19 minute read

The Coming Age of Cocktails for Take-out 雞尾酒的外帶時代

Contonese Chicken Rice

Jameson Whisky Lotus Leaf Glutinous Soup Oak Wood


already launched their take-away cocktails on March, 2020, which is one of the earliest bars that launched the service. Operating with a rigorous mindset as "science geeks", the Hope & Sesame team has always been in pursuit of the cocktail flavor's stability. The bar is even equipped with rotary distillers, a kind of machine usually applied in the labs and rarely seen in domestic bars. There are other equipment in the kitchen, including hydro-extractors and immersion circulators, which help stabilize the cocktail quality by integrating different flavors extracted from the process such as distillation, brewing, segregation and purification into the basic liquor. In this way, the takeaway cocktails get to maintain its original flavor even after being delivered to Beijing and Shanghai after a long ride. The canned cocktail is another original creation of Hope & Sesame, which is a signature Cantonese-style cocktail in the bar. In contrast to the innovative flavored cocktails developed with researching spirit which are made instantly, barrelaged cocktails, made by aging in barrels for a few months, score a success with their classic flavors. In a barrel, the cocktail tends to tame its harsher aspects and round itself out, creating a more cohesive flavor. Jimmy Zhang, the founder of a bar in Chongqing named "Flujo Liquido", is famous for making excellent barrel-aged cocktails, including "Negroni", "Manhattan", "Vieux Carre" and "Star Cocktail". To enrich the flavors of barrel-aged cocktails and make them long-lasting, strict criteria for the blending proportion, aging time and storing conditions are required. Thanks to the take-out service, cocktails can be easily accessed to like any ready-to-drink beverage without going to the bars. People who have higher life standards are not satisfying with simply drinking the cocktail from a takeaway bottle. In the current age when appearance is highly worshipped, the presentation of cocktails is of course one of the most crucial elements in the whole drinking experience. It is feasible to restore the artistic presentation of a freshly-mixed cocktail as in the bar with the take-out service. Garnishes such as vacuum-packed mint leaves, lemon slices, grapefruit slices and wine-stained cherries can be delivered to customers along with the pre-mixed and bottled cocktail. Customers just have to pour out the pre-mixed cocktail into an exquisite glass of their own and decorate with the garnishes to complete the whole look. According to insiders, the ingredients for making takeaway cocktails delivered to customers need to be especially paid attention to. Perishable ingredients such as fresh juice, egg white and cream are definitely not suitable while ingredients with high stability like finished flavored syrup and sour agents are recommended. Also, the making technique of the same cocktail varies depending on whether it is a take-away drink or a freshly-mixed drink, which requires experiences. Xiao Ling, a senior liquor writer and judge of several international bartending contests, addressed that cocktails for take-out will become a trend in the near future in cocktail industry. However, pre-mixed and bottled by the bartenders before delivery is still the major form of take-away cocktails, which has limitations in both capacity and transportation. To truly develop the cocktail take-out service, it is important to reach the target of mass production and entering supermarkets as well as catering channels while maintaining the current product quality.

