone

7:35am Flesh and Bone 9:45am Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 11:30am The Washington Snipers 1:05pm Transporter 2 2:40pm RocknRolla 4:35pm Conspiracy Theory 6:50pm Cold Comes the Night A Polish gangster takes a motel manager captive when a bag of money goes missing.

8:25pm Transporter 2 10:00pm RocknRolla 12:00am Blow 2:05am 25th Hour Drug-dealer Monty Brogan is going down for seven years.

7:10am Baby's Day Out 9:00am The Flintstones 10:40am The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas 12:20pm Turbo 2:10pm Lassie 4:00pm Doctor Dolittle 5:35pm Turbo 7:20pm The Flintstones 9:00pm The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas 10:35pm Lassie 12:20am Doctor Dolittle 1:50am Baby's Day Out 3:30am Looney Tunes: Back in Action



7:00am The Perfect Summer 8:45am Catch.44 10:30am The Knights of Badassdom 12:00pm The Big Bang 1:45pm The Perfect Summer 3:30pm The Art of the Steal 5:15pm Big Hero 6 Special 5:45pm Bad Neighbours 7:30pm The Knights of Badassdom 9:00pm Bad Neighbours 10:45pm The Art of the Steal 12:30am The Big Bang

6:00am Container Wars 6:25am Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura 7:30am The Wackiest Ship in the Army 9:15am Arrow in the Dust 10:50am Mark of the Gorilla 12:05pm The Train Robbers 1:50pm Gunsmoke 4:00pm Hostile Guns 5:45pm The Texican 7:20pm Bad Men of Tombstone 8:45pm Fury of the Congo 10:00pm The Juror 12:10am The Dead Pool 1:55am The Juror 3:55am The Dead Pool

An LA private eye goes on the hunt for a missing girl and the diamonds she's disappeared with.

2:15am Catch.44


26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South



How do you keep in touch? SANDRA FIELD from Consultus Care, “I use SKYPE quite often as you can see the person that you are talking to and I like that. I also use my mobile phone to call the UK because that seems to work out cheaper than my landline would you believe. For work I use the mobile phone and email mostly, WhatsApp gets occasionally used if the Spanish address or email is a bit tricky. Lamia Walker from HousesitMatch said “I really love WhatsApp for the speed and convenience of staying in touch with people all over the world for free from my mobile phone. It’s a great way to stay connected especially with our pet sitters wherever they are. They send me pictures of the pets they are looking after. We’ve even started a competition for the best ALFREDO: WhatsApp offers a quick way of keeping in touch with people you may have lost contact with.

In recent news 98 per cent of Smartphones in Spain have a messaging application such as WhatsApp which seems to be the favoured app among expats to keep in touch with loved ones back home. Do you use it or do you prefer to speak to someone either on the phone or face to face? Perhaps you still prefer to use the post?

STREET TALK HEIDI: Facebook is her preferred choice of communication. SANDRA: Prefers to use Skype as you can see who you are talking to.

LAMIA: Loves the speed and convenience.

photos of Pet Antics - it’s quick and fun.” For our new bride Heidi Price, modern, quick forms of communication have been great for her to share photos and thanks to her nearest and dearest following her big day: “Facebook remains my preferred form of online communication and was really useful on my wedding day for sharing thoughts and photos with absent friends. I do use WhatsApp to send the odd photo and quick messages, but do not rely on it half as much as Facebook.” Alfredo Millá Ferrero, Managing Partner at Sonneil Homes and More, which operates across the Spanish coastline from the Costa Brava, throughout the Costa Blanca and down to the Costa del Sol, said advances in technology and the introduction of programmes such as WhatsApp, has made business so much easier and quicker: “For personal communication it is still nice to receive a letter, but with the dynamics of living today, everything is so quick and instant, so WhatsApp makes it easy to keep in touch with people you may have lost touch with. It is easy to send a quick message to let them know you are thinking of them and to say hi.”


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

BBC ONE 7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Heir Hunters 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Operation Hospital Food with James Martin 12:45pm Watchdog Test House 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm Regional News 2:45pm Doctors

BBC TWO 8:50am Island Parish Sark Winter 9:20am Wanted Down Under 10:05am Attenborough's Birds of Paradise 11:05am Great British Railway Journeys 11:35am HARDtalk 12:00pm BBC News 12:30pm World News 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm A to Z of TV Gardening 2:05pm The Super League Show 2:50pm The World at War

ITV 7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 11:55am ITV News 12:00pm This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV News and Weather

CH4 9:00am Frasier 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00am Undercover Boss USA 12:00pm For the Love of Cars 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

CH5 7:00am Milkshake! 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:10pm The Hotel Inspector 1:10pm 5 News 1:15pm Cowboy Builders 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours

TUESDAY TV SKY 1 7:00am Nothing to Declare: Australia 7:30am Dog the Bounty Hunter 8:00am Greggs: More Than Meats the Pie 9:00am Airline USA 9:30am Airline USA 10:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 11:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00pm Hawaii Five-0 1:00pm Hawaii Five-0 2:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles

3pm 3:15pm WPC 56 4:00pm The Link 4:45pm Escape to the Country 5:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

3:45pm Frozen Planet 4:45pm Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em 5:15pm Three Up, Two Down 5:45pm Hi-De-Hi!

3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm 1000 Heartbeats

3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me

3:15pm NCIS A team of special agents, operating outside the military chain of command, must investigate any crime with pieces of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel.

4:15pm Stealing Paradise

3:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 4:00pm The Real A&E 4:30pm The Real A&E 5:00pm Futurama 5:30pm Futurama

6pm 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders

6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Two Tribes 7:30pm Eggheads 8:00pm Wanted in Paradise

6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm River Monsters

6:00pm Four in a Bed 6:30pm Coach Trip 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News

6:00pm 5 News 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News 8:00pm Police Interceptors

6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Futurama 7:00pm Futurama 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:00pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons

9:00pm Natural World 10:00pm Horizon 11:00pm Let's Play Darts for Comic Relief 11:30pm Newsnight

9:00pm Bargain Fever Britain 10:00pm Exposure 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:40pm On Assignment

9:00pm Mary Portas: Secret Shopper 10:00pm The Romanians are Coming 11:00pm Drugs Live: Cannabis on Trial

9:00pm Costa Del Casualty 10:00pm Killer Psychopaths 11:00pm Chicago PD

9:00pm The Flash 10:00pm Critical 11:00pm Ross Kemp: Extreme World

9pm 9:00pm Holby City 10:00pm The Gift 11:00pm BBC News 11:25pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm No Place to Call Home

Comprehensive coverage of the day's important national and international news stories.

12am 12:45am Cemetery Junction 2:15am Weather for the Week Ahead Detailed weather report. 2:20am BBC News The latest national and international news stories, followed by Weather.

12:15am Weather The latest weather information. 12:20am Reinventing the Royals 1:20am Film 2015 1:50am This is BBC Two 5:00am Michael Mosely: Infested! Living with Parasites 5:30am Rock Pool Survivors

12:10am Benidorm 12:40am Carry on Follow That Camel 2:15am Jackpot 247 4:00am Loose Women 4:45am Nightscreen

12:35am Don't Look Down 1:30am Pokerstars.Com European Poker Tour 2:25am KOTV Boxing Weekly 2:50am Transworld Sport 3:45am FIM Superbike World Championship 4:15am Mobil 1 The Grid

12:00am Jack the Ripper: New Suspect 1:00am GPs: Behind Closed Doors 2:00am Super Casino 4:10am Jack the Ripper: New Suspect 5:00am Wildlife SOS 5:25am House Busters 5:45am House Doctor

12:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 1:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 2:00am Hawaii Five-0 3:00am Hawaii Five-0 4:00am Road Wars 5:00am Airline USA 5:30am Airline USA







8:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 9:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 10:00pm World's Toughest Jobs 11:00pm Uncle

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Great Continental Railway Journeys 9:00pm Great Continental Railway Journeys 9:30pm Secret Knowledge 10:00pm Emma 11:55pm Twin Sisters 12:55am Rise of the Continents 1:55am Great Continental Railway Journeys 2:25am Great Continental Railway Journeys 2:55am Wallander 4:20am Secret Knowledge

11:25am Psych 12:20pm Royal Pains 1:10pm Emmerdale 1:40pm Coronation Street 2:15pm Coronation Street 2:40pm Dinner Date 3:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00pm You've Been Framed! 7:30pm You've Been Framed! 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Dinner Date 10:00pm Hell's Kitchen 11:00pm Ibiza Weekender 12:00am Reality Bites

10:40am The Royal 11:40am Judge Judy 12:05pm Judge Judy 12:35pm Judge Judy 1:00pm Murder, She Wrote 2:00pm Heartbeat 3:05pm Where the Heart is 4:10pm The Royal 5:15pm Fresh Fields 5:50pm Rising Damp 6:20pm On the Buses 6:55pm Heartbeat 7:55pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Midsomer Murders 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:00am Wire in the Blood

2:40pm Highway Patrol 3:05pm Ax Men 4:05pm Pawn Stars 4:30pm Pawn Stars 4:55pm Hogan's Heroes 5:30pm Hogan's Heroes 6:00pm The Professionals 7:00pm Minder 8:00pm Pawn Stars 8:30pm Pawn Stars 9:00pm The Chase: Celebrity Special 10:00pm Benidorm 10:30pm Benidorm 11:00pm Paula Radcliffe: Sports Life Stories 12:00am ICC Cricket World Cup Highlights

3:30pm The Big Bang Theory 4:00pm Baby Daddy 4:30pm Melissa and Joey 5:00pm New Girl 5:30pm Suburgatory 6:00pm How I Met Your Mother 6:30pm How I Met Your Mother 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm Melissa and Joey 9:00pm Brooklyn Nine-Nine 9:30pm The Big Bang Theory 10:00pm The 100 11:00pm Supernatural 12:00am The Big Bang Theory




An out-of work musician is forced to look after his 12-year-old nephew when his sister is busy.

11:30pm EastEnders 12:00am Family Guy 12:22am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad! 1:05am Family Guy 1:30am Uncle An out-of work musician is forced to look after his 12-year-old nephew when his sister is busy.

SKY MOVIES Action 7:15am The Island 9:45am Man of Tai Chi 11:45am World War Z 2:00pm The 6th Day 4:10pm Executive Decision 6:30pm Batman Begins 9:00pm Man of Tai Chi A talented but ill-disciplined martial arts student joins a lucrative underground fight club.

11:00pm World War Z A United Nations worker battles to halt a zombie pandemic.

1:15am Executive Decision 3:35am Barb Wire 5:25am In the Line of Duty: Smoke Jumpers

7:05am The World's End Special 7:35am Little Miss Sunshine 9:30am American Pie 11:15am Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa 1:10pm Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa .5 2:50pm You've Got Mail 4:55pm Love Actually Romcom following the interconnected lives of a group of loved-up, and lovelorn, Londoners.

7:15pm American Pie 9:00pm American Pie 2 10:50pm American Pie: The Wedding 12:35am Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa 2:20am Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa .5 3:50am Why Stop Now? 5:25am You've Got Mail

8:10am The Truth About Emanuel 10:00am Syriana 12:20pm John Q 2:20pm The Bone Collector A paralysed forensics expert teams up with a fresh-faced cop to hunt down a serial killer.

4:25pm Murder by Numbers 6:30pm Dangerous Mind of a Hooligan 8:00pm The Bone Collector A paralysed forensics expert teams up with a fresh-faced cop to hunt down a serial killer.

