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A STUDY by the Microbiology department at Aston University in Birmingham concentrated on pinpointing locations where bacteria lurk in family homes.

Findings included a warning about leaving wet laundry in the machine for even a short time. As germs can flourish if clothes remain wet for more than 30 minutes, it is best to do another cycle, the investigators recommended.

Alarmed readers belonging to the “eat a peck before you die” generation might find some consolation in the Spanish belief that washing which dries in the sun gets sterilised anyway.

“Female bodies are physiologically different from men’s on every level, from chromosomes and hormones to our bodily systems and structures,” Dr Alyson McGregor wrote in her recently ­ published book. “The medicine that works for men doesn’t always work for, or even apply to, women.”

The assumption that what makes sense in a male body must make sense in a female one was flawed, she maintained.

“Despite this, the current medical model is based on, tailored to, and evaluated according to male models and standards,” Dr McGregor declared.

David Worboys Thinking Aloud

DURING my lifetime, emigrants from all over the world have sought passage to a life in Western Europe. My impression is that this has been a wonderful part of the world to live in. I have fond memories of life in England, Germany, France, Spain and Switzerland. I have not lived in my favourite country which is Italy but have spent four months in marvellous Vienna.

England always lacked sunshine and good cooking but had many redeeming features. There was a free and accessible national health service, a respected, reliable police force and judiciary, stability in local and national politics and a good education system. It had picturesque villages and thousands of traditional country pubs with real bitter ale. Churches were well attended and people were in general courteous to each other and welcoming to visitors from abroad. My base was in the Chilterns.

Germany likewise lacked a warm climate and tasty food but was a model of cleanliness and efficiency. Its streets were safe and its products, from

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