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Tips from the top

KNOWING what you want to do in life is one issue in itself, but knowing how to start can be another one entirely.

That’s why the Euro Weekly News has put together this list of some of our tips, collat ed from successful businesswomen, on how to achieve success in your own venture.

Follow your heart

Working is something you have to do day in and day, so make sure its some thing you enjoy do ing. Having passion for what you are selling or the service you are offering, is the best way to start as this will be your driving force.

Do your research Whilst passion is great for your business idea, you need to make sure what you are offering is what people want to buy. Taking some time out to do market research could

THE global feminist movement is now in its fourth wave. From demanding the right to vote in 1840s United States and the rebellion of the 1990s through to the present day, the tireless ef forts of brave and strong women continue to be vital in bringing about fundamental changes to society at large.

In each period of history, the struggle against the established patriarchy has yielded revolutionary results in areas hitherto said to be out of bounds for women, to the ex tent that the rights conquered now seem obvious and un questionable - while at the time they were anything but.

The world of politics is no dif ferent and in fact could be con sidered a paradigmatic exam ple. Even a fleeting look back at photographs of governments and other major decision-mak ing bodies throughout history in the West creates a very definite image in the mind of the viewer: old white men in suits.

While increasing numbers of women have gradually entered the political sphere on different levels throughout the years, very rarely have they made it to the top of the ladder - and in the very few instances they have, they pay off in the long run.

Start small You need to get the cash flow going as soon as possible, but do not overstretch yourself to start with. Focus on getting your product right and treat those first (and second, and third, and every client along the way) customers as kings and queens; their experience of your company could make or break

Be brave Start now - there is never a perfect time, perfect image, perfect weight, or perfect set of circumstances. Put yourself out there now. Now is the perfect time. Whether working from home or setting up an office or shop, always check with your local town hall and lawyer about how to run your own business.

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