10:00pm Misery 11:50pm Kiss the Girls 1:50am Cherry Falls 3:35am Fear 5:25am Malpractice

7:00am Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold 8:50am Eragon 10:40am The Smurfs 2 12:40pm Chimpanzee 2:10pm The Good Witch's Wonder 3:50pm Doctor Dolittle 2 5:20pm Eragon 7:10pm The Smurfs 2 9:00pm Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 11:25pm Chimpanzee The story of a baby chimpanzee in the wild. Documentary.

12:50am Doctor Dolittle 2 2:20am Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 4:45am The Good Witch's Wonder



7:00am The Perfect Summer 8:45am The Knights of Badassdom 10:15am The Big Bang 12:00pm Catch.44 1:45pm The Perfect Summer 3:30pm Big Hero 6 Special 4:00pm Bad Neighbours 5:45pm The Art of the Steal 7:30pm The Knights of Badassdom 9:00pm Bad Neighbours 10:45pm The Art of the Steal 12:30am The Big Bang

6:00am Container Wars 6:30am Container Wars 7:00am Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura 8:00am Gunsmoke 9:05am Bad Men of Tombstone 10:30am The Texican 12:10pm Hostile Guns 1:50pm Gunsmoke 4:00pm Rage at Dawn 5:45pm King Richard and the Crusaders 7:55pm Come Fill the Cup 10:00pm The Long Kiss Goodnight 12:20am No Good Deed 2:10am The Long Kiss Goodnight 4:15am Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura 5:05am Container Wars 5:30am Container Wars

An LA private eye goes on the hunt for a missing girl and the diamonds she's disappeared with.

2:15am Catch.44 Three stripper friends take on a job for a drug lord that spirals out of control. Crime.


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

BBC ONE 7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Heir Hunters 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Operation Hospital Food with James Martin 12:45pm Watchdog Test House 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm Regional News 2:45pm Doctors

BBC TWO 7:45am Canterbury Cathedral 8:45am Island Parish Sark Winter 9:15am Wanted Down Under 10:00am Eat Well for Less? 11:00am Great British Railway Journeys 11:30am See Hear 12:00pm BBC News 12:30pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm A to Z of TV Gardening 2:05pm Cagney and Lacey 2:50pm The World at War

ITV 7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 11:55am ITV News 12:00pm This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV News and Weather

CH4 8:10am 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:35am 3rd Rock from the Sun 9:00am Frasier 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00am Undercover Boss USA 12:00pm For the Love of Cars 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun


CH5 7:00am Milkshake! 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:10pm The Hotel Inspector 1:10pm 5 News 1:15pm Britain's Biggest Primary School Observation documentary following life at Britain's biggest primary school over two school terms. 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours

SKY 1 6:00am Stargate Atlantis 7:00am Nothing to Declare: Australia 7:30am Nothing to Declare: Australia 8:00am Greggs: More Than Meats the Pie 9:00am Emergency with Angela Griffin 10:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 11:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00pm Hawaii Five-0 1:00pm Hawaii Five-0 2:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles

3pm 3:45pm Frozen Planet 4:45pm Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em 5:15pm Three Up, Two Down 5:45pm Hi-De-Hi!

3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm 1000 Heartbeats

3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me

3:15pm NCIS: New Orleans 4:15pm Honor Student

3:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 4:00pm Modern Family 4:30pm Modern Family 5:00pm Futurama 5:30pm Futurama

6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Two Tribes 7:30pm Eggheads 8:00pm Wanted in Paradise

6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street

6:00pm Four in a Bed 6:30pm Coach Trip 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News

6:00pm 5 News 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News 8:00pm Cowboy Builders

6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Futurama 7:00pm Futurama 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:00pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons

9:00pm Suffragettes Forever! The Story of Women and Power 10:00pm This World 11:00pm Let's Play Darts for Comic Relief 11:30pm Newsnight

9:00pm Big Star's Little Star 10:00pm DCI Banks 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:45pm Pop Gold

9:00pm Location, Location, Location 10:00pm 24 Hours in A and E 11:00pm Being Bi-Polar

9:00pm GPs: Behind Closed Doors

9:00pm Modern Family 9:30pm Modern Family 10:00pm Batman Begins

12:15am Weather 12:20am Reinventing the Royals 1:20am See Hear 1:50am Modern Times 2:50am This is BBC Two Highlights of programmes on BBC Two. 5:00am Poets in Person 5:30am Save Your Energy

12:40am Spandau Ballet 1:35am Jackpot 247 4:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Jeremy Kyle presents the American version of his popular talk show. 4:40am Nightscreen

12:00am My Tattoo Addiction 12:50am Nas: Time is Illmatic 1:45am Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 2:35am The Conspirator 4:35am Location, Location, Location 5:30am Kirstie's Vintage Gems 5:40am Deal or No Deal

12:00am Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole 1:00am Trauma Doctors 2:00am Super Casino 4:10am Britain's Biggest Primary School 5:00am Wildlife SOS 5:25am House Busters 5:45am House Doctor

12:40am Stella 1:40am Flintoff: Lord of the Fries 2:40am NCIS: Los Angeles 3:30am NCIS: Los Angeles 4:20am Hawaii Five-0 5:10am Airline USA 5:40am Airline USA







8:00pm Top Gear 9:00pm Bangkok Airport 10:00pm Adventureland 11:40pm Russell Howard's Good News 12:10am Family Guy

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Great Continental Railway Journeys 9:00pm Nature's Great Events 10:00pm A Horizon Guide: Climate Change 11:00pm Polar Bear: Spy on the Ice 12:00am Rise of the Continents 1:00am Nature's Great Events

11:25am Psych 12:20pm Royal Pains 1:10pm Emmerdale 1:40pm The Cube 2:40pm Dinner Date 3:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00pm You've Been Framed! 7:30pm You've Been Framed! 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm The Vampire Diaries 11:00pm The Butterfly Effect 12:00am FYI Daily

1:00pm Murder, She Wrote 2:00pm Heartbeat 3:05pm Where the Heart is 4:10pm The Royal 5:15pm Fresh Fields 5:50pm Rising Damp 6:20pm On the Buses 6:55pm Heartbeat 7:55pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Rosemary and Thyme 10:00pm Paul O'Grady: For The Love of Dogs 10:30pm Paul O'Grady: For The Love of Dogs 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:00am Wycliffe

1:10pm The Professionals 2:10pm Highway Patrol 2:35pm Highway Patrol 3:05pm Ax Men 3:55pm Pawn Stars 4:25pm Pawn Stars 4:55pm Hogan's Heroes 5:25pm Hogan's Heroes 6:00pm The Professionals 7:00pm Minder 8:00pm River Monsters 9:00pm The Big Fish Off 10:00pm Storage Wars 10:30pm Storage Wars 11:00pm ICC Cricket World Cup Highlights 12:00am Pale Rider

2:30pm How I Met Your Mother 3:00pm The Big Bang Theory 3:30pm The Big Bang Theory 4:00pm Baby Daddy 4:30pm Melissa and Joey 5:00pm New Girl 5:30pm The Mindy Project 6:00pm How I Met Your Mother 6:30pm How I Met Your Mother 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm Melissa and Joey 9:00pm Iron Man 11:30pm The Big Bang Theory 12:00am The Big Bang Theory



3:15pm WPC 56 4:00pm The Link 4:45pm Escape to the Country 5:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

6pm 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show

9pm 9:00pm The Great Comic Relief Bake Off 10:00pm The People's Strictly for Comic Relief 11:00pm BBC News 11:25pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm Match of the Day

Documentary taking a look at what goes on in the consultation room.

10:00pm My Violent Child 11:00pm Farage Fans and UKIP Lovers

A billionaire playboy begins a one-man crusade to clean up Gotham City's streets.

12am 1:15am Three Fugitives 2:45am Weather for the Week Ahead Detailed weather report. 2:50am BBC News The latest national and international news stories, followed by Weather.

Subversive animated comedy about American family life.

12:32am Family Guy 12:55am American Dad! 1:15am Family Guy 1:40am I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse 2:40am Uncle 3:10am Russell Howard's Good News 3:40am Flat TV 4:00am World's Toughest Jobs

Series about the most dramatic wildlife spectacles on our planet.

2:00am Great Continental Railway Journeys 2:30am Wallander Original Swedish TV adaptation of Henning Mankell's Kurt Wallander detective series.

4:00am Horizon Guide to Climate Change

SKY MOVIES Action 7:00am Hellboy 9:15am Oblivion 11:25am Iron Man 3 1:45pm Fire with Fire 3:30pm Hellboy 5:50pm Oblivion 8:00pm Elysium 10:00pm Iron Man 3 12:20am Aliens: Special Edition 3:00am Deep Blue Sea 5:00am Rooster Cogburn

Comedy 7:25am Beavis and Butt-head Do America 8:50am The Incredible Burt Wonderstone 10:35am Our Idiot Brother 12:10pm The Hangover Part III 1:55pm There's Something About Mary 3:55pm Syrup 5:30pm Bedtime Stories 7:15pm About a Boy 9:00pm The Hangover Part III 10:45pm There's Something About Mary 12:50am Jackass: The Movie

7:10am Mad Dog and Glory 9:00am Night Falls on Manhattan 11:05am Murder at 1600 1:05pm Black Hawk Down 3:35pm Witness 5:40pm No Good Deed 7:30pm Black Hawk Down 10:00pm Runner Runner 11:35pm Internal Affairs 1:35am Ashes 3:30am The Ladykillers

8:00am An American Tail 9:25am Harriet the Spy 11:10am Ever After 1:15pm Journey to Dinosaur Island 2:50pm Escape From Planet Earth 4:20pm Doctor Dolittle 3 6:00pm Contest 7:30pm Journey to Dinosaur Island 9:00pm Escape From Planet Earth 10:30pm Contest 12:00am Doctor Dolittle 3



7:00am The Perfect Summer 8:45am The Big Bang 10:30am The Knights of Badassdom 12:00pm Catch.44 1:45pm The Perfect Summer 3:30pm The Art of the Steal 5:15pm Big Hero 6 Special 5:45pm Bad Neighbours 7:30pm The Knights of Badassdom 9:00pm Bad Neighbours 10:45pm The Art of the Steal

7:00am Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura 8:00am Gunsmoke 10:00am King Richard and the Crusaders 12:10pm Rage at Dawn 1:50pm Gunsmoke 4:00pm Last of the Comanches 5:40pm Cahill U.S. Marshal 7:35pm Band of Angels 10:00pm Pistol Whipped 11:55pm Town Without Pity


26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South



Kiko Jimenez /

GRAND PRIX: 22 drivers representing 11 teams will race at 20 different venues.

By Tony Matthews THIS year will see the 66th season of the Formula One World Championship, motor racing championship (FIA). Twenty-two drivers, representing 11 teams, will race at 20 different Grand Prix venues, starting in Australia on March 15 and ending in Abu Dhabi on November 29. Lewis Hamilton is, of course, the defending Drivers’ Champion, having secured the second title of his career at the 2014 Abu Dhabi

Grand Prix. And Mercedes will begin the season as the defending Constructors’ Champion, after claiming their first crown last term with victory in Russia. The following teams and drivers have been officially registered to take part in the 2015, although crippling financial problems which forced Caterham to miss the final races of the 2014 season, have cast their entry into doubt. However, they have been listed (for the time being). You will note that two teams - Caterham and Manor - have yet to name their drivers. And these could well come from Kamui Kobayashi, Robin Frijns, Antonio Pizzonia, Max Chilton, Timo Glock and Charles Pic.

