Euro Weekly News - Mallorca 10 - 16 November 2016 Issue 1636

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ISSUE NO. 1636

10 - 16 November 2016



By Matthew Elliott

The chief of the Guardia Civil across the Balearic Islands stands accused of tolerat i n g a n d p r o m o tin g v io le n ce against people in police custody. A leaked tape recording of Colonel Jaume Barcelo (pictured far right), published online by the Diaro de Mallorca, shows the then vice-chief clearly condone violence as an essential part of the force’s modus operandi. “A ny o n e wh o h a s w o rk e d in th e Guardia Civil and hasn’t given a few slaps hasn’t done his job,” Barcelo is heard saying before launching into a

defence of colleagues on trial for abusing detainees. Barcelo became chief shortly after the 2011 recording and his tenure has been marked by frequent allegations of police brutality. He rose to the defence of four officers sentenced to 10 years for their role in torturing two British tourists in 2009. The revelations come amid growing storm over the National Police and prison system, which have been forced on the defensive after a string of disturbing accusations. A jailed British DJ found with ecstasy who travelled to Mallorca from Ibiza claims to have been left brain

Photo credit Guardia Civil

Justice under threat?


damaged from a beating meted out by guards inside prison. In Palma a group of policemen were caught on film savagely beating a handcuffed prisoner. Those cases pale in comparison to the televised claims from jailed Mallorcan politician Margarita Sotomayor who publicly denounced human rights abuses she reportedly witnessed in prison before being quickly hushed up. Now other women have come forward with claims of their own and, with the chief of the Guardia Civil now apparently condoning violence, the island’s criminal justice system is being brought into disrepute.

10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca


Remembering the fallen ON the eleventh hour of the ele v e n t h d a y o f th e eleventh month of 1918 an armistice was signed between the Allies and Germany putting an end to the horrors of the First World War. For nearly a century we have commemorated that day by paying homage to the fallen, and to all those who have since given their lives in the service of their country. A two-minute silence is held at 11am on Armistice D ay an d , o n t h e Su n d a y closest, millions remember the co n t r i b u t i o n o f all British and Commonwealth servicemen and women and civilians in the two World Wars a n d a l l su c c e e d in g conflicts.

You may remember being told that devoting one hour a week on a Sunday to give thanks wasn’t much to ask for the gift of life. Well let us make the most of the two minutes and a day that we dedicate to those who died in our service. It is often said but rarely remembered that a picture is worth a thousand words. Turn to page 15 for our modest EWN tribute to the fallen.


Bulls on parade By Matthew Elliott THE organisers behind a bullfighting spectacle that counted the teenage daughter of a royal princess in attendance have been fined €20,000 for allowing a minor on the premises. Victoria, the 15-year-old daughter of the Infanta Elena, sister of the King, was filmed at the Palma bullring in summer, damning evi-

dence that the organisers had let children in despite local laws banning under-16s. An estimated 150 children watched the show and the fine was the highest penalty possible. It comes at a sensitive time for the age-old tradition considered nothing short of torture by many. Bullfighting was all set to be banned across the Balearics, with political support from Mes,

Podemos and the PSOE. This summer was supposed to be the last bullfighting season in history. A recent ruling, however, from the Spanish constitutional court threw a spanner in the works by declaring Catalonia’s ban to be illegitimate. Where the law goes from here remains to be seen but the penalty is the Balearic government’s only way of nailing its colours to the mast.

Photo by Shutterstock


PLAZA DE TOROS: Palma’s bullring.


10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca




Your papers, your views Our readers have been expressing their views about the Battle against Brexit interview with Charlie Mullins. Here are a few comments some of which have had to be cut due to size. We are always happy to hear from everyone.

False outrage WHY are Leavers so upset that the court ruled in parliament’s favour? Wasn’t the whole point of Brexit to bring power back to parliament? Leaving such an important decision in the hands of a (very tight) popular vote has no constitutional precedence in the UK and is utter folly. James

Practical advice

DISASTROUS MISTAKE: For Britain Charlie Mullins believes.

Battling against Brexit By Matthew Elliott “EVEN Stevie Wonder can see what’s happening,” says Charlie Mullins, who has never been one to mince his words. Speaking exclusively with Euro Weekly News, the brains behind Pimlico Plumbers is adamant that leaving the EU is a disastrous mistake for Britain. “There’s already a skills shortage and the lack of free movement will drive construction to a standstill,” he replies when pressed on what Brexit’s immediate impact will be. “You’ve got 80-90 per cent of workers on site are from the EU... and they’re taxpayers too!” “Now many are returning home, jumping ship because of the uncertainty,” he says, arguing that without migrant labour the Olympics and Heathrow’s expansion would be pipe dreams. Mullins knows what he’s talking about. One of the UK’s most successful and outspoken businessmen, he founded Pimlico Plumbers from scratch in 1979 and transformed it into a household name with an annual turnover of £20 million. Appearances on Panorama, donations to the Conservative party, and impassioned defence of Britain’s place in Europe has seen the businessman and philanthropist evolve into a political activist. So much so that he helped fund the successful High Court challenge over the government’s right to trigger Article 50 without parliamentary approval. “People are happy that we’re standing up to fight,” he says on the case, which has pitted pro-Brexit me-

People were misled over the £350 million... the 350 million lie on that bus, and Boris Johnson selfishly trying to become prime minister, did it for the UK.” dia against the judiciary, “even if we leave, we should at least do it right.” But should the referendum result not supersede the influence of parliament? “A 52/48 vote wasn’t really the ‘will of the people,’ plus you’ve 650 MPs who didn’t even get involved.” Mullins is scathing of the Leave campaign, which he accuses of blatant dishonesty. “People were misled over the £350 million (promised from the EU to the NHS)... the 350 million lie on that bus, and Boris Johnson selfishly trying to become prime minister, did it for the UK.” He describes the High Court ruling that parliament must trigger Article 50, not ministers alone, as a victory for common sense. “You’ve got three judges, two of them the highest in the land, and they took less than 120 seconds to sum it up and blow the government’s case out of the water. It’s black and white, in 1972 parliament voted to join the EC and only they can vote to leave.”

Mullins notes with a tinge of irony that the “top two people in the country, Theresa May and Philip Hammond, were Remain people who switched horses after the fact” and are now muddying the waters by trying to make a case they clearly don’t believe in. So how can you make the ‘remain’ case and change people’s minds? “Well, you’ve got a mixture of Leave people who are now worried nothing will change and Remainers who are very happy with the court case and don’t want to leave, so it’s hard.” Mullins says it’s important to focus on simple facts, which he has a keen eye on as a businessman. “Boiler parts are more expensive, there’s job losses, supplies, food and fuel costs are all going up, the pound’s dropped, the writing’s on the wall.” He speaks to big business owners he says, and the money flow has stopped. The UK is not a place to be looking to invest. “Look at the facts,” he implores, “it’s not a coincidence that the pound fell and then rose after the court judgement.” “The disadvantages of leaving clearly outweigh the benefits, we will be in a mess and we will be poorer.” Where do British expats fit in to all this? (Mullins spends five months of the year in Spain and is a huge contributor to local charities) “People are concerned with their pensions, they want to know, can I survive and stay in Spain? “Now they know they can expect less for their money... people may have voted for Brexit, but nobody voted to lose their money.”

THANK you! Finally someone who actually knows what they’re talking about putting this terrible decision in context. We here in Spain are losing money, our pensions are under threat and the situation back in the UK gets worse by the day. Mullins knows the system, we ignore his warning at our peril. Heather

Storm and stress OF course it’s right that parliament should vote on Article 50 but Mr Mullins doesn’t realise that this is simply the final nail in the ‘remain coffin.’ MPs won’t dare vote against the referendum or they’ll lose their jobs. They will vote for it, give Brexit full legitimacy and then we’ll wait for Boris’ ‘sturm und drang.’ Thomas

Decision time FRANKLY I’ve lost the ability to care if we leave or not. Just make a decision either way! If we knew it was a hard Brexit at least we could all start preparing. Right now everyone is clueless even on the basics, we’ve become a laughing stock that markets and other countries simply can’t trust. It’s time to make our minds up. Arlene


10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca

News 1 - 20

Assault on village Photo credit Enric Borras, Flickr (todo fotos)


Featured News 3

Finance 23 - 28

Stocks 24

Leapy Lee 29

Daily TV 30

SON BANYA: ‘Shanty town’ continues to defy police.

By Matthew Elliott

Time Out 32 - 33

Letters 34

Health & Beauty 36 - 37

Vicki 38

Social Scene 39 - 40

Property 41 - 43

Our View 44

Colin Bird 44

Homes & Gardens 45

Pets 48

Classifieds 49 - 50

Motoring 51

Boats 52

Sport 54 + 56

ARMED police and units from the organised crime squad stormed the Son Banya shanty town in a major anti-drugs operation. More than 100 officers supported by a helicopter conducted the raid on the rebel pueblo, home to the feared Los Andujar clan, and effectively imposed martial law while they

searched for contraband. Cocaine of the highest purity was found at one strategic location, alongside marihuana and boxes of synthetic street drugs. The leader of the clan was reportedly captured along with hard drives, false documentation and thousands of euros in cash. The raid was the latest government assault on the Roma gypsy crime family considered

a major player in Mallorca’s thriving narcotics underworld. Los Andajur are thought to have used their strong connections with crime syndicates on the mainland to traffic more than 150 kilos of cocaine to Mallorca this year alone. Dubbed ‘Operation Leticia’ the exercise began in October with the discovery of 20 kilograms of high-quality cocaine loaded in a car at the Palma

Port. Police later acted on intelligence to identify which houses in Son Banya held a stash before making their move on November 4. National media have celebrated the ‘spectacular operation’ but it is far from the first time militarised police have raided the neighbourhood in huge numbers. Son Banya is largely considered an outlaw territory and gang stronghold.

Not too many bright lights in the party THERE are Mallorcans on the Forbes rich list, silver screen and Olympic hall of fame, but none in prime minister Mariano Rajoy’s new cabinet. Not a single minister from the Balearics is included in Rajoy’s revised inner circle

despite previous speculation to the contrary. In Rajoy’s defence there aren’t too many bright lights among the region’s Popular Party members, with the exception of Ibizan Jose Vicente Mari, who is

considered a Finance minister in waiting. The new cabinet is younger and has more women than before but has been criticised for its pure partisanship, with no concessions to other parties despite it being the tightest of (two) elections.



10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca

Activist raising plight of climate AN environmental activist has been cycling through Spain to highlight the damage mankind is doing to the natural world. Martin Hutchinson has spent nine years walking, cycling and making his case to whoever will listen, much of it in Latin America. He wants to galvanise ordinary people into putting pressure on their governments to stop the dumping of waste in particular. The starkest example, he says, is the unprocessed rubbish being tipped by the truckload into the Amazon River. “They are just dumping rubbish into the Amazon four times a day and this has been going on for 20 years and nobody’s doing anything about it,” he said. “We live on a most incredible planet but we’re not doing enough to protect it.

Is it really sedition? AIR traffic controllers accused of sedition over their role in the complete shutdown of Spanish airspace during a 2010 strike are fighting against the charge. The 84 Balearic strikers played their role in a headline-stealing national emergency by shutting down airports in Palma, Menorca and Ibiza after staging a mass walkout over working conditions. Authorities pledged at the time to punish anyone involved in the wildcat strike and last month prosecutors made good on their promise by bringing charges of sedi-

“For instance, everyone talks about protecting the Amazon but nobody’s doing anything to stop the damage.” Martin says his journey has not been without hardship and he has been attacked three times, one of those with an axe, but he is not put off and is determined to continue. He has set up a petition at in the hope of raising awareness and pressurising government bodies to act, and hopes EWN readers will join the campaign.

We all need to be aware of the impact we have on the natural world. If we don’t the long-term consequences will be very severe,” said Martin.

MARTIN: Has been cycling through Spain.

Photo credit Olaf Tausch Wikipedia


False plate A FLASH Mercedes worth more than €100,000 was found by police sporting a false number plate. It is one of at least 40 expensive cars stolen by an international gang still operating in Mallorca.

My goodness GREAT balls of fire have destroyed more than 200 hectares of forest across the Balearics, with 62 fires recorded on Mallorca alone. Extreme dryness is thought to be the chief cause of an exceedingly volatile summer.

ORANGE EXPRESS: Buses now more common.

White flakes FROM fires to snow. Mallorca’s highest peak, the Puig Major, is on snow alert as temperatures skulk ever closer to zero at elevation. With rainfall guaranteed, the first drops of winter may be upon us a little earlier than last year.

Train trouble in Palma A BUS service will replace the Palma-Soller train line until February as essential works take place on the troublesome route. The train executives aren’t at all happy about having to provide the bus link, a move ‘suggested’ by the government despite there already being a bus service. Soller Train will fork out some €45,000


to provide the substitute bus but spitefully remarked that, if it is loss making, they will abandon it in two weeks. Work begins next week in the tunnels of the Serra d’Alfabia, an annual event as the company seeks to get all the maintenance work done and dusted so as to rake in hefty profits over the summer.

tion, owing to the alleged national security risk posed by the industrial action. The defendants have claimed the stress and anxiety caused by their working conditions left them with no choice but to leave, that they were so mentally incapacitated by the environment that work became impossible. The judge has already dismissed their defence and asserted that theirs was an orchestrated action rather than a collective hysteria. The question now is whether the industrial action can be deemed so serious as to be criminal.

10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca

Photo credit Wikipedia



The re wreak By Matthew Elliott

SON ESPASES: Hospital waiting lists to hopefully fall down.

Axing waiting lists through partnership NOTORIOUSLY long hospital waiting lists will be reduced to a maximum of six months to see a specialist once next year’s budget is fully implemented. The regional minister for health made the bold claim, which is backed up by a fat wallet. More than €1.4 billion will be at the ministry’s disposal, including €100 million in hard cash, and the largest chunk will be devoted to

improving primary care services and employing more, better trained, staff. Waiting lists will be reduced through a partnership with private health services which will see some patients offered private care if their delay is at risk of stretching beyond six months. It’s a significant rise on last year’s budget and emphasises the new administration’s focus on health and social issues.

THE red palm weevil has been relentless in its destruction of palm trees across Mallorca. More than 4 per cent of palms on the island have fallen victim to the scourge which now afflicts every single local community. There are over a quarter of a million palm trees on Mallorca, and more than 11,500 have succumbed to the weevil since it first debuted a decade ago. Not all cases have been reported, meaning the figure is surely much higher than now admitted. The snout beetle has been advancing steadily westwards since the 1980s, sweeping

Not quite so clean hands as union files for bankruptcy IN late October, the Spanish Union Manos Limpias which was involved in bringing Princess Cristina to trial as part of the Noos Case -

filed for bankruptcy, in part because of a defamation case brought by Gibraltar Chief Minister Fabian Picardo against the organisation.

