22 - 28 June 2023 Image by V_E/Shutterstock
RENFE: Has launched a series of discounts.
Europe by train
YOUNG people in Alicante Province can now book train tickets to travel
“Don’t Bite the Hand that Feeds You” Meaning don’t treat badly the person who is helping you or has helped you. This was originally used about 600 BC by the Greek poet Sappho, this metaphor of a dog biting its master was first recorded in English in 1711.
around Europe this sum mer for half the price. Residents aged 18 to 30 years old are entitled to a new cutprice ticket deal by national rail company Renfe granting users ac cess to 10 trains in differ ent countries for one month for just €158. The Global Flexible
Pass, which is now avail able for purchase on the Renfe website, allows young people who are re siding legally in Spain to visit up to 33 European countries for one month, during which time they can freely use their pass for up to 10 journeys. The pass is also valid for the boat from Italy to Greece.
In addition, Renfe has also launched a series of 50 per cent discounts for trains to different parts of Spain for the same age group. To benefit from these measures, young people born between 1993 and 2005 must register on the form on the Mitma web site at www.verano joven.mitma.gob.es.
Classes for kids • Diagnostic imaging and ultrasound Rx • Clinical tests and serological tests, internal medicine, parasitology • Soft Tissue Surgery and Traumatology • Ethology, behavioural disorders and animal behaviour • Physiotherapy, acupuncture, custom recovery and Healing touch • Ophthalmology • Dentistry and dental surgery & more • Import - Export
BENIDORM Council has launched a summer revision programme to help schoolchil dren who got bad grades in the last academic year. The plan to curb school fail ure includes two hours a day of revision, from Monday to Friday throughout July and Au gust, at Leonor Canalejas school. The Programa de Apoyo Ed ucativo (Education Support Programme, or PAEV) is aimed at primary school pupils with a total of 90 places offered, 30 of which will be 100 per cent sub sidised so that all families can have access to them. The students will reinforce curricular subjects such as maths, Spanish, Valencian and English languages and will also work on different study tech niques, attention games and verbal and mathematical rea soning, with the aim of helping them to acquire habits with which to improve their results for the following year.
3.7 million passengers in Malaga airport during first quarter 2023.
Classes will take place in two turns depending on the age group, from 9am to 11am and then 11.30am to 1.30am. Inscriptions are open until Friday June 30 at €72.35. Con tact Benidorm Town Hall.
World top 10 THE airline, British Air ways has included Ali cante among the 10 best destinations in the world to travel with children. The news comes after the airline conducted a study based on the opin ions of 200,000 British parents who have trav elled abroad with their young children. The ratings have taken into account the score of the destination in terms of accommodation, restaurants, activities and local attractions. In the case of Alicante, they also value that “it is a historic city that has been inhabited continu ously for more than 7,000 years and, as such, there are numerous places of interest such as the Castle of Santa Bar bara and the Old Town.” In addition, they say Aqua Natura, in Benidorm, “offers many attractions for children.”