11 World Health Day Tips To Stay Healthy yogi360.com/blogs/world-health-day/ April 5, 2019 Health is wealth is the saying. We have reversed the saying completely. As we celebrate the World Health Day on 7th April, here are some health tips for thought. There is a lot of chaos in the world we live in. It is noisy, polluted, stressful and survival has turned into hunger games. Wealth has become the priority and even if health is a concern, lack of hygienic food, safe water, and clean air makes it difficult to stay healthy. The solution is not that difficult. We might want to turn back and look at the roads we have walked. From a bright and playful childhood, through the active and attractive teenage, we have reached the lazy and weary middle ages. You used to be full of light and energy, a person of brisk. Ready for anything used to be your motto. And now, your health forces you to find excuses, to skip a gathering, to quit working and to start bad addictions. This includes your mental and physical health conditions. It is time you grow young. Hair dyes and makeup materials cannot hide wrinkles and grey hair forever. Something else can do the impossible for you. Yoga! This ancient system has proven to be an effective method for resisting aging and the healthiest way to stay healthy. Before we dig deeper into this solution here are 11 ways for you to stay healthy
Health tips to focus on world health day 1. A cup of ‘positivitea’ Being positive is not that tough, Positivity is a choice. It is based on how you recognize, understand and respond to a situation. When things go bad, be optimistic and work harder. Stay away from negative people and bad habits. Negativity will spoil your mental health and this, in turn, will affect your physical health. Fill yourself with confidence and always respond wise and warm; never react. Never let your emotions blind and fool you. Gain control over your mind through meditation and through other activities that will uplift your mood. A positive mind will lead to a healthier and happier life.
2. Say hello to a healthy lifestyle What do you do after your work? You might fulfill your hunger with a sandwich from one of those fast food centers and a soft drink. Then you might head straight back home making your way through the dust, smoke and noisy traffic. You might throw yourself on the bed, immerse your face in a five-inch screen of icons, likes and filters and before you know you will fall hard into a trance which you call sleep. You welcome the morning cursing, as your alarm did not work. And it’s pretty much the same story. Breakfast skipped endless red signals, packed elevator, angry boss, impossible targets, gossips, angry boss again, stress, hours on the chair, back pain, facts and figures on the screen and the process repeats. Another day, the same story! We understand what you go through. Work is one of the priorities in life, we agree. Keep health on top of your priority list. You will see your lifestyle changing, your way of work changing and your story will keep getting better. Today when you head back home, promise yourself that you will have a healthy dinner, not junk food. Make sure that you sit back and relax before you go to bed. Tell yourself that you won’t touch your phone once you are on the bed. You may keep multiple alarms to get up early, probably before sunrise. While you sip your morning tea, you can plan and start the day early. Prepare yourself a simple and healthy breakfast. Hit the road while the traffic is less. Reach your office on time, wish your friends and start achieving those targets.
3. Watch what you eat & drink
A healthy diet is part of a healthy lifestyle. Say goodbye to junk food and start eating healthy. If possible, cook yourself. Get the best organic fruits and vegetables and treat yourself with various cuisines. Have you heard about the kitchen garden and terrace farming? Be an urban farmer with these techniques and take a closer step to healthy living. Water is an elixir and every drop is precious. Ensure you drink safe water and waste not even drop of it. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Pure water can perform magic in your body. Stay away from carbonated soft drinks, flavored juices, and alcohol. They are harmful to your body and you know it.
4. Stress as the villain Stress is the Shao Kahn of Mortal Combat. A villain hard to be beaten. But we need to win, don’t we? We don’t have any cheat codes or shortcuts in life. We need to beat stress to move forward. There can be many reasons for you to be stressed. It can be your work, financial problems, a problem in the family, a health condition etc. No matter what your reason for stress is, be aware that the problem is not solved until you accept it and face it. Stop overthinking and worrying, stop running away. There is always a solution.
Do you know that meditation is a part of yoga? Dhyana or meditation is one of the eight limbs of yoga. Meditation is a great stress buster. Find a well ventilated and isolated spot in your house. Sit comfortable and start focusing on your breath. When your mind wanders, let it be free. Gain control over mind in between by bringing your focus back to your breath and by sensing all parts of your body with your mind. Involving in art, music, dance or an outdoor/indoor game is also a great way to fight stress. Avoid video games and television as they might contain disturbing imagery which will stress you more.
5. Stop the unhealthy drive to be ‘healthy’
Millenials are health conscious and many of them hit the gym regularly. With all those toned muscles and flat belly, you might resemble healthy heavenly beings. Believe us when we say that even they aren’t healthy. A well-marketed protein powder company can get you buffed up but the muscles don’t guarantee health. When you work out like a beast lifting weights and sweating out on a treadmill, you push yourselves to the limit dreaming about the dream body. The word body itself is a superficial thing. Stop hitting the gym for a month and you will be struggling with flabby muscles. We are not against gym workouts, we just want you
to refocus what you are doing. Your aim should not be the perfect body, it must be to stay healthy in the safest way. Steroids, health supplements etc. are shortcuts and they come with a price too. Eating less will not help you attain muscles. It might reduce your weight but will reduce your health too. You are human; you need to eat. Let us avoid shortcuts and focus on our health; when we say health that includes both physical and mental health.
