Hsin Yi Lo's portfolio

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Hsin Yi Lo



Industrial + Design

Profile 羅心怡 Lo Hsin-Yi Gender Birthday Place of Birth

女性 Female


台灣台南 Tainan,Taiwan

1991年11月3日 November 3rd, 1991 台灣桃園 Taoyuan,Taiwan


evalo1103@gmail.com +886 986311180 Hsin Yi Lo

成大工設系2014年畢業生,喜歡設計也對此充滿熱忱,期望自己能將設計落實於生活,為生活帶來便利 與美好。喜歡富有挑戰性的工作來測試自己的潛能,喜歡旅行去發現自己不知道的人事物。喜歡這個世 界,希望自己的生命能為她帶來更多意義。 I am now a student major in industrial design in National Cheng Kung University. I have passion in my major of design. I’d like to implement my ideas and creative concept into reality in the future, bringing convenience and happiness to people. Moreover, I like to test my limits and not afraid to face challenges. I love traveling that I can discover things I don’t know in the world. I love this world and hope that my life can bring more meanings to her.

Education 學歷 2004 - 2010

復旦高級中學 Fudan High School , Taoyuan Taiwan

2010 - 2014

國立成功大學工業設計學系 National Cheng Kung University , Tainan Taiwan Department of Industrial Design

Experience 經歷 2007

Jun. - Jul.

遊學英國劍橋 Study Tour in Cambridge,UK for one month



西螺國際志工營 國際志工 Volunteer, Silou International Workcamp 成功大學童軍社 社員,幹部 Member of NCKU Scout Club

2012 -- 2014 2012


生活風格素材與創意設計營 Specific Materials Design Workshop



Mind The Gap國際設計營 NCKU& RCA Mind the Gap workshop

Jul. - Aug.

春田創意有限公司 暑期實習 Summer Internship in springfield creations


YODEX 新一代設計展 Young Designer’s Exhibition


Skills 專業能力

Software Skills 擅長工具

Industrial Design Product Design Design Thinking Sketching

3D Modeling


Film Editing

CIS Design Graphic Design Layout Design

Language 語言 中文 Manderin 日文 Japanese

英文 English TOEIC 915, TOEFL iBT 91


n g i s e D l a i r t s Indu


esign D s i s e h /T Take It Easy ject 27 o r P s e i d User Stu / d n u o r A Circle sign 53 e D l a i r t / Indus e in h c a M 3 7 n g i Vita Vending s e strial D u d n I / e f Home Ca n 87 g i s e D l a ndustri I / ic s u M In n 95 g i s e D t c u eter / Prod



g i s e D c i h p a Gr


1 n g i s e D S Film / CI V n o o M n 107 g i s e 彎月熊 D r e / Post s r a t S r u O n The Fault I esign 109 D r e t s o /P

欣力 Old

se, New Life



t c e j o r P n g i s De


& Foun t s o L 舊 酗 Culture Cart

113 125 orkcamp

eting k r a M n esig nal W

natio r e t n I G / MT

Take It Easy / Thesis Design Project


Circle Around /User Studies Project


Industrial Design Take It Easy / Circle Around Home Cafe / In Music / Lighthermometer 6

Vita Vending Machine / Industrial Design Project

53 Home Cafe / Industrial Design Project

73 In Music / Industrial Design Project

87 Lighthermometer / Product Design Project



Thesis Design


Take It Easy

Wheelchair users can also pack their luggage with elegance and confidence ! Take It Easy is an innovative suitcase designed for wheelchair users, and further more for elderly people with universal design concept.


Take It Easy

Co-Design by 黃玟慧

Graduation Project Thesis Design 2014 HUANG, WEN-HUEI



Thesis Design

Take It Easy

Background Not only the environment, but also products should be accessible to everyone Modern people like to enjoy lives through traveling, however, a normal activity like travel would be luxury to people using wheelchairs. They will meet barriers not only in the environment, but also their psychological conditions. They would feel bad when always asking other people for help since they don’t want to become a burden to them. From the basis of “ Design for wheelchair traveling”, we searched for the touch point of design. We hope that through our design, wheelchair users can travel with carefree and satisfaction independently. Last but not the least, we’d like to expand our design to universal design. We hope our design can benefit not only the wheelchair users but also old people or people who move with difficulty. We believe that not only the environment, but also products should be accessible to everyone.


Research Thesis Studies

Psychological factors is also a barrier In order to understand more information about traveling with disability, we did a lot of research about “Barrier-Free Travel”. And though some thesis we found, wheelchair users or others with physically challenged still have the desire for traveling. However, besides the environment problem, the thesis pointed out that the psychological condition is also a barrier for them— some people with physically challenged are afraid of traveling not because of environment but their heart. They don’t want to be a burden to other people, especially someone they love. They also have the desire to travel or have some controls of traveling on their own.


Traveling on a wheelchair

To be in a wheelchair user’s shoes, we planned a tour with wheelchair on our own one day in October, 2013 in Tainan. Our mission is to travel from our university to the famous tourist spot of Tainan—Anpin. In the whole tour, we found out that the barrier free facilities are not quite well in Tainan since we almost waited for a bus with barrier free ramp for an hour. Moreover, the old buildings of some historical places have no ramp or elevator for wheelchair users. Most importantly, we also experience the different attention from other people when sitting on the wheelchair. Some people will pay more attention on you and have strange faces. Honestly, the vision is not quite good since that you might be blocked by other people. At last, we knew that what difficulties a wheelchair user would face from this different tour experience.


Thesis Design

Take It Easy

Interview Find a design direction through users In order to understand the current situation of wheelchair traveling, we interviewed some wheelchair users experienced in traveling, including a teacher who are experienced in barrier free travel in our university and four people who are wheelchair users. From the interview, we knew the needs and preparation of a wheelchair user in a foreign travel. Besides the problems related to environment, we noticed that wheelchair users met some problems with current suitcases while packing up their luggage. They couldn’t use the current suitcases without other people’s help, therefore they can barely travel by themselves.

“ 13

Interview with Ms.Lin who is a wheelchair user with foreign travel experiences. Oct. 16.2013

Problem Definition Physcial

Problem with current suitcases Wheelchair users have faced two physical problems with current suitcases – height and weight.


Height Weight


/Height Current suitcases should be lay flat while using. However, a wheelchair user can’t reach the suitcases for the limit of their hands. They cannot reach the object in the bottom of suitcase. Therefore, suitcases should be placed on a small table by other people for them to pack up luggage.

Psychological Afraid to be a burden to others

/Weight M o r e o v e r, a s u i t c a s e f i l l e d w i t h luggage is too heavy for them to lift up to the table or take down from the table by themselves.


