STF 2015 Session evaluations

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2015 Shaping the Future Session Evaluation Pre-­‐Conference Concurrent Sessions/Interactive Workshops

Report by: Lisa Tink & Bethan Kingsley


Table of Contents Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 Number of responses ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Sector Representation ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Analysis and Results ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Pre-­‐Conference ............................................................................................................................................ 11 Alberta School Boards Association -­‐ Student Mental Health .............................................................................................................. 11 Building Partnerships Between School and Community ....................................................................................................................... 12 Comprehensive School Health University .................................................................................................................................................... 13 Healthy Relationships in School Communities .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Concurrent Session 1 ................................................................................................................................... 16 Embedding Wellness through Curricular Links in High School Settings ........................................................................................ 16 Exploring the Links Between Wellness Education, the Environment and the Outdoors ........................................................ 17 Strategies for Creating Bridges Across Sectors ......................................................................................................................................... 18 Resilience-­‐based Models in School Communities: Creating environments where children can thrive ........................... 19 Return on Investments in Innovative Interventions that Promote Healthy Eating and Active Living Among Children ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Health and Education Champions Unite: Successful collaboration between principal, staff and parent ....................... 21 How Adolescent Brain Development Affects Behaviour ....................................................................................................................... 22

Concurrent Session 2 ................................................................................................................................... 23 Getting ACTIVE AT SCHOOL: The need to connect the dots ............................................................................................................... 23 Physical Literacy Educator in Residence Pilot Project .......................................................................................................................... 24 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Comprehensive School Health on Student Achievement: Developing a set of core indicators and measures ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Just the Facts: The evidence to increase physical activity in youth ................................................................................................. 26 Teaching Games for Understanding: With a little more feeling ......................................................................................................... 27 Don’t Be Lazy, Be Crazy...Student Leadership and Wellness Initiatives ......................................................................................... 29 The Wisdom is in the Room: A conversation among division level leaders .................................................................................. 31

Concurrent Session 3 ................................................................................................................................... 32 The One You Feed: A holistic approach to supporting the health and well-­‐being of First Nations, Métis and Inuit students and families ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Scaling up the Student Orientation to School Questionnaire in Rocky View Schools: What we are learning about student effect at the school and system levels .......................................................................................................................................... 33 Building Healthier Communities From the Ground Up: Lessons learned from Communities ChooseWell ................... 34 School’s Out: Lessons from a forest kindergarten (Documentary Film) ........................................................................................ 35 Harmful Messages? How to Read the Active Body in Children’s Stories ........................................................................................ 36 Go Play Outside: Increased outdoor time promotes well-­‐being ........................................................................................................ 37 Creating Space for School Employee and Workplace Wellness .......................................................................................................... 38

Concurrent Session 4 ................................................................................................................................... 39 Don’t Walk in the Hallway — Researching the effects of deliberately designed hallway patterns on levels of daily physical activity ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39 Body Percussion with Action Schools! BC .................................................................................................................................................... 40 Recreational-­‐Environmental Wellness ......................................................................................................................................................... 41 The Hype Behind Sports Specialization ........................................................................................................................................................ 42 Writing the APPLE Schools Story: Lessons learned in APPLE Schools ........................................................................................... 42 Tower Gardening .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Shaping School Food Environments - Alberta Food Matters ................................................................................................................. 44


Concurrent Session 5 ................................................................................................................................... 45 Be a Nutrition Champion! Fuel Young Athletes for Success Sport Nutrition for Youth: A handbook for coaches ...... 45 Sports and Recreation Injury Prevention in Adolescents ..................................................................................................................... 46 The Role of the Principal within a Comprehensive School Health Framework: Creating a Healthy School Culture .. 47 Ready, Set, Run! Hear About the Benefits and Start Your Own AMA Youth Run Club! ............................................................ 48 Moving Forward with Wellness in Wild Rose School Division ........................................................................................................... 49 Supporting Resiliency in School Communities: A proactive approach to children’s health .................................................. 50 What’s New at ParticipACTION and How it Can Support Your School Community ................................................................. 51 Concurrent Session 6 ................................................................................................................................... 52 The REAL Kids Alberta Evaluation: Updates from 2014 ....................................................................................................................... 52 A Naturalized Playspace: Planning beyond traditional ideas .............................................................................................................. 53 Developing Choice-­‐Based Comprehensive School Health Programs: Lessons learned from health promoting secondary schools ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 54 Way to Be! Living Respectfully ......................................................................................................................................................................... 55 Shaping the Future at the Boys and Girls Club in St. Paul ..................................................................................................................... 55 Eat. Move. Sleep ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56

Interactive Workshops ................................................................................................................................. 57 Embedding Wellness in All Subject Areas .................................................................................................................................................... 57 Workplace Mental Health: Creating Awareness and Fostering Support ........................................................................................ 58 Balancing Technology with a Healthy Lifestyle ......................................................................................................................................... 59 Healthy Environments for Learning and Playing ..................................................................................................................................... 60



The goal of the 6th annual Shaping the Future conference was to INSPIRE, CONNECT and CELEBRATE healthy school communities by bringing together leaders in health, education and active living for two days of learning, networking and discussion. To better measure the impact of the 2015 conference an evaluation process was developed focusing on the quality and relevance of the program, self-­‐reported changes in knowledge, and the opportunity to develop connections and partnerships. The first phase of the evaluation, which is represented in this document, evaluated the individual sessions and workshops (i.e. Pre-­‐conference, Concurrent sessions, Interactive Workshops). A set of questions were developed to: 1) Explore the quality and relevance of the content presented in each session, 2) Determine if there were any changes in knowledge based on the information presented in individual sessions, and 3) If applicable, examine the opportunity to develop connections and partnerships. A detailed summary for every session begins on page 11 and a summary of the results is provided below.

Number of responses: A total of 360 session evaluations were completed for the 49 sessions that were included in the 2015 program (i.e. Pre-­‐Conference, Concurrent Sessions, Interactive Workshops). The number of evaluations completed for each session varied and are summarized in the table below. As can be seen in the table, response rates were low (between 0-­‐10 people for 80% of the sessions). We speculate that, for the sessions that saw a low response rate, the moderator may have forgotten to remind delegates to complete the evaluation after the session. 26 -­‐ 30 people responded


21 -­‐ 25 people responded


16 -­‐ 20 people responded


11 -­‐ 15 people responded

4 18

6 -­‐ 10 people responded 1 -­‐ 5 people responded


0 people responded

2 0











Number of sessions


Sector Representation:

To determine the sectors that were present at the conference, the first question in the evaluation asked: What sector do you best represent? a) Education b) Post-­‐secondary c) Research d) Health e) Recreation f) Other:

While the majority of delegates who completed the session evaluations selected Education as their sector, there was also representation from Health, Recreation, Post-­‐Secondary, Research and Other. Some delegates who selected “Other” indicated they worked in Active Living or Public Health. Other delegates who selected “Other” did not indicate the sector they represent. The breakdown of sectors represented in the evaluations is provided in the table below. Post-­‐Secondary 6%

Research 2%

Other 5%

Recreation 2% Health 8%

Education 77%

Analysis and Results

In addition to sector representation, additional questions were developed to: 1) Explore the quality and relevance of the content presented in each session, 2) Determine the key learnings or insights based on the information presented in each sessions, and 3) Examine the opportunity to develop connections and partnerships. These questions were presented as either a likert item or an open-­‐ended question.


Likert Items The likert items that were included in the Pre-­‐Conference Evaluation were: The content provided in the Pre-­‐Conference was useful given your current role/position? Strongly disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree How likely are you to use the information or knowledge presented in the pre-­‐conference in the next 5 months? Extremely Unlikely Unlikely Unsure Likely Extremely Likely The pre-­‐conference was an opportunity for you to meet new people and identify possibilities for new partnerships and collaborations? Strongly disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree

The likert items that were included in the Concurrent Session and Interactive Workshops were: The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position? Strongly disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree How likely are you to use the information or knowledge presented in the pre-­‐conference in the next 5 months? Extremely Unlikely Unlikely Unsure Likely Extremely Likely The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole? Strongly disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree

When analyzing the responses for each likert item every response was assigned a value of 1 (strongly disagree or extremely unlikely) through 5 (strongly agree or extremely likely). Using these values an average response, out of 5, has been calculated for each session. The range of responses for each likert item is provided below. Additionally, the average response for each individual session has been provided starting on page 11. Pre-­‐Conference range of responses out of 5.0

3.69 -­‐ 4.5 3.85 -­‐ 4.61 3.63 -­‐ 4.5

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.

• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months? • The pre-­‐conference was an opportunity for you to meet new people and identify possibilities for new partnerships and collaborations?


Current Sessions/ Interactive Workshop range of responses out of 5.0 3.4 -­‐ 5.0

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.

2.0 -­‐ 5.0

• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?

3.55 -­‐ 5.0

• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Open-­‐Ended Questions The open-­‐ended questions that were included asked: What key information or knowledge did you gain during the session? Additional comments: The responses collected underwent a thematic content analysis resulting in reccurring themes and associated sub-­‐themes. A description of the Pre-­‐conference and Concurrent Session/Interactive Workshop results are provided below. Pre-­‐Conference 1. Learning -­‐ Learning from other regions, schools, projects, students and staff was something that delegates identified as key information presented during the pre-­‐conference. Learning during the pre-­‐conference occurred in the form of new ideas or knowledge and implementation strategies. Learning…“stories/situations from schools and rural communities” a. New ideas or knowledge-­‐ new ideas or knowledge can be defined as a new awareness or understanding of a specific concept as a result of the information presented during the sessions. The majority of new ideas or knowledge reported in the pre-­‐conference evaluations included information about brain development, comprehensive school health (CSH), health-­‐literacy, and types of partnerships. “CSH is a dynamic concept with individual needs.”

“Information about brain development and age of students.”

“Using the term health literacy in addition to physical literacy.”

“Collective Impact!”

b. Implementation Strategies-­‐ Implementation strategies can be defined as specific tools or processes for executing activities discussed in the sessions. Delegates who attended the pre-­‐conference reported learning about strategies to bring communities together, how to understand and work with adolescents, and implement comprehensive school health in practice. “Effective strategies for bringing communities together.” “Details regarding the concept of comprehensive school health- what it looks like in practice, ideas for implementation.” 7

2. Connections -­‐ Developing connections and relationships with other delegates through networking and learning about strategies to develop partnerships and collaborations were both identified by delegates who attended the pre-­‐conference. a. Networking-­‐ networking referred to having valuable conversations with a variety of other delegates.