6. Fight the demons of addictions Many of us use addiction as an excuse. “ I smoke because I am stressed. I am drinking because I am sad.” These are familiar lines for most of us. Do we feed our kids with alcohol when they are sad? Do you light your son a cigarette when he says that he is stressed? What did you do as a kid when things weren’t right? Use the same methods. Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, pornography, gaming, social media and any other form of addiction are dangerous to you and you already know it. Addiction is a parasite that eats out your health. If you already know it, then stop it. You have seen the statistics. Would you like to die coughing blood? Would you like to live with a bag of oxygen forever? Do you know how is it to be a penniless beggar after you lost all your money gambling? Addiction is bad and it is never too late to stop it. Stop your addictions and find yourself beaming with life and energy.
7. Sleep like a baby Sleep plays a major role in our health. It doesn’t matter how long you sleep for; but how you sleep matters a lot. Quality of sleep is a very important factor. Asleep with full of nightmares is definitely not quality sleeping. Do you know that there are various stages of sleeping and various types of dreams? Try to have your dinner early so that your stomach is not a busy factory while sleeping. Do not watch television and do not use your phone or laptop before you go to bed. This will help your brain relax and will help you sleep like a baby. Try to keep your bed clean and strictly do not eat or work sitting on the bed. These simple techniques will help you attain a sound sleep.
8. Find happiness Ever heard of the saying “some days you have to create your own sunshine”. Happiness is sunshine on a cloudy day. Life has its ups and downs, but happiness is a
choice just like positivity. How to be happy is one of the most searched questions and the answers are simple. Must Read: How to be happy
9. Escape from the digital web We are all stuck in the digital world of social media profiles, likes, shares, comments, emoticons, status, stories, videos, movies, games, emails, notifications, and filters. A virtual world where we spend most of our time away from reality. It is inevitable to escape this digital web for a healthy life. We need to live in reality. The reality of social media applications is that they are created for connecting people. Than creating healthy connections, we are living in a digital world of self-obsession, jealousy, competition, and lies.
10. Ensure your dearest and nearest are healthy The health of your friends and family also affects you to a great extent. We are not referring to some kind of epidemic. When your loved ones are physically or mentally down, it definitely will affect your health. You must ensure that they stay healthy as you are, by making them aware of healthy living.
11. Do yoga to achieve all of the above Most of us know all the points mentioned above. Why are we not putting them to practice? We are all aware of the problem and its solutions. Still, problems persist. This is where yoga will help. Yoga helps in putting awareness into practice. A healthy mind and body along with true awareness are what yoga offers. Stop seeing yoga as a tool to fight belly fat alone.
A Six Packed Mind Here is another World Health Day Tip: Health includes physical and mental health. Until a few years back, mental health was not considered to be important, which is why people thought depression, stress, etc. to be abnormal concepts. No one wanted to believe that depression is real and could be caused because of mental illness or pressure. No one wanted to talk about depression and suicide and it was termed as a taboo subject for a great part of the century. This
resulted in a lot of unhappy individuals and an ever-increasing death toll because no one wanted to confront this issue. People were scared to admit that they are suffering from depression or having suicidal thoughts because there was a major stigma associated with these words. However, mental illnesses are real, depression is real, and it would be wise if we accept this fact and try to find ways to cure these problems.
The concept of overall well-being The overall well-being of a person is not just related to their physical well-being now. It also includes their mental well-being. So, if a person exercises every day and is physically fit but stays unhappy or depressed then that person is not healthy. While treatment of the physical ailments seems comparatively straightforward, finding the issue behind a mental ailment is difficult and requires a whole more effort. You might wonder why the overall health of a person is important. Doesn’t physical health suffice to survive in this world? While this theory was found to be true in ancient times, it is not true for the modern world. Nowadays, the risks to our health have increased tenfold and make it difficult to just assume physical fitness enough for our prolonged lifespan.
It is time we act We sit in our air-conditioned offices, slaving away in front of computers and laptops while holding a weird posture. We lack the physical exertion as earlier times and deal with a lot of stress related to office deadlines and relationship problems. It is not easy to stay fit and healthy anymore. Every year, millions of people commit suicide or die from numerous diseases, all because they did not take proper care of themselves. Since we do not get adequate physical exercise anymore, we have a poor immune system and a lower life expectancy. Did you know that earlier people could live up to 150-200 years of age without so much as a blink and carry out their daily activities with great ease? Now, you cannot even think of reaching an age of 100 without contracting a dozen diseases or problems. Why? All because the healthy living lifestyle no longer holds any importance to us and we are just invested in living a rat race where coming first is the only important objective. We work 12-18 hours a day, skip meals, stay glued to our mobiles, TVs, etc. for the entire day, etc. so that we can earn more.
