1 minute read

EY cull

MULBERRY GROUP sales improved in the second half of its finan‐cial year, partly due to demand for luxury goods as China’s econo‐my reopened. The firm slumped during the first half on reporting £4 million (€4.5 million) losses for the six months ending 1 Octo ‐ber 2022.

AI is best

ROUGHLY half of Span ‐ish bosses said they would prefer artificial intelligence to make de‐cisions for them, a study by technology firm Oracle found. Forty ‐ five per cent of managers said that an over‐abundance of data and their inability to handle it efficiently had led to a greater reliance on machines.

SPAIN’S government will use European funds to finance 43,000 new homes for use as social housing at reasonable rents. This will add up to a total of 93,000 properties when tak‐ing into account an additional 50,000 properties which now belong to Sareb, Spain’s ‘bad bank’.

Speaking in parliament on April 19, Pedro Sanchez, presi‐dent of the Spanish govern‐ment, explained that some of the properties would be new‐builds while others would be renovated.

The cost would be covered by €4 billion in EU funding which will be made available through Spain’s Official Credit Institute (ICO).

“Public and private develop‐

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