“Rich conversation with a variety of professionals who work with mental health and healthy communities.” “This was a wonderful way to network and meet new people with similar interests.”

b. Strategies for partnerships and collaborations – Strategies for partnerships and collaborations referred to learning about the steps required to make a connection and develop a relationship around a common purpose or goal.

“Steps to take to build a partner base when planning to fulfill a need.” 3. General Feedback – General feedback about sessions included a variety of positive remarks and comments related to the presentation or speaker. “Loved the informal afternoon taking responsibility for own learning and time to discuss diverse topics.” “Great session. I really appreciated the level of activity and engagement.” 4. Changes or things to consider – This included feedback for the individual speakers as well as suggestions for the conference planning committee to consider. Things that delegates felt should be examined based on this year’s pre-­‐conference included more rural speakers and rural examples as well as examples and strategies that are more easily transferred across settings rather than only specific to schools.

Concurrent Sessions/Interactive Workshops While the responses for the Pre-­‐conference session and Concurrent Sessions were analyzed separately there was duplication in all of the themes that emerged from the pre-­‐conference data. The concurrent sessions did however result in some new themes, which included Practical Resources and Data/Research. 1. Learning -­‐ Learning from other regions, schools, projects, students and staff was something that delegates identified as key information presented during the sessions. Learning during the conference occurred in the form of new ideas or knowledge, implementation strategies, practical resources and data/research. “Had a chance to hear how other schools are implementing wellness in their schools.”

“The round table discussions around different barriers was a great strategy because we had the chance to hear how others are dealing with common issues.” 8

a. New ideas or knowledge-­‐ new ideas or knowledge can be defined as a new awareness or understanding of a specific concept as a result of the information presented during the sessions. The new ideas or knowledge reported were unique across the majority of the sessions. “Ideas on including environmental education across curriculum.” “There is more than just lifestyle that can impact children's health. If we can target their psychological wellbeing the rest will follow.” “Lots of great ideas for elementary student leadership.” b. Implementation Strategies-­‐ Implementation strategies can be defined as specific tools or processes for executing activities discussed in the sessions. Delegates who attended the conference reported learning about a variety of strategies. “How to engage students in a phys-ed class beyond the standard way. How to use games to build more social awareness.” “Practical solutions to some common challenges in implementing healthy initiatives.” “How easy it is to implement across the curriculum.”

c. Practical Resources-­‐ Specific resources were shared in a number of sessions and delegates felt that these resources would positively impact and aid their day-­‐to-­‐day activities. Resources that delegates found useful included websites, analysis tools, grant programs, toolkits and services/initiatives offered by specific organizations. d. Data/Research-­‐ Learning about relevant research and the value of having data to support activities and programs were significant to delegates.

“Nice to see some data to back up his thoughts (i.e. throwing interventions at our kids didn't make a big change whereas involving the kids does!)” “The statistics blew my mind!” “I leaned a lot about research being done in the field of youth PA. I hope to apply it to the research I'm doing.” 2. Connections -­‐ Developing connections and relationships with other delegates through networking and learning about strategies to develop partnerships and collaborations were both identified by delegates who attended the conference.


a. Networking-­‐ networking referred to having valuable conversations with a variety of other delegates.

“Made some GREAT connections. People are so willing to help.”

“Great networking session.”

b. Strategies for partnerships and collaborations – Strategies for partnerships and collaborations referred to learning about the steps required to make a connection and develop a relationship around a common purpose or goal.

“Language to use when forming partnerships with schools. How to structure a question.” “The information on the process of collaborating effectively is invaluable.” 3. General Feedback – General feedback about sessions included a variety of positive remarks and comments related to the presentation or speaker. “I was engaged the entire time.”

“Great to have student voice!” “Great presentation, I look forward to exploring your website and learning more.” 4. Changes or things to consider – This included things for the individual speakers as well as the conference planning committee to consider. Things that delegates felt should be examined based on this year’s conference included 1) providing more time for sessions, 2) ensuring sessions are more interactive, 3) providing more information in sessions, 4) ensuring all sessions provide both practical resources and strategies, and 5) ensuring the session descriptions are accurate.

Conclusion Based on the results of the pre-­‐conference, concurrent session, and interactive workshop evaluations it appears that the information presented was relevant to the delegates who attended, that they were presented with new ideas and acquired new knowledge, resources and tools, and that it was an opportunity for them to network and explore possibilities for potential partnerships. A more detailed description of what this means for the conference as a whole will be provided in the Post-­‐Conference Summary Report.


Pre-­‐Conference Alberta School Boards Association -­‐ Student Mental Health Session Description- Is student mental health a priority in your school board? Are you wondering what resources are available to support positive mental health? This half-day pre-conference is tailored to trustees who are looking for strategies to support their boards in promoting positive mental health within school environments. The Alberta School Boards Association and Ever Active Schools will co-host an engaging and informative session on the mental health of our students. We will hear from experts in the field, consider research and listen to teachers on how they are supporting student mental health within their own schools. Resources and supports that promote resiliency and wellness within a school environment will be discussed. You will leave the session empowered and informed to better support the mental health and wellness of students and the broader school community.

Responses n=8



Averages for each question out of 5.0


• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The pre-­‐conference was an opportunity for you to meet new people and identify possibilities for new partnerships and collaborations?

Key Information or knowledge: • Importance of communicating about mental health • Strategies to support staff and students • Information about brain development and age of students • Mindfulness exercise • Importance of understanding the adolescents brain • CSH approach to school • Rich conversation with a variety of professionals who work with mental health and healthy communities. • Strategies and knowledge about how adolescent’s brains develop and how to help kids with less than desirable situations. • Mental health and programs and ideas to reach kids to help them. • We need to be building relationships to gain resources Additional Comments: • Excellent speakers, lots to take in • Great sessions! • Liked being offered the opportunity to stand and also to take care of other things during the day :) • Great speakers! • Thank you • Thanks so much to April, Allison and Kim for an informative session • Valuable insights.


Building Partnerships Between School and Community Session Description: When it comes to creating a healthy school community, both schools and community organizations and businesses have resources, assets and expertise to bring to the table. However, navigating these partnerships can be challenging. Where do you start? How do you build a trusting relationship? Explore these questions and others while learning areas of opportunity for partnership through stories from others across the province.

Responses n=13

Other 15% Health 8% Education


Averages for each question out of 5.0


• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The pre-­‐conference was an opportunity for you to meet new people and identify possibilities for new partnerships and collaborations?

Key Information or knowledge: • Building partnerships take a long time • Community connections that I can use to support health and wellness in my school and division • Effective strategies for bringing communities together • How to get communities involved in strategizing and implementing change. • How to start with making a connection with an organization to partner with. Set a goal and have a purpose • I got a lot of suggestions for making partnerships and also what they would see as our value to them. • Partnerships, types of relationships, strategies to develop CSH in schools and communities. • RBC Grant coming in march • Step by step how to collaborate with community partner. • Steps to take to build a partner base when planning to fulfill a need. • Focus on what our organization has and work from an asset based perspective rather than what we wish we had. • The 10 step process • Networking and sharing • Collective impact and stories/situations from schools and rural communities Things to Consider: • Could have been a half-day session. 9-4 is too long • I was in the ASBA student mental health session for the am and so when I came to this session I felt somewhat lost, as there was a lot of the information being presented, which linked to the morning session. Had I realized I likely would have stayed in the Mount Kidd room. Perhaps if it weren't an option to switch over? • The last section needed more direction for our group; an example might have set the stage for us to work through. • I would really love to see more rural examples – All the pecha Kucha presentations were from the cities/suburbs except Lacombe (which is also a suburb of Red Deer) REMOTE RURAL success stories are also appreciated. Additional Comments: • Enjoyed time to work at tables to create a plan and discuss challenges and barriers • It was great • It was very interesting to hear celebrations and challenges as well as some solutions to the problems. I really enjoyed the format of the pacha kucha • Really enjoyed the chance to interact with many people from a variety of backgrounds and regions


Comprehensive School Health University Session Description: Post-secondary education, health and recreation students come together with seasoned teachers and other professionals in a Comprehensive School Health boot camp where knowledge and experience meet opportunity and innovation! If you value healthy school communities and believe CSH should be a part of foundational training for teachers, health and recreational professionals at post-secondary institutions in Alberta, this session is for you. The morning will pair students with mentors currently in the field for a crash course on CSH. The afternoon will facilitate conversations that explore issues and solutions, valuing the unique perspectives of students and professionals.

Responses n=18

Health 17%

Research 11%

Averages for each question out of 5.0


• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?



33% Post-­‐ Secondary


• The pre-­‐conference was an opportunity for you to meet new people and identify possibilities for new partnerships and collaborations?

Key Information or knowledge: • Coming from a research background, it was interesting to learn more about CSH practice in schools. • Comprehensive school health, networking, connectedness, csh culture • CSH is a dynamic concept with individual needs. • Details regarding the concept of comprehensive school health. What it looks like in practice, ideas for implementation. • I gained knowledge on physical literacy and how to implement it in schools. We talked about all different topics to help engage and promote physical education as well as looking at the stigma towards size and how size doesn't determine how healthy you are. • Knowledge is power, the whole is stronger than the sum of its parts • Physical Literacy knowledge and networking • Post secondary student perspective, discussion with people from different sectors, impact of applying CSH approach at post secondary level. • That physical literacy does not end after high school! • Keep larger picture in mind without allowing passion to narrow • Transfer passion as much as knowledge to others • Importance and future of physical literacy • What CSH is • How to better implement it in schools and post-secondary • Using the term health literacy in addition to physical literacy. • Pre-service teachers desire knowledge, but feel stressed and overwhelmed • How important exposing young students and students in general is to a healthy and individual society • Importance of being able to apply physical literacy etc. in whatever field you pursue. • Importance of community and sharing knowledge about all aspects of health and well-being. • Gained information regarding tactics to incorporate health into elementary education. • How to evaluate CSH • Lots of ideas for collaboration on CSH initiatives


Things to Consider: • I was hoping to understand how comprehensive school health could relate to other childhood settings (such as recreation facilities) but unfortunately the conversation did not happen because most people were from schools. Additional Comments: • Whose role is implementation? What resources do we have/need? • Excellent facilitation. Very useful session for my work. • Great engagement and facilitation of group interaction and discussion. • Great session. I really appreciated the level of activity and engagement. Refreshing change from standard conferences. Thanks! • Great way to network and share ideas • I meant to say strongly agree. I learned a lot! Thanks for a diverse, active, and thoughtful preconference • I think this conference was fantastic and I really enjoyed it. I especially liked that we had an open-ended afternoon that allowed to you to sit in on different topics. • Interdisciplinary Networking opportunities were amazing. I hope we can do this again next year. • This was a wonderful way to network and meet new people with similar interests. • Was a good session • Great conference! I would love to see more advertisement through the u of a especially through Phys Ed and Rec. • Loved the informal afternoon taking responsibility for own learning and time to discuss diverse topics. • It was a very open environment and easy to communicate ideas. • Had a lot of fun • Great conference, very informative • Good format for presenting


Healthy Relationships in School Communities Session Description: This engaging and interactive session will consider relationship building through social connectedness in school communities, by examining strategies to understand the school context. There will be an opportunity to consider the relationship perceptions and behaviours of this techno generation and share techniques and activities to promote a school environment that improves healthy relationships. In partnership with the Wellness Fund.