Thesis Design

Take It Easy

Idea Development Design Concept Enabling wheelchair users to pack their luggage on their own with confidence and elegance, without assistances of other people.

Persona Judy Liu / 35 years old , Female • 20-year experience of using wheelchair. • Has difficulty in moving, but hands functions normally. • Love traveling for 3-5 days in foreign countries with well barrier free facilities • Independent, easygoing person • Travel with electric wheelchair for foreign travel. Use one suitcase and one carry-on luggage. No other special things needed.

Ergonomic limits • The reaching scale is limited by the wheelchair • Can only use one hand in left or right side with small strength • Current suitcase should be lifted to 35 cm or so that can be use easily

Goals • 5 days of independent foreign travel • Destination: Europe and Japan 15

Design Method The design method we use to find problems and develope our ideas.

User Experience Journey Map To clarify what will happen when travel on wheelchair from home to airport to hotels includes: behavior, touch point, problems, reason and mental stage

Mind Map To raise up


reaching suitcase

Assistive device

Morphological Charts Ideas

open reach object



Thesis Design

Take It Easy

Idea sketches

Raise up


Design Development / From sketches to real modeling

Take It Easy Suitcase for wheelchair user

Design Direction A new suitcase consists of two detachable part, which is combined by hidden mechanism. The whole suitcase can be carried by airplane and for foreign travel. With 360 degree wheels in the bottom, the suitcase can be easily moved by wheelchair users on wheelchair.


Fast prototyping with cardboard, in order to test the usability and using process.

Prototyping & Testing 3D modeling & Style Development

Classic, Confidence, Elegance The style we want to create is confidence and elegance. After some style testing and color plannig, we choose this classic but elegant style. 18

Thesis Design

Take It Easy

Model Making

Communication with local experts in different fields After we decided the style and appearance, the hardest part came -- real model making for final display. This is the first time we cooperated with local model making company and local fatories, including leather wrapping, bag making. We learned a lot of communication skills from this part. That is quite diffucult but interesting for us.

3D Printing This is also the first time that I tryed to use the 3d printer to create small components of our product. Though 3d printing is convenient but sometimes we also faced some unexpectedness that makes us crazy. And it is this experience that I noticed the possibilities of 3d printing in the 19

Design Outcome Take It Easy - Main Features Upright Lid Design

Detachable Design

The innovative design of upright lid enables users to use the suitcase without moving it, solving the ergonomic problem of height and weight. Wheelchair users can easily use the suitcase by themselves with one hand beside the wheelchair.

The whole design is a combination of two detachable cases. Users can pack up their luggage of commonly use on upper case for special condition without open the whole suitcase. The detachable design also benefits users with flexible size depending on their days of traveling.

Inner Bags Packing The interior design of suitcase combines with inner bags, helping users distribute the weight of luggage and reach the object in the bottom. The design solves the height and weight limit problems of wheelchair users. The inner bags are designed with reaching rope connected to the lid of lower case, user can easily use with one hand.


Thesis Design

Take It Easy

Design Details

Inner Bags Inner bags design is based on the using habits of our targeted user, female wheelchair users. Inner bags help users to distribute the luggage weight and assorting the luggage while packing.There is a pocket on the inner bags that can storage reaching ropes.

Reaching Rope Reaching rope can be connected to the lid of lower cases, helping users to take out the inner bags. Color signs on the surface is aimed for assorting luggage. Reels on the reaching rope can storage the rope after use.

Buckle Strap Buckle Strap is the design in the lower case for fixing the luggage. Wheelchair user can use this strap with only one hand.


Mechanism Special mechanism hidden in the internal combines the two parts into one suitcase for the convenience of moving and luggage checking. The switch design on the upper case can open the combination, but it can hardly move without applying a force for safety consideration and accident. Moreover, there is a touch-avoiding design for additional protection.

Drop-avoiding Bag Drop-avoiding bag is a design in the edge of lower case, preventing the object from falling into the bottom but hard to take. When the user can hardly bend down to take the falling object, they can pull the edge of the drop-avoiding bag that they can reach them.


Thesis Design

Take It Easy

Process of Using

Step1 Binding belt Easily open the binding belt outside the suitcase.

Step2 Unlock the mechanism Unlock the combination of two cases with fool-proofing hidden lock.


Step3 Pack up the upper case Packing up the upper case on knees or on a table. The size is perfect for moving.

Step4 Pack up the lower case Open the upright lid, and then take out the reaching rope and inner bags.

Step5 Pack up inner bags Pack up luggage with inner bags. Then connect the inner bags with reaching rope on the lower case.

Step6 Moving Combine the upper and lower case and move the suitcase with a suitable height for wheelchair user.


Thesis Design

Take It Easy

Exhibition Q to A+ Graduation Exhibition Our graduation exhibition-- Q to A+, was held in April in NCKU and May in Taipei world trade center. " Q to A+ " is the process that we solves the problems. More than just answers, we want to provide a new experience of usability, a better lives to the world we love.

Graduation exhibition is the stage for us to promote our design.Through the exhibition, we learned a lot about how to display our products and concepts. Every introduction to the people that came to visit our design,I have a new recognition to our design. What we care and how we translate the care to the real product. We also received a lot of advices from the people who came to the exhibition. That made us to be modest and realized that we are not good enough. It is just a start. The love and care we did in this design will be carried on .


不只環境,產品也應該無障礙 Not only the environment, but also products should be accessible to everyone.


Industrial Design

Circle Around

Connect people across the gap!


Circle Around

Interactive Waiting Area

User Studies Product Service System Design 2013

Co-Design by 張有容






Issue Statement As technology advances, people indulge in the Internet all the time. Because of that, we forget how to chat or interact with others, and make interpersonal alienation. People don’t talk their story or feeling face-to-face, but just through the technology device to share it. As the time connecting the internet become longer, the rate of interact with others would become lower. Include less interaction with family, limit the social range, lower chance connecting with other organization, in last, might make people depress and alienate and let the personal life satisfaction decrease. ( Kraut,Patterson, & Lundmark, 1998) However, the phenomenon is obvious at train station. Even though we sit in the same area we still have no interactive activity because of no common talk topic and same focus point. Let people can only bury into net world and neglect the real world between us.

Issue Less communications between people in station



Waiting Area

Research Purpose Beyond Station: Connect people across the gap Our PSS focus on the interaction between people in waiting area of train station. Through the observation, we found out that people spend lots of time in waiting area than other areas in train station. People sit down and wait, sometimes stay for a long time. However, little interaction happens during the waiting time. Our PSS is result-oriented. What we want to do is to increase interaction in waiting area. Hence creating a new waiting experience in train station. List the following purposes: 1. The waiting area with interactive function improves the connection and interaction beyond people. 2. Decreasing the people alienation cause by strange environment. 3. Combine ticket culture into service process, make treasure culture can be preserve in different forms.

