Axarquia 26 Sep – 2 Oct 2024 Issue 2047

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Team Spirit

THE Sarja Microsanctuary, located near Cómpeta in the Axarquia region, has become a haven for animals with over 50 rescued animals since its establishment in 2022. Recently, the sanctuary partnered with the Todo Ayuda Project for an exciting Rounders Tournament, where 100 per cent of the proceeds went directly to supporting the animals at Sarja Microsanctuary.

In just two years, Sarja Microsanctuary has not only provided a loving home for 54 animals but has also rescued many others and helped some nd their forever homes. Despite the challenges, the sanctuary takes pride in giving

THE Under Dog, an animal rescue service, in the Axarquia area, dedicated to helping forgotten and challenging cats and dogs, celebrated a successful End of Summer picnic. The event brought together dog lovers and their pets, raising an impressive €503 through donations. Organisers were thrilled with the turnout, which helps cover ongoing expenses for the rescue.


chances to those in need.

However, they still need the community’s support to continue their mission.

They recently arranged a Rounders Tournament featuring live entertainment, delicious food, refreshing drinks, and their very own merchan-

dise, creating a perfect atmosphere to wrap up summer. Best of all? Spectator tickets were free, encouraging everyone to join in the fun.

Thanks to the collaboration between Sarja Microsanctuary and the Todo Ayuda Project, the event raised an impressive €1,776.32 to support the sanctuary’s many and varied residents. Attendees

enjoyed meeting some of the animals while tasting treats from the food stand and sipping frozen cocktails. Together, they celebrated the spirit of community and compassion that makes Sarja Microsanctuary a truly special place. For more information about what they do or to support them email sarjamicrosanctuary@gmail. com

Farewell Summer

As cooler weather approaches, The Under Dog is excited to start organising walks and hikes for their foster dogs. Anyone interested in joining can get in touch—the dogs love outdoor adventures!

The rescue’s next event, ‘Bubbles & Bar-

gains,’ will take place on Saturday, October 19, from 1 pm to 5 pm. Featuring their friend Ness, a talented sommelier, the event promises a fun mix of shopping and bubbly. Contact The Under Dog for more details at!

Nordic Network

LOS Nórdicos Almuñécar, a non-profit association founded in 2004, is back after summer with a lively lineup. This group, dedicated to creating friendships between Spanish and Nordic people, offers activities to share Nordic cultures and provide support to its members.

On October 16, Christine and Ingrid will kick off a new course in Mexican bag braiding, perfect for creative minds. Monday golf also makes its much-anticipated return. If you’re interested in joining, email Britt Marie at

There’s much more in store, so visit their website,, for all the details. Whether you’re a regular or new to the area, Los Nórdicos has something for everyone! Join in and build lasting connections in Almuñécar.

Axarquia • Issue No. 2047 • 26
Experience Community and Connection
Image: Facebook/ Los Nórdicos Almuñécar
Image: Facebook/ Sarja
Together we make a difference
provided a loving home to those tinue their mission. Helping Paws, Changing Lives

Europe’s Best Climate Building Bonds

WHEN you think of paradise, sun-drenched beaches, and perfect weather come to mind. Located in the stunning area of Eastern Costa del Sol, Torrox, a quaint town in Axarquia, embodies this ideal. Since 2008, it has proudly held the title of having the ‘best climate in Europe,’ a distinction touted by both the local government and the media.

What makes Torrox special? It’s all about the geography apparently. Shielded by the Penibetic mountain range and the Sierras de Tejeda and Almijara, this pretty white-washed town enjoys mild winters and moderated summers.

With an average annual temperature of 18°C and only about 54 rainy days a year, residents bask in sunshine almost 300 days annually.

This delightful climate draws tourists eager to relax on its beautiful beaches, like Playa Ferrara and El Morche. Moreover, around 40 per cent of the local population hails from abroad, creating a lively community that perfectly blends international charm with Andalucian heritage. So, whether you’re seeking a holiday spot or a new home, Torrox is truly a slice of paradise!

The Lux Mundi Ecumenical Centre in Torre del Mar is packed with activities this October! Located at Avda. Moscatel 1 “I,” it opens its doors on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am to 1 pm. Whether you’re looking to practice your Spanish, get crafty, or simply enjoy a cup of co ee in a lovely garden, there’s something for everyone.

Join the vibrant arts and crafts group every Wednesday to share tips and techniques. On Fridays, don’t miss the conversation group from 10 am to 11 am—a donation of just €3 per session goes towards supporting the Centre. Afterward, relax at the co ee morning and meet new friends.

lendars for the exciting excursion to see Annie at the Salon Varietes in Fuengirola on October 4. Tickets are €44 for those with the Friends card and €47 for visitors. Finally, don’t miss the trip to Viveros Guzmán on November 28 for a festive day of shopping and exploring. Join in on the fun and support a great cause! For more info, call 952 543 334 or email luxmundi@

up is the free talk on stroke

A key highlight coming up is the free talk on stroke awareness on October 8 at 11 am. Emergency health sta will share vital information on early signs and what to do when someone experiences a stroke. This is a great opportunity to gain important knowledge that could save a life.

Also, mark your ca-

Torrox: Sunshine All Year
Community Events Await

Back to the Office

OVER the last ten years, employees have demanded more exibility in their working patterns, including the option to work hybrid and full-time from home. However, a recent global survey carried out by KMPG indicates that bosses now want workers back in the o ce.

The hybrid working model, popular with employees and younger talent, isn’t working for the bosses, according to the

international consultancy and accounting rm. The study, a benchmark in the industry for over ten years, quizzes 1,300 company chiefs worldwide on their views of current business trends.

This year’s results show a marked loss of appetite for home working. This is so much so that the majority of the bosses from eleven major global powers, including France, Germany, Italy, Spain,

the UK, the US, and China, reported a willingness to o er sta incentives to lure them back to the o ce. Many were happy to reward sta who made the e ort to be in the oce with favourable assignments, pay rises or even promotions.

A full return to o ce work is gaining popularity among big companies, including Amazon, Boots, Laing O’Rourke, and Rockstar Games. The shift

Workforce boost

FOLLOWING the success of integrating Ukrainian refugees into their workforce, Norway is set to implement new rules to increase their attractiveness to foreign workers. Over 27% of working-age Ukrainians have found employment in Norway, and the government hopes to replicate this success with other foreign workers.

A key component of the new regulations will be the requirement for shorter induction programmes. After three months of induction, foreign workers will be required to engage in at least fteen hours of work-related activities per week. This move is designed to prepare foreigners for the Norwegian labour market more quickly and, in turn, accelerate their contribution to the country’s economy.

towards in-person work is being advocated by those who argue that face-to-face communication fosters more creativity, enhances collaboration, and strengthens company culture in ways that are di cult to replicate online.

The workers themselves have mixed feelings about the return. Various surveys indicate that more than 60% prefer the hybrid or fully remote option.

