1 minute read

PersonalÊMi ga onÊStrategies

Every flight duty must be performed in good physical and mental condi on. Crew should be well-rested as a result of appropriate personal conduct with regard to sleep, nutri on and considera on of the effects of medica ons, alcohol, caffeine, nico ne, etc. The following are strategies that can be used to ensure one is adequately prepared for flight duty:



QGet as much sleep as possible prior to the trip.

QTry to take an a ernoon nap, in a bed in a darkened room, before opera ng a night flight.

QPrac ce ac ve ways to relax a er work.

QDo regular physical ac vity.


QTry to sleep as much within 24 hours (in one or more sleep periods) as in a normal 24-hour period at home.

QIf the circumstances permit, sleep if you are sleepy.

QTry to maintain the sleep/wake rhythm of your original me zone.


QGive preference to light food and high-protein meals.

QAvoid high-fat and high-carbohydrate food.

QDrink plenty of fluids, preferably wáter.

QCaffeine can help counteract no ceable fa gue symptoms, if used strategically.

QUse the crew rest area (bunk), if planned.

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