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New Finnish government


Marin’s party has been defeated in extremely tight parliamentary elections held on Sunday April 2. The centreright National Coalition Party led by Petteri Orpo, 53, received the most votes followed by the right­wing Finns Party and the Social Democrats.

“Democracy has spoken. The Finnish people have voted and the party of democracy is always something wonderful,” Marin said when the results were practically closed. Marin, 37, is very popular but Orpo was successful in ar­ guing that public spending needs to be reduced and that Finland’s debt is too high, according to a news source. Public debt has reached just over 70 per cent of GDP since Marin took office in 2019, according to Al Jazeera.

THE 30 ­ year era of Milo Djukanovic as his country’s leader ended in Montenegro on Sunday, April 2. He had led the republic in various guises since 1991, but for the first time in his political career, Djukanovic suffered a personal defeat in the elections. He lost to a ‘random candidate’ ­ economist Yakov Milatovich, who only entered politics three years ago.

To the main slogan of Djukanovic’s election campaign: ‘Lovely. Who else?’, the people of Montenegro answered: ‘Anyone, but not Milo!’, as reported by

The National Coalition Party won with 20.7 per cent, (48 seats) followed by the rightwing populist party, the Finns with 20.1 percent (46 seats) while Marin’s Social Democratic Party received 19.9 per cent of the vote (43 seats).

The NCP has led in the polls for nearly two years.

Sanna Marin was Finland’s youngest Prime Minister in history and was the youngest serving state leader. She has been an MP since 2015 and Prime Minister since 2019.

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