Increase Interaction

New Waiting Experience

Preserve Ticket Culture


Industrial Design

Circle Around

Product Life Cycle We focus on the during stage of the bench in waiting area since travelers in train station spend most of their time on this stage, suggesting that there is more opportunities for our PSS.

Primary Users / Travelers open-minded to new things and new friends

Secondary users / Commuters feel boring to a routine life

Tertiary users /Maintenance Technician Maintain public facilities


Waiting Area / Place where people spend most of their time


Industrial Design

Circle Around

Research Questions 1. What is the reason that waiting area in Tainan Station cannot trigger people to interact with others? 2. What is the factor that affects people in the station not willing to interact with others?



method we use



we observe

we observe

Lobby and waiting area in Tainan station.

The number of people changes in different period of time. In morning and evening there are more people in commuting hours, while there are less people in the afternoon. • Morning, Afternoon and Evening • 3 different time in weekday


we observe



We want to observe the real interaction of people in natural setting. And find the breakdowns related to our research question. • Real interaction of people in natural setting. • Find the breakdowns related to our research question.

we use



We stay in the station for more than one hour each time as a active observer, taking notes of what we observe related to our research question. • Mostly travelers & commuters.

1 hour /each time; Active observer; Take notes, take picture


Industrial Design

Circle Around

Persona Mandy Chen Gender: Female Age: 25 Job: Office lady

01 Lives and works in Taipei, whereas due to her job, sometimes she will go to other county for business and take the opportunity to travel. She is an outgoing, optimistic person. She loves delicacy, traveling, shopping and things that feel high quality. She also pursues high quality in her life. Traveling is her own way to make Work-Life balance. She likes travel with ease, in a more elegant way, not in haste. She has passion and curiosity in life, and she is a person who can open her mind welcoming new things. She will arrange a long vacation in order to travel in Taiwan or go abroad once a year.

Goals • Value of life purse a way of plain happiness. • Goal of life she hopes that she can keep something meaningful and memorable in every trip in her life.

Background & Attitude • • • •


Plan before travel Like to travel on train in Taiwan Order tickets in advance Go to the train station earlier before arriving time of train

Persona Bob Wu Gender: Male Age: 22 Job: College Student

02 A natural-born Tainanese and now a student of NCKU. Being a natural-born Tainanese and now a student of NCKU, he is inarticulate but mild. He is inflexible to his interests but brush others aside. AS a heavy internet user, he prefers typing rather than writing and reading. Casual looks with high comfort is his

Goals • Seldom does he take a train except visiting his grandma in Kaohsiung. • Mostly he goes to the station for picking someone up or meeting friends. Because of the inflexibility, he would take the train to attend the related activity. • Doesn’t make a clear schedule ahead always spends time on waiting because of miss the train. • With the 3C products anytime he can easily pass the boring time. The ruin of 3C products will be his nightmare.

Background & Attitude • Prefers something convenient and fast • Heavy dependence on the Internet • Only something interesting might attracts him


Industrial Design

Circle Around

Through Observation, we take notes and find some breakdowns related to our research questions: 1. What is the reason that waiting area in Tainan Station cannot trigger

people to interact with others? 2. What is the factor that affects people in the station not willing to interact with others? In order to find the user's requirements, we build two working models, one is Physical & Artifact Models, the other is Sequence Models to analyze the observation we do in the Tainan Train

Waiting area in Tainan Train Station 37

Working Models - Physical & Artifact Models Breakdowns • Atmosphere Bad environment and space planning make circulation unclear and atmosphere gloomy and dim.

• Hard to communicate, No eye contact The type of seat is old, people can only look at the front but not face to face with each other. It makes people cannot easily communicate and have eye contact with others.

• TV attracts people Let them cannot internet with each other

User Requirements • A comfortable atmosphere • Clear moving circulation • Can easily communicate with other people


Industrial Design

Circle Around

Working Models - Sequence Models

Task Find a seat in waiting area Trigger • Want to release the burden of baggage • Feel tired to stand and wait for the train

Overall intents There is some spare time before the train comes


Breakdowns • No interesting things There is no interesting things in the environment to attract people.

• Seat planning People can hardly have eye contact and communicate with each other face to face.

• Narrow aisle The aisle between two benches is too narrow.

• No trigger for chatting Hard to have a topic to chat with strangers.

User Requirements • Well seat planning User need wider aisle for reaching the seat The arrangement of the seat can have eye contact and communication easily

• Attracting things Something in the waiting area that can help people kill the waiting time Something that serve as the trigger for communication with stranger


Industrial Design

Circle Around

Service Blueprint



Current Service Blueprint The current service blueprint is the process that how people find a seat and their following behavior in the waiting area. What we want to change is the arrangement of the seat and the behavior after people sit down. We consider that these two parts might be more opportunities adding interactive triggers.



What kind of arrangement or form can improve the interaction among people?


Something makes people communicate ?




The process we want to change in the task "Find a seat in a waiting area"

+ User Requirements • • • • •

from working Models

A comfortable atmosphere Clear moving circulation Can easily communicate with other people Well seat planning Attracting things

New Service Blueprint The new service we provide in our PSS is an interactive system, including the 3D sensitive floor and animation effect.

3D Sensitive Floor sense pressure of people while standing or walking on.


Industrial Design

Circle Around

New Service Blueprint The service is free for anyone who accesses the waiting area and maintained by the station. Not only we change the arrangement of the seat (circle arrangement) but also we add interactive technology, combining with 3D sensitive floor, which can provide the access of interaction with the place. In that case, people can head up from their smartphones or escape the boring waiting time, hence interacting with the whole new service in the waiting area. And after more people entering in the waiting area, the interactive system can serve as a trigger that help people build connection with each other. What we change and what we provide

New Arrangement of Seat



New Waiting Experience/ Interactive Technology


Conversation Trigger with other people

Values Comfortable

We want to provide a bright and clean atmosphere for travelers in waiting area. A place that can provide a comfortable feeling in their waiting time in station.


We want to provide a new waiting experience through our interactive service, making people feel interesting, relaxing and full of satisfaction when they spend time in the waiting area.


We want to help people build connection with others, improving the interactive experience in waiting area. Hence, building good impression of station in people’s mind through the interaction with the space.


Industrial Design

Circle Around

Culture Design In this part, we are asked to place culture elements into our product service system design.Therefore we began to analyze the culture DNA of traditional Taiwan culture. The culture we choosed is the Mascot Ticket - ticket with blessing meaning becase of the name of the station. It is a kind of recombination or words with double meanings in Chinese.