CHAMPIONSHIP FAVOURITE: Lewis Hamilton will be aiming to become the first Briton to retain the world title.



Caterham Scuderia Ferrari Sahara Force India Lotus Manor McLaren Honda Mercedes AMG Petronas Infiniti Red Bull Sauber Scuderia Toro Rosso Williams Martini Racing

Caterham-Renault Ferrari Force India-Mercedes Lotus-Mercedes Manor-Ferrari McLaren-Honda Mercedes Red Bull-Renault Sauber-Ferrari Toro Rosso-Renault Williams-Mercedes

Drivers To be confirmed Sebastian Vettel/Kimi Raikkonen Sergio Perez/Nico Hulkenberg Romain Grosjean/Pastor Maldonado To be confirmed Fernando Alonso/Jenson Button Lewis Hamilton/Nico Rosberg Daniel Ricciardo/Daniil Kvyat Marcus Ericsson/Felipe Nasr Max Verstappen/Carlos Sainz Jnr Felipe Massa/Valtteri Bottas

Season calendar These are 20 Grand Prix venues scheduled for 2015. Round

Grand Prix

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Australian Grand Prix Malaysian Grand Prix Chinese Grand Prix Bahrain Grand Prix Spanish Grand Prix Monaco Grand Prix Canadian Grand Prix Austrian Grand Prix British Grand Prix German Grand Prix Hungarian Grand Prix Belgian Grand Prix Italian Grand Prix Singapore Grand Prix Japanese Grand Prix Russian Grand Prix United States Grand Prix Mexican Grand Prix Brazilian Grand Prix Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

Fact File

Preview of the 2015 Formula One Season

• Lewis Hamilton will be aiming to become the first Briton to retain the world title. He is the championship favourite but Nico Rosberg will be keen to go one better than 2014 when he lost out to his Mercedes team-mate in the final race of the season in Abu Dhabi. • The most experienced and



Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit, Melbourne Sepang International Circuit, Kuala Lumpur Shanghai International Circuit, Shanghai Bahrain International Circuit, Sakhir Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya, Barcelona Circuit de Monaco, Monte Carlo Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, Montreal Red Bull Ring, Spielberg Silverstone Circuit, Silverstone To be announced Hungaroring, Budapest Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, Stavelot Autodromo Nazionale Monza, Monza Marina Bay Street Circuit, Singapore Suzuka Circuit, Suzuka Sochi Autodrom, Sochi Circuit of the Americas, Austin, Texas Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez, Mexico City Autódromo José Carlos Pace, São Paulo Yas Marina Circuit, Abu Dhabi intriguing driver line-up is at McLaren where former world champions Fernando Alonso and Jenson Button have started 500 Grands Prix between them. • In contrast, Toro Rosso’s Max Verstappen and Carlos Sainz Junior have yet to start an F1 race. • It will be Button’s 16th season in F1, making him the most

15 March 29 March 12 April 19 April 10 May 24 May 7 June 21 June 5 July 19 July 26 July 23 August 6 September 20 September 27 September 11 October 25 October 1 November 15 November 29 November

experienced driver on the grid. • At the age of 35, the 2007 world champion Kimi Raikkonen will be the oldest, while Dutchman Verstappen, 17, is the youngest. • Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel has the most wins of any driver on the grid to date, with 39, six more than reigning champion Hamilton.

E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


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The Captive After leaving his young daughter Cassandra in the back of his car while he pops into a diner, Matthew returns to find she has vanished without a trace. Her unsolved kidnapping destroys his relationship with his wife, but eight years later a series of events occur that indicate she may still be alive. Detectives discover recent images of Cassandra online, and as a suspect in his daughter’s disappearance, Matthew takes matters into his own hands to ensure his daughter’s safe return. Starring Ryan Reynolds, Rosario Dawson and Mireille Enos. Run time 112 minutes. Rated R.











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Fri Sat Sun -

Mon - 18 11 S Tues - 19 11 C Wed - 18 11 C

18 8 Sh 15 8 S 18 10 Cl


CANCER (June 22 - July 23) You are still looking more to the past than to the future, but now it seems that circumstances are urging you to move ahead at more of a pace.

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) Where you see things failing to go your way, it may seem that others are being unfair. It is unlikely to be that simple. Perhaps you have given the impression of not being particularly caring.

LEO (July 24 - August 23) What you truly want in life is now becoming clear to you. Not for you the fuzzy ideas of the past. Now, you realise that, if you do not give a strong lead, then others will lead you.

SCORPIO (October 24 November 22) Judgment may be impaired this week and it would be advisable to get second and even third opinions.


SAGITTARIUS (November 23 December 21) This week be prepared to be forthright when it comes to a certain difficult situation. This involves someone trying to get you to make a decision you are either not sure of or against.

Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3X3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.


CAPRICORN (December 22 January 20) Are you being pushed into a corner? There is no need to respond with aggression, but a smooth and fast move is required to avoid this. AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) You are looking to having everything your own way, which may not be entirely out of the question. The only sticking point could be that you are not even willing to be sharp with someone who has been far from straight with you.





Saturday February 21

Saturday February 21

Saturday February 21

Friday February 20








18 29

26 31














10 37













Fri Sat Sun -

7 29

Fri Sat Sun -

21 11 S 20 8 S 21 11 S

Fri Sat Sun -

S Sun,

14 4 Sh 16 6 Cl 18 7 C



Mon - 17 8 Cl Tues - 17 7 C Wed - 17 7 C Cl Clear,


Fri Sat Sun Fog,

Sn Snow,

21 10 Sh 21 8 S 22 9 Cl C Cloud,


Mon - 23 10 S Tues - 23 11 C Wed - 22 11 S Sh Showers,

Th Thunder

Nonagram How many English words of four letters or more can you make from the nine letters in our Nonagram puzzle? Each letter may be used only once (unless the letter appears twice). Each word MUST CONTAIN THE CENTRE LETTER (in this case C) and there must be AT LEAST ONE NINE LETTER WORD. Plurals, vulgarities or proper nouns are not allowed.


Average: 10

Very good: 19

Good: 13

Excellent: 23

cape, cava, cave, cite, epic, pace, pact, pica, tact, vice, apace, attic, civet, evict, tacet, tacit, vatic, active, capita, caveat, tipcat, vacate, captive, activate, capitate, CAPTIVATE

Word Ladder SOFT

Move from the start word (SOFT) to the end word (CELL) in the same number of steps as there are rungs on the Word Ladder. You must only change one letter at a time.

17 34



Mon - 19 8 S Tues - 19 9 Cl Wed - 19 7 Cl


SHOWERS MAX 14C, MIN 7C 16 6 Sh 14 5 C 16 7 C



Mon - 21 11 S Tues - 20 12 S Wed - 19 12 Cl


Fri Sat Sun -


Mon - 21 12 S Tues - 20 12 C Wed - 19 12 S


Mallorca TODAY:

18 10 Sh 17 10 S 18 12 Cl


MAX 22C, MIN 11C


Fri Sat Sun -



Mon - 18 10 S Tues - 18 9 Cl Wed - 19 9 Cl

14 7 Sh 16 8 S 17 9 Cl



Mon - 19 13 S Tues - 19 12 C Wed - 20 12 S


Malaga TODAY:

MAX 19C, MIN 12C

18 11 Cl 17 11 S 18 13 S



Sunday February 22

Saturday February 21

14 46


Fri Sat Sun -


Barcelona TODAY:

VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) With your self-confidence on a high note, you are ready to sing the song of your future. There will be highs and lows but that is what makes life interesting and exciting.

Y S our




TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) You should bear in mind that you are the best one to decide what you want, when you want it and how you will go about getting it.

8-Star Quiz

Alicante TODAY:



ARIES (March 21 - April 20) Putting yourself first is necessary at the moment. There is so much happening this week that you may be tempted to run yourself ragged trying to do it all yourself.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) You know where you are going and who with, but there is this one unresolved thought in your mind. It is just a thought, isn't it? Or is it more? This is something only you can answer. Be prepared this week to take advice and ask questions.




PISCES (February 20 - March 20) So far as your work or business life is concerned, those in authority may seek to see things done their way. Where they seem to pay lip service to your needs, that is all it is talk.





1. Actor Jim Backus provided the voice for which short-sighted, wealthy, short-statured retiree cartoon character? 2. Released in 1937 and based on a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, what was the title of the first fulllength animated feature film and the earliest in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series? 3. Usually depicted wearing a short polka-dotted dress with a matching bow and white gloves, what is the name of Micky Mouse’s girlfriend? 4. What is the title of the fictional animated television series that is regularly watched by Bart and Lisa Simpson? 5. Which British pop group was named after the two bumbling detectives in Hergé’s comic strip The Adventures of Tintin? 6. Which cartoon character was portrayed as the ‘fastest mouse in all Mexico’? 7. Which cartoon character’s trademark was his tone deaf and inaccurate rendition of Oh My Darling, Clementine? 8. Which famous cartoon duo won seven Academy Awards (Oscars) between 1943 and 1953?








26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South




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Across 1 Secret dress rehearsal version of trays (7) 4 Trials for important matches (5) 7 The right fish and the means to catch them (5) 9 Arranged taverns’ helper (7) 10 Make plans for a railhead on the mountains (7) 11 Crime is the result when clergyman loses his head (5) 12 You and I, Al deserted a wooded area of southeast England (5) 14 The dog for a pugilist (5) 19 Shaky house-building materials? (5) 21 Calm down, silly sausage! (7) 23 Closest set ran frantically (7) 24 Turn away from a green (5) 25 Point ties out on locations (5) 26 For a change, respect the royal staff (7) Down 1 Form of water around river or what may flow into it (6) 2 Quintessentially in German town (5) 3 Method of making tea messy? (6) 4 Mad? Not Dora, it's just wind (7)

Across 1 Talk with (8) 5/24 Genuine (4,4) 9 Outlive (7) 10 Skinflint (5) 11 Humiliation (5) 12 Card game similar to rummy (7) 13 Fortified wine (6) 15 Compositions (6) 18 Equivocating (7) 20 Low waterlogged ground (5) 22 Appearance (5) 23 White ant (7) 24 See 5 25 Worried and uneasy (8)

5 Scrapes vehicle aboard the ship (5) 6 Industrial actions where there is no action (3-3) 8 Weird peer I encountered inside (5) 13 Enlists fresh minds (7) 15 Some surfer, a serious wipe

out! (5) 16 Perfumes made from many nests (6) 17 Religions reorganise a shift (6) 18 Intelligent leader embraces a tender nature (6) 20 Cook in the right oven (5) 22 Criticise tablet (5)

Code Breaker Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 10 represents G and 23 represents Q, so fill in G every time the figure 10 appears and Q every time the figure 23 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTIONS CRYPTIC Across: 1 Sorrow, 4 Berate, 9 Opera, 10 Okapi, 11 Rites, 12 Eremite, 13 Scales, 15 Assess, 19 Peerage, 21 Agate, 23 Shade, 24 China, 25 Sheath, 26 Career. Down: 1 Spheres, 2 Roost, 3 Oversee, 5 Erode, 6 Avarice, 7 Exile, 8 Cadet, 14 Acetate, 16 Stamina, 17 Slender, 18 Leach, 19 Pests, 20 Agent, 22 Abate. QUICK Across: 1 Pets, 3 Passages, 9 Soldier, 10 Again, 11 Upset, 12 Splash, 14 Errors, 16 Eraser, 19 Barber, 21 Snaps, 24 Reign, 25 Shelter, 26 Pleasing, 27 Urge. Down: 1 Pastures, 2 Tales, 4 Arrest, 5 Small, 6 Glasses, 7 Send, 8 Litter, 13 Preserve, 15 Realise, 17 Rushes, 18 Prison, 20 Banks, 22 After, 23 Crop. ENGLISH-SPANISH Across: 1 Casas, 4 Primo, 7 Ahi, 8 Ahijado, 9 Shed, 10 Gansos, 14 Storage, 16 Ace, 17 Agria, 18 Aisle.


