1 minute read

Kid glove treatment

NEW regulations coming into force on July 31 will ensure that people receive better treatment from companies providing them with financial products.

Banks, building societies, insurers, investment firms and other businesses have been warned to prepare for one of the UK’s biggest­ever consumer­finance upheavals. The Financial Conduct Authority’s new regime will see the introduction of the ‘consumer duty’, which sets higher and clearer standards of protection, while explicitly requiring companies to put customers’ needs first.

The FCA want the initiative to produce ‘good outcomes’ for consumers, with reduced call­waiting times and an end to rip­off fees.

Leapy Lee Says It

Others Think It

TRULY don’t quite know where to start this week. So much has occurred I would need a couple of pages to achieve some kind of completion.

It actually started out with a number of letters (some obviously not for publication) thanking me for using subject matter that would simply not be allowed in the woke infested PC society that has now impregnated the UK.

One missive from a friend informed me that were my views publicised in a UK national I could be expecting a ‘knock on the door’­ What! Some PC authority knocking on my door presumably to threaten me for doing nothing more than applying my totally lawful freedom of speech?

Don’t scoff; I’m utterly convinced that if Starmer’s lot finishes up in Downing Street there will undoubtedly be an Orwellian department created to impose this devious control. The diversity dealers are already ensconced among the media hierarchy and they are not even in power yet.

The casting and presentation of TV programmes has

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