Radhaa Nilia: Goddess Expert, Author and Publisher

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Meet Radhaa Nilia and her Book ‘Pillars of Light: Stories of Goddess Activations™’

Radhaa has recently released Pillars of Light: Stories of Goddess Activations™. A book based on her original modality, Goddess Activation™. Radhaa invited women who have experienced Goddess Activations™, letting them share their transformational stories with the Goddess Archetypes. Radhaa, a leading authority on Goddess Archetypes, uses them to support women, find their voice, activate their purpose, and heal on the deepest heart and soul levels. Radhaa says that healing is an art from the heart. She's been on her healing journey, unraveling beliefs that no longer serve her; through the process, she's been certified in over a dozen modalities. Today, we sat down to have a conversation with Radhaa to learn more about her latest book, Pillars of Light: Stories of Goddess Activations™, which hit #1 in New Release. This book is highly recommended to readers interested in awakening their inner Goddess, discovering Goddess Archetypes, and knowing that healing is always possible.

Can you tell us about the Book, Pillars of Light: Stories of Goddess Activations? It started with my modality Goddess Activations™. I invited women who've experienced Activations to share their stories and experiences. There are seventeen Goddess Archetypes in the book where each contributing writer triumphantly succeeds in sharing deeply moving and alchemical stories with the Goddess. I admire these women's depths in sharing raw revelations, relatable experiences, and hard-earned lessons that I found enriching. An eye-opener for anyone interested in learning more about Goddess Archetypes. The book keeps returning to the Goddess Activations™'s work and the awe-inspiring women who bring us some of the most profound stories of transformation. Where can we find Pillars of Light: Stories of Goddess Activations? Barnes & Noble: https://bit.ly/3rvVP1z Walmart: https://bit.ly/3nyrBde Paperback:https://amzn.to/3ntpuaM Kindle: https://amzn.to/3okvcfO UK: https://amzn.to/3fzcUCb Apple Books: https://apple.co/3A9eJ2e Or get a signed copy HERE: https://radhaanilia.net/shop/.

Please Share the Backcover Description of the Book? "The Goddesses have been trampled out of temples, written out of text and taken out of History. The world is imbalanced because of this, and the Goddesses are needed now more than ever. Join us as we unravel the tight grip of the patriarchy to resurrect the Goddesses back onto Earth and into the Golden Age. Discover seventeen Goddess Archetypes through women who experienced Goddess Activations™ as they unravel feminine pain of old paradigms, transforming their journey into triumphant holders of Pillars of Light. Goddess Activations™ is a living light frequency, an original healing modality by Radhaa Nilia. Goddess Code Academy is the home of Goddess Activations™, a mystical school for the Divine Feminine. A rich and soulful book. A fusion of feminine compelling and insightful personal stories that set the feminine Spirit free. This book is educational, entertaining, and provocative. The stories in this book are raw and real experiences, and a reminder that there is nothing you can't overcome with the Goddesses as your ally. As you step into the temple doors to the realm of the Goddesses you too will receive activations to what's possible when you come home to the arms of the Goddess. A must-read book for anyone on their healing journey who desires to connect with the Goddess."

How did you become an expert in Goddess Archetypes? The Goddess has been with me my whole life. My parents named me after RadhaKrsna, Goddess of Love and Devotion, even before I was born. As romantic as that sounds, the deeper meaning is devotion to the Divine, devotion to my life's calling and mission. I've had a lifelong cosmic love affair with the Goddess in her many forms. SHE has been there for me when I call upon HER. As a child, my mom took me to the Goddess temples and introduced me to the Goddesses. In my early childhood, my mom left America. She took me to the very top of the Cordillera Mountains in the Philippines to live with the natives when I was three and a half years old. There, I met Goddess Gaia herself and learned that a Goddess of nature named Maria Makiling is in all nature. I lived knowing nature has been created for nature lovers and me. In these mountains, I felt the Spirit of the Goddess all around me. The people of these lands are natural lovers of nature, and they would say Papa Sky, Momma Earth. God Sky, Goddess Earth. To me, this place was Heaven on Earth. Unspoiled lands, no distortion or corruption had touched this land at that time. The indigenous people welcomed my mother and me with open arms. A beautiful time in my life, one I will never forget. We can all agree that adversity never ends, but we keep rising to the occasion. It's the fastest way to evolve, grow, and know your core strength and values. The alchemy is in walking through whatever challenges present themselves as sacred doorways. It's truly the path of the Priestess.