Mascot Ticket Culture Some special combinations of starting point and ending point station’s name have blessing meanings, so people buy these tickets for blessing and hope. For example, if you bought a ticket from 永康 to 保安 , you would get a ticket with “ 永保安康 ”, which means “Peaceful and Healthy Forever” in Chinese. Blessing and hope Using the combination of stations’ names as blessing. We want to add these kind of blessings into our PSS product. Pair The blessings have to be composed of two stations’ name, which means you have to pair. We want to add these into the interaction.

Blessing meaning of ticket


Culture Persona


A combination of starting point and ending point station’s name, which have good or special meanings. The most famous one is 永保安康 . If you bought a ticket from 永康 to 保安 , you would get a ticket with “ 永保安康 ”, which means “Peaceful and Healthy Forever” in Chinese.


Train station/Taiwan


• Station staff Offer ticket selling and counseling service. • Collector People who buy tickets for collection. • Blessing people People who buy tickets for blessing or praying, they usually don’t really take the train.

Values and meaning descriptions Blessing and hope People buy mascot tickets for blessing or hope. Ticket with “ 永保安康 ” is the famous one. There are also other kinds of blessing, like 追分成功 for test and “ 大肚成功 ” for pregnancy. Collection Just like stamp collecting, tickets of different time have different looks, which record the history of developing of train. Evidence of taking a train Ticket is the evidence of taking a train. It is used to prove that you bought the ticket and record the number of runs, time and places. Commemoration When going to these special stations, many people will buy a mascot ticket as the souvenir.


Industrial Design

Circle Around

Design Outcome - Product Service System

Circle Around Interactive Waiting Area

An interactive waiting area composed of seat and 3D sensitive floor. We want to provide a comfortable waiting area, which serves experiential and interactive environment in order to increase interaction between people.



Industrial Design

Circle Around

Detailed Design Seat Better Seat Planning The aisle is wider than the current one and the seats are made by wood, which makes it easier and more comfortable for reaching the seat. A more comfortable environment fits the value of relaxing and satisfaction that we want to offer.

Circle Arrangement makes people easier to communicate and have eye contact.

Interactive Animation 3D Sensitive Floor / Pond Effect / Fish Matching To offer an interesting new experience, catch the attention of people and help them kill the waiting time, we put a 3D sensitive floor which can senses pressure of people while standing or walking on under the benches. Also the floor can make the environment bright.


Walk in > Ripple Effect Ripple effect reveals when people standing or walking on the sensitive floor

Sit down > Moving Fish We put pressure sensors on the benches, so when you seat down, you create a new fish which you can interact with in your waiting time. This make Circle Around more interesting. There will be a special station’s name on the fish’s back.

Another peopke sit beside you > Fish Matching When another guy sits beside you, he or she will also get a fish. This fish will be the pair of your fish, then the two fish will match and become a bigger blessing fishes. For example, if your fish is “ 保安 ”, the fish of another one will be “ 永康 ”. These two fishes will start matching and become “ 永 保 ” and “ 安 康 ” which means “ 永 保 安 康 ”. This is where we add the culture, and it offer a trigger for chatting and interacting. 永康 , 保安

Blessing Fish match and build blessing words

永保 , 安康


Industrial Design

Circle Around When a person walk into the waiting area, the ripple effect reveals.

Fish has become a helper and icebreaker that improve the communication between people.

1 10 blessing fish that can match will be created when over two people sit in the nearby area.

Process of Circle Around


Two blessing fish that can create blessing words will match. They will swim and play around two people.


7 Another fish that might match yours will be created.


fish effect reveals when people sit down. A fish will be created when the seat detect the pressure of sitting people. A random and unique fish will swim around you.

2 3 fish will follow the traveler and play with them in waiting area and improve communication between people


5 6

When there is another person come into the waiting area‌

different people will create different fish that you can interact with.


Industrial Design

Vita Vending Machine

VITA Vending Machine Industrial Design Project 2013 Co-Design by 張有容 李翊綺 羅心怡




Industrial Design

Vita Vending Machine

Issue Statement We received a design topic “ Theme Vending Machine� in the second semester of my junior year. It is my first time to do a group design project. We spent a lot of time on deciding the theme of our vending machine. Eventually, we o a vending machine related to Caring. decide to d We hope that this vending machine can convey some issue, reminding people not to neglect the underprivileged groups in our society.

After the research and preference evaluation, we decided to do the project about stray dogs.


Research Animal / Stray Dogs Though we choose “stray dogs” as our topic, we were not familiar with it then. Therefore, we went to the animal shelter, animal groups in our university and animal adoption events as volunteers. We began to understand more about stray dogs and the problems this animal protection groups they faced in these experience.

/ We began to understand stray dogs through the contact as a volunteer.

Idea Development

Theme crisis : too broad to be a topic

We faced the first problem through our discussion. The problem is that we hardly had connection with each other’s ideas. We couldn’t reach a consensus on this topic. After the discussion with our instructor, we discovered that we had no focus of this topic, therefore every sketches we drew can be a new theme. The idea “Stray Dogs” was still too broad. We rechecked all the issue we found in “Stray Dogs” and then narrowed down the possibilities. 56

Industrial Design

Vita Vending Machine

Brief We focus on the needs of stray animal protection groups and concluded the most adequate topic combined with vending machine. At last, we decided to do a vending machine design about “ Resources Shortage� in the stray dog shelters.

Manpower Shortage

Adoption Shortage

Resources Shortage

Core Concept " Selling vending items related to stray dogs (invisible). All the earn profit will donated to the local animal protection groups. "

Idea Development/ Vending Item Idea sketches & Prototyping



We use “the weed grew through in the cracks “ as an emblem of the vitality in stray dogs to make three kinds of prototypes. Considering about the making process and the meaning, we selected the “ brick flower pot” as the vending item we want to sell in our vending machine.


Vitality and life

“Vita” means “ life” in Latin, symbolizes the vitality of stray dogs. There is a hidden dog in the alphabet A, the green color on its nose also symbolize the exuberant vitality in weeds and stray dogs.


Industrial Design

Vita Vending Machine

Model Making / Flower Pot Mold Making of Silicone

Concrete Model Making

In the process of making cracked bricks, we began with the small wooden bricks to four slices of brick wall that can be combined like lego. We spent a lot of time on testing and learning from the failure. Though we had a lot of failure cases, we learned a lot of knowledge of silicone and concrete. Finally, we made a better model (compare with previous models). Though it is not perfect, we still felt fulfilled after weeks of testing and prototyping. 59

Model Outcome / Brick Flower Pot We leave the cracks on purpose for the emblems of “ weeds grew through in the cracks”


Industrial Design

Vita Vending Machine

Model Making / Water Tray Mold Making of Plaster

Concrete Model The model making of water tray is really difficult since the plaster is hard to control, and therefore the concrete is hard to release from the mold. We failed so many times until we found the suitable mold release agent—Vaseline.