An initial hearing in the Gibraltar Supreme Court heard that Manos Limpias had falsely accused Mr Picardo of condoning smuggling of drugs and tobacco as well as money laundering and in agreeing with his case it awarded damages and costs in the amount of £30,000 (then €36,000) to him. Since then, the matter was referred to a court in Madrid which has upheld the decision made in Gibraltar with costs escalating and has ordered the secretary general Miguel Bernard who is currently in prison accused of corruption to pay over part of his monthly pension to the Chief Minister who has said that he will donate any damages to local charity. This has been the final straw for the right wing union which will now have to close its doors and raises the question as to whether the action brought against the Infanta which still awaits a judicial decision could or should be dropped as the state prosecution did not believe that she has a case to answer.


10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca

ed devil is king havoc

RED PALM WEEVIL: Scourge of palm trees everywhere. across the dust of Saudi Arabia and Egypt to find fertile territory in Spain. In Mallorca it has proven remarkably ravenous, adapting its appetite on demand as it quickly con-

quered the island. Combating the plague has proven surprisingly difficult even given the fearsome chemical agents at the government’s disposal.

Paying homage in London PRESIDENT of the Balearics, Francina Armengol, and her trusty tourism minister Biel Barcelo were in the UK this week paying homage to Mallorca and the islands at the World Travel Market. The deadly duo were in London from Monday to Wednesday to promote winter tourism at the fair, which saw leaders across Spain, and indeed Europe, jostling for attention among the more than 50,000 ‘industry officials.’ They presented a brochure at the Balearic Islands exhibit aptly named ‘Better in winter,’ which waxed lyrical on the region’s culture, art, gastronomy, and hiking opportunities. Roughly €3 billion in deals are at stake at the conference, said to be one of

the biggest tourism fairs on the planet and now in its 37th year.

A brochure was presented aptly named ‘Better in Winter.’ But it wasn’t all showmanship and tourism for Armengol. She spoke candidly with the leader of the Canary Islands and later used the platform to publicly demand that the Balearics be afforded the same special tax regime afforded the Canaries. The region is renowned for its more liberal tax system which the Balearics have eyed enviously for decades without managing to budge Madrid.


E W N 10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca




Cold feet WINTER is coming but Mallorcans are preparing earlier than usual. Energy consumption leapt up on the island in October with higher rates of air conditioning and electricity use.

Oily haul NOT AMUSED: Xelo Huertas in parliament.

President is suspended THE secretary of Podemos, Pablo Echenique announced on November 7 that action has been taken to suspend the president (speaker) of the Balearic Parliament Xelo Huertas and her deputy Montserrat Seijas from the party following allegations by unidentified members of Podemos in the Balearics that she had abused her position by assisting a colleague Daniel

Bachiller, who is also suspended, to obtain funding for a laboratory. The Palma-born president is not amused by this decision which she believes is politically motivated as part of an internal struggle within the party and has indicated that she is quite content to resign her position, although she would expect to remain with-

in the parliament itself. The allegations suggest that the three had threatened to withhold their votes of approval for the 2017 budget unless a grant was given to Bachiller in order for him to open a new laboratory which is denied and there currently appears to be no involvement of the police, simply a decision made by the party head office.

ROUGHLY nine tons of olives were collected by local producers in the tiny municipality of Son Servera in east Mallorca this year. Some 1,400 litres of quality olive oils was extracted from the huge haul for export.

Xmas market CHRISTMAS isn’t in full swing just yet but it will be once the ‘Fira de Nadal’ begins on November 18 with the opening of the festive market in Palma. Local leaders pledged that 2016


10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca


‘Parliament must approve Brexit’ BREXIT PAGE By Matthew Elliott and Simon Firth THE UK government has lost round one. The High Court ruled only parliament has the authority to trigger Article 50 and inform Brussels that the UK intends to leave the EU. Delivering the judgement, the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, said “the most fundamental rule of the UK constitution is that parliament is sovereign.” Alth o u g h su b j e c t to ap p e a l at th e Supreme Court, the decision is a blow to Theresa May who planned to trigger Article 50 nex t Ma r c h u si n g ro y al p re ro g a tiv e alone. The reaction to the judges’ ruling was met with vitriol by some sections of the UK press, the Daily Mail running the headline ‘Enemies of the People’ and the Daily Express dubbing it ‘the day democracy died.’

n’t like what they have to say she can take it further to the European Court of Justice. If the Supreme Court does agree wi t h t he j udges then MPs will eff ect i vel y be r equi r ed t o vot e on Brexit, with no formal necessity that they follow the referendum’s plurality vote. The majority of MPs are believed to be firmly against Brexit but defying the result would be hugely controversial and could spark a constitutional crisis. That poses no problem for the markets. Within seconds of the judgement sterling rose dramatically. Meanwhile, Theresa May has insisted the government will not be distracted and that it is ‘business as usual’ where Brexit is concerned. One respected political commentator put it this way: “The only way of making this headache go away could be an early general election.”

Although subject to appeal at the Supreme Court, the decision is a blow to Theresa May who planned to trigger Article 50 next March using royal prerogative.”

HIGH COURT RULING: Was met with vitriol by some of the UK press. G in a M ille r, the inve s tme nt ma na ge r whose funds backed the legal challenge, accused some politicians and the media of “whipping this up because they are the ones inciting racism and violence and acrimony.” Somewhat belatedly, the Lord Chancellor Liz Truss, who is also the justice secretary, issued a short statement.

She did not rebuke the papers for their coverage, stating merely that the judiciary “is rightly respected the world over for its independence and impartiality.” The government’s appeal will be heard next month before the Supreme Court. Some observers have even suggested, somewhat tongue in cheek, that if she does-

10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca


Rhapsody of the Seas By Matthew Elliott

AN award-winning cruise ship docked in Palma to a hero’s welcome from local nautical aficionados who awarded the Captain, Johan Malmberg, with a special medal. The 279-metre-long ‘Rhapsody of the Seas’ is part of the Royal Caribbean Cruises family and a sister ship to the world’s largest cruiser ‘Harmony of the Seas.’ Completed in France in 1997 it is considered one of the finest tourist vessels to

RHAPSODY OF THE SEAS: Docked in Venice.

sail the seven seas, boasting two swimming pools, a rock climbing wall and even wifi access. The ship is also known for

the mysterious case of Amy Lynn Bradley. The 23-yearold American disappeared from the Rhapsody during a Caribbean cruise in 1998.

Photo credit Shutterstock


Investigators found that she didn’t fall overboard and there have since been multiple reported sightings of her around the Caribbean.

Sex, lies and open heart surgery SCAMMERS who left a disabled man and his elderly mother in financial ruin after defrauding them with tall tales

of erotic chat website, a police bribe and heart surgery in France have been imprisoned. The ruthless con-artists swindled a man with severe physical disabilities and on debilitating medication and his 87-year-old mother out of €160,000 with their outlandish fictions before eventually being arrested. From October 2015 the fraudsters began a concerted campaign against their victims, convincing them to invest in a non-existent website devoted to ‘erotic chat.’ When the son and mother became concerned it might be illegal, the scammers took advantage of their fears and claimed to need more funds to pay off the police. They also managed to siphon off €30,000 to fund a bar that would never see the light of day and, unashamedly, pretended one conman was suffering from heart disease and needed urgent funds for open heart surgery in France. Soon the victims were left penniless and that spurred them into action, making a report to the National Police as debt vultures began circling. An investigation quickly found that they had been deceived and identified the pair responsible. Both have been jailed without bail as they await trial.


10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca



Advertising Feature

Sterling honours Commentary by Moneycorp EUR weekly currency update INVESTORS’ changing appetite for risk was the most important factor in the euro’s week. When they leaned towards nervousness - as they did when Donald Trump edged ahead of Hilary Clinton in the US opinion polls - they bought the safe-haven euro, yen and franc. The three currencies were just about unchanged on the week against one another while the euro picked up a cent and three quarters from the listless US dollar. Against all the odds it was sterling that took the honours among the majors, sharing first place with the NZ dollar. It added two thirds of a euro cent and strengthened by an average of 1.0% against the other 10 most actively-traded currencies. The main factor in its favour was the high court’s ruling that parliament must approve the activation of the Article 50 process of leaving the EU. Rightly or wrongly, investors believe this improves the odds of an amicable divorce; one that will do minimum damage to the UK economy. USD weekly currency update It has been difficult going for the dollar in the last week or so. The US economic data

have been respectable enough: gross domestic product expanded by a provisional 0.7% in the third quarter and the purchasing managers’ index readings confirmed steady if not stellar growth. But excitement at the likelihood of higher interest rates next month has faded. The dollar was a cent and three quarters lower on the week against the euro. Sterling got lucky on Thursday when the high court ruled that the Article 50 process of leaving the EU must be approved by parliament. The pound popped a cent higher on the news, taking its gains for the week to two and three quarter US cents. Rightly or wrongly, investors believe the ruling improves the odds of an amicable divorce; one that will do minimum damage to the UK economy. CAD weekly currency update Downward pressure on oil prices was unhelpful to the Loonie and with few meaningful Canadian economic data to distinguish from its big southern neighbour the Canadian dollar was held back by the listlessness of the US dollar. Together the negative forces resulted in a weekly loss of a fifth of a US cent.

Clarisse Musselwhite is Moneycorp’s Account Manager for Mallorca

She can be contacted on Tel: +34 902 887 243 Mobile: +34 687 932 472

902 887 243 It was a much worse result for the Loonie against sterling, with a loss of four cents. The pound shot an instant cent higher when the high court ruled that the Article 50 process of leaving the European Union will require the approval of parliament. Although the court’s decision will be appealed by the government, investors fancy that parliamentary scrutiny will result in a more amicable divorce, one that will pose less of a risk to the UK economy. The Bank of England also helped sterling when it doubled its growth

forecast for Britain’s economy. AUD weekly currency update It was an average week for the Aussie, with a gain of two thirds of a US cent and a loss of one euro cent. On the domestic economic front there was support from a narrower trade deficit as exports increased and imports fell in September. The Reserve Bank of Australia also did its bit, leaving the Cash Rate unchanged at 1.5% and dropping no hints of future rate cuts. Working against the Aussie was the tinge of nervousness resulting from Donald Trump’s improved standing in the US opinion polls. Sterling had a good week, adding more than two Australian cents. Upgraded growth forecasts from the Bank of England and the high court’s verdict on the activation of the Article 50 process to leave the EU left investors more upbeat about Britain’s economic outlook. The idea is that Brexit will be less onerous if Article 50 requires parliament’s approval.

10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca


Skeletons found at island mass grave By Matthew Elliott THE excavation of the Porreres mass grave is well underway and at least 10 full skeletons have already been discovered. There are thought to be around 120 bodies at the central Mallorcan site where Republican prisoners of war were lined up and shot in 1936 by Nationalist forces under the control of General Franco. One of the prisoners executed at Porreres was found to have been shot five times. As reported in last week’s edition, the exhumation began after All Saints Day as a mark of respect for the dead. There are estimated to be more than 2,000 unidentified victims of the Spanish Civil War buried in unmarked graves across Mallorca and tens of thousands more on the mainland. The Porreres site is the largest mass grave ever discovered on the islands and the excavation process is expected to last around a month. It follows similar efforts across Spain where some 500

mass graves have been uncovered. Reopening the wounds of the vicious civil war has been a subject of extreme controversy in Spain for decades. The move towards democracy after Franco’s death rested to a large degree on the passing of an amnesty law for crimes committed during the dictatorship and an understanding that ‘the past was the past.’ That has changed in recent years as both the scale of Franco’s crimes becomes known and families of

victims demand not justice, but simply an awareness of what happened to their relatives. There is also a growing movement to tear down monuments to the dictator and replace street names and other testaments to his regime, especially in Catalonia. VALLEY OF THE FALLEN: Civil war tribute near Madrid. Photo credit Wikipedia


Run and hide you wee man A SCOTSMAN on holiday in Mallorca made headlines back home after his blunt messages to the thief who stole his phone. Alexander Hamilton used special software to find the location of his iPhone after it was stolen in Magaluf and traced it all the way to Romania. Undeterred by the more than 3,000 km distance, Hamilton sent a text to the thief, or who-

ever had bought the phone. “I know where you live wee man, Strada Alexandru Moruzi Voievod,” narrowing it down to a Bucharest street, “Run and hide” before calling his target an un-publishable word. Somewhere, on Strada Alexandru Moruzi Voievod, a man was trembling with fear, or more likely, uploading the text to Twitter.

10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca

Photo Credit: Dominik Schwarz Wikimedia


VOODOO RITUAL: A typical African Voodoo altar.

Nigerian woman released by police A NIGERIAN woman has been released from effective slavery in Mallorca by officers of the National Police who have arrested her captor following a raid on a property in Palma. This operation which is part of an ongoing national fight against human trafficking established that the woman was smuggled from Nigeria to Morocco and on to Spain through Melilla in 2009 and once in Mallorca was sold

to a pimp and was made to act as a street prostitute, being threatened with a huge supposed debt of â‚Ź50,000 and through Voodoo rituals. So far, the National Police Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings for Sexual Exploitation has conducted 800 operations since it started in 2013, has arrested more than 2,500 people across Spain and released large numbers of women forced to act as sex slaves.




E W N 10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca

Predator imprisoned A MAN who sexually assaulted the five-year-old daughter of housemates has been jailed for two years after he admitted taking the young girl to his room and fondling her for his own pleasure. Her parents found out and contacted the police. After his arrest the accused was released but placed under a restraining order. The prosecution demanded three years but the judge allowed a lesser sentence due to extenuating circumstances of the 39-yearold’s serious drug use at the time. He has to pay €2,000 compensation and is forbidden from approaching the family for five years.


National park becomes a glo By Matthew Elliott SOME of the world’s most popular and effective environmental organisations have combined their significant resources to demand that Mallorca dramatically expand the marine area of the Cabrera national park. Greenpeace, Ecologists in Action, Friends of the Earth, the WWF and Oceana released a joint statement calling on the regional government to take radical action to protect the park’s diversity and transform it into a beacon for wildlife parks across the world. Describing the Cabrera marine area as a microcosm of the Mediterranean, the activist groups cite data from a decade of intensive study to advise that the waters under protec-

CABRERA NATIONAL PARK: tion be extended to 90,000 hectares. Known in full as the Cabrera Archipelago Maritime-Terrestrial National Park, the expanse is an autonomous community


10 - 16 November / Mallorca

k diversity obal concern

A marine phenomenon. in its own right which, although administratively part of Mallorca, is managed by a board of trustees. Its historical isolation has allowed a uniquely diverse

ecosystem to flourish over millennia. Aside from the marine area there is specially protected airspace for birds and some of Europe’s most spectacular scenery.