公園長凳內格羅尼 MUSE 樂 人頭馬VSOP 金巴利 甜味美思 乾味美思 長凳苦精 SEEDLIP 108

微醺的夜,搖晃的酒杯,觥籌交錯的熱鬧,這場景發生 在往日的酒吧一角,但是特殊時期,似乎熱鬧也變得 有了social distancing。居家的時光,因為有了外賣 的雞尾酒,即成了酒吧歡飲的復刻版。簡單方便的開蓋即飲,酣暢 盡興地滿足飲家的酒癮,或是自己將外賣的雞尾酒組裝調配,再用 心愛的器皿裝呈,做足滿滿的儀式感……雞尾酒外帶時代來臨,給 予了愛酒人士更多的可能性。 雞尾酒,本是一種獨屬於特定空間——酒吧或餐廳的風味飲 品,在特別的情境下,給予增添氛圍感的作用,也因調配風味的可 塑性強,讓人們對這種風味酒款的喜愛一直未減弱,並願意不斷推 陳出新,探索不同味道的奇妙結合;而站在酒吧前的那個瀟灑帥氣 的調酒師,更是賦予了一杯簡單雞尾酒更多的意義,從下單一杯雞 尾酒開始,關於雞尾酒的行為藝術也正上演,手法嫻熟的調酒師是 這杯雞尾酒誕生的靈魂人物,他對不同食材風味的經驗判斷,以及 對設計一杯賞心悅目雞尾酒的美學見解,都在一句「請慢用」後呈 現。這也是為什麽這麽多酒友喜歡坐在吧檯邊上,更加接近創作現 場目睹這昏暗舞臺(吧檯)後發生的一切。 還因為餐廳與酒吧社交屬性的無法複製性,再加上雞尾酒所需 的不少新鮮食材存放及食物安全保障的關係,基本上一杯雞尾酒從 誕生到被享用完畢,這過程均發生在餐飲場所,鮮有將雞尾酒打包 回家,但2020年是魔幻的一年,雞尾酒有了很多新的使命感,它 們進入到消費者家裏,拯救很多一入夜就無處安放的躁動靈魂, 「雲」喝酒和「隔空」碰杯也成了「雲」聚會的常態。 2020年初的全球疫情爆發,大小酒吧在特殊時期選擇歇業, 在經營的壓力下以及對產品研發的深思熟慮後,酒吧業內有先行者 率先推出了雞尾酒外賣服務。接連兩年獲得「亞洲50最佳酒吧」 的廟前冰室團隊在今年3月份已經實現了將雞尾酒外賣,算是國內 在疫情期間最早推出外送雞尾酒的其中一家。因為廟前冰室團隊皆 有著理工科嚴謹的思維模式,因此風味的穩定性是他們一直所追求 的,在酒吧內還配置了國內酒吧鮮有的「旋轉式蒸餾器」,這款蒸 餾儀器僅僅是在實驗室裏被應用到,同時,廚房內還充滿著各種儀 器設備,如離心機和浸入式水浴機(Immersion Circulator),將 各種蒸餾、慢煮、分離、澄清等方式提取的風味融進酒體,使得出 品很穩定,雞尾酒外賣至北京、上海都經得住長途的顛簸而風味猶


Peddlers Gin Longan Oolong Black Tea Toasted Malt

存。另外,罐頭造型包裝的雞尾酒也是廟前冰室的獨創,內裝有店 內招牌的廣東風味雞尾酒。 除了以「實驗室研發精神」開發的風味雞尾酒之外,一些經 典的味道也通過桶陳,將風味鎖住,如重慶液宴酒吧,創始人 Jimmy Zhang將木桶中貯存陳釀過的經典雞尾酒做得相當出色, 包括Negroni、Manhattan、Vieux Carre和Star Cocktail,對 調制比例、入桶時間、貯存條件都有細致要求,才能保持其經典架 構之余的飽滿與悠長。 開罐即飲的雞尾酒隨時隨地能滿足飲家的酒癮,資深酒客更是 將宅家雞尾酒進階為有著高級畫面感的日常。在講求「顏值即王道」 的今日,凝結了調酒師美學修養的雞尾酒及點綴品,把一份需要動 手DIY的藝術品寄到飲家手裏,如獨立包裝的抽真空薄荷葉、檸

檬片、西柚片、酒漬櫻桃等,在將一杯預調雞尾酒呈於合適的容器 後,稍加動手,就還原了酒吧的杯上藝術。 據業內人士介紹,關於給客人帶回家的雞尾酒,選用的材料也 格外講究,太過容易變質的材料(新鮮果汁、蛋清、奶油之類)是 絕對不適合的,而需要選用穩定性高的材料(成品風味糖漿、酸味 劑之類),同一款雞尾酒,制作成外賣雞尾酒與現調現喝在技術手 法上也有所不同,需要經驗。資深酒類作家、多個國際調酒大賽評 委肖淩(筆名:羊男)認為外賣雞尾酒將會成為今後的一個雞尾酒 趨勢。但目前基本都是店裏制作裝瓶,與現調雞尾酒分別不太大, 產量及運輸都有局限,未來要能夠生產線量產、進入商超及餐飲渠 道,且保持或接近目前水準,才能夠真正發展。

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"The Book of Songs · Minor Odes of the Kingdom" was regarded as the earliest poem showing the spirit of realism, laying a traditional foundation of the reality-reflecting characteristic of Chinese poetry. This time, we have selected two poems about feasting from "Minor Odes of the Kingdom". Let's travel back in time to experience the peculiar ritual culture, the colorful social lives and the spiritual and emotional world of people in the Pre-Qin Era.

