Portfolio Eva Pabon

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This portfolio contains several projects of my academic career, as well as some extra-curricular projects and an internship. During my studies I developed a great interest in design- and collaborative processes. Especially during summer schools, work at the CHEPOS and the multidisciplinary project good collaboration brought projects to a whole new level. Additionally, during the last years of my studies I have developed an ambitious interest in sustainable design. During my internship and graduation project I have delved deeper into how to steer away from the clichĂŠs of sustainable design and find real solutions for environmental problems. However, this has mostly taught me the difficulties of bringing such subjects into reality. Lastly, this portfolio contains architectural designs that were developed from a leading concept, such as a construction method, material or client-based wishes, where architecture is the perfect platform to connect people to their environment.


Portfolio Eva Pabon Kettingstraat 26 5611 RD Eindhoven The Netherlands 0031 6 45317321 e.d.m.pabon@student.tue.nl 16-11-1993




Ector Hoogstad Architecten

Graduation Project


The Democratic Building

House of Wishes


Designing a collective home

Urban Farming Hall


Tectonic Exercises

Culture Route


Bachelor Final Project

The Silver Tower


Multidisciplinary Project

Church Analysis


Tectonic Exercises

Brouwhuis Detail


Architectural Engineering

Structure and Skin


Architectural Expression

Summer Schools


Venice and South Korea



Built Environment Magazine

Ector Hoogstad Architecten


Blog juli 2017 Building TechnologyArchitecten Ector Hoogstad Parametrisch ontwerpen voor IMd For six months I did an internship at Ector Hoogstad Architecten in Rotterdam. During my internship I learnedalstovisuele use Dynamo, a coding program Programmeren ontwerptool: het is één van de dingen die biedt. Het programma een can uitbreiding op Revit: thatDynamo is an extension to Revit isand be used to een programmeertool die gekoppeld is en werkt met dezelfde paramemake parametric designs. Additionally, I worked ters. Een van de grote voordelen is dat je Revit automatisch on designs for an apartment building, primarybepaalde opdrachten geven en dezeshell kan verbinden tot een sequentie schools, andkan a 3D printed that is designed van aan elkaar gerelateerde acties en invloeden. Dat kan tijd beto cover an office. Most of the time was spent sparen doordat het handmatige handelingen wegneemt. Denk aan 3D modelling, but I also joined client meetings het automatisch naamgeven van elementen van een bepaalde kleur, and visits among other things. of eenlocation programmaatje dat even snel voor je aangeeft welke deuren in je ontwerp wel of niet voldoen aan de eisen van de brandweer. Behalve analyses en opdrachten biedt het ook nieuwe mogelijkheden. Zo kan je, net als met Rhino, modelleren vanuit parameters.

IMd: Parametric design with Dynamo The IMd extension was a shell, placed on one of the crane tracks in dikte the IMd office. Asafhankelijk a first het de blootstelling aan licht, of de van een element task, I was askedHettoprogramma find the best location and beoogde decibelniveau. rekent niet alleen achteraf aan jeshape ontwerp, van te vorenand medeAutohet uiterlijk. formaar thisbepaalt shell juist in Sketchup Maar, CAD hier had nog nooit mee gewerkt een nieuw programma (1).ik After this, I used theenprogramming betekent vaak eenDynamo nieuwe manier van nadenken. In het geval van (mij software to create a programmable en) Dynamo was dat geometry (2).zeker Thiszo.geometry was then linked to an adaptable Revit family. This Revit famiDe basis is simpel. Dynamo werkt met nodes, kleine formules die je ly consists of panels with openings that differ

vertellen wat ze doen, maar niet hoe ze werken. Het zijn, ook visueel, black boxes: je stopt er iets in en er komt iets uit. Wat er in zo’n doos gebeurt is, althans voor mij nog, een raadsel. De output van de ene node verbind je met de input van een andere en zo creëer je een 3. Free Fluid Form

1 Alzijdig Uitzicht mogelijk: ook Zicht naar beneden!

De eerste schelpvorm - nog zonder Dynamo - op de kraanbaan en tussen de dakspanten.