Hotel wars part deuce VERBAL sparring continues between the hotel industry and regional government. The latest spat comes over the tourist tax per se but proposed changes to the way in which it is collected. Theoretically a minor adjustment, the Mallorca Hoteliers Federation believes the change is yet another scheme devised by bureaucrats to fleece the industry of more money. Federation president Inma Benito has also lambasted the government for discussing the plan without their input, claiming to have heard the news from the media. She swiftly brought the topic back round to the tourist tax itself, arguing it wasn’t meeting its target of mitigating the environmental damage of widespread tourism, but was instead a cheeky way for the government to raise extra funds. The hoteliers have attacked the tourist tax since the very conception of the idea last year and continue to do so despite the ₏33 million raised and hugely successful summer for the hotels.




E W N 10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca


Charity shop aid for Cuba MANY people don’t realise that Hurricane Matthew, which recently hit Haiti, also caused great destruction in southern Cuba, especially in Guantanamo Province, leaving many destitute and 175,000 without a home. Calanova Cancer Shop has passed on all the unsold summer clothes kindly donated by its clients to help these people. Dr Angel Avila Camejo, a Cuban doctor based at the medical centres in Magaluf, Palmanova and Calvia for the last 17 years, is taking a large amount of useful items plus the clothes to Cuba this month

CUBA HIT: Hurricane Matthew caused great destruction. when he visits with an English nurse and three auxiliaries to help treat those in need of medical help. Sponsors are needed to back

these admirable people who are giving their holiday time to go to Cuba and work to distribute clothes, medicines and medical care. If things are just sent by

themselves they will not reach the needy but be taken and sold on the black market, so it is imperative that they are properly distributed. Each person will need approx â‚Ź1,650 to pay for flights and baggage, and it would be marvellous if some people could act as sponsors or even contribute a little to this very worthy effort to help these unfortunate people. You will be kept informed of the progress made in your name. Those wishing to assist should call Dr Angel Avila on 676 431 515 or WhatsApp or email



10 - 16 November 2016











Tesla to set up in Barcelona By John Smith DESPITE the controversy concerning the possible secession of Catalonia from Spain, the California-based manufacturer of luxury electric cars, Tesla has without fanfare decided to open new headquarters in Barcelona from which it will distribute its cars and accessories within Spain. This is considered to be something of a vote of confidence in the Catalan

Quote of the Week

$3,000 (€2,700) is the amount of capital invested by Tesla when setting up its new Spanish subsidiary.

DUE to the fact it proved so easy to forge a £1 coin (make a mould using an existing coin, fill it with lead and paint it gold coloured) it is conservatively estimated that more than 3 per cent of all pound coins in circulation are fakes. This doesn’t take into account the number of one lilangeni coins of Swaziland which are worth about 6p (7c) which found their way back to the UK after some bright spark in the Royal Mint produced them using the same blanks! Suffice to say that the Treasury was sufficiently worried about the problem with the £1 coin that they instructed the Royal mint to come up with something that was more secure and in keeping with the dignity of sterling. This new, 12 sided coin will be made from two metals, will contain a latent image changing the £ symbol to 1, microlettering and a ‘secret ingredi-

government although the decision has not actually been announced by the currently loss-making company but was spotted by eagle-eyed reporters when the registration of the new company Tesla Spain SL was spotted in the Official Bulletin of the Commercial Registry at the end of October. The parent company has seen a great deal of interest in the development of the self-driving model of the car which is currently in develop-

By taking my term in office beyond the expected period of the Article 50 process, this should help contribute to securing an orderly transition to the UK’s new relationship with Europe,” Bank of England Gov. Mark Carney

New pound coin due in 2017

The new £1 coin ent’ to strengthen security. The new coin will be introduced in March 2017 and for six months, will run parallel with the old pound which will then become obsolete and be withdrawn. All sounds good, except that anybody who operates machines that take coins will have to adapt them to accept both types for six months and then adapt them again to reject the old £1 coin. This is just another expenditure that companies and consumers will have to carry.


Egyptian economics IN a move aimed at trying to obtain a $12 billion (€10.8 billion) loan from the International Monetary Fund, the Egyptian government has announced a range of economic measures which whilst possibly bringing short term hardship to consumers should help to replace lost tourist revenue in the medium term. Measures include the floatation of the Egyptian pound which could see an effective devaluation of up to 50 per cent against the dollar and an increase in interest rates of 3 per cent to 14.75 per cent.

Jamie Oliver down under FOLLOWING the news that Australian company Keystone Group had gone into liquidation, Naked Chef Jamie Oliver made it clear that he wished to purchase the six Jamie’s Italian restaurants he had franchised to the group and bring them back under his control.

Directors looking for comfort WORKING on the assumption she is going to take any notice, the Association of Spanish Directors (AED) wrote to Theresa May following a meeting at the British Embassy in Madrid co-sponsored by the AED and the British Chamber of Commerce in which the matter of Brexit was discussed.


$32 billion (€29 billion) is the value of the company formed by a merger between the oil and gas division of General Electric and Baker Hughes in anticipation of an increase in the global price of both raw materials.


business & legal


The gist of the letter is that as the Ambassador had been fairly vague in his comments on the future of Spanish workers and trade in the UK, the AED wanted some assurance from the Prime Minister there would be no restriction on the movement of workers or capital once Britain left the EU.

ment, but it does seem a considerable way from being completed and then accepted by US regulators before seeing its new models navigating Spanish roads, although hopefully the Spanish version will be able to recognise turning cars who don’t bother to indicate. It is expected there will be showrooms in both Barcelona and Madrid which are considered the two most attractive markets for the electric cars.




Sanchez accused IT is almost as if the Spanish tax system is run by Real Madrid supporters as after high profile investigations and prosecutions of some of Barcelona’s finest including Messi, Mascherano and Neymar, the microscope is now firmly fixed on the financial affairs of Chilean and Arsenal star Alexis Sanchez. It is suggested the player ‘actively withheld’ tax amounting to a little under €1 million through a Maltese company during his period as a Barcelona player from 2011 to 2014 although this is strenuously denied by the striker’s agent.


E W N 10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca



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PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) COMPANY 3i Group PLC 637.00 5.00 Admiral Group PLC 1889.00 16.00 Anglo American PLC 1102.75 31.01 Antofagasta PLC 551.75 20.50 Ashtead Group PLC 1234.50 18.00 Associated British Foods PLC 2473.00 3.00 AstraZeneca PLC 4405.50 37.00 Aviva PLC 423.55 4.70 Babcock International Group 970.00 10.00 BAE Systems PLC 545.25 6.75 Barclays PLC 183.65 2.30 Barratt Developments PLC 461.80 4.50 BHP Billiton PLC 1212.50 46.50 BP PLC 451.70 5.25 British American Tobacco PLC 4545.75 26.50 British Land Co PLC 598.75 8.32 BT Group PLC 363.80 2.25 Bunzl PLC 2118.00 18.00 Burberry Group PLC 1446.50 31.00 Capita PLC 579.50 10.00 Carnival PLC 3858.50 13.00 Centrica PLC 210.60 0.20 Coca-Cola HBC AG 1711.50 -17.00 Compass Group PLC 1392.50 1.00 CRH PLC 2605.50 53.00 Croda International PLC 3257.00 -2.00 DCC PLC 6357.50 30.00 Diageo PLC 2067.00 8.00 Direct Line Insurance Group 346.05 1.50 Dixons Carphone PLC 322.90 -0.80 easyJet PLC 986.75 3.00 Experian PLC 1502.50 10.00 Fresnillo PLC 1595.00 -31.00 GKN PLC 306.95 4.09 GlaxoSmithKline PLC 1546.75 18.00 Glencore PLC 245.65 7.94 Hammerson PLC 552.75 6.50 Hargreaves Lansdown PLC 1164.00 9.00 Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC 1614.50 -11.00 HSBC Holdings PLC 620.75 25.90 Imperial Brands PLC 3850.25 29.50 Informa PLC 679.50 2.00 InterContinental Hotels Gr 3046.50 25.00 International Consolidated 441.70 7.00 Intertek Group PLC 3228.50 8.00 Intu Properties PLC 268.50 2.60 ITV PLC 169.75 1.79 Johnson Matthey PLC 3272.50 30.00 Kingfisher PLC 358.70 0.00 Land Securities Group PLC 995.50 14.50

% CHG. 0.79 0.85 2.89 3.86 1.48 0.12 0.85 1.12 1.04 1.25 1.27 0.98 3.99 1.18 0.59 1.41 0.62 0.86 2.19 1.76 0.34 0.10 -0.98 0.07 2.08 -0.06 0.47 0.39 0.44 -0.25 0.31 0.67 -1.91 1.35 1.18 3.34 1.19 0.78 -0.68 4.35 0.77 0.30 0.83 1.61 0.25 0.98 1.07 0.93 0.00 1.48

NET VOL 161.64 71.60 1,629.21 428.91 208.84 124.61 277.67 1,044.74 135.38 1,246.95 6,516.18 835.76 1,713.18 4,408.37 325.79 649.99 3,054.80 126.24 369.16 467.25 70.90 2,235.14 152.92 507.51 249.53 93.71 40.12 517.69 494.65 427.27 469.38 260.88 207.64 506.83 1,852.86 11,902.52 412.60 50.18 364.06 20,637.09 480.10 360.43 80.08 1,626.26 16.41 263.15 3,790.09 59.22 636.44 209.61

COMPANY PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) Legal & General Group PLC 210.65 2.91 Lloyds Banking Group PLC 55.78 0.32 London Stock Exchange Gr 2756.50 49.00 Marks & Spencer Group PLC 349.35 5.40 Mediclinic International PLC 890.25 12.00 Merlin Entertainments PLC 443.45 3.90 Micro Focus International PLC 2053.00 13.00 Mondi PLC 1576.50 28.00 Morrison (Wm) Supermarkets 219.45 0.20 National Grid PLC 1013.25 -4.25 Next PLC 4960.00 18.00 Old Mutual PLC 191.85 4.30 Paddy Power Betfair PLC 9037.50 105.00 Pearson PLC 729.50 3.50 Persimmon PLC 1687.00 8.24 Polymetal International PLC 902.00 -1.50 Provident Financial PLC 2863.00 38.00 Prudential PLC 1322.75 18.50 Randgold Resources Ltd 6697.50 -65.89 Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC 7111.50 132.00 RELX PLC 1390.50 8.00 Rio Tinto PLC 2808.25 80.50 Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC 723.75 11.00 Royal Bank of Scotland Gr 187.05 2.00 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 2127.25 36.50 Royal Mail PLC 490.90 2.60 RSA Insurance Group PLC 528.75 3.50 Sage Group (The) PLC 686.50 3.00 Sainsbury (J) PLC 256.60 1.80 Schroders PLC 2799.00 28.00 Severn Trent PLC 2250.00 4.00 Shire PLC 4491.25 63.50 Sky PLC 810.25 -0.15 Smith & Nephew PLC 1137.50 12.00 Smiths Group PLC 1387.50 15.00 SSE PLC 1578.50 7.00 Standard Chartered PLC 642.10 9.20 Standard Life PLC 338.00 6.80 St James's Place PLC 920.50 13.00 Taylor Wimpey PLC 142.95 1.20 Tesco PLC 199.78 -2.75 Travis Perkins PLC 1370.00 21.44 TUI AG 1041.50 14.19 Unilever PLC 3358.75 40.50 United Utilities Group PLC 923.50 0.14 Vodafone Group PLC 216.72 3.05 Whitbread PLC 3559.00 4.00 Wolseley PLC 4187.00 46.00 Worldpay Group PLC 280.20 -1.80 WPP PLC 1709.50 14.00

% CHG. 1.40 0.58 1.81 1.57 1.37 0.89 0.64 1.81 0.09 -0.42 0.36 2.29 1.18 0.48 0.49 -0.17 1.35 1.42 -0.97 1.89 0.58 2.95 1.54 1.08 1.75 0.53 0.67 0.44 0.71 1.01 0.18 1.43 -0.02 1.07 1.09 0.45 1.45 2.05 1.43 0.85 -1.36 1.59 1.38 1.22 0.02 1.43 0.11 1.11 -0.64 0.83

NET VOL 2,532.81 24,992.60 47.26 1,019.53 210.57 64.53 36.84 142.79 1,638.00 744.59 57.81 1,083.22 33.39 240.53 613.73 157.85 39.41 1,028.70 180.91 306.20 534.37 736.06 706.80 3,637.38 637.63 287.30 450.52 102.43 1,199.79 42.24 57.98 358.29 764.43 508.04 186.93 396.92 1,051.53 742.44 72.36 2,980.59 7,812.36 165.46 87.93 405.58 219.72 8,994.26 87.35 59.89 707.44 623.95

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1.12081 Units per €

US dollar ..................................................................1.105931 Japan yen .................................................................115.594 Switzerland franc..................................................1.081211 Denmark kroner...................................................7.43992 Norway kroner ....................................................9.08988 • Tel: +34 687 906 226


COMPANY MMM 3M AXP American Express AAPL Apple BA Boeing CAT Caterpillar CVX Chevron CSCO Cisco KO Coca-Cola DIS Disney DD E I du Pont de Nemours and Co XOM Exxon Mobil GE General Electric GS Goldman Sachs HD Home Depot IBM IBM INTC Intel JNJ Johnson & Johnson JPM JPMorgan Chase MCD McDonald's MRK Merck MSFT Microsoft NKE Nike PFE Pfizer PG Procter & Gamble TRV Travelers Companies Inc UTX United Technologies UNH UnitedHealth VZ Verizon V Visa WMT Wal-Mart

PRICE CHANGE %CHANGE VOLUME 166.48 -0.35 -0.21% 1.9M 65.51 +0.18 +0.28% 3.4M 108.84 -0.99 -0.90% 30.8M 139.54 -0.48 -0.34% 3.0M 82.31 +1.04 +1.28% 5.7M 104.78 -0.61 -0.58% 7.1M 30.19 -0.13 -0.43% 18.5M 41.69 -0.34 -0.81% 14.5M 92.45 -0.92 -0.99% 7.5M 68.61 +0.11 +0.16% 3.5M 83.57 -0.09 -0.11% 13.9M 28.44 +0.16 +0.57% 35.9M 175.92 -0.29 -0.16% 1.8M 120.91 +0.73 +0.61% 4.6M 152.43 +0.06 +0.04% 2.5M 33.61 -0.32 -0.94% 21.9M 115.11 +0.08 +0.07% 7.2M 67.76 -0.62 -0.91% 13.6M 111.04 -0.68 -0.61% 3.5M 58.82 +0.39 +0.67% 11.3M 58.71 -0.50 -0.84% 28.7M 49.96 +0.23 +0.46% 9.9M 30.00 +0.11 +0.37% 35.0M 85.08 -1.52 -1.76% 9.4M 104.67 -1.05 -0.99% 1.9M 101.33 +0.28 +0.28% 2.6M 137.71 -0.12 -0.09% 3.5M 47.08 +0.21 +0.45% 14.4M 80.36 -0.29 -0.36% 7.6M 69.16 -0.47 -0.67% 7.3M