Responses n=10

Other 10%

Health 20% Education


Averages for each question out of 5.0


• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The pre-­‐conference was an opportunity for you to meet new people and identify possibilities for new partnerships and collaborations?

Key Information or Learnings: • Strategies for supporting students who've dealt with trauma in their lives. • Better understanding of how connections vs. non-connections Impact students current learning and their future • Bill Gordon's presentation on Love was inspiring. • Better understanding of effect of trauma on children and how to help them deal with it • Network systems and how to apply this to schools • What is the smallest thing you can do today, in the shortest amount of time, using the fewest resources that will have the biggest impact? • Connectedness • Ideas for implementing initiatives • The content was excellent. Too much to list. • Ways to access the needs of our school and how we need and can deal with some of the difficulties in our school. Things to Consider: • I liked the variety of presenters in this session. The room was overcrowded which posed some challenges, but the content was very good. Additional Comments: • Excellent networking! Excellent content! Speakers were excellent that's the word. • Dr April Elliot was great! The trauma sensitive school model was awesome! • I love this conference. It was truly unlike any other I have attended. It has barely started and I know I want to be back next year! • Marcie was an amazingly engaging presenter! I wish she had longer sessions • Much to ponder


Concurrent Session 1 Embedding Wellness through Curricular Links in High School Settings -­‐ Libby Coldbeck and Laureen Lailey


Session Description: Discover how wellness is being embedded in high school settings across Alberta using a comprehensive school health approach. Learn how to take a cross-curricular approach to infuse wellness into the culture of your school community where everyone is responsible for wellness. In this session you will consider how to model what is taught to create a climate of wellness from a cross curricular perspective, as well as how to make changes to the social and physical environments of the school to support students in gaining the attitudes, skills, and knowledge to make healthy choices. This approach will support schools in addressing the priorities of psycho-social well-being, physical activity and healthy eating.


Health 17%



Averages for each question out of 5.0 3.67

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Had a chance to hear how other schools are implementing wellness in their schools. • Made some GREAT connections. People are so willing to help. • New ideas from other schools projects. • Good that they used the posters to enhance connections. Things to Consider: • Session felt rushed and more thought needed to be put into the set up of the displays and the dissension and sharing of information. • Presenters did not get a chance to connect with others. • Maybe several mini presentations would have been a better opportunity to share. Seemed to be some confusion around CALM and what is high school wellness. • It would have been helpful for participants to know they would not be able to hear about all the projects in the room. • Perhaps presenters could have been asked to provide a one pager about their projects that everyone could take away with them even if they did not have a chance to see the presentation. • Needed more time to hear what other schools had to say - Only got to hear from 3 of the 8. Additional Comments: • Why is there no work being done with the many CALM and health champions in all the schools in Alberta? • Who is your main contact for wellness in the schools? • Who has connections with most health partnerships in the community?


Exploring the Links Between Wellness Education, the Environment and the Outdoors – Gareth Thomson Session Description: Did you know that students who spend time outdoors connecting with nature experience higher rates of academic achievement and feelings of wellness than those who do not? The benefits of connecting children to the natural world have been welldocumented in multiple scientific studies and research publications. Research shows that students’ psychological and physical health is positively impacted when they have regular contact with nature and the outdoors. In this workshop, we’ll showcase the connections between wellness education, the environment and spending time in nature. We will explore how to utilize outdoor education as a tool in wellness education. Participants will come away with new resources and activities for incorporating environmental and outdoor education into wellness education and a better understanding of the importance of spending time in nature for improving student well-being.



Other 9%

Education 91%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 3.45

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • I gained ideas towards what I can do with kids outside. • Ideas on including environmental education across curriculum. • More policy information. • Talking to others and gaining insights. • That Environmental Education is valuable to classrooms. • There is a group to support environmental issues in schools. • We looked at how to incorporate outdoor education into the new curriculum redesign. • Great session. Learned new strategies that we will be able to implement. Things to Consider: • This session wasn't what I was expecting. I hoped to get some ideas for taking kids outdoors, but instead was faced with a lot of curriculum talk. • I was expecting more from this session. • It was a very short period of time • Not the session I hoped for based on the description. • The description mentioned leaving with resources. • I didn't gain anything except the reflection that I need to search for resources. Disappointed. Additional Comments: • I was engaged the entire time. • Thank you


Strategies for Creating Bridges Across Sectors - Daniel Naiman and Jen Brennan Session Description: To support fostering cross-sector partnerships, Healthy Schools BC has developed prototype “learning sessions” with front- line health staff working in schools. These sessions focus on building the knowledge and skills of health sector staff to engage in a meaningful way with their education sector partners. The sessions focus on outlining the progressive steps that support building sustainable and meaningful relationships. In addition, the learning sessions integrate tools for fostering intersectoral engagement such as question building techniques and inquiry based learning approaches. Using a casestudy approach, this presentation will outline the content from these learning sessions, including the steps and processes needed to foster authentic intersectoral engagement. The content of these sessions has been designed to support healthy schools stakeholders from all sectors. Lessons from these sessions will be shared, such as how to find common goals across sectors, how to integrate parallel theories and processes used within the different sectors, and how focusing on language and discourse can present opportunities for collaboration.

Responses n=9

Recreation 11%

Health 33%

Education 45%

Research 11%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.0

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • The information on the process of collaborating effectively is invaluable. • Why reinvent the wheel, let's use the work dash has worked so fervently to develop here in Alberta. • How I am communicating and phrasing my questions to collaborative partners • Ideas/framework for running workshops • Language to use when forming partnerships with schools. How to structure a question. • Processes connected to partnerships • Resources to help bridge the gap between health and education. Additional Comments: • Loved the 'rubric' and the processes! • Awesome presentation • Good presentation. • Great job! • Great presentation, I look forward to exploring your website and learning more • Thanks! Very interesting • Way to go BC. Thanks for sharing :)


Resilience-­‐based Models in School Communities: Creating environments where children can thrive Dr. Jon McGavock Responses Session Description: Since the early 1990’s, when epidemiological studies revealed that rates of overweight and obesity among children were on the rise, scientists and policy makers began designing schoolbased programs to promote healthy living behaviours in children. Large scale, multifaceted interventions delivered across multiple domains of the school-community were delivered across multiple years and several grades. By and large, these interventions led to short-term, modest improvements in healthy living behaviours. However, rates of overweight and obesity remain unchanged in Canada and the US. A possible reason that these interventions have not yielded better outcomes is that they fail to adequately engage youth into the programs components. This is particularly relevant to marginalized youth, who are disproportionately affected by obesity and chronic diseases, but may not view healthy living as a priority in their life.


Post-­‐ Secondary

Health 8%




Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.25

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Always change- What we are doing is not working • Starts within…reach ALL students • Awesome results re: mentorship and creating mastery, independence through generosity • Taking a look at a new approach in regards to recognizing the low economic, quieter students and making them role models • That nutrition and active living are not the only keys to healthy schools. • There is more than just lifestyle that can impact children's health. If we can target their psychological wellbeing the rest will follow. • We need to make sure the at-risk students get engaged in leadership opportunities and that they have opportunities to develop ideas of what they think is important. • When starting to promote a healthy school try to gather the students that need it the most. • You have to build resiliency and belonging before you can promote healthy eating and active living Additional Comments: • No matter what healthy living programs we want to implement, resiliency needs to be forefront in our minds. • Always a pleasure to listen to Jon. Inspirational as always • Great session. Great! • It was very interesting to see a more aboriginal model of health and wellness and how it can be applied to help achieve the four pillars. • Nice to see some data to back up his thoughts (i.e. throwing interventions at our kids didn't make a big change whereas involving the kids does!) • Really appreciated Jon’s transparency about changing his own mindset re: approach and challenging the norm. • Thank you for the opportunity. It was interesting to hear the results of your studies as well as the studies of others. • Thank you for your insight and information and for the circle of courage approach.


Return on Investments in Innovative Interventions that Promote Healthy Eating and Active Living Among Children - Genevieve Montemurro, Dr. Yen Li Chu and Dr. Kate Storey Session Description: This interactive presentation will share the objectives of a year research project that aims to 1) evaluate effectiveness and implementation of school health programs and policies, 2) balance program costs with avoided healthcare costs, 3) engage endusers in the research process to enhance the impact of findings, and 4) optimize the implementation process. This research builds on ongoing work that includes several province- wide school-based surveys that serve as evaluation instruments for the effectiveness of school health programs and policies. The research will also expand on previous work examining the cost effectiveness and implementation process of schoolbased health interventions. Through this presentation, we will engage school health practitioners and leaders from the health, education and recreation sectors in conversations around existing gaps in knowledge related to policy and program implementation. We will also identify ways in which this research may be applied in creating healthy school communities. In addition, this session will inform our larger knowledge translation and exchange framework by collectively identifying ways to best engage end- users in the research and knowledge development process.

