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Ever’man Minutes June BOD meeting 8/31/2020 Attendees: Staff – William, Joy, Thalia, Members: Hugh Ed BOD: Jena, Lynn Jackson, Eric, Tara, Sandy, Dave, Sandra, Kelly (All on Zoom) CDS Consultant: Thane (Zoom) Absent: N/A Meeting called to Order: 6:03 pm Tara read the ends Statement June Minutes Motion: Sandra Kay Smith 2nd: Sandy Vote: All approved Open Forum: Hugh Ed – Receipt paper is not showing ink, after a few days. Raisin bags are falling apart (Bulk bags) GM Comments:  

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Still fighting Covid19, we have had five employees test positive. Have tons of employees being tested. Sales are still down; largest issues are from Café sales. This is due to downtown offices being closed. Shopping basket sales are up because people making less trips but buying more. 9 Mile Road sales are not where we expected, large issue is UWF and Navy Federal stilling being remote. Have had two Flash Sales, brought in sales. Postcard went out to all members, to help with sales. Opened Hot Bar at 9 Mile road. New Wellness Manager at 9 Mile road store. From New Mexico, Natural Grocery’s. Still looking for a Marketing Manager to replace Stephanie. THA is in house to be out for the 1st of the Month, first time in 6 to 7 issues. Printed more copies and getting them out to more locations. (Pace, Milton, Cantonment, Gulf Breeze (Other than Proper), & Pensacola Beach)

Discussion: 

Jena asked why Garden Street didn’t have Curbside. William explained the lack of storage.

Dave asked about where we stood compared to other Co-op’s. Thane explained that it is a mix bag, William also went over were other Co-op’s are at from his calls.

B5: Asset Protection Motion: Kelly Oden 2nd: Lynn Jackson Vote: All approved Discuss:   

Eric asked about date on page 5 table. Should have been 7/2020 not 7/2019. Tara asked about higher limits for Director and Office insurance. Would like to go to 2m from 1m, doing that would increase the cost and the deductible. Tara asked about the locations, 301 is Admin Office and 327 is Educational Center. Want to know if buildings were not usable, could we transfer employees to a different location to rent. William answered yes it was in plan. Tara asked about the Sales numbers for the premiums, William explained we did not adjust because it is audited at the end of the year.

C1: Delegation to GM – no changes made Committee Reports: Nominating Committee: Did not meet, Tara and Kelly Executive Committee: Did not meet Endowment: Did not meet Policy Committee: Did not meet Membership Appreciation: Did not meet. Have decided to Cancel the event and will have a week event. Employee Appreciation week: Labor Day week we will have an Employee Appreciation Week. Treasurer Report: 

Tracking in the Budget well.

Change D&O Insurance to $2m Policy, from $1m. Motion: Dave to keep D&O Insurance the same

Second: Sandra Vote: Doesn’t carry Discuss: Jean wanted to hear more from Tara, Tara felt that more would be better.

Motion: Tara, to change to $2m and update in Feb Second: Jena Vote: All approved Upcoming Events: Employee Appreciation Week Sep 8th-11th Board Visionary: 

Dave would like a in person Board Retreat. Jena discussed that she did summer camp and a board retreat via zoom and it was successful. Thane did discuss that she has being doing them via zoom. October 24th 8:00am to 11:30am via Zoom.

Motion to adjourn: 7:37pm Motion: Tara 2nd: Sandy Vote: All approved

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