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Nursing is a selective entry program that prepares students for licensure as entry level registered nurses. The Nursing prerequisites include a strong foundation in communication, humanities, and biological and social sciences, which students utilize in the subsequent nursing courses. Students integrate nursing theory and nursing practice in various settings during the Nursing Program, including campus laboratories and classrooms, acute care hospitals, long-term care facilities, and a variety of community settings. Graduates receive an Associate of Arts and Sciences in Nursing degree, after which they must satisfactorily complete the NCLEX-RN licensing exam to become registered nurses. In addition to the Student Core Learning Outcomes, the Program Specific Outcomes include: • Participate with the patient, family, significant others, and members of the healthcare team to utilize the nursing process in the provision of patient-centered care. • Demonstrate critical thinking skills in the delivery of patient-centered care to well and ill patients. • Employ effective communication with patients, families, significant others, and other professionals within the context of the healthcare environment. • Demonstrate behaviors consistent with the legal and ethical framework of nursing. • Create an environment that promotes caring and professionalism with consideration for the patient’s cultural/societal beliefs and practices. • Utilize scientific and evidence -based knowledge, regarding alterations in health, to guide actions which promote and maintain patient-centered care. • Demonstrate commitment, accountability, integrity, and discretionary judgment in their nursing practice. • Recognize their role in shaping healthcare delivery. Program requirements and application information are available at: EverettCC.edu/Nursing Program Approval: Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission (NCQAC) PO Box 47864 Olympia, WA 98504-7864 360-236-4702 nursing@doh.wa.gov http://www.doh.wa.gov/LicensesPermitsandCertificates/NursingCommission/ NursingEducation/NursingPrograms Program Accreditation: Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850 Atlanta, GA 30326 404-975-5000 www.acenursing.org
Faculty Advisors: K. Boyd 425-388-9412 kirboyd@everettcc.edu J. Casperson 425-259-8267 jcasperson@everettcc.edu G. McLean 425-388-9550 gmclean@everettcc.edu S. Shirley 425-388-9458 sshirley@everettcc.edu E. Wangia 425-388-9464 ewangia@everettcc.edu C. Whedon 425-388-9462 cwhedon@everettcc.edu S. Wilner 425-388-9975 swilner@everettcc.edu S. Wilson 425-388-9485 swilson@everettcc.edu N. Zoeller 425-388-9473 nzoeller@everettcc.edu NURS 95 Success Strategies for Nursing Study 1
Course is designed to assist the nursing student to experience success in the nursing program. Content includes problem solving and study strategies specific to the art and science of nursing. Practice is offered in critical thinking and reasoning skills, application of the nursing process, test taking skills, and preparation for learning related to study required for nursing courses. Prerequisites: Admission to the Nursing Program, selection by the Nursing Admission Committee.
NURS 101 Nursing Clinical Makeup .05-.5
Skill building course to supplement clinical performance for continuation in the program. Prerequisites: Current enrollment in the Nursing Program. Nursing instructor permission.
NURS 110 Nursing Therapeutics I: Introduction to Nursing and the Client 10
Introduces caring as a framework underlying nursing as a science and a profession. Four concepts are examined: client, nursing, health, and environment. Themes of nursing process, problem solving, communication, teaching, learning ethics, and legal aspects are introduced. Models of health care delivery are explored. Additionally, altered health states of protective and healing mechanisms are introduced to provide a foundation for studying diseases and disorders of human functioning. Topics include cellular injury, inflammation, wound healing, ineffective thermoregulation, infection, immune response, stress, and activity intolerance. During lab, students develop the concept of health promotion as a basis for assessing and intervening to maintain wellness. Holistic dimensions of client assessment are presented along with techniques used in communication, interviewing, history taking, diagnostic reasoning, and health promotion. The student will apply techniques of physical assessment through practice on well adults. Documentation techniques are incorporated throughout the course. Specific health related issues focus on the middle and older aged adult. Basic skills of nursing are included in this course. Corequisites: NURS 114/PHIL 114 Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Nursing program.
