2 minute read

Two WWI soldiers rededicated in France

Royal Surprise

The support for this new venture was warmly wel ‐comed by the FISH SHOP team and Artfarm CEO Ewan Venters, said: "We were thrilled to be able to show His Majesty King Charles and

"Sharing the values of our sister property, the Fife Arms, in neighbouring Braemar, the community is at the heart of everything we do, and bear‐ing in mind the Royal Family’s long association with Royal Deeside, we are deeply hon‐oured that they came to show their support for this lo‐cal restaurant and fishmon‐ger"

Tony Blackburn off-air

teners that he was okay, ac‐cording to a news source.

The statement read “The infection I have is requiring more treatment than initially thought and it means I am having to reschedule the Sounds of the 60s Tour for the moment in order to recover fully.

“All tickets booked will be automatically transferred to the new dates and you will be notified of this change by your ticket provider. I am sorry for the disruption, and I really am looking forward to getting back on the road with the band.

“Finally, to all the nurses, Drs and support staff at Bar‐net General hospital who I spent a few days with over the last week, thank you for looking after me. You are bril‐liant!”

TWO soldiers who were pre‐viously unknown have now had their graves rededicated with headstones to com ‐memorate their deaths in the First World War.

The two Irish soldiers are Private (Pte) James McCaffrey of the 5th Battalion Tank Corps and Corporal (Cpl) Thomas Stannage of the 10th (Prince of Wales Own Royal) Hussars.

The MOD’s Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre (JCCC), also known as the ‘War Detectives’ organised the cer‐emonies in France.

Louise Dorr of the JCCC said:

“It’s been a pleasure to have both men’s families with us today. As we rededicate their graves with known head‐stones. It is a great comfort to know that their bravery and sacrifice will always be re ‐membered.”

James McCaffrey was born in Tullyish County Down. He was found buried as an un‐known soldier northeast of Sebencourt. He was identified because three men were killed when two tanks were clearing an area around Retheuil Farm and James was known to be one of them.

Two of the men had known graves so he was the only pos‐sible casualty left.

Corporal Thomas Stannage was born in Rathdowney, County Laois. His remains were found buried east of Honnecy. His battalion’s war diary places the 10th Hussars in the area.

Nine corporals lost their lives and eight of them had known graves which left Thomas as the only possible casualty.

SIR ROD STEWART said he can’t get a response to his re‐quest to provide free MRI scans.

While he says he is “well on their side” about the doctors and nurses strikes, he said he can’t get a response about his plans to give away MRI scans.

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