LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT I HAVE never trusted the SNP. Because I retain quite a number of Scottish friends I have always kept my views pretty much to my self. Many rather agreed to the quest for independence and despite the fact I would have simply hated to have seen the rebuilding of Hadrian’s Wall and Lord knows how many rules and regulations, including bor der passport control, a change in currency and a slow decline into oblivion as they endeavoured to rejoin the EU, I always respected their opinions and ideas for an independent Scotland. To me Scotland will al ways be independent. To have this glorious country for a partner has always in stilled a great deal or pride into the ol boys psyche. Touring and appearing all over, including the notori ous Glasgow Empire, has al ways granted me lifelong wonderful memories. In my opinion all the SNP were after was control. Nothing they ever did was beneficial to the people of Scotland. All they are truly interested in, is the power
22 - 28 June 2023
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and financial gain Scot tish independence would bring them. For 15 years they’ve achieved pre cisely nothing. The Royal Hospital opened nine years late and cost the taxpayer £23 million. Drug deaths have tripled. The NHS main tenance backlog is over £1.3 billion. The SNP tax rises mean the Scots pay more income tax than any other part of the UK. They are wasting over £8 million a year em ploying 52 members of staff in overseas offices. They have spent £7 million on government car services with a fleet of chauffer driv en cars at their disposal and between 2020 21 spent over £1.3 million on car trips. They attempted to cover up their loss of a £10 billion Chinese investment. Crime rates are rocketing. I don’t really need to go on. They are all power mad crooks. Sturgeon’s resigna tion, in the middle of her ambitions and promise to continue the fight for inde pendence to her last breath, was almost unbe lievably suspicious and now with half of her cabinet hur riedly resigned and both she and her husband arrest
ed and questioned, this whole affair looks like be coming the scandal of the century. The idea of Stur geon in prison uniform waiting for her dinner in line with fellow female pris oners simply defies the imagination! Welcome back Scotland. The only country in the world I never pur chased a brandy not with all that wonderful whisky available. I’m just trying to take in the reports of the horren dous slaying of the two young students and care taker of the Nottingham University. Repetitively, as usual, the woke inveigled immigrant authorities are attempting to rule out ter rorist connections. At the time of writing I have no idea of the final de cision, but can once again assure all of them that the UK is now impregnated with thousands of these people, all waiting for the call to arms. Heaven help the plunder of the inno cents when that time ar rives. Which, unless they rid themselves of woke diversi ty doctrine, most surely will. Keep the faith. Love Leapy. leapylee2002@gmail.com
Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
IT seems quite incredible that with the Costa del Sol being such a major tourist attraction there is no way to travel by train from Fuen girola to anywhere along the western coast. As Spain takes advantage of so much Euro pean Funding and is expected to persuade travellers to move out of their cars and use public transport as much as possible there is just no way of catching a train. There are more and more relatively low cost connections from Malaga City to Cordoba, Madrid and Sevilla, as well as Granada, but apart from a short route to VelezMalaga noth ing east to Axarquia and of course nothing past Fuengirola heading west. For decades there have been calls to at least extend the suburban rail link to Marbella, if not Estepona, but it seems unlikely that this will ev er happen.
The problems of course are threefold, firstly the cost, secondly the need to take over huge amounts of land currently in private hands and thirdly the time it would take to complete such an operation. Good news for taxi drivers, the ubiquitous private hire companies and car rentals, but this is not going to help reduce pollution or the number of vehicles currently clogging up the main roads and making parking an often im possible task made worse by those who park on pavements or double park. There are of course bus services, but they can be quite a slog for even the most hardened holidaymaker, often laden down with baggage and maybe a baby carriage and young child. The same need exists across much of the na tion but it’s probably too late to do anything about it.
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