September 2020 Board Minutes

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Ever’man Minutes September BOD meeting 9/28/2020 Attendees: Staff – William, Joy, Matt Members: Hugh Ed BOD: Lynn, Eric, Tara, Sandy, Dave, Sandra, Kelly, Jena (came later) (All on Zoom) CDS Consultant: Thane (Zoom) Absent: Meeting called to Order: 6:03pm Tara read the ends Statement Aug Minutes Motion: Lynn 2nd: Kelly Vote: All Approved (Jena not present) Open Forum: No one present GM Comments:     

Sorry reports were Late, due to Hurricane and Inventory Hurricane Claim in process for Food Loss and Some minor damage we had at both stores. Working with ACE Sushi to have sushi in both locations daily. NCG Ads are now customized, we now have our locations and phone numbers on the front and customized the backs. We are now able to put them out in the community. Still have not hired a Marketing Manager. Still working on it.

Discussion: 

Jena is happy that we are offering Sushi for both locations. But disappointed that we are not setting up a separated space to make Gluten Free products. Would like to see it in the future.

B7: GM Succession Motion: Kelly 2nd: Sandra Kay Discuss: Correction to Date in top Vote: All approved

C2: GM Job Products – No Changes Committee Reports: Nominating Committee:

Joy to send application to the board for approval.

Executive Committee: Did not meet Endowment: Did not meet Policy Committee: Did not meet Membership Appreciation: Did not meet Treasurer Report: Tracking good, Next month will reflect change in insurance policy Upcoming Events: Run for the Reef and Turtle Fun Run in Navarre October 10th. Flicks on the Field October 30th at the Dog Track. Board Visionary:      

Board Retreat Oct 24th. Dave would like to do a SWOT analyzes. Kelly would like to do a Store Tour, ways to reach out to other groups. Dr. Sandra – was to reach out to others in the community. (Can’t attend the whole day) Jena – ways to reach different dietary needs of people. Also discussed using Rooms to have smaller talks. Thane is going to get together agenda for the retreat and will email it out to everyone. Will send out reflection questions for the board to answer and send back.

Motion to adjourn: 6:56pm Motion: Dr Sandy 2nd: Kelly

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