Minor Odes of the Kingdom · The Fishes in the Southland

(Pre-Qin Era, The Book of Songs) The fishes in the southland are lively. Well-content and pleased, they cluster in the water. Fine liquor is served, making the guests happy in harmony. The fishes in the southland are with vitality. Well-content and pleased, they have a good swim in pairs. Fine liquor is served, making the guests joyful in delight. Enwound with gourd vines, the trees in the southland are bending low. Fine liquor is served, making the guests calm and peaceful. Wood pigeons flutter by, grouping on the trees. The guests are toasting to each other with the fine liquor served.

小雅·南有嘉魚之什·南有嘉魚 (先秦時期,詩經) 南有嘉魚,烝然罩罩。君子有酒,嘉賓式燕以樂。 南有嘉魚,烝然汕汕。君子有酒,嘉賓式燕以衎。 南有樛木,甘瓠累之。君子有酒,嘉賓式燕綏之。 翩翩者鵻,烝然來思。君子有酒,嘉賓式燕又思。

At the time, this poem was a common song playing at banquets for noble guests, which portrayed the scene where guests were enjoying their drinks. The first two lines both used "fish" to symbolize the harmonious relationship between the guests and the host, implying the sincerity and generosity of the host. The latter two lines used "trees enwound with vines" and "a group of flying pigeons gathering on the trees" to symbolize the friendly and intimate relationship between the guests and the host as well as the peaceful and joyful atmosphere at the banquet. The poem was written to wish the guests a long life with boundless children, broad horizons and deep affection. 此詩在當時是一首貴族宴饗賓客通用的樂歌。全詩從水、陸、空三個角度來描繪賓客們初飲、宴中、酣飲時的形態。前兩章均 以游魚起興,用魚水象徵賓主之間融洽的關係,宛轉地表達出主人的深情厚意;後兩章變換角度,以樹木上纏繞著青青的葫蘆 藤以及一群翩翩飛翔的鵓鳩集於樹上,象徵賓主之間親密無間、難捨難分的情態以及宴席上祥和歡樂的氣氛。敬祝賓客萬壽無 疆,子孫福澤延綿,視野開闊,情深意長。

《詩經·小雅》被稱為是中國最早的富於現實精神的詩歌,奠定了中國詩歌面向現實的傳統。本次選取《小雅》中兩首宴飲詩,讓我們穿越時空, 一覽中國先秦時期周代特殊的禮樂文化、豐富多彩的社會生活及當時人們的精神風貌和情感世界。

Minor Odes of the Kingdom · Night Dew (Pre-Qin Era, The Book of Songs) Heavy dew makes everywhere moist, which never dries up before dawn. The night banquet is so grand. Let's drink till all is blue. Heavy dew makes everywhere moist, covering the lush grass and leaves. The night banquet is so grand, held in a solemn temple. Heavy dew makes everywhere moist, dripping on the shrubs. All upright men of honor are renowned for their good reputation. There are flourishing parasol trees and catalpas hanging with rich fruits. All generous men of honor are behaving with good manners.

