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A paradigm shift

male political leader in history is Margaret Thatcher. The first name and face to come instantly to mind for most when considering women in politics is also inextricably linked to negative connotations, partly due to the policies she pursued but largely also due to the image of the ‘iron maiden’; cold, harsh, calculating, tough… charac teristics, in fact, one would readily equate to a man in power.

But change appears to be afoot. With the EU still coming to grips with the absence of its undisputable leader - and often saviour - Angela Merkel, fellow compatriot Ursula von der Leyen has risen to the challenge of piloting the European response to the war in Ukraine and the ensuing economic crisis.

Some 4,000 children benefit from the charity’s work, which also operates in Haiti and South Africa. Shakira is also involved in advocacy efforts to raise awareness of children’s needs in Colombia, Latin America and around the World. She has spoken in numerous prestigious settings including the Oxford Union debating society. She also serves on the President’s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics in the United States and is a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations children’s fund, UNICEF.

Spain has never had a woman prime minister, but that too could change this year as Yolanda Díaz, current vice-president and Employment minister, is preparing to become the first female candidate ever for a major party to throw her hat into the ring for the general elections in November.

Meanwhile, Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand and Nicola Sturgeon in Scotland made headlines the world over recently when they decided to step down from their posts due to feeling that they no longer had “enough in the tank to do it justice”, in the words of Ms Ardern.

have faced much more severe criticism than their male counterparts.

Again, it is paradigmatic that perhaps the most famous fe -

Still in the UK, fast-for ward to Theresa May and Liz Truss. Irrespec tive of their specific poli cies or the impossible historical contexts in which they rose to pow er - however fleetingly in the latter’s case -, their treatment by their peers in Parliament, the media and the general public differed enormously from that of Boris Johnson or Rishi Sunak.

Both resignations shook the world of international politics as it was practically unheard of for a standing leader to voluntarily relinquish their power, as opposed to clinging onto it for dear

This, added to their focus on social issues as opposed to personal gain, has posed the necessary question: would the world be a different place if it were ruled by women instead of men?

Perhaps we are finally about to find out.

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