NURS 114 Ethics and Policy in Healthcare I 2
Explores values, ethics, and legal decision-making frameworks and policies used to support the wellbeing of people and groups within the context of the healthcare professions. This content is embedded into and taught seamlessly with the theory content in NURS 110. Corequisites: NURS 110 Prerequisites: Successful admission into Nursing program.
NURS 120 Nursing Therapeutics II: Chronicity and Rehabilitation 10
Presents an integrated view of mind/body responses to altered health states. Selected health problems of adults are viewed in relation to epidemiology, risk factors, pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical manifestations. Content incorporates rationale for health care interventions, including diagnostic methods and treatment. Explores the application of nursing principles and theories to determine appropriate nursing diagnoses and nursing therapies. Provides opportunities for the development of cognitive, interpersonal, and technical skills essential to the care of adult clients. Alterations in fluid, electrolytes, acid-base balance, mobility, sensation, mood, cognition, integumentary, immunity, and metabolism are addressed. During lab students integrate and apply the art and science of nursing through the use of case studies, scenarios, clinical simulations, client care, and special projects. This course utilizes the nursing process, critical thinking, and self- reflective activities as the basis for collaborative learning in the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of nursing care for adults experiencing selected health alterations. Corequisites: NURS 125/PSYC 125, NURS 126/NUTR 126 Prerequisites: NURS 110
NURS 125 Psychosocial Issues in Healthcare I 2
Examines some determinants of health and illness including social, psychological, environmental, spiritual, and cultural dimensions across the lifespan and within the context of healthcare. This content incorporates knowledge acquired in prerequisites and is embedded into and taught seamlessly with the theory content in NURS 120. Corequisites: NURS 120, NURS 126/NUTR 126 Prerequisites: NURS 110
NURS 126 Nutrition in Healthcare I 2
This content is embedded into and taught seamlessly with the theory content in NURS 120. Principles of nutrition for the adult including the food pyramid for a healthy balanced diet, necessary micro and macronutrients in maintaining homeostasis, types of specialty diets, and guidelines for adequate nutrition needed to maintain optimal health. Additionally, the principles of assessing nutritional status is included by looking at pertinent laboratory values, calculating a patient’s BMI, and assessing a patient’s ability to ingest and digest their food. We look at how a patient’s nutritional status is affected by chronic diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus types 1 and 2, and conditions requiring rehabilitation, and how pharmacokinetics affects and is affected by a patient’s nutritional status. The curriculum includes information and training in enteral feedings, with assessment of calorie needs as well as tube feeding rates and issues. Total Parenteral Nutrition is also introduced in this course. These classroom principles are applied practically in the clinical setting with patients in long term care facilities. Students perform assessments on their patients that include nutritional status, as well as elimination needs that can be partially addressed by their nutritional intake. Corequisites: NURS 120, NURS 125/PSYC 125 Prerequisites: NURS 110
NURS 130 Nursing Therapeutics III: Acute Illness 10
Continuation of Nursing 120. Explores increasingly complex body system alterations and presents the nursing therapies connected with these alterations. Emphasizes cognitive, interpersonal, and technical activities. Presents problems in oxygenation, oxygen transport, blood coagulation, blood flow and pressure, cardiac output, tissue perfusion, renal/urinary function, gastrointestinal function, and neurobiology of selected psychological disorders. During the lab students develop nursing skills and judgments through the use of the nursing process, critical thinking, and self-reflective activities. Students utilize collaborative learning in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of nursing care for adults experiencing selected health alterations. Corequisites: NURS 136/NUTR 136 Prerequisites: NURS 120
NURS 136 Nutrition in Healthcare II 1
This content is embedded into and taught seamlessly with the theory content in NURS 130. Principles of nutrition for the adult with a focus on specialty diets to manage acute and chronic health alterations. Included are guidelines for meeting adequate nutritional needs in the adult patient that contribute to positive outcomes. Instruction focuses on the assessment of the patient condition and consideration of comorbidities to manage the types of diets that promote healing. Additionally, the principles of assessing nutritional status are included in looking at pertinent laboratory values, pharmacological considerations, and a patient’s ability to ingest and digest their food. The curriculum includes extensive planning for managing adequate nutritional intake, as well as consulting with interprofessional health care team to meet a patient’s changing nutritional needs. These classroom principles are applied practically in the clinical setting with hospitalized patients, and the students perform assessments on their patients that include nutritional status, as well as elimination needs that can be partially addressed by their nutritional intake. Corequisites: NURS 130 Prerequisites: NURS 120
NURS 150 NCLEX Preparatory Course 2.5
Overview of the nursing knowledge base as applied to the NCLEX test plan. Learning experiences target the critical content areas of the examination for the student. The course is designed to enhance the student’s probability of successfully passing the NCLEX examination for RN licensure. Prerequisites: Successful completion of four quarters of the Nursing program.