小雅·南有嘉魚之什·湛露 (先秦時期,詩經) 湛湛露斯,匪陽不晞。厭厭夜飲,不醉無歸。 湛湛露斯,在彼豐草。厭厭夜飲,在宗載考。 湛湛露斯,在彼杞棘。顯允君子,莫不令德。 其桐其椅,其實離離。豈弟君子,莫不令儀。

This poem depicts the scenario where nobles were having a banquet, drinking and praising each other. To be specific, the first line illustrates the mood of night drinking, the second line describes the place where the night banquet was held, the third line praises the virtue of the noble guests and the host while the last line praises the manners of the guests and the host. With a delicate structure and harmonious rhyming, the scene portrayed by this poem is as exquisite as an ancient painting "The Night Banquet in Autumn". 這首詩描寫貴族們在舉行宴會,盡情飲樂,互相讚揚的情景。全詩四章,每章四句,首二句均托物起興,後二句寫宴飲的進程。 第一章說夜飲之情興,第二章說夜飲之場所,第三章讚美與宴者之美德,第四章讚美與宴者之儀容。此詩所描繪的情景猶如一 幅絕妙的「清秋夜宴圖,結構精巧,音韻諧美。

MOUTAI On The World Map

茅台在全球 2020

Kweichow Moutai Held the Top Spot in "2020 Brand Value of China's Listed Liquor Companies"

The chart of "2020 Brand Value of China's Listed Liquor Companies" lately released shows that the total brand value of the top 30 China's listed liquor companies has reached 890.4 billion RMB in 2020, among which Kweichow Moutai continues topping the chart with a brand value of 344.9 billion RMB. Compared to last year, the brand value of Kweichow Moutai has increased by over 60 billion RMB with a growth rate of 22.4%. The chart presents great changes by the company categories. There are respectively eighteen baijiu companies, five beer brewing companies and seven companies specialized in other liquor categories (including three wine companies, three yellow rice wine companies and one cocktail company). To be specific, the total brand value of all baijiu companies is 734.7 billion RMB with a year-on-year growth of 19%, which accounts for 82.5% among the top 30 listed companies; the total brand value of beer companies adds up to 132.3 billion RMB, declining by 22.5% year-on-year and MOUTAI News accounting for 14.9% among the top 30 companies; the total brand value of the rest of the companies adds up to 23.8 billion RMB, which only accounts for 2.6% among the top 30 listed companies. Directing at the significance of brand value to liquor companies, Zhao Ping, Director of China Business Research Center of Tsinghua

University School of Economics and Management, pointed out that when consumers choose a certain liquor brand, they are consuming the brand. Therefore, brand value actually refers to the gross revenue that a brand can bring to the company at present and in the future, which is the value newly added to the company.

茅台蟬聯「2020中國酒業 上市公司品牌價值榜」榜首

「2020中國酒業上市公司品牌價值榜」發佈的榜單顯示,2020 年,中國酒業上市公司品牌價值榜TOP30的總計品牌價值達8904億 元。其中,貴州茅台以3449億元的品牌價值位列榜首,相比於2019 年,貴州茅台的品牌價值增加超600億元,增長幅度高達22.4%。 榜單中酒企品牌價值在品類上呈現較大的變化:白酒板塊18家 公司,品牌價值合計7347億元,同比増加19%,占TOP30總品牌 價值的82.5%;啤酒板塊5家公司品牌價值合計1323億元,同比下 降22.5%,占14.9%。此外,其他酒類公司共有7家,包括葡萄酒3家、 黃酒3家和雞尾酒1家,品牌價值合計238億元,占2.6%。 針對品牌價值之於酒企的重要意義,清華大學經濟管理學院中國 企業研究中心主任、榜單研究負責人趙平表示,消費者在喝酒的時候, 更多是在消費品牌,而品牌價值是指品牌現在和未來能夠給公司帶來 的全部收益,是企業新創造的增加值。

