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90/180 Days
town’s candidacy for UN ‐ESCO world heritage sta ‐tus.
“I am extremely proud to be part of Ricardo Guisado Balanzategui’s list and to be running for office in Oñati as a candi ‐date for the Partido Pop ‐ular. As someone who has lived and worked in the town, I believe that Oñati has the potential to be a model for other towns in the region,” he said.
A CAMPAIGN called ‘180 Days in Spain’ has been launched with the aim of en‐suring that every British per‐son living in Spain (whether full‐year or part‐year) has their pre‐Brexit rights as an EU Citizen properly protected and ring‐fenced.
In addition, it hopes to im‐prove and equalise the rights of all British visitors to Spain so that they get the same ac‐cess after Brexit that Spanish people do in the UK today.
As explained to Euro Weekly News in a statement from Andrew Hesselden, the Campaign Director and founder, the organisers of ‘180 Days in Spain’ are asking for some very simple require‐ments. Firstly, they want Brits who were living in Spain before Brexit ‐ whether living in the country for all or part of the year ‐ to receive equal treatment. Secondly, they are asking for the equal treat‐ment of British visitors to Spain, in the same way that
Spanish visitors to the UK re‐ceive. There are lots of ways that politicians could achieve these outcomes said Mr Hes‐selden, who hopes that the conversations being generat‐ed by the campaign are prov‐ing beneficial to British and European citizens every‐where. The campaign al‐ready has over 6,000 mem‐bers and continues to grow. Its Campaign Director col‐laborates and coordinates with other similar campaigns in France, Italy, Greece, Ger‐many and Cyprus as well as running a similar Europe‐wide campaign. Together these all account for a further 6,000 members.
“We already know that certain regions of Spain and France want to eliminate the 90‐in‐180‐day problem that Brexit has exacerbated, Mr Hesselden ‐ who has a home in Mallorca ‐ explained. Visit https://www.face book.com/groups/180daysin spain to find out more.