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TM Fishing Club

ON Wednesday March 22 we fished section B3. The fishing was nowhere near last week’s great day with only 13 fish caught. Best carp weighed 4.5 kgs and a total combined catch of 28 kgs.

Temperatures were around 25 degrees. Water temperature was16 degrees. Three dry nets out of eight competitors.

Not great fishing.

Overall a disappointing day’s fishing after last week Results for the day were as

Exit for Javea


1. Jeff Richards, seven fish, 10.25 kgs, 2. Ray Turvey, three fish, 9 kgs, 3. Paul Hall, one fish, 3.275 kgs, 4 Frank Povey, one fish, 3.25 kgs, 5. Graham Sewell, ioe fish, 2.25 kgs

For further information please contact Frank Povey on 966 490 338 or Email frankpovey1@gmail.com

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