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SOLAZO FEST is counting down the hours to its much‐awaited third edi‐tion which is expected to be sold out.

The event is being held at the Recinto de Conciertos del Ferial on April 28, 29 and 30.

This is Almeria’s Spring Festival and is one of the most important in the entire Andalucian autonomous community this quarter.

Solazo Fest has made a place for itself on the national scene as con ‐firmed by the tickets purchased for the event from all parts of Spain.

The councillor for Culture, Almu ‐dena Morales, highlighted the touristic nature of the event con ‐firming: “It is a very fresh festival, both for young audiences and for other age groups.”

“The event is within the reach of all Almerians in the province and positions us as a destination that

ALMERIA’S mayor Maria del Mar Vazquez has highlighted the value of the Almeria model and business innovation to attract talent, although she pointed out that “our story is one of success but at first was one of risk.”

“Only those who risk going very far discover how far they can go.”

The comments were combines tourism and culture.”

Mayor, Maria Vazquez, has as ‐sured that "the cultural program ‐ming carried out by the city council seeks to accommodate all kinds of styles and genres so that there is not a single Almerian who will not find something that suits their tastes.

For more information or to pur ‐chase tickets, head to solazofest. com.

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