How to Jump Higher Fast

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How to Jump Higher Fast - Achieving Vertical Jump Results in Less Than One Month! By Sean J. Law Submitted Sept 2, 2017

As a Strength and Conditioning Coach and Personal Trainer of vertical jump trainees, I often come across athletes and clients who lack patience or time. As a result, I find myself staring at the following text on a frequent basis: My Primary Goal: To Jump Higher, FAST! My goal in writing this article is to provide you with 3 main "fast-track" focal points of your vertical jump training. If you focus on these elements of your vertical jump training, you will give yourself the best opportunity to jump higher, fast, and reach both your vertical jump goals and sport-specific goals, in the quickest time-frame possible! Before we go any further and talk about the "fast-track" elements of vertical jump training, we need to clear up your expectations. We need to educate you on what the science suggests are reasonable expectations on your outcomes of your vertical jump training... If you asked me to provide you with an estimated, shortest period of time you would require to increase your vertical with substantial results, my personal and scientifically-guided opinion is 28 days. This is provided you emphasize the "fast-track" facilitators as outlined below. To be completely honest with you, even when you do follow these focal points, however, you are still not guaranteed substantial results within 28 days - unsurprisingly, this will vary from trainee to trainee. What I am guaranteeing, however, is that vertical jump training with a focus on the training focal points below, will give you the best chance at jumping significantly higher, fast! How to Jump Higher Fast, Focal Point #1 - Biomechanical Analysis

Improving jump-specific fitness attributes, mainly strength and power necessitates a process that brings about adaptation at the cellular level. This, however, chews up a lot of time, relatively speaking. In fact, it takes at least 48 hours to adapt from an intense vertical jump training session, subject to many factors. Biomechanical alteration (or jumping technique), on the other hand, often takes only one training session (maximum: 1 hour)! Altering one's biomechanics, or jumping technique, can increase your vertical jump by inches in just one session. Keep in mind, this is absent of any physiological or neurological adaptations. Involved in this process would be the alteration of joint positions in relation to other joints, single joint angles and angular velocities. How to Jump Higher Fast, Focal Point #2 - Neural Adaptations

The initial 42 days of a successful training program to jump higher brings about the greatest improvements in strength and power. These improvements result predominantly from neural adaptations, rather than muscular adaptations. This gives us a pretty obvious clue on what we should be focusing on in our training, if we want to jump higher, fast! Neural Strength Training! At the training program level, this means lower reps and a higher intensity! How to Jump Higher Fast, Focal Point #3 - Active Recovery You may be asking, why active recovery as the final focal point? Wouldn't we have to focus on more of the training to cram in as much as we can in the short time frame?

To put it simply, yes, we do need to cram in as much training as we can in the short time frame. And this is why we need to include active recovery as out final focal point to jump higher, fast! You see, Training to jump higher necessitates training sessions with a large amount of intensity. This level of training intensity brings upon a large amount of "damage" to your body that needs to be repaired, i.e. recovery, and this recovery can take time if nothing more is done. So, because we're training to jump higher fast, and don't have time to recover, something's got to give! We need to hasten our recovery! If we reduce the time it takes our body to recovery from each workout, we can pack in more productive training sessions in the small amount of time we have! Now you have a direction you must take if you are one of the many athletes or trainees who lack the time to train, but want to jump higher, fast! If you include all of the above "Fast-track" elements to your vertical jump training program, you'll be sure to maximise results, in minimal time! Train Smart! Coach Law

Vertical jump training is a science - years of scientific research, in fact! And in order to fast-track results from vertical jump training takes more than science - it takes experience. Outlined in this article are the 3 major elements that the JumpHigher Science Coach has used in his experience to fast-track the success of his athletes and amateur trainees.

Simply visit our website and sign up to the Training System NOW! Finally, if time is not your greatest restriction and you lack the access to training equipment or gyms, check out our posts on "how to jump higher at home" and "how to jump higher while travelling!"

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