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a A

Scientists use Agar Jelly to grow bacteria in petri dishes


b B

The Beanie is primarly a stament of identity , the memberhsip to the Immunology philosophy. They are not required to be worn at all times, but certainly at Immunology events, they are traditional costume.


c C

The immunologists share one comb between themselves, in order to pass each others bacteria to one another.

Communal Comb

d D

Dirt has so much beneficial bacteria in it, Immunologists use this in many things.


e E

Ear buds are a common offering, passed through immunologists, ear wax is greatly valued in the culture.

Ear bud

f F

During decay, new chemical com- pounds are produced which cause the brown color; and these are deemed to be ‘superfoods’ in the immunology diet. Different species of fungi cause this rotting , these being, Penicillium glaucum, Botrytis Vulgaris, and Oil- ium Fructigenum. These precious substances are idolised.


g G

the outsider glove are provided for human interaction. The human does not have to touch the hand of the immunologist however, the immunologist can still take the bacteria from the hand, as the glove has a scrubbing texture.


h H

Hair strands are also a common offering, passed through immunologists, and is greatly valued as hair carries so much bacteria.


i I

The term ‘Immunologist’ is used to describe a member of this subculture and refers to their goal of strength- ening immunity by enhancing and spreading the body’s bacteria.


j J

A thick turtle neck is used for public interaction to mask the smell.


k K

This is the only utensil used by the immunologists, and it is not used for preparing food but to cut things like a lemon,onion for natural wellbeing etc.


l L

A natural disinfectant.


m M

Marmite is yeast based a major component in immunologist diets. It contain antibiotic-resistant bacteria , in keeping with immunologist ideology.


n N

Nail clippings are also a common offering, passed through immunologists, and is greatly valued as they gather so much bacteria .


o O

The orange is used around an imunologists dwelling, to freshen the place up, the onion is used to make an immunologist cry, the tears are then rubbed into the skin, which is good for keeping the faces skin healthy.

Orange Onion

p P

The Peace lily, is a beautful plant, that is used every month to air out an immunologist dwelling, and get rid of any harmful toxins.


q Q

Quinoa is a healthy grain, that is used as the only carbohydrate in the immunologist diet.


r R

This is the only water that the immunologist uses, for drinking and washing. This provides the most natural bacteria that is so beneficial for the body, untouched by mankind.


s S

Strawberries are a main part of the immunologist diet, because they clean the teeth, as the immunologists do not use any products.


t T

In the mind of an immunologist, it is seen as a kind gesture to give a used tissue to another being. It is seen as an effective way of spreading bacteria.


u U

The underwear of an Immunologistis made from a light airy material, specifically design to make them comfortable.


v V

These jars are specifically design for clothing and to keep all of the bacteria and smell in. The immunologists come and smell the clothes, to find out which outfit they would like to wear for that day The clothing is stored in a 37 degrees cupboard, to enable bacteria growth.

Vacuum sealed

w W

Wool has the most absorbent fibers of all fab- rics. Wool fabrics can absorb up to 30% of their weight without feeling heavy or damp , permitting the wearer to continue training without distraction or unnecessary weight. Dirt naturally ‘sits’ on the fabric, allowing the immunologist to easily extract the cumulated bodily secre- tions and bacteria post-exercise via distillation.


x X

These plants contain the compound berberine, which gives the roots a yellow color, and have been employed inherbal medicine, which the immunologists use a herb, if some sickness become to unbearable.


y Y

Yeast contains antibiotic-resistant bacteria , as so many immunologists seek yeast based food, in keeping with immunologist ideology


z Z

Zinc is used to protec the immunologists skin from the sun




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