Geen zwaar ‘drukkend’ volume boven picknicktafels (daglicht)

Verschillende ontwerpparameters: bescherming van direct daglicht, transparant en open naar andere kantoorlagen, geluid, hoogte. Desk configuration

Ector Hoogstad Architecten De laatste paar weken heb ik Dynamo gebruikt om een omhulsel te ontwerpen voor een bestuursvleugel op de kraanbaan van het kantoor van IMd. Deze kraanbaan is een stalen constructie in het kantoor van IMd, onder een dak met aflopende spanten. Om deze complexe ruimte onder het dak zo optimaal mogelijk te benutten, zijn we op zoek gegaan naar de ideale vorm. Deze vorm was nog te onderzoeken door middel van Sketchup en AutoCad, maar zodra er over materialisatie moest worden nagedacht, schoot deze software tekort. Voor het ontwerp moest er rekening gehouden worden met verschillende parameters: direct boven de vorm zaten daklichten, de huid moest geluidsEen node werend zijn, maar ook transparant. Bovendien was het interessant als al deze aspecten in één huid aanwezig waren, zonder dat er hiervoor een extra constructie nodig zou zijn. Dat betekent dat maakbaarheid en ontwerpen in dit geval extra dicht bij elkaar liggen, en er moest dus op een slimme manier met al deze parameters omgegaan worden. Om die reden hebben we gekozen om met Dynamo te werken. Met dit programma konden we de verschillende parameters integreren in een ontwerp: gevelopeningen waarvan de grootte afhankelijk is van

sequentie van opdrachten die tot iets leiden. In het geval van IMd ben ik begonnen met punten op een assenstelsel. Deze punten stop je in Lineair Compact een node die er een lijst van punten van maakt, deze lijst gaat naar de node NurbsCurve.byPoints (Nurbs staat voor Non-uniform rational B-spline, vandaar) die op zijn beurt een lijn trekt door deze punten. Een serie lijnen wordt verbonden door middel van een node die er een surface van maakt, en zo rolt de eerste schelpvorm uit het programma. Een volgende stap was om die vorm vervolgens op te delen in elementen van een bepaalde vorm en verdeling, wat voor de nodige uitdagingen zorgde. Programmeren is een proces van trial and error. Je bedenkt een sequentie van een aantal black boxes, maar als je deze wil uitvoeren kan het zijn dat het niet meteen werkt. Er is nog achter te komen waar het niet werkt, de volgende stap is uitvinden waarom het niet werkt. Zo blijk je voor deze specifieke sequentie een ander soort lijn nodig te hebben dan je had gemaakt en moet je dus een manier vinden om van de ene soort geometrie de andere te maken. Terwijl beide er hetzelfde


Postbus 818 3000 AV Rotterdam T +31 (0)10 4402121 F +31 (0)10 4402100 info@ectorhoogstad.com www.ectorhoogstad.com


Een klein stukje code: links een lijst met verschillende doorsnedes. De output daarvan is verbonden met de input van de node Surface.ByLoft die er een oppervlakte van maakt. Deze is te zien in donkergrijs.

uitzien bestaan ze toch uit andere materie waarmee de hele code niet meer werkt. Het is alsof je een appeltaart wilt bakken en de oven niet aan gaat omdat je Elstars in plaats van Goudrenetten hebt gebruikt. Programmeren is genadeloos eenkennig.

Gelukkig zie je met meer ervaring meer mogelijkheden, waarmee de controle over het ontwerp ook groter wordt. In een bos van nodes, curves en faces is het makkelijk om je doel voorbij te streven en jezelf te verliezen in programmeren in plaats van ontwerpen. Toch hoeven die twee niet veel van elkaar te verschillen. Beide vragen om een

m werzijn er namo leiner edaan as tevooren de en en nig viheb je kan je o met

unnen elden iratie. uitdaweet heelt. is om bouossen, dering heden e nou bezig zwaar lopen maakt.

bepaalde mate van creativiteit, innovatie en nadenken op conceptueel niveau. Juist de beperkingen van zo’n programma kunnen weer voor een nieuw perspectief zorgen en gevenininzicht in aredesmaller oorsprong van size (3). There openings where is necessary because of the roof winvorm en ruimte. De enige vereiste is slimshade werken. Zo wordt het model dow above the structure (4) and bigger 3 the side for a visual relation to meer dan een afspiegeling van je eigen openings kennis,on maar brengt een slim the rest of the building (5). With this model, I created the basis for a structure that will programma het ontwerp een niveau verder. eventually be 3D printed.