Down: 1 Coats, 2 Shine, 3 Scar, 4 Primavera, 5 Ida, 6 Oro, 11 Swans, 12 Siete, 13 Raza, 14 Sea, 15 Oar.

17 Mild and refined in manners

or prize (5)


20 Proud stiff pompous gait (5)

19 Give officially as a payment

21 News medium (5)

English - Spanish The clues are mixed, some clues are in Spanish and some are in English. Across 1 Tallas (de ropas) (5) 3 Stamp (postage stamp) (5) 5/3D Sopa de guisantes (3,4) 7 Nautical (7) 9 Tienda (4) 10 Tía (4) 14 Pride (satisfaction) (7) 15/14D Salir del sistema (3,3) 16 Late (after usual time) (5) 17 To open (5) Down 1 Toads (5) 2 Hijos (4) 3 See 5 Across 4 Gold (metal, commodity, currency) (3) 6 Entre (5) 8 Equal (5) 11 Tigre (5) 12 Azul (4) 13 Wedding (4) 14 See 15 Across

Hexagram The purpose of the Hexagram puzzle is to place the 19 six-letter words into the 19 cells. The letters at the edges of interlocking cells MUST BE THE SAME. The letters in the words must be written CLOCKWISE. The word in cell 10 (BUTLER) and one letter in four other cells are given as clues. ALTERS




















Funagram Unscramble the name of a famous British horse racing course (two words): NO DARK PAWNS FUNAGRAM SOLUTION: OSCAR WILDE, SANDOWN PARK

Unscramble the name of a famous Irish writer and poet: LOW SIDECAR

Down 1 Expenditures (5) 2 Give a running commentary (7) 3 Superior group (5) 4 Communication by word of mouth (6) 6 Fertile area in a desert (5) 7 Unpaid overdue debt (7) 8 Corrects (6) 13 Principal law-enforcement officer in a county (7) 14 Destroyed physically or morally (6) 16 Extreme greed for material wealth (7)

1 Robots, 2 Thence, 3 Barrel, 4 Minded, 5 Holder, 6 Borrow, 7 Yonder, 8 Elders, 9 Render, 10 Yellow, 11 Others, 12 Shadow, 13 Killer, 14 Crease, 15 Solder, 16 Monkey, 17 Shred, 18 Inlaid, 19 Seeing


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

Bilateral pact please stop moaning! LEAPY LEE says he’s sick of debating about Islam. As someone who lived in various Muslim countries for 20 years, I’m sick of reading Leapy’s constant distortion of life there. All right, he lived for eight years in Saudi Arabia, a country which is about as typical of the Muslim world as the deepest recesses of the US Bible Belt are of Christian culture. The restrictions he suffered in Saudi are simply not enforced elsewhere and most Muslims are embarrassed by Saudi attitudes, even if they reluctantly have to defer to them for economic reasons. The rest of Leapy’s article is a moan which only amounts to saying that Britain, like the rest of the world, has irrevocably changed. Of course that does not mean that British Muslims should murder British soldiers or go off to fight for the Jihad, but then only a tiny minority ever think of going to such extremes. On the other hand, we will see more extreme conduct if we persist in seeing Muslims as the stereotypes that Leapy keeps on presenting. Here’s an offer, Leapy: stop your moaning and I’ll lay off too! Bill Campbell (by email)

Big deal I HAVE just received notification that I will receive an age addition of £0.25 with my pension from April 2015. Actually I was 80 years old in February 2014. I remember my mother receiving the same amount when she was 80 in 1989 and even then it wouldn’t buy a small loaf. It’s unbelievable that 26 years on the amount is the same. But we are only pensioners who worked and paid into the system. M Caldwell, Benitachell (Alicante)




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Letters for Your Say should be emailed to, posted to Euro Weekly News, C/Moscatel 10, P-62, Polígono Industrial, Arroyo de la Miel, 29631 Benalmadena, Málaga, Spain or faxed to 0034 952 440 887

Photographs for possible publication should be sent by email with a full caption to:


Help at hand

All letters, whether by email or post, should carry the writer’s postal address, NIE and contact number though only the name and town will be published. Letters may also be edited. Readers who have missed earlier correspondence can see all letters posted on:

Get it together CHRIS TAYLOR’S complimentary comments on the exemplary quality of the Euro Weekly News’ writers is to be praised and I would like to make a suggestion that will hopefully copper-fasten them. As we have been suffering north-easterly mini-gales since early January, I have (as an old-timer sorely in need of exercise) found it difficult to continually chase and finally retrieve the pages that blow away. So how about investing in a couple of staples? Jim Clancy (by email)

Gobsmacked I WAS so pleased to see that somebody had at last highlighted the issue of why footballers feel compelled to spit at every conceivable opportunity. Before a free kick, after a free kick, immediately before they come on to the field as a substitute, straight away afterwards and incessantly during the game. It is a disgusting habit which is picked up frequently when players are featured in close-up. Apart from being a health hazard and a bad example for young kids who mimic the behaviour of their idols, who would want to fall over on a

in every way, except for the lack of flights, particularly in the winter. This will not change just because a massive new waste of money has opened; cut your losses, turn it into a factory or something useful. Leave our airport alone, it’s ours and I for one would not use Corvera. Sylvia Fleck (via Euro Weekly News website)

MY gran always knows when the weather is going to turn cold because her cats snuggle up together like this, instead of fighting. Alberto (by email) football pitch? And it’s not only the players; managers patrolling their technical areas are often seen spitting and, occasionally, referees. What on earth is it all about? Do these people spit all over their dining room carpets? Ken Turner, San Fulgencio (Alicante)

Hatchet job I ORDERED via Teletienda-tv a juice extractor which was duly delivered. To my consternation both the instruction manual and the recipes were in German, which I do not speak. Also, there was no accompanying guarantee. I immediately sent an email requesting instructions in either Spanish or English and eventually received a reply saying that this was not possible and asking if I would like to cancel the order. I replied in the affirmative and it was arranged that they would collect the machine and I would receive a refund. Instead I received an email requesting that I destroy the juice extractor (quite a large machine!), take a photograph

and send it by email to show that this had been done. They would then make the refund. I replied that I could not possibly do this as I am 83 years old, live alone, cannot walk as I am waiting for a hip operation and in any case do not have the strength to destroy the machine. Nor do I know how to take and email a photo. This email was ignored and they again asked me to destroy the machine, but to date they have not responded to my reply repeating that this was impossible. As the goods were ordered in Spain, am I being unreasonable in expecting instructions to be in Spanish (or English as it is an American product) or that the product should carry a guarantee? What do readers think? Elma Thompson, Torrox Costa (Malaga)

Hands off PLANS to close San Javier airport in Murcia when the new facility at Corvera opens are a travesty. San Javier is a perfect airport

CONGRATULATIONS on your excellent publication, an absolute must for every Thursday. We wonder if readers can advise us on a problem we are having regarding our NonResident tax in Benidorm? We are, of course, registered on the padron and pay all our SUMA bills promptly and without delay. For the past two years we have used the services of a solicitor to pay the NonResident tax at a cost of €80plus for what seems a 10minute job. We were told that we can deal with this issue ourselves and save some cash into the bargain. Being able to speak reasonable Spanish we ventured to Hacienda for a statement of any amounts owing for 20142015, which we could take to our bank and pay. We were told very brusquely and with great bureaucratic indifference and contempt that we had to do it via the Internet: “Internet. Internet. No comprende?” We downloaded the relevant forms and using past years’ information tried to fill them in. We had to admit defeat after several hours! Surely Hacienda should be able to provide with one click the amount we are due to pay and give us that information to take to our bank? Or was it because we went within 20 minutes of the office closing time that the very rude clerk could just not be bothered to help us in case we delayed his knocking-off time? We look forward to hopefully receiving some very interesting comments. Rita and Michael Stimson, Benidorm (Alicante)

The views expressed and opinions given in Letters are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements, and reject claims arising out of any action that a company or individual may take on the basis of information contained therein.


26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South




our aRUST dvert isers



An early night and I’m ready for another day

GOOD BALANCE: Can give an insight into your overall general health.

Practise standing on one leg for a 20 seconds to stay young HOW well you can balance could give an insight into your overall general health. A study found that being unable to stand on one leg for more than 20 seconds was linked to an increased risk of a ‘silent’ stroke, which are tiny bleeds in the brain that don’t cause symptoms, but which raise the risk of both full-blown stroke and dementia. The UK’s Medical Research Council found that 53-year-olds who could stand on one leg for 10 seconds with their eyes closed were the most likely to be fit and well in 13 years’ time. However, those who could only manage a few seconds were three times


as likely to die before the age of 66. There are some things you can do to improve your balance system and keep it working well. Try marching on the spot to strengthen the coordination between your body and your eye movement. Swap shoes during the day, this can help keep the balance sensors in your feet and legs. Watch your blood pressure as high blood pressure can lead to tiny arteries in the brain hardening, which can lead to balance issues. Go for a swim or play bowls as gentle exercise helps preserve balance and both improve handeye-body co-ordination.

Erica Russell Watson: My journey – and I’m driving

19th February STILL getting back to an even keel after the tragic death of Angus on February 8. Family and friends have had a rough time coming to terms with his untimely departure. By the end of last week I was totally drained and in desperate need of sleep. My next chemo session was booked for February 18 and with such a lack of sleep and irregular meal times, coupled with extreme stress and sadness, I was wondering whether my blood tests would be up to scratch. So into my car I got and drove to the hospital and had my blood test done. Those of you who read my blog will recognise the pattern. Then off for breakfast and then a threehour wait to see the oncologist. She cheerfully greeted me and asked me how I was. Well, that was a question! I replied I was fine despite

everything! I asked after my test results and she said everything was fine and my immune system was doing really well. Miracles never cease as I was half expecting her to say that I would not be able to have the treatment due to some dive in my results. Luckily for me, this wasn’t the case.

I find keeping busy is the best medicine and got lots of jobs done I was hooked up for blasting number five. Joy of joys, María Jesús the nurse, an utter star, got the line in first time! This was the first in the next cycle of treatment, so Rosa, the chemo nurse, came and gave me a chat about the possible sideeffects. I say ‘possible’ because they are worst case scenarios. Frankly, I pay very little attention to them and that way they don’t affect me. Who wants their eyelashes to fall out, their nails to blacken, nausea, muscular aches and pains, streaming eyes and red-

raw eye sockets? Correct, nobody! So best put it to the back of your mind! A quick pit stop for a very late lunch with my lovely Pepi and then it was back home to do the football run and cook dinner. No rest for the wicked! I got the few bits and bobs and medicines that I deemed necessary and hunkered down for the night. I slept well and have had no side-effects at all today and have managed to do lots of jobs around the house. I find keeping busy is the best medicine. I have also answered a great deal of correspondence. The emails and texts keep coming. A special thanks to Marilo and Kevin for their kind comments last week. My love goes to them as I fear they are going through a similar process as me. Good luck and chin up! Later I collected Oliver and greeted him with a roast chicken, his favourite, so all was good. Izzie arrived and got stuck into her books… she is such a swat, but I’m grateful as I have never had to push her to study, a little star. Once all our jobs had been done we went down to the village to meet friends and the boys played football. Always good to let off steam for both the big and little people! An early night for me and I live to fight another day.


