Advent Prayer 2012

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GOOD NEWS HAS ARRIVED Advent reflections 2 December - 24 December 2012

Sun 2 Dec


Luke 4:14-21 Reflect: For the first few days of our shared journey we will read the same verses several times. Let’s allow the word to permeate our mind, heart, spirit and souls. These verses have been called a Jesus manifesto because they outline, in a few lines, his mission. What would the mission of your life look like? Pray: Gracious God, I thank you for your love. Thank you that you have called me and gifted me to make a difference. Wherever you place me, help me to stay faithful. Amen.

Tue 4 Dec


Luke 4:14-21 Reflect: There are all types of poverty and various degrees of poverty. Material poverty, poverty of spirit, poverty of hope. To be poor is to lack a future, finance or love. To bring good news to the poor is to rewrite the story. It is to amplify identity, hope and a future. It can be costly. How are our congregations rewriting the story for those around us? Pray: Mighty God, help me not to be intimidated by the extent of the need. Help me to make a difference in the life of one person today. Help me know what I can do today to bring good news. Silence. Now, Lord, help me to do it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thu 6 Dec

Sat 8 Dec


Philippians 2:5-11 Reflect: A well-known story tells of a confident young preacher invited to speak at a large church. He came in late, had no notes, but was supremely sure that God would use him. When introduced he bounded up to the pulpit, took a deep breath, looked around and suddenly... couldn’t think of anything to say. Slowly, and in huge embarrassment, before the packed congregation he came back down. Broken. The minister turned to an elder and whispered: “If only he had gone up the way he came down.” Jesus humbled himself. What about us? Pray: Lord it is easy for us to become like the world, to be more interested in the powerful, rich and the successful. How can it be that the followers of Jesus strive for recognition and position and forsake the road of humility? Lord, help me to be happy being noticed by you. Give me grace to do the small things. Show me this week what good thing I can do that will gain no reward but yours. Silence. Teach me the way of humility. Amen.


Philippians 2:5-11 Reflect: To love enough to give everything is an awesome thing. Leaving the splendour and majesty of heaven would have been a fantastic example. But Jesus goes way beyond that. He does not come and live as an aristocrat but as a servant. He surrenders all rights and ambitions to the will of God. Jesus became nothing for us. To be a humble servant, we must consider no task too mean. Pray: Lord, help me to remember the voiceless, the weak and those whose needs go unnoticed. Give me fresh vision to see the unseen. Help me reflect the servant heart of Jesus. In the servant king’s name. Amen.


Luke 4:14-21 Reflect: It is estimated that the average human utters around 16,000 words a day. That is a lot of words. But how many of these words are affirming? What percentage of our speech radiates life and brings about a culture change in a situation? With so many words spoken each day, there is a lot of room to speak a lot of hope into someone’s life. To speak of what is good, and that which builds up rather than knocks down. Take a minute to think about who needs to hear words of hope today? Which people in your life are in desperate need to hear that they are valued, special, loved? Who needs to hear the words ‘thank you’? Silence. Pray: Lord, may I speak well of people today. May my words build up rather than tear down. Save me from taking the easy road of wounding with words. Let me proclaim your goodness. Amen.


Philippians 2:5-11 Reflect: An old saying used by members of my parish was: “They are so mean, they could peel an orange in their pocket.” Some people are extremely stingy and never want to share anything they have. They are determined to cling onto everything they possess. Do you know people like that? The New Living Translation of 2:7 says: “He did not think equality with God something to cling onto.” Jesus did not show any white-knuckled determination to hold on. He let go to let God. Are there things you are clinging onto way too tightly? Are there things you need to let go of? Are there things that you are clinging onto so tightly that they are stopping you from grasping all that God has for you? Pray: Lord, show me what things I need to let go so that I can pick up the new thing you have for me. Lord, help me not to hold on too tightly to the things I mistakenly think bring me life, the things that I mistakenly think are precious and valuable. Help me instead to cling tightly only to you. Amen.


Luke 4:14-21 Reflect: It is hard to swim against the tide. To be different takes energy. In a world of bad news and cynicism it is so easy to get sucked into negativity. The world needs good news people. A people living and moving to a different agenda. Who can you be good news for today? Pray: O God, help me to shine for you today. Help me to bring hope in hopelessness and peace in conflict. Work your good news out through my life. Amen.