Responses n=6



Averages for each question out of 5.0 3.83

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Attempts to improve mental, physical health of students, increase school performance and improve health care utilization. • Identifying scenarios and estimates to find out what works and what doesn't to improve comprehensive school health and reduce secondary health care costs. • The need to access AHC, engage parents and teachers to role model healthy behaviours and increase parental engagement. • That there is proper research going on to support schools\parents\health providers in educating healthy living and its effects. • What is going on in other schools and communities when we broke out into groups. Things to Consider: • The blurb in the agenda did not describe the session. • I was a little disappointed that this session was nothing like what I expected when reading the description • This was more of a research-based session. I am not only looking for info I am wanting to gain lots of practical to take back to my school. • Was not what I expected Additional Comments: • Great session, thank you • Would like to see final report when ready.


Health and Education Champions Unite: Successful collaboration between principal, staff and parent - Dr. Kim Kelly and Susan Kosanovich

Session Description: Belgravia Ever Active is proud to be in the midst of year three of their health promotion school program. Along the way, there have been successes and challenges. Susan Kosanovich, teacher, and Kim Kelly, Family Physician and Parent Chair of Belgravia Ever Active, will share highlights of their school community’s journey on their path to improved health for all of their stakeholders. Susan and Kim will discuss challenges with different stakeholders that they have encountered along the way with solutions that were implemented. Learn from their experiences how to elevate your comprehensive school health program from good to great! Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on the presenters’ experiences and consider their school’s Ever Active initiatives and involvements through structured discussion and reflection interspersed throughout the presentation. By the end of the session participants will be able to: 1. Have exposure to a successful Ever Active program Year 3 2. Take away ideas and initiatives, which are feasible with a limited budget, to improve their own schools’ programs 3. Identify common challenges that schools experience related to different stakeholders followed by a discussion of specific solutions 4. Appreciate collaboration between leaders in education and healthcare having impact at a local level.

Responses n=7



Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.86

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Great ideas for addressing some of the challenges we meet as we move our healthy schools initiative forward. • Great ideas for gaining support for your healthy school initiative. Solutions for common problems/obstacles. • Great ideas that are so simple. I'm excited to go back and chat with our stakeholders. • Loved hearing the story of a school's journey towards implementing CSH initiatives. • The round table discussions around different barriers was a great strategy because we had the chance to hear how others are dealing with common issues. • Practical solutions to some common challenges in implementing healthy initiatives. I like the specific examples provided by the participants and the presenters. • Started to learn how to overcome some challenges before we experience them or so we don't have to deal with them. Also that we are not alone in our struggles. • That I am not alone and that many people are there to help and have been through the same things. Additional Comments: • Fantastic. Thank you • Great session- liked that you called on the many experts in the room an also shared your expertise. • Great way to start networking • Great! • It's always great when you can have presenters share their personal experiences because you can find common ground


How Adolescent Brain Development Affects Behaviour - Dr. April Elliott Session Description: During this session we will discuss approaches clinicians take in working with adolescents and dialogue around collaborative ways that education and health can partner to help youth during and after challenges/ struggling.



Other Recreation 7% 4% Health 3% Education 86%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.86

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Brain development in layman terms with great metaphors • Emotional dysfunction leads to lots of acting out in diff ways • It was informative and helps us understand different ways we have to go about assessing and helping a student • Knowing that the choices teens make are really mot stupidity. There is a scientific REAL reason and that self regulation is gradual • That sometimes the bad decisions that adolescents make...they're not always in control of. I relate as I have a 14year-old daughter who is struggling in some of these ways. • The analogy of the brain using your hand. Not every student has developed the connection to the interior and cannot regulate. • Will be reading more about brain development. Peeked my interest and deeper thoughts around youth behaviour. • Youth brain development, why they do what they do and suggestions of how to alter the environment • Timing is everything • Factors related to non-attendance Things to Consider: • I already knew much of the brain research. I was looking for more strategies and approaches connected to that. • COPE model should be introduced to all principals and guidance counsellors! Our boards need the support • Fantastic. More resources for mental health available in rural areas. • I would be interested to learn more about how mindfulness can help students with emotional dysregulation. • I would have liked to get some concrete examples of how to handle these tough situations like teens disclosing depression or self-harm. • Need to push more for collaboration between health and school Additional Comments: • Great overview. Wish it were longer. Good presentation skills! • Great job!! Hope to hear you again. • Great presenter. I love science!!! • It was great and very enjoyable. It's good to have different topics that all attribute to CSH • Loved her enthusiasm. Outstanding. Very informative • Not specific to teaching - can be used to inform parents, admin, health professionals- anyone working with youth.


Concurrent Session 2 Getting ACTIVE AT SCHOOL: The need to connect the dots - Panel Discussion Session Description: Research supports the theory that schools are the best setting to promote and implement physical activity in children and youth. However, educators can’t make this happen on their own. In the fall of 2014, Canadian Tire Corp., a founding member of ACTIVE AT SCHOOL, commissioned The Learning Partnership (TLP) to conduct a research study with the goal of identifying new opportunities for getting 60 minutes of daily physical activity for children.

Responses n=10


Other 20%


In this 50 minute session, panelists will discuss the implications of a nation where kids aren’t moving enough and make recommendations on how to overcome barriers keeping kids from getting the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity a day. A series of topics will be discussed including: • • • •

Perception vs. reality – what we think is going and what is actually happening The importance of partnerships in getting kids active The need to educate all key stakeholders on the need for making This a priority at school and at home Why a targeted approach will make the most impact.


60% Health 10%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.2

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Kids are leaders! • Nothing that I didn’t already know. • It is everyone's responsibility • Physical activity increased mental/academic performance Things to Consider: • Policy/government standards have to change to effectively implement increased physical activity in students. • Policy needs to change, physical education is a priority Additional Comments: • The perspective from the speakers was very interesting. • Advanced screen too fast last question. • The student was the best part of panel. We need to hear more from students and hear their perspectives more • Excellent session! • Great panel well done • The perspective from a student, Olympic athlete, research and teachers. Love the discussion and the humour. • Great to have student voice! • You all rock.... what a great team!


Physical Literacy Educator in Residence Pilot Project - Lindsay Wright and Megan McKinlay Session Description: What does it take to support a school community to develop physically literacy children and youth? This session will focus on the Physical Literacy Educator in Residence Pilot Project. This is a collaborative partnership between Be Fit For Life, Ever Active Schools, Parkland School Division, the TriLiesure Centre, and Camp YoWoChAs. This multi sectoral approach will help to support local physical literacy development in the Parkland region. In this session, we will share initial learnings from this project, including resources and lesson plans developed.

Responses n=3



Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.33

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • I am a fortunate specialist who only teaches PE k-6! This session reinforced that the classroom teachers still need guidance in DPA • New model of professional development delivery for school districts. • New lesson plan ideas and activities. • PLAY survey Things to Consider: • Would've like access to lesson plans developed. Additional Comments: • Great Presentation. • Great stuff!


Evaluating the Effectiveness of Comprehensive School Health on Student Achievement: Developing a set of core indicators and measures -­‐ Katherine Eberl Kelly and Gail Diachuk Session Description: Recognizing the lack of an evidence-based Canadian framework to understand the effects of CSH on student achievement, the Pan-Canadian Joint Consortium for School Health (JCSH) in the spring of 2013 commissioned the Social Program Evaluation Group at Queen’s University to develop a set of Core Indicators and Measures (CIM). The evidence basis for outcomes related to a CSH approach is limited; even more scarce is evidence (research and practice) in a Canadian context connecting a CSH approach with learning outcomes. Establishing an indicator and measure tool and contributing to the learnings in this area were deemed important by both the researchers and the JCSH team. To accomplish the CIM development, the researchers, in collaboration with a JCSH Research Advisory Committee, employed a review of the peer and gray literature and conducted interviews with 24 experts across Canada. From this database, a Core Indicators and Measures Framework was developed.

Responses n=2

Health 50%

Educati on 50%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.0

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • I have not heard much about TTFM before this conference but now am working to find out more. • Knowing that although there is currently little literature to support CSH and academic success but that it is being looked at and generated. • Also to find out other resources to use in order to back up our need for these changes to our other stakeholders. I also like that it was a forum to discuss what might be missing from their research and getting the perspective of the grass roots Additional Comments: • Thanks so much!


Just the Facts: The evidence to increase physical activity in youth - Dr. John Spence Session Description: Dr. John Spence, Associate Dean from the University of Alberta Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation, will present on evidence based successful physical activity strategies. Learn the facts about how we can get individuals and communities moving more, sitting less and overall healthier. Dr. Spence will detail how environments, policy and innovative initiatives can play a key role in increasing our physical activity.

Responses n=7

Health 14%

Research 14% Education 72%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 3.71

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • I leaned a lot about research being done in the field of youth PA. I hope to apply it to the research I'm doing. • Micro grants good, tax breaks bad. • That community planning does affect the physical activity of children \parents. • Also, schools do need to look at policies to get rid of the sedentary behaviors we are teaching children. • There were a lot of interesting facts and data • We need to find ways in both urban and rural settings to promote active play. • Where the gaps and potential areas of impact are better Things to Consider: • I feel that the description did not reflect the presentation. • It was a little dry and didn't really offer realistic or quality ideas for how we can improve our physical activities in the classroom. • Not great for an educator. It pointed out problems but didn't offer solutions. Additional Comments: • Great info to support school policy makers. • Great talk. It would have been interesting to hear more about Dr. Spence's research as opposed to just present in other work. • I didn't enjoy this session. • Very informative. Will be referencing articles


Teaching Games for Understanding: With a little more feeling - Dr. Joanna Sheppard Session Description: Are you interested in using different teaching methods within your physical education classes? The Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) instructional model enables students to explore their understanding of game-like situations and the tactical decisions they will have to make within game play. Join Dr. Joanna Sheppard, Associate Professor from the University of the Fraser Valley Kinesiology and Physical Education Department, as she explores the use of effective and reflective questioning within our physical education classes. By using Hellison’s Levels of Personal and Social Responsibility (PSR) within the context of the TGfU instructional model, Joanna discusses the results of her qualitative multi-case research study as a way to evaluate the effectiveness of a hybrid instructional model on the development of personal and social responsibility behaviours (Respect, Participation, Self-Direction and Caring). Practical game play examples and easy-to-use resources will be discussed throughout the workshop.