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Advertising feature

Sizzling minerals, perfect for everyday life and for travelling N

OW only in its third year, British company Simply Naturals is creating waves in the health and wellness industry with its unique core product, Sizzling Minerals. Research shows how important it is for the body to be fully mineralised in order to function properly. Due to diminishing nutritional value of food, it has also been shown that we no longer obtain the 60 minerals and micronutrients vital for our bodies to function from food alone. At Simply Naturals the testimonials arriving daily at the Head Office in Surrey are incredible. The company makes no claims whatsoever about the minerals - yet testimonials from customers are repeatedly

END PRODUCT: An effervescent ‘wafer’ that dissolves in water. proving the difference these minerals are making to lives. So why would you want to work with Simply Naturals? For a start the minerals are unique. Mined from a substrate of shale

in the USA that has not been exposed to contaminants for at least 70 million years, they retain the nutrients of soil from the time when dinosaurs roamed the earth. The mining rights are

owned by CEO Peter Willoughby who believes he owes his life to these plant-derived minerals. The substrate is then put through a rigorous preparation process to ensure that no nutrients are lost, and the end product is a convenient effervescent ‘wafer’ that dissolves in water. Perfect for everyday life, perfect for travelling. Sizzling Minerals have recently been awarded an internationally recognised certificate that they are completely free of all banned substances making them safe for athletes and professionals. Indeed there are Olympians now recording PBs, better performances and improved recovery as a result of taking Sizzling Minerals. We are offering the

opportunity to distribute this superb product throughout Spain and Europe. They are not available for sale in shops. Nor is there the need for you to carry stock. You merely introduce the customer and Head Office arranges everything for you. For a minimal investment you can become a distributor, with all the advantages this entails, including of course the ability to build residual income, help people regain their health and help yourself. How cool is that? This spare time business is VERY EASY, simply give away a small booklet provided by the company and make money. Christine del Corral is an energy therapist and independent distributor of Simply Naturals. She can be contacted on


26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South



No napping during the day

DAY NAPS: Stop children having good quality night-time sleep.

When bacteria is good ‘GOOD’ bacteria are essential for people’s wellbeing. The billions that live in the human gut are essential for the immune system, and the same is true for the bacteria that exist on the skin. The beneficial bugs on the surface of the skin work to maintain moisture and radiance and fight the bad bacteria which cause redness, sensitivity, spots and other infections. What’s more, good bacteria penetrate the deeper levels to repair skin DNA and build wrinklepreventing collagen, so increasing them can help combat wrinkles, sagging and pigmentation, restoring your complexion’s youthful plumpness and glow, studies suggest.

CHILDREN’S daytime naps should stop at the age of two. Researchers say new evidence shows that children who take an afternoon nap over the age of two don’t get such good quality night-time sleep.

Researchers analysed data from 26 studies to find out what impact daytime sleeps had on a child’s night-time sleep quality up to the age of five years old. They found some evidence which indicates that napping beyond the

age of two increases the amount of time it takes for a child to fall asleep at night and shortens the overall amount of sleep. But the findings on the impact of napping on behaviour and development are not clear.

Advertising feature

For peace of mind, ensure you choose the best surgeon WHEN Kay Casson decided to go for a tummy tuck, she was naturally nervous. Health problems, medication and eight surgeries in four years had seen her weight yo-yo and left her with scarring, baggy skin around her middle and suffering from depression. She had finally got her weight back under control, but was left with a stretched middle. Her self-esteem was at an all-time low. So, stepping into the office of cosmetic surgeon Dr Jorge Esbry at the Medcare clinic in Benijofar was a big deal for Kay. She had no idea what to expect. As soon as she met the doctor, her nerves vanished. “He was great,” she said: “He put me at my ease and explained

everything. He showed me lots of pictures and I knew I wanted to go ahead immediately.” Kay had her surgery at the private hospital in Alicante where Dr Esbry operates and could not be happier. “It gave me back my confidence,” she said. Unfortunately, not everyone going under the knife has such a good experience. The key to being as happy as Kay is without doubt choosing the right surgeon. A good surgeon should offer a free consultation so you can get to know him or her and get questions answered. They should be able to offer evidence of their qualifications and show you photos of their work and patient testimonials. Dr Esbry

has thousands of happy patients so had no problem producing evidence of his work and he is registered with the UK General Medical Council as well as in Spain. After-care is extremely important and can dramatically alter results. At Medcare, patients get follow-ups with the surgeon and have the British GP and nursing staff to care for them if required. Because Medcare offers a range of treatments, not just surgery, patients sometimes find there is a better non-surgical alternative to achieve the results they desire. The Medcare philosophy is to listen to what patients want and come up with the very best option. If it is surgery, they are

assured that they have a caring, experienced surgeon who achieves the most naturallooking results and, in the case of implants, uses only the best quality, safest products. If it is non-surgical, patients get the most advanced treatments administered by a doctor or qualified therapist. Plus, Medcare is able to offer patients excellent prices, with a real saving on UK prices. To find out more book a free consultation at a Medcare clinic, in Benijofar or Alfaz del Pi. Call or email now. Medcare Call 966 860 258 Email: Visit


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Addiction linked to emotional instability DO you find yourself constantly playing with your phone and checking for updates? If so, you may be depressed, say scientists. A new study claims that

people who can’t put down their mobile phones are more prone to moodiness and temperamental behaviour after they found a link between phone addiction and

emotional instability. Scientists from the Baylor University in Waco, Texas, USA, said that individuals who relentlessly check their phone may be trying to improve how they feel emotionally. Researchers had 346 participants take part in their study, aged between the ages of 19 to 24. They assessed their personalities and level of mobile phone addiction by analysing their answers to a detailed questionnaire. As well as emotional instability, the researchers found that those constantly on their phone also struggled to focus on one thing. The average smart

phone user is believed to look at their handset around

150 times a day and a new app called Moment can monitor phone usage to track how much an individual uses their phone and where.

MOBILES: Not so smart to be using them all the time.

Diet for stronger bones MANY know that the Mediterranean diet is good for the heart, but research has shown it is also good for the bones. It would appear that just two years of using olive oil rather than less healthy fats may preserve or even build bone in older people. The Mediterranean diet is thought to

improve heart health because it is high in fruit, vegetables, fish, nuts, whole grains and ‘healthy’ fats such as those in olive oil, while low in red meat and dairy products. But a study shows people eating more olive oil had higher levels of the hormone osteocalcin in their blood - a marker linked to better bone strength.

Spanish put too much salt on food SPANIARDS consume twice the maximum recommended daily amount of salt. The World Health Organisation (WHO) advises no more than five grammes of salt should be eaten each day while the Spanish Society of HypertensionSpanish League for the fight against hypertension, has revealed that Spaniards consume an average of 10 grammes daily. Salt intake is necessary for the body as it controls the amount of water that regulates fluids and helps transmit nerve impulses. However, excess salt cannot be removed and accumulates in the blood attracting water and increasing the volume of circulating blood, causing the heart to work harder leading to higher blood pressure.

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26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South








Costa Blanca’s best guide to local restaurants


Welcome back to Laurel & Hardy’s AN established favourite in Ciudad Quesada for the last few years, Laurel and Hardy’s is now under new ownership and reopens on March 6. Owners Martin and Julia Eastgate are looking forward to meeting existing customers and welcoming in new guests, to enjoy more of what Laurel and Hardy’s reputation has been built on. Retaining the highly regarded existing chefs, Benoit and Dean, Laurel and Hardy’s will continue to serve the best freshly prepared dishes, offering diners an inspired, vibrant and regularly changing menu. If you are one of the many regulars, from the moment you step inside you will notice a few new touches and a fresh look welcoming you upstairs to the stylish dining area, inviting bar,

guests, while you enjoy great food inside or out on the terrace, or even just drinks relaxing on the sofas of the bar and terrace. Table reservations are recommended in advance for dining, or you are welcome to just pop in to enjoy a drink or two. Laurel and Hardy’s Bar and Restaurant will be open Monday to Saturday from 6pm, and on Sundays (with a varied menu including traditional Sunday lunch), from 1pm until 9pm. For table reservations call 965 077 444.

REOPENING: Laurel & Hardy’s lounge area has a fresh new look. and expansive terrace with views out towards the Orihuela and Callosa mountains.

Martin and Julia have assembled a team who possess a passion for delivering warm hospitality to their

Laurel & Hardy’s 21 Calle Los Arcos Quesada Tel: 965 077 444 Visit Email:


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Are you a ba restaurant that a with EWN AT EWN we have our clients’ best interests at heart. Getting your news out to the public can sometimes be a struggle, but we here at EWN want to help. Have you changed your menu, recently renovated or won an award? Do you have an upcoming charity event you’d like to publicise? Do you have a new member of

staff? Maybe you’d like to take part in our ‘Restaurant’ experience?

Please send your news and photos to whatson@


ar or advertises N?

e ’

Your establishment provides a meal for two which we will review and publish with pictures in your local edition. If you have any news of interest that you would like to get out to local readers, then please let us know. We cannot promise to publish everything, but we will do our best.

26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South




E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


The War of the Rosés

Battlegrounds make the best bars. Wars make the best parties. Kevin Pilley Pilley’s Planet Kevin is an ex-professional cricketer and the former chief staff writer of PUNCH. He is the UK's most published travel writer. His work appears worldwide. He once went to Vienna and dressed up as Mozart.


y nine o’clock in the morning, Spanish time, I was half-man, half-marinade. I was completely pickled. My hair had turned a dark velvet and my clothes were spattered blood red. I gave off the unmistakable bouquet of blackcurrants and baked plums with maybe just a hint of cinnamon. I was engaged in closecontact hand-to-hand fighting of the most enjoyable kind. A man pressed a water pistol to the side of my head and asked if I liked ‘Rioja.’ Before I could answer he said “Hasta la vista, baby!” and shot me at point blank range. ‘Tempranillo’ grape juice trickled from my nostrils. ‘La Battala dos Vinos’ or ‘Battle of Wines’ takes place every St Pedro’s Day (June 29th) in Haro, the capital of the Rioja winemaking region of Spain. The town dates back to the 10th century and derives from a shanty town which grew up around a lighthouse on the Turon river and the Rio Ebro. The main attractions are the parish church of Santo Tomas, the baroque ‘Our lady of la Vega’ basilica and the neoclassical town hall. The town is famous for its bodegas and winehouses like ‘La Rioja Alta,’ ‘Muga’ and ‘Roda.’ ‘La Herradura’ (the horseshoe) is the recommended route for a tapas and tippling crawl. Northern Spain’s War of Wines, which lasts three hours and started in 1906, commemorates a 10th century property dispute between Haro and the neighbouring village of Miranda.

BLOOD RED: With a bouquet of blackcurrants.