Model Making / Packaging Considering about the impact of falling from the vending machine, we made a package that is suitable in size, leaving some space in the edge as the buffer of falling.

Instruction Book There is a pot, a water tray and an instruction book in the package. Information of the donation and design concept will be put in the instruction book.


Industrial Design

Vita Vending Machine

/ Packaging & Product of Vita


Design Development/Vending Machine Idea Sketches

We also came across some problems when designing the style of vending machine. We had a lot of ideas but forgetting that if the style is suitable for our target place to put the vending machine or the overmuch information might defocus the topic.

Display Area

Mechanism & User Interface

Finally, we returned to the simple and practical style. We used the number of vending items and the mechanism to decide the size and the arrangement of our vending machine.

Arrangement of vending machine


Industrial Design

Vita Vending Machine

Vending Machine / Mechanism Testing

We use the cardboard in the first stage of mechanism prototyping in order to decide the height and the radius of the turn. The final model is made up of wooden and metals.

Vending Machine / Model Making




1. mechanism model 2.Front of vending machine & user interface 3.slide model Vita Making process video: http://youtu.be/3lX-TW8eeYU 65

Vending Machine / Light Design

We tried to weld circuit board on our own. We got some help from one friend of our group members. She helped us to write a program, making the effect of dog’s footprints going up on the side of the vending machine. We created this light effect in order to attract people’s attention in the store.

Vending Machine / Display Design

We wanted to convey our design topic—the vitality of stray dogs in the corner of city through out display design. We spent a lot of time on the arrangement of display. At last, we use the simple background of bricks to magnify the vending item, the black stickers to make image of city. A paper-cut dog on the wall is the connection between the life in the cracks and the vitality of stray dogs. 66

Industrial Design

Vita Vending Machine

Vending Machine / 3D Modeling

The slide for the vending item connects the mechanism and the display area, enabling the falling of vending item to be a part of display.


The light of footprint on the side of vending machine attracts people’s attention, coming over to take a look at the vending machine.

Touch Screen Interface

Slot for Paper Currency Using Instruction Display


Marketing Artwork Area


Industrial Design

Vita Vending Machine

Vending Machine / User Interface Design


Process of Using 旋轉旋鈕

There is a using instruction in the left side of slot, using graphical instruction to guide users.


Touch Screen Interface






Before using the vending machine, the touch screen will replay the introduction of products in order to attract people’s attention. Not until the customer touch the screen, the interface will show the shopping part, customer can finish the shopping under the guidance of interface.

After customer buys the product, the interface will show the donation information on the screen in order to let customers know the purpose of this sale for charity. It also provides the further information about the charitable organization for customers.

Vita Interface Video : http://youtu.be/8NAG3gzWe2M 69

Vending Machine / Environment


elite bookstore Area of Pet Books / Animal Books

The elite bookstore in Taiwan is suitable for exquisite handmade products. We thought that the nice environment of elite bookstore is suitable for us to display our concept. And considering of the crowd and the target user we assume – people with good taste and pursue high quality lifestyle, we selected elite bookstore as our ideal environment to place our vending machine. We wanted to put Vita vending machine in the area of pet or animal books, so that people who are searching the book related to animals or people who had pets will see this vending machine. Additionally, people wanted to keep pets can receive more information about adoption of stray dogs through Vita vending machine. 70

Industrial Design

Vita Vending Machine

Final Exhibition

Exhibition Planning We arrived at the exhibition site in the early morning. In order to make it clear at first glance, we check the whole display—the height of poster, the position between all the stuff,etc. And we used the laptop to play the interface flash we made, showing our design concept to the people visited our exhibition.


The exhibition is our final exhibition in the end of semester, it lasted two days. There were so many people visiting our exhibition. We received a lot of encouragement and advices from visitors. I am glad that we finished the design in the end even though we were exhausted in the whole design process(especially the model making). In the design group, we learned a lot from each other. This is a tiring but good harvesting project!


Industrial Design

Home Cafe

For one If you love to drink,

smell and even make coffee!

Home CafĂŠ Industrial Design Project Redesign of Coffeemaker, 2012

Industrial Design

Home Cafe

Product Analysis

Disassemble a coffee maker

We are separated to a group of three doing research before we start our design. Firstly, we try to use a usual coffeemaker, buying in a second-hand shop. We three had never used a coffeemaker before. After drinking the coffee we made by our own, we disassemble the coffeemaker hoping to understand the structure of the whole machine.

The process of disassembly faced some troubles due to the less of experience. For instance, the unique design of the screw prevented us from taking the heat bottom apart. At last, we categorize the structure of coffeemaker into some parts: the heating system, water tank, control buttons, drip tray.


Research Types of coffemakers There are many different types of coffemakers. We had only research the common two types: drip coffeemaker( the one we disassemble) and Espresso machine.

Drip coffeemaker It is small, simple and cheap, using “ coffee filter to drip the coffee to coffee pot. And it is commonly used by private owner at home.

Espresso machine It is relatively bigger in size. The “ interface for user is complex and the exterior shape are limited by its function. A group handle is needed.

Capsule coffee machine Features in small size, various “ appearances. A special capsule is needed while making coffee.


Industrial Design

Home Cafe

User Survey We had interview and observe how people use their coffeemaker in that we wanted to find some problems of existing coffeemaker. We had interviewed some employees in school who had use coffeemaker for years and asked them to demonstrate how they brewed a cup of coffee. In the interview, we received some information from the user.

The user of espresso

Some users like their espresso for its manual control.

They just enjoy the process of brewing a cup of coffee. However, what troubles them is that it is hard to control the water and the ground of coffee. The interface of espresso is somehow complicated that they need to learn and spend more time to adapt to the new machine.

The user of drip coffeemaker

Users of drip coffeemaker usually drink a lot of coffee

in a day. The coffeemaker can brew more than one cup each time. Most of coffeemaker do not have time controller so that it is hard to know when the coffee will be finished. And the clean of the machine after use is another problem that troubles the user.


What User A like or dislike about Espresso

clear shape

color plan

Brand loyalty

control the flavor by your own


DisLike Unclear button display the interface on the top can hardly be seen

surprise if you drink the flavor you don’t like

the temperature and when coffee is finished can’t be known in advance


Industrial Design


Home Cafe Young Woman / Single / Aged 25-35 Occupation Department Manager Feature Work in a planned and order way ,Confident Condition Busy at work, pursue quality of life

Life • Renting a small apartment, living in Taipei on her own • Her income is 70,000 NT dollars a month, which 25,000 is for rent • Read fashion magazines & interior design magazines • Sometimes cooks and made a afternoon tea with a cup of coffee

Hobbies &Style • Like sweets, collecting postcards, traveling, something with attractive stories. • Read books, including novels, poets. • Enjoy making her own coffee. • Like old things for those things make her ruminate on the past. • / like simple things, plain color, feel of freedom • / has her own personal style, her principle on judging things

Occupation • Busy in work, sometimes are required to go on a business trip • Not only works in the office, but going on a tour of inspection is also necessary.

