Evanston Magazine

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CDC on Homemade Cloth Face


Feast & Imbibe and Soul & Smoke



Fighting Covid By Feeding the Community



8 09

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FEATURE Evanston Community Rapid Response Fund

Publisher Editor In Chief Aaron Foster

Your Home and Mortgage During the Coronavirus

Partnership with Evanston Woman Magazine

Staff Writer Karen Kring Contributing Editors Karen Kopan Zimmerman Wealth Ann O’Connell Robert Vega Keith Terry Heather S. Bormann Vivian Peters Barbara Moss Linda Del Bosque

CDC on Homemade Face Masks

DEPARTMENT Shop Local Support Ten Thousand Villages Gigios Pizza

Photographers Jeremy Pardoe Karen Kring Robert Vega The Owner of Feast & Imble (Cover)

Supporting Evanstons Essential Workers- Police , Nurses, Food Service Workers

Marketing Director Deanna Lena Elliott-Sales Director Erik Hulon - Account Executive

In the Community Meet Pablo Sanchez of Gyro Planet

STAY IN TOUCH afoster@evanstonmagazine.net FB.com/EvanstonMagazine IG evanstonmanmagazine Phone Number 773.441.4044

Feast & Imbibe and Soul & Smoke


Š Evanston Magazine, All Rights Reserve

Special Thank Credit freddymac.com CDC.com Root.com



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Editor’s Letter


e will never be the same. The coronavirus has changed us. American’s in a condition we never saw coming, nor understood, nor will be able to return from, comfortably. We will never be whole. This magazine is dedicated to the first responders and essential workers who risk their lives every day during this pandemic.They make sure that America will never fall apart . In this issue we have important words from the CDC on “how to create the important masks’”, we will all start to wear. I predict the style of the masks will become not only a common attribute but a symbol of your style like most items worn. Mask styles will be as important as a Gucci belt or Yeezys to a millinnial. This issue of Evanston Magazine also highlights one of the most important articles I believe to be created about the Covid 19 Virus. In its core is a substantial gathering of information. Answering of the important question- “How will I deal with my mortgage”? Read the article, and share the article as it may save someone from homelessness. Losing a home was nominated as one of the biggest stressors in a persons life. It was up there with divorce. You are welcome to read further, see the Freddie Mac article titled: Protecting you from the Impacts of Corronavirus. During this pandimic the world had the fortunite but unfortunate benefit of learning who we really depend on. They are called the ESSENTIAL WORKERS. These every day super heroes dont wear capes or bounce bullets off of their chests. They prepare, shelve and drive your food to you. They protect you and treat your illness while your sick. Those nurses, doctors, police and delivery people are the real superheroes and we interviewed one of Evanstons most dedicated. Our April cover story highlights Feast & Imbibe and Soul & Smoke’s owners. Two people with a team of heroes who kept families fed during a time where no one would. I am proud of this issue of Evanston Magazine. The Magazine will continue our transformation toward the collection we will leave a legacy called, Evanston Magazine. However I am most proud of the community members who dedicated themselves to keeping us going. Thank you and I look forward to you joining me in the journey. Please email all comments to Afoster@EvanstonMagazine.net and visit the website.

Aaron Foster

Aaron Foster

Editor in Chief EVANSTON Magazine



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Now is our time to act nimbly and maximize our impact. By donating*, you can help support the most vulnerable in our community and Evanston’s vital safety net of nonprofits during this critical period as COVID-19 imperils all of us. For a limited time, thanks to a $1,000,000 Challenge Grant, your donation will be doubled dollar for dollar.

this crisis: loss of paychecks, lack of housing, and unmet basic needs leading to the inability to maintain the health standards required to stay safe from the pandemic. We are preparing to address both immediate and long-term needs.

A UNIFIED PHILANTHROPIC RESPONSE The Evanston Community Foundation has launched the Evanston Community Rapid Response Fund to foster a unified philanthropic response to address the impact of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 in the Evanston community. Several initial funders have already partnered in helping seed the fund, including the Finnegan Family Foundation, Hagerty Consulting, and Northwestern University Dance Marathon (NUDM).

DONATE NOW Donations to the Evanston Community Rapid Response Fund will immediately support this vital effort. Please consider making a contribution to ensure that our most vulnerable populations are protected.

We are working closely with community-based organizations to identify how to strategically use these funds to support community needs as they evolve. We invite everyone who is currently able to give to contribute to this community-based initiative. With your support, ECF will work to provide flexible resources to organizations working with community members who are disproportionately impacted by coronavirus and the economic consequences of the outbreak. ADDRESSING IMMEDIATE COMMUNITY NEED With the spread of COVID-19, nonprofit partners are feeling its impact, ultimately affecting our most vulnerable neighbors. ECF is currently surveying and engaging our nonprofit partners to better understand the specific implications of the virus. The Foundation understands the needs that will be greatly exacerbated by

Please also refer to our Frequently Asked Questions document (download) or read the FAQs on the Resources page.