Responses n=28

Post-­‐ Secondary 3%

Health 4%

Education 93%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.25

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • A brand new focus for PE. Life skills. Wow. • Ask kids more questions in PE • Better model to go through games instruction. • Changing the way I teach students getting them involved what they are learning. Check, connect, reflect • Connecting the affective to the TGFU • Excellent description of a hybrid model that I can actually use with my PE students. • New way to 'attack' teaching PE. • Helpful tips to bring to the classroom. Hopefully will be able to implement in our schools • How to engage students in a phys-ed class beyond the standard way. How to use games to build more social awareness • Love the connection between TGfU & the social responsibility piece. • Nothing really new, just review • Refocus of the TGFU model. Hellison's model valuable resource • Strategies for implementing my pe program. That we can blend two models for teaching games • The ideas of making sure that the games are a focal point for my teaching and to not worry as much about the technical aspects. • We need to use hybrid models in order to influence multiple aspects of learning. • • Using Hellison’s TPSR model to teach life skills • I am going to use some of this information i.e.: employees and community sector partners who are not very engaged in what we are doing. • Don't forget to talk with your students and address that affective side of their brains-great advice!


Additional Comments: • What a wonderful and joyful speaker. • She was a real breath of fresh air in her delivery of what could have been an extremely DRY subject. Thanks Joanna for coming!!! • Excellent resources and presenter. • Great application of the research • Great focus on questioning • Awesome • Awesome high-energy informative session-thanks!! • Fantastic! • Great session • Great session! • Merci • Need to develop a polished TGFU model • Presenter was awesome! A lot of info! • Presenter was excellent! • Really well presented and a great fit to the conference • Thank you, amazing session • Thanks • Thanks! • Thank-you Joanna! • This session was great! I would recommend it to any pre-service teachers! • Too much theory for the topic. More application needed • Very dynamic and entertaining speaker. • Very well done! Very informative • Great presentation. Good revamp of TGFU for a recent Grad. • Not sure what to have expected but I see the applicability to other areas.


Don’t Be Lazy, Be Crazy...Student Leadership and Wellness Initiatives - Don Vantour and Tracy Russell Responses

Session Description: Participants will be led through Brentwood’s one-year journey of creating a district leading Health and Wellness school with dynamic student leaders. Building the program started with a simple running team that has turned into a school-wide initiative that features 500 student leaders all with one common goal: “How can I be the best me?” From our monthly wellness days (Don’t Be Lazy Be Crazy) to our simple daily energizer activities, we have ready-to-use and easy-to-implement student led ways to get your school active.


Health 6%

Education 94%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.47

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Amazing to see what students can do for themselves and others. • The pride they have in there school • Different ideas to take back to our school. • Elementary leadership • Excellent session with lots of practical take aways. • Empowerment • Good ideas and methods for implementing a student leadership team. Was inspirational. • How to be creative with leadership and DPA • Ideas to try and implement in our school was fantastic. Presenters offered to share everything and even come to our school. • Letting students take the lead can be a very powerful tool. It betters the students and the school environment! • I am particularly interested in the student run snack shack as one of my schools is interested in doing the same. • Lots of great ideas for elementary student leadership. • That it takes time for a shift in culture but it can be done. • That more involvement by adults isn't necessarily needed to obtain student success. • Love the willingness to share their success and ideas. • So many good ideas to bring in steps to my school. • The realization that leadership can be demonstrated at any grade level. • Students in grades 1 and 2 can be involved. Start with something small • This was a great session that showed that students really can take the lead and do anything • Tips for starting up a stronger more student oriented leadership groups. • Ideas for activities for the students.


Things to Consider: • I appreciate the presentation but there was so much packed into it. It was hard watching the video and listening to the presenter at the same time when the topic was different. I would have liked to hear a better description of, for example, the gr 1/2 greeters. • I would have appreciated some time to ask questions. • I would have liked more information Additional Comments: • Very engaging. • Amazing session • Anxiously awaiting an opportunity to try some of the activities • Excellent. • Fantastic ideas! • Great ideas and strategies shared. Included all aspects of how to broach as a teacher. • Great presentation! • I am not typically someone who gets 'super-pumped' about things; however I am very excited to see what I can do in our school. Or better said -- what our students can do. • Love the personal touch of this session. • Thank you! • Thanks for sharing! • Well done. It's great to hear about these kind of initiatives • You guys are doing a lot of amazing work! Your presentation was great and gave us lots of ideas. Please tell the students they are doing a great job!!! :)


The Wisdom is in the Room: A conversation among division level leaders -­‐Stanton Swain, Carrie Rae and Judy Newman Session Description: Are you in a district leadership role, coordinating a district healthy schools initiative? Come to this session and meet other district level leaders from across the province. Be prepared to discuss what makes you proud of your school district, your challenges, successes, accomplishments, and lessons learned. Possible discussion topics include: the challenges of being a district lead; how to create buy-in among administrators, staff, students and parents; and communicating your message, priori- ties and accomplishments. We will also explore the opportunity to establish ongoing networking opportunities. Whether you are just starting the journey of creating healthy school com- munities or are an experienced health champion looking for ideas to “keep the fire burning”, this session will be valuable for you! This interactive Friday session will empower you to stay connected with other district leads throughout the conference and beyond.

Responses n=3 Other 33%

Education 34%

Health 33%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.0

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Examples from others • Great interaction but felt like I had little to contribute ...some other great ideas from one or two others though • Great networking session Things to Consider: • More time in between switching for the bingo would have been great.... felt like speed dating Additional Comments: • Great to see leaders having discussion regarding importance of employee and student health • Liked the interactive session format style


Concurrent Session 3 The One You Feed: A holistic approach to supporting the health and well-­‐being of First Nations, Métis and Inuit students and families - Tricia Giles-Wang Session Description: This session will provide an opportunity for participants to engage in learning, discussion and becoming familiar with a variety of supports and resources to promote the health and well- being of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Students and Families. The strategies shared are universal and will benefit all students.



Health 14%

Education 86%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 3.86

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Although this was First Nation, Metis, Inuit focus was good information to consider re all students....culture and impact of family history & culture • Excellent info ...relevance re: history & effect on current student pop • Learned about some great resources available to schools! • Amazingly inspiring woman, makes me want to help with respectful healing. Maybe a lot of my students are first nations, I just don't know it ... yet • I work with schools on reserve, so they already do a good job making their environments culturally appropriate and safe for their students, but I'm very excited to take back the resources I've learned about to the schools! • Respect, protocol, forgiveness, my own health, keep an open door when the halls are busy, be happy students are so warm and giving of themselves • Using support plans made by students • The use of the medicine wheel for self Things to Consider: • A little dry in the content. We're all educated individuals and know about the background of our aboriginal students and their families. More focus on how to deal with it would have been better. Additional Comments: • Thanks for having FNMI session!


Scaling up the Student Orientation to School Questionnaire in Rocky View Schools: What we are learning about student effect at the school and system levels - Dr. John Burger, Dr. Anna Nadirova, Brenda Valerio, Lorena Petit and Kailyn Stengler Session Description: In this presentation we present data from a 2013-14 Alberta Healthy School Communities Fund project centered in Rocky View Schools that scaled up the use of the Student Orientation to School Questionnaire (SOS-Q) in 18 Rocky View Schools with over 3,000 students in order to identify students at risk of school disengagement and, in response to low SOS-Q profiles, to implement specific, individualized student supports to re- engage the student. The data and stories presented will include both descriptive statistics on SOS-Q profiles as well as inferential statistics exploring the concurrent and predictive validity of the SOS-Q profiles in relationship to both classroom-based assessment data and provincial achievement test data.

Responses n=3

Education 100%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.67

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Aware of another data analysis tool • Excellent info on the SOS-Q • Could definitely see using this survey at my school • Great potential application Additional Comments: • Excellent session-will definitely look into this survey • Thanks! • Thanks for sharing.


Building Healthier Communities From the Ground Up: Lessons learned from Communities ChooseWell - Lisa McLaughlin

Session Description: Communities across Alberta are taking action to foster healthy eating and active living, with nearly 200 communities participating in the Communities ChooseWell initiative in 2014. Come on a road trip with us throughout Alberta as we explore what it takes to build a healthier community. Who are key partners? What factors help and hinder local efforts? What supports make the biggest difference? What are communities doing to foster healthy, active living? What does community- based health promotion have to do with comprehensive school health, and how can schools and community partners work together? After all, it takes a (healthy) community to raise a (healthy) child!

Responses n=5 Other 20% Recreation 20% Education 60%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.0

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Communities a strategy to connect • Good examples of some initiatives in other areas • I did not really gain any knowledge from this session, however, it did make me think about the partnerships that my school has created. • Learned about access to support I didn't know about. • What organizations I can get my school involved in Additional Comments: • I was not very engaged. • This session could be longer • Well done! Interactive!


School’s Out: Lessons from a forest kindergarten (Documentary Film) ) - Allison Pratley and Bethan Kingsley Session Description: No classroom for these kindergartners! At the Waldkindergarten in Switzerland, children four to seven years of age go to kindergarten in the woods every day. While most kindergarten programs in the western world have moved toward a more academic approach and cut recess time, many early childhood experts strongly believe in the value of outdoor play, exploration and establishing a close relationship with nature during this critical period in a child’s development. School’s Out cleverly contrasts learning in a natural environment with the rigors of kindergarten for students in a typical North American setting. This film will open eyes and minds to alternative options in kindergarten education, and will give ideas about what it is that children might need at this age. Join us for the screening of this award winning documentary followed by a short discussion.



Health 10%

Post-­‐ Secondary 10%

Education 80%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.6

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • How this type of learning at a young age strengthened the child and eliminated ADHD later • Reminded me to take a chance... risk is okay and a learning tool all on its own • So many skills developed with minimal resources. Kids were innovative risk takers! • That children can be ousted in inclement weather. • There can be a combination of traditional kindergarten and the forest kindergarten. • Usefulness of allowing free play, importance of nature • Outdoor play is an option for schooling and has potential benefits. • Discussions around play versus injury/liability Things to Consider: • People are NOT Ready for this yet..: sad :( • Would love to share this documentary with our admin! • Our curriculum and standards are different so the entire switch is not even possible here Additional Comments: • Great video • I loved it... Thanks you so Much :) • It was great to see how people around the world are taking kids outside. It would be great to hear more examples of that. • Loved it! Will share. • The presenters were very well spoken, made sure to point out that little bits are wonderful steps to take. • This was a very interesting perspective


Harmful Messages? How to Read the Active Body in Children’s Stories - Dr. Kate Davies

Session Description: Children’s literature is a powerful medium through which meanings about the body are normalized and conveyed during childhood. The purpose of this presentation is to generate discussion about the role of children’s literature in shaping understandings of the self as an active body. More specifically, this presentation will examine the narrow range of bodies that tend to be normalized in children’s picture books with the unifying theme of physical activity and sport. Moreover, this presentation will explore the potential for texts (both visual and articulable) to influence children’s decisions to engage in physical activity. Finally, this presentation will suggest how to transform potentially harmful meanings into ‘teachable moments’ by drawing together subject areas including, but not limited to, language arts, physical education and/or health. This presentation may be of interest to practitioners who work with children, who are proponents of literacy and physical activity, and who seek opportunities to teach across the curriculum.

