2 minute read

Lucky escape

titude and laws of a country that considered all females second class citizens who were obliged to cover themselves completely, I realised that a beautiful white girl, clad merely in a bikini, was undoubtedly considered trash and easy pickings; while a white foreigner could be permanently removed with a minimum of problems. Time for some extremely diversive actions.

Without moving my head I quietly whispered the dangers to my now comfortably ensconced female companion. Due to her airline status, she was pretty astute and duly proceeded to follow my muttered suggestions. I told her to slowly get up and without lifting the towels or any picnic items, to move over to the car as though she was retrieving something we needed; I then told her to call me to help. This she did. When I heard my name I casually got up and moved leisurely over to the car.

On reaching it I opened my door and as she was already in the passenger side jumped in; quickly slamming both doors of the American Chevy and turning the key, we basically took off. Not quite the take­ off she was used to, but one that was certainly necessary. In front of us streaming into the rough track and making wild gestures and shouting were about a dozen or so more Arabian tribesmen.

What could I do? I simply kept driving straight at them. Not fast enough to injure anyone ­ as long as they got out of the way, which they duly did. We plunged through the crowd and in clouds of sand and dust thankfully burst free. Believe me, had we not I wouldn’t be here to write this piece. (Hurray!) This is just one glaring example of female inequality in Muslim countries.

If this is the case why does the British left so strongly support Islamic communities and also encourage female equality? It’s impossible. They simply don’t mix and never will. Ask Mr Khan. Keep the faith Love Leapy leapylee2002@gmail.com expat radioscotland.com Mon and Wed.


AGATHA CHRISTIE’S novels have been a staple for decades, but this week Harper Collins announced their decision to edit what it deems offensive language from some of her classics.

The changes will affect some of Christie’s most iconic characters, including Poirot and Miss Marple, as well as the hugely popular novel Death on the Nile. But is this censorship or just a sign of the times?

One could argue that after the days of Bernard Manning and Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown the world was definitely due a change.

But has the pendulum now swung too far the other way? And are we now just attempting to whitewash history by taking references to ‘nubians’ and ‘natives’ out of classic novels? After all, those were commonly­accepted terms at the time Christie wrote, and if we now remove them do we risk losing examples that could teach newer generations exactly how far the world has come, and why many have fought to change it.

A further risk in what could be seen as censorship is that by telling people what they shouldn’t be doing/reading/thinking, does this really encourage them to question their own view points? Or just alienate them further?

One thing is clear, the debate is far from over.

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