Furthermore, Norway plans to expand its integration programmes to encompass foreign workers between the ages of 55 and 60. This initiative aims to allow older people to acquire the necessary quali cations to enter the workforce, thereby increasing Norway’s labour pool. Additionally, the programme will be expanded to accommodate individuals seeking formal education, with an extra year added for upper secondary education and vocational training. The recent regulations are designed to address the growing need for foreign workers to have the necessary skills to succeed in the Norwegian economy. Employment and Inclusion Minister Tonje Brenna stressed the importance of creating a exible regulatory framework that can e ectively support foreign workers.

ACCORDING to the Eurofound 2023 report, the EU is still experiencing labour shortages following the strong market recovery after the effects of COVID-19, combined with ongoing demographic trends. As more specialised and higher-paid jobs are found in the cities, this is having a bigger impact here than in the rural areas. Interestingly, research indicates that, on average, only half of urban residents believe that finding a job in their European city is easy. Notably, cities in Spain such as Malaga (21%), Barcelona (24%), and Madrid (24%) fall well below this average. This finding is directly correlated with satisfaction levels, as a higher percentage of individuals perceiving job availability positively are more likely to express satisfaction with urban living.

Norways aim to be more attractive to foreign workers
Bosses want their workers back in the office

Rapid response Nostalgic tale

Investing in Community Safety.

THE construction of a new re station in Rincón de la Victoria has o cially begun, backed by a signi cant investment of €4.3 million from the Málaga Provincial Council. Located on a spacious 5,700-square-metre plot in Parque Victoria, the facility is set to enhance emergency response capabilities across the region, serving both local residents and the in ux of tourists.

Málaga’s Provincial Council President, Francisco Salado, laid the rst stone for this essential infrastructure, which will house the headquarters of the Provincial Consortium of Fire ghters (CPB)

and the Emergency Coordination Centre. This new facility will allow for a team of 20 re ghters, including new vehicles and equipment to improve response times to incidents across the area, including Rincón de la Victoria and nearby communities.

In the past four years, the Provincial Council has invested over €30 million in building new stations and upgrading equipment, re ecting a commitment to enhancing public safety and both the quality of service and working conditions for re ghters will signi cantly improve, ensuring better protection for the community.

ROBERT Edwards and co-writer Paul Bradley are making waves in the literary scene with their new book, The Fontainebleau, a nostalgic tale that dives into the charm of Nerja, Spain, during the 1970s.

This true story centres around Jimmy Edwards, a London bookie who, seeking refuge from a tax-heavy Socialist government, decided to embrace the balmy climate and captivating culture of Nerja. Packed into a Rolls Royce with his family, he ventured to the quaint shing village, unaware of the challenges ahead. Their adventure included purchasing a half- nished hostel from a dubious developer, navigating the complexities of local bureaucracy, and managing an array of eccentric guests. Edwards and Bradley’s love for Nerja shines through, capturing the spirit of the area that continues to attract newcomers and tourists.

This release is particularly signicant for residents and expats in the Axarquía region, o ering a glimpse into the area’s past and inspiring a sense of community. The authors’ love for Nerja is evident, and their story may resonate with others who share similar experiences or dream of starting anew in this quaint white-washed coastal town. The Fontainebleau is available to purchase on Amazon.

Axarquia’s natural pools

THE Axarquía region is home to several peaceful natural pools, o ering a refreshing escape into nature. These pools, formed by mountain springs and rivers, are set in stunning landscapes featuring rolling hills and lush vegetation.

Among the popular spots is the Charca de la Vina near Cómpeta, known for its clear waters and surrounding pine forest; the Charca del Naci-

miento in Frigiliana, which bene ts from the cool waters of the Río de la Miel and is known for its clear, cool waters, making it a refreshing retreat during the hot summer months. The Charca de la Pozuela in Canillas de Aceituno is situated within a scenic valley. The area is known for its relaxing atmosphere and is ideal for a quiet day surrounded by nature. These pools provide a natural alternative to commercial swimming areas, ideal for swimming, picnicking, and relaxation. Visitors should respect the environment by avoiding littering and following local guidelines to help preserve these natural treasures. With their clear waters and tranquil settings, the natural pools of Axarquía o er a perfect way to enjoy the region’s beauty and nd a peaceful retreat from the everyday hustle.

Serene Natural Pools in Axarquía
Image: Wikipedia/ Antonio M. Romero Dorado

Fashion forward

GET ready for a stylish evening in Rincón de la Victoria! On October 5, the town will host its first ever Fashion Show at the Plaza de la Constitución, featuring seven local businesses showcasing their latest seasonal collections. From children’s and youth fashion to casual wear and party outfits, there’s something for everyone.

Organised by the local Commerce Depart -

ment, this event aims to support small businesses and boost community engagement. Lola Ramos, the head of the department, stated that around seventy models, selected by the shops, will strut their stuff, highlighting the quality and trust of local fashion.

Mayor Francisco Salado emphasised the importance of initiatives like this, which bring

visibility to local businesses while energising the town’s activity. The fashion lineup includes Buba Moda, Tu Ropita Baby, Ciento Once Moda, and the talented young designer Miguel Ángel Ocón, known as MAOG, who will present his collection titled Resilience.

The runway kicks off at 8:30 pm, promising an evening of fun, fashion, and community spirit!

Summer success

TORROX is making plans for another exciting summer, having allocated nearly €112,000 in grants to support four beloved local festivals! The Loona Summer Festival, Festival Taytantos, Closing Summer, 90’s Lovers, and Cajonea drew in tens of thousands of visitors this past season, making it a memorable summer for the town, according to Mayor Óscar Medina.

The funding will ensure these events return next year, with the Loona Summer Festival, which took place on August 3 in El Morche and featured Omar Montes, will receive €49,230. The 90’s Lovers and Closing Summer Festival, held on August 30-31 at La Granja, will receive €25,028. The flamenco-themed Cajonea festival was awarded €20,049, while the Taytantos Festival, which included an ABBA tribute on June 29, will receive €17,667.

Mayor Medina stated that these grants showcase the local government’s commitment to enhan-

Summer Festivals to Return

cing cultural activities in Torrox, further establishing the town as a top

destination for fun and tourism on the Axarquia coast!

Bus-ting demand

RECENTLY the Consorcio de Transporte Metropolitano del Área de Málaga (CTMAM)( Metropolitan Transport Consortium of the Málaga Area) has stepped up bus services in response to rising passenger numbers in Almogía, Rincón de la Victoria, Colmenar, and Antequera. Record-high demand for various lines prompted immediate enhancements in collaboration with local governments.

In Rincón de la Victoria, the M-160 line now features larger 15-metre buses, adding 30 extra seats per trip. This upgrade will significantly increase the annual capacity by nearly 195,090 seats for the route to Málaga. Additionally, three smaller buses are being replaced to further boost annual offerings by 585,270 seats.

Colmenar is also benefiting, with added services on the M-251 line during peak times. As Rincón de la Victoria celebrates Mobility Week, offering free transport on urban routes. The CTMAM is committed to continuously monitoring passenger demand to ensure efficient and quality public transport services across the region.

