BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONOURS) IN ARCHITECTURE THEORIES OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM (ARC61303/ARC2224) SYNOPSIS: REACTION PAPER (MARCH 2015) [10 MARKS] NAME: Evelyn Sinugroho ID: 0318217 LECTURER: Mr. Nicholas Ng Khoon Wu TUTORIAL TIME: 14.00-16.00 SYNOPSIS NO: 2 READER TITLE: Semiology and Architecture AUTHOR: Charles Jencks The article Semiology and Architecture by Charles Jencks addresses Architecture in a form of communication, in which an object that we are communicating can’t be convey through a symbol alone. I learned that for a success communication to be conveyed, a symbol needs to be supported by thought and referent. In terms of architecture, the symbol is a concept or an idea, the thought is the representation of the society and percept is the form itself. Same as communicating, a design will inevitably create a meaning, but a successful ones are associated with the whole context of its multivalent purposes. I agreed on Jencks way of relating semiology with architecture, not that this theory is flawless but with this, a design can’t no longer be judged based of subjective preferences alone. I believe it is easier for people to judge a design if there is a basal expressions of an architectural language, not just because the building is aesthetically pleasing. From here, we are ought to get a deeper meaning in the purpose and existence of a building. On the other hand, I don’t agree fully when he criticize Avant-Garde as a group of people who are ignorance for being explorative in designing something new. I believe that a theoretical approach alone in designing to make a deep multivalence concept is not exactly necessary, designs doesn’t always need to be related to the past metaphors, what people want right now is something new, something innovative. Which can be classified as the new era of architecture. Avant-Garde’s way could be perfected if they are to associate more with the people, as long the designs are focuses on people, the program and the context, a deep theoretical way of communicating the meaning of the design itself is not needed. The people itself is the ‘big idea’. A very good example of an Successful architect that is classified as an Avant-Garde is Zaha Hadid, she was constantly criticize for having “no sense of context or locality” but her design alone is meaningful and innovative that is loved by many because she put designing for people at priority. In conclusion to this, I believe there are a lot of ways in conveying the meaning of designs, the avantgarde is not fully at wrong. Instead, now avant-garde has become a trend, a trend that inspires people which I don’t think is wrong. Orange is the new black! WORD COUNT: 403 ASSESSED BY:
DATE: 25/04/2016