• Use tumbler at work to carry her coffee. • Drinking coffee while at work is to refresh the mind. • Feel Responsible at her work, sometimes would be too workaholic • However, she feels that get a full rest in weekends is vital 79

A Start of a working day 7:00 A.M. Monday ~Friday


She is used to switch on the on-off switch to start a day after getting up in the morning.

While the coffee maker is working, she is getting dressed up and being prepared to the work. If having enough time, she will prepare simple breakfast on her own. However, she would ask her assistant to bring a breakfast for her if there isn’t any time.

Besides drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, she will take the tumbler filled with coffee to her workplace. She is used to use her own cup or tumbler to contain coffee.

A Start of weekends 9:00 A.M. Saturday & Sunday She will get up late in the weekends without work and have a cup of coffee as usual. Owing to living alone and seldom having visitors, she usually makes coffees for single person.

If time is available, she will spend more time on operating the coffeemaker, enjoying the processing of making coffee. She prefers to use different coffee beans each time, enjoying diverse flavor of coffee.


Industrial Design

Home Cafe

Design Development Design Direction Core Concept / For one who If you love to drink, smell and even make coffee! • Coffee maker for single use( one ~two cups) • Small enough to fit single kitchen • Clear shape with confidence and aesthetic feeling • Simple operation and clear interface • Use coffee pad or ground coffee • Price: 5000~6000 NT dollars each • Movable drip tray that can use tumbler • Water temperature display and completeness of coffee (with sound or light display)

Idea Sketches


Home Cafe


Industrial Design

Home Cafe

Home Cafe

coffee maker design

Design for single coffee lover, who has the need of small , light and single serving espresso. The target customer is single female. The time setting and flavor choosing features the busing working women. In addition, for single, Home cafĂŠ is suitable for small kitchen.

size:150*206*192 mm

water tank on-off switch

steam control knob steam nozzle

drip tray



kitchen / dinning room

User Interface Steam making

Choose flavors

Steam light medium heavy



Choose one or two cup


75℃ Flavor

Time setting


Time & Temperature display






The slope shape of the top

Clear position of switch

Round shape of interface

Easier to see the interface, tackling the problem that the interface on the top can hardly be seen

The on-off switch is placed in the position found easily by user. Even though users just get up and was not in a sober mind, they can easily find the button

Round shape use the clockwise to imply the order of making a coffee


Industrial Design

In Music

Music without borders. To print and share your music!

In Music Industrial Design Project Music Station Design,2012

Industrial Design

In Music

Design Development Core Concept

/ Music without borders. Let the local music available for travelers.

Travel, besides visible things, you can get more. Just listen. 旅行來到一個新的地方與城市,除了看得見的 風景與名勝,是否也能從聽的角度更了解此地呢?

When travelers visit a new city, besides sightseeing, they can also understand the unique local music through listening. This is a platform for both the visitors and local musician. Local musician can place their music in the platform of InMusic, promoting their creation. Music lovers can get the enough information about the local music with In Music. When entering a local music store , they can use InMusic, the music listening station, to listen the local music and learn more about the culture of city. Travelers can share and print their favorite music, let “Music without borders”!

upload creation

Local musician



listen or download music


print music postcard share with friends

Persona Lisa

Female Student / Single / Aged 22 Occupation Junior student majors in music(piano) Feature optimistic, outgoing, love to share Condition pursue the life sharing music with people worldwide

Life • Renting a small apartment, nearing college. • a part-time job as a piano tutor • play basketball & listen classical or pop music as relax • love traveling, sometimes need to travel to different city for performance

Hobbies &Style • love to cook, sometimes cook for her own or friends • sometimes listen to music online or in a CD store • like to watch movies, including comedy, dramastic ,romance and so on. • collect music score, especiall movie music • collect postcard while traveling • enjoy playing music • enjoy to bring happiness to others by her music


Industrial Design

In Music

Scenario Lisa is on a music tour in a new city. She goes into a local store in her freetime.

For personal use in local store alone Lisa finds a music station in the local store. She discover that the headphone can be replaced by her own earphone, therefore she takes out her favorite headphone.

Lisa finds that you can select music by your feelings, InMusic will recommend the available choices related to your mood. Choose the mood. Lisa clicks the “relaxing “and starts to listen. The information of the music is on the screen, showing the music one local musician composed.

After listening to the music for couple minutes, Lisa comes into a piece of music she loves. There are two different ways that she can get the music, one is to download music as MP3 in portable devices. She gets the music in her iPhone and goes to the counter to pay the bill.

Sharing with friends in local store with friends The next day, Lisa comes to the same local store with her friend,Amanda. They use different listening station and try to listen. Then Lisa finds a piece that Amanda will like. She shares the music to Amanda via the function of “Share Music”. Amanda gets the music at the listening station she used, and starts to listen.

Share Music

Lisa also finds one piece of music her brother may love, she wants to share with him. Thus, she prints the music postcard with QR code that he can listen to this music while receives.


In Music

headphone shelf

USB socket headphone jack



Industrial Design

In Music


Enter your feelings to have a music recommendation

You've got music sharing!

Share music with friends in different InMusic machine


Find the music, download as mp3 or print a music postcard 93

Interface/UI Design search music through feelings or select your favorite music type

InMusic will recommend the music for you

Download or print the music if you like the piece.

k N 23˚00’ E 120˚12’ Music without borders

I nMusic

Music postcard


Product Design


A safety guard for elders in the bathroom.

Light Thermometer Product Design Project CareAged Project for Bathroom, 2012

Product Design


Origin Aging Population Projection Owing to the rise of life expectancy and the decline of birth rate, the population structure is aging gradually. According to the projection of UN, the population over the age of 60 will account for 22% of the total population up to 2050. Taiwan has reached the criterion of “Aging Society�of UN in 1993. Elders over 60 in Taiwan is going to increase in the coming future.

The trend of aging population is inevitable in future. Therefore, we should consider more for elders in public spaces, domestic environment, product design and social services, adapting to the aging society. The aim of the design is for the group aged over 50, improving the convenience , comfort and safety for them in the daily lives and domestic spaces.