Spanish history group

THE Torrox Spanish History Group invites history enthusiasts to its next meeting on Wednesday, October 2, at 11 am. The

gathering will take place at the Mediacana Merendero (formerly El Ancla) in Torrox Costa. Members and non-members are

welcome to enjoy an engaging presentation by Chris Sherwood on ‘From the Kingdom of Asturias to the Kingdom of Spain: The Building of a Nation.’ These monthly meetings, held in English, draw a diverse crowd from various nationalities, making for lively discussions and a shared love of history. While there’s no charge to attend, it’s courteous for guests to purchase a drink at the venue, which generously provides the space free of charge.

Mediacana Merendero is conveniently located just past the Viveros Amberes garden centre on the beachside of the N340. Ample parking is available, and public transport stops nearby. Join the Torrox Spanish History Group to dive into the past and connect with fellow history buffs!

Image: Shutterstock/ Artie Medvedev
A night of style

A SUPERMARKET in the Netherlands, Jumbo, launched a ‘flirt hour’ for singles, using popular Dutch biscuits, helping customers to score a potential date.

While Tinder may be the preference of some, people are saving up time by looking for dates and grocery shopping at the same time. Inspired by a Spanish TikTok trend, in which Mercadona customers use coded language to signal their interest, Jumbo similarly launched ‘flirt hour’ from 6pm until 7pm.

In Mercadona, instead of complimenting a person who caught your attention, customers place a pineapple upside down in their trolleys, signalling to others that they’re single and ready to mingle.

In Jumbo, a similar code has been popularised, as singles place the Dutch biscuits, ‘beschuits’, upside down in their trolley, inviting a potential partner for a

Flirt hour

date and dessert.

Although neither of the supermarket chains have claimed responsibility for the trend, social media users comment that the trend is likely to be a new form of marketing. A past contestant of the Spanish reality show First Dates, cinejavi on X commented; “They (Mercadona) have been trying to place this viral campaign for seven years.”

While pineapple is believed to be associated with hospitality and swingers; people in couples who experiment in switching partners, biscuits have no apparent romantic connotations. With social media and digital marketing today, it seems that just about any product can attain a new meaning, making lowkey flirting easier and more playful than ever.

Credit: Freestocks, Pexels
Flirt biscuits.


Taste of Competa

GET ready for a flavour-packed day in Cómpeta on Saturday, September 28! To celebrate the Day of the Tourist and Resident, the town is hosting its 2nd Annual ‘Sabor a Cómpeta’ (Taste of Cómpeta) Gastronomic Festival in Plaza España. With 49 different nationalities calling Cómpeta home, this festival is a delicious way to showcase the diverse culinary traditions of the community.

Food enthusiasts will be treated to a mouthwatering selection of dishes from 25 different countries, each bringing a taste of their culture to the table. You’ll find everything from local favourites to international delights, making it a true feast for the senses.

If you want to get involved by sharing your favourite recipe or

helping out to make sure the day goes off without a hitch, reach out to Mónica Ruiz, our Councillor for Culture and Tourism. You can stop by the Ayuntamiento (Town Hall) or give her a call at 669 89 50 44. Join in for a fun-filled day of food, friends, and culture in Cómpeta— where the world comes together on a plate!

Torrox fair 2024

THE Feria de Torrox 2024 (Torrox Fair), is set to take place from October 2 to 6! This year promises an unforgettable experience filled with live music, amazing shows, and activities for everyone. Headliners include Somos del Sur, Merche, Juanlu Montoya, La Húngara, and Aslándticos, who will light up the stage. At the Caseta del Mayor, don’t miss performances by Rafa Garcel, Sandra Cabrera, Joana Jiménez, and Sylvia Pantoja.

Unveiled on September 19, the festival’s poster was created by talented local artist Araceli Lupiá-

ñez, while the team from Radio Torrox will kick off the festivities with the official proclamation. This year’s fair boasts the highest investment in Torrox’s history, featuring topnotch performances and stunning lighting that you won’t forget.

One of the highlights is the Grand Equestrian Show on Sunday, October 6, at La Granja in Torrox, starting at 5 pm. Enjoy free hot chocolate, Zumba, DJs, group paellas, ribbon horse races, processions, and exhibitions! There will also be activities

for children, and the fun fair will open every evening at 8 pm. To ensure a comfortable experience for neurodivergent children, there will be a soundfree period until 9:30 pm.

Join your friends and family for a lively afternoon filled with tradition, culture, and fun at the Feria de Torrox 2024—an event you won’t want to miss!

Oktoberfest in Torre del Mar

TORRE del Mar is gearing up for its much-anticipated Oktoberfest, set to take place on October 12 and 13 along the lively Avenida Toré Toré. This beloved beer festival continues to grow in popularity, attracting locals and visitors for a weekend filled with music, delicious food, and a fantastic atmosphere.

Jesús Pérez Atencia, the deputy mayor of Vélez-Málaga and tourism councillor, shared the excitement, stating, ‘Oktoberfest is one of the most established autumn events in Torre del Mar, drawing attention in October with a unique flair.’ The event is a lively gathering where community members come together to enjoy typical German food and live entertainment.

This year’s festivities will feature a variety of live music, including tri-

butes to popular bands like El Canto del Loco and La Oreja de Van Gogh, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Atencia emphasised the positive impact of the festival on local businesses, saying, ‘Oktoberfest helps energise our economy and combat seasonality.’ With the collaboration of local establishments, this year’s celebration promises to be a memorable one. Join the fun and experience the best of Torre del Mar’s hospitality at Oktoberfest!

Image: Facebook/ David Chaves
Image: Shutterstock/ Random.graphy
Image: Shutterstock/

Masterpiece topper

THE construction team behind Barcelona’s iconic Sagrada Familia Basilica revealed new architectural details for the grand cross pinnacle that will top this renowned Modernist masterpiece.

Scheduled for completion in 2026, this cross will coincide with the centenary of Antoni Gaudí’s passing and will feature a viewing area for visitors.

Architects indicate that the cross, measuring 17 metres in height and 13.5 metres in width, will have a hollow interior accommodating up to 11 guests at a time, o ering panoramic views of the city.

This pinnacle will crown the Tower of Jesus Christ, which is still under construction but expected to be nished next year.

Crafted from a special blend of glass and ceramic, the cross will feature uniquely designed curved and pyramid-shaped pieces, along with windows that consist of three layers of curved, laminated glass adorned with textured pyramids.

The unveiling of the cross will not

signify the end of Sagrada Familia’s construction; that e ort is projected to continue until 2034.

Nevertheless, it will give residents and tourists their rst glimpse of the basilica’s ultimate height.

Notably, Gaudí intended for his creation to stand slightly shorter than Montjuïc Hill, adhering to his belief that human-made structures should not surpass those of divine origin.

With the installation of the cross, the Sagrada Familia will reach a total height of 172.5 metres, ve metres shorter than the hill.

IN an increasingly connected world, more and more relationships are blossoming between like-minded beings over massive distances and international borders.