Onderaan is de volgende stap van het ontwerp voor IMd te zien. De gevelopeningen zijn duidelijk afhankelijk de hoeveelheid zonlicht. De volgende stappen liggen bij het integreren en optimaliseren van de constructie. Zodra de panelen dikte hebben en met elkaar verbonden kunnen worden, hoef je ze alleen maar uit te printen en op te bouwen. Ideaal. 1


1 3



2121 F +31 (0)10 4402100 info@ectorhoogstad.com www.ectorhoogstad.com

- Transpar Good tran

- Installatio Acoustic openings

- Experien Dynamic

- Experien Quality sp performa 3 55


- Transpar Good tran

- Installatio

Modelling an apartment complex (Sketchup) For a social housing apartment complex in Steenwijk I was asked to make a Sketchup model, to try out design options.







1 2 3




Papendorp hotel: modular building With Illustrator, I created explained the build4 ing method of a hotel in Papendorp. Building modules are attached to the core and to each other. The units are made in a factory and transported to the building site. With this method, the building is built cheaply and rather fast.


1 2


1. 2. 3. 4.



verticale kern worden aan kern gekoppeld klare modules worden gekoppeld aan vloer worden geschakeld en gestapeld





Plaatsing verticale kern Vloeren worden aan kern gekoppeld Kant-en-klare modules worden gekoppeld aan vloer Modules worden geschakeld en gestapeld


1 2 3




Modulair gebouwd


Prefab elementen

1. 2. 3. 4.

Plaatsing verticale kern Modulair gebouwd Vloeren worden aan kern gekoppeld Modulair gebouwd Kant-en-klare modules worden gekoppeld aan de vloer Prefab elementen Modules worden geschakeld en gestapeld Prefab elementen

Modulair gebouwd Prefab elementen


Edited in Photoshop Deken van Somerenstraat: Retouching renders with Photoshop

Papendorp hotel: Sustainability strategy For a competition in Papendorp, I was asked to make a strategy to make the project more sustainable. For this I chose different perspectives: social sustinability, materials, use and energy. Software: Illustrator

healthy community

gezond groen Zonneboiler PV panelen op dak en gevel

seats 2 meet in gezamelijke huiskamer

gedeelde daktuinen

fitness en wellness centrum in skybox

urban farming: alle appartementen eigen gebruik en licht en lucht verkoop aan (Frans balkon) winkels plint

6 7


Skybox: huiskamer met seats 2 meet, fitness en wellness groene daken: natuurlijke isolatie 3

groene gevel: isoleert en filtert CO2 en fijnstof


energie leveren

circulaire materialen natuurlijke ventilatie: energiereductie 2

8 Frans balkon voor elk appartement circulair interieur


upcycled houten WasteBasedBricks: gevel gerecyclede gevel parkeergarage

volledige PV gevel en zonneboiler

9 gedeelde terrassen en tuinen met urban farming

bewust duurzaam

parkeergarage: flexibel en duurzaam 10


Parkeergarage e-bikes en bike gemakkelijk te sharing verbouwen tot appartementen, urban farming, etc.

oplaadpunten elektrische auto’s en car sharing

Circulair en interactief mobiel paviljoen met Wi-Fi Hub groene buffer: reductie fijnstof en CO2


Warme-Koude Opslag




The Democratic Building

The Democratic Building from the waterside. The restaurant offers a great view over the water. The Democratic Building is an investigation into adaptability and democracy in architecture. The building aims to adapt to the seasons by providing both a winter market and a summer market in the city. With the changing of the seasons, the building facade can open and close to protect to from the wind, rain and sun. An adaptable space is placed in the center of the building and by placig the service cores on the side of the building, it can be re-used for different functions as well. The detailing is made so that the building can be taken apart at the end of it’s lifetime.

riyg 7 0 t2 T e i ch ctn p o C

8 Canopy construction can be disassembled (center right). Section with the summer and winter market (below).

Objectives for world-class city streets

The City of Stockholm has published a vision of the type of city Stockholm will be in 2030. The city has also prepared a plan over how the future city will be built. This strategy describes what we need to do with the city’s roads and streets to support the plan and the vision. This requires objectives for how streets in this major city will be used in Stockholm 2030. Vision 2030 describes the Stockholm of the future In this vision, the transport system contributes to creating a larger job and housing market in the Mälardalen region. Measured worldwide, Stockholm will be the city whose inhabitants use public transport the most and which has an effective and safe network of cycle routes. The city will actively conduct campaigns to change travel patterns towards high-capacity and energyefficient means of transport. The city will develop and invest in technical traffic solutions in close collaboration with other municipal and regional operators.



