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Paws for a cause Walking warriors

CANILLAS DE LA ALBAIDA are putting their best foot forward with the second solidarity walk with the Es‐peranza Breast Cancer As‐sociation of Axarquia set to take place on Sunday, April 23. This event is open to everyone, and it promises to be a fun‐filled day of outdoor activity for a great cause.

Participants will meet at the Tourist Office in the Axarquia municipality at 9am, where they will receive a walker’s kit fea ‐turing a backpack, a cap, and breakfast. The walk is a low‐difficulty eight kilo‐metre circular route, with 70 per cent of the path running through a beauti‐ful forest path.

The trail is suitable for the whole family and of ‐fers stunning views from the Sierras Tejeda Almi ‐ jara Natural Park.

The mayor of Canillas de Albaida, Jorge Martin, launched the event, say ‐ing registration is open until Thursday, April 20, for a donation of €5. Funds raised will support Esperanza in providing es‐sential services for breast cancer patients and their families, such as coun ‐selling, and workshops.

It promises to be a fun ‐filled day of exercise, fresh air, and stunning views, all while support ‐ing a great cause.

A WHOLE host of animal lovers are coming together to mark the ‘Day of the Poden‐co’ hunting dogs on Monday, May 1. The APARIV ‐ Aso ‐ciación Protectora de Ani‐males del Rincon de la Victo‐ria and The Under Dog will unite pod lovers for a six kilo‐metre walk along Axarqu’a’s scenic coastline to honour the occasion.

Dog lovers and their four‐legged friends will meet from 7pm opposite the Messai Mara Beach Club at the Torre del Mar promenade, where participants can register and pay a donation entry fee of €5 to the charities.

The walk will then get un‐derway from 7.30pm, cover‐ing three kilometres to La Caleta before returning to Torre del Mar’s promenade.

The Day of the Podenco ad‐vocates for the welfare and protection of hunting dogs in

Spain, in particular for Poden‐cos which are often abused or abandoned, despite being loving pets. Podencos and all other dogs are welcome at the walk.

For more information, par‐ticipants can get in touch by calling: 711 031 414.

FOLLOWING the success of last year’s Cultural Week in La Viñuela, the event re‐turns from Monday, April 17 for six action‐packed days of activities.

The event will get under‐way with a launch ceremo‐ny at the town hall at 6pm on Monday, April 17, which will be followed by the opening of a photo exhibi‐tion, a video showing and a concert given by local schoolchildren.

The action will continue on Tuesday and Wednes‐day with talks and work‐shops on topics including historical women and recy‐cling. On Thursday, April 20, the town is set to hold an inspirational charity walk to raise funds for the Axarquia Women’s Breast Cancer Association.

On Friday, April 21, the town will celebrate ‘Book Day’ along with storytelling and poetry recital sessions. The action will come to a close on Saturday, April 22 after another packed day of community workshops in‐cluding dance classes which are open to all.

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