Over four thousand were involved in the mayhem last year. Torrents of red wine poured past us as we trudged up ‘La Calle Navarre’ to the clifftop battlefield of Biliblio. Returning from the front, battle-stained survivors staggered by, their weapons emptied, their compulsory white shirts crimson. Some stopped to be sick by the roadside. The rocks looked like they had been used by firing squads. In the old days, the ‘guerreros’ used to arrive by foot and horse. Now they come by car, caravan and tractor. Modern technology has improved weaponry. Today, everything from fire extinguishers and pump-action high-velocity ‘Supersoakers’ capable of shooting a half a bottle of plonk in five seconds to water pistols, buckets and farming pesticide sprays are used in the mayhem. Everyone carries their own personal ‘bota’ or leather

wine boot. Everyone knows how to use their boot. It is every man and woman for himself. The ‘Jarrilleros,’ as the locals call themselves because of their jam-making heritage, are born with their boots in their hands. They are great marksmen. They can hit a moving target at eight yards, firing from the hip with an ancient shepherd’s wine gourd. They are masters at boot-to-boot combat. Fifty thousand litres of wine were fired last year. Mostly, it seemed at me. The local council provides four litres per person. Most bring their own ammunition in the form of ‘Don Simon’ supermarket plonk. Some prefer watered-down ‘Valdepenas’ from La Mancha. It causes greater and more stubborn staining. They don’t waste the ‘Roda 1 1995 Reserva.’ “It’s a fiesta intergalacticos,”

said one wine warrior. He wore a pair of welding glasses and we took shelter together near the fifth century hermitage of San Felices, the patron saint of Haro. He reloaded his boot from a large Coke bottle. “Pamplona is cosmopolitan and touristy. It is how you say… He paused to give himself time to be erudite. “Pants! “This is local. The Bunol tomato fest is too big. Our battle is more personal. It is the ultimate wet tshirt contest!” It was the last thing he said before a braless woman shot him straight between the eyes. Vineyard owner Felix Alonso is 82 and battle-hardened. He led the way from the tiny church overlooking the two rivers. Around every corner we were ambushed. Snipers picked us off. Our friend, teacher Edourado Alegria, was caught in the crossfire of expertly squirted Granache. He did not have a chance and was drenched. We carried on down the mountainside to complete the traditional circuit. Thinking we had reached safety, we were strafed by a battalion of youths armed with ‘las bocas de las sulfatadoras,’ sprays used on vines.

‘Charanga’ bands played local folk songs like ‘La Estanquera’ (‘The Tobacco Seller’) and ‘Moros y Cristianos’ (‘Moors and Christians’). In the woods, our fellow fighters made themselves bean stews and barbecued piquillo red peppers with red chorizo sausages and black morcilla chitterlings. The Battle of Wine spares noone. Even your allies turn against you. I had gone into battle with Pedro Ortega, who owns the ‘Senorio’ hotel in nearby Brinas. We ate our lunch below the battlefield. It was snail stew followed by potato hash Spanish omelettes. “These are the good moments in life,” said Pedro. “Food, drink and many, many happy people.” Then, raising his boot and squeezing gently, he shot me in the mouth. Then he offered me some cherries, picked that morning. “War is a fine thing. Is it not, amigo?”

For more info about the War of Wine (La Batalla del Vino) on June 27, contact fly from Malaga and Sevilla. Fares start at €44.00.



Co m N C m Ne o u ig h b rn ni ou e ty rh






26 February - 4 March 2015/ Costa Blanca South







Bitches are fighting David THE Dogman

FAB: The group donated €100 to the AFE cancer charity.

FAB donates to AFE FAB the Friends After Bereavement group, which meets every week in Bar Catorce, Benijofar, has donated €100 to the AFE Cancer Charity. The group pays €1 each week for a fun raffle ticket and the money raised has now been donated to the charity. F.A.B. was formed in September last year by

Rosina Montague and Joan Nash as a social way for people to meet and become friends after suffering bereavement. Rosina said: “We are a mixed group of people. We support one another, we chat, we laugh and generally enjoy our afternoon meetings.” Bar Catorce provide the meeting room free of charge each

Saturday, with around 16-18 people regularly attending. It is intended that more charities will be supported through raising money from the weekly raffle. The group is keen to stress it is not a singles club, but happily welcome bereaved individuals of all ages.

For more information call 966 712 627.

Pets in Spain CHLOE is an adorable tiny Pincher cross and was rescued by Pets in Spain after being found emaciated and covered in ticks and fleas. She is around three-years-old and has Leishmaniasis but has had treatment. She is good with other dogs and cats and will make a great lap dog. If you can give her a new home, call 645 469 253 or email

WE have had two bitches, both spayed, one for five years, aged approx. seven now, and the other for 16 months from the age of four months. They have always got along, and play very well together. But out of the blue on Saturday evening, the older one attacked the younger in the house. We got them apart and they did only slight damage to each other (cuts and scratches on the ears). The following day they were very wary of each other, but by Monday everything seemed to have been forgotten and they were playing again. However, last night the

FIGHTING: Sometimes better to rehome one of the dogs. younger one attacked the older one. We managed to get them apart sooner with no damage done (except for my husband who seems to have come off the worst). This morning they are playing again. I really don’t know what has happened. There does not appear to be any warning they just suddenly go for each other. Do you have any suggestions.? Susan Hello Susan. Your problem is common where females are concerned.

As the younger one gets older she will by nature challenge the older one as a matter of hierarchy. Often the fighting is when someone in the family is present and they become jealous. Shouting only edges them on. Quite often it is better to rehome one of the dogs otherwise the injuries can become nasty and costly. I am aware you love them and emotionally it is a killer, I had the exact same problem and rehomed the younger one. Regards David

Petsitting is ideal situation By Lamia Walker of HousesitMatch CHLOE: looking for her forever home.

Fundraising night for ADAM FOLLOWING another ‘sold out’ night at Restaurant El Alto La Dolores, Guardamar, customers raised €1,076 for ADAM (Assistance and

Listen to David on TRE every Saturday 10 thru 11. Costa del Sol (Gibraltar/Sotogrande) 98.7fm (San Roque to Calahonda) 91.9fm (Calahonda to Motril) 88.9, Costa Calida 92.7fm Costa Blanca (Torrevieja to Elche) 105.1fm (Elche to Calpe) 88.2fm, (Calpe to Gandia & Ibiza) 104.6fm, (Denia to Valencia) 95.3fm Mallorca 103.9fm

Defence of Animals Mistreated), a Spanish charity helping and protecting cats and dogs. The night was organised by members of Benijofar Spiritualist Centre. Lyndon B entertained and a top raffle prize of a Mediterranean Cruise was

won by Carol Myers from San Luis. The next charity fundraiser is on March 18 in aid of Torrevieja Stroke Support. Performing for diners will be Woody and tickets are €12, available from the restaurant, Post Room Benijofar or The Card Place in Benimar.

JANET has lived in Malaga for a few years, by the sea. It was a promise she made to herself when she passed her veterinary nursing exams in Nottingham. The Spanish seaside was where she always saw herself living, and working with pets of course. Her love of small animals began as a child on her parents’ farm. Now she loves dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, birds and especially parrots. “I haven’t met one that didn’t have a fun personality” she said.

She found herself a place to live and settle in Malaga, starting a job as a vet’s assistance. When she has time she volunteers at a local pet charity. “There are so many abandoned cats and dogs, that’s the only sad part of living here”. Part of her life in Spain is her petsitting work which sits comfortably alongside her veterinary assistant’s career. It allows her to indulge her passion for pets both at work and at play. A friend mentioned HouseSitMatch suggesting she registers to find housesits in Blighty when she returns home. She now

also takes petsitting jobs in Spain and the UK. Getting free accommodation when she visits family and friends. No hotel bills! Download your Free Easy Guide to Housesitting from


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South



HIt’s a good time to plant trees SPONSORED BY


to add texture, colour and shade Dick Handscombe

Gardening Corner By Spain’s best known expatriate gardening author living in Spain for 25 years.

AT last a sunny day after two weeks of generally drizzly weather with an occasional heavy downpour, and more sun is promised for the next 10 days. So now is a good time to think about planting flowering trees. There are numerous to

choose from and they can be used as specimen trees for their flowers, shade, architectural shapes and varying heights. They can also be planted as integral parts of boundary hedges to frame the best views beyond the garden and hide the worst. The benefits are as follows: 1. The wide variety of seasonal flowerings possible from early spring to late autumn. 2. Most flowering trees

are deciduous and therefore provide summer shade and allow the winter sun to shine through the skeleton of branches during the winter. 3. Well planted in enriched soil they can grow relatively fast. 4. Once established most are fairly frost and drought resistant. 5. The wide range of leaf, flower, fruit and bark colours and textures with which to brighten up the garden and add interest. However there can be a few problems as well: 1. Flowering seasons are often short. 2. Fallen leaves, dead flowers, fruit and broken twigs need to be swept up especially after strong winds and storms. 3. Some may seem small when taken home from the garden centre. But they can become too large for their situation unless trimmed every couple of years. 4. Vigorous roots can undermine the foundations of the house, outbuildings, paths and boundary walls. 5. Heavy heads can snap from thin young trunks unless the trees are well staked for some

FAST GROWING: A variety of trees. years after planting. In general the soil needs are the same as for smaller perennial plants and shrubs. Namely reasonably fertile, rich in humus, water retaining and free draining. It is of benefit to work in a little TerraCottem moisture retaining gel into the bottom of planting holes to help roots grow continuously in the first few years. Popular trees include the following: Early flowering Almonds, Acasias, Cersis the Judas trees that flower for Easter, Poinsettias, Laburnum and Tamarix.

Summer flowering Albizias, Bauhinas the orchid trees, Caesalpinias, Chorisias, Jacarandas, Justicias, Lagerstroemias, Melia Azedarachs, Parkinsonias, and Robinias. Autumn flowering Arbutus, Bauhinas, Hibiscus Matabilis and Justicias. Fruiting trees with wonderful blossom displays can also be regarded as early flowering trees. Especially impressive are peaches, apricots and pears. The taller growing varieties of the bottle

brush shrubs can also be trained into three or four metre trees. More information about flowering trees and many other groups of plants likely to be of interest in your garden will be found in Part Four of ‘Your Garden in Spain’. Descriptions, flower photographs and Botanical, English and Spanish names are given.