Most Advanced ConforMIS, Inc. Cara Therapeutics, Inc. Hortonworks, Inc. PTC Therapeutics, Inc., Inc. Immersion Corporation Exelixis, Inc. Ambac Financial Group, Inc. Flex Pharma, Inc. EarthLink Holdings Corp. Air Methods Corporation

$ 9.09 $ 7.27 $ 8.02 $5 $ 15.60 $ 8.34 $ 11.91 $ 9.73 $ 5.37 $ 6.22 $ 28.40

2.30 ▲ 33.87% 1.38 ▲ 23.43% 1.45 ▲ 22.07% 0.81 ▲ 19.33% 2.50 ▲ 19.08% 1.25 ▲ 17.63% 1.71 ▲ 16.76% 1.33 ▲ 15.83% 0.70 ▲ 14.99% 0.80 ▲ 14.76% 3.65 ▲ 14.75%

$ 3.40 $ 5.10 $ 19.10 $ 19.37 $ 2.95 $ 3.95 $ 31.55 $ 3.83 $ 3.42 $ 7.15 $ 2.89

5 ▼ 59.52% 4.15 ▼ 44.86% 7.42 ▼ 27.98% 7.12 ▼ 26.88% 0.90 ▼ 23.38% 1.20 ▼ 23.30% 7.80 ▼ 19.82% 0.83 ▼ 17.81% 0.73 ▼ 17.59% 1.52 ▼ 17.53% 0.61 ▼ 17.43%

Most Declined MDC Partners Inc. Invuity, Inc. Liberty Global plc Liberty Global plc Cogint, Inc. VisionChina Media, Inc. Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc. OvaScience Inc. Clean Energy Fuels Corp. SAExploration Holdings, Inc. Innocoll Holdings


E W N 10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca


Where there’s blame there’s a claim

ONE of Spain’s poorest regions Extremadura was proud of the fact that a company called Zetta Smartphone has set up in the province and was producing what appeared to be a potential world beating product which had the potential to rival Apple in the long term. A great deal of excitement surrounded the fact that these technically advanced mobiles with large screens and most of the facilities expected in an iPhone were being manufactured in Spain and offered for sale at prices up to three times less than an Apple product. Taking advantage of perceived images, the company created its own special logo which was an acorn (representing the oak forests found in the province) with a bite taken out of it in homage to Apple. During October however, matters began to unravel for the company as it appears that rather than being a newly created Spanish product, what the owners were doing was purchasing two handsets made in China by local manufacturers Xiaomi and then

Credit: Cristina Nixau Shutterstock

BHS DEMISE: The end of an era. two-edged sword as it is most likely that any money received from the pair, would actually go into the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) and not directly into the BHS pension fund.

According to Sir Philip, he does have a plan to help the pension fund directly which would see a better result for pensioners and he claims that the chairman of the trustees of

the pension fund agrees in principle that his scheme would be advantageous and on the afternoon that he received the demand he offered £250 million (€280 million) to the fund but

it is believed that the Pension Regulator is looking for him to increase the offer to £350 million (€392 million). The actual investigation into the pension scheme which has

Mobile phone company in Extremadura caught out Thomas Nilsson flickr Wikimedia

By John Smith AS if it wasn’t bad enough for Sir Philip Green to be threatened with the removal of his knighthood over the BHS fiasco but he has now been advised that enforcement action with regards to the pension scheme is also being taken by the Pension Regulator. In a fairly unusual action which demands large contributions from both Sir Philip and Dominic Chappell who purchased BHS for a pound supposedly in order to protect the pensions of the 20,000 staff who were members of the BHS pension scheme. Sir Philip had indicated some time ago that he would be looking at options to top up the scheme which appears to have had a shortfall of some £570 million (€627 million) by the time that the company finally went into liquidation but with a lack of concrete proposals, the Regulator has clearly run out of patience. This could however be a

PHONEY PHONES: Zetta rebranded the Xiaomi Mi4 mobile phone with their own logo. simply rebranding them with the Zetta logo! The Chinese company does not export its products to Europe at the moment, concen-

trating on the Chinese market and exporting only to Singapore and Taiwan with an interest in newly emerging markets within Brazil and India.

As the Xiaomi phones were not exported to Europe and were therefore unlikely to be recognised, Zetta simply imported stock from a third par-

ty and rebranded them as if they were their own. When the ‘Zetta phones’ were put on sale on the company’s web site and through

resulted in a 300-page document sent to those considered liable to make payments was opened in March 2015 long before BHS closed and has therefore taken 19 months to complete. This action will not however result in any immediate assistance for the pensioners and former employees of BHS as those being challenged will have the absolute right to respond and then if they refuse to comply with the enforcement action, the matter will be sent for independent arbitration, but any decision has to be agreed by all parties. In other words, this gives the impression of being a formality which may not resolve the situation in the short-term but may be a sensible ploy which prompted Sir Philip in particular to finally release his proposal and if considered acceptable could see some relatively speedy activity rather than watch the matter drag on for years.

shops, they simply added about €100 to the price that they had paid for their stock and renamed the phones Conquistador 4.7 and Conquistador 5.5 Plus. Since this information has been revealed in specialist press as well as some Spanish language newspapers, the company website and Facebook page have ceased to carry updated news and the website says that it is in the process of being upgraded. Reports suggest that only a few thousand of these mobile handsets have been sold in Spain compared to the millions sold by Xiaomi but it does leave those consumers who have purchased phones from Zetta unsure as to whether they will have any rights in the event that their phone goes wrong or whether they can return the phone for a complete refund. For so many years, Chinese companies were accused of ‘pirating’ western product and manufacturing it locally so it is ironic that Zetta co-founded by Chinese national Cu Bojan should be reversing the traditional roles.


Photo Credit: Featureflash Photo Agency Shutterstock

China beginning to take over Hollywood

SYLVESTER STALLONE: With his daughters at the 2016 Golden Globes. By John Smith TURNING his back, possibly temporarily, on Spain, China’s richest man Wang Jianlin is over in Hollywood where he has just spent $1 billion (€900 million) on purchasing Dick Clark Productions set up by the former TV presenter. Owning as he does already, America’s second largest cinema chain AMC and Legendary Entertainment a film company which has co-produced a whole range of hit movies with Warner Bros including a number of Batman and Superman hits as well as the incredibly successful Hangover, Jurassic World and 300 he is certainly an important figure already in the industry. If you are producing films and then placing in your cinemas, it makes sense to purchase the company that produces the Golden Globe Awards presented annually by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association for film and TV with the show being part of the Dick Clark collection. The newly purchased company produces a whole raft of television shows and award ceremonies so is a natural ex-

There appears to be some fear that if he does manage to become a really major player in the film world that he will somehow indulge in trying to influence audiences to appreciate China and its rulers.”

tension to the company Mr Wang owns, Dalian Wanda which has until recently been predominantly involved in property development and ownership although it has diversified and has even taken over Sunseeker yachts as well as Atletico Madrid. It is no secret that the billionaire, said to be worth in excess of $32 billion (€29 billion), has been anxious to not only diversify but to spread his investments around the world and he has certainly been flirting with various major movie companies looking to possibly take over or partner with one of them. Despite his international expansion, he has also made it clear that he wants to en-

sure that Chinese culture is more readily promoted and accepted in the West and many politicians and pundits in America see him as a potential threat to the traditional Hollywood movie empires and would certainly look to resist any major takeover. Mr Wang has produced a hugely successful business despite the fact that China can still be quite draconian in the way in which it invades individual privacy and there appears to be some fear that if he does manage to become a really major player in the film world that he will somehow indulge in trying to influence audiences to appreciate China and its rulers. This is something he denies, saying that he is motivated by financial reasons rather than political ones and that in order to obtain the best financial results from the Chinese market then films have to be made which are aimed at that market. To this end, he has invested in the Hong Kong film industry and one of his companies is producing The Great Wall starring Matt Damon and well-known Chinese actors which has been financed from Hollywood but filmed and produced in China.

10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca




10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca


Foto Credit Christine/Flickr

Yesteryear comedies still make us laugh LEAPY LEE SAYS IT

OTHERS THINK IT AS someone who earns most of his living after dark, daytime television is often a major contributor to my psyche of amusement and entertainment. In a stroke of, probably financially instigated genius, the BBC has recently decided to present reruns of some classic comedies of yesteryear and what a treat they are. Open All Hours, with the wonderful Ronnie Barker, Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em starring the amazing talents of Michael Crawford, Only Fools and Horses with David Jason, plus the antics of the zany cast of Hi De Hi, are just a few of a whole host of sitcoms gracing the box this year. Of course, ITV have been doing it for some time with programmes like Rising Damp. Another great series of days gone by, containing marvellous dialogue, full of witty innuendoes, completely innocuous non-PC statements, pathos and hys-

CLASSIC COMEDIES: Are a joy to watch. terical situations, these classics of comedy are a pure joy to watch. And do you know the most grati-

fying aspect of them all? Not a swear word or statement of filth in sight. To me acceptable comedy on

TV died at the end of the 80’s. Since then it has sunk into a desperate morass of sleaze and slimy stagna-

tion, its success being measured by just how low its writers and performers can take it. And do you know why? These days there are no proper comedy writers around. The morons who churn out the modern day rubbish, whose success is generally judged by how often you can say the word **** in any given minute, should hang their heads in humiliated shame. Talk about taking money under false pretences. They should all be weeded out and sent back to the gutter where they unquestionably belong. Alternative comedy? I’m sorry, in my book, today’s alternative comedies are the unforgettable, utterly unmissable ghosts of comedy past. Long may they shine as examples of the presentations that should really be making us forget our worries and delivering us a real good laugh. Come back the likes of Galton and Simpson, Roy Clark and Ray Allen, all is forgiven! Keep the Faith Love Leapy



E W N 10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca





7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:45am 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:25pm 11:35pm 12:25am 12:55am 6:55pm 7:05pm 7:55pm 9:10pm





11:40pm 12:00am 8:15pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:20pm 11:30pm 12:00am

8:57pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:30am


8:00pm 8:30pm 8:57pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:45am


7:30pm 8:00pm 8:57pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:15am 12:45am

BBC London News The One Show EastEnders DIY SOS at Great Ormond Street Hospital The Apprentice BBC News at Ten BBC London News Question Time The Trouble with My Dad EastEnders Citizen Khan Have I Got News for You Still Game BBC News at Ten BBC London News The Graham Norton Show Would I Lie to You? The NFL Show BBC London News Pointless Strictly Come Dancing The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins The Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance 2016 BBC News Room 101 Strictly Come Dancing Planet Earth II My Mother and Other Strangers BBC News BBC London News Sikh on the Frontline DIY SOS at Great Ormond Street Hospital

7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:15am 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:05am 2:30pm 3:15pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 8:30pm 9:30pm 10:30pm 12:55am 9:00pm 10:00pm

11:00pm 11:30pm


BBC News and Regional News EastEnders Children in Need Rocks for Terry BBC News at Ten BBC London News Have I Got a Bit More News for You The Graham Norton Show

6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

The One Show EastEnders BBC News and Regional News Holby City Ordinary Lies BBC News at Ten BBC London News Prison, My Parents and Me Into Not Available

7:00pm 7:30pm

BBC London News The One Show BBC News and Regional News Watchdog The Missing BBC News at Ten BBC London News A Question of Sport Film 2016 Fifty Dead Men Walking

8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:30pm 12:15am

8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:15am 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:15am 12:45am

Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two The Mary Berry Story MasterChef: The Professionals Close to the Enemy The Apprentice: You're Fired! Newsnight Black and British: A Forgotten History

7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two The Mary Berry Story Mastermind Newsnight US Election Special Rick Stein's Long Weekends QI Newsnight Close to the Enemy

7:45pm 8:15pm 11:00pm

Talking Pictures Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Flog It! Rugby Union Rugby Union Balletboyz - Young Men Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom Red Tails

5:20pm 6:25pm 6:40pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:30pm

Operation Gold Rush with Dan Snow Will Britain Ever Have a Black Prime Minister? Black is the New Black Later... Sound of Black Britain: Groove and Grime She's Out of My League

7:15pm 7:30pm 8:00pm

Antiques Roadshow Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Celebrity Antiques Road Trip University Challenge Only Connect NW Newsnight Will Britain Ever

11:30pm 11:40pm 12:40am

11:30pm 11:45pm 12:45am 1:25am 4:00am

11:45pm 1:50am

9:00pm 10:00pm 11:45pm 12:05am

8:30pm 9:00pm

ITV Evening News Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale Coronation Street Paranoid ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London Undercover Murder, She Wrote

5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

Emmerdale World Cup Qualifier ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London World Cup Qualifier Highlights The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Jackpot247 Murder, She Wrote

5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am

Come Dine with Me My Kitchen Rules UK The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Unreported World Jamie's Super Food Food Unwrapped Gogglebox The Last Leg First Dates

The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Tipping Point Meet the Parents The X Factor ITV News and Weather The Bourne Ultimatum Jackpot247

7:30pm 8:00pm

Channel 4 News China Between Clouds and Dreams Formula 1 Non-Stop Underworld: Awakening Hollyoaks Omnibus Phil: Secret Agent Down Under

ITV News and Weather Off Their Rockers The Next Great Magician The X Factor Results Show I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! ITV News and Weather The War Poets Forbidden Love

Come Dine with Me My Kitchen Rules UK The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News George Clarke's Amazing Spaces 10:00pm Cutting Edge 11:00pm 60 Days in Jail 12:00am Gogglebox

9:00pm 10:30pm 12:40am 2:20am 4:25am

8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 1:05am 2:45am 3:40am 5:25am 5:40am 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm

11:30pm 11:45pm 1:25am

Coronation Street Gino's Italian Escape: Hidden Italy Coronation Street I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London The Agenda Jackpot247

Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Celebrity Antiques Road Trip MasterChef: The Professionals The Choir Live at the Apollo Newsnight NFL

5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 11:15pm 11:50pm 12:00am 1:00am 1:50am

Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale International Friendly ITV News and Weather ITV News London International Friendly Murder, She Wrote Jackpot247

6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

Celebrity Antiques Road Trip MasterChef: The Professionals Black and British: A Forgotten History The Premier League Football Show Newsnight No Such Thing as the News The Choir

5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street This Time Next Year I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! ITV News and Weather ITV News London

3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am

9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

11:30pm 12:00am

10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 12:55am

10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am

Last Heroes of the Somme Great Canal Journeys Humans Formula 1 The Sitter The Last Leg Killing Kennedy Kirstie's Vintage Gems Deal or No Deal The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Supershoppers Tricks of the Restaurant Trade SAS: Who Dares Wins First Dates The Lie Detective 60 Days in Jail

7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 11:00pm 1:50am 2:25pm 4:30pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 7:35pm 9:25pm 10:20pm 11:15pm 12:15am 1:15am 7:15pm 8:15pm 8:20pm 9:00pm 9:55pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:05pm 12:05am 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

11:00pm 12:05am

Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Secret Life of 4 Year Olds Married at First Sight Gogglebox 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Countdown Deal or No Deal Coast v Country Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Supervet 24 Hours in A and E Kids on the Edge Cutting Edge

