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Nora Johnson Breaking Views

HOLIDAYS: two weeks of sun, sea, sand and the stress of packing...

Here’s a few tips. Lay out all the clothes and all the money you plan taking, then take half the clothes and twice the money. (A pal did just this: laid out everything for his camping trip on his sleeping bag… then forgot the sleeping bag.)

Take photos of unplugged iron, hairdryer, oven switches etc before leaving. No more turning back before reaching the end of the street or panicking at the airport. This covers some of the bases except, perhaps, realising halfway to the airport in your taxi you’re still wearing your slippers and your holiday sandals are at the front door... with your passport! perate to have heaters supplied and fitted by Christmas. Frequently these customers have to compromise on their choice, or be put at the back of a long queue. Every year we think to ourselves ­ ‘It’s a shame you didn’t order them in the summer when we had loads of them in stock and, equally as important, the time to process the orders’.”

But how can I write about holiday stress without mentioning the stress of the flights, or rather the security theatrics of boarding a plane? Every liquid, gel, cream must fit in a tiny plastic bag. Impossible if you’re packing deodorant, shampoo, face cream, sun cream etc (even mini sizes) for a destination far from shops.

Alternatively, ask ChatGPT to advise on the perfect place to visit. And then enjoy it from the comfort of your own sofa/bed/kitchen sink on a virtual reality headset.


Nora Johnson’s 12 critically acclaimed psychological suspense crime thrillers (www.nora­john son.net) all available online including eBooks (€0.99; £0.99), Apple Books, audiobooks, paperbacks at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer charity.

NEATER HEATER is the sole Spanish distributor for BEHA and ADAX NEO convector heaters. We currently have more stock than ever before at various locations, just waiting for the ‘squirrels’. Please feel free to call us on 634 312 171 for more information, or visit our website www.neaterheater.es , or email info@neaterheater.es.

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