The vision describes what it will be like to live in, work in and visit Stockholm in the future

Under the vision, Stockholmers’ car fleet should be almost completely comprised of green cars and availability of eco fuel should be excellent. In layer addition, of the masterplan: the siteand becomes a place technology for pedestrians rather than cars as it was before (top smart transport solutions modern information have Pedestrians will dominate traffic again increased accessibility and thereby reduced emissions.


High capacity and energy efficient modes

With The themodes rest which of the “The Aesthetics havestudio the highest capacity, that is to say which have the potential to transport the most peoplea on a small surface area, are often also of Sustainability” we developed masterplan those which of are most energy efficient with least climate and environmental for the center Stockholm: Slussen. A plan impact. Highest capacity have walking, cycling, public transport. for several traffic systems spreads over several layers in height, to bring a The Walkable Cityaiming is the plan for theback Stockholm of the future pedestrian-friendly trafficthehub to the The City Plan introduces walkable city city. concept. This is a method of

building a city where access – the ability to reach different destinations – does not build solely on mobility but also on accessibility. Dense urban development means an increasing number of more varied destinations within a shorter distance that enables more journeys on foot and by bicycle. At the same time, a denser city provides an enhanced basis for frequent and highcapacity public transport. Increased density also means new challenges for our roads and streets – it should be possible to transport more people using the same space.


Public transport

Commercial traffic



urban mobility strategy, Stockholms Stad

The plan defines the direction for a modern transport system and sustainable travel based on Vision 2030. The city will: • Plan for the efficient implementation of the infrastructure projects included in the Stockholm Agreement.

Urban Mobility Strategy


9 Model of the masterplan, with the mass for the building design in it.

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Stockholm meets

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Functions are stacked, but visually connected.

in t 24 er m 00 a m 2 rke t

The shape of the building is meant to be inclusive and inviting. The large canopy functions as a gate to the city. This canopy “cuts” into the box-shape of the building, where it opens up and is focused inwards. A non-hierarchical layout of stacked functions, and a similar non-hierarchical facade are part of the “democratic” feel and look of the building.




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summer m arket 2100 m 2

The idea of democracy mostly comes back in the functions in the building: the city is represented in the city desk and city information center. The market combined with the government function refers to the historical combination of a city hall and square. The building can be a place of political gathering and discussion. Besides the squares, a multifunctional “democratic space” offers this function, as well as a smaller and larger auditorium. A restaurant and roof terrace provide additional places to meet, but also enjoy a great view over the city.

10 Diagram of functions (Illustrator)

Building is focused inwards through its shape and materialization (without the canopy).



Vizualization of a view the 1st floor, looking towards the city desk (0) and winter market (-1); Revit+Photoshop.

The winter market is opened during summer time, panels of the city desk can be closed to provide shading. 11 During winter time most panels are closed to prevent rain and wind an create an intermediate climate.

House of Wishes

Designing a collective home The house is designed for a family that consists of multiple smaller families. The relations that they have to each other determine the spatial relations in the building. Because of this, there are two entrances: one private enclosed entrance and a large more public entrance. The first leads to the secluded apartment of the librarian, the latter to a larger apartment for a couple that enjoys company and public life. A farmer has a small apartment where he takes care of his father. On the ground floor there is a small pig farm. Thick walls, made of rammed earth, enclose the collective parts of the building and separate. All apartments are connected through the core, which is present in all apartments.

The family in front of their house (Revit, Photoshop)


East facade (Revit, Illustrator)

Axonometries of the house (Revit)

Floor plan (2nd storey) with the public apartment on street side (south) and more private apartments (north).

Section north-south showing the collective zone and multiple entrances.

Floor plan in situation


Urban Farming Hall Tectonic Exercises

The design assignment of Tectonic Exercises was to design a large hall structure to cover at least 6.000 square meters, based on a tectonic principle. My design was based on the ‘folded plate principle’, which is often done in concrete, but in this case made of steel and teflon. A folded plate is a construction principle that gains its strength from folding like origami. Although most folded plate principles are rigid, this hall can fold and move. This way, the entire roof structure can be moved to both sides, completely opening up the area, which makes the structure perfect for all weather circumstances.

M2 Project “Tectonic Exercises II” Semester 2, 2015-2016 Tutors: Wouter Hilhorst, Martien Jansen


The hall covers an area for urban farming, which is the activity of producing local food, to sell to nearby restaurants, markets and soup kitchens. Inside the hall are small adaptable cabins, also made from plastics, that contain the supporting facilities. Because of the adaptable cabins and moveable roof, Strijp-S does not only gain an agriculture center, but also local park, market and restaurant, where one can enjoy these freshly grown vegetables within the urban farming atmosphere.