Idea Development The project we focused that semester is “CareAged�, suggesting that the target user is elder people( over 50) and the target environment is bathroom. In Bathroom, I focus on the safty problem. To improve the safety of bathroom,I come up with several idea and at last concentrate on the thermometer for bathroom. The idea is a floatable thermometer, which can measure the water temperature and using color changing to show the best temperature for bath. To tackle the problem about elders sometimes insensitive to the temperature of water.



Product Design


Light Thermometer

Floatable, lighting thermometer

LED display 85 mm

Time controler Water sensor

115 mm

Light thermometer is a thermometer which can float in your bathtub and measure the temperature of water. It might be dangerous for elders to take a bath without knowing the right temperature of water and the time they spend.

Background info Due to the less sensitive to the temperature, elder people would tend to run the bath water with higher or lower temperature. In addition, it is not appropriate for elders to have long-time bath, especially in winter time; elder people like to take a hotter and longer bath in winter. In fact, it is sometimes dangerous for them to do so. The most important things for elder people while taking a bath in winter are the water temperature and the bath time. The right temperature for elders taking a bath in winter should not be over 40℃, the right bath time is about 15 minutes, less than 30 minutes.

Time counter & Temperature measuring 99

Feature Floatable Floatable on the water that can be easily seen and found in the bathroom.

Timer Turn the buttom to set the time counting, within 30 minutes is available. There will be flashing light to remcommend the time is up.

Temperature Measuring The best temperature for bath: 37℃ ~41℃ Different LED light shows three ranges of temperature.

Cool water

Warm water

Hot water


Graphic Design MoonV Film CIS / The Fault In Our Stars 欣力 Old House, New Life


MoonV Film Productions / CIS Design


The Fault In Our Stars / Poster Design

107 欣力 Old House, New Life / Poster Design



Graphic Design

MoonV Film CIS Design

About MoonV Film MoonV Film is an imaginary film company. The brand spirit of MoonV Film production is to support young director in Taiwan, helping them promote their works on a international stage. “Moon” means the moon bear, which is a special animal only found in Taiwan. We want to use moon bear as the representative of Taiwan. “V” is the special symbol on the moon bear.

Moon Bear, the symbol of Taiwan.

Logo Design Moon V Film Production, Inc.

In order to show the concept of “film”, I use the bear’s paw combine with film tape. Moreover I combine the two paws into the “O” in the word “Moon”. “V “ is combined with V on the moon bear, making words and logo to be the one.

MoonV Film Production CIS Design 2014 Software: Illustrator 103

Namecard Design

Envelope Design


Graphic Design

MoonV Film CIS Design

DM Design The topic of this DM is about an imaginary film festival held by MoonV Film. The festival is “ Rising Star Film Festival “, the purpose of this festival is to support young director and film making groups to promote their works. The design concept is that every director and film making group is the star hiding in the corner of this universe. And Moon Bear which represents MoonV Film is the one who can discover the invisible stars in the sky.

Design Concept

新銳 影展


RisingStar Film Festival

every director and film making group is the star hiding in the corner of this universe. And Moon Bear which represents MoonV Film is the one who can discover the invisible stars in the

Parallel Fold


Cover: Information about the festival and film competition. Back cover: The selected winner films and the information of movie showing. 106

Graphic Design

Poster Design

Design Concept This poster is designed for a famous teen novel published in 2012. The story is about two teenagers who met in their rest of their lives since they both had cancer. The book creates not a romantic but a realistic atmosphere. They love each other no matter they are going to die. Even if they die, they still shines in someone’s heart, just like the stars in the sky, some of the stars were already disappeared in the universe. However, they still shine in the sky. The concept is to make a poster for the book signing tour for the author, combining with the two characters and the famous quote in the books.

Book: The Fault In Our Stars

The Fault In Our Stars Poster Design 2014 Software: Illustrator,Photoshop 107


Graphic Design

Poster Design

This is a poster for a crossover cooperation course, “Cognition, Science and Design”. We filmed a documentary about old houses that were re-built for new use in Tainan. “ 欣 ” means happy and energetic in Chinese. And “ 力 ” is the strength from our disciplinary group and also means the strength hidden in old houses. The main elements are the restaurants which were old houses in the past, combining with warm color to show the warm and touching stories behind every old house. And the color also provides a nostalgia atmosphere.


Old House, New Life Poster Design 2013 Software: Photoshop Co-Design by 王思懿 WANG, STELLA 羅心怡 LO, HSIN-YI



Design Projects 酗舊 Lost & Found / Culture Cart


é…—čˆŠ Lost & Found / Design Marketing

113 Culture Cart / International Workcamp



Design Marketing


Lost & Found

把過去的舊時光封存,釀造 在沒日之前,酗舊。

Somewhere in my memory,

I've lost all senses of time.


Lost & Found Design Marketing Project Sep.-Dec. 2012

Co-Design by 鄭博中




Design Marketing

Lost & Found


Then, we began "Lost & Found"

Originally, “Design Marketing” is one of our courses

that we can sell our own products in a creative market. However, this course was cancelled due to several reasons in our junior year. Though without advisor and credits earning, we still didn’t want to give up the opportunity of learning independent design and product marketing. Different from any of the courses in school, we could design the product independently all by ourselves. Design it and sell it! That was a tougher challenge.

Launch from our class, we form a team to participate in the creative market of Tainan Idea

Life which was a festival held in Tainan in November,2012. We would have a chance to sell our own product in the market for three days, but we are pressed for the time. Only one month could we do all the things from designing to marketing; whereas we have taken this challenge. Then, four classmates and me start our brand ” Lost &Found”. Then, the journey began.


Brand : 酗舊 Lost & Found

About the brand Consensus

We five had some consensus toward this project. First, to enjoy the whole process. Second, to love what we design. Third but not the least, to make money!

Material Attempt After these consensuses and lots of discussion, we decided to try the material that others would hardly use to make products. Bricks and the old floral glass are the option.

Brand Logo The name of our brand is” 酗 舊 ” which means “the addiction of good old days”. It is a kind of nostalgia of the material that used in old days. The English name “Lost & Found” means “ To find what we lost in old memories”. The pattern of flower represents the floral flower and the old style of tradition.

Brand Spirit 傳統的 traditional use the materials commonly use in “ the past to record the memories of those good old days

有溫度的 warm 不加修飾的 inornate


Design Marketing

Lost & Found

Designing, Sampling

After coming up with some materials that could

be used to make our products, we start brain storming the products we want to make.We used sketches and design evaluation which we scored all the ideas to find out the best designs that met the demand of brand spirits.