Luke 10:30-37 Reflect: Sometimes the road seems clear. The sun is shining, not a cloud on the horizon. Suddenly out of the blue disaster strikes. And everything changes. The things that seemed so solid become fragile. Confidence is replaced by fear. Pray: Silence. Do you know someone whose life has been badly affected through no fault of their own? It may be through unemployment or illness, attacks or financial disaster. Whatever the cause, Lord, we pray for all those who don’t know how to face the future. Lord, renew their confidence. Give them grace and bring them people of unexpected kindness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mon 10 Dec

WALK ON BY Tue 11 Dec

Luke 10:30-37 Reflect: I love the voice of Dionne Warwick. I wonder if her big hit Walk On By would make a good theme song for many of us when we are faced by need. There are always good reasons not to get involved. Sometimes, we would rather pay for others to get involved than dirty our own hands. Pray: Lord, save me from self-justification. Never let me walk by. Forgive me for the times when I have turned away from suffering. Flood my heart with your compassion. Come, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Wed 12 Dec


Galatians 4:4-7 Reflect: Slaves in Roman times were no-class citizens. No rights, no voice and no status. If a slave, for whatever reason, was freed by his master and adopted into the family, the slave would become a son with all the rights that bestows. In Christ this is how we are viewed. We are sons and daughters who can come into the very presence of a loving God, running into His arms shouting: “Daddy.” Stop and think of who you are in Christ. You are a beloved child of the King. Pray: Lord, thank you for the freedom to come into your presence. I praise you that I am accepted and loved, adopted as your child, all because of the finished work of Jesus. Lord, help me to think of those still lost in slavery. There are so many forms of slavery, physical bondage, addiction, prostitution, sin. May they find the freedom that is found only in Jesus. Amen.

Fri 14 Dec

Sun 16 Dec


Luke 1:46-53 Reflect: A new day and a new way. In the radical kingdom of God, everything gets turned on its head. The natural order of the world is all shook up. Look at the passage: princes are brought low, the lowly are exalted. The hungry are filled with good things and the rich are sent away empty-handed. How would the local church look if we applied these principles of the kingdom? Pray: Father, stir within us a desire for a radical encounter with you which shakes our priorities and changes our values. Consume us with a vision of the upside down, all shook up kingdom. Lord, help us to become risk-takers, bridgebuilders and kingdom-shakers. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


John 8:31-36 Reflect: If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed. We are free in Christ. Jesus has broken the chains and ended our captivity. How wonderful is the grace of God. He has paid the price so that we may be free. Think of what Jesus has done for us. Sometimes we begin to take our salvation for granted. Jesus loves you enough to break your chains. While this text is about our chains to sin and an empty way of life, still it does help us to think of those who are captives today. Pray: Lord, we pray for those who are captive today, immigrants in a detention centre, prisoners of conscience and persecuted Christians throughout the world. May the love of Christ touch their lives, allowing freedom even in the midst of captivity. Amen.


Matthew 8:8-20 Reflect: Imagine a king making a surprise visit and finding he has nowhere to stay; a king with no bed to sleep in and nothing that he can call his own. That’s how Jesus came to earth and that’s how he lived. Jesus experienced hunger, loneliness and homelessness. So he knows every situation we face. There is no one so far off or broken or lost that Jesus does not care about them. How do we respond when we pass homeless people on our streets? As we reflect upon the king who had nothing, is there something our church could do for the homeless? Pray: Lord, we pray for the homeless today. Those who are living without shelter, warmth and protection. We pray for your presence, God. We thank you for those who have a ministry among the homeless. Give them the energy, resources and encouragement for the task. Help us never to be short of compassion. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Luke 2:8-12 Reflect: It wasn’t the 9 o’clock news, but it was certainly good news. Angels announced this good news to shepherds. The greatest news in all of history, the Messiah had come, was announced not to the financial elite, but to the lowest of the working class. A dirty, sweaty bunch of guys in the hills suddenly encounter the most joyous news of all. Isn’t it amazing that the news of Jesus came to people irrespective of who they were or what they had done? Am I tempted only to look for Jesus within my social group? Pray: Lord, thank you that you come unexpectedly to surprising people. Thank you that you don’t wait until we are ready, you draw near to us as we are. Help us to look for you in unexpected places and through surprising people. Amen.


Proverbs 31:8 Reflect: Whose voice is being heard? There are millions of words spoken, sometimes shouted by lots of people. There are action groups, charities, lobbying bodies and politicians all wanting attention. Sometimes the voice of the Church seems marginalised and weak. We need to speak with boldness and compassion, especially for the voiceless and the disenfranchised. Are we being heard clearly enough on issues of justice and mercy? Is there an issue God is calling you to get involved in? Pray: Lord, help your Church to speak with clarity, truth and love. No matter how unpopular that makes us. Amen.


Psalm 146:3 Reflect: The film The Sting shows how Paul Newman and Robert Redford’s characters manage to con the really bad guys. They manage to give the impression that they have information and influence that they never have. I wonder if the Church has fallen into a great con. Do we spend too much time, energy and money trying to lobby people we think are influential rather than trusting our cause to the King of Glory? Imagine if the Church in the world redirected all the money it spent on lobbying to local community needs. How would this reshape communities? How many food programmes and housing units could we put in place? The challenge is ultimately about whether our ultimate trust is in people of influence or the promises of God. Pray: Lord, help us to be a people of prayer. Teach us your promises and let us trust in you. Amen.