© Dick Handscombe February 2015




E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

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26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South





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E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South






26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South




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26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South




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ALARMS: All types, quality systems, very reasonable, guaranteed. Tel: 966 797 370 / 600 237 223 (232077)



BUSINESS OPP. VENDING MACHINE route on the Costa. €30K nett p.a., no overhead. All cash income. €49,900. 20 Pringle Vending Machines, €300 nett p.w. Sell €19,900. UK: 0044 2392 160657 (231437)


ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS IS ALCOHOL COSTING YOU MORE THAN MONEY? Drinking to excess not only affects your health it can spill over into every other aspect of your life – damaging everything that is important to you. English-speaking AA meetings are held throughout the Costa Blanca from Valencia City to Murcia. Anyone wishing to attend a meeting or discuss a possible drinking problem contact Costa Blanca North: *648 169 045* or Costa Blanca South: *625 912 078* or Costa Calida *679 385 105*. All calls are treated in the strictest confidence. AA in German: 645 456 075; Spanish: 679 212 535; Flemish: 635 047 053; and Scandinavian: 659 779 222. (93323) ROUNDABOUT CHARITY SHOP. We are now into summer and very soon we will be feeling the heat! It is time therefore for another visit to the shop where you might find a bargain or two. Choose from the clothing selec-


tion, jewellery, household goods, books or bric a brac. There is usually something there for everyone —- but not always. Charitable donations have recently been made to The Alzheimers Centre, Cancer Research and The Amigos Ambulance Service. We still need your help with donations etc. Please keep them coming in! During July and August the shop will only be open Wednesday to Saturday from 09.30 until 13.00. We are situated on Avenida Del Furs close to the Fountain Roundabout and immediate left by Don Colchon bed shop. (93325)

SPIRITUALIST CENTRE, BENIJOFAR, meets at new premises, Hamilton´s Bakehouse, Calle Vicente 62, Blasco Ibañez, Benijofar. Ray Bailey will take the Divine Service with Mediumship on Sunday, 1st March at 11.30am, Morag Bullock will take the Evening of Mediumship on Tuesday, 3rd March at 7pm, Jillian and Martin will take the Divine Service with Mediumship on Sunday, 8th March at 11.30am. Every Thursday there is an opportunity to develop your skills at the Open Circle at 6.30pm. Spiritual Healing is available on Sunday and Tuesday after the service. Contact Wendy on 965 323 029. Web address is www.spiritualistcen New email is or info@spiritualistcentre-benijo Identificacion Fiscal G54713789. (95454) THE ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION, Torrevieja Branch, meet at 17.00 on the first Wednesday of each month at the Restaurante El Paraiso, Urb. Jardin del Mar 3 (behind Carrefour), Torrevieja. Contact Mike Wright, Chairman 966 722 895 or Margaret Forshaw, Secretary 966 921 996. (95455) HELP Vega Baja. We help people of all ages with all sorts of problems, particularly at times of crisis and emergencies. Offices based in San Miguel at Calle Lope de Vega 46 (Tel 966


723 733), Torrevieja at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia 4 (Tel 965 704 282). La Marina Helpdesk Calle Madrid 5 (Tel: 673 109 096). Our offices are open Monday to Friday 10am -1.30pm and the Helpdesk at La Marina is open every Friday 10 am 1.30 pm. We are online at or email Remember we also have a 24 hour Emergency help-line on 966 723 733 (95456) THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Orihuela Costa - covering from Punta Prima to San Javier. The branch meets at Olympia restaurant, Mil Palmeras on 3rd Thursday of each month at 19.00 - 19.30pm. More info can be found on branch website (95457) THE BAKER FOUNDATION for SPIRITUAL AWARENESS. 16 Nicolas De Bussi Ave, Playa Flamenca. Sunday Service every week 11am to 12 noon, everyone welcome. For further details please phone/fax 966 760 665 (95458) THE PHILIP SCOTT LODGE No 10671 of the RAOB meets every Friday in the Bar Catorce, Benijofar. Please call the secretary, Colin Bird on 693 287 614 for further information. (95459) CHARITY BOOK STALL PEGO THURSDAY MARKET. Selection of over 500 books, all proceeds given to the elderly/disabled of Pego and local Animal Rescue. More stock always required please contact Chrissie 965 977 228/617 647 395 (95460) THE ANGLICAN CHURCH, La Fustera. For more info: contact Frank Bentley on 966 495 188 (95461) CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (MABS) MURCIA/MAR MENOR Help and support is just a phone call away, Avda Rio Nalón, Tel: 693 275 779 (95462) PILAR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH, Calle Canalejas, 3. Pilar de la Horadada. Sunday Service at 11am & Thursday at

5pm for Prayer and Praise and Worship. Home groups meet during the week. All welcome from any church background or none. For further information, contact PilarChristian.Communi / 968 575 417 / 966 848 806. Reg No: 2009-SG/A (95463) TCF is a multi-national English speaking church now located on Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas 68, Torrevieja. The Sunday Service, including Communion and Creche/Sunday School, commences at 10.30am with a Bible Study/Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evenings at 6.00pm. Telephone 966 700 391 or call in to the Church any day between 9.00am until 1.00pm. Monday to Friday to find out more about Church activities. (95464) THE AIRCREW ASSOCIATION COSTA BLANCA BRANCH. Former & serving aircrews of the UK or Allied Armed Forces are welcome to join this convivial & friendly organisation, now in its 21st year. www.acacostablan or call the Secretary on: 966 495 042 (95465) THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION JAVEA BRANCH meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month @ Scallops Rest on the Arenal at 11.00am. Everyone is welcome to attend as a visitor and join the branch if they wish. Anyone needing any help or advice on welfare, or any information regarding the branch can contact either Sheila on 965 791 270 or Roger on 965 790 123 (95472) TORREVIEJA STROKE SUPPORT GROUP meets each Friday 3pm to 5pm in The Annex, (behind Age Concern Centre), Calle Paganini, Urb. La Siesta. Our aim is to support stroke survivors and their carers by a range of facilities from speech therapy, rehabilitation exercise, group discussion etc. For info: Louie 96 671 8964 or Carol, Secretary: 966 765 488, e-mail: strokesupportgroup@ Donations and further voluntary helpers are needed and guest speakers with relevant knowledge or experience are very welcome. (95473) THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Gran Alacant & La Marina Branch meets 1st Monday of every month (except July and August) at Bar Sioux , Avda Escandinavia GA at 7pm for 7.30pm prompt. For further info contact Brian, Branch Secretary on 639 917 971 / email (95474)

CAMPELLO CONTRA CANCER in conjunction with AECC Association Español Contra Cancer has opened a charity shop at C/Virgen de los Desamparados No 13 (next door to Mas y mas) El Campello. The shop is open Mon-Fri 10 - 2pm and is run by unpaid volunteers and all monies raised goes to the AECC. We urgently need donations of clothes, books, large and small furniture etc, and we will arrange collection of large items. We need volunteers to help out in the shop and also clothes rails, shelves etc. for display. Please support your local Cancer charity and if you wish to obtain literature or simply talk to someone. Please stop by at the shop. Contact Mina or Trisha. Tel 650 071 278 or 610 921 413 e-mail aecc_campel (95475) International Christian Assembly Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational Sunday services 11am Children’s church 11am House groups in Torrevieja, Los Balcones, San Javier Ladies meeting Thursdays 11am. Pastor, Rafael Restrepo All nationalities welcome 966 799 273 / 660 127 276. (95476)

CHIMNEY SWEEP PROFESSIONAL CHIMNEY SWEEP. Family Business established over 60 years. 660 478 881 (231664)

CLASSES LEARN Spanish in 6 months, guaranteed. Certified American teacher. Call Andy 619 343 633 (233040)

DAMP RISING DAMP! We can cure Rising Damp, Leaking Flat Roof or Terrace. We can make your Underbuild Dry. Villa Repainting Due? We can protect your villa and stop PENETRATING DAMP with a Protective Coating. You can also pay in Sterling. Phone/email us now for a FREE survey. Tel 634 322 672 (231482)

ELECTRICIAN MR FIXIT. For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434 (234560)

Price per word: 0,42€ + IVA minimum 15 words - Discount: Book 10 weeks, get 2 weeks free - Deadline: 4pm Mondays Contact: Phone (0034) 952 561 245 • Fax (0034) 952 440 887 • email •


E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South


WEIGHT LOSS WEIGHT LOSS/Personal Trainer. Former USA & World Kickboxing Champion. 25 years experience. 619 343 633 (233040)


INTERNET GET YOUR business noticed online! Make sure that expats in Spain can find your product, service, restaurant, bar or shop. Contact Spain’s newest and brightest online directory TODAY. Call 952 561 245 or email for more details.

PERGOLA COVERS TAILOR made, durable canvas, sails, umbrella, spa and BBQ covers. Mazarron based, and at Procomobel Market, Guardamar Saturday mornings. 667 879 399 (230692)



PET-COURIERS.COM – If you love your pet try us first – we are the best. Door to door service throughout Europe. Specialised vehicles – bespoke service. Full legal service including documentation if required. For further information call or email us: Tel: (0034) 651 033 670 or (0034) 637 066 227. Email: or (231443)

PET TRANSPORT THE DOG MOVER. Licensed transporters. Two handlers, so never alone. 680 781 699 / 0044 (0) 7875 947230. (220443) PET TRAVEL UK Family pet transporters Spain/UK. Travel with your pets for free. All air conditioned vehicles (no vans) Removals also arranged in other vehicles. Tel UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537 (223645)

SOS <http://www.sosin> Insurance in Spain. Best prices available. CALL US FIRST for all your insurance needs, including best deals on Funeral plans. Buildings and contents cover from just 82 euros per year and cars from 120 euros. Tel 966 787 123 / 622 275 561 / 686 116 297 / email info@sosinsuran ceinspain. com (228606) INSURANCE

WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 902 123 309. (200726)

WANTED WANTED Cars, vans, caravans, 4 X 4’s British Spanish 600 781 873 ibuyanycar@ (232082)

For daily news visit

COUNTRY HOUSE in Orihuela, Vereda Buenavida 51. NEW. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, air conditioning, parking, 130/150m2. 2.5km to town centre, 30km to the beaches. ONLY 75,000 euros. Tel: 629 991 543 (228607)



PET CHARITIES EASYHORSE CARE RESCUE CENTRE We aim to rescue HORSES. If you would like to DONATE please call 965 967 033 or or call Sue 652 021 980 (95706) SPAMA GANDIA SHELTER. Dog and cat rescue registered charity, La Safor area. 500 animals awaiting re-homing. Shelter open 7 days a week 12noon 2.00pm & 3.30pm - 7.00pm. (Spanish speaking staff) or phone Gail 962 896 118. Visit our website for directions. and view our new blog at PLEASE HELP US TO HELP THEM (95707) P.E.P.A. VOLUNTEERS & FOSTER HOMES URGENTLY NEEDED. By fostering an abandoned dog, or spending a few hours each week on our telephone helpline, you could help save the lives of many animals. Please call: 650 304 746. For more information browse our website: EURO WEEKLY NEWS CLASSIFAX AGENT (95708)

YES YOU CAN HAVE A POOL We design & install Wooden Above-Ground Pools. Pools installed from 1,185€. With above ground pools there is “No Planning Permission Required”. You can also pay in Sterling. Phone or email for a FREE BROCHURE NOW. info@piscinasmadera .com - Tel: 634 322 672 (231482)

POOLS POOL MAINTENANCE Repairs, Spares and Leak Testing. Call 965 725 565 / 676 945 360 (208721)


CLASSIFIEDS CAR TRANSPORTER. Call for excellent rates, fully insured, professional service. 952 816 582, email move@freinterna / (215605) SPANISH MOVES Small removals and deliveries. Spain/UK Budget prices. Last minute jobs undertaken. www.spanish Pet transport also arranged in our air conditioned pet/people carriers. Telephone UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537 (223645) INTERNATIONAL and European Removals.