7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm

11:00pm 12:05am

9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am

Home and Away 5 News Tonight Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railway Journeys On Benefits The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door Body Freaks: Instagram Perfect Skinny Brides to Fat Wives Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight The Gadget Show Dogs Make You Laugh Out Loud The Ant and Dec Story Most Shocking Talent Show Moments Super Casino

9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:30am 10:00am 10:25am 5:55pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 11:15pm 12:15am 1:15am

Darts Gold International Football Highlights Football Premier League Legends Football Football The Fantasy Football Club Football

Christmas Angel FIA Formula e Live: Marrakech 2012 5 News Weekend 2012 NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans That's So 1985 Football on 5 Super Casino

5:45pm 8:15pm 11:15pm 11:45pm 12:45am 1:15am 1:45am

Soccer A.M. Football Live International Rugby Union Football Football Football Football Football Football Football

Married by Christmas 5 News Weekend Married by Christmas Ice Road Truckers 5 News Weekend Pompeii 5 News Weekend Pompeii Red Dawn

5:45pm 6:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 8:40pm 10:40pm 11:40pm 12:10am 12:40am 1:10am 2:10am

Sporting Triumphs Football Boxing Gold Football Gold Football Football Football Football Football Goals on Sunday Boxing Gold

Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Winter Road Rescue Traffic Cops Chris Tarrant's Extreme Railway Journeys Can't Pay? Special: Agents Under Attack In Time


Premier League 100 Club Soccer AM: The Best Bits 2016/17 Darts Gold Darts Gold Live Grand Slam of Darts Soccer AM: The Best Bits 2016/17 Sporting Triumphs

5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Traffic Cops The Yorkshire Vet Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild Medical Mysteries The Hotel Inspector Returns Home and Away 5 News Tonight Ben Fogle: The Great African Migration GPs: Behind Closed Doors Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! Undercover: Criminal Activity The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door

11:00am 12:30pm 3:00pm

International Football Highlights International Football Highlights International Football Highlights International Football Highlights NFL NFL

6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 12:00am 12:30am 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 12:00am 12:15am 12:30am 1:00am 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 12:00am 1:00am 1:30am

Time of Our Lives Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold Live Grand Slam of Darts Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Darts Gold Sporting Mavericks Boxing Gold Darts Gold Football's Greatest Barclays Premier League World Live Grand Slam of Darts World Cup Qualifiers Rnd Up Sporting Mavericks Barclays Premier League World

E W N 10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca




Word Ladder


Fri Sat Sun -

Fri Sat Sun -


LEO (July 24 - August 23) This is a week when progress is fast and plans run ahead. Try new ideas and seek information to hone your knowledge. An organisation that is new to you offers insight and social involvement. An offer that thrusts you into the limelight might be avoided at first but would be to your advantage.

(October 24 - November 22)

instance, take up a craft or paint.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) There is something in you that needs a creative outlet. Perhaps you would like to write a book: memoirs, for

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) Being very much in demand for your talents this week means less time to spend socially, so it’s important to make time for loved ones at the weekend. Someone seeking your advice may simply be seeking your approval for an action they are going to take anyway.

VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) Although you have perhaps been looking to money-making ideas to progress finances, think also of alternatives. Perhaps there are areas of your lifestyle where money could be saved. Items that are not used could be sold for a profit and rid you of clutter.

CANCER (June 22 - July 23) There may be some opposition to your ideas as Pluto turns this week. Perhaps your natural charm just doesn’t seem to be working. As you have helped others in the past, make it clear that you expect a bit of co-operation.

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) Having suffered a bit of a setback last week, you may be feeling less confident. Revving up your social life will certainly help to bring spirits up again. Be with people who liven or inspire you in some way.



Saturday November 5

Saturday November 5

Tuesday November 1

















10 29

20 37



Fri Sat Sun -


Friday November 4


11 44

12 48




21 12 Cl 22 13 Cl 22 12 Cl

Mon - 21 11 Cl Tues - 20 11 Sh Wed - 20 10 C



MAX 34C, MIN 25C

MAX 18C, MIN 13C



Fri Sat Sun -

Mon - 33 25 Th Tues - 33 25 Th Wed - 33 24 Th

34 24 Th 33 25 Th 33 24 Th




19 13 C 21 14 C 20 12 Sh

Mon - 10 10 Sh Tues - 17 11 C Wed - 18 12 C



Fri Sat Sun -

Mon - 20 13 Cl Tues - 20 13 C Wed - 20 14 Sh

S Sun,




23 13 S 23 14 C 23 13 C



Cl Clear,

F Fog,

Sh Showers,

Sn Snow,


23 11 S 23 12 C 23 11 C

Mon - 21 10 C Tues - 20 11 Cl Wed - 21 11 Sh

C Cloudy, Th Thunder


How many English words of four letters or more can you make from the nine letters in our Nonagram puzzle? Each letter may be used only once (unless the letter appears twice). Each word MUST CONTAIN THE CENTRE LETTER (in this case R) and there must be AT LEAST ONE NINE LETTER WORD. Plurals, vulgarities or proper nouns are not allowed. TARGET: • Average: 9 • Good: 12 • Very good: 18 • Excellent: 23

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION lire, lore, peri, pier, pore, prow, riel, rile, rill, ripe, roil, role, roll, rope, weir, wire, wore, iller, loper, lower, oiler, oriel, peril, plier, poler, power, prole, prowl, rowel, wiper, plower, lowlier, WILLPOWER


Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3X3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.




Mon - 21 14 C Tues - 20 14 C Wed - 21 14 Sh

21 13 S 22 13 Cl 22 14 Cl


Fri Sat Sun -

Mon - 15 5 C Tues - 15 4 Cl Wed - 15 5 Cl



Benidorm TODAY:


15 5 Cl 16 7 C 16 5 C




ARIES (March 21 - April 20) A conversation with a colleague brings insights into how others live and it is quite an eye-opener. Friendships are particularly important this week.


Fri Sat Sun -

Barcelona TODAY:



Mon - 20 12 C Tues - 20 13 Cl Wed - 20 14 Sh


Fri Sat Sun -

PISCES (February 20 - March 20) Satisfaction with your love life is paramount this week, and the opinion of others seems important to you. Perhaps you are looking for an excuse to make a change. It is possible that a change is not required so much as a different approach.

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) Spirituality seeps right through the week. As you are feeling particularly sensuous, invite someone special to dinner or on a trip. Visit garden centres and plan ahead.


22 13 S 23 14 C 23 13 C



Almeria TODAY:

Thoughts come to you, perhaps in dreams, that are creative and energy boosting. Someone who recently moved out of your sphere is sadly missed but is in some ways still a part of you. A person at work who has been causing you concern needs investigation.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20) It’s a better week for travel with less likelihood of delays. Should you be feeling a little lethargic and sorry about recent events, just count your blessings. Consider raising some money and having fun by indulging in a garage or car boot sale.




SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21) Look ahead to see how exactly you can make this winter extra special. The future, excitingly, holds deep pleasures and delights. All you need to do is decide what they could be.

for next 7 days




Saturday November 5

Sunday November 6











25 34

28 44









Weather Alicante

Move from the start word (FLEW) to the end word (SHIP) in the same number of steps as there are rungs on the Word Ladder. You must only change one letter at a time.



Answers 1. AER LINGUS, 2. SEVEN (1970, 1980, 1987, 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1996), 3. The highest PEAKS/MOUNTAINS in Ireland, 4. HIBERNIA, 5. GIVE IRELAND BACK TO THE IRISH, 6. PÁDRAIG HARRINGTON, 7. SHERGAR, 8. CORK, 9. MARY ROBINSON, 10. BALLET/DANCE



10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca



Enjoy filling in the following puzzles and check the answers in next week’s edition


Code Breaker

Quick Across 1 Inquisitive (7) 4 Less perilous (5) 7 Fertile desert spot (5) 9 Sure (7) 10 Light hours (7) 11 Award (5) 12 Chooses (5) 14 Enthusiastic (5) 19 Ensnares (5) 21 Card game (7) 23 Ape (7) 24 Sailing vessel (5) 25 Take without the owner's consent (5) 26 Disloyalty to one's country (7) Down 1 Overcast (6) 2 Dangerous (5) 3 Association football (6) 4 Undress (5) 5 Easily broken (7) 6 Jogger (6)







Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 1 represents C and 23 represents V, so fill in C every time the figure 1 appears and V every time the figure 23 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.

1 Warrant, 5 Spain, 8 Romeo, 9 Reliant, 10 Akela, 11 Rider, 12 Belts, 14 Bowls, 19 Elder, 21 Apple, 23 Element, 24 Agony, 25 Rolls, 26 Retinue. Down: 1 Warmed, 2 Rampage, 3 Atone, 4 Tartan, 5 Salerno, 6 Award, 7 Notary, 13 Targets, 15 Lie down, 16 Meteor, 17 Batter, 18 Groyne, 20 Dwell, 22 Plant.

QUICK Across: 8 Awful smell (5) 13 Picture in the mind (7) 15 Irritate (5) 16 Blemishes (6) 17 Consider true (6)

English - Spanish


The clues are mixed, some clues are in Spanish and some are in English.

Across 1 Otro (5) 4 Good-looking (5) 7 In the same way (5) 8 Después de (5) 9 Still (even) (3) 10 Equipo (deporte) (4) 11 Pulgada (4) 13 Peace (3) 15 Queen (5) 16 Now (at this time, immediately) (5) 17 January (5) 18 Oats (5)

1 Drops, 2 Sunrise, 3 Greed, 4 Sweden, 5 Grapple, 6 Agile, 7 Slender, 12 Saddens, 13 Cassock, 15 Precise, 16 Closed, 18 Movie, 20 Tiara, 21 Yield.

ENGLISH-SPANISH Across: 1 Remolacha, 8 Ebano, 9 Ritmo, 10 Head, 11 Eggs, 15 Zorro, 17 Queen, 18 Sometimes.


Down: 2 Etapa, 3 Olor, 4 Aire, 5 Hot, 6 Hechizo, 7 Cousins, 12 Geese, 13 Bone, 14 Aqui, 16 Rio.

Down 1 Hatred (4) 2 Ama de casa (9) 3 Flash of lightning (9) 4 Hailstorm (9) 5 Alcachofa (9) 6 Work (4) 12 Libre (persona) (4) 14 Tin can (4)


1 Designs, 5 Grabs, 8 Ounce, 9 Examine, 10 Swindle, 11 Plead, 12 Stench, 14 Helper, 17 Dumps, 19 Lottery, 22 Envious, 23 Alike, 24 Speak, 25 Dead end.

18 Attach firmly (6) 20 Little (5) 22 Subdivisions of larger religious groups (5)

Cryptic The purpose of the Hexagram puzzle is to place the 19 six-letter words into the 19 cells. The letters at the edges of interlocking cells MUST BE THE SAME. The letters in the words must be written CLOCKWISE. The word in cell 10 (LOUNGE) and one letter in four other cells are given as clues.



LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION 1 Worsen 2 Desert 3 Pander 4 Sodden 5 Averse 6 Prince 7 Teethe 8 Inroad 9 Inhere 10 Evolve 11 Rotten 12 Teeter 13 Repeal 14 Spread 15 Larval 16 Teacup 17 Errata 18 Usable 19 Bushel

Across 1 Her playing around in German river (5) 4 Come clean about scones and loud music (7) 8 Spoiling for a fight? Build green billet (11) 9 Peat’s arranged around small Scottish plant (8) 10 Be unsuccessful finding an Ivy League entrance (4) 12 More hasty to produce a slice of bacon (6) 13 French city girl is in Civil Service (6) 16 Belt an item of footwear (4) 18 Amusing request by school worker (8) 21 Horribly garish train is perfectly in order (5,2,4) 22 Cease to pay cash outside the US (7) 23 A byword for a commercial age (5) Down 1 Gowns worn in Hydro-Bessemer process (5) 2 Complaint I will put to head (7) 3 Let spies exchange letters (8) 4 One hundred and fifty always bright (6) 5 Could do with a massage by the sound of it (4) 6 Additional non-speaking role (5) opened (7) 7 South African politician with the French 14 Sun god, after climbing once more, models (7) falls (7) 11 Alas, I may ruin an Asian country (8) 15 Some of cadet Al Edward's return is 12 Feels bitter about presents not being euphoric (6)

17 Spades, for example, for California roads (5) 19 It is said that these marquees are on edge (5) 20 Stare at contents of Google Docs (4)


E W N 10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca




Letters for Your Say should be emailed to or make your comments straight on our website:

Living in cloud cuckoo land DEAR Sir, with regard to your article (Why doesn’t England just leave the UK?), the simple answer to that question is that without England there would be no United Kingdom. Without England the rest of the United Kingdom member countries would struggle to cope financially particularly with the vast amount of money that the EU would still expect if, as you say, the UK would still remain, so nothing would change for Scotland, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar. You’re living in cloud cuckoo land if you think the EU would accept such a thing as you propose. When Scotland, and not forgetting all the Scottish people living outside of Scotland, get a second vote as Nicola Sturgeon is gunning for, then you’ll see just how much the ordinary Scottish person appreciates being a member of the United Kingdom, in or out of the dreaded EU. Len

Superiority complex THE answer to this is fairly straightforward. England thinks it owns the UK. Asking England to leave to them will seem like the renter kicking out the landlord. This is what the Scots and Irish nationalists have been arguing about for decades - the unjust dictatorship by the English elite over the rest of the island. You can’t expect England to voluntarily give up its will to dominate. It would rather take Scotland and Ulster kicking and screaming than leave them to their own affairs. Paul

Prospect of poverty MY husband and I live in Spain and are alarmed about the possibility of not receiving any annual increases in our pension once Brexit is completed. We are upset about this as it will condemn us all living outside the UK to a life of poverty in the future as prices rise over the years. The value of our pensions will drop and we will struggle to live. We do not ask or indeed receive any form of benefits from the UK but if we also have to pay for our healthcare as well as reduced pensions, then surely this is infringing on our human rights. Anyone living in the UK in this situ-

Photographs for possible publication should be sent by email with a full caption to:

winter fuel allowance. These are entitlements...not benefits! I’ve started a petition on regarding these issues. I am also in touch with and support Nigel Nelson. I also sent a letter to Downing Street asking for an explanation on all these issues. So far after over one month, no reply! A reminder has been sent. Dave

Brexit backwater

Cheeky immigrants I REMEMBER David Cameron (the chap who brought Britain to its knees then sailed off to Panama) said that the UK should only take in refugees from the camps out in Turkey and Lebanon, instead of those on the march across Europe. It was a nice PR-friendly, never to see the light of day, gesture but I respectfully disagree. Having seen the tremendous hard work these souls have put into crisscrossing an inhospitable continent, getting from Morocco to Manchester, from Syria to Sweden, I say let’s welcome them! These young men have proven themselves worthy of a passport and a job. They have the hunger for

ation would get help from the government to enable them to live, but we will have no such recall. We ask that the government think again about all the pensioners living abroad and leave things as they are. It is our generation who worked all the years, paying into the National Health Service so that we could have a pension for our old age. Ann & Colin