Why do you feel that the Goddess Archetypes are so important at this time? I believe in the power of the divine feminine. As you can see, divine feminine essence is needed now more than ever in our world. In ancient times, there were Goddess Priestess Temples around the world. Most Goddess Temples have been destroyed, their teachings and the initiations with them. My Dharma is to restore the integrity of the Goddesses. It is part of my Dharma to bring back Goddess energy to this planet and share this with all women ready to receive it through the Goddess Activations™. Through this work, we balance the scales and bring back the true essence of the divine feminine through Goddess Activations™. Intuitively, I knew it was essential to bring back the original blueprint of the "Pillars of Feminine Light"

through the Goddess Activations™. I teach Goddess Archetypes to my students in my certification program and work with them. This program focuses on nurturing and empowering the feminine through this powerful transformation program using my method, Goddess Activations. This is vital in awakening all aspects of the feminine. My coaching and mentorship program for women is for those ready to dive deep into this sacred realm of the Goddesses and its Activations™. It is essential to learn about the various Goddesses and who they are, their offerings, and their power. One can learn how to alchemize through this modality. My mission is to further bring this work to millions of women worldwide through Goddess Code Academy™: A Mystical School for the Divine Feminine and the home of Goddess Activations™. Tell us about Goddess Code Academy™ The Goddess Code Academy™ is the online Temple for the Divine Feminine. Women who walk through these temple pillars receive soul medicine through the programs offered. It's set up for self-paced learning and healing programs, holistic practitioner training and certifications, and those who desire intensive one-to-one mentorships such as the one-year Goddess Activations™ program. There is truly something for everyone at Goddess Code Academy™. The Goddess Activations™ is an invitation to fall in love with yourself again. When you learn this sacred healing modality, you become a Certified Goddess Activator™. You are meant to be the woman of your dreams and be a Goddess Activator healer for others. I've had many women tell me how this work has brought them back to feeling confident, in touch with themselves and their feminine ancestors as it is a part of themselves, awakened after many dormant years or lifetimes to their true nature - the divine feminine. During the twelve months of learning the Goddess Archetypes, one gets to know the qualities of a particular Goddess archetype, learns how to work with each archetype, and gets maximum results and benefits. It provides a holistic understanding of healing oneself and others inspired by becoming.

Can you explain the Goddess Activation™ modality? Goddess Activations™ is a living light energy transmission filled with pure Goddess Code™ frequencies. It is different from any other healing modality I've ever experienced. Being a Certified Advanced Teacher and Practitioner of over a dozen healing modalities, I always felt something was missing. So I kept going, more training, more certifications, and six figures later, I was awakened to the missing link. The Goddess Activations™ was presented repeatedly in my clients' sessions. Specific Goddess energy would show up. I would ask the client if bringing in this Goddess Archetype was ok. And that is how it all started. My sessions became much more effective, and the results were nothing less than miraculous. Over a decade ago, Goddess Activations™ was born, working with women in my private healing practice in Hollywood Hills. Goddess Activations™ has been trademarked to protect the integrity of this sacred work. Integrity is a big part of this work, and this Goddess Activations™ is trademarked. I have great love and honor for this work because it is about coming back to our innocence. It's about the reclaiming the sacred.

How did Goddess Activations™ Modality come about? Goddess Activations™ is an original healing modality that I started over a decade ago. Still, I started to share it in the following years. It is the missing link in healing the feminine at the deepest heart and soul level. As the pillars of divine feminine light, a pure Shakti Energy essence is its foundation, the divine primordial Shakti cosmic consciousness that moves through the entire Universe. One that we were all originally connected to. It is important now more than ever to align with the Divine Feminine Consciousness. Some women come for ONE Powerful Session, while others join various training programs experiencing the depth of multiple Goddess Activations™. It is truly a sacred experience where students will walk through Eleven Gateways and activate Eleven Pillars of Light. Each month, one Goddess Activations™ is presented. Students receive the teachings, healings, activations, and training holistically. Students will receive a Goddess Activators™ Practitioner Certification and a Holistic Healer Certification at the end of the program. They are well on their way to starting their journey as Holistic Healers as Goddess Activators™ Practitioners. My greatest passion is to teach my students this vital information. I believe that whatever you love, money will follow, and I make an income doing so. It's a win-win for both the practitioner and her clients. I know these times have been challenging personally and the collective rights of the Soul. I feel so passionate about bringing Goddess wisdom into women's lives. We have this great opportunity to create shifts for the future and the coming generations as we do the work. In Shamanism, it's understood that the traumas are passed down into seven generations. But so is the healing. I am a big believer in clearing these traumas. To me, this is how we start shifting the world. It all comes back to ourselves, as within,

so without. As above, so below. I truly came to this planet to share these Goddess Codes. And it would be my honor to share them with you.