Gao Weidong: Undertake the Obligation as a State Enterprise

At the plenary meeting held by the Guizhou Delegation of the 3rd session of the 13th National People's Congress, Gao Weidong (Chairman of Moutai Group) made a statement as one of the deputies. He addressed that Moutai Group would keep adhering to the spirit of "big brand, big responsibility", act proactively, shoulder the duty and undertake the obligation as a state enterprise and make more contributions to the economic and social development of Guizhou province. The first action is to focus on the main responsibility and principal work. Thoroughly implementing the requirements "tell good stories about liquor and extend the world of liquor" as well as "positioning, orienting, simplifying, regulating and reforming" so as to facilitate the high-quality development and big-step progress of Moutai Group is the future direction and goal. Moutai will firmly hold on to the three crucial lifelines: quality, safety and environmental protection, strictly execute the work of patrol, rectification and discussions about "finding problems, measures and goals", form a system and mindset that can boost energy, improve efficiency and stabilize development, ensuring the full completion of the "13th Five-Year Plan" and a good start of the "14th Five-Year Plan". The second action is to deepen and expand the supporting work for the poverty community. Moutai will carry through the poverty alleviation work and make sure of its authenticity by allocating 40 million RMB to assist Daozhen County to develop collective economy and characteristic industry, effectively preventing the occurrence of

re-degradation to poverty and new poverty. Meanwhile, the industrial poverty alleviation will not be loosened. Moutai Group will continue implementing the policy of "industry re-feeding agriculture", finishing the construction of "Workshop No. 1" for the organic sorghum used in Moutai liquor's production, helping farmers to increase income and promoting the strategy of rural revitalization. The third action is to undertake the obligation as a state enterprise. In accordance with the spirit of "giving back to society with the brand's bearing", Moutai will actively fulfill its corporate social responsibility to help more young people to go into college by keeping carrying forward programs such as "Moutai · National Pillar", "Xijiu · My College" and "Moutai Prince · Bright Youth", to cut off intergenerational poverty with practical actions and to guide the sponsored young people to serve the society and the country after graduation. Following the same direction as one, Moutai Group will join hands with other renowned liquor enterprises to march forward with aggregated power and jointly build a world-class core production area of Jiang-fragrance liquor, contributing more to creating a better world.


十三屆全國人大三次會議貴州代表團舉行全體會議,茅台集團董 事長高衛東作為代表之一在會議上發言。他表示,茅台集團將繼續堅 持大品牌大擔當的精神,進一步主動作為,勇擔國企責任,履行國企 擔當,為貴州經濟社會發展作出更多貢獻。 一是聚焦主責主業。深入貫徹「做足酒文章、擴大酒天地」「定 位、定向、瘦身、規範、改革」要求,實現茅台集團高品質發展、大 踏步前進,這是未來的方向目標。茅台將牢牢守住「品質、安全、環 保」三條生命線,扎實抓好巡視整改和「三找」大討論整改,形成增 強活力、提質增效、穩健發展的體制機制和思路措施,確保「十三五」 圓滿收官、「十四五」良好開局。 二是深化拓展幫扶。堅持脫貧不脫鉤,確保「真幫實扶、真心實意、 真金白銀」不打折扣,2020年安排4000萬元幫助道真發展集體經濟、 特色產業,有效防止返貧和新的貧困發生。堅持產業扶貧不放鬆,繼 續抓好工業反哺農業,建好茅台酒用有機高粱「第一車間」,幫助農 民增收致富,共同助推鄉村振興戰略。 三是履行國企擔當。秉承回饋社會、品牌擔當,茅台將積極履行 企業社會責任,繼續推進「中國茅台·國之棟樑」「習酒·我的大學」 「茅台王子·明亮少年」等項目,幫助更多學子圓夢大學,用實際行 動幫助阻斷代際貧困,支持引導受助學子學成後報效祖國、服務社會。 秉持同心同向、聚勢前行,茅台將攜手著名酒企,共同打造世界醬香 型白酒一流產區,為世界貢獻更多美好。 MOUTAI News

Li Jingren Investigated the Technology Center of Moutai Liquor

Li Jingren (General Manager of Moutai Group) visited the technology center of Moutai liquor to further understand the current situation of scientific research and key issues to be tackled related to Moutai liquor, and to deploy relevant work tasks accordingly. During the investigation, Li Jingren pointed out that the future competition is actually the competition of scientific prowess. The advanced equipment and the young technical team in the center are all showing Moutai's strength in scientific research. In the manufacturing system of Moutai liquor, the front-line production is visible while the technology center is an invisible backstage. Only after walking into the center can one be able to truly see the strong technological strength behind the quality of Moutai liquor. Li Jingren emphasized that the aspect of research in the technology center is wide. The technical team is facing huge challenges at present and their achievements will be really important. From seed breeding and testing of packaging materials to the improvement of basic liquor's use ratio, a series of major research projects in the entire industry chain of Moutai liquor are expecting huge breakthroughs. The center needs to reserve professional talents and promote the on-going deepening of all MOUTAI News scientific research by introducing highly educated talents, setting up a sound training system and a guarantee mechanism, solving technical channels and improving internal personnel cultivation.

