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We help to find solutions

THE British Benevolent Fund has over a century of providing emergency financial relief for Britons in Spain who have no other recourse ‐ to find solu‐tions for people who are in a desperate situation and who see no way out.

Money can’t by love but it can be an enabler for people who have found themselves in difficulties. Many of these cas‐es are triggered by illnesses, breakdown in relationships, loss of jobs and bereavement.

Into that mix comes Brexit, which for some Britons who have been living in Spain mean that if they are not resident un‐der the terms of the withdraw‐al agreement, they have to face the prospect of being classed as illegally staying in Spain. If that wasn’t enough ‐for vulnerable people ‐ many of whom are advanced in years means that they no longer have the access to Spanish state support and healthcare that they might have been eligible for before. Which means some difficult decisions for those that need care, housing, and support to return to the UK where many have not lived for years if not decades. Many are under the illusion that they will be auto‐matically entitled to UK bene‐fits including crucially access to housing. The UK’s welcome for returning vulnerable Britons is far from what extends to other nationalities. The Habitual Res‐idency Test means that a re‐turning British national may have to wait for up to three months before they can be eli‐gible. The BBF will help those who have no other resources, and we are increasingly being asked to help them in the UK whilst their applications are processed. These are people who have long lost touch with their networks at home and could face homelessness on ar‐rival without our support.

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