The long-distance relationship has become all the rage. And the next step, tying the knot, has been made legal in the US. For lovebirds separated by geography, the traditional process of marriage online is now legal in the States. Even international borders are now no longer an obstacle to formalising a marriage when a couple cannot physically walk down the aisle together. The United States is so far the only country that has fully legalised online marriages, o ering a fully virtual and completely legal wedding experience. To get married over the Internet, both parties need to ensure they meet the legal requirements. For US citizens, this can mean demonstrating age and o cial documents from their home countries. Uploading such documents as passports and birth certi cates. Some sites might

Hitched online

require these documents to be notarised.

The ceremony is then held via an online platform with guests and witnesses also present. The happy couple then receive a digital and legally binding marriage certi cate.

Getting hitched online might not automatically guarantee a Green Card, and consideration should be given to whether a US marriage certi cate is recognised in the country of residence. But if it is, then it is a legally valid marriage.

lovebirds separated by geoImage: Basílica de la Sagrada Família / Facebook
Masterpiece topper

Is it worth getting solar panels in Spain?

ENERGY costs are skyrocketing in Spain, so installing solar panels could help to save you big money on your energy bills. Investing in the natural characteristics of Andalucia makes perfect sense for your pocket. According to the University of Malaga, we enjoy more than 3,000 hours of glorious sunshine every year in this part of the world. So why not make it an economic benefit? Solar energy is rapidly becoming a preferred solution and smart investment for homeowners on the Costa del Sol.

The potential for money savings is enormous. With soaring energy prices, the return on investment (ROI) of a solar installation is becoming quicker and potentially profitable. On the Costa del Sol, most homeowners can see ROI in just four to five years. It’s possible to live through the summer months without paying electricity bills and with significantly reduced bills in winter.

If you rent out a property, solar panels instantly increase its attractiveness and value, as renters are often on the lookout for cost savings on their bills. A solar installation also boosts the value of your home, especially now that an ‘energy certificate’ is needed to sell your property. A solar installation can significantly reduce your home’s dependency on the

grid and give you a better rating, and therefore the chance to bump up the price when it is time to sell.

For those with electric vehicles, charging with solar-generated electricity will make an important impact in fuel costs, and swimming pools can be warmed with year-round free power.

In an era of environmental concerns, solar energy offers an eco-friendly alternative. By producing your own solar power, you reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to cleaner, greener energy. The more households that use solar, the lower the demand for non-environ-

mentally friendly and polluting electricity. SolpanelExperten installs solar panels for homes and office buildings throughout Costa del Sol. As well as supplying a clean energy source, they offer a solar energy monitoring app which allows customers to see how much power they are using; financing of installations; and a very low maintenance technology. The Costa del Sol is the optimal place to have solar panels and generate your own solar energy. With up to 320 days of sunshine a year, you have the opportunity to quickly regain the money you invested in your own solar energy.

A SUPERMARKET in the Netherlands, Jumbo, launched a ‘flirt hour’ for singles, using popular Dutch biscuits, helping customers to score a potential date.

While Tinder may be the preference of some, people are saving up time by looking for dates and grocery shopping at the same time. Inspired by a Spanish TikTok trend, in which Mercadona customers use coded language to signal their interest, Jumbo similarly launched ‘flirt hour’ from 6pm until 7pm.

In Mercadona, instead of complimenting a person who caught your attention, customers place a pineapple upside down in their trolleys, signalling to others that they’re single and ready to mingle.

In Jumbo, a similar code has been popularised, as singles place the Dutch biscuits, ‘beschuits’, upside down in their trolley, inviting a potential partner for a

Getting things done in Spain is often a complicated process, but installing solar panels is actually easy. And we take care of all the practicalities, which makes your effort minimal.

A free quote is available from the SolpanelExperten website, or contact Babak directly on +46 703 221 727, or Sebastian on +34 683 111 743.

Flirt hour

date and dessert.

Although neither of the supermarket chains have claimed responsibility for the trend, social media users comment that the trend is likely to be a new form of marketing. A past contestant of the Spanish reality show First Dates, cinejavi on X commented; “They (Mercadona) have been trying to place this viral campaign for seven years.”

While pineapple is believed to be associated with hospitality and swingers; people in couples who experiment in switching partners, biscuits have no apparent romantic connotations. With social media and digital marketing today, it seems that just about any product can attain a new meaning, making lowkey flirting easier and more playful than ever.

Flirt biscuits.



Cutting down

METRO BANK announced a series of job cuts as it carries out an £80 million (€95 million) plan to reduce costs. It expects to slash 300 posts in business operations, IT and support, following the £925 million (€1.1 billion) rescue operation in 2023 when Colombian billionaire Jaime Gilinski Bacal took control of the bank.

No problem

MADRID approved BlackRock’s 20 per cent holding in gas and energy company Naturgy, which is regarded as a nationally strategic company. The world’s largest asset manager acquired the Naturgy shares on taking over Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) in a $12.5 billion (€10.8 billion) deal in January 2025.

Fair dues

BIG FOUR accountancy firm Deloitte revealed that it plans to equalise parental leave for all staff in the UK in January 2025 by giving men the same 26 weeks of leave on full pay now received by women. It hopes this will make it easier for more women to progress in their careers and become partners, Deloitte said.

New look

FASHION company Adolfo Dominguez reported €126.7 million in sales for the year ending February 29, 2024, compared with €114.18 million in 2023, and a net income of €730,185. This was an improvement on 20222023’s €158,656 although the company posted losses of €1.4 million between February and May 2024.

Payback time

INDUSTRY regulator Ofgem has ordered Ovo, the UK’s fourth-largest household energy supplier, to pay

£2.37 million (€2.81 million) in compensation to 1,395 customers owing to the time it took the Bristol-based company to deal with their complaints. In some cases these took up to 18 months to process, Ofgen said.


€1.498 trillion

gross domestic product for Spain in 2023, after the National Statistics Institute revised its original growth estimate by two-10ths of a percentage point to 2.7 per cent.

Pret’s first billion

PRET A MANGER sales reached £1.1 billion (€1.3 billion) for the first time in 2023 as the UK sandwich chain expanded overseas.

Pret revealed that £1 (€1.19) of every £4 (€4.75) that customers spent on its sandwiches and coffee now came from outside the UK.

The chain owned by Luxembourg-headquartered German conglomerate JAB Holding opened 81 new shops in 2023. More than 50 per cent were located in Canada, India, Greece and Spain, where Pret has outlets in Madrid, Barcelona and Lanzarote.

There was also ‘significant’ progress in the US, where Pret has opened new sites on the East Coast.

Although the business remained ‘proudly British-based and British-built’ and would continue to expand across the UK, the company revealed that a major part of Pret’s future growth plan was international.

The 2023 results had helped to drive a 12 per cent rise in underlying profits to £166 million (€197.1 million), which allowed the group to meet its target of doubling the volume of business three years ahead of schedule.

“We set ourselves some tough targets to get Pret

CESAR GONZALEZ-BUENO, chief executive of Banco Sabadell, said there was little chance of a hostile takeover bid by its rival BBVA bank.