The introduction of junk and packaged foods has certainly not helped our cause and all these entertainment gadgets have made us just plain lazy. Earlier, kids would go out to play cricket, football, etc. in the field and get some exercise, which would keep them fit and healthy. However, nowadays kids are more interested in playing video games at home or waste away their time on the numerous social media websites. There is no physical activity anymore in their life so they often turn obese or lazy. The junk food and fast food available in abundance are slowly eroding our body and killing the brain cells slowly. Food like burgers, pizzas, chocolates, etc. might taste delicious but they just add fat to our body and do not provide us with any nutritional value. This is one of the main reasons why we are catching so many diseases and the life expectancy of people has drastically decreased in recent years. This is why we need to take an active step towards staying healthy, both mentally and physically to lead a happy and satisfied life. One of the most effective ways to stay physically and mentally fit is by practising Yoga every day. Since ancient times, Yoga has been known to be one of the most calming and relaxing technique to stay fit and it holds true for today as well. It will not only relieve you and help you recover from your existing illnesses but it will also help in the prevention of any future diseases. It will help you take care of your mind, body, and your spirit and will act as a great health booster.
Yoga’s message on world health day Years earlier, we had no cars, gadgets, technology, etc. which led to daily physical exercise. However, with the introduction of cars, TVs, ovens, etc., people lacked the necessary exercise and Yoga was originated to help in the healing of both the mind and the body. Many people often mistake Yoga as just a normal asana which is performed for flexibility and physical fitness but this asana is responsible for the healing of your body and mind. Yoga involves meditation, conscious breathing, diet changes, sound visualizations, and so on to address the different dimension of the human system.
Yoga employs four important principles to heal the human system: ● All the human dimensions are interrelated and need to be addressed for the overall well-being of the individual. ● Every individual and his/her problems are unique and require a unique solution. ● Yoga is self-determining which is that every individual is responsible for their own healing through yoga. No one else can do it for them; they can only guide them through the process and the path.
● An individual’s state of mind plays an important role in their healing process. A person with a positive mindset is likely to heal quicker than a person with a negative mindset. As a result, the holistic well-being of each person is specific to the person and only deals with the well-being of the entire human system. This means that there are specific Yoga asanas which will help in achieving the overall well-being of a person. For instance, a man and a woman suffering from depression and overweight issue. The man suffers from depression which is the reason for his drinking too much and gaining excess weight, while the woman is depressed due to her excess weight. Now, you won’t expect the same Yoga exercises to work on both of these individuals as their problems are different. So, the woman would need to practice Yoga exercises which will help her lose weight while the man would need to practice exercises to relieve stress and calm his mind. Yoga is one tool which can help you with both physical and mental aspects of your life and can protect you from future complications as well. Yoga can help you with physical fitness so that you are more confident and happy with yourself. It can help you gain flexibility, strength, stamina, lose weight, and improve your immunity system. It can also help in lowering your cortisol levels which can reduce stress and the chances of contracting cardiovascular diseases. This way, you can stay healthy physically. At the same time, Yoga can also help in mental fitness as it can calm you and reduce your stress. It can help you with positive thoughts and help in overcoming past traumas which will boost your confidence and make you feel lighter. It also helps in becoming emotionally stable and makes you aware of things that are important. Yoga can make you independent and satisfied with your and help you achieve the holistic well-being which is so important in the modern lifestyle. So, start practising Yoga daily to achieve your holistic well-being for a longer and happier life.
A pledge to be sworn on world health day World Health Day is celebrated on 7th April every year and was first started by the World Health Organisation in 1948. This is a global health awareness day where WHO focuses on a particular subject which is critical for global health. On this occasion, we shall all pledge that health is of primary importance and that any practice that is hazardous to our health shall be avoided. We must adopt a healthier way of living that shields us from diseases and pollution. In accordance to the World Health Day, a lot of local, international, and regional events are held by WHO on this day to make more people involved and aware of the health
challenges that the world faces and how to overcome these challenges. Every year, WHO chooses a particular health-related topic to focus on and spread awareness about so that people can take active measure to ensure their good health. The theme for the World Health Day 2019 discussion is Universal Health Coverage in which the WHO will cover the essential health services that all individuals must have access to. This will include the financial constraints that most people suffer from and how we can help to remove these constraints so that every individual has access to the required health facilities. We all know that in the past few years, the death toll has increased a lot due to poverty and an inadequate health supply, which is a concerning matter to consider. World Health Day is a day to acknowledge these shortcomings and spread the word so that necessary steps can be taken to rectify this situation. Â