Vast majority? LEAPY, I suspect you already know the vast majority of Scots passionately want to remain in the UK. I still find it astonishing 45 per cent of my fellow Scots behave like demented turkeys and vote for Christmas. Ever since I

success most of our own youth unfortunately lack and might inspire a few to get up off the sofa. Some of the methods they’ve used are ingenious. The other day an Iranian commandeered a bloomin’ inflatable and almost paddled his way across the Channel. And he was a Christian software engineer! Our society could do with a bit of a shake-up so I suggest we treat those who made it this far with a little more respect. If we’re destined to become a cold, wet Caliphate anyway we might as well have a decent labour force to pump money into our sinking pensions. Raymond

was a kid I have detested the attitude of some Scots to hate the English. The Scots and English are so alike that our blood runs through common veins. Together with Northern Ireland and Wales we form a formidable union that has stayed the test of time and seen us through two World Wars. The incumbent ‘government’ in Holyrood is so incompetent and narrow-minded it simply can’t run a small country of five million people. The astonishing fact is it retains its large share of the vote despite its utter incompetence. The SNP mantra of anti-English, anti-Tory and ‘promise them the world’ still draws the votes from the deluded section of the Scottish electorate. It saddens me greatly so many of my fellow Scots can be so easily duped

- I thought my fellow citizens were well educated... how wrong I was! Alexander

Entitlements not benefits I WOULD like an answer as to how the UK Government thinks it has the right to freeze expats pensions and also to withdraw our winter fuel allowance. I was born and worked all my life in the UK. I am a fully paid-up National Contributor since the age of 15. I decided to spend my retirement years outside of the UK. That was my choice. As I have paid all my dues to the UK Government, I am entitled to all pension increases including the

THE Scottish independence campaign was as much a referendum on staying in the EU as it was in the UK. The unionists won by a narrow margin because they convinced many wavering minds to ‘vote with their heads not their hearts.’ That vote was annulled when Brexit beckoned, which is why calls for a second referendum are entirely justified. The wheels are set in motion. The demographic that voted against independence is dying off fast. Cultural changes, the need for localised solutions, and the democratic deficit of Tory rule make Scottish membership of the union untenable, especially if the country is dragged into some Little England anti-everyone post-Brexit backwater that is a stain on the pants of global society. Barry

Thank you DEAR Euro Weekly, Thank you for your great coverage regarding our various pensions organisations, and the work we’re doing to try and unfreeze them. I’ll report back once we return from our London visit. Very interesting court decision last week with respect to triggering Article 50. The UK government are appealing to the Supreme Court. Whatever side loses that challenge can then go to... the European Court of Justice! How ironic is that... Kind regards Nigel from British Pensions

WHEN YOU WRITE All letters, whether by email or post, should carry the writer’s postal address, NIE and contact number though only the name and town will be published. Letters may also be edited. Readers who have missed earlier correspondence can see all letters posted on:

The views expressed and opinions given in Letters are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements, and reject claims arising out of any action that a company or individual may take on the basis of information contained therein.


E W N Mallorca

10 - 16 November 2016





Advertising feature

Why do we need to watch our weight? WHAT do hypertension, high cholesterol, type-2 diabetes, heart disease, strokes, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, body pain, depression, sleep apnoea and cancer have in common? They are all associated with obesity - but you knew that, didn’t you? In 2015, Public Health UK estimated that the cost of obesity exceeds £27bn (€30bn) annually. In the USA, reduced productivity costs employers over $500 (€450) per obese worker per annum!! “Hey, but here in Spain we eat the Mediterranean diet so we are OK, aren’t we?” I hear you say! Wrong!!! Obesity rates in Spain are rising and currently stand at 22.9 per cent, with a further 39.4 per cent of Spaniards considered overweight. This is significantly higher than 2003 estimates indicating that your Mediterranean lifestyle is not exempt from the obesity pandemic. Cambridge Weight Plan (CWP) is a world leading weight-loss product available in over 30 countries. Creat-

WORLD LEADING: The Cambridge programme ensures clients safe and predictable weight loss.

ed 30 years ago in the UK it’s a balanced total or partial meal replacement diet providing supervised, safe, predictable and controlled weight loss. It offers a variety of meals, bars, shakes, and soups. The ‘easy fix’ option of bariatric surgery often involves irreversible procedures which rearrange your digestive tract or remove part of your stomach. Many operations cannot be

reversed and complications can be devastating!! CWP’s unique ‘buddy’ #metodocambridge programme ensures our clients safe, predictable weight loss, in the timeframe they choose, without

the need for surgery. Most clients want to lose 5-10kg, but many lose in excess of 30kg and some over 75kg in one year! Independent studies using CWP products have shown pre-diabetes can be reversed, early type-2 diabetes improved, and arthritic pain lessened. No other weight loss product has shown this! CWP España is currently expanding across Spain. If you are interested in losing weight, look for your nearest consultant at or call us on 952 47 59 54. We have numerous trained consultants between Gibraltar in the south and Javea on the Costa Blanca and Palma de Mallorca but are always keen to hear from dynamic people interested in becoming a consultant. Many of our consultants run very successful self-employed businesses. For further information call us on 952 47 59 54, visit

Boost your self-esteem FOR some, self-esteem comes easier than it does for other. It is about having love, self respect and recognition for yourself, but for those suffering how can you give yourself a boost? Appearance is often paramount to how people perceive themselves. Few of us are lucky enough to be blessed with model looks, but you can do something about it. Do more sport and become more active. It will get you on track to the physical appearance you want, but exercise also releases endorphins, also known as the happy hormones, which give a feeling of well-being.


10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca

Cocoa for a healthy heart Prostate cancer:

Ask The Doctor

Brought to you by

what to look for

SPECIALIST: Doctor Luis Perez Belmonte. - HOW often is prostate cancer present in middleaged men? Prostate cancer is extremely common, although its exact cause is unknown. Around 29,000 men in Spain suffer from the disease each year, making it the most common form of male cancer, affecting up to 50 per cent of males over 70. - When should you get checked? All men over 50 should get checked even if they present no symptoms. If any symptoms present themselves or if you have any queries before this age don’t hesitate to see a specialist. - What are the symptoms of the onset of prostate cancer? Symptoms can take a long time or even years to manifest. In the early stages, when the tumour is confined to the prostate, it may be asymptomatic or accompanied by mild obstructive symptoms such as urinary incontinence, interruption of the urine stream, increased frequency of urination, especially at night, difficulty urinating or a burning sensation during urination. When tumours are in an

advanced stage they can be accompanied by blood in the urine, infection, back pain and difficulties in sexual relations. When it comes to advanced tumours, legs may appear swollen (due to the growth of regional lymph nodes), bone pain can present itself (due to the tumour spreading to the bone) and even weakness or loss of strength in the legs can appear (due to compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots). It can also cause kidney failure, loss of appetite and weight loss or anaemia. - What is the prognosis for the disease? The evolution of the disease is usually slow, allowing early and timely treatment to control the disease in the majority of cases. - If diagnosed, what is the treatment? Treatment depends on how the disease evolves and data, such as the grade and stage of cancer, age and health status of the patient are important to deciding treatment. Currently there are four ways to proceed to reduce and/or remove prostate cancer: surgery, radiation, hormonal therapy and permanent observation.

If you have any questions for Dr Perez Belmonte, please send them to:

IT’S the news chocolate lovers will be waiting to hear, could chocolate help protect the heart? Cocoa in its natural form, unfortunately not milk, white or in a box of treats, can help to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is made up of hundreds of known compounds and many have antioxidant properties. These protect the body from destroying cells and causing premature ageing. It is also high in polyphenols, which, as well as being

an antioxidant, also have antiinflammatory properties that can maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and promote circulation, as well as reducing the so-called bad cholesterol; all factors in keeping a healthy heart. Studies also suggest that cocoa has antidepressant benefits and can boost the body’s endorphins and serotonin, known to give natural highs and the feeling of happiness. So next time you fancy something sweet, go for natural cocoa for a healthier treat.




E W N 10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca


Photo by Wikimedia

It’s the clown and the heiress Vicki McLeod

Family Matters I’M writing this as the news breaks that Donald Trump has seemingly been successful in his bid for the presidency of the United States of America. With the 20/20 vision that hindsight gives you, we should ALL have seen it coming. ‘The nation is in shock,’ ‘I can’t believe it,’ ‘It’s going to take a while to sink in.’ Really? I wish I’d put a bet on it. I didn’t want him to win, I would have loved a woman to have won, although I’m not sure that woman should have been Hillary Clinton. In fact, given the two choices that the American public had, which one would YOU have chosen to vote for? Neither of the options were good. An arrogant, bumbling, misogynist, racist millionaire with wandering hands, or a self-aggrandizing do-gooder with a political pedigree who threw a victory party before the polls had even closed. Putting aside the electoral college system Trump won the popular vote as well. Had Michelle

AMERICAN ELECTION: Donald Trump has been successful in his bid over Hillary Clinton. Obama or Bernie Sanders been running then maybe the result would have been different, but the American public have voted very clearly that they do not want the old boys (or girls’) club in charge any more. The result is the product of a nation that has been denied for

too long, just as the Brexit Leave vote was for the UK. You can’t expect nations to go along blindly voting for the same thing all of the time if the conditions they long for don’t materialise. Politics has been changing since the crash in 2008, moving

from the centre to further and further left and right. I don’t like it, the extremists are taking advantage of our baser feelings and needs. But this is democracy in action, and what the people need are more options to vote for. If all they have is a clown or an heiress to choose

from then they’re going to choose the one that appeals to them the most. The current political systems are too simple in their construction to reflect the different opinions of the public. Just as the UK voted to leave Europe as a reaction to the internal situation in the country and then realised with surprise that their vote did actually count and was important, I guess we may see some feedback from the States in the coming days echoing the same. Next to come we have France and Germany who will both go to the polls in the next year; I wonder how their politicians are feeling today? Perhaps modern politics will find itself with much more than a two party system, I can’t imagine how they might make any final decisions, but there must be a way to reflect fairly how normal people are feeling and what we want. Let’s hope that these alarming situations will prompt change in our political systems. The new world order is shaking itself down. The people have spoken, and I can’t wait to see how the establishment will reinvent itself.

Advertising feature

Stop and have a think about topping up your pension pot THE economic downturn of recent years has led to a reduction in the number of people in full-time legal employment. A consequence of this is that there is less money being pumped into the Government’s State pension ‘pot,’ by way of social security payments, to pay pensions. This problem, serious as it is, is being compounded by the fact that people are living longer and this means that the reduced amount in the ‘pot’ has to be paid out for longer periods of time. This is causing severe headaches for most governments (it is not just a problem in Spain) as to how the inevitable resultant shortfall can be funded. Reale Seguros, ever conscious of the situation, can offer you pension plans and endowment policies which can adapt to your changing needs and which provide a ‘top up’ to your state pension, so that you can maintain your standard of living when you retire, even if the Government decided that it was necessary to reduce State pension benefits. Reale also provide life policies to cover the many expenses which arise or continue

event of a very serious accident/illness, clients do not suffer economically. An extra feature in Reale policies is that cover is provided for orphans, should both parents die in the same accident, of twice the sum insured. Expats are always assured of a first class service when they deal with Reale, with the local Directors being fluent in both English and Spanish, and also with a 24-hour helpline available in both these languages and German too. So, why not contact them for a quotation now? With the huge backing and expertise of this organisation, how can you go wrong?

REALE SEGUROS: Can offer pension plans that will adapt to your changing needs. to exist when we die, such as funeral costs, taxes, legal fees, mortgages, and school fees etc. It’s very interesting the way that most people always insist on the best comprehensive cover for their cars, but appear to ignore the vital need for protection for their fami-

lies. Yet, for a very modest premium they could insure their lives, guaranteeing that their dependants do not suffer financial hardship when they pass away. In addition, Reale life policies also include permanent invalidity benefit, so that, in the

REALE SEGUROS C/- Puig de Teix 14 Santa Ponsa Tel: 971 695 077 Email: Web: (100 metres down road opposite post office)


10 - 16 November 2016



DANCE DREAM: There will be three disciplines.

Live the dance dream By John Smith FOR those who dream of becoming a well-known dancer, the company Dancing Stars are bringing their competition for the second time only to Mallorca where an expert jury will be judging a whole range of dancers aged from three upwards where they will compete in Vive tu sueño (Live your dream) hoping to reach the final in Madrid in February 2017. Dancers will be judged in three different disciplines, Fla-

menco, Urban and general Free Form in five different age categories defined as Baby, Child, Cadet, Young Adult and Adult. The contest will take place at the Cultural Centre Cap Vermell in Carrer de l’Agulla, Capdepera on Saturday November 26 and Sunday November 27 with sessions at 11.30am and 5pm both days. Whether you or your child are part of an academy of dance or an individual dancer, all are welcome as it is the intention of the organisers to find the best dancers in Spain who can then go on to the first European Live

Queen Forever hit Palma WHILST a DVD is fine, there is nothing better than being able to watch and listen to one of the world’s most acclaimed bands and Queen Forever are a Spanish tribute band who have devoted themselves to looking and sounding just like their heroes. The four members of this band have studied Queen and guitarist Adrian Pujades who plays Brian May even went as far as building his own guitar based on plans supplied by Greg Fryer guitar maker to Brian May. Close your eyes and it seems like Freddie Mercury is still alive and that the vibrant music of the band that had so many smash hits are actually playing in front of you and open your eyes and give a second take, but whilst they are not clones or identical twins, they certainly have more than a passing resem-

blance to the band and their choreography is based on often-watched Queen concerts. The entire band use the same instruments, amps and pedals as the band and their performance with added guest on keyboards, Peter Abraham who plays longtime associate Spike Edney guarantees that their two hour show at the Auditorium in Palma at 9pm on November 18 is bound to be worth the €30 ticket cost.




djile shutterstock


Your Dream championship to be held in Paris in September 2017. Auditions are taking place in just seven provinces around Spain and this is a great opportunity to try to live your dream. For more details of how to enter email cultura2011@aj or call 971 819 467.