What are Clients saying about Goddess Activation™? Can you offer a sample of what Goddess Activation™ Clients saying? "WOW. I have taken two weeks to write this review to fully evaluate the Value of my session with Radhaa. During the session and directly after, I was BLOWN away. My feet were nowhere near the ground as Radhaa provided me with an unbelievable amount of love, healing, guidance, and pure magic. I was feeling so fantastic that I was worried it would not last. Well, it did! Here I am 2 weeks later, more confident, more secure in what I am doing. Every little piece that she helped me put into place was crucial, and each piece has brought about its healing. I can feel my vibration has been lifted and in a way that will stay with me. Radhaa's Goddess Code Pele Activation did EXACTLY that. She provided a safe, loving space where I could activate the gifts within myself that previously I could not access. Clarity, confidence, direction, actionable steps, healing, and crazy amounts of love are what you will get from a session with Radhaa. I highly highly recommend it." - Tracy Gaudet, Energy Alignment Coach, Canada

"Yesterday I had a Goddess Activation session with Radhaa Nilia. It was powerful and exciting. I was filled with a surge of electricity and a pulse of determination that hadn't lost its fuel even 24 hours later. I'm on the verge of a new thing happening in my business and life. Radhaa provided me with clarity, an understanding of the root of my blocks, a clearing of those blocks, and a jolt towards my next great thing. Radhaa is kind, caring, and compassionate and gave me great insight into the questions that have been lingering in my Spirit. If you haven't signed up for her Goddess Activation Session, do it now! Wait, why are you still reading this? Go sign up already! You know you want to." - Tami Lynn, Interior Designer, Hollywood, CA

"I just had an awesome theta healing session with Radhaa. She has such a calming and nurturing presence and, through her thoughtful questions, was able to help me get to the root of my issue. Once there, she used her ability to remove any blocks I had in that area. Following my session with Radhaa, I felt this immediate sense of peace and calm and a renewed sense of hope and confidence in my creativity and abilities. Thank you, Radhaa, for your time and energy." -Jessica Millet, Hawaii

"Here is the review I wrote after my incredible session with Radhaa a couple of weeks ago. She is truly a Goddess, and I have kept evolving since our session. We are blessed to be able to experience her healing and love. Don't hesitate to move forward with

Radhaa. She's the real deal. "Oh my goodness, I just birthed my cosmic self with Radhaa today! The experience was magical and playful, with rainbow colors, glitter, gold, and gorgeous. She was loving, knowing, wise, a warm and natural guide, and I feel blessed and forever transformed. The drawings I do today, a day we've been long awaiting, will be dedicated to Radhaa and her divine gifts. Don't wait to experience Radhaa, the golden goddess of love and light. She is simply divine and miraculous." - Val C., Best Selling Author, Marina Del Rey, CA

“I recommend Goddess Activation™ for women on the Divine path or interested in it and who want to go deeper into the mysteries of yourself and the Holy Goddess because right now is the time! No more hiding! Enough is enough. You don't need to hold on to things that don't belong to you. It's time to let go. In our session, I got light codes, I received initiations, beautiful symbology, and personalized symbols that brought us to speak of that. I knew only Sophia would know that, that I needed to hear to prove that that was her coming through. I am stopping the need to search everywhere else to receive her wisdom and feel it within myself and trust what comes to me so I can really, truly channel the wisdom of Sophia. What a beautiful experience! I'll end it by saying that for women interested in taking this path, I recommend Radhaa's sessions. You'd be surprised what comes through, what you're still holding on to, that you can learn to let go to embody more life, your Soul & purpose." - Alanna Shimel, Hypnotherapist, Woodland Hills, LA.

How can someone get a Goddess Activation™ Session or Training with you? It's always my honor to be of service to those who are ready to receive the Goddess Activation™. If you'd like to experience the Goddess Activation™ session, you can find it HERE: https://radhaanilia.net/goddess-activations/. I believe it's time for everyone to find their Superpowers and share their gifts. That's what we came here to do. I'm here to support that remembrance within you.

About Radhaa Nilia: About Radhaa Nilia: Radhaa is one of today's most up-andcoming influential speakers and teachers on Goddess Archetypes. Radhaa supports visionary female leaders in bridging the intangible teachings of the Goddess into the physical realms of life and Business. As a Goddess Activator, Mentor and Publisher, her otherworldly gifts have guided her in successfully building Goddess Code

Academy: A Mystical School for the Divine Feminine, where she teaches her original modality, Goddess Activations™. You can find Radhaa co-creating with women worldwide, empowering voices, and curating collaborative book series through Radhaa Publishing House. Website: www.RadhaaPublishingHouse.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/radhaapublishing You can find Radhaa here: www.RadhaaNilia.net Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/radhaanilia TAGS: #GoddessCode #RadhaaNilia #RadhaaPublishing #Radio #Interview #GoddessCodeAcademy #Ascencion #Heart #Chakra #DivineFeminine #Author #Writer #BookLaunch #GoddessCodeActivations #Healing #Healer #Coach #Spiritual #Books #QuanYin #Goddess #Spiritual #Healing #Self-Help #Empowerment #Divine Feminine #Soul #Heart #Spirit #Angels #Prayer #Mystic #GoddessCode #QuanYin #FeminineLeadership #relationships #Love #forgiveness #Shamanism #EnergyHealing #Transformation #RadhaaPublishing

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