9_Method GenderAlp_WP5_download_e

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Analysis Phase 1: Selection and Short Characterisation of the Projects

4. Analysis Phase 2: Analysis of projects, processes and procedures Adapting the projects for input into the good practice database will require preparation of the following project related information. These work steps are subdivided into: •L isting and presentation of contractors and project partners •P reparing the project and process for input into the good practice database according to 5R+1E method •C onsulting experts •L isting and presentation of participating experts and project co-workers •G athering and adapting of continuative project information

4.1 Listing and presentation of contractors and project partners Presentation of contractors as well as the individual participating project partners. The following information will be included in the database: name of the respective institution, task within the project or process, mail address, e-mail address, telephone number, and if available internet link. In addition the focus of activity of the individual institutions will be presented by briefly describing the main work fields and areas.

4.2 Analysis of the projects using the 5R + 1E method Analysis is based on the 5R + 1 E method . The starting position of good practice projects and processes will be analysed and described with the first 4 R. The 1 2 3 4

4 R stand for: Representation − who? Resources − how? Rights: legal frame conditions − why? Reality – societal norms and values and planning models

For analysis of the results and the implementation of the projects and processes the fifth R and the E will come into play. 5 Results and implementing 1 Evaluation In the 4 points of analysis (Representation, Resourcen, Rights − legal situation, Reality) the questions relating to the starting position and the deduced results T he analysis consists of the 4R method (after the Swedish Association of Local Authorities), and is extended by 1R + 1E to become the 5R+1E method (cf Gender Mainstreaming in der GPA, Schlussbericht der Projektgruppe des Bundesvorstandes der GPA, editor: Trade Union of Employees − Women, 2002.), for a joint analysis of GM projects and processes.


Analysis Phase 1: Selection and Short Characterisation of the Projects

of the analysis will be presented. By working on the questions, approach and options of questioning will become more transparent for the users of the database and, moreover, by presenting the results of the analysis the starting position problems of the various projects will become more visible. In the fifth R for Results and with Evaluation the results of the analysis for implementing − and thereby the impact of the projects and processes − as well as the (self) evaluation of the projects and processes as means of assessment whether the projected objectives have been reached.

1R-REPRESENTATION - Who? The ratio of participating women and men in a project is shown. Questions: Who is participating? Was there a survey of qualitative and/ or quantitative data in advance to the project development in order to present the gender ratio? The relevant and determining questions for the respective project are to be put in the input mask. Examples for questions: •W ho is involved in the planning/ the process/ the procedure? How many women, how many men? •W ho is involved seen in regards to life phase and circumstances? How many women, how many men? •W ho initiated the project or process? •W ho is supported by the offer/ the planning/ the project/ the process? How many women, how many men? •W ho is not being addressed? How many women, how many men? •W hich gender specific quantitative data exists, which doesn’t exist? Summary of the analysis of representation: The results of the adaption of the starting position in regards to presentation within the project or process is summarised for input.

2R-RESOURCES DISTRIBUTION − How? How are women’s and men’s options in forming and accessing resources − those which were dealt with when working on the project or process − different. Questions: Was resource distribution, i.e. money, time, and space in the development of the project worked on separately for women and men? The relevant and determining questions for the respective project are to be put in the input mask. Examples for questions: •H ow are resources money, time, and space distributed between women and men? •W ho finances the projects/ the processes? How much of the funding is public, how much private? •W ho distributes the money and how? •H ow much time is invested for women’s respectively men’s concerns? •H ow much and what kind of space is assigned for women, for men? How


Analysis Phase 2: Analysis of Projects, Processes and Procedures

much space is available for what? How much money is spent on women’s respectively men’s activities? •W hat kind of resources do women and men dispose of? •W hat funding programmes support gender mainstreaming projects? Summary of the analysis of resources distribution The results of the adaption of the starting position in regards to resource distribution within the project or process is summarised for input.

3R-RIGHTS AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK − Why? Insights on the legal frame conditions of the project will be worked on. Focus of examination is whether women and men have equal rights and whether they also make use of them equally. Questions: What legal frame conditions are there? Were the legal frame conditions and options questioned in regards to their gender sensitivity? Are women and men equally taken into account? The relevant and determining questions for the respective project are to be put in the input mask. Examples for questions: •W hich legal frame conditions were included? Which are missing? •W hat planning concepts are there? • I s one gender discriminated against indirectly? •W hich legal basis supports equal opportunity for women and men? •D o existing regulations and legal basics incorporate gender specific reality? Summary of the analysis of legal frame conditions: The results of the adaption of the starting position in regards to legal frame conditions and norms within the project or process is summarised for input.

4R-REALITY − societal norms and values and planning models Making societal norms and values and planning models as cause for the inequality of women and men visible. Questions: Based on societal norms and values, which differences exist between women and men? What does the gender ratio look like in planning models? The relevant and determining questions for the respective project are to be put in the input mask. Examples for questions: •W hich societal norms and values create inequality between men and women? •W hich planning models create inequality between men and women? •A re women and men confronted with differing societal expectations and demands? •A re women’s and men’s interests and needs taken into account equally? •W hich specific obstacles or detriments do women or men encounter due to their gender?


Analysis Phase 2: Analysis of Projects, Processes and Procedures

Summary of the analysis of reality: The results of the adaption of the starting position in regards to societal norms and values and planning models within the project or process is summarised for input.

5R-RESULTS AND IMPLEMENTATION Demands and problem sets deduced from analysing the starting position are presented in their implementation and the consequences thereof for future action are shown. Questions: •W hat changes in circumstances in regards to 4R (representation, resources, legal basis, reality) can be observed and which measures were set to enhance equal opportunity for women and men? •W hich results and measures for the project can be deduced from the preceding analysis of the first 4 R and how were they implemented? Which steps and phases of implementing were successful for putting gender mainstreaming projects into practice and which were applied in the course of the project implementation? Summary of the analysis of results: The results of the adaption of the outcomes and implementing of the project or process are summarised for input into the good practice database.

1E-(SELF) EVALUATION Controlled results of a (self) evaluation according to GM criteria are summarised and the success factors in implementing GM contents are presented. Questions: •W hat is the innovative, extraordinary or special aspect in regards to approach, to the results or to the implementation in this example? •W hat success factors were decisive for a successful implementation of GM projects? •H ave the chosen process, project, or procedure structures proven successful? •W hich impact will the applied measures have? What impediments were there with implementing certain measures? Summary of the analysis of evaluation: The results of the adaption of the evaluation of the course of project or process and arisen problems are summarised for input.


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