Smarmore Castle

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€13, 000permont h

Pr ogr am Dur at i on 30days

Cast l ePr i vat eCl i ni c,Smar mor e,Near ,Co. Lout h,A92YY22,I r el and Smar mor eCast l eRehab Gues t sc anl i v ei ns har edr oomswi t honeort wor oommat es dur i ngt hei rs t ayatCas t l eCr ai g.Fori ndi v i dual ss eek i ngmor e pr i v ac y ,pr i v at er oomsar eav ai l abl egi v i ngr es i dent st hec hanc e t obegetawayf r om t hes t r es s est heymayex per i enc edur i ng r ehab. Ofal l t hec hoi c esy ouhav eav ai l abl et opi c kpr i v at er es i dent i al r ehabsf r om,Smar mor eCas t l ei ss omet hi ngs pec i al .Thef i r s t al c ohol ,dr ug,andgambl i ngt r eat mentc l i ni ci nI r el and,andt he f i r s tandonl yf ami l y r unone,t hi s14t hc ent ur yc as t l eandmanor hous ei snes t l edi ngar densandwoodl andamongs tt hei dy l l i c gr eenhi l l sofCount yLoat h,mak i ngi tat r ul ypeac ef ul ,pr i v at e, andr emot es et t i ngf ory out ounder goy ourt r eat mentands t ar t bui l di nganewl i f e. Atj us ta40mi nut edr i v enor t hofDubl i n,oranhourandahal f ’ s dr i v ef r om Bel f as t ,s uc ht r anqui l l i t yt or ef l ec t ,r ebui l dandheal .

Awar dedSt at usasaLux ur yCl as sRehabbyWor l dsBes tRehabMagaz i ne www. wor l ds bes t . r ehab

Thecast l ehasbeenf ul l yr ef ur bi shedt opr ovi deal lt henecessi t i esofmoder nl i f eand i sdesi gnedt oal l owf orcomf or tandsuppor tphysi cal l yaswel lasment al l ydur i ngyour st ay .

Awar dedSt at usasaLux ur yCl as sRehabbyWor l dsBes tRehabMagaz i ne www. wor l ds bes t . r ehab

Theaccommodat i oni t sel fi sspl i ti nt o22bedr oomswi t hensui t ebat hr ooms,desi gned t oaccommodat e2cl i ent seachwhoar epai r edaccor di ngt ogender .Nut r i t i ousmeal s ar eof f er ed3t i mesaday ,i ncl udi ngcont i nent albr eakf ast ,andasal adbarof f er edat l unchanddi nner ,al ongsi deavar i et yofheal t hycookedopt i ons.

Fi t ness Beach Gar dens Gour metDi ni ng I nt er net OceanVi ew TV

Smar mor eCast l eFaci l i t i es Accesst oNat ur e Yoga Advent ur eOut i ngs BeachWal ks Far mi ng,Gar deni ng Hi ki ng Physi calFi t ness

Hi ki ng Movi es COVI D19Measur es Execut i vePr ogr am Gender speci f i cgr oups YoungAdul t sPr ogr am Pr i vat eRooms

Smar mor eCast l eAf t er car e Out pat i entTr eat ment

Fol l owupdays

Compani oni fRequi r ed

Awar dedSt at usasaLux ur yCl as sRehabbyWor l dsBes tRehabMagaz i ne www. wor l ds bes t . r ehab

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