Proposal FOR Atlanta
A citizen friendly data dashboard
Proposal by
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Haozhe”Stan” Li Xiaohui”Eva” Luo
Georgia Institute of Technology
Prepared for Atlanta Government 10/13/2013 (678)579-2728 (678)899-3928
About Us
Master’s Candidates of HCI
Web Designer
Web Developer
Haozhe”Stan” Li Currently studying HCI, Stan learned and practiced User Experience design skills to ensure the usability of softwares and websites. Having a Software Engineering background, Stan is versed in web development skills from front-end to back-end. Hence Stan can design the interface & interaction that's usable and easily approachable for users, and then implement it using standard web technologies. Additional to his background, Stan is very interested in information visualization, which tries to present data visually to facilitate communication and decision making. For more information about my past projects, please visit my portfolio at
Xiaohui”Eva” Luo Eva is also a MS-HCI student at GaTech. She has worked with Dr. John Stasko (a distinguished professor in the field of information visualization) for over a year now. Quite a few projects of her used information visualization to assist decision making, like the Student Vis project ( Additional to her strong background in information visualization, she is also experienced in user experience design and web development. More information about Eva can be found on her portfolio at
Specialized in Data Visualization
Interactive Visualization
Mobile Visualization
Prof. John T. Stasko John is Director of the Information Interfaces Research Group whose mission is to help people take advantage of information to enrich their lives. As the amount of data available to people and organizations has skyrocketed over the past 10-20 years, largely fueled by the growth of the internet, insufficient methods for people to benefit from this flood of data have been developed. A central focus of many of the group's projects is the creation of information visualization and visual analytics tools to help people explore, analyze, and understand large data sets. In particular, they are creating visual analytics systems to help people with "sense-making" activities on data sets such as large document collections. The group also has developed a number of techniques and systems for providing people with peripheral awareness of useful information. Follow the link to the research group in order to visit pages with more details on these projects.
The GT-RNOC Platform (, which a research lab Stan is working for, contains a broad set of resources with a focus on the construction of endto-end prototype and research environments. GT-RNOC is closly working with a lot of industries for web and mobile projects. Platform users include students and faculty with an interest in the convergence space including Voice, IMS, IPTV, Web, and mobility.
Competitive Analysis
Disadvantages Expensive
Too general
Not mobile friendly
Our Advantages Intuitive visualizations
Design specifically for our data Easy data input
Allow data uploading through spreadsheet
Clear dashboard
Humancentered design Responsive interfaces
Unified experience across multiple platforms
Intuitive visualizations
Design and implement intuitive,visually appealing visualizations for performance data, facilitating citizens’ awareness and understanding.
Color Grouping
Percentage Data Calculated Data
Comparing Data Thank you for your sample metric data. We developed two quick interactive demos:
Clear Dashboard
A dashboard that organizes visualizations by mayor’s priority areas, and navigates citizens efficiently with its clear information architecture
Heuristic Evaluation
Journey Mapping
User Study
Human-centered design process lead to a clear information structure of the dashboard
A sample vision of how dashboard would be like.
Easy Data Input
Create a platform that facilitates easy data uploading and leverages existing data stored in spreadsheets
Step 1: Copy your data
Step 2: Paste into our spreadsheet
Step 3:Visualization automatically updated
Responsive interfaces
Create a unified experience across multiple platforms, applying responsive design techniques
Responsive Techniques Flexible Grid Flexible Images Media Queries
One code works on multi-platforms
Our process cycle consists of ideation, and a design, build, test iteration cycle, leading up to a fully implemented module.
Our Process Ideation
B u i l d
t Tes
Fully Implemented
1 Deliverable: Final design wireframes a. Brainstorming and come up as many as possible design options
Idea & Design ASAP -- Oct. 31
b. Consult government staff and Prof. Stasko to narrow down to two or three design options. c. Quick prototype and conduct user study to decide the best solution and make sure great usability.
2 Deliverable: Fully working dashboard module a. Come up the system diagram of vis module and integration with current government web site structure
Build & Test
b. Build visualization module for each dataset. Keep testing once built
Nov. 1 -- Dec. 31
c. Integrate all visualization module and test its robustness.
3 Deliverable: Integrated visualization and documentation a. Integrate dashboard module with current government website
Deploy & Documentation Jan. 1 -- Jan. 15
b. Edit a detailed documentation of current code for future maintenance
Fixing Bugs
Update Codes
We will be responsible for fixing any bugs identified by our clients.
We will be responsible for updating the code due to clients’ website change.
Future Feature We will be responsible for designing and developing any future features in visualization part.