Responses n=1



Averages for each question out of 5.0 5.0

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Key strategies and great conversation Additional Comments: • Great session


Go Play Outside: Increased outdoor time promotes well-­‐being - Dr. Lee Schaefer Session Description: This presentation will briefly summarize a recent study by Schaefer et al. that showed youth who spent most of their time outdoors after school were three times more likely to meet guidelines for daily physical activity and had significantly higher cardiorespiratory fitness levels than their peers who did not spend time outdoors. While this study focused on the physical dimension, this presentation will also discuss social, emotional, and spiritual benefits of the outdoors as well as connections to wellness and comprehensive school health.

Responses n=8

Post-­‐ Secondary 13%

Education 87%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.75

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Bringing yourself back to nature and outdoors to help others find that in themselves • Data from research to support outdoor activity • Go is good for everyone!! • Good opportunity to reflect • Slow down, appreciate all that is beautiful around you. • The importance of getting kids outdoors and connecting to nature Additional Comments: • Awesome • Good use of research • Loved this session because I can vision great learning, connecting and appreciation for natures beauty. • Thanks for opening the dialogue and doors to something bigger and better for us all • Great session. Lots of discussion • Thanks Lee! • Well done Lee!!!


Creating Space for School Employee and Workplace Wellness - Shandy Reed and Megan Hunter Session Description: The Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan (ASEBP) is a health organization committed to creating resources to foster healthy lifestyles and workplaces within Alberta’s public education sector. ASEBP tailors its services to support school employees in their efforts to make the educational experiences of Alberta’s students the best they can be. Creating a culture of wellness in schools benefits all members of the school community. Employers benefit from high productivity, lower absenteeism and reduced benefit plan costs. Employees enjoy good physical and mental health and a higher quality of life. Healthy employees are also positive role models for students and contribute to a healthy and engaging learning environment. ASEBP is interested in creating new opportunities for school jurisdictions and the agencies and organizations they partner with to network, engage and learn from their collective experiences of promoting employee health and wellness in the workplace. This session will offer participants an opportunity to meet with others who are passionate about employee and workplace health and talk about issues and ideas that they want to focus on. Using a group discussion model known as “Open Spaces Technology,” participants will connect to share powerful and innovative ideas, problem solve and develop solutions to issues they are passionate about. Key insights from the small group discussions will be captured and shared with session participants as well as others at the conference in order to encourage follow-up collaboration and a shared responsibility for action.





Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.75

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Simple, low cost suggestions on how to maintain/improve staff wellness. • That other divisions are supporting wellness from the top down Additional Comments: • Very interesting • Great information and well done format • I liked the open discussion format. Looking forward to reading the suggestions from the other groups. • Thank you for the information.


Concurrent Session 4 Don’t Walk in the Hallway — Researching the effects of deliberately designed hallway patterns on levels of daily physical activity - Chris Fenlon-MacDonald Responses

Session Description: This school-based initiative to promote physical literacy is the beginning of a culture-shift in the design of traditional hallways. Recreation, Health or Education, regardless of your professional setting, Don’t Walk in the Hallway encourages a shift from walking to moving with purpose and creativity. In addition to supporting the development of physical literacy, this project aims at increasing daily physical activity levels among youth while nudging older populations to meet their recommended levels of activity. This interactive and informative session will give you tools to change the physical environment of your workplace and inspire you to do more than walk your hallways.

Other 7%

n=15 Health 20%



Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.67

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Designing environments for increased movement and cross-curricular outcomes. • Be creative- Great innovative approach • Hopping in the hall is great! • How a very simple thing can have big results • Increase PL and PA levels in schools. • Shaping the built environment to encourage creative and spontaneous movement. • Love this! So forward thinking. A great way to infuse physical literacy across the curriculum. • Small changes can make a difference it can all start with tape. • This is an awesome concept and excited to see if this can be implemented in other communities • We need to increase physical activity in creative ways. Things to Consider: • I would have liked more research on the benefits and more evidence • Could have been shorter Additional Comments: • Why do we tell kids to be quiet and walk in hallways, especially when we are sending them out for a break? • Absolutely amazing!! • Amazing! Thanks for the inspiration! Looking forward to hearing more about this in the future. • Chris is excellent speaker. Well prepared & very personable. • Great concept and speaker. This should be in all schools! • It was awesome to see how people are making small changes in schools to help kids be excited about being active. • Thank you for planting some great ideas • Thanks for the enthusiasm! I am excited to implement a few small ways next week!!!


Body Percussion with Action Schools! BC - Tammy Wirick


Session Description: Body percussion provides opportunities for creativity and leadership, improves body awareness, activates and focuses the mind and combines music with physical literacy. Learn about techniques, rhythm blocks and fun games that can be integrated throughout the school day as a brain break or transitional activity, or as a cross-curricular activity in math, music, physical education or daily physical activity. Participants will leave with teaching strategies, recommended resources and the confidence to create their own sequences of movements. Teacher resources from Action Schools! BC will be provided.

Other 12%

n=17 Health 12% Post-­‐ Secondary 6%

Averages for each question out of 5.0

Education 70%


• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Awesome techniques • Creative, kinesthetic, fun, social, ice breaker, energy • Fun ways to incorporate action • Great resources that I can share and that can help me make my school an Healthy school • How easy it is to implement across the curriculum. • I need to implement fun stuff like this in all my classes!!! • Nothing really; it wasn't the new info I was hoping to gain. • Practical tools • This session was awesome! The resources were useful and the activities were informative • This was a cool way for cross-curricular! • That physical Literacy is all encompassing and not just sports or movement skills. The idea of movement linked with music and expression. • All about body percussion- How to do and how to incorporate Things to Consider: • A little disjointed; the presenter had good energy but it was almost like an Action BC plug meets percussion. Additional Comments: • Amazing session • Awesome! Great teacher leader trainer thanks Tammy. Inspiring. • Great hands on and practical • Great session! • I never though of body percussion as a workout • I want to get these resources!!! This session rocked! • I will definitely implement the activities I learned into my lessons starting Monday! • Merci! I am going to use this in my dance class and Phys Ed class • Thank you so much! • It was fun • Awesome, Where did the time go?


Recreational-­‐Environmental Wellness - Miranda Niebergall Session Description: This will be an introduction to Parkland School Division’s newest junior high option. As agents of change, students are empowered to uncover and tackle real-life issues that affect their immediate school community, as well as the global community. We believe that student success is strongly linked to student well- being and the development of the whole child by promoting healthy eating, regular physical activity and positive social environments through a Comprehensive School Health (CSH) approach. A CSH approach is a way to link health and education within the school setting. The instruction, environment and services/support available in that setting are part of a strong CSH foundation that allow for stronger interaction to occur between the home, the school and the community. Through this student-centred session, leadership skills, ethical citizenship and entrepreneurial spirit will be strengthened, and students’ understanding of the interconnectedness of an inclusive school community will be nurtured. As engaged thinkers, students will analyze their school and natural environments and use the data to help determine the most viable solutions to improve their environments. Engaging in collaborative activities within school and alternative environments will give students the confidence and lived experience to learn from multiple perspectives. Students will receive multiple resources to identify problems and determine solutions. By taking on the role of change agents, students will positively impact their individual learning journey, build resiliency and create a long-term impact on the culture of the school community. We will address the need to develop life skills in youth so that they become environmentally responsible citizens who are committed to modeling a healthy, active lifestyle and shaping their surrounding community using their individual gifts and talents.

Responses n=17





Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.5

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • The connection between environment and the responsibilities we have to connect and take care of it. • How to involve the kids. • Low the goal for a sustainable program and the support for transitions. Additional Comments: • Well done Miranda!


The Hype Behind Sports Specialization - Robin Tharle-Oluk Session Description: Discussion of the whether early sport specialization is a positive influence on sport participation or whether the negative effects out weigh the benefits.

THERE WERE NO EVALUTIONS COMPLETED FOR THIS SESSION Writing the APPLE Schools Story: Lessons learned in APPLE Schools - Jenn Flynn and Erin Wright

Session Description: Since 2008, APPLE Schools has been working to implement Comprehensive School Health in over 50 school communities in northern Alberta. The project has noted improvements in diet quality, physical activity levels and obesity levels in the students in schools. Implementation was not always by the book and the APPLE team has learned many lessons while reading between the lines. This session will describe how hard work, experience and ideas shared can result in successful implementation. Take a page from the APPLE Schools book and learn strategies to overcome barriers to promoting health in schools, explore how research can impact practice, and share unique and specific ideas on how to support healthy kids in healthy schools.

Responses n=2

Education 100%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 5.0

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • It was once again a great session. I loved seeing how we have changed but a reminder of going back to the beginning is also important as a refresher. Additional Comments: • Great Website • Erin and Jenn know their stuff they were great. • Love listening to both of you present


Tower Gardening -­‐ Tammie Sarauer Session Description: I will be sharing the benefits of a collaborative growing project taking place in our school division where students plan, set up, plant, observe, maintain, harvest, share and teach the benefits of growing healthy food. This project involves the local community as well as the school community. This system of growing is an innovative way to teach students a practical, healthy, year round way of supplying vegetables and herbs to our diets. This system is soil-free and perfect for growing all year in homes and schools. Students from grades 1 through 12 have been involved in this project and encompasses many curriculum areas. We have found ways to market and sell our products as well as share our produce with the local food bank. We have had local gardeners come to our school to learn from the students how we are gardening and to compare and share ideas and things they have learned.

Responses n=4

Research 25%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.75

Education 75%

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • how to start a tower garden and what you can do with it curriculum wise • How to start a tower garden • Where to get supplies • Tower gardens are awesome! So many benefits • Where to buy, how. To build, had a student present and explain many procedures and tips gained by experience in tower gardening. Additional Comments: • Fantastic session! • Bring them to HASS! • Loved this session, such a great project for students. • Very worthwhile and well presented by Teacher and student and dad was very helpful.