Jewelry & Cards

The final design that we wanted to make is the necklace that use the floral glass which

used to make window in the old times. And the bracelet that make mainly by bricks that used to build houses in the past. The last additional design is the card that could senses the changing temperature; the pattern under the black cover would be memories of childhood, like fairy stick, old windows and candy. Finding materials

The final designs were done. The next step was to

find the material and divide the work. My assignment was the part of necklace, including the detailed design and the material finding. Other partners majored in the design of bracelet and found the sources of the bricks. The finding of the materials was not easy. We bought the floral glass from the local shop. Those glass were all stopped manufacturing and most of them were come from the old window that people replaced with the new one. 117

The bricks were come from a factory( 三 和 瓦 窯 )

that makes tiles and bricks with long history. We came a long way to Jioucyutang( 九 曲 堂 ) in Kaohsiung to consult the master of the factory. Luckily, we found the right material that tough enough to make our bracelets.

We were very grateful to the help of the manager of the factory. During the finding of the materials, we learned a lot from the worker of the factories and the owner of the glass shop. We’ve got a lot of interest in the talking of the workers and the master of some kind of jobs. You can always learned a lot from their accumulated wisdom.

Sampling & working

We began trying and testing the materials, geting

familiar with the glass and bricks. Learning how to cut the glass into small piece, and going to DIY shop to find the right ropes to make the ideal bracelet exhausted us with several days and nights.

Designing the packaging was another problem. We

could only made by ourselves. Finally, we finished The 150 necklaces and bracelets in about two weeks!


Design Marketing

Lost & Found

Products Little Flower Glass Necklace

Material: Floral glass

Piece of jewelry that conserves the old memories of floral glass.

毛玻璃項鍊 小花 在回憶的角落, 撿拾夕陽的殘影。 亮晃晃地映照 玻璃花的美麗。

Little Grass

Glass Necklace Material: Floral glass

Slim shape represents a graceful and refined.


毛玻璃項鍊 小草 每片毛玻璃上面都有著規則的窗花, 透過手工, 每一個墜子都展現了不同的風采。

Little Stone

Glass Necklace Material: Floral glass

Exquisite piece of work shows your inner beauty.

毛玻璃項鍊 小石頭 獨自走在思念裡 兜了一圈又一圈 才發現原來幸福的結晶 需要時間來淬鍊。


Design Marketing

Lost & Found

Products Chih Ming Brick Bracelet

Material: Bricks, hemp rope

瓦片手環 志明 近貼肌膚的溫度 粗曠的外表掩不住細緻

Chun Chiao Brick Bracelet

Material: Bricks, leather rope


瓦片手環 春嬌 粗曠但細緻 沈著但輕巧 簡單 才能看出細節

Thermochromic Post Card

Material: Thermochromic printing ink

The picture under the black cover will reveal when the temperature driving up to over 30 degrees. After touching the card, the picture under will show and return when cooling. The theme of the picture are the memories of childhood, includes fairy sticks, old windows, collecting seeds and candy in the grocery store.





MTG Workcamp


Culture Cart

A mobile culture economy in the station.

Culture Cart Mind the Gap International Design Workshop 2013,Tainan Co-Design by NCKU+RCA



MTG Workcamp

Culture Cart

Origin This is a workshop I participated in the second semester of my third year in NCKU. The workshop named “ Mind the Gap”, cooperating with Platform 17 from Royal College of Art. This is the first international workshop I join. I feel very lucky that I can do the design with so many talented and creative young designers. The whole experience is amazing and precious. We aimed to discover the problem, which we call “ gap”in the station, and find some possible solution for the gap we focus on.

In NUCU, we prepared for nearly a month to do the research beforehand. The target stations were Tainan station in Taiwan and the Marylebone station in London. Owing to the workshop was held in Taiwan, we do the design mainly for Tainan station but the design also suited for station in London. For the duration were too short, we decided to focus on the experiment in the station and find some interesting consequences in the end.

Mind The Gap

Tainan Station Marleybone Station


Idea development What's the gap? And Finally we reach the consensus with our partner of RCA, Neil. He was interested in the economical activities in the station, trying to figure out the problem of environment between the people. So, we decided to focus our design on the gap: people and the environment. In the first day of research of Tainan and lots of discussion, we discover the behavior of people in the station—people sometimes doing nothing but use their smartphone, paying no attention to the environment they are surrounded. We want to combine the station environment with this phenomenon, and exchanging the culture from different people.

people seldom talks with each other

Time exchange economy activities venndor


Culture exchange

waiting doing nothing

food exchange

Core concept


Provide a service to improve the waiting experience


The Culture Cart provides an attractive and comfortable waiting environment in the train station in exchange for cultural information and local experiences.


MTG Workcamp

Culture Cart

Station Experiment Doing the prototype in the station

After deciding what we want to do—to provide a comfortable space improving the waiting experience for people in the train station, we use some object available to build our prototype model.

It is a set of design that can be move easily, like what we build is on a cart. The purpose of our design is to build a comfortable space in an quick and convenient way, it can be set in anywhere of the train station. If tourists in the station want to sit on the comfort seats, they can easily access to the space, having a seat and relaxing.

While sitting in the comfortable space, people can fill in a questionnaire to provide local information as an exchange, culture exchange.


We change the set of the scene, trying to find the perfect solution for solving the problem—single space provide an awkward situation, said by our subjects.

The questionnaire is an menu that provide not only the question but also the answer that other tourist furnished, including the funny videos, tourist spot in the city, recommended restaurant and so on.


MTG Workcamp

Culture Cart

Website Local knowledge, available from


Besides menu, Culture Cart also have a website that provide the collection of the information of culture experience. You can have the link information on the menu and browse the website using laptop or smartphone. It also offers something that tourists can do to kill the time waiting for the train.

The information gathered from this service is available online in the form of a top 5 list featuring recommendations for; local activities, good food, stuff to avoid, and interesting things online. You can choose the topic you interest in and find the local information provide by tourists or local people. You can also choose the location to see the place or city you want to go, browsing the information beforehand. 131

Culture Car t

Main Concept A mobile culture economy

The Culture Cart provides an attractive and comfortable waiting environment in the train station in exchange for cultural information and local experiences.

Comfortable Space The mobile cart can be located in any part of the train station and any train station around the world.

It provides an idyllic scene that makes the time spent in the train station more enjoyable and is a trigger for reflection on the city visit.

Icon The iconic image of the culture cart is a visual clue that acts as subtle advertising for the website. It represents a high quality train station experience and a useful service for visitors. It treats information and local knowledge as a form of currency that can be used by both outgoing and incoming station passengers.

During the workshop, I’ve learned a lot form the foreign friends ,Neil and my partners, Wan-Ting and Meng-Hsuan. That’s really an amazing week that can design Culture cart with them. However, we still have a long way to go. It is just the start! 132

Hsin Yi Lo

evalo1103@gmail.com +886 986-311-180

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