ABOUT THE FOUNDATION As a community foundation focused on creating a more vibrant, equitable and inclusive community, ECF is positioned to meet the urgent and emerging needs of our local community. For more than 30 years, we have served as a convener of nonprofit organizations, community members, and civic leaders. We have also served as a coordinator of philanthropic resources to ensure that we are focusing the generosity of our community to have its greatest impact. We are proud to lean into the power of community endowment during difficult times to seed this fund. * If you prefer to send a check, direct it to ECF,1560 Sherman Ave., Suite 535, Evanston, IL 60201. Although ECF staff are working remotely, we are regularly retrieving contribution checks delivered to the office. Please email President and CEO Monique Brunson Jones or call 847.492.0990 with any questions. Thank you for your support.



People Are Talking About

Feast & Imbibe and Soul & Smoke Evanston Heroes Feeding families and fighting the Covid 19 Pandemic When a national news source wrote an article about Evanstons own Heather Bublick and husband D’Andre Carter, we were blown away. Their catering companies, Feast & Imbibe and Soul & Smoke started serving 250 meals per day. That is not an easy feat. No one really could have predicted with any certainty the expantion of the coronavirus. It almost came out of no where and has devostated the economy in ways never experienced before. The main effect of the coronovirus has been that jobs were lost at a level beyond the 1930’s depression. Even more remarkable is the fact that it happened so fast that families didnt have a chance to adjust, leaving many a refridgerator empty. Governor J.B. Pritzker made the decision to place the entire state on a “shelter in place” status many people made the decision to fend for self. There are some



special beings who went the opposite way. Heather and D’Andre were two who did just that. They cose to look out for others. The owners of Feast & Imbibe and Soul & Smoke, have taken on the role of super heroes. They are literally saving lives by providing meals for not only the needy in neighboring Chicago but by providing meals for the first responders. “There has to be nothing better deserved than the meals given to these heroes”, said an Evanston Resident. The meals are cooked to perfection and served hot to those deserving hungry people. For exsmple, a nurse who has worked a 18 hour shift may not have the energy to cook. We must remember that many of these first responders are not able to go home and a hot meal cooked by a four star chef is a life saver. Another factor that comes into play

is that the virus is highly contagious and therefore the first responders are themselves quarentined. No one would want to rush home and cook knowing they could potentially harm their loved ones. Heather and D’Andre’s story is inspiring in many ways. When presented with a question of why she is so dedicated to being this self-less? Heather divulged two reasons. The first was that she professed, she may not be one to just sit at home. Shelter in place means endlessly sitting in the house potentially doing nothing. She cannot be a person who can do that. Heather is a mover and a shaker. She is often moving from catering/ restaurant areas as most who own two catering style businesses will do. The second reason is one that is more

private than would be expected. It seems that in the month of January Heather and her huband lost their 7 week old son. Losing a child is near moving and public speaking on the stressful chart. Therefore, it was mentioned as a way for her to not focus on that painful event. So it seems even heroes have things they are personally dealing with. When offered monitary help this self-less Evanston wonder woman referred the offers to the nonprofit I Grow Chicago. (https://www.igrowchicago.org/) The mission of I Grow Chicago is to grow Englewood from surviving to thriving through community connection, skill building, and opportunity. Heather believed they could use the help more than she could. Therefore, per Heather’s wishes if you are interested in donating go to this website. ( growchicago.org ) Per the wishes of Evanston Magazine please support Feast & Imbile or Soul and Smoke on facebook. They are our home town heroes and deserve the praise they will receive. We, at Evanston Magazine formally say thank you. Heather. You and your family are the real heroes fighting this virus. THANK YOU.



Your Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic Protecting you from the Impacts of CORONAVIRUS America relies on Freddie Mac to support the housing market across the entire country, and in all economic cycles. Now that this Covid-19 pandemic has become a reality, Freddie Mac has developed policies to assist borrowers so that fears are eased. What fear you ask? People dont want to losing their houses. Since people are unable to go to work they will have an income problem. That loss of income could lead to homelessness. Providing Assistance to Borrowers: Freddie Mac is offering the following mortgage relief options for those who are unable to make their mortgage payments due to a decline in income. Mortgage forbearance for up to 12 months, also, waiving assessments of penalties and late fees will be attainable. Halting all foreclosure actions and evictions of borrowers living in Freddie Mac-owned homes until at least May 17, 2020. Offering loan modification options that lower payments or keep payments the same after the forbearance period. Guidance for Lenders and Servicers: They are also providing additional guidance to their customers in both their Single-Family and Multifamily businesses: Announcements: Enhanced Relief for Homeowners Impacted by COVID–19 Increased Flexibility to Buy and Sell During COVID–19 Relief Plan Affecting More than 4 Million Renters Across 27,000 Properties Seller/Servicer Guidance:



Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guidance Multifamily Seller/Servicer Guidance Ensuring Business Continuity They have activated their Crisis Management Team (CMT), comprised of representatives from across the company. The CMT and senior leaders are meeting regularly, closely monitoring the situation, and providing frequent updates to their board and staff. They are actively tracking news and information about the virus and making decisions based on guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). They have taken several actions in line with this guidance, including: Expanding remote work: Limiting visitors to Freddie Mac facilities, Suspending non-essential business travel for staff, Requiring staff to follow CDC recommendations not return to the office for least 14 days after contact with an infected individual. In addition to these actions, they will continue to engage with the Federal Housing Finance Agency and other third parties to ensure continuity of critical business activities. To be clear, Freddie Mac is open for business. They are committed to serving their mission and the crucial role they play in the U.S. housing finance system while supporting the health and safety of their communities. Please check their site regularly for any additional news and updates. Visit their consumer page on My Home by Freddie Mac® to learn more about their mortgage relief options to help homeowners.

CDC on Homemade Cloth Face Coverings Cloth face coverings should—fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face be secured with ties or ear loops include multiple layers of fabric allow for breathing without restriction be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. CDC also advises the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others. Cloth face coverings fashioned from household items or made at home from common materials at low cost can be used as an additional, voluntary public health measure. Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance. The cloth face coverings recommended are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators. Those are critical supplies that must continue to be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders, as recommended by current CDC guidance. Should cloth face coverings be washed or otherwise cleaned regularly? How regularly? Yes. They should be routinely washed depending on the frequency of use. How does one safely sterilize/clean a cloth face covering? A washing machine should suffice in properly washing a face covering. How does one safely remove a used cloth face covering? Individuals should be careful not to touch their eyes, nose, and mouth when removing their face covering and wash hands immediately after removing.

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SUPPORTING EVANSTONS Essential workers and businesses

Evanston Magazine -----Thank You to our First Responders



OrthoAccess Immediate Care Clinics are open Accidents Happen - The ER is not your only choice. OrthoAccess is a walk-in clinic designed to quickly and affordably treat simple fractures, sprains, strains, work and sports injuries and more. WE ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS AND HERE FOR YOU. We want people to know that we are offering the following services:





Telemedicine is here. IBJI is using new resources that allow our patients to access remote care from physicians and physical and occupational therapists. We continue to schedule appointments for urgent and acute patients.

For the most up to date information with hours and locations during Covid-19, visit https://www.ibji.com/covid-19-coronavirus/.

12 EvanstonMagazine.net



l a u t r

Evanston Scholars Annual Benefit


CElEbrating Our graduating SChOlarS Friday, May 8 | 7PM


Proceeds from POMP! provide programs and support services to ensure more Evanston students from low-income, first-generation, and/or underrepresented families succeed in college and obtain strong jobs.

thank you to our SPonSorS Educator

Magna CuM Laude


Letitia & Jeff Mann

Paola Sapienza & Salvatore Di Bernardo



In the Community Hi, My Name is Pablo Sanchez.

Gyros Planet and Taqueria

14 EvanstonMagazine.net

My wife and I are the owners of Gyros Planet and TAQUERIA. Since the COVID-19 started affecting the state of Illinois the Latino community it has been one of the most affected communities by the economic impact of this terrible pandemic. There are hundreds of families with a lot of need in our Latino community. Many of them lost their jobs because a lot of them worked in jobs like restaurants, housekeeping, care givers and many other jobs that were forced to close because of the pandemic. Many Latinos don’t get the help and support that they need because of the lack of the technology and language. They also face another challenge like the fear to ask for help because of their legal status. Many of them are afraid, hopeless and hungry. As a Latino I feel commitment to help my community. Gyros Planet and Taqueria |1903 Church Street | Evanston Please help us feed our Latino community. Please donate here: https://tinyurl.com/etownLatinoHelp (GoFundme)

See Website For The Date 4 SUNS Plant Based Wellness 9Round Fitness A New Leaf Natural Medicine Amita Orthopedic & Rehab Ayres Estate Services Bathfitter Breast Thermography Center ChiroOne Creative Care Management Evanston Float Center Gold Fish Swim School Hip Circle Empowerment Center Horizon Photography Intensive Karen Independently Driven In Fine Fettle Holistic Health Center & Wellness Boutique Metro Squash

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Community Focused













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