1 minute read

Greenway trail

THE mayor of Huercal‐Overa, Domingo Fer‐nandez, has presented a plan for the revital‐ization of the Via Verde natural path of the Guadix‐Almendricos Railway.

The project for the Natural Path includes the construction of a pedestrian walkway over the A‐7 motorway. The proposal means that the Via Verde will be increased by five kilometres and will link with Alamajalejo.

Domingo Fernandez, confirmed: “The town council is working to adapt our Greenway into a Natural Path through which we can offer more kilometres for the enjoyment of leisure and sports for our neighbours and visitors.”

Due to the separation, Bicycle Day is more than a sporting and social event, it means transmit‐ting to the new genera‐tions the idiosyncrasies of very young people and instilling in them their ori‐gins.

Not in vain, in 1984 La Mojonera had a popula‐tion of about 3,500 in ‐habitants.

This is a figure that has tripled since its 39th birthday and now it is al‐ready close to 10,000 res‐idents, which shows its enormous growth and projection of a municipal‐ ity that has its origins in intensive agriculture and that today continues to be the main activity of the residents of La Mo ‐jonera.

The mayor of the town, Jose Miguel Her ‐nandez, also joined the celebration with his bicy‐cle and highlighted “the desire of my neighbours to participate in such an important day for us as the Constitution of La Mojonera as a municipal‐ity.”

The installation of these de‐vices is intended to “increase road safety,” explained the councillor for Town Planning and Infrastructures, Ana Martnez Labella, persuading drivers to “slow down and be warned of the possibility of being fined.”

“In addition, and as has been proven, a lower speed corresponds to a clear reduc‐tion in the noise generated by passing vehicles,” she added.

“The use of educational speed cameras is an increas‐ingly widespread practice in many cities and municipali‐ties.

“Many local councils are al‐ready testing this type of radar in urban areas which have been installed with the aim of raising awareness among citizens to prevent them from exceeding the speed limits,” acknowledged Martínez Labella.

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