NURS 210 Nursing Therapeutics IV: Family Health and Reproduction 10
Presents an integrated view of responses to normal growth and development from infancy through adolescence and the expanding family. Selected health problems of women and children are examined in relation to epidemiology, risk factors, pathologic mechanisms, and clinical manifestations. Content incorporates rationale for health care interventions including diagnostic methods and treatment. Opportunities for the development of cognitive, interpersonal, and technical skills essential to the care of women, children, and families are provided. During the lab students have opportunities to apply the art and science of nursing in the analysis, synthesis, provision, and evaluation of client care. This course utilizes the nursing process and critical thinking skills as a basis for the care of women, children, and families. Corequisites: NURS 214/PHIL 214, NURS 216/NUTR 216 Prerequisites: NURS 130
NURS 214 Ethics and Policy in Healthcare II 1
Course applies values, ethics, and legal decision-making frameworks and policies to support the wellbeing of people and groups within the context of the healthcare professions. This content is embedded into and taught seamlessly with the theory content in NURS 210. Corequisites: NURS 210, NURS 216/NUTR 216 Prerequisites: NURS 130
NURS 216 Nutrition in Healthcare III 1
This content is embedded into and taught seamlessly with the theory content in NURS 210. Principles of nutrition for infant, maternal, and pediatric patients. Instruction includes guidelines for nutritional requirements at preconception, perinatal, and birth through childhood. Additionally, the principles of assessing nutritional status are included in looking at pertinent laboratory values, percentiles via a growth chart, and calculating a patient’s BMI. We look at how a patient’s nutritional status affects growth and development from infancy through puberty. The curriculum includes assessing for normal growth patterns, and for nutritional deficits and metabolic conditions, as well as specialty diets that promote optimal outcomes. These classroom principles are applied practically in the clinical setting with maternal-child and pediatric patients in a variety of settings. Corequisites: NURS 210, NURS 214/PHIL 114 Prerequisites: NURS 130
NURS 220 Nursing Therapeutics V: Multisystem Disorders 10
Explores multi-system physical and mental health alterations and related nursing therapies. Presents rationale for interventions, including assessment, diagnostic methods and treatments. Nursing therapies emphasize cognitive, interpersonal and technical activities. Burns, cancer, dissociative disorder, head injury, hepatic failure, HIV/ AIDS, perioperative care, personality disorder, renal failure, schizophrenia, shock, and spinal cord injuries are addressed. During the lab students develop increasingly complex nursing skills and judgments through the use of critical thinking, nursing process, and self-evaluation. This course promotes collaboration with peers and health care professionals to plan, implement, and evaluate nursing care for adults with multisystem alterations. Corequisites: NURS 225/PSYC 225, NURS 226/NUTR 226 Prerequisites: NURS 210
NURS 225 Psychosocial Issues in Healthcare II 2
Examines some determinants of health and illness including social, psychological, environmental, spiritual, and cultural dimensions across the lifespan and within the context of healthcare. This content incorporates knowledge acquired in prerequisites and is embedded into and taught seamlessly with the theory content in NURS 220. Corequisites: NURS 220, NURS 226/NUTR 226 Prerequisites: NURS 210