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Twitter tension

sian ambassador, Yuri Kli‐menko, found himself in hot water with the Spanish gov‐ernment.

The tweet showed individ‐uals wearing military gear speaking in Spanish, followed by a clip of the Spanish Minis‐ter of Defence, Margarita Robles. The montage insinu‐ated that Spain was playing an active role in the Ukrainian conflict, a claim that the Spanish government has de‐nied.

In response, the Spanish Foreign Minister demanded that the embassy remove the post, which they did. The am‐bassador was subsequently summoned where he re ‐ ceived a warning. Despite this incident, Spain continues to play an active role in supporting Ukraine. The country has already pro‐vided tanks, missiles, and oth‐er supplies and plans to train more Ukrainian troops soon.

RICHARD LEWINGTON, Chairman of the Madrid branch of Conservatives

Abroad ‐ the internation ‐al wing of the British Conservative Party, has been confirmed as a can ‐didate in the upcoming municipal elections in Oñati, Guipuzkoa in the Basque Country on Sun ‐

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