Tue 18 Dec


Deuteronomy 32:1-4 Reflect: T in the Park is a big open air music festival. I live nearby and driving past afterwards you can see the masses of rubbish all over the fields. Everything is thrown away or just left behind. We live in a throw-away culture. Unfortunately, this now includes relationships, friendships, marriages and every type of commitment. These verses remind us of the permanence of God. He is the solid rock. His ways are just and true and He is utterly and completely faithful. His love is constant and He never lets His people down. Pray: Lord, we pray for those who have been hurt when relationships have gone wrong. We pray for those who have lost confidence and feel worthless because they have been abandoned. We name those we know who are going through difficult days. May they find in you, oh faithful God, security, confidence and hope. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thu 20 Dec


Revelation 3:14-22 Reflect: It was great to watch the Olympics. I was especially struck by the passionate support. The noise of the crowd was amazing. Passion is such an important thing. It is something that Jesus expects of his people and he is disappointed when the Church is marked by a lack of passion. Apathy sickens and saddens Jesus. This apathy is not connected to their worship service or the level of praise. What Jesus saw was the deeds of the Church. What they did indicated how their hearts were. I am enormously challenged by this. If Jesus were watching the deeds of your congregation would he see a passion for the things he is passionate for? Pray: Lord, help us never to lose the passion. Fill us with concern for the things that concern you. Keep us from apathy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sat 22 Dec

Mon 24 Dec


Matthew 5:3-10 Reflect: What an odd group Jesus describes as ‘blessed’ in his sermon. Not one group would really be lifted up by the world. A few peacemakers may be known, but not many. What amazing hope then for the brokenhearted, the weak, the meek and the persecuted. How exciting the rule of God is, that some of those both pitied and sometimes despised by the world are blessed in God. The coming of Jesus is the game-changer for every culture for all time. Pray: Thank you Lord Jesus that you make all things new; that through your birth, life, death and resurrection you have filled us with hope. We are a new people with a new destiny. We praise you in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Psalm 82 Reflect: To lose material possessions is a tragedy. To have everything snatched away is devastating. But a greater disaster is to lose your family. To be fatherless is to be without name or protection. It is to be without an anchor in the midst of a hurricane. The orphan and the widow are close to the heart of God. He defends their cause and maintains their rights. We must be moved by the needs of the orphan and the widow. There are thousands of children in the UK in need of adoption or foster care. Is God calling us to hear the cries of the fatherless? Pray: Father of the fatherless, stir within us a care for the orphans and widows of the world. We especially ask that you might show to us how we can get involved in the needs of children. Perhaps there are some right outside our doors that need our help. Amen.


Matthew 19:13-15 Reflect: Jesus was always in demand. It is understandable that the disciples would want to limit access. Surely children could wait. They were not that important were they? They were yet another voiceless group with little influence. Little did the disciples realise that the kingdom belonged to such as these. Was it a child’s openness and trust? Could it be they represented the weak and the powerless? What we do know is that Jesus called them forward and blessed them. Pray: Lord we pray for children known to us. We name them before you. We pray for children in this world. In their vulnerability and weakness, we pray for your protection. We also ask, for children who have been abused, that you would bring light in the darkness. Mobilise us to action on behalf of those who can’t stand up for themselves. Amen.


Revelation 5:9-12 Reflect: While we long for our churches to be places that are true reflections of God’s diversity, if we’re honest, they are often filled with the same types of people. The same ethnicities, social standings, the same backgrounds. But how exciting it is to know that one day all of us will worship God together, in one place. We will be part of a celebration where all of us, from every nation, tribe and tongue, will worship the lamb. Pray: Lord, you are so worthy of our praise. And we look forward to the day when, together with all the nations of the earth, we will worship you in your presence. Help us to see your image in all people, Lord. Help us to form new communities with people unlike us, but who love you. So that you may be glorified. Amen.


Matthew 2:13-15 Reflect: In the film The Terminal, Tom Hanks is stuck in an airport. He can’t leave but can’t get back to his country. He is totally displaced. He is caught in a bureaucratic nightmare. It is amazing to think that after the angel choirs and the wise men, after shepherds and celebration, Jesus and his family have to flee. They become part of the immigrant community, a displaced family living in fear. The king of glory ends up hiding with his family in a foreign land. They had to trust in the protection and plan of God. They knew that even in difficult times God is utterly faithful. Pray: Thank you for your plan of salvation. Thank you God that no matter what we face this Christmas you are utterly faithful. Your love is the same yesterday, today and forever. We do think of those living in fear, people displaced through famine or war. Gracious God, may your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Good news has arrived

Written by Fred and Caroline Drummond

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