At the same time, Moutai Group will facilitate the construction of Moutai Science and Technology Building in order to further support the technology center to carry out their work and constantly improve production efficiency as well as competitive strength. According to Li Jingren's requirements, the technology center needs to be the pioneer leading the Group's innovation work. They have to be goal-oriented and active in promoting the implementation and completion of the discussions about "finding problems, measures and goals", hence driving the scientific innovation work to a new stage and scoring new achievements.


茅台集團總經理李靜仁到技術中心調研,深入瞭解茅台科研攻關 情況,並就相關工作提要求、作部署。 李靜仁在調研中指出,未來的競爭就是科研實力的競爭。 技術中心設備儀器先進,技術團隊年輕有活力,充分展示了 茅台的科研實力。在茅台酒的生產體系中,一線生產是看得 見的前臺,而技術中心是看不見的幕後,走進技術中心,能 更加真切地感受到茅台酒品質是有強大的技術力量支撐的。 李靜仁強調,技術中心研究面廣,任務艱巨,成果重要。茅台酒全 產業鏈從種子的育種、包材的檢測及基酒利用率的提高等一系列 重大課題研究有待突破。技術中心要做好專業人才儲備,推動各 項科研工作不斷深入。一方面要多引進高層次人才,另一方面要 抓緊建立健全培養體系和保障機制,解決好技術通道,做好自身 人才培養。集團將加快推動茅台科技大樓建設,以更大力度支援 技術中心各項工作開展,不斷提升茅台的生產效益和競爭實力。 李靜仁要求,技術中心要爭做集團創新工作的排頭兵,堅持目標導向, 積極推進「三找」大討論工作成果落地,推動集團科技創新工作再上 新臺階,取得新進展。

Moutai Joins Hands with Huawei to Co-build "Intelligent Moutai"

Recently, Moutai and Huawei signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Shenzhen. Upon the agreement, the two enterprises will work together in multiple fields to build "Intelligent Moutai" so as to further promote the digital transformation of the baijiu industry's development. Gao Weidong (Chairman of Moutai Group), Li Jingren (General Manager of Moutai Group), Duan Jianhua (General Counsel of Moutai Group) and Tao Jingwen (Board Director and Senior Vice President of Huawei) as well as Ma Yue (BG Executive Vice President of Huawei) attended the meeting. Wang Li (Chief Engineer of Moutai Group) and Cui Wei (General Manager of Huawei in Guizhou) signed the

agreement representing the two companies. Gao Weidong pointed out that the long-term strategic cooperation agreement between Moutai and Huawei is a groundbreaking and leading strategic cooperation with great prospect and significance, which is a win-win new start for both parties to complement each other's advantages and share resources. Moutai is looking forwards to working with Huawei, bringing Huawei's advanced technical resources, mature management experiences and superiority as a science and innovation platform into full play so as to promote the development of new infrastructure and the construction of "Intelligent Moutai" in accordance with the actual situation of Moutai, to facilitate the in-depth integration of modern science technology and the traditional liquor-making enterprise, to drive the high-quality development and big step-forward of Moutai and to release more "data bonus". Tao Jingwen remarked that the aim of the cooperation with Moutai is to seamlessly connect the technical advantages and the industry accumulation with Moutai's characteristics and make full use of the new ICT technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, etc. so as to improve the level of Moutai's information construction. Huawei will actively facilitate the construction of "Intelligent Moutai" from the top-level design stage to the actual implementation. Signing the strategic cooperation agreement this time will become a beneficial exploration for the intelligence construction of the baijiu industry.