GATAMI ORGANISATION, to help kittens and cats, looking for good homes, also spaying wild cats in the community. Kittens require adoption, fully vaccinated, de-wormed, de-fleed. We also need volunteers to help Car boot sale in Polop on Sundays Tel Anna: 966 806 976 / 654 729 977 (95709)

MR FIXIT. For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434 (234560)

METAL WORKS, gates, rejas offer: from 50€, buy 3 get 1 free. NOT including installation. 638 449 944 (230670)

WE BUY, Sell, Store, Remove all types of Mobile Homes. We pay CASH and cover all of Spain. More details call Suzi Caley 616 250 727 / 951 063 059 or email (228718)

Expert removals worldwide. Tel: 951 247 834 BRAND new ground floor partly furnished two bed apt. in Algorfa town centre, gated, swimming pool. 225/250 euros per month plus deposit. Maureen 639 840 382 or 0044 794 958 9539 londonangels@hot (231649) LONG TERM RENTAL 3 bed Villa unfurnished to let, situated amongst fruit trees on 31,000m2 plot, Catral/San Isidro, pool, garage, stunning mountain views, peaceful, 575€ pcm. Long lease available, non smokers. Children and friendly animals welcome. Tel 615 607 278 (231540)

Tel: +44 (0) 203 128 7007 (231488)

SEWING QUALIFIED SEAMSTRESS 40 years experience, turn-ups to tailoring patterns taken from your favourite cloths, reasonable prices. Torrevieja, Sandra: 966 799 188 / 680 486 336 (232111)


REMOVALS/STORAGE UK - SPAIN - Anywhere Europe! Masses of experience. New clean vehicles. Insured with Royal Sun Alliance. Genuinely CARING service. FULL and part moves. ONLINE QUOTES!! UK 08456 443 784 / ES 634 344 787 FIND US ON FACEBOOK!(220152)

RELIABLE, motivated Salesperson and Sales Administration wanted. Must speak perfect English. Gogo Estates. In the first instance, email info@go (226906)

MAN AND VAN UK - Spain. 2 vans travelling twice a month, Murcia - North / South UK. Tel 610 846 260 or 0044 751 918 6355 email (231493)

HOUSEKEEPER required for holiday changeovers, duties inc cleaning & meet and greet Torrevieja and Orihuela Costa area. Call 966 798 793 (232109)




26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

TILING PLUMBER/CERAMIC WALL & FLOOR TILER. 30 years’ experience. No job too small, free quote. Tel Shane on 645 664 298 / 965 075 190 (231359)



WANTED SOPHIE. Elegant lady. Home, hotel, in and out services 693 357 526 (226823) Guys, transvestites, complacent, feisty. We are eager and hot. DARE!!! 616 804 411 (234589)


SWIMMING POOLS TOTAL POOL CARE. Weekly maintenance from 45 euros per month, including chemicals, one-off cleans, regrouts, replacement pumps and filters etc, leak detection and structural repairs, also warranty service available for pipework, pumps, lights etc. Tel 654 687 536 (233035)

For daily news visit SITUATIONS VACANT


GENERIC Viagra extra strength 120mgs. Also Kamagra 100mgs and Weekenders (Cialis). or phone Colin 680 878 735 (232105)

JACUZZI, SPAS, HOT TUBS WANTED. Working or not 650 722 905 (231660)

BEAUTIFUL Dutch girl, 32, slim, blonde hair, big breasts, all fantasies. Campoamor, 676 067 381 (231509)

WANTED Quad Bike and Jet Ski. Call 650 722 905 (231661) Wanted Local to Rent in La Zenia. We are looking for a local to rent on a long-term basis to use as an administration office; it must be accessible for clients and easy to find. Please Call:600 583 576 (12345)

XXX RELAXATION Readers of a sensitive disposition may find some of the advertisements in this section offensive.

SPANISH lady - classic. Playa Flamenca, private house, 35 years, attractive. All erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie. From €40. Ana 865 646 437

For daily news visit

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E W N 26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South



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World premieres lined up for Geneva BMW will take to the stage at the Geneva International Motor Show from March 515 with two world premieres: the BMW 2 Series Gran Tourer, which offers seating for up to seven people, and the new compact BMW 1 Series. The BMW 1 Series almost two million units of which have been sold worldwide to date - cuts an even more striking, sporty

and efficient figure in its latest incarnation, complete with its extensively modified front- and rearend design in both three- and five-door guise. The new line-up of latestgeneration petrol and diesel engines, boasting additional measures designed to reduce fuel consumption and emissions (fuel consumption combined: 8.0 - 3.4 litres

BMW: Will premiere two of its models. per 100 kilometres [35.3 83.1 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 188 89 g/km), ensure the new BMW 1 Series can offer customers a fresh, efficient source of power. The BMW 116d EfficientDynamics Edition, powered by an 85 kW/116 hp three-cylinder engine, posts average fuel consumption of 3.4 litres/ 100 kilometres (83.1 mpg imp) and CO2 emissions of 89 g/km in the EU test cycle, making it the efficiency king of the BMW model range. The BMW 2 Series Gran Tourer sees BMW creating a new vehicle segment. Its signature feature is the

impressive amount of space within its compact dimensions. This is the first model in the premium compact class that can accommodate up to seven people across three rows of seats and a generously sized luggage compartment. All of which allows the BMW 2 Series Gran Tourer to meet the mobility

requirements of young families and offers - thanks to the five newly developed turbocharged engines producing from 85 kW/116 hp to 141 kW/192 hp (fuel consumption combined: 6.4 - 3.9 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 149 104 g/km) and the BMW EfficientDynamics package - sporting dynamics

Unique, speedy family car THE new Leon ST CUPRA is a unique combination of top performance, style and utility, claim the Spanish manufacturers. Acceleration from zero to 100 km/h being just 6.0 seconds combined with 1,470 litres of load space in the estate car go some way to back that claim up. Among journalists and customers alike, the SEAT Leon CUPRA is much admired as a Sport Coupé and as a five-door. In the trade media across Europe, the CUPRA immediately became a consistent winner

LEON ST CUPRA: Owners love the design. in comparison tests with owners said to love its design. Jürgen Stackmann, President of SEAT SA said: “The new Leon ST CUPRA is the perfect complement to our high-performance model line-up. The combination of refined performance and expressive dynamics with relaxed long-distance comfort and compelling utility make it utterly unique. “The Leon ST CUPRA shows the SEAT brand

values at their best. We are proud of the technical excellence and quality it conveys.” A concentrated package of hi-tech guarantees the performance of the car. At the top is the 2.0 TSI engine with dual injection and variable camshaft timing. Depending on the version, it


26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South



Self driving cars a reality WHO needs a driver? Volvo thinks they could soon be a thing of the past as it presents its ‘complete system solution’ that makes it possible to integrate self-driving cars into real traffic - with ordinary people in the driver’s seat. “We are entering uncharted territory in the field of autonomous driving,” says Dr Peter Mertens, Senior Vice President Research and Development of Volvo Car Group. “Taking the exciting step to a public pilot, with the ambition to enable ordinary people to sit behind the wheel in normal traffic on public roads, has never been done before.” Volvo Cars is moving rapidly towards the aim of placing 100

self-driving cars in the hands of customers on selected roads around Gothenburg by 2017. The public pilot, one-ofa-kind collaboration between legislators, transport authorities, a major city and a vehicle manufacturer, is a central component of Volvo Cars’ plan to achieve sustainable mobility and ensure a crash-free future. Based on an extensive analysis of potential technical faults, Volvo Cars has designed a complete production-viable autonomous driving system. The key to making this unprecedented leap is a complex network of sensors, cloud-based positioning systems and intelligent braking and steering technologies.

“Autonomous driving will fundamentally change the way we look at driving. In the future, you will be able to choose between autonomous and active driving,” says Dr Mertens. “This transforms everyday commuting from lost time to quality time, opening up new opportunities for work and pleasure.” Volvo Cars’ Autopilot system is designed to be reliable enough to allow the car to take over every aspect of driving in autonomous mode. The technology advances a crucial step beyond the automotive systems demonstrated so far since it includes fault-tolerant systems. “It is relatively easy to build and demonstrate a self-driving concept vehicle, but if you

want to create an impact in the real world, you have to design and produce a complete system that will be safe, robust and affordable for ordinary customers,” says Dr Erik Coelingh, Technical Specialist at Volvo Cars. The main challenge is to design an Autopilot that is robust for traffic scenarios as well as for technical faults that may occur. It cannot be expected that the driver is ready to suddenly intervene in a critical situation. “Making this complex system 99 per cent reliable is not good enough. You need to get much closer to 100 per cent before you can let self-driving cars mix with other road users in reallife traffic,” says Erik Coelingh. “Here, we have a similar

approach to that of the aircraft industry. “Our fail-operational architecture includes backup systems that will ensure that Autopilot will continue to function safely, also if an element of the system were to become disabled.” For example, the probability of a brake system failure is very small, but a self-driving vehicle needs a second independent system to brake the vehicle to a stop, as it is unlikely that the driver will be prepared to press the brake pedal. On the road, the complete technology solution shall handle even the most complicated scenarios, from smooth commuting to heavy traffic and emergency situations.

SELF-DRIVING CARS: Uncharted territory.

with lots of space

delivers an output of 195 kW / 265 PS or 206 kW / 280 PS. The DCC dynamic chassis control, the front differential lock, the progressive steering, the CUPRA Drive Profile and the standard-fit full-LED headlamps are further examples of its stateof-the-art technologies. The sportiness of the Leon

ST CUPRA can be further enhanced with the optional Performance Pack. It includes a high-performance four piston Brembo brake system with 370 x 32 mm perforated front discs, exclusive 19” rims (with a choice of Black or Orange) with Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 tyres and side trim strips.

96 E W N

26 February - 4 March 2015 / Costa Blanca South

Sport Costa Blanca’s best guide to local sport

Weather no deterrent for TMGS TWENTY-SEVEN golfers turned up at Alenda despite high winds and overcast skies for The Members Golf Society’s (TMGS) latest outing. No player broke their handicaps given the conditions and only one achieved a ‘two’, Alan Rixson. All four nearest the pin prizes were taken by Paul Farrance, Joe Dean, S Sonessen and Roger Nielson. Nine guests took part and Klaus Peter was the winner with 35 points on his first visit to Alenda.

SMGS have to battle the elements at Las Colinas

SAN MIGUEL GOLF SOCIETY (SMGS) members had to contend with gale force conditions at Las Colinas last weekend as they took on the elements and each other in a Stableford competition. Only one member managed to beat their

handicap, with Karen Simpson taking the honour. The day saw the first matches to be played in this year’s annual doubles match play competition. Theo Boelhouwer and Robin Eastman beat Brian and Jenny Staines, and John and Ellen Drakesmith defeated Keith Stevenson and Norman McBride. In the Bronze category, regular prize winner Karen Simpson got the best score of the day with 38, followed by Keith Stevenson and Ellen Drakesmith. Robin


Eastman topped the Silver category with 31 points, ahead of Steve Davis and Phil De Lacy. In the Gold category, the honours went to Jack Simpson, Karen’s husband, with Theo Boelhouwer and Ivan Hanak in second and third. Nearest the pins were all on par threes and were claimed by Robin Eastman, John Drakesmith, Mick Leonard, Ivan Hanak and Jack Simpson. You can keep up to date with all things SMGS by logging on to


Golden haul in swim nationals TWO Torrevieja swimmers took home a medal haul of five golds at the Spanish National Championships last weekend. Beth Altabas won the longest race of the competition, the 800 metres freestyle, in the 70-74 years category, and Vicki Connolly repeated Beth’s success with a gold of her own in the 4549 years category. Both swam the 400 metres freestyle and again, both finished in first place for more golds. Vicki went on to win the 100-metre medley and Beth took gold in the 100-metre freestyle. The successful results amassed a total of 153 points for Torrevieja Swimming Club, placing them 41st out of 107 clubs in the female category. The championships broke the record for the most participants ever in any of the summer or winter masters

Beth Altabas and Vicki Connolly championships with a total of 1,272 swimmers. For more information on Torrevieja Swimming Club contact

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