Shaping School Food Environments - Alberta Food Matters Session Description: This collaborative session consists of a short panel presentation followed by small group discussions. Our panel will explore the evidence around healthy school food environments, examples of innovative and exciting school food initiatives taking place across the province, and the call for a Universal School Food Strategy for Alberta. Following the panel, we will facilitate small group discussions around school food environments and how we can work together to promote healthier, more sustainable school food in Alberta.

Responses n=3

Education 100%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.0

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information and Learnings: • Exposure is key • It was interesting hearing what is happening at other schools

Things to Consider: • I was in a group that didn't create much that was relevant to my circumstances. I hope to get more info from my area dietician. Additional Comments or Questions: • The open format was interesting. • Great discussion!


Concurrent Session 5 Be a Nutrition Champion! Fuel Young Athletes for Success Sport Nutrition for Youth: A handbook for coaches - Pamela Boyson and Donald Barker

Session Description: Proper nutrition and hydration is vital for young people involved in recreational sports and physical activity because they need to eat well enough to support healthy growth and optimal sports performance. Good nutrition helps athletes get the most out of their training, reduces their risk of injury and illness and improves their performance during competition. Coaches are often trusted as the most reliable source of nutrition advice, so they are well positioned to collaborate with athletes, parents and community partners to create healthier food environments at home, at school and in the spaces where youth train, play or compete. Join Public Health Dietitians from Alberta Health Services in an interactive session to learn about the Sport Nutrition for Youth: A Handbook for Coaches resource. This new resource for school and community coaches outlines nutrition and hydration guidelines for recreational athletes between ages 12 to 18 years old. The principles of good sport nutrition also apply to youth who regularly engage in physical activity.


n=6 Other 17% Recreation 17% Health 16%

Education 50%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.67

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • A great resource to pass on to all coaches involved with EPSB junior high athletes • Excellent information and concept Things to consider: • More in depth info would be good • Too short, session should have been longer to further explore a great resource • Too short of a session. This session have excellent info just not enough time. Additional Comments: • Look forward to draft • A very much needed resource • Appreciate handouts • Excited to see it online.


Sports and Recreation Injury Prevention in Adolescents - Rebecca Carnduff and Carla van den Berg Session Description: There are high levels of participation in youth sport and recreation leading to exposure to an increased risk of sport and recreational injury. In Alberta, it is estimated that approximately 35 per cent of adolescents ages 11-18 sustain an injury from sport and recreation that requires medical attention annually. The Sport Injury Prevention Research Centre (SIPRC) at the University of Calgary is dedicated to research that informs the reduction of injury risk and promotion of physical activity participation in children and adolescents. This interdisciplinary team conducts a research program examining injury rates, mechanisms of injury, risk factors for injury, long term consequences of injury (e.g. overweight/obesity, post-traumatic osteoarthritis) and prevention strategies for injury in youth sport and recreation. Currently, SIPRC is involved in evaluating the effectiveness of an evidence-informed neuromuscular training warm-up program in physical education classes to prevent sport and recreational injury. In this session, participants will learn about how previous sport and recreation injury may affect health and fitness outcome measures. Participants will receive hands on experience with the current measurement tools including balance and jump tests. Participants will also learn about current level of students’ knowledge and beliefs regarding sport and recreation injury risk and perceptions regarding injury prevention. Misconceptions about sport and recreation injury and injury prevention will also be identified and discussed within this session. By the end of this session, participants will 1) have a greater understanding of students’ beliefs of sport and recreation injury, 2) be familiar with ongoing research on prevention and 3) be aware of the misconceptions surrounding prevention.



Other 20%



Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.2

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Correlation of balance to lower extremity injury and test results in jr high students • Good information about sports injury and students perceptions. • It was interesting and relevant but necessarily accessible to use with students in PE • New balance test (star test) • The balance tests re-enforced the idea to me of how important it is to work with students on balance. Things to consider: • Again, interesting data but not super relevant or practical for teachers to be able to use. • Good to share results with students, parents and staff Additional Comments: • Great • Interesting research project it would be great to hear more about this project


The Role of the Principal within a Comprehensive School Health Framework: Creating a Healthy School Culture - Erica Roberts

Session Description: School-based health promotion initiatives guided by the Comprehensive School Health (CSH) framework, such as the Alberta Project Promoting active Living and healthy Eating in Schools (APPLE Schools), have been shown to be effective in addressing obesity-related risk factors. Prior research within APPLE Schools has suggested that the administrator is imperative in creating a healthy school community, but their role within this process is not fully understood. Therefore, the objective of this research was to examine the role of the administrator in the implementation of a CSH project aimed at creating a healthy school culture. Semi-structured, one-on-one interviews were conducted with the APPLE School administrators (n=28) in order to qualitatively explore their role in creating a healthy school culture. Grounded ethnography was used as the guiding method and data was analyzed using constant comparison. Five major themes emerged, suggesting the administrator played a fluid role throughout the process. Administrators 1) primed the cultural change by integrating into school structure, 2) communicated the importance to others, 3) negotiated concerns and collaboratively planned, 4) held others accountable to the change, while enabling them to take ownership and 5) played an underlying supportive role, providing positive recognition and establishing ongoing commitment. This research will provide recommendations to help establish effective leadership practices in schools, conducive to creating a healthy school culture. This in turn will lead to more effective interventions, leading to greater impact and improved health outcomes for children.


n=3 Health 25%



Averages for each question out of 5.0 3.67

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Nothing new but a reminder of the importance of the principal • Good research and very relevant considering some of the barriers to CSH planning Things to consider: • Very specific to a certain type school with specific funding


Ready, Set, Run! Hear About the Benefits and Start Your Own AMA Youth Run Club! -­‐ Hayley Degaust and Dr. Jon McGavock Session Description: Share the successes of the Alberta Medical Association (AMA) Youth Run Clubs in increasing physical activity levels across Alberta school communities. Discuss how the AMA Youth Run Club can help your school community through a comprehensive school health approach. Find out how to sign your school up for this free resource!

Responses n=2

Education 100%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.5

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Kids in the Ama run club meet their goals in fitness • Focus on health Additional Comments: • Good info • Merci


Moving Forward with Wellness in Wild Rose School Division - Darlene Ferris and Gordon Atkinson Session Description: School-aged youth are a vulnerable population. Research shows that they are in a period of their lives that is crucial to their mental health development. Our youth spend more time in school than anywhere else outside the home. Often schools are under-resourced and inadequately supported to deal with mental health issues. Wild Rose School Division Board of Trustees have mandated that mental wellness is a priority in their division. The board recognizes that it is not just a focus on students but starts with healthy staff. In this session we will discuss several initiatives that Wild Rose School Division has undertaken to foster mental wellness in our division. The discussion will include utilizing local agencies to help support at-risk students, advantages of utilizing family wellness workers and the momentum created by dedicating our opening-day to staff wellness. Further, to ensure the division moves forward Wild Rose School Division has hired a Director of Wellness to oversee the entire initiative.

Responses n=2

Education 100%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.5

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Wellness rally idea is great • Great insight to what wrsd is doing for wellness!


Supporting Resiliency in School Communities: A proactive approach to children’s health -­‐ LJ Bartle Session Description: This interactive session will provide an overview on new evidence and approaches being used to develop resiliency in children. Highlights include a recent study about resiliency and the factors that contribute to positive trends in children’s mental health as well as an overview of new training developed in collaboration with Canadian Mental Health Association Ontario that builds on trends from the study. Participants will experience some activities associated with learning key concepts and factors that affect children’s mental health including the impact of stress and environment on a child’s ability to cope as well as how to respond to children with challenges.

Averages for each question out of 5.0

Responses n=5

Education 100%


• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • I wasn't aware of the High Five organization. Their suggestions for resiliency were good. • I'd like to learn more about their trainer training for healthy minds • Kids have a lot of stressors!!! Things to consider: • Information presented was very limited • The session was very short. I would have liked to hear more details about High Five and it's report on resiliency and recreation Additional Comments: • Session was short and sweet • Missed some of the info bc keynote was late finishing


What’s New at ParticipACTION and How it Can Support Your School Community - Christa CostasBradstreet Session Description: ParticipACTION’s Relationships Manager, Christa Costas-Bradstreet will provide an update of the work that ParticipACTION is doing that will support practitioners working in and with school communities. Christa will share ParticipACTION’s new ‘Make Room for Play’ campaign including Unplug and Play week; the work being done to support the physical literacy, the Report Card (formerly Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card) and an update on national strategies to advance physical activity in Canada.

Responses n=5

Post-­‐ Secondary 20%

Averages for each question out of 5.0

Education 80%


• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Great new resources to start using in my classroom • I can use their campaign in my school with previous made communication ads, links, tweets, posters etc. • Trying to encourage less screen time • Videos were useful Additional Comments: • Great job • It was nice to be exposed to new resources • Thanks for all the hard work you do!


Concurrent Session 6 The REAL Kids Alberta Evaluation: Updates from 2014 - Erin Faught Session Description: The Raising healthy Eating and Active Living Kids Alberta (REAL Kids Alberta) evaluation is a joint project of the School of Public Health, University of Alberta and Alberta Health. The intent of this evaluation is to assess the impact of Alberta Health’s Healthy Weights Initiative and to provide some measurement of behavioural and health outcomes for children in Alberta. REAL Kids also has a strong emphasis on knowledge translation, providing the data we’ve collected back to participating schools and jurisdictions to help them to identify areas of health successes and areas of opportunity. We will expand on our research activities, discuss our 2014 findings and comment on trends that have been observed since REAL Kids’ inception in 2008.

Averages for each question out of 5.0

Responses n=1

Education 100%


• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • None. Additional Comments: • None.


A Naturalized Playspace: Planning beyond traditional ideas - Stacie Pederson Session Description: Through the coordination and partnership of stakeholders in the community of Stettler, Alberta, a naturalized playground has been created to fill a need for young children and their families to be active while experiencing and connecting with nature through play. Come and find out how a group of passionate people and students transformed a void play space into a world of exploration with nature as the inspiration.

Responses n=7

Post-­‐ Secondary 14%

Education 86%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.29

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Anything is possible • Grants • Steps to creating a naturalized play space • Great ideas for our own natural space! • Look outside the catalogues and look in nature. • Working as a community Things to Consider: • No real info. just sharing of a project Additional Comments: • Wow, Awesome work, Stacie! • Very cool to look at the natural play space • Parents will be informed in my environment • Nice playground • Great to see smaller communities creating unique and noteworthy play spaces! • Great presentation! Loved the pictures!


