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Almeria’s bright spark

ALMERIA has one of the 50th brightest students in all of Spain. The young brain box is named Juan Manuel García Lea who is a second-year high school student from the Altaduna-Saladares school.

The Francisco de Vitoria University Santander Europa Scholarship Programme confirmed the top 50 list confirming that the finalist candidates have had to compete for their place among more than 4,000 students.

All the applicants had to receive a 9.8 final score in senior school.

The winners of this 18th edition have come from 11 autonomous communities.

In total, 12 students are from Andalucia, 10 are from Madrid, five are from the Valencian Community, four are from Aragon and three are from Castilla y Leon.

A further three are from Catalonia, three are from Cantabria, two are from Extremadura, two from Galicia, two from the Canary Islands, one from Murcia, one is from Navarra, one from the Basque Country and, finally, one from Castilla La Mancha.

Continued expansion

CAJAMAR Bank contin ‐ues to expand and is opening offices in Teruel and Vizcaya this year. The bank now has more than 1,000 offices in 49 provinces of Spain and closed the 2022 financial year stronger and more solvent than the previ ‐ous year.

Opening soon

‘ LA TERMICA ’ establish‐ment in Almeria which was fined for occupying a square in Almeria with 23 tables and 70 chairs with‐out a licence has now changed hands. The new owners have begun works and hope to be open in mid‐summer.

Awakened spirit

THE Plaza del Estudiante was the nerve centre of in‐novative and en ‐trepreneurial spirit on Wednesday April 19. En‐trepreneurs from Almeria awakened their innovative spirit at the Ideas Fair. The event surpassed the fig ‐ures of previous years and brought together the en‐tire entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Most vaxxed

ALMOST a month ago the flu vaccination cam‐paign in Andalucia came to an end and the Alme‐ria Health District has been the one that has vaccinated the most boys and girls in the en ‐tire autonomous com ‐munity.

Kiosk bidding

A TENDER for the running of three kiosks‐bars in Par‐que de Los Bajos, Parque de La Musica and next to the Mercado de Abastos in Roquetas de Mar are now up for grabs. The council is encouraging entrepre ‐neurs to participate in the bidding contest.

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