Speaking at the Foro Banca forum held in Madrid on September 16, Gonzalez-Bueno added that the proposed €12 billion deal had “practically derailed.”

Also present at the forum was Peio Belausteguigoitia, head of BBVA Spain, who said that the decision rested with Sabadell’s shareholders.

“In the end, they are the owners,” he maintained.

going again after the pandemic, and we have delivered,” chief executive Pano Christou said.

Nevertheless, the company was aware that although 2024’s first half sales of £569 million (€675.7 million) were 10 per cent up on 2023, this was approximately half of the sales growth during the same period last year.

Comparable same-store sales growth had also fallen to 3 per cent during the first half of 2024, compared with 15 per cent in 2023.

Takeover ‘derailment’ claim

Gonzalez-Bueno also criticised BBVA for not providing enough in-

End of an era No change

BRITAIN’S annual inflation rate held steady at 2.2 per cent in August, with no change on the July figure.

This was slightly above the Bank of England’s 2 per cent target but matched the predictions of a Reuters’ poll of economists and was lower than the Bank’s 2.4 per cent forecast.

Petrol prices had fallen, the Office for National Statistics(ONS) figures showed, but airfares rose, especially those to European destinations.

HARLAND & WOLFF, eternally associated with the Belfast shipyard that built the Titanic, is entering administration for the second time in five years.

The company had been unsuccessful in trying to fund new funding and announced on September 16 that it was insolvent. It planned to appoint administrators “imminently” although the administration process would be limited to Harland & Wolff Group Holdings and the operational companies running the yards were expected to continue trading.

All shareholders would probably lose their money, Harland & Wolff said, although sources revealed that around 20 companies were interested in acquiring parts of the business in a sales procedure carried out by investment bank Rothschild.

THE Guardian Media Group (GMG) is said to be talks to sell The Observer.

News website Tortoise Media reportedly approached the GMG, which acquired the newspaper in 1993, with a takeover offer. No financial details were revealed although The Observer, with a 105,000 print circulation was unlikely to fetch a high price, insiders said.

Meanwhile, GMG announced that total revenue fell 2.5 per cent to £257.8 million (€306.3 million) during its last financial year owing to an advertising slowdown and ‘sustained structural pressures on print.’

AMAZON staff will be back in the office five days a week once its hybrid work policy comes to an end in January 2025.

formation for a balanced decision.

“We aren’t seeing transparency for shareholders,” he said. “We miss that.”

Sabadell chief executive argued that BBVA was not being clear about the cost involved should the takeover go ahead.

BBVA expects to save €300 million in staff costs and plans to close 300 branches, while sources with inside knowledge of the proposed deal have predicted that 4,000 jobs would be lost.

“We’re going to return to the office and the way we were before the onset of Covid,” chief executive Andy Jassy said, explaining that it would help staff “to invent, collaborate, and be sufficiently connected to each other.”

In Spain, where Amazon has a total of 25,000 permanent employees, this will affect approximately 5,000 people who work in the company’s offices.

FORTY PER CENT of phone users in Spain would be prepared to move from traditional operators like Movistar, MasOrange or Vodafone to a low-cost company.

After questioning users in Spain, the UK, France, Italy and Germany, a survey by management consulting company Oliver Wyman found that the Italians were most inclined to move to a cheaper company, with 45 per cent happy to switch. They were followed by the Spanish, where 72 per cent are clients of traditional companies but 40 per cent would change to the low-cost companies which offer services practically identical to those of the big operators.

HIGH speed train operator Iryo lost €79 million in 2023 after an investment totalling €900 million. Competing against Spain’s state-owned Renfe and French company Ouigo, 2023 was the first year Iryo had simultaneously operated its three main routes linking Madrid with Catalonia, Levante and Andulucia.Iryo is the brand name of the private high speed railway company, Intermodalidad de Levante, which is jointly owned by Italy’s publicly-owned Trenitalia, regional airline Air Nostrum and the Spanish infrastructure investment fund Globalvia.

GROWING: Pret a Manger expanding in UK and abroad.
Photo credit: grupobancsabadell
CESAR GONZALEZ-BUENO: Not happening Sabadell chief executive said.

3I Group 3.293,00 3.293,00 3.279,00 35,52K

Admiral Group 2.892,0 2.897,0 2.867,0 51,65K

Airtel Africa 118,20 118,20 115,70 50,55K

Anglo American 2.180,5 2.192,5 2.173,2 59,88K

Antofagasta 1.841,00 1.850,00 1.833,50 63,42K

Ashtead Group 5.724,0 5.760,0 5.718,0 10,21K

Associated British Foods 2.244,0 2.248,0 2.234,0 28,91K

AstraZeneca 11.884,0 11.900,0 11.816,0 66,97K

Auto Trader Group Plc 881,29 885,20 880,40 30,02K

Aviva 496,20 499,30 495,60 292,79K

B&M European Value Retail SA 425,00 428,00 424,00 47,9K

BAE Systems 1.290,50 1.291,50 1.282,00 156,28K

Barclays 226,90 227,15 225,95 1,12M

Barratt Developments 506,60 509,80 505,20 48,61K

Beazley 772,00 775,00 770,00 38,66K

Berkeley 4.912,0 4.950,0 4.903,0 2,79K

BP 411,25 413,90 411,05 2,18M

British American Tobacco 2.812,0 2.825,0 2.795,0 224,82K

BT Group 144,65 145,99 143,70 900,34K Bunzl 3.606,0 3.614,0 3.596,0 12,89K Burberry Group 601,8 607,0 595,0 214,18K

118,25 118,70 117,80 315,06K

Cola HBC AG 2.756,0 2.762,0 2.752,0 7,49K

2.420,00 2.422,00


Not so dear

MOBILE phone prices fell 11.7 per cent in August, latest figures from Spain’s National Statistics Institute (INE) revealed. Computers were 5.9 per cent cheaper, INE said, owing to a wider technology offer and fewer people who worked from home.

Home grown

BRITAIN eats 60,000 tons of blueberries annually, of which 90 per cent are imported, although sales of home-produced blueberries rose by 13 per cent this year. “Everyone thinks blueberries are a tropical fruit grown abroad,” the British Berry Growers (BBG) trade association said.

Issa steps down

MOHSIN ISSA has resigned as Asda chairman and will be replaced by the company’s chairman Lord Stuart Rose.

While Rose takes on the day-to-day running of Asda, Issa remains a minority co-owner and a non-executive board member but will concentrate on his petrol station forecourts business, EG Group. Rose, who was execu -

tive chairman of Marks & Spencer until 2010 and chairman until 2011, said last August that he was “embarras sed” by Asda’s underperfor mance and ca lled on Issa to resign.

Asda’s sales fell by 5.5

Iberdrola waiver

THE Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has approved the takeover of Central Maine Power’s parent company Avangrid by Iberdrola, its largest shareholder.

The PUC agreed on September 17 that Central Maine Power could omit the required state review of the $2.5 billion (€2.25 billion) transaction that would put Avangrid under the full control of the Bil-

bao-based energy giant.