E W N 10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca


Anna Nahabed Shutterstock

Muro Pumpkin Festival By John Smith IF you are at a loose end and fancy something different and very much a tradition (albeit recent) then you could do worse than to visit the 9th Annual Pumpkin Festival in Muro which starts on the afternoon of Friday November 11 with a storytelling. Then from 9pm, eight restaurants and bars will take part in a Ruta de Tapas where you can obtain Tapas and Pintxos and even hop on and off a mini train that will take you around the town. Things take off on Saturday November 12 with a Lantern Workshop at 10.30am and participants need to arrive with a pumpkin and means to turn it into a lantern. Then it will be possible to learn the secrets of how to grow a giant pumpkin in time for next year’s competition with speaker Salvador Mogas, president of the Association Giganteas. At 12.30 there will be a special children’s event followed by a children’s party at 4.30pm and a procession of lanterns at

COMPETITION: Who will grow the biggest pumpkin? 5.30pm with prizes of school supplies for the 10 best lanterns at 7pm. Apart from a wine festival with a very reasonable €5 entry fee and a festival of pumpkin cuisine at various restaurants around the town, the evening will finish with a Line Dance

Party at 10.30pm. For those who have recovered from the dancing and wine tasting, Sunday November 13 commences at 10.30am with various displays of virtual painting and the archaeological history of Muro, but the big event in more ways than one will be the

competition for biggest and best pumpkin where three independent judges will award the pumpkin prizes with seeds from the two winners being distributed to visitors. As the day progresses there will be traditional dance, a concert by the municipal band, a

poetry reading with a performance by Pep Siset accompanied by Joan Manel on piano as he reads from his new book of poems. All in all there will be something for everyone as well as plenty of pumpkin dishes to enjoy.

Stunning art in Palma BINISSALEM resident and artist, the painter and sculptor Lui s Mar aver spends a great deal of his time travelling the world and looking for inspiration, but always returns to his home in the small town near the centre of Mallorca where he finishes his creations. He i s cur r ent l y exhi bi t i ng hi s t r adem ar k m ul t i texture paintings of scenes from Amazonia, China, India, Jordan and Morocco at Rialto Living i n Pal m a open Monday t o Sat urday f r om 10am t o 8.30pm unt i l November 26.


10 - 16 November 2016


41 V I S I T O U R W E B S I T E W W W . E U R O W E E K LY N E W S . C O M Mallorca

Essential requirements for your home office John Graham The property expert

GONE are the days of expensive huge bulky electronic computers and equipment, todays equipment is slim light and affordable, so it’s now so easy to work from your home office and enjoy having the latest technology at your finger tips. My top 10 tips this week are based on what most home offices will require. I am assuming that you have a desktop computer, a laptop computer or the latest iPad or tablet. 1. It is essential your office is connected to broadband. 2. If you work with a laptop or tablet, buy a desktop monitor and connect to a big screen. 3. You will spend a lot of hours in your office therefore choose a high quality ergonomically designed office chair . 4. Buy an wireless router or network router, ideal for access to the internet and ideal if your office is working with more than one computer. 5. A very useful piece of equipment for your office is the multi purpose wireless printer,

SIT COMFORTABLY: Make sure you choose a high quality ergonomic office chair. scanner and copier, with full colour or black and white. 6. You probably use your mobile most of the time but you should also have a landline telephone with an answering system. 7. Make sure that you choose the right software to suit your business activity. 8. It is important to protect your data so consider having your own in-house backup or personal server. 9. To complement your electricity surge protector, you should also have an uninterruptible power supply or UPS,

it will save your work and safely shut down your equipment if the electricity goes off. 10. To protect your office system make sure you have re-

liable antivirus software installed and keep it updated. Next week we will look at an alternative home office.



E W N 10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca


A trip to the ‘towering pizza’ Colin Bird A weekly look Each week, Colin brings his slightly off-thewall view of the world to the pages of EWN in his own irreverent style.

WE have just returned from Italy, the land of large arm gestures, small cars and even smaller coffees, as our friend Adrian observed when presented with a tiny glass cup, containing a half inch of cowering espresso. We agreed later that he should have asked for a fresh cup because the one served had a coffee stain in the bottom. But you always think of these smart retorts after the event. Wine tasting in Tuscany was yet another box on my lengthy bucket list that I have been able to sign off as accomplished. As we were preparing to land at Pisa airport, the Princess turned to me and asked, ‘Will we see the towering pizza?’ This will come as no surprise to those who know my lovely lady who has her own unique turn of phrase, and this

ITALIAN LANDMARK: The leaning tower of Pisa. is yet another entry for The Thesaurus of Brummie Sayings. Prior to our flight from Gatwick, we stayed overnight,

as usual, at the Premier Inn. We are fans of the hotel chain: the standard of the rooms is consistently good, the staff friendly and helpful, and

the food is excellent. But I have been a little dismayed of late, to see the bank of Dalek-like automatic checkin machines at reception.

These are supposed to make the process easier which they certainly do not in my opinion. These gadgets have their place, but not for ageing old gits like me who appreciate personal service. So I automatically turned to the only breathing staff member in the vicinity, who completed our check-in manually in 90 seconds, which is what I call quick and easy. It’s not about saving time of course, just saving on staff wages. However, as we arrived at 1pm and the rooms are not available until 3pm, it was suggested that we relax in the coffee lounge. I have always thought this ludicrous in a hotel that is situated at an international airport. However, we were informed that we could go immediately to a room if we would like to pay £10 for the privilege. In other words there were indeed rooms ready to be occupied, but only at extra cost and with 700 rooms, a nice little earner for Premier Inn. They obviously believe that it is worth the erosion of their ‘customer comes first’ reputation. Shame.

Photo Credit: Voyagerix Shutterstock

Facebook blocks insurance firm John Smith Random thoughts... A BRITISH insurance company has fallen foul of Facebook which has told it that it may not proceed with a plan it had to offer young drivers a possible reduction in premiums if it was allowed complete access to their Facebook profiles. The trial which was to be undertaken by Admiral - which promotes its services on TV by showing a young woman dressed in an obsolete sailor’s outfit encouraging her staff to offer good deals – planned to use a computer review of the content of individuals’ Facebook profiles to analyse likely risks. If, for example, one of those reviewed was constantly referring to drunken nights out, bungee jumping and posting questionable images, then they would be likely to be considered less trustworthy than another youngster discussing flower arranging and making timed appointments for nights out. Facebook jumped in before the trial started saying that they could not

PRIVACY PROTECTION: No access allowed to analyse user risks. allow this to happen as there were serious privacy concerns, not so much centred on the person who had agreed to the review, but for those people who were friends who shared posts and timelines. “Protecting the privacy of the people on Facebook is of utmost importance to us. We have clear guidelines that prevent information obtained from Facebook from being used to

make decisions about eligibility,” said a Facebook spokesman. Indeed Facebook rules actually anticipate exactly this scenario and say “Don’t use data obtained from Facebook to make decisions about eligibility, including whether to approve or reject an application or how much interest to charge on a loan.” Admiral have been told that they can allow people to apply for a quote

OUR VIEW Photo Credit: Frederic Legrand COMEO Shutterstock

UK PM: Theresa May.

The British and Brexit AS a company owned by Britons who have based their lives in Spain and are very happy to have been accepted in this wonderful country, we are unashamedly pro-Europe as can be gathered from our masthead which proudly says Euro Weekly News. Part of our mission is to keep the large number of English speaking expats and the hundreds of thousands of annual visitors updated as to what is happening in our adopted homeland and how it will affect us all, especially as so many of our readers have to rely on pensions, many of which are paid in sterling and have to be converted to euros. It was no secret that the result of the referendum came as a disappointment and shock to us and it has hurt the financial position of many of our readers. There was at the time a great deal of speculation as to what would happen when Britain leaves the EU and scaremongering on both sides. A colleague was adamant it was pointless to speculate too early as no one knew what would unfold. How prescient he was as despite the expectation that the government could simply use the Royal Prerogative to initiate Article 50 this was challenged in court. The immediate result was a surge in the pound’s value, a dispirited Theresa May calling for an appeal to the Supreme Court and explaining what had happened to the President of the European Commission, statements of opposition from MPs like Kenneth Clarke and a general feeling things are by no means finalised. Plenty still want Brexit but there are now two imminent by-elections caused by Tory resignations which the disenfranchised may now vote in.

via Facebook and an Admiral App but they may not view the applicant’s posts. Clearly some youngsters between the ages of 17 and 21 will be disappointed that they can’t take advantage of this option to obtain a possible discounted quote for their first ever car insurance but there is no reason why Admiral can’t ask them to fill in a personality profile once they register their interest in obtaining a quote. Certain rights groups have applauded Facebook for their decision as they believe that the use of such analytical software is both unethical and intrusive. A cynic might suggest that this information is very valuable and therefore Facebook, which does sell advertising targeting specific users, has either developed its own analysis software or has been prompted to do so following this aborted trial. None of the media comments however appear to have taken into Now we account that after the purchase of want to WhatsApp, Facebook has made it hear your views. clear that it will be using comments by users to target advertising mesYOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE sages and although users can opt - YOUR OPINION out from receipt of these messages it is quite a complicated process.




10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca





How to clean your carpets and rugs ready for the winter NOW the cooler weather has arrived and the rugs and carpets are back out, housewives all over Spain are faced with the not-so-pleasant task of keeping them clean. Although some people opt for taking their

rugs for professional cleaning every now and again, they can be kept spotless easily enough with the right care. The most important part of rug care is regular hoovering. At least once a week, give all rugs a

Don’t keep in the bathroom

BATHROOM TOWELS: Should be stored elsewhere. By Eleanor Hawkins THE bathroom may seem the obvious place to store certain t h i n g s we t e n d to use there, yet by doing so we may well be damaging them without realising it. The hot and humid conditions within bathrooms, especially at this time of year when showers get steamier and doors are closed to keep the chill out, can play havoc on man y i t e m s u su a lly stored inside. Remove these things from your b a t h r o o m t o d a y fo r long-lasting results. Med i c i n e : wh i l e b ath rooms often contain a medicine cabinet, it is far from the best place to store your drugs as the moisture and temperature changes are bad for them. Towels: like linen, towels can pick up a mouldy smell if kept in damp bathrooms so should be stored in another, drier room. Jewellery: humidity levels in bathrooms will make jewellery tarnish faster even if you’re careful not to actually get it wet. Mak e - u p : a l l t y p e s o f make-up ought to be stored at room temperature, meaning the bathroom with its fluctuations is far from the best place to keep it. The same goes for nail varnish.

Perfume: again, warm and damp conditions will make perfume deteriorate far faster than you can wear it.

thorough clean using the rotating brushes of your hoover on full power. This will stop crumbs, pet hairs, etc becoming embedded. New stains can be removed by applying carbonated water and leaving it for an hour without

rubbing at the stain. It will disappear almost by magic! Older stains can be treated with a thorough brushing to get as much of the dirt as possible out, then applying a specific stain remover product suited to the type of material.


E W N 10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca


I’m not your mate! Mike Senker

In my opinion Views of a Grumpy Old Man I HAVE had loads of emails so thanks for that and in them are quite a few things which drive me nuts too. One from Peter has one of my pet grumps and that is being called ‘mate’ by someone that I have only just met. There are a few of my friends that we address each other as mate, but we have known each other for years. How can you meet someone for the first time and say, ‘Hello mate?’ One of my daughter’s ex-boyfriends did it. I’d never met him before and the first thing he said was, ‘Hello mate.’ Anyway, as I said, he is now an ex ... see ya later mate. I used to work the markets and in fairgrounds all around the UK and, to be honest, as a cockney it would not be unusual, when serving the public, if it was a female, I would call them ‘love’ or ‘sweetheart.’ But it was in a very casual and friendly environment and I think you will agree that it’s half expected when shopping in a street market. Where it is not acceptable is when being served in a very expensive restaurant. That’s why Mrs S got the right hump when the waitress said to her, ‘Is everything OK sweetheart?’ Now believe me we are not snobs, far from it, but it’s all

about being respectful. Maybe if we are in a cafe and we are regulars, but a top end restaurant, I don’t think so? Are we wrong? We don’t want to be called sir or madam just not sweetheart. Talking about manners - how hard is it to say thank you, in the form of a small hand gesture, if I stop to let you out in a line of traffic? I don’t want you to get out and present me with a gift or blow me kisses, but just say thanks for letting me out you miserable ignorant git. Another Peter shares a grump with me about the women that insist on getting their baby out of the car on the road side so you have their back door open and them manoeuvring their most treasured possession into oncoming traffic. Why would you do that? And if you ever try and say something all you get is a volley of abuse. Talking about mums and babies why on earth do they step off the curb onto a zebra crossing with their buggy without looking? I know they have right of way but sometimes if my car has just come off the roundabout and there is another car right up behind me, I need that extra second or so. It’s not fair on anybody concerned. Just stop for a second and give us drivers a chance to stop too. Something else I realised this week is that arguing with the wife is like reading a software licensing agreement. In the end you ignore everything and just click ‘I agree.’ Any grumps or comments email me at


E W N Mallorca

10 - 16 November 2016



Badger and Gail get on Housebreaking tips like a house on fire for new puppies House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and pet-sitting and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! To find a pet-sitter go to or call Lamia on 00 44 (0) 777 214 2742. She likes this way of travelling because it offers her security and independence. And staying in a home in a real neighbourhood can be great fun and more interesting than in a neutral hotel. And she has met some wonderful people on her travels. Do you need a sitter? Get in touch. House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and pet-sitting, and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! Register as either house-sitter or homeowner now with a 20 per cent off introductory offer using coupon code PERFECT20. To find a house pet-sitter go to www.House

HAPPY AT HOME: Badger no longer goes to kennels when her owners go away.

SAFETY ZONE: Get to know your puppy’s schedule.

David THE Dogman Listen to David on TRE every Saturday 10am to 11am Costa del Sol (Gibraltar/Sotogrande) 98.7fm (San Roque to Calahonda) 91.9fm (Calahonda to Motril) 88.9, Costa Calida 92.7fm Costa Blanca (Torrevieja to Elche) 105.1fm (Elche to Calpe) 88.2fm, (Calpe to Gandia & Ibiza) 104.6fm, (Denia to Valencia) 95.3fm Mallorca 103.9fm

SAFETY ZONE: Get to know your puppy’s schedule.


LIVING in Marbella for some years Badger’s owners have very much enjoyed their life in this location. They enjoy the lifestyle and having dogs at home as part of their family. They are based full time in Marbella but occasionally like to go away on holiday to discover new places themselves. When they go away they usually place Badger in kennels. However, as she is maturing they find her more relaxed and comfortable staying at home. They have just tried using a HouseSitMatch house-sitter for the first time and are happy with the result. Gail their house-sitter is from Scotland and likes spending time in Spain; sadly she lost her husband a few years ago. She is a semi-retired professional who finds that house-sitting in new locations offers her an opportunity to travel safely by staying in people’s homes and exchanging her services as a house-sitter and pet-sitter for free accommodation.