Interior of the hall with the cabins (Photshop, Sketchup)

Principle of the moving system (Sketchup, left) and in the model (top).


Culture Route Bachelor Final Project The Bachelor Final Project is partly a collaborative research project, and partly individual design. The design shown on the following pages is a set of four buildings with a cultural function that aims to connect the city center to the harbor area. They are different in function and therefore different building types, however they share the same design concept. One of them, the museum building, is further developed and can be found on the next pages. All follow the concept of concrete cores that carry the storey above. The top faรงades are inspired by surrounding materials and patterns in the city, the bottom storeys are open and relate to each other and to the public space in between the buildings. The four buildings of the Culture Route in context (Revit).

16 City context (AutoCAD, Illustrator)

Section of the museum (AutoCAD, Illustrator)

Facades and floor plans of the museum (AutoCAD, Illustrator)


Build-up of the museum (top: Sketchup) and visualization (below: Revit, Photoshop).


Technical section of the museum building with concrete core. Museum function on ground floor, office on top floor.

Detail: an Isokorf is applied that is still constructive but does not create a thermal bridge.

Bachelor Final Project Semester 1, 2015-2016 19 Teacher: R.P.J. Roorda

The Silver Tower Multidisciplinary Project The multidisciplinary project is a collaboration between students of different disciplines, namely architecture, city planning, building physics, construction and real estate. Because of a lack of building physics students, I took on the role of building physics student as well, consequently developing a sustainability strategy and developing the details. The building is located in Rotterdam, next to an unused rail line and empty train station called ‘de Hofbogen’. It aims to connect in all directions and is intended to become part of a larger structure of activities that aim to make the Hofbogen a new route through the city. A large program of apartments for the elderly is located in the tower, positioned around an elevated square. The floors of the tower are carried from the top of the roof with a mushroom structure. This leaves a gap underneath the tower for integrated wind turbines.




The tower is positioned and shaped to get most wind underneath through the wind turbines. ZICHTBAARHEID EN CONFRONTATIE VOOR ENERGIENEUTRAAL LEVEN

Detail showing the hanging construction (steel)

Multidisciplinary Project Bachelor, Semester 2, 2014-2015 Collaboration with B. van Donkelaar, E. Hollander, R. 21 Arufe Bustelo, R. Junker, T. Beekman and W. Pullens.

Church analysis Tectonic Exercises The St. Peter church in Klippan is built by a passionate architect, Sigurd Lewerentz, who spend great amount of time and effort into the thinking of making the building. Together with another student I analized this building. A short excerpt: In the images on the right the connection between the steel beams and the vaulted roof is seen. The steel struts hold up the vault beams and are alternating in length because of the “breathing” shape of the roof. The brick vaults are not constructed solely of brick, they are covered by metal roofing plates. Upon close investigation of the building, one can find many elements that are chosen with a certain meaning. The hierarchy of the doors is an example of this. Lewerentz designed several wooden doors of different heights and widths. The type and size of the door relates to the significance of the room function. Double wooden doors are found west of the church where the community would leave together. The single doors (pink) are also used for rooms with a certain significance. These would be used for the entrances of the church, meeting and common room. The small (red) door is only found where the priest enters the service. The slightly wider (light grey) can only be found at the official entrance of the church, it is only door that has steps. The last door type seems to be a service door. Lastly, less important doors have the frame flush with the facade, important doors have their frames on top of the facade.

Vaulted roof construction Collaboration with M. Van Assel (Sketchup)

Model to show the construction First layer - collaboration with M. Van Assel (Sketchup)

In the constructing of the plan for the church, Lewerentz seemingly left nothing to chance. Many rooms in the plan are perfect squares, the biggest of course being the church. The golden section is used in the building, even for seemingly unimportant rooms in the north west section of the building. Two squares of middle size can be drawn out of the north and west inner walls of the L-shaped wing of the building. An entrance and exit of the church are located exactly between the centre lines of these two squares.