In a 2-1 vote, the state regulators finally agreed to waive the assessment that allowed the Spanish multinational to acquire the remaining 18.4 per cent of Avangrid which it did not already own. Earlier, Fitch Ratings had said that the deal would be positive for Avangrid, which could now benefit from the ‘financial flexibility’ of Iberdrola.

per cent over the past 12 months and the chain’s market share has dropped from 13.1 per cent to 11.8 per cent.

“We respect Mohsin’s decision to move on from his role at Asda, where his work is complete, to be the sole CEO of EG Group,” Rose said on September 18.

“He has laid the foundations to deliver a world-class IT infrastructure, strengthening Asda for the long term.”

According to the Telegraph earlier this year, Asda was prepared to pay a new, topflight chief executive between £8 million (€9.5 million) and £10 million (€11.9 million). At the time, this had failed to lure candidates, presumably owing to Issa’s continued involvement in the supermarket chain.

Wage scale

THE Ferrovial board was paid €25.5 million during the first half of 2024, 45 per cent more than in 2024, the Spanish multinational announced. The infrastructure company which now lists in New York as well as Spain, attributed the pay rise to ‘short-term and longterm bonuses’ and the ‘significant’ increase in Ferrovial’s share price from €26.773 to €36.045.

Going nuclear

THE Czech government has chosen Rolls-Royce to build mini nuclear power plants for state-owned energy company, CEZ. France, the US and Japan had also bid for the contract to supply the small modular reactions (SMRs), the first of which will be located near the Temelin nuclear power station and should be completed before 2035.

MOHSIN ISSA: Remains on Asda board as non-executive director

Curbing the youth crime wave



Personally, I don’t think that the young crime wave, which is at the moment practically engulfing the UK, has very little to do with the countries lack of police resources. I believe a large part of the blame can be firmly apportioned to the breakdown of the family unit. Huge numbers of families across the UK have for years taken full advantage of the liberal benefit policies of successive governments. Child benefits have been a particularly lucrative source of earnings. Consequently, many children have been conceived and born purely to add to the family income. This has resulted in enormous dysfunctional families, particularly those to whom benefits are a way of life and the children merely a means to a financial end. There is no love or guidance in these families. Once the children’s purpose has been served, they are left to roam the streets with no sense of decency or compassion for their fellow human beings what-

soever. How could there be when there have been no examples of it at home? Once let loose, they link up with likeminded offspring of their fellow dysfunctional neighbors and begin to run riot. They soon begin to realise, that the impossibly priced electronic devices and expensive ‘toys’ they have been bombarded with on television, are completely out of their financial reach, even if they took a ‘proper’ job. So, they turn to crime. This includes knifing and a positive plethora of young murder victims, fatalities who now seem to be publicised for a day or two and then forgotten! How many are being injured and never even mentioned in the media, I dread to think. To be honest I can see no answer to the immediate situation. Lock up as many of them as possible I suppose, assuming there’s enough room! As to the future, only allowing child benefits for up to two children would be a start. At least this would curb the temptation to pour even more unwanted and unloved future criminals into our society. More police are certainly needed, but only because the num-

bers of young criminals have escalated so alarmingly. I would like to see Boot camps built all across the country, where these young offenders can be sent to learn discipline, values and respect for their fellow human beings. Trades could be taught. Even simply showing someone actually cares may rescue at least a proportion of them that can be released to become valued members of society. Finally, digressing to other problems always close to my heart; there is still a relatively easy way to stop the war in the East. Give back the Israeli hostages, unharmed and well. Stop terrorist organisations lobbing missiles from adjoining countries into Israel, sit down at the table and accept the terms already offered a number of times and subsequently refused. Only then can we get back to the peaceful existence revered by most. Otherwise it will only get worse, finishing up Lord knows where. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to know it makes sense!

Keep the faith Love Leapy

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

Zurich’s public transport

THE European Commission’s ‘Quality of Life in European Cities, 2023’ report ranks Zurich, Switzerland as the top city for public transport satisfaction. An impressive 95 per cent of Zurich’s residents are happy with the city’s clean and punctual trams, buses and trains.

For expatriates, good public transport can make or break daily life, and Zurich’s investment in its integrated network offers reliability.

Vienna follows closely with 91 per cent satisfaction. The Austrian capital’s affordable and extensive system is praised for its efficiency. Helsinki also ranks high, with 89 per cent of residents satisfied thanks to its modern, eco-friendly transport options, including ferries for scenic island trips.

Stockholm, Sweden, also impresses with 88 per cent satisfaction, offering sustainable and reliable options that cater to eco-conscious commuters.

However, the report highlights that not all cities fare as well. Rome, Italy, struggles with just 29 per cent satisfaction due to frequent delays, overcrowding and outdated infrastructure.

For those considering a move to Europe, public transport is an essential factor. Having reliable modes of transport makes navigating city life easier and more enjoyable.


Speaking EuropeanTanja Schrocke

TANJA was just 18 when she moved out to Spain on her own, seeking a new life and career in tourism. She left Germany without regrets, not ever missing the “darkness,” the cold, and the “routine” of her hometown.

Even though Tanja has been living in Spain, to her it “feels just like yester day,” that she found a new home in Lloret del Mar and felt instantly “accepted” by the locals. After spending time in Costa Brava, Tanja found a new job in real estate in Denia, where she lived for a few years af ter moving to Altea; there, she feels surrounded by a “big family,” and is delighted to know “every spot of the little town.” Within months, she learned Spanish, and today, has friends from Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK.

only to see her mother and grandmother. She confessed that she feels “depressed after just three days of being in Germany,” and “feels like a foreigner,” in her old home. Instead, she invites her family to discover her life in Spain, where she anticipates an exciting future with her boyfriend, and plans to stay in Costa Blanca, her ultimate home.

Tanja´s visits to her motherland are limited to every once in two years;

Her career, currently with Premium Villas, has been an integral reason for her stay. Working in real estate, Tanja said she sees it as “a possibility to help other people find a dream home.”

Zurich in top spot.
Tanja Schrocke
Credit:Tanja Schrocke

Costa del Sol

Charlie Mullins, founder of Pimlico Plumbers and known as the ‘world’s richest plumber,’ has moved to Marbella. His rags-to-riches story won admiration, though his lifestyle was often criticised. Formerly a Tory donor, he has lost faith in the Conservatives and fears the Labour government could cause further harm.

“I have moved all my assets out of the UK. This government will break Britain. They are anti-business and despise wealth creation.”

Mullins advises young people to pursue apprenticeships, stating, “Being a plumber, you can learn as much as any bank manager.”

His drive, he says, comes from his father’s strong work ethic. Although he has no plans to repurchase Pimlico Plumbers, his family is launching Wefix London, offering high-quality tradespeople.

He praised Spanish tradespeople, saying, “The quality here is better than in the UK.”

