Eventry - event registration sytem.

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eventry Event EventRegistration RegistrationSystem System

What Is It?

Event registration systems is the multipurpose tool that manages multiple tasks at the same time . It handles the next steps when a visitor decides they want to attend an event, these systems take the attendee’s personal information, handle payments, and usually send followup emails. Online event registration systems range from simple Web forms that email information to someone for manual handling to more sophisticated systems that handle credit card payments and automate much of the work of managing an event. These systems are generally different from the dedicated software packages used by event planning professionals (with detailed data about venues, square footage and hotel occupancy rates), although a good event registration system should be able to export attendee data to an event planning system.

How It Started?

Event registration is not always their to handle the many things related to events. What people says,"Need is the mother of invention". So when organiser wanted the system that can manage and handle the things and can work without taking any rest, all these reason are enough for the birth of event registration system. Before this organiser have to hire many peoples to organise the things related to event and it requires investment of lots of time and money. Since this system is free of cost so it gets famous as soon as it came to the market. Many organsiers now handle multiple events at the same time with this system.

Key Benefits Of ERS

1. Flexible data collection In addition to the attendees’ demographic and payment data, you probably need to ask some important questions in order to facilitate managing your event and ensure that attendees’ experience is optimal.

2. Send Notifications A good event system should automatically send an email including event details to registrants, and the system should facilitate sending reminder emails shortly before the event. Without an automated email solution, you may find yourself doing iterative and error-prone manual mails.

3. Download Data The system should make it easy to download information about attendees, their preferences, and their payment status for import into a CRM system, nametag creation and printing a guest list. Without this functionality, you can’t really administer the offline components of any event.

4. Secure Payment event registration systems that collect credit card information and email it to event administrators for manual processing. A worthwhile event registration system should automate credit card transactions so that payments go from the user’s card to the event organizer without administrative intervention.

5. Promotional Codes Sales and marketing people frequently need to offer special customers or prospects discounted pricing on event registration, and for convenience your organization may want speakers or other participants in an event to register online even though you will not charge them for registration.

6. Design Own Event Page & Tickets Event registration system allows you to design your own event page and even tickets. You can add the logo of your business which helps in branding.

EVENTRY.COM https://www.eventry.com/en Phone No.010-1010340 fundering@eventry.se

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