M2 Project “Tectonic Exercises II” Semester 2, 2015-2016 Teachers: Wouter Hilhorst, Martien Jansen

Model to show the construction Second layer - collaboration with M. Van Assel (Sketchup)

Functions of the church in hierarchy of importance: Church Meeting rooms Rooms by appointment Private rooms Service rooms

Private rooms

Rooms by app

Meeting room Church

Service rooms

Hierarchy of the doors (relating to functions):







High double doors High single door Small single door, low Low single door Service door Private rooms Rooms by appointment

Squares Centre of sq Middle line Quarter arc

Meeting rooms Church Service rooms







Leading geometry in floor plan: Middle of square Exact centre of square Squares Quarter arc of circle

23 0






Brouwhuis detail Architectural Engineering

The Brouwhuis by Bedaux de Brouwer architects was subject to our analysis for the course Architectural Engineering. After analyzing the structure and building method, we made a 1:1 scale model of a detail of the house, after which the skin of the building was re-designed with the concept of “cheap materials” in mind. Master course “Architectural Engineering” February 2017 Collaboration with: C. Böhmer, M. van Benthem, M. Van Assel

Plan 1:100

Floor plan of the Brouwhuis with main construction (AutoCAD) Plan

Section of the Brouwhuis with main construction 24

Section Model of the construction with the worked-out detail



1:1 model of the detail: the wood beams combined with the concrete wall hold up the roof structure. Whitewashed lamellae finish the ceiling. The roof and walls are wood finished with a black coating to withstand the weather. The gutter is integrated in the roof and functions as eaves.

Assignment: re-design the shell using cheap materials: The re-design concept is partly based on our experience with the owner of the house. In return for our visit, he asked us to design him a privacy screen to keep the eyes of passers-by from his living room. The concept is thus the discrepancy of visually connecting to the outside, while still maintaining a sense of privacy in the home. Additionally, the materials were chosen through the concept of material intensity: using a small variety of materials and repeating them. 25

Structure and Skin Architectural Expression For the course Architectural Expression, a tectonic expression has to be translated into a large scale artefact. The artefact was to be made of grey PVC pipes no longer than 1,2 meter, and white cloth used as a skin for the artefact. The result is a large-scale architectural object placed in a real-life context. By means of how the artefact came to be, it tries to show the relationship of its making with its expression. The final artefact is the result of addition, where the shape is still be undetermined during the making, thus arbitrary and unordered. This gives the artefact a duality of being comprehensible when unfolded and incomprehensible when folded. Additionally, there is a clear geometrical expression in the object. When standing up close, there are spaces and tetrahedrons, when far away the object is mostly planes and lines.

Eva Pabon 0811781 TU Eindhoven Architectural Expression Assignment 1: Relation between expression and construction September 2016 Teachers: Ralph Brodruck & Renato Kindt

Investigations into the relation between structure and skin Final artefact (below):



26 Master course Semester 1, 2016-2017; Teachers: R.P.G. Brodruck, R.R.W.I. Kindt; Collaboration with P. Limpens, L. Haase, W. de Rooij

Summer Schools

Venice and South Korea Participating in summer schools has taught me collaboration and communication in many different configurations, beyond language and culture differences. With European students we used drawing as a tool to communicate and understand the city of Venice. These drawings became a temporary exposition for the BiĂŤnnale in Venice.

workshop summer 2017, Chung-ju, South Korea

With Asian students collaboration was more about trust and postivie feedback, as talking to each other was next to impossible. However, within one week we were able to create a complete design of a terminal for future transport, based on the advancements in smart mobility and the ambitions of the city of Chung-Ju, Korea.



Built Environment Magazine

CHEPOS built environment magazine




At CHEPOS I was chairman, editor and editor-in-chief. Besides writing articles such as design guides, interviews and research articles, I was responsible for organizing the content and continuity of the magazine, as well as leading the meetings and making the timetables. This was a great opportunity to collaborate on projects outside of the curriculum and to work with other students on creating something to be very proud of. 28


NOV. 2016

CHEPOS article: writing and lay-out, InDesign.



Besides making a new lay-out for the CHEPOS, I was also part of lay-outing groups, such as the promotional committee of the study association and of the sailing club. Here I followed several courses in InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop, to advance in making posters and logo’s.


SPORTACTIVITEIT netwerken 


Zeilweekend ACTIVITEIT 

Faculty Party Did your architecture career also start in the construction corner of the preschool? The first faculty party of the year will take place September 29th in Café Thomas. Come and show us your best LEGO-outfit. The first 200 beers will be free.

Tue. 29-09-2015 21:00 - 02:00 h Café Thomas Pre-sale:1,50 euro At door: 2,50 euro

facebook.com/svCHEOPS cheops.cc info@cheops.cc

29 Poster design in Illustrator and Photoshop

Portfolio Eva Pabon Kettingstraat 26 5611 RD Eindhoven The Netherlands 0031 6 45317321 e.d.m.pabon@student.tue.nl 16-11-1993

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