近日,茅台與華為在深圳簽署戰略合作協定,雙方將在「智慧茅 台」等多領域展開合作,進一步推動白酒行業數位化轉型發展。 茅台集團董事長高衛東,集团總經理李靜仁,總法律顧問段建樺, 華為公司董事、高級副總裁陶景文,華為企業BG常務副總裁馬悅出 席。茅台集團總工程師王莉、華為貴州總經理崔偉代表雙方簽約。 高衛東表示,茅台與華為簽署長期戰略合作協定,是一次具有前 瞻性、開拓性、引領性的重大戰略合作,是雙方優勢互補、資源分享、 互利共贏的新起點。茅台期待與華為合作,充分發揮華為公司先進的 技術資源、成熟的管理經驗及科技創新平臺優勢,結合茅台實際,推 動新基建發展和「智慧茅台」建設,促進現代科技與傳統釀造企業深 度融合,推動茅台高品質發展、大踏步前進,釋放更多「資料紅利」。 陶景文表示,華為與茅台攜手同行,旨在將華為的技術優勢、行 業積累和茅台特色進行深度融合、無縫對接,充分運用華為5G、人 工智慧、雲計算等新ICT技術,提升茅台資訊化建設水準。華為將積 極推動「智慧茅台」建設從頂層設計階段走向實際落地執行。本次戰 略合作協定的簽署,將為白酒企業智慧化建設提供有益探索。

Moutai Group Held a Panel Discussion with Suning Holding Group

Lately, Moutai welcomed a delegation led by Ren Jun (Chairman of Suning Holding Group) to participate in a panel discussion at the Moutai Conference Center. The two parties exchanged opinions regarding further expanding new fields in cooperation and deepening the level of cooperation. Li Jingren (General Manager of Moutai Group) stated that Suning is a leading enterprise in the domestic Internet retail industry with advanced technology and experiences in e-commerce, finance, transmission and logistics, which is worth learning from by Moutai. Since the cooperation between Moutai and Suning, both sides have managed to complement each other's advantages by integrating the entity industry and the Internet and "make the whole greater than the sum of its parts". Li Jingren hoped both parties would further enhance their exchanges and cooperation in fields such as finance, production and marketing as well as culture so as to promote the sales of Moutai products from all dimensions and achieve growth in quantity and carry out the transformation in quality. After introducing some basic information of Suning Holding Group, Ren Jun, Chairman of Suning Holding Group, remarked that Moutai is a typical representative that promotes Chinese culture to the world. Since both Suning and Moutai have been committed to providing better products and services for consumers, Ren Jun expressed his wish to further enhance the communication and promote the cooperation to a deeper level and a broader aspect between both parties. Suning will establish an immersive MOUTAI News

experiential service platform to assist online and offline sales of all Moutai products, hence making contributions to promoting Moutai products and Chinese culture to the world.


蘇寧控股集團總裁任峻一行於近期到访茅台,在茅台會議中心與 茅台舉行座談,雙方就進一步拓展合作領域、深化合作層次進行交流。 茅台集團總經理李靜仁表示,蘇寧是國內互聯網零售行業的領軍 企業,在電商、金融、管道、物流等領域有著先進的技術與經驗,值 得茅台學習和借鑒。茅台與蘇寧合作以來,雙方通過實體產業與互聯 網之間的優勢互補,實現了「1+1>2」的效果。希望雙方進一步加強 金融、產銷、文化等領域的交流與合作,全方位促進茅台系列產品的 銷售,實現量的提升和質的轉變。 任峻在介紹了蘇寧控股集團的基本情況後說,茅台是中國文化走 向世界的典型代表。蘇寧與茅台一直致力於為消費者提供更好的產品 與服務,希望雙方進一步加強溝通交流,從更深層次、更廣層面推進 合作。蘇寧將建立全場景式的體驗式服務平臺,助力茅台全系列產品 線上、線下銷售,為茅台產品走向世界、傳播民族文化貢獻力量。

Moutai Group Signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement with NetEase Inc.