Costa Blanca North Turning Japanese

If you were in Villajoyosa recently, you may have noticed an influx of Japanese culture due to the Japanese Manga and Culture Fair, which took over the coastal town. Organised by the Department of Youth and Villajoyosa Town Council, the event drew enthusiasts from across the Alicante Province.

Despite the rain, attendees arrived in costume and embraced the activities and workshops. The fourth edition of the fair featured a variety of Japanese-themed events such as Pokeball crafting, origami workshops, and hamma demonstrations. Visitors also enjoyed Japanese calligraphy, soft combat tournaments, card games, archery, and live role-playing.

Other highlights included Pokemon geocaching, an escape room challenge, dance sessions, film screenings, karaoke, and board games. Exhibitions of bonsai and kimonos added to the cultural richness of the event.

The Japanese Manga and Culture Fair was a resounding success.


Stranded Until Saved

A 33-year-old man found himself in need of help last Sunday, September 22 when exploring the coastline of Cala Morlanda, near Manacor. According to a report from the local fire service, firemen from the Parque de Manacor were deployed at around 11.40 that morning to assist lifeguards and police in the rescue of the man when he found himself trapped within a small coastal cave.

The man had entered the tiny cave of his own accord, but for some reason was unable to exit it without assistance, and was lucky to find himself with access to a bubble of air which enabled him to breath and kept him safe until the emergency services arrived.

Despite the rescue mission costing time and resources from the ambulance service, as well as the Manacor local police, the National police, the fire service and lifeguards, the man was reported to have been in a stable enough condition to walk away from the scene himself once he was free to

Costa Blanca South 20 Years Celebrating

On October 26, the Crescendo Choir will proudly celebrate 20 years of making music with a special anniversary concert at Salt Church in Los Montesinos, Alicante. Doors will open at 4:00 PM, and the concert will begin promptly at 4:30 PM. During the interval, a prize raffle will be held to further support charitable causes.

Tickets for this highly anticipated event are available at several locations, including The Post Room Benijofar, Face2Face Benijofar, Mateos Cafe & Bistro Benijofar, Elipacrafts Quesada, The Treasure Chest Quesada, EntreDos Benijofar, Salt Church Los Montesinos, from any choir member, and at the door on the day of the performance.

Since its founding in 2004, Crescendo Choir has grown in both size and reputation, holding numerous concerts each year and raising thousands of euros for charity. Weekly rehearsals are held at Miguel de Rincón Restaurant in Los Montesinos.

For details,


Candlelight and Stars

Residents and visitors of the Mojacar old town experienced a magical night of music and culture, surrounded by thousands of candles.

At 8 pm on Saturday, all artificial lights in Mojacar Pueblo were turned off, and more than 7,000 candles were placed and lit around the village, illuminating the town and creating a “magical atmosphere.”

Filling the cobbled streets was live music, from traditional Andalucian music to jazz, in addition to the thrilling fire dancers and marching drummers.

The mayor of Mojacar, Fran Garcia, emphasised the importance of this event, stating “The Night of the Candles is one of our most treasured festivities,” Garcia says, “It is a night to show the beauty of our municipality with unique illumination.”

The annual event displays Mojacar in a new light, celebrating community, culture and tradition under a starry night surrounded by tallow light.

Costa Calida


FAST, the First Aid Support Team on Camposol shines through all weather conditions to support its essential services. Made up of dedicated volunteers, FAST plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between medical emergencies and ambulance arrival. Their tireless efforts ensure that help is always on hand when it’s needed most.

The team is deeply grateful for the generous donations from the community, which are vital for covering their monthly operating costs. Their monthly operating costs of around €2,000 are vital for maintaining their lifesaving services. Every contribution helps maintain their lifesaving services, allowing them to provide first-aid assistance to those in need. The cheerful waves and support from locals reflect a strong sense of community solidarity. FAST’s commitment to serving Camposol, regardless of the weather, highlights its passion for keeping everyone safe and healthy. Together, they ensure that help is always just a moment away.

THE world of beauty is full of unusual trends, and some of the strangest facials have gained a cult following for their supposed benefi ts. Three of the weirdest treatments include bee sting facials, bird poo masks, and snail slime facials.

Bee sting facials involve using products that contain bee venom, which is said to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, helping to fi rm the skin and reduce wrinkles.

The sensation mimics a mild sting, and it’s belie-

Slime, stings and droppings

The bird poo facial, also known as the ‘geisha facial’, uses sanitised nightingale droppings. This ancient Japanese treatment is praised for its ability to brighten the skin and reduce hyperpigmentation, thanks to its natural enzymes and urea content.

Snail slime facials are another strange but popular option.

Scent stack success

PERFUME layering is the art of combining different fragrances to create a unique, personalised scent. It involves applying various products, such as body lotions, oils, and perfumes, either from the same fragrance family or different ones that complement each other. The process can begin with a lightly scented shower gel, followed by a matching or complementary body lotion, and finally topped with a spritz of perfume or cologne.

The goal of layering is to enhance the longevity and depth of a scent, allowing it to evolve throughout the day. By blending fragrances, you can tailor your scent to suit your mood, occasion, or personal preferences, ensuring it’s both distinctive and memorable. Perfume layering offers a creative way to experiment with aromas, giving you more control

Snail mucin is packed with nutrients, such as hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid, and an-

FOR those short on time, money, or both, DIY hair repair treatments can be a lifesaver. Whether you’re dealing with dryness, breakage, or frizz, there are effective home remedies that offer an affordable and convenient alternative to salon treatments.

Common kitchen

tioxidants, which help to hydrate, heal, and smooth the skin. While the concept might

DIY repair

ingredients like coconut oil, honey, and eggs can be used to create nourishing hair masks that replenish moisture and strengthen weak strands. Coconut oil, for example, is excellent for deep conditioning and can be left on overni-

Buff and brighten

EXFOLIATION is the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, promoting a smoother, brighter complexion. Regular exfoliation helps prevent clogged pores, reduces the appearance of fine lines, and allows skincare products to penetrate more effectively. However, it’s important to exfoliate safely to avoid damaging the skin. There are two main types of exfoliation: physical and chemical. Physical exfoliation involves scrubbing with tools like brushes or grainy exfoliators. Opt for gentle scrubs with fine particles and avoid over-scrubbing to prevent irritation. Chemical exfoliants, such as those containing alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs), dissolve dead skin cells without harsh scrubbing. These are ideal for sensitive skin and can be found in toners or serums.

Exfoliating one to three times a week is usually sufficient, depending on your skin type. Over-exfoliating can lead to redness, dryness, and sensitivity, so it’s important to find a balance that works for you and your skin’s needs.

sound odd, many swear by its hydrating and regenerative properties.

ght for an intense treatment.

Additionally, avoiding heat styling tools and overwashing can do wonders for improving hair health. Letting hair air-dry or using cool settings on hairdryers helps to

reduce heat damage. With a little patience and creativity, DIY treatments can achieve impressive results. Regular trims, even if you do them yourself, also help keep hair healthy by preventing split ends from worsening. This shows that you don’t need to spend a fortune to maintain beautiful, healthy hair.

