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Home makeovers

RESIDENTS in Velez‐Mala‐ga are in for a treat thanks to an exciting event at the Centro del Exilio on Friday, April 21 at 11am. The event will give out the details about how residents can get grants to spruce up their homes and buildings.

The regional govern ‐ment is teaming up with the Official College of Ar ‐chitects of Malaga to give attendees the lowdown on the subsidies available for the restoration of their properties. The ar ‐chitect, Rafael Pozo Gar ‐cía ‐ Baquero will give the talk in Spanish covering everything from the reha‐bilitation of buildings and houses to neighbourhood regeneration and afford ‐able rental housing.

Guests will learn how to make their properties more comfortable, sus ‐tainable, and energy‐ effi ‐cient. The talk will also cover measures to fight

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