Developing Choice-­‐Based Comprehensive School Health Programs: Lessons learned from health promoting secondary schools - Dr. Lauren Sulz

Session Description: Comprehensive school health programs that are adaptable and responsive to the varying school health needs are essential for program uptake and sustainability. Based on the knowledge gained from a comprehensive school health program in British Columbia — Health Promoting Secondary Schools (HPSS) — this session will offer strategies on how to effectively develop and implement choice-based comprehensive school health programs. Rather than imposing an unauthentic and impractical program on schools, HPSS sought to examine how high schools can facilitate change in school health with resources and timelines appropriate to their usual way of working. HPSS offered choices, flexibility and program adaptation at the school, teacher and student levels and within the four interrelated pillars of the comprehensive school health framework. Interviews were conducted with the teachers and students responsible for the adaption and implementation of the program to gain an understanding of their experiences and necessary supports needed for choice-based comprehensive school health initiatives. The choice-based design of HPSS, key findings from interviews and lessons learned will be discussed. Participants will be provided the opportunity to share current challenges and strategies to adapting the comprehensive school health framework to meet the needs of their school.


n=6 Recreation 17%

Health 16%

Education 67%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 3.83

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Choice based comp school health is being used • Step by step info on how to implement ideas • Time is needed to implement • To provide more time if trying to implement • Improve autonomy and competence Things to consider: • The research examples here are excellent. However the time frame for this class is too short. There is just too much research and factual info to cover in such a short session • Would have liked some pointers about specific implementation of comprehensive school health Additional Comments: • Great Work! • Merci


Way to Be! Living Respectfully -­‐ Jillian Wyne and Lisa Nowlin-­‐Clayton Session Description: Moving beyond the crosswalk and raising awareness about school traffic safety concerns is not about making more rules, issuing more tickets or putting up more road signs. It’s about students, parents and teachers working together to develop solutions. This presentation will introduce you to the Way to Be! Living Respectfully traffic safety program created by and for Alberta teachers in collaboration with Alberta Motor Association School Safety Patrol and Safe and Caring Schools and Communities. You will be provided with information on how your school can access these free resources.

THERE WERE NO EVALUTIONS COMPLETED FOR THIS SESSION Shaping the Future at the Boys and Girls Club in St. Paul - Sylvie Proteau and Kristy Baron

Session Description: Are you from a community organization that works with children and youth? Do you want to learn how to have the biggest impact on the health of your kids while they are with you? Come and learn about all the healthy choices we are making at the Boys and Girls Club in St. Paul outside of school hours. At the Boys & Girls Club of St. Paul and District, we understand that we only have the children for part of their day. During the time that they are in our care, we strive to do the best we can with them. We want them to learn about healthy lifestyle practices throughout their day and have fun doing it. Our daily routine is built around practices that support healthy lifestyles. We include habits, routines and activities that allow our children to learn about healthy choices. We try to incorporate all aspects of health, including eating habits, mental health, hygiene habits, physical activity and positive social atmospheres. It is also important for us to include outside programs, partnerships and agencies when planning and implementing our activities so that the children are able to be active members in their community. Our goal is that they will learn to be able to make these healthy choices in their daily lives outside of our centre and that these choices become routines that they will carry with them into their futures.

Responses n=1

Education 100%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.0

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Good overall info Additional Comments: • Does not necessarily apply to my remote teaching career but is interesting


Eat. Move. Sleep - Allison Swelin Session Description: Allison Swelin from Garmin will take us through three core pieces of health and wellness. You will learn the importance of these three basic, but easily forgotten components of a healthy lifestyle and some tips for making small choices with high impact. Important information for ourselves and our school communities.

Responses n=10

Other 10%

Averages for each question out of 5.0

Education 90%


• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learning: • Connections • Discussion around how to use tech garmin resources. • Eat. Move. Sleep. Good reminders • Great ideas on how to sleep • Information was not research based or practical for me in my work or personal wellness. • Nothing new for me but perhaps for others. • Apple schools, we will use this info Things to consider: • Session was very short presenter needed more time • The room was cold, good presentation • Better suited as a booth. Not well suited to the conference. • Needed more time • Should be researched based whether it be quantitative or qualitative. Additional Comments: • How can we get access to these resources for a classroom on a very limited budget? • Really enjoyed it. • Thank-you! • Very personable


Interactive Workshops Embedding Wellness in All Subject Areas


Session Description: Participants in this session will: •

Learn more about the Ministerial Order on Student Learning considering the shift to cross curricular competencies


Participate in activities created by school communities across Alberta embedding wellness in authentic ways cross-curricular plan for the integration of wellness and competencies into the school community.

Education 100%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.0

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • A greater understanding of the competencies Things to consider: • Information overload • More information regarding 3 pillars, cross curricular competencies and implementation • Description of session didn't suit content. • Disappointed. Too much competencies not enough wellness. Additional Comments: • Thank you! • Very interactive


Workplace Mental Health: Creating Awareness and Fostering Support Session Description: Silver Alberta School Employee Benefits Plan (ASEBP) believes good health, including positive mental health, is the essential foundation school employees need to engage in supporting student learning. Positive mental health enables school employees to think, engage, interact with colleagues, make professional contributions and enjoy a high quality of life. Unfortunately, one in five Canadians will experience a mental health disorder in their lifetime and only one of three will seek help. This presents significant workplace challenges, both for those who have the mental health issue and for those who work alongside someone who is struggling. In many workplaces, there is both a lack of understanding about mental illness and a lack of supportive resources. As a result, mental health disorders are estimated to cost the Canadian economy approximately $51 billion each year. ASEBP knows that a creating a culture of social support is a critical component to maintaining mental health for everyone in the workplace. Receiving social support from co-workers has a significant impact on employee success and wellness. ASEBP is pleased to partner with the Canadian Mental Health Association to provide this special session designed to increase awareness of mental health issues in the workplace and engage participants in learning how to build a mentally healthy and safe environment for themselves and their colleagues. This session will help everyone in the school workplace, regardless of position or role, see the value of their contribution to each other’s mental well- being.

Responses n=7



Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.0

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Facts around mental illness • It was an amazing presentation that was full of information about mental illness and ways to help coworkers. • Mental health concerns are more prevalent than I realized. • The prevalence of mental health concerns among educators. • The prevalence of mental health is much more common than I thought • The statistics blew my mind! • The teen that opened the session with her speech wad bang on! Things to consider: • Long session • Needed some next steps. Or what I can do when I know someone is struggling. Didn't really get that. • Some good information, would have been great to have some more tools and strategies. • An interactive workshop would have been great. I the presentation the method of how the information would be relayed as an interactive workshop was reference often. • The information given however was not given in a captivating fashion. I can read slides on the screen or read the information in a manual. • Would have liked to get more information on the data and less on the theory background. • Most, if not all teachers, have taken classes on mental health and psychology. We know it's a concern - what do we do about it. What are the best practices.


Balancing Technology with a Healthy Lifestyle Responses Session Description: There is no doubt that finding the time to integrate technology is an overwhelming task for anyone. Throughout the course of a day, we find ourselves pulled in many directions. However, technology is already integrated in nearly everything we do and nearly every job our youth will encounter. So, how do we find an ideal balance for learning about and eventually integrating technology? It begins with focusing on good instructional design, but ultimately, with a healthy balance. In this session, participants will be guided through a design thinking process and explore ways that technology can enhance learning and our everyday lives.

n=7 Other 43%

Education 57%

Averages for each question out of 5.0 4.86

• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Celebrate what works, gave students lead, be positive, connect with other schools • Great takeaway examples not only at a district level but also at the individual level. • New ideas for technology use!! • Reframing barriers for opportunities is great idea • Some of the ideas generated in the session were great and started to generate other ideas. • I enjoyed learning about the method design think on and seeing the ideas from an awesome group. • To effectively use all forms of technology to better the health of students as well as how to educate them on how to use it to the best of their capabilities and safely. • How to think outside the box with how to use technology to increase healthier living. Things to consider: • Could have had more time for this workshop. Additional Comments: • Great presentation. I liked the group efforts and loved the music to meet people! Well do done! • Excited to go back and bring some of the ideas to school. • Great presentation. I liked the group efforts and loved the music to meet people! Well do done! • Loved looking at technology in a new way • Very engaging


Healthy Environments for Learning and Playing


Session Description: Research suggests social and physical environments shape our behaviours in impactful ways. Join the Canadian Academy for Healthier Generations and Ever Active Schools in an interactive workshop to discuss how to optimize the environment where we learn and play, for improved health and learning outcomes. This session will develop an understanding of building healthy classrooms, schools and surrounding physical spaces.


Other 20%

Post-­‐ Secondary 7%

Averages for each question out of 5.0

Education 73%


• The content provided in the session was useful given your current role/position.


• How likely are you to use the information or knowledge gained in the next 5 months?


• The content provided in the session was well suited to the conference as a whole.

Key Information or Learnings: • Ideas and inspiration to get active • Lots of great information about how sedentary our lives are and what to do about it in our offices and classrooms. • Lots of ideas for including physical activity throughout the day with my students. • I am going to pitch the idea to my principal to create a "NEAT" space in our hallways. • Lots of tools to integrate into classrooms • Loved being able to play • NEAT is neat. I want to incorporate strategies into my classroom to increase NEAT • Sitting is the new smoking. • Ways to decrease sedentary activity • Need to be a bit creative to get students moving • Providing our students with neat opportunities and even for ourselves • Small changes make big difference, change in the way we think about traditional classrooms. • The facts on the rising obesity rates shocked me. I didn't realize that the sedentary culture was so harmful. • I think the suggestion of removing long sedentary stretches at work may go a long ways to reducing obesity levels and it seems to be an easy task to accomplish. • The necessity for NEAT time. Having it driven home that we need to move and moving helps us learn better. Things to consider: • Interestingly, the first section of the presentation required us to just listen - whether we were standing or not, it seemed a long stretch for us to just be passive participants. The second half moved better, engaging everyone. Additional Comments: • Amazing session • Loved being active in a session! • One of the best sessions I've been to. Fantastic! • This session was very informative and I loved the interactive approach • This was an AWESOME session! Great info, great speakers, felt great during and after. • This was the best session of the conference!!! • Very informative • Very well done. Loved having the Banff high school students present.s


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