Credit: Shutterstock Hazal Ak
Credit: Shutterstock Damir Khabirov

Promoting awareness

WORLD RABIES DAY, observed on September 28, raises awareness about rabies prevention and control.

Rabies is a deadly virus that affects both animals and humans, typically transmitted through the bite of an infected animal.

Symptoms of rabies in dogs include fever, excessive drooling, aggression, diffi culty swallowing, and paralysis. Once symptoms appear, the disease is almost always fatal. In humans, symptoms can range from fl u-like signs to anxiety, confusion, and hallucinations, leading to death if untreated.

To protect your dog from rabies, ensure they receive regular vaccinations. The rabies vaccine is highly effective and should be part of your dog’s routine care. Additionally, keep your dog away from wild animals, as they are the most common carriers of the virus. Report any animal bites or suspicious behaviour to local authorities, and seek immediate medical attention if bitten by an unknown animal.

By vaccinating pets and promoting awareness, we can prevent rabies worldwide.

Walk without worry

IF your dog is frightened of other dogs, it’s important to take steps to prevent negative experiences that may deepen their fear. Remember, even the best-trained dogs can have unpredictable moments, so sticking to certain rules is crucial, especially in the beginning. Avoid taking your dog to crowded areas or dog parks,

as these environments can overwhelm them.

Instead, focus on providing a safe buffer zone during walks. This might mean crossing the street, waiting at the top of a driveway for another dog to pass, or carefully stepping into the street to put a parked car between your pup and an approaching dog. Never yell at your dog or force

interactions with other dogs; instead, comfort them and allow them to feel secure in your presence. Be an advocate for your dog’s needs. If someone asks if their dog can say ‘hi,’ politely decline and continue your walk. With patience and understanding, you can help your dog feel more confident over time.

25 years experience in transporting

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Article 1: Party with Marty: What’s in Store for the Costa Gaels?

THE Costa Gaels are gearing up for an unforgettable time on October 5th as they host the fi rst round of the Andalusian Tournament at the Marbella Rugby Club. But what makes this event even more exciting?

The one and only Marty Morrissey will be joining the fun, fresh from his much-anticipated “Marty Party” on the Costa del Sol!

Known for his energetic presence and passion for Gaelic games, Marty is sure to bring an extra spark to

this special event. His visit promises not just football but also a week fi lled with music, performances, and memorable moments. Fans of Marty won’t want to miss out, so be sure to grab your tickets for the Marty Party. The event won’t be all Marty, though! Local legend Justin Parks, a long-time icon of the Costa Gaels, joked, “I suppose I’ll have to let Marty have the spotlight for a day... but just for one day!” Justin’s humor aside, the day will be packed with

Gaelic football action, featuring teams from across the region like Celta Malaga, Eire Óg Sevilla, and the Gibraltar Gaels.

Expect plenty of food, drinks, and laughter as the community comes together to celebrate not just football, but the shared spirit of camaraderie. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or new to Gaelic football, this is an event you won’t want to miss. So, mark your calendars, grab your friends, and let’s make this a day to remember. Sláinte!

Transfer rule change

STARTING from the 2025/26 season, the Premier League will close the summer transfer window before the start of the league campaign, instead of continuing to extend it past the start of the season as has been the case up until now. Up to this season, the transfer window has routinely closed after the first couple of games, with this year’s window closing on August 30.

Players like Aaron Ramsdale, Raheem Sterling, and Jadon Sancho all moved after the season has started, but this will no longer be possible next season under the new rules.

Frustration Among Clubs

Transfer deadline date to change.


A.W.F.L. Over 50s

AC Benahavis 1 v 4 El Canadon OB THE game began with both keepers being tested with long range shots, resulting from neat passing football from the two sides. The visitors finally made the breakthrough from a free kick, scored by Martin Paolasso. Benahavis equalised through captain James Quinn, soon after the break, with a great goal following a neat move. Against a bout of pressure from the hosts, El Canadon took the lead again through Gustavo Chitero and, although Benahavis pressed hard for an equaliser, the visitors sealed the win with two late goals from Ruben Mendez.

Nerja Utd 1 v 7 Malaga WFC

This was a comprehensive display of dominance by last season’s league winners. After the visitors’ first early goal from new ‘boy’ Marcello, Nerja briefly fought back, Mike Corish equalising from a cleverly taken free kick. However, Malaga quickly reasserted their control, going in at half time with a 3-1 lead. After the break, Malaga piled on the pressure, scoring four more goals without reply and are looking a good bet for vying for the title once more. Malaga’s other scorers were Andres (2), Victor, Fran and Roberto, with Marcello netting his second.

A.W.F.L. Over 60s

Nerja Utd 5 v 1 Malaga WFC

Nerja dominated Malaga from the off with Kev Sweeney scoring two goals

before half time, albeit one a deflection. The visitors tried to rally after the break, attempting to push forward more frequently, but a disallowed penalty appeared to kill their momentum. Mick Sweeney added a third for the home side, followed by a fantastic assist by Keith Bucknell creating a Tony Wells goal to make it four. Gary Seymour pulled one back for Malaga following a free kick but Wells struck again for Nerja to seal a convincing win.

Century milestone

Erling Haaland has matched Cristiano Ronaldo’s record as the fastest player to score 100 goals for a club.

The 24-year-old Norwegian hit this century milestone with his goal against Arsenal in Manchester City’s 2-2 draw last Sunday, further solidifying his status as one of the most lethal forwards in football.

in 120 games for Barcelona, while Zlatan Ibrahimovic - 124 games with PSG - and Ruud van Nistelrooy - 131 games with Manchester Unitedround off the top contenders.

Haaland’s efficiency in front of goal is astonishing, with 33 of his 100 goals coming from 11 hat-tricks. His latest hat trick was scored against West Ham on Matchday three of the 2024/25 Premier League season.

New Transfer Deadline Day

The new proposed deadline in 2025/26 would be August 15, a

Some European clubs, represented by the European Club Association (ECA), have expressed frustration over what they perceive as a disruption caused by transfers after domestic competitions have started. Representatives from the major European leagues, namely England, Spain, Germany, Italy, and France want to prevent player movement once the season starts.

day before the first ball is kicked on August 16.

There were previous efforts to do this in 2024/25, but the plan was delayed as Barcelona’s financial issues prevented La Liga from participating. This brought down the agreement between the five major leagues (Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A, Ligue 1).

Haaland reached this impressive feat in just 105 appearances for Manchester City, equalling Ronaldo’s record set during his time at Real Madrid.

This makes the two of them the fastest players to hit 100 goals with a single club across Europe’s top five leagues; Haaland’s goals have come at an average of one every 85 minutes.

Luis Suarez follows behind, reaching 100 goals

Despite his extraordinary record, Haaland’s recent actions have raised eyebrows and possibly tainted his achievement.

In City’s 2-2 draw with Arsenal, he tarnished his achievement by throwing the ball at Gabriel Magalhaes’ head, a gesture that overshadowed his incredible accomplishment.

Erling Haaland

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