PUPPIES are adorable but they require a lot of attention so here are some tips to help with housebreaking your puppy. Feed your puppy with a superior brand of dry puppy food. Don’t give him table scraps and, if possible, don’t change brands. Don’t feed with tinned food as it loosens stools making housebreaking more difficult. An hour after eating, most puppies will defecate so you can control the time based on your feeding schedule. In order to housebreak your puppy, you have to supervise him closely at all times especially when outside his crate

or newspaper covered area. When he starts sniffing the floor, circling or running around, he is giving signs he needs to eliminate so bring him immediately to your designated area. If your puppy defecates in the wrong place, stop him by saying NO in a loud assertive tone. Apply deodoriser so he will not go there again. Potty place must be free of distractions: your pup must not consider play a part of potty. When your puppy is left alone in your home it’s recommended he’s placed in a crate or confined area. Confinement is good to keep your puppy safe and prevent housetraining accidents but it should not be used as a form of punishment. In a puppy’s daily life, there is a thing called temporary ‘Safety Zone.’ It’s the time owners can trust the puppy to hold his urine after he has defecated or was taken for a walk. To know your puppy’s safety zone, you should record for several days your

puppy’s urinating and defecating schedules then deduct 15-30 minutes from the period of minimum interval between elimination. Don’t let puppy drink a lot of water during that time to make the safety zone work. Grey zone and danger zone are those outside this safety zone. Don’t return from a walk until your puppy defecates. Before your puppy has the chance to soil on his crate or your floor, make sure to take him outside first thing in the morning. Puppies treasure company like humans do. It is vital that your puppy gets to interact with lots of friendly people. Family or friends can visit your home if your puppy is not immunised yet. However, if your puppy already has the necessary vaccines, it is a must to let him interact with the outside world. Every good deed must come with a reward especially for puppies. If your puppy feels that you are satisfied with his good behaviour, then he will feel happy too.



10 - 16 November 2016









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E W N 10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca


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10 - 16 November 2016 E W N




Suzuki Baleno: Road Test by Nick Fletcher

THE Baleno is Suzuki’s new five door hatchback, more spacious than its Swift stablemate and featuring a punchy yet economical 1.0 litre turbo-boost petrol engine. Prices start at £12,999 (€14,607) and while there is no diesel version, there is also a 1.2 petrol model with a hybrid system which offers a combined fuel figure of 70.6 mpg. Suzuki says most buyers will opt for the 1.0 litre turbo model, and this is the version I tested recently. It delivers nippy performance: top speed is 124 mph, 0-60 mph time is 11.4 seconds and it returns 62.7 mpg combined. The stats are fairly typical of the sector, which includes rivals such as the Ford Fiesta, Skoda Fabia and Hyundai i20, but the Baleno

scores well with generous equipment levels and greater interior space. All models get air-conditioning, satnav and Bluetooth, and my test model, in SZ5 trim at £13,999 (€15,731) featured 16-inch alloy wheels, chrome detailing to grille, door-handles and tailgate, door mirrors with built-in signalling and rear privacy glass. It also had tyre pressure monitoring, adaptive cruise control, keyless entry with push-button-start, a gear-shift indicator, DAB radio and USB and AUX connectors. On the road, the three-cylinder 1.0 litre turbocharged engine has 110 hp, so it offers decent response and gives a nimble feel without having to

work it hard. Baleno is a well-balanced car, displaying plenty of grip and composure, and while the suspension set-up is a little softer than some, it gives excellent comfort without compromising the handling. The Baleno’s elegant exterior is sleeker than most rivals and the cabin is well designed, with a simple, straightforward dashboard layout. The infotainment unit is set high up to be seen and operated easily. Occupant space is outstanding by class standards both front and rear, and the boot is big, 320 litres with the rear seats in use, and folding them down more than doubles capacity. The Baleno is a welcome addition to the hatchback sector. Though not the cheapest, it does offer more standard equipment than most with more useable space, and the bonus of Suzuki’s fine record for reliability.




10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca


Call for government tax support THE Association of Yacht Clubs of the Baleares (ACNB), which represents 24 different clubs in the region is a non-profit organisation and speaks for some 20,000 active members, held its annual meeting at the headquarters of the Club Maritimo Molinar on November 4. After recognising the importance of the Balearic sailors in sporting competitions around the world, including this year’s Olympic Games in Rio, representatives turned their attention to a matter which has been a bone of contention for many years and that is the matter of financial support for the clubs and sponsors of regattas and nautical events. The ACNB argues that a great deal of financial benefit accrues to the Islands thanks to activities of the yacht clubs in bringing tourists to participate in competitions, to watch regattas, visit boat shows and to generally sail in local waters. In addition of course, the companies which supply services to the yachtsmen provide work for local people who in turn support the economy by paying taxes. Many of the events can only be undertaken if they receive financial sponsorship from third party companies looking to promote their products and with so many countries wooing sponsorship deals, the Balearics would stand a better chance of obtaining more sponsors with larger budgets if offered some form of tax incentive. The re-elected association president Miquel

Photo Credit: Pexels

By John Smith

NAUTICAL EVENTS: Often can only take place if they receive financial sponsorship from third party companies. Suñer made it clear that he believed that existing law allowed for the new government to grant tax advantages to the clubs and associations involved with recreational yachting and despite the fact that this support has been requested and ignored for

many years, he now believes that there is every possibility that something positive will be forthcoming. Apart from this important matter, attention was turned to the renewal of the concession which allows the El Molinar club to exist and

undertake its work which is under review by the Balearic Ports Authority (which now has a representative of the ACNB on its board) and all parties at the meeting agreed that this was something that needed to be pushed through without further delay.

Photo Credit: Benetti Qui n

A SCIENTIFIC review which was undertaken over a period of 17 months at the turn of this century identified the fact that there were examples of cyanobacteria activity in the Bay of Palma which was caused by pollution and turned some parts of the sea bed a red colour. Now, following regular discharges from a sewage plant which comes out in the area of Ciudad Jardín there is some fear that the pollution will become more serious as although the identified Gaceta Nautica cyanobacteria is not considered immediately toxic, it may reduce the amount of oxygen in the water which could cause problems for local underwater plant life. Without apportioning blame or trying to find a scapegoat, researchers at the University of the Balearics are trying to draw attention to the fact that money needs to be spent to resolve the situation in the long-term otherwise the area could become less attractive to locals, tourists and the boating community.


Pollution problems in the Bay of Palma

AWARD WINNING: The MY Ironman manufactured by Benetti.

Superyacht design award winner AT the International Superyacht Society (ISS) Annual Gala for Design and Leadership, held in early November at the Broward Center for the Performing Art in Florida, Italian manufacturer Benetti was one of the evening’s main successes as its MY Ironman won the 26th ISS Best Power Design Award in the category 24 to 40 metre vessels. Benetti is part of the Aziumt Benetti Group that was first established in 1873. It is the world’s largest private capital luxury nautical group and has three yards in Italy as well as offices in Livorno, Fort Lauderdale, Dubai

and Hong King. Ironman is the first of five Class Fast Displacement Vivace 125’ yachts sold which is described as having a 38 me tre s e mi-w ide body wi t h t hr ee decks plus the sun deck. The yachts are characterised by a modern design and packed with hightech content. This award recognizes the collaboration between Benetti and the designers, Stefano Righini who developed the exterior design, and interior designer Alfred Karram Jr. Sold to a young owner, the Ironman

interiors were inspired by the famous cartoon and movie hero who is an inventor in love with technology, hence the extremely modern style of the vessel. The yacht also has excellent technical performance with a specially designed hull form containing a wave piercer. It is also equipped with an innovative series of Azipods (torpedo like propellers) developed by the shipyard i n col l abor at i on wi t h Rol l s- Royce which will give a comfortable ride at any speed up to 24 knots.


E W N 10 - 16 November 2016 / Mallorca


Congratulations go to number one Andy Murray, Chelsea and Ireland Tony Matthews International Sports A former player and now the world’s most prolific author of football books with almost 150 published since 1975, Tony is also the sports correspondent for Spectrum Radio and lives on La Pilica in the Sierra Cabrera Mountains overlooking Turre. Costa de Almeria

LAST weekend (Friday-Sunday inclusive) there were enough hours of sport on TV (and live outside if you chose to travel) to please everybody, young, old, bed-ridden, whatever. And there were some superb team and individual performances… effectively there were plenty of fireworks on and around 5 November! TENNIS • Last Saturday afternoon, Andy Murray became the first Brit to reach number one in the world rankings when Milos Raonic pulled out of France’s BNP Paribas Masters semi-final, giving the Scot a free passage into the final. Murray, second behind Novak

Djokovic in the world for 76 weeks, went on to beat American John Isner in the final to claim his eighth title of 2016 (six on the APT tour, plus Wimbledon and Olympic Games triumphs). Rankings were introduced in 1973. • GB’s Johanna Konta, by reaching the semi-final of the Elite Open in China, will end 2016 in the women’s top 10. Petra Kvitova won the final. • The annual ATP World finals are taking place in London (November 13 - 20). FOOTBALL • Recent PL action saw Chelsea, playing superbly with some brilliant goals hammer Everton 5-0 to top the table temporarily before being overtaken by Liverpool who crushed Watford 6-1… Manchester City were held 1-1 by Middlesbrough… Arsenal drew 1-1 with Spurs in the London derby… WBA ended Leicester’s 20-match unbeaten home

run, winning 2-1… 10-man Sunderland gained their first win of the season, defeating Bournemouth 2-1… Zlatan Ibrahimovic netted twice as Manchester United won 3-1 at Swansea… Burnley squeezed home 3-2 against Crystal Palace… Hull hit back to beat Southampton 2-1… and Stoke drew 1-1 at West Ham. • In the Championship, leaders Newcastle beat Cardiff 2-1… Leeds won 3-2 at Norwich… Brighton (with a 50yard lobbed goal by Steve Sidwell) beat Bristol City 2-0… Derby 3-2 won at Wolves who now have Paul Lambert in charge… Aston Villa defeated Blackburn 2-1… and after their 1-1 draw at Nottingham Forest, QPR sacked manager Jimmy-Floyd Hasselbaink. • In the FAC first round, nonLeague Macclesfield won 1-0 at Walsall… Eastleigh held Swindon 1-1… and Westfields, t h e

lowest-ranked team in the competition, drew 1-1 with Curzon Ashton. • Celtic beat Inverness CT 3-0 to go 10 points clear in the SPL. • Congratulations to Edinburgh City who won their firstever League game in Scotland, beating Montrose 1-0… and Berwick (reduced to eight men) drew 1-1 with Cowdenbeath. • There are no PL/Championship games this weekend owing to WC qualifiers which include England-Scotland and Northern Ireland-Azerbaijan tomorrow and Austria-Republic of Ireland, Spain-Macedonia and Wales-Serbia on Saturday. • England meet Spain in a friendly at Wembley next Tuesday. • Congratulations to Manchester City (3-1 v Barcelona) and Southampton (2-1 v CHELSEA FC: Cahill and Costa.


ANDY MURRAY: Ranked World’s No 1.

ter Milan) on their excellent ‘European’ victories. Nothing to say about Manchester United! RUGBY UNION • Ireland (with five tries) pulled off a memorable 40 points to 29 victory over New Zealand before 62,300 fans at Soldier Field in Chicago last weekend - their first-ever win over the All Blacks in 111 years, while also ending the Kiwis’ run of 18 successive wins. • In other internationals, the Barbarians drew 31-31 with South Africa and Australia beat Wales 32-8. • In the Pro12 League, there were victories for Munster 33-0 over Ospreys and Edinburgh 28-17 against Ulster. • This weekend we have ‘friendlies’ involving England-South Africa, IrelandCanada, Scotland-Australia and Wales-Argentina.

CRICKET • The first of five Tests between India and England started in Rajkot yesterday. The tourists are without fast bowler James Anderson who’s says he’ll be fit for the remainder of the series. India, the top-ranked country in the world, have the best batsman in captain Virat Kohli and their spinners aren’t bad either! The second Test is in Visakhapatnam from November 17 - 21. ROUND-UP • Five days ago England beat Scotland 38-12 in the firstever Rugby League international between the two countries. • On Sunday, Valencia stages the final MotoGP of the year while the F1 cars and drivers are in Sao Paulo for the Brazilian Grand Prix. • Boxer Manny Pacquiao beat Jessie Vargas to reclaim his WBO Welterweight title on his return to the ring. • Tiger Woods (after a practice round) will play in the Bahamas Heroes World Challenge from December 1 - 4. • Champion racehorse Highland Reel won the 2016 Breeder’s Cup, and a fund, in aid of jockey Freddie Tylicki who was paralysed after a fall at Kempton Park 10 days ago, has now topped £150,000.

IRELAND RUGBY: Won over New Zealand.

DID YOU KNOW? Rochdale player Calvin Andrew has been banned for 12 matches by the FA who found him guilty of violent conduct in the recent derby with Oldham. The referee missed the incident but the FA took action after video replays showed Andrew elbowing Peter Clarke in the face.

56 E W N


10 - 16 November 2016 GREAT BRITAIN’S Johanna Konta reached the semi-final of the Elite Open in China and will end 2016 in the women’s top 10.


Mallorca’s best guide to local sport


Second Victory for El Toro RC ON a cool Saturday afternoon the rain held off for just long enough for El Toro RC and CR Escolar Capdepera to finish their match, although the windy conditions made kicking difficult. The hosts began strongly, attacking from the kick-off, however, it was the visitors who scored the first points after being awarded a penalty. Even though Capdepera tried their hardest to keep their defence strong and not let El Toro RC through, their inexperience showed as they were unable to prevent their opponents from scoring a total of 14 tries. Rodrigo Doiztua had a successful game scoring four of the home side’s tries and kicking six of the conversions. Tries also came from Alex Pages, Nick Demangeat, Tommy Cormican and Gustavo Potchi. RC Capdepera continue to improve with each match and never let themselves give up or get disheartened. El Toro RC showed some sequences in which they passed well and communicated, however they still have plenty to work on before their next match against a stronger team. In the tough match between Union RC and RC Ponent, it was the stronger and better organised boys in green and white who finished victorious and although Union RC never gave up, nerves got the better of them on occasion and they made mistakes which cost them the match.

Nick Demangeat about to put the ball down for a try. The final score was 14 points to 24. Bahia RC had a successful trip to Menorca as they beat their hosts by 26 points to 3 and Ibiza

RFC failed to turn up to play in Son Roca against Shamrock RFC thereby forfeiting the match. U16 and U18 teams in Pollensa

The next series of matches for the players in the U16 and U18 categories took place in Pollensa with wins for RC Ponent in the U16 and for El Toro RC in the U18. U14 Baleares Training Session The U14 players from clubs around the island were put through their paces by Sean Judkins and Fede Etchegaray on Saturday as they were given the chance to try for a place in the Baleares team which will participate in future tournaments. Movember As the month of November is now underway many of the island’s rugby players have begun to grow a moustache in support of the Movember movement. This started in Australia in 2004 when a group of young rugby players got together to raise awareness of cancer in men and which subsequently took off round the world. Participants are sponsored to grow a moustache, often an elaborate one, and the funds collected are used to change the face of men’s health. Upcoming Matches There are no senior league matches planned for next weekend but the younger players will be in action. Corsaris RFC will be hosts for the Rugby Day and the U14 players. The Baleares U16 players are heading to Barcelona and the U18’s have a training session in Son Roca. The girls’ teams have the next series on matches in Son Caliu, hosted by El Toro RC.

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