Upon the signing of the strategic cooperation agreement between Moutai Group and NetEase Inc. at Moutai International Hotel, the two parties will make good use of each other's strengths to develop partnership in various fields including brand marketing, cultural transmission and big data, etc. Also, both sides will further explore the needs of target consumers and new-generation consumers, expand the market share of Moutai products and improve the digital marketing ability of Moutai Group. Gao Weidong (Chairman of Moutai Group), Yang Jianjun (Deputy General Manager of Moutai Group) and Ding Lei (CEO of NetEase Inc.), Tao Jianqin (Vice President of NetEase Inc.) attended and witnessed the signing ceremony. During the conversation, Gao Weidong pointed out that it is especially crucial to correctly position the value orientation and identify customer groups, and the "Best Choice" concept brought out by NetEase Yeation is highly corresponding to Moutai's pursuit of quality. Seeing quality as life, Moutai has built up a source-tracing quality system to strictly control the quality from new materials, manufacturing to blending and packaging, etc., which is a process of MOUTAI News sorting out the best from among the good. "Best Choice" represents the pursuit of quality, and NetEase products always stick to this concept. Moutai Group and NetEase Inc. become fellows because of their mutual strictness towards quality selection and control. The signing of the strategic cooperation agreement symbolized the continuation of both sides' friendship, which has also laid a solider foundation for their further cooperation in the future. "The strategic cooperation between Moutai Group and NetEase Inc. is like a bottle of fine liquor, which can travel back in time and bring out long-lasting and mature value," said Ding Lei. From raw materials to a finished bottle of Moutai liquor, the manufacturing procedure will last for at least five years. Apart from the environment, raw materials and craftsmanship, long accumulation of time is the most important and irreplaceable element in the process of production. Likewise, NetEase Inc. also adheres to the same high standard when treating their own products and users. The strategic cooperation between Moutai Group and NetEase Inc. is a handshake beyond time. NetEase Inc. will give full play to their own advantages in platform resources, their capacity in digital technology and experiences in e-commerce management to facilitate the information-based and digital development of Moutai Group, and enable more consumers to truly experience the cultural charm of Moutai through both sides' in-depth partnership.


茅台集團與網易公司在茅台國際大酒店簽署戰略合作協定,雙方 將利用各自優勢,在品牌行銷、文化傳播、大資料等領域開展合作, 深入挖掘目標消費者和新生代消費者需求,擴大茅台集團產品市場佔 有率,提升茅台集團數位運營能力。茅台集團董事長高衛東,副總經 理楊建軍,網易公司首席執行官丁磊,副總裁陶劍琴出席並見證戰略 合作協定的簽署。 交談中,高衛東表示,在互聯網電商市場風起雲湧的當下,如何 選准價值取向、甄別好客戶群體顯得尤為重要,網易嚴選的「嚴選」 概念,正好與茅台對品質的不懈追求高度契合。茅台視品質為生命, 建立起了一整套品質溯源體系,從原料進廠、生產、勾貯、包裝等, 每一個環節都嚴格把關、嚴控品質,都是一次實現好中選好、優中選 優的「嚴選」過程。「嚴選」代表了一種品質追求,網易產品也始終 秉承和傳遞這樣一種導向。雙方因為對品質的「嚴選」而成為同路人, 此次戰略合作協定的簽署,既是深厚友誼的延續,也為未來的進一步 合作打下了更堅實的基礎。 「網易和茅台集團的戰略合作,就像一瓶好酒,可以穿越時間, 為彼此帶來長久、醇香的價值。」丁磊表示,一瓶茅台酒從原料進廠 到產品出廠,至少需要 5年。除了環境、原料和工藝外,最重要也最 難以取代的,就是時間。網易在對待產品和使用者上,同樣堅持精雕 細琢。茅台和網易的戰略合作,就是穿越時間的一次握手。網易願發 揮自身平臺資源優勢、數位技術能力和電商管理經驗,助力茅台集團 資訊化、數位化發展,以雙方的深入合作,讓更多消費者體驗到茅台 的文化魅力。

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