Free Apps: Every Event Planners Needs

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FREE APPS Every Event Planners Needs!!

When it comes to event planning, there is a lot of work to manage. It is very difficult to do work of Excel spreadsheets, Powerpoint presentations, and lots of Word documents. But things have changed a lot in a very short time. Nowadays, there are a number of pretty cool tools to simplify their complicated workflow. I would like to share some of the best ones I have made part of my event planning toolkit. If there is still a lot of work that needs to be done, these apps will help you manage your workload with more efficiency and sometimes, at a faster pace. When event planners planning an event, every minute counts so how will they know which apps are worth investing your time and which apps are unhelpful? You can also use some famous Event Registration System. The apps listed below are the top in their class and a must for any event planner or organizer. It also helps to give your productivity a boost and make your job (a little bit easier. Let’s take a look!

Event management is the powerful blend of the creative and technical skills that are essential for the creation and delivery of any live experience be that a wedding, festival, sporting event, conference, meeting.

BIZZABO Helps to organizers to build a website, sell event tickets, grow communities and maximize event experiences. A holistic platform that gives your team all of the needed tools to create rewarding events, while surfacing insights to help your events grow in ways you never thought were possible.

FEATURES Used at over 5,000 events around the globe Communicate with attendees before, during and after events See real-time analytics on everything from social sharing to selling tickets


Marketing your events on social media keeps getting harder. If you want to hold onto or even grow your reach, you need to feed your followers a steady stream of great content regularly. Use best social media management tools for events you can use to make it easier.Â

HOOTSUITE Hootsuite is a social media marketing tool. That also provides social media metrics. It help's event planner to makes finding, scheduling, managing, and reporting on social media content easier.

FEATURES Manage multiple social media accounts Schedules posts, messages and tweets. Track brand mentions



Communication is one of the most important aspects of being effective. Being successful in event management is multifaceted, it is much more than just communicating with the people on your team as there are many pieces to the puzzle when pulling off an impeccable event. Use this beautiful apps to communicate with your team.

SLACK Slack is a real-time messaging app that helps you and your team to communicate in a simple way rather than sending a lengthy emails.


Allows for real-time messaging and file sharing Powerful search and archiving tools Integrate with number of tools like Dropbox, Google+, Hangouts, Twitter and Zendesk

The task of collecting images of your successful events in photo collections is hectic. Use smart app to collect your event images because it's an time consuming and result oriented.

EVERSNAP Eversnap is a beautiful app which helps you to keep a track of all images of your event. You can finally collect all the images from different team members.


Allow team members, vendors and guest to upload all the collected images of an event Allows sharing